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Do you engage with tipping culture? Or are you white?
No I never tip. They already get paid enough (thanks to minimum wage) to do their shitty low-skilled job.
People that don't tip are bootlickers. Tipping allows companies to reduce their prices because they have less payroll. The company and the employee both pay less payroll tax. The consumer pays less sales tax. In the end, the only entity negatively affected by tipping is the government.
I don't get it.
I tip. If its an actual sit down meal, I tip 15%. Takeout where I pick it up, 10%. Coffee shop, I tip a buck. If it's anywhere else, I don't tip. UI went to buy shoes a month ago and nobody helped me at all and when I went to the register there was a tip option. For shoes? When they did nothing to help? Are you insane?
why are chudcels so obsessed with tips?
I refuse to tip, at Subway when i get my goyslop, at checkout i verbally say "Annnnd 0% tip since you make $12 hourly, thank you!"

Tipping is bullshit. You want me to pay for gasoline to put into the car im making payments on, with insurance i pay for, to risk my life to drive to a shop where your slave driver is selling food, then i have to risk eating it because it was cooked by a prison release nigger, spend my time at your establishment instead of at my own home, pay 5x more for my meal than if i were to make it myself, charge $3.75 for a glass of tea, then expect me to tip? Fuck you.

I have no sympathy for wagies, i hope you starve and die, and i hope your kids go without a home. If you're working for tips, you deserve to be killed, let me explain why.

If you're working as a waiter/waitress who lives off tips, this can only mean 1 of 2 things.
1. Your husband pays all the bills and this is your hobby, you enjoy serving food for minimum wage - To each their own.

2. You're a nigger-tier human who can't plan beyond the NOW and have no future/use for society as a whole. Your existence is moot and you're a degredation of the human race because you decided to wait tables for $120 per day max instead of pursuing an actual job.

All wagies deserve what they've got. Fuck em.
Tipping is a way for white Christian men to give nontaxable money as charity to people in their community they feel deserve it.

I absolutely tip. I tip white men who dress well and aren't visibly degenerate, and I tip white women with no tattoos, dyed hair, or piercings that are polite and treat me with respect.

I don't tip degenerates, shitskins, niggers, aliens, or freaks.

I also don't think tipping should be mandatory, because then kikes and boomers ruin it for everyone. If taxes are paid on a tip, it isn't a tip.
No I don’t tip. But if there’s a waitress I find attractive I offer $1500 cash if I can have unprotected sex with her in the restroom. I show her the money and give her five seconds to decide.
Yeah I tip
My mom worked for tips when i was a kid :/
It's a fake $100 bill. When you unfurl it, it has the YOU GOT PRANKED message inside.
That's extremely based and acknowledging of the fact that wagies aren't human. I'd have a beer with whoever left that there.
Statistically it's niggers who don't tip. Whites understand the jews are paying their racial companions less than they should and decide to help their brothers out, or they don't eat at jewish restaurants at all.
If you tip at all when you’re not being served (sit down) you’re a cuckold
When I used to do uber eats I would tip if my driver was British to teach the algorithm to send me only British drivers.
Because they're a 30+ year old pizza delivery guy
So you want people to had over their hard earned already taxed money to some dumb cunt who won't pay taxes on it?
interesting. wonder if it works that way. unfortunately the ways things have gone it may be illegal to classify the workers according to any social/physical/national data.
this is old-school tipping after service rendered and in cash. credit card tips are taxable and demanded before any service is performed, hence i usually flip the screen around when presented and ask "how do i skip this?" (knowing full well how to skip tipping)
I only tip if I have to pay before I eat, or if I plan on being a repeat customer. Otherwise they will sabotage your food.
Why are you eating at subway anyway, fucking loser.
I only tip white people tbdesu
nope, because i'm a cheapskate jew, if they are really nice I might leave them $1
Nah, people that whine about low/no tips are the bootlickers, fully complicit in their own exploitation as they rationalize their bossman's ability to pay them peanuts. Actually, most tray caddies eagerly defend their bosses with the boss propaganda fully internalized:
>if we got a real wage the menu costs would go up!!! Then ppl might be less likely to eat out!!!! then the restaurant would close!!!
People that don't tip and still get the "reduced"menu prices are the only winners in the world of foodcuckery
find for your state and file a complaint if they sabotage your food. if you have to pay so they don't fuck up your food that's extortion
If they didn't want a min wage job, they should not have taken a min wage job.
Tips are a bonus, they should be grateful for anything they get. And, if they are budgeting their expenses on what they MIGHT get, they are retarded.
Fair question. Subway is essentially gas station-tier food. Any min. wage wretches who work at fast food are the type of people who dont wash their hands after using the restroom (sometimes on purpose), play on their phone while handling food, clean the lobby / restrooms and dont wash hands before handling food.... clean the fucking parking lot without washing their hands after etc

