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I really think the media is trying to frame Biden and give the election to Trump by making such a big deal out of Biden's debate performance. I watched the thing and while Biden did stumble and look old, there weren't even any serious disasters for President Biden.
I could understand it if the debate was an actual disaster for Biden. If, let's say, Biden came out on stage sucking his thumb and then farted and fell on his ass yelling for Conrnpop to hep him, that would've been a disaster. That didn't happen. Biden didn't fall on stage, suck his thumb, talk to people who aren't there or pass out which would all have been a disaster. He just had a few stumbles with his answers because of his speech impediment and a hoarse voice due to a cold.
I really don't see why the media is pushing this Biden debate disaster narrative.
I didn’t know what the heck he was rambling on about half the time, and as someone who doesn’t research politics, when his numbers were changing in real time from his own mouth constantly, I couldn’t even comprehend what to believe. Trump is a good public speaker and kept to the topics Americans care about. It was a disaster for Biden
This reeks of a 1 post by this ID thread. Sage until OP replies
You just have no argument to make.
I had replied about 20 minutes ago, and you didn't refute anything I said. Like a typical leftist, you just project your own inadequacies. GG Scrub.
Biden calls out trump for a lie about vets and the pact act. He verbatimly says thats a lie in the most dramatic pheniox ace type of way and we roll pass it. Biden is mentally there. This is the angry world you are living in by klaus shawb. I rewatch parts of the debate. I look at clips and for times of sleepy joe and the way he talks into the mic is with his head down. Hes not sleeping during a lot of the clips of people claiming that. Hes literally giving his talk. Thats why they say he is a sleep talker now.
Wanna try this argument one more time, and maybe be coherent? Biden, is that you?
biden is a fake prwz. no prezence of mind. no executive function.

>consistently doing like 10 points worse in polls than he did in 2020
>countless videos of him looking like a retard, wandering off, needing Obama to tug his wrist, etc, dismissed as fake news
>needs seven whole days of prep time for the debate which by itself shows you how weak he is
>still bombs at the debate, at one point goes on a weird incoherent rant about young women being raped by in-laws and funerals and shit. "We beat Medicare"? What does that even mean?
>The questions weren't hard and the entire debate format was to stop Trump from steamrolling and it didn't even matter
>celebrities having a watch party literally sobbing as they watch the debate transpire because they realize they're watching Biden lose in real time
>massive drop in people's confidence in his fitness to run to like 27% (to be fair Trump's is only like 50%)
>Biden's aides say he's only functional between 10am-4pm which means technically our national security is deeply at risk right now
>Kamala is a DEI hire retard who no one could even conceive of taking over

I feel like I could put like 20 more points here but I'm tired.
I think what really doomed him was his facial expressions in reaction to Trump's statements. He meant to convey outrage and disbelief, but just came across as dazed and bewildered and lost. This look of bewilderment was compounded by his nonsensical word-salad comments that at times were truly incomprehensible. But it was his facial expressions, and the vacant stare in his eyes that unnerved viewers.
You can just reread it.
Sure. Let me do that.
Okay I reread it. The fuck were you on about? They don't think he's literally sleeping. It's a metaphor for an old low energy man at the end of his life. A few steps behind. And don't spew the nonsense that he wasn't, half the country saw the shitshow, that's why the democrats are panicking
>we beat medicare!
those 3 words alone tells you he is unfit to lead for another second
Just the media or his entire party and all that surround him except his immediate inner circle. Some very influentials had a talk with him a while back about stepping aside and it didn't go well, insulting even, career threats. Then it was on.
You call that teleprompted scripted nonsense a debate? Kys!
he did fine. but seriously, who is trump running against?
Here's a better question: where is the funny highlight compliation?
>The media is trying to give the election to Trump
Holy shit the cope is insane and swings overnight now. Literally 24/7 anti-Trump propaganda then Biden is exposed and suddenly the media wants Trump lol Fuck off and eat shit you shill
A begrudging (you) for ya.

The substance of the debate was always going to be irrelevant. The reason the media is running this narrative of disaster is because they couldn't cover his decline in function any longer.

The "sp puh puh speech impediment" thing is a huge cope. Go back to the debate, the one answer he gave where he loses his words and then caps off by saying "look...we beat medicaid"

That's NOT a speech impediment. That's the thoughts flying away from him as he tried to get them out. THAT'S what shocked the left and normies. The whole "there's a thousand trillionairs," that's just mistaken statistics, NOT a speech impediment. Forgivable in the way we all misspeak, but it's not an impediment. If you look at older clips of the guy, I think of specifically a debate with Paul Ryan (former R-Speaker of the House) Biden was spry and had a lit fire under his ass. That's what older political heads knew him as, so to see him, mouth open, mixing up stats, trailing off - that indicates to the public that he's NOT the guy the media wanted you (for 3.5 years) to believe.

