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The number one issue that we are currently facing as a species, is that no-one has a good answer to the issue of our genetic degeneration that gets worse with each generation. The answer to this, is to incorporate more matriarchy into civilisation, and to get rid of the system where men hit on women, and we should reverse that. We need to have women being the sexual selectors, not men. We need to ensure that with each generation our bloodline is either staying the same, or slightly improving with each generation.

The strength of matriarchy is that it is the natural order of humans, and produces strong tall chads with thick bones, and who are great hunters.

The strength of patriarchy is that it creates civilisation. It creates certainties, and creates order.

The weakness of matriarchy is that you will be stuck in a lower level of development, and will be living in a typical hunter gatherer type of situation.

The weakness of patriarchy is that it promotes weak men, who would otherwise not exist in the state of nature. The comforts of civilisation is an absolute train wreck for the propagation of good genetic material.

My new take, is we need to become more of a matriarchal society, while still trying to keep a level of patriarchal civilisation. We need a perfect mix of male energy and female energy if we wish to escape our degenerating current condition. We cannot rely solely on the matriarchal way of nature, or on the civilisation building way of patriarchy, but rather we need to strike a balance between nature and civilisation.

A society that we should try and emulate is ancient Sparta. They propagated only the strongest of bloodlines, and did so while not returning back to monke.
fuck trump
Test tube GMO babies will exist before self driving cars. We have the technology already, we're just fixing bugs in the gestational environment.
(((matriarchy))) caused this you semitic subhuman scum.
Sexual selection is not eugenic. We need to go back to the eugenics movement and social darwinism of the turn of the 20th century
Matriarchy is just the way of nature. Pre-civilised humans would naturally live under a matriarchal society in which women are not seen as breeding stumps, but as the inherent wisdom of nature.

The semitic Christian patriarchy is what created all these subhumans around us, because men are looking for meek submissive wives to make them feel like more of a man.

Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTF9RzEI5Ao&t=199s
This is what a men look like in nature.
If we were able to completely control our genetics, that would be the end to this problem of genetic degredation. However, if Jews are in control of this technology and the legislation, you can guarantee yourself that you will not be able to make 6'10 300IQ Giga Chads, and that you will only be allowed to get rid of genes associated with disease. Theyre never going to let us become Aryan titans
Women are absolutely dog shit at practicing eugenics mainly because they think they have a right to reproduce
>men pre-civilization all worshiped and obeyed women
pre-civilization men fought other men and raped women. they fought eachother for raping rights.
every other species on earth confirms this.
A thread I made on the topic in an analogue sense

How many women do you know and talk to on a regular basis ? Women are the sexual selectors. Men are lazy now. Women have been beaten to state of no difference from drinking white claws with the bros vs hanging out with girls. Men beat women in this day and age and economy. It’s a 4:1 ratio. 4 women are 1 man. Women don’t hangout for fun or enjoyment of your company there is an alter motive. Those chicks you are doing blue collar work acting like the boys are pick me.
Never been a faggot but women are only there for a set amount of time. Men are there with you always. Its just the quality in character and genetic displacement or biological marker at work. It’s just who you are as a species. Next theyll say men and women have the same bone density at age and weight.
Men arent women and women arent men and that is held through all forms of relations.

They been dropped the manual. Read up mother fucker.
Dysgenics. Go watch Edward Dutton.
Bump. Genetics are destiny race is just large clumps of similar genetics
Dutton is overrated, and his interpretations of data and societal analysis are awful.
Sexual selection is Eugenic in many senses, but could be dysgenic in others.
Women select for men that would be fit in the untamed wild of nature, because that is where our genetics evolved. Women want men who are good hunters and protectors, and who have thick and robust bones.

The only way in which women could be dysgenic breeders is that they select for men who may be a bit dumber and not great worker bees. This is just because we havent evolved to live in civilisation, and so womens natural preferences have not changed one bit.
Dutton is a bitch of a Jew loving fag.
Also dysgenics is more to do with the breakdown of gene clusters rather than mutation. He's not bad exactly but Micheal Woodley was better. Don't know if your an old fag or not
It was a real pity that Woodley left
I dont talk to women
They'll have to to compete with China
what happened to british chads in between the world wars that caused them to shrink a good 20%?
Women are not sexual selectors, because our culture of strict monogamy means that there is only one Chad to go around for every 200 women, and that means that 199 womens great genentics go to waste on men who could not survive in the wild.
Women have to settle down because they dont want to be homeless, and therefore mate up with a working beta because he can provide money and security for her.
The UK has a very intergrated caste system that has caused speciation in the race.
Gonna go with purely masculine energy and not building civilization to turn you into a lazy faggot as a matter of course.

Also, strip all rights from women, period, or you get necked. Sound good?
Real shame how they euthanize every surviving soldier on both sides after a war. You fucking idiot.
This whole thread is fucked
>Let women have some power, strike a middle groun-
>Women select for men that would be fit in the untamed wild of nature
They really don't, because civil laws and norms prevent this.
Men are heavily suppressed in how they are allowed to behave.
To pretend that this is comparable to natural selection is simply false.
Humans are the exception, because we have the highest intelligence of any species.
The fact that women can have orgasms shows that is not true, because why would women get sexual pleasure if they are not sexual selectors?
Women are what exponentially sped up our evolution away from monkeys and into humans, because you have to prove to women that your genetics are good enough to survive in nature, and that you cant just reproduce by brute force like other animals do.
Sparta sucked in everything else than making men good at being a heavy infantry fighters
>The strength of matriarchy is that it is the natural order of humans
kek, imagine being so stupid you think this is true
>you should support laws which give capricious retards more power, because some percentage of them can pseudo-orgasm.