Enjoy my asshole juice bitch
This is correct. If some cashier has to spin their little tablet around or they have a tip jar on the counter, they get nothing.
I don’t understand the question. I didn’t get pranked.
So you think they’re beneath you yet still eat that slop lol
exactly. tipping in cash is based, and is a gift in return for a good time.
card tipping at 2% is reserved for poor service. "as stinky as #2, so 2 for u"
t. 30yearoldboomer
How exactly are you going to know if they sprinkled dandruff instread of salt or drooled in your coffee until it's too late and you got Tuberculosis or some shit?
Depends how much is done and when I'm asked.

Picking up a pizza, no tip.
Order and pay at the counter and someone brings me my food, I'll get you next time.
Delivery, I'm not pretipping and you'll get however much it takes to round to the next $10 assuming you do your job well.
Wait staff at a restaurant, gets rounded to the nearest $5, maybe $10 if spectacular.
Where else am I going to get my Baja chipotle slop sandwich
i always tip great and people remember me and don't screw things up
>tips the stoner driver that licks his pizza making $15/hour the most
>tips the polite server attentively taking care of his fat ass the least
Bigthink moment
You are both wrong. The truth is quite simple. Brown and black people don't tip because 1) they lack empathy, and 2) they can't afford to. White people actually have money and empathy, and we tip out of appreciation for those who provide services for us. Tipping is literally peak whiteness.
>insert meme of bender "oh you are serious"...
good shitpost, 6/10
Nigga (you) are already paying for the workers simply by eating there. Stop cucking for the boomer/kike owners who want to have a zero overhead business.
I used to be a cook in a diner as a much younger Anon before college. I can tell you for a fact 90% of those tips go in the servers' arm or up their nose as waiting tables is the only job they can do high AF without getting fired.
Exactly, you should always tip in cash, until Trump formally allows the non taxation of tips.
Nice try, Paki.
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>Nigga (you) are already paying for the workers simply by eating there.
Yes, and by eating at a place that supports tipping I am shaving a percentage of my meal price off to pay it directly to the server so we can all fuck the government. Anti tipping is literally anti liberty and pro government
If the machine shows 15% tip as the first option, I tip 0. If the machine starts at 12%, I tip 20%. Simple as.
FUCK the service industry I hate them almost as much as "healthcare" workers and lawyers.
I tip when I dine in at a sit down restaurant (extremely rare), at my hairdresser, and when I'm travelling to the US and using the company card. Rest of the time I avoid tipping situations like the plague because I despise the practice so much, but I absolutely press no / 0% whenever I'm "offered" to do it
I think anon meant they don’t get it from a philosophical/ontological/theological perspective
Yeah. I used to be a waitress at a diner and the gov never knew about my cash tips. Credit tips were automatically taxed by faggot government. Because of the amount of tips I was able to save up for the down payment on my house to escape the rent jew. It's incredible what a high trust community can accomplish.
I tip when warranted, not automatically
i missed the part where it's my problem
You're a brit, no one cares about your opinion on this. Even if they did, you're wrong. In America, if you can tip, the people getting tipped aren't paid minimum wage. That's our trade off. You either get minimum wage or you get a much lower wage, but are permitted to accept tips. That's how this shit works.
I tip when I pick up food if they're a nice local place and not a shitty chain. My local pizza place has really low prices and incredible food and I don't want them to be bought out by fuckin pizza hut or something so I give them extra. Tipping is like voting.
Sounds like cope. How does giving an employee of the chain a tip help that pizza parlor from going out of business? The business already has your pizza money. They are not going to up an employee's wages just because you didn't tip him, even if they DID up wages, they will still ask for tips. You support a business with you purchases, not with tips.
arguably a better solution than states raising the minimum wage to $25/hour, not sure how much effect that will have now though since the damage has already been done
This is based FUCK TIPPING I never tip anywhere I go
>Do you engage with tipping culture?
Only if I get good service. That's solely what justifies tipping.
Or are you white?
I am American :)
If you were arguing in good faith you could see an obvious correlation. When you tip for takeout it goes in a little jar that is shared among all the employees. If every customer gives a little bit then all the employees get a little extra at the end of the day which encourages them to do good work and stick around. Better, more stable employees work harder which helps the business do better and so on and so on it repeats. If you think it doesn't matter in the grand scheme you're straight up just wrong.
most organic and sincere mossad poster
I never tip because I used to work fine dining and those dumbass servers didn’t deserve how much they were making on so few hours. Not even out of jealousy, they almost universally sucked at their jobs. There have only been 2 that actually deserved the money they made and they were both men. Those 2 also kept the back of the house taken care of and if they needed something on the fly they would shoot me a 20. All the dumb bimbos never did that and if they made their tickets retarded or put in multiple orders at once I put them at the end of the rail. I couldn’t even fuck the servers in the walk in because I hate them so much.
Hey retard, no one in this country gets less than minimum wage. Their employer by law HAS to pay them minimum wage if their don’t tips don’t give them more than that.
There is not much tipping culture in Europe, I spent a few years traveling there and the service was good in general. You are just used to tipping and can't imagine a life without it.
Niggers and Russians don’t tip is my experience.
Do libertarians or anarcocapitalists believe in tipping
All tips should be taxable just like they are with credit card tips. There is no reason for them not to be.
incorrect, they have to track how many people of color/gays/trannies they have on staff in order to ensure compliance with DIE protocols
Eat at real restaurants. Nobody I ever worked with would ever do something to anyone’s food no matter what the circumstances. We take too much pride in what we do.
nigger don't bullshit me, you wouldn't pay taxes on your income if you had any choice in the matter
don't pretend like it's the fact that they're not paying taxes on it that you despise, it's the fact that you're expected to show appreciation in a way that actually counts instead of a show of bullshit that costs you nothing
Lol and cucked europe and America are somehow similar? Laughable comparison. It's two completely different business models. You want total government control over your money or something?
>Be American, wake up and immediately mock European online by calling him Muhammed. Need to remember to pay and tip Verizon Wireless® for the data usage to flex on the Yuros.
>Eat my last Hostess® Ding Dong™, need to get little Debbie's, hohos, and some Twinkies so get in Ford F350 Turbo Diesel Texas Edition pickup truck
>Drive to Walmart and park in handicap spot, note to self, remember to tip at least 12% of my bill to the cashier so my car doesn't get keyed this time.
>Rent my mobility scooter for only $9.99/hr (plus tip) to browse Walmart.
>Checkout at self check line, forget to tip, get shot in my spleen by Tyrone and Jamal (the cashier and greeter)
>Call 911 only consuming 99¢ of mobile phone talk time for ambulance, take ambulance to hospital
>That'll be $3573.23 plus mandatory 20% tip anon, cash or card?
>Insurance covers nothing because it's out of network and goes towards $18,000 deductible but atleast they're only entitled to $1000/mi instead of $1100/mi, reducing my bill to only $3273.23. What a win for capitalism?!
>Get to emergency room for medical care and have life-saving surgery.
>That'll be $18,751.47 for two days in hospital, surgery, stitches, and don't forget to tip at least 18% or they'll spit in your wounds. Insurance refuses to pay as hospital is out of network and they didn't approve the doctor.
>mfw it's another great day in America, the greatest country in the world.
You show appreciation by being polite and coming back to spend more money there. You don't tip grocery cashiers or baggers, don't you appreciate them?