So the media, in coordinated fashion, has to flip 180 because they've been caught covering for a guy who has actually declined. I'm of the opinion they always knew and that this was a hang em out to dry situation. They can't swap the candidate without allowing the public to see why they're doing it, otherwise they'd be accused of another DNC coronation like in 2016 with HillDog. So his handlers burned him and had the media go "oh no this isn't good," when they all knew this years ago. Hating Donald Trump has rotted their integrity in the media so much that the videos of Biden falling down, making mush of his words - that was all worth trumpeting Biden to ensure Orange Man Bad would look worse. Now that's out the window because Trump has not measurably declined and sounds the same as he did 8 years ago, and Biden side by side with himself has declined.
Doesn't matter since the elections are rigged.
>Why are people saying Biden's debate was a disaster?
He got up in front of a podium and claimed no troops had died during his term when we literally saw him staring at his wrist watch while their coffins were being carried past him.
I can't stay off of Twitter right now. I haven't been this politically engaged for years. Just observing the infighting and coping is extremely stimulating.

>Biden admin blames debate prep people
>Obama allegedly blames Biden for running at all
>People are unironically running with the "he had a cold" meme
>People complaining Biden's mic wasn't loud enough
>People blaming CNN for not fact-checking Trump on Biden's behalf
>People saying the lighting made Biden look pale

Just watching them completely dissociate from reality out of sheer cope
This is some sad, desperate, ugly mix of cope and gaslighting and you should probably stop posting for a while.
I'll believe that theory IF Biden drops out or resigns. I do not think he will.
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yup, agreed. not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

For anons who actually think Biden isn't up to the job, go back and revisit the debate in a way that reduces the amount of bias that comes from the theatrics and performance.

Turn off the video and just listen to the audio. Speed the audio up 1.5x or 2x if you want to. Or read the transcript. I think the vast majority of worried people will find that the debate is not nearly as bad as it seemed when you were first watching it.
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> I really don't see why the media is pushing this Biden debate disaster narrative.

I really don’t see why you ever left r3ddit
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Why? The leftshits in the media are simply trying to pressure the Democrats into swapping Biden. Whether he steps down or not is not up to them, they are simply trying to make it happen because otherwise the election is certainly lost.
Dude, that's utter bullshit and cope. That would be like saying "don't listen to it, just turn the volume down and watch it." No, fuck that shit. Use all of your senses and faculties to assess the situation. if I have to be a blind person to think Biden did a good job then he didn't do a good job.
The only part you can deny is the portion where I gave my opinion. If you're saying that he's not in decline and it's not a coordinated effort to push him out now idk how to communicate with you.

If you're saying that you can't necessarily believe that he's been hung out to dry, that's fine, I just think his staffers and the crew that surrounds him deals with the mumbling and trailing off daily and the best party option is to let the public see it, freak out, and then offer an alternative. That is conjecture, but if he's regularly in the state he displayed at the debate, he's gotten worse over nearly 4 years and I'm sure it's a struggle to work around for the entourage.
He literally mumbled incoherently to himself for 30 seconds straight at least once and said "we beat medicare".

Because every time he stopped talking he was left staring into the maw of horror that is death. People could see the void reflected in his countenance and it terrified them.

Its going to kill his votes.
He seems to be in decline. I don't claim to know if there's a coordinated campaign to push him out or not. There seem to be two factions in that regard, there's people saying stay the course and people saying swap Biden out now. Unless he becomes extremely ill I don't think they'll swap him.

And some people with freedom to lose that have been handing him things telling him it's a study when it's really policy he's putting into play are terrified of prison for serious crimes. What better way to obfuscate the fact you've been defrauding the CiC than send him out there to say see he's not all there. The coverup isn't worse than the crime this time just equal.


The transcripts are incoherent dude, I was going to copy paste a few, but after opening remarks it's clear that many thoughts went entirely unfinished and then went into non sequiturs.
That was a real reddit post I copy+pasted, with minor edits. They are telling each other to ignore what they saw
Biden looked like a senile retard but what people know but aren't mentioning is how Trump went out of character and in a very presidential manner curb stomped Biden in every aspect of their debate
>>massive drop in people's confidence in his fitness to run to like 27% (to be fair Trump's is only like 50%)
You only need 50.1% to win.
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Biden told the truth.
That's why it was a disaster.
>there werent any serious disasters.
Biden babbled incoherently and Trump pointed it out. Whenever Biden fucks up and starts joking about ice cream after a tranny shooting, the media can sweep it under the rug and hide his incompetence, but they cant hide a fucking presidential debate.
Did you not watch it you couldn't understand half of what he said.