All men can orgasm, so your logic is shit.
Women also have rape fantasies. Prove that female animals don't orgasm. Prove your statement that humans are an exception.
The whole point is the best men died and so asa result there were fewer good men breeding leading to a reduction in those good genes present in the gene pool
You can tell if a man would survive/ thrive in nature just by his bones. If a man has high amounts of exposure to testosterone as a baby and growing up, it is very obvious to see. The face is rugged and chiselled, with a big thick skull and very strong jaw and deep set hunter eyes.
If a man is tall, with highly dimporphic facial devolpment, you can know exactly what sort of genetics he has without him having to prove anything. Women feel this naturally, and they dont need to learn that this is what is very sexy to them.
if you believed any of the bullshit you're spewing about selection, yo would support the abolition of women's rights. Make women property again.

Me grug have bone bones.
Me grug should be able to grab woman grug see in grocery store, carry home.
who going to stop grug? woman? hah! other, puny man? hah! weak, but many, communist police men, with guns? fuck.
Over 8 million dead Chads in England and Germany is a massive blow to the genetic future of both these countries. Its like they took out the whole prized breeding stock of these countries.
and inb4
>natural selection is when men magically mutate into the hulk, stronger than anything, immune to bullets
because that's fucking delusional.
I disagree that we have not evolved for civilizations and that this has not effect sexual selection. However a core position of yours which is patriarchal society has allowed betas to multiply is probably true.
Civilisation is a novelty in man's hisotry and was not a convergent phenomena
No, I don't think you can all it a novelty it didn't just happen there was an evolution towards it
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Human beings in a natural environment are natural Chads. When we live the way of the conditions which our genetics evolved in, we naturally become more and more Chad-ier as each generation goes on.

Im not saying we would be the hulk, but we would certainly be 100x better than the current billions of grain fuelled peasants who get to vote.
I agree. What we need is women in power, making the decisions. Society's current problems show women don't have enough power. If they had more, we could get rid of betas and only have giga chads walking around.

Your fate is sealed you fucking demon.

STRONG FATHERS WILL RAISE STRONG SONS. We were NEVER properly patriarchal. We have never embraced the Divine Masculine, if we had, it would be like Sparta on steroids.

God this thread stinks of bots and shills. I'm out.
But men who have good genetics would never think like that.
Men with good genetics have to deal with women throwing themselves at him constantly, and so reproduction would be more of a reward for the women than it would be for the Chad.
The idea of "who can stop me", is not something that good genetics men ever think, because why would they need to take anything by force if they already have the choice of women? Only a bad genetics person would ever have to do something like that to reproduce, and thats what leads to societies like India, where almost every man you see is rapey towards women.
maybe so. But abunch of fat, stunted, retards in uniform, who shoot every big monkey who climbs the ladder to reach the banana, is not a natural environment. That's my point.

>But men who have good genetics would never think like that.
again, nature disproved your statement. Your ideals don't map to reality. you're talking about fitness, as in, reproduction. Men with a weak will to reproduce, are, of course, weak. Men who would take what they desire, men with a strong urge, and ability, to reproduce, will, in a natural environment, do so; and have none of women's faux protestations. But other, weaker men, have created a militarized regiment which prevents this natural occurrence from playing out as it naturally would. So what we have is the inverse. Manipulative and obedient men reproduce. Honest and strong men go extinct.
second paragraph meant for you
Well we could just make harems great again. And allow people like trump prince William (he's 6'2) and so on breed like rabbits
And, further, of the "who can stop me", group, there are still members reproducing. But only those of low IQ who lack the ability to conceive of consequences.

So we now have a population of strong, but stupid, men; and weak, manipulative men; and weak, buckbroken beta men.
> Unironically shilling for feminism and arguing its eugenic
The rope is far too quick a method of execution for you faggots.
The result being, that strong, intelligent, straightforward, honest men, are eliminated from the gene pool.

All of the societal decay, which we can all clearly observe in our daily lives, is the result.
It appears polite society is still not on the table. That's okay. Let's see if the "strong" (Feminine-Material majority) Men (Weak Masculine Spirituality) = "Strong Idiot" men can take all the women without being shot.

It will be fun to see how many skulls I can pop. There is a conversation that needs to be had with human blood and your world of abstraction cannot touch upon it. You don't foresee the sheer, insane, unstable violence from your propositions. And you can't - you can't even talk about it. All you can do is experience it directly...there is so much more to this than what can be explained or measured the way this thread attempts. Humans do not mate like that. Like wolves. Like Walruses. We are men, and we make a society that gives all men a reason to participate.

The reason? You will experience the reason directly, since it doesn't seem like you get it.
Shut up tit.
Sterilize felons.
Problem solved.
Now fuck off.
Most men no longer have any reason to participate. So the law of the jungle is coming.
Why if a hyper chad Aryan kills he she be allowed to fuck every prison guards wife as a special treat.
Problem is Sparta was too matriarchal and collapsed.
Or, we bypass the silly social variables altogether and instead of relying on inefficient and wasteful social engineering with high failure rate, increased risk factors and unforeseen consequences, we approach the problem with simplifying impersonal engineering and readily available infrastructure, guaranteed by technological progress and the incredible advantages of living in an industrial society which solved these problems forever already, for a sizeable amount of species in our care.

Specifically, by putting women into barns, where they will be bred and milked to the full extent of efficiency granted by human Zootechnics, and then unceremoniously disposed of with a pneumatic needle when their bodies are spent and unproductive.

Trait and qualitative selection can thus be freely operated according to a variety of criteria of desirability, natural or artificial.
But it can only be achieved by eliminating variables and definitively seizing the means of reproduction.
Bold idea for a brave new world

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