How does tipping prevent total government control over your money?
I’m an apprentice plumber and did a sewer rod today which came out to a total of around $450. The customer was nice and happy and asked how much? Pulled out about 6-8k in bills, paid cash and handed me and the other plumber hundred dollar bills and said have a beer on me for the fourth. Made my fucking day and I hope I one day get to that point
>How does tipping prevent total government control over your money?
It doesn't you dishonest retard
I do not patronize businesses or services where tips are expected. I will sometimes tip low paid workers when tips are not expected, because the tips are actually appreciated by them.
Then why the fuck did you bring it up? You're just blabbering now because you can't defend why you pay extra even when you pick up your own food. lmao
Meal is 15 bucks plus 5 dollar optional tip in cash, govt only gets money from declared 15 dollars and lower wage of waiter
>no tip
Meal is 20 dollars to pay for increased wages, govt gets money from 20 dollar transaction AND more from increased wages.
It's a fact anon, the only people whining about tips are cheap bastards getting played by their own governments and retarded women (who make up loat waiter roles) who think more money in the paycheck will equal more spending cash.
>the tips are actually appreciated by them
and I appreciate them for working shitty low paying jobs while not expecting tips
Im not tipping to help some jew have an easier work day fuck you I hope all Jews are worked to death
Yeah, I build custom cabinets now and holiday season is nice. I get lots of time off and the few clients I do have always give me and my crew gifts. Way better than being overworked because of endless holiday parties.
Waiters/waitresses want higher wages AND tipping you retard.
You literally can't put 1 + 1 together nigger you are braindead. How in anyway does supporting a local business's employees directly not help the business itself? I don't want to live in a shit hole with nothing but subways and gas stations and little ceasers pizza it's really that simple
I don’t go to restaurants anymore. I was banned for being unvaccinated, and now I will never return for as long as I live. Yes I am autistic.
This but also they have to be not fat have little to no tattooes and a good attitude.
Why don't you tip 100% on all your orders? Or more? Don't you want to give that business more free money so they can stay afloat? Or are you poor? You are deluding yourself that you need to do more than just give them your loyal patronage if you like their business/product. If it is a good well managed business it will do well if customers keep coming back.
insane mind bending cope by a retard wageslave foid that works in serving
>Found the nigger
Not tipping is nigger tier
can we all just collectively bankrupt these awful fucking places, just stop going and giving them your money guys for fucking real
this, same.
Wrong. Look that shit up. There's a minimum wage for people who work tip jobs based on state minimum wage (but it's incredibly low) and they receive full minimum wage only if they make less in tips than they would in minimum wage for the hours they work. And if your employer has to actually pay you minimum wage, you're going to be fired. Most restaurant owners aren't in it to pay their employees. There are actually plenty of other examples of groups not having to pay minimum, too. People working on farms have NEVER been beholden to the minimum wage in fact, look it up. On top of all this, when you talk about minimum wage you need to be specific because the US has multiple "minimum wages". Do you mean state of federal? Because they're different and different groups can apply them to their employees in different ways while also applying other rules and regulations that might drop that amount.

If you ever see a business announce they're going to start letting you tip employees, it's because they're excited to start paying them less while insisting that (you) pay them more instead. sometimes they'll do that shit and then raise their prices so they make even more. Remember that the rich are never your friends and they'll go to great lengths to take everything you own away from you.
I haven't been in a restaurant in 20+ years. I don't want the type of people that restaurants hire handling my food.
Wrong, look at minimum tipping for states like Pennsylvania.
i usually cook my own food. when i dont i usually grab a bite from sheetz. pretty rare. i dont tip because i like you i have options
whats a bootlicker in this scenario? whose boots?
> If an employee doesn't earn enough in tips to bring his or her total compensation up to at least the full minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, the employer must make up the difference.
I have never tipped and I never will
wrong. min wage for servers is like 2 bucks. off yourself
My tipping structure has always been the same:

>Everyone starts at 10% (my wife thinks it needs to be 20% but fuck that)
>Everyone can go up or down
>No one goes lower than 1% (I've never tipped 2-4% or 0)
>No one gets *"higher than 25%" unless they were out-fucking-standing (this is rare and is getting even more so)
>*NOTE: I have tipped 100% and more before that was a small amount(less than $50) and everything was perfect and I had been drinking
>The tip is in cash, usually

Also, I only tip at restaurants and bars.
I actually do tip the girl who cuts my hair every month, but I do it the haircut before Christmas and it's the whole years worth.

I generally get good service, especially from Whites.
Mexican service is usually just good enough, but if they speak Spanish while standing at my table and talking to someone else, their tip is going down. I speak Spanish well enough to understand nearly every word, and although I've never heard them say anything derogatory IMO it's just bad manners.
The black service I have gotten is filled with more errors than any other, so I just don't go back.
I also avoid Chinese/Japanese places.
Also, fucking mudslimes are getting into the "mainstream" and a local Firehouse Subs is now avoided by nearly everyone except their own kind. All the other eateries around will be packed and they might have 5 cars in the lot. No idea how they stay in business
>Tipping allows companies to reduce their prices
But you then pay the tip on top of those prices
$2/hr if you tip them
If you don't tip them, they make minimum wage
You're paying the restaurant's wages for them.

Then there's your troon faggot nigger ass. That answers at the beck and call of any government official.
heard that what i heard is you want a bare minimum sandwich with no sause on it
dont worry if you come and complain we will fix it after 20 or 30 minutes
now tell me youve never worked hard in your entire life without telling me you never worked outside
In the US there is a class of job that is 1/4 minimum plus tips. Those claiming tip culture is not white, are jews.
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screencap, no effort, "make less interesting"
Tipping is dumb as fuck and I never do it unless I'm getting pizza delivered or at a sit down restaurant where I am served. 10-15% never more. It's societal extortion.
So would most people I wager you waste of oxygen. What they want =/= what they get and the arguments against tipping have always been "but it allows Mr noseberg to pay me less (it doesn't but then, the wage gap doesn't exist and I still hear about that to)" and alpha grifters using good old fashioned shaming tactics to make insecure men demand that their twenty dollars get logged in its entirety by the IRS. Cope all you want, you're fighting for the beasts funding
But did you have breakfast?
White af boy here. Like 80%+ Norwegian and the rest is Danish, and my father always told me to tip and to tip well. I'll tip 30-50% depending on the setting. And no, I don't don't go to fucking Starbucks or any stupidly priced hipster coffee shops at all so no, I am not tipping a fucking barista 5 bucks for making a fucking 10 dollar coffee cause I'm not drinking that shit anyway. Nice sit down dinner at a steak joint? Easy 30-40%. Multiple course meal/tasting menu/fine dining? 50% no question.
Factually incorrect. I can give you two examples.
The American prison system is modern day slavery and they are paid cents on the hour
>People with disabilities
There are people in sheltered workshops and day programs that do labor for companies and are paid next to nothing, if at all.
I tip my barber 2 eu even though it costs me 12, he always gets it done perfectly, he deserves it
Also that, I don't tip wiggers or some fat slay kween woman with retarded nails or bimbo tranny jeffrey star makeup. If she's fat but doesn't have tats, looks relatively normal and is nice I still tip.
i bagel for breakfast the last few days personaly
plain bagel with butter or cinnamon sugar
ive worked harder jobs than half the losers on here and i still have never understood how people eat a huge breakfast
If you really didn't want to pay taxes you'd start a food church and take donations for meals.
I never tipped maybe spare change that I didn't want that's it
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>tip because I'm not a nigger, yet I don't tip niggers.
Good; I’ll pay it. I’m not coming to your restaurant to subsidize you paying your employees like shit and guilt-tripping me into doing it.
>Hurr durr drumpf gonna change this!
your first post was astonishingly retarded but you really outdid yourself
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rent free. tax free.
Because if they do that shit to you, they presumably do it to others.
Alternatively, maybe youre such a unique asshole that random strangers are actually out