What gets me is that to preserve democracy, some people are unironically advocating for a shadow government controlling Biden.
By simply saying there's factions that want A and B you're acknowledging that there's coordination to remove him. I would grant that to say there's political coordination to remove him is a harder statement to convincingly prove, but the faction of the media that has been exposed as shills are now leading the charge with headlines and op-eds that in a way reflect party motions. The politicians are people who pick up the paper, browse Twitter, see their daily Google feed news headlines and then mobilize accordingly. So to me the media entities that are saying "ok Biden out now," are the catalyst that some politicians will use to put their 2 cents in and to put forward motions to block him, or start backroom conversations.

I found your statement hard to follow, tell me if I'm getting this right.

>And some people with freedom to lose that have been handing him things telling him it's a study when it's really policy he's putting into play are terrified of prison for serious crimes.

There are party operatives using his decline to present policy as study and have him fumble hard? I didn't know that/ don't pay enough attention to Biden to have seen that.

>The coverup isn't worse than the crime this time just equal.

The cover up of the operatives misdeeds or the cover up of Bidens decline and their shilling that he's ok?

That last bit was the unclear section to me.
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Literally everyone knows Biden lost. CNN said it. MSNBC said. Even Barack fucking Obama said it.

The only people who don't believe Biden lost the debate are straight up fucking cultists.
>everyone knows Biden lost. CNN said it. MSNBC said. Even Barack fucking Obama said it.
That all of them suddenly turned on a dime after years of dismissing his declining state as propaganda should have you asking what they're planning. Spoiler, it's nothing good.
this is why
Didn't they straight up leave out many of Trump's statements in this so-called transcript? You wouldn't trust CNN to tell you the truth on TV, why are you expecting them to be honest here?
>By simply saying there's factions that want A and B you're acknowledging that there's coordination to remove him.
I don't actually agree with that. A cohort of people with the same basic opinion doesn't equate to an organized brigade.
>I really think the media is trying to frame Biden and give the election to Trump by making such a big deal out of Biden's debate performance
Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.
You should look up why/how JFK beat Nixon.
You're just so used to Biden poor performance that you don't realize most people are clueless about it. Now that they did watch they know he's not very good.
I love being the iconoclast, so I'll say this:
I didn't watch the debate but I listened to most of it, and Biden wasn't as bad as I expected.
He actually gave a few concrete policy positions.
But IDC, still voting for Trump.
if you watched it you would have seen him staring blankly, confused, mouth hanging open, looking around the room aimlessly while he wasn't speaking
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Trump was a plant from day 1. Remember, he was Democrat who ran as Republican. They all work for mossad and the new world order.
Why would the media want a Trump victory? You seriously believe they want the immense RATINGS that come with a Trump presidency, where Trump says some outrageous shit every hour and then everyone tunes into the pundits to see them complaining about what he said? Do you honestly believe the liberal media just wants to lob verbal rocks at the Republicans while the Republicans are busy destroying what little remains of democracy?

You seriously think corporations would prioritize short-term financial considerations over the survival of the country?
trump is literally a jewish puppet

and jews run the media

so yes i think they want trump to win, especially because trump wont hesitate to start a war with iran
The debate was like watching a Roadrunner cartoon with the ACME trap blowing up in their face. They really did everything right. No audiences to fire up Trump. A mute button to drown out any Trump bangers and handpicked a biden friendly network to mediate, but they were so fixated on making sure Trump couldn't speak they forgot they forgot that you can slit your own throat in these debates, and Trump knew not to interrupt.
Trump isn't the subject of the conversation. I don't trust any multi billion dollar media company to espouse the truth. The statement "read the transcript" is what I'm replying to. I watched the debate in full I don't need the transcript for myself. Omitting trump responses wouldn't make a difference here, if anything they probably tried to clean up Bidens word salads, which still doesn't help because you have sections of this transcript where (inaudible) is used, speech errors are included and it serves as a reasonably useful resource to illustrate the flubs biden had.
I think we're splitting hairs a bit here, but it's been good faith so I'll maintain.

I don't think that it's reasonable to see the flood of new media opinions - all literally 180 degrees to 24hrs before the fact and deny coordination and brigading. The hosts of cnn, msn, the view all said EXACTLY the same thing, "my phone was buzzing off the hook the entire debate with texts and calls from political strategists, friends, family, caucus members, etc"

There's a mobilizing wave against him just as much as there's a standing wave in support. The media does this weird consensus thing, they all see an issue and they wait until someone breaks ground with 1 story then they all release nearly identical puff pieces in the same direction. That's why cnn, msn, abc, wapo, nty, all of them released similar pieces in the same direction, either outright calling for his step down or suggesting through questioning.

I'm sort of with you that he won't step down, ego and such. As a Trumper I like that, the second debate will already be marked by this and people will write him off even if he does markedly better. The articles now are forever archived, for the time being the media organizations that were with him have at least turned their heads away and without constant puffing he'll slip further in polling.
did nobody even watch the debates in 2020? biden hardly did any better then, the only real difference is that he didn't have some weird cancer voice like he did this time.
jews don't care who wins, they own both candidates.
biden practically isn't even alive, he's even less likely to hesitate to start a war with iran.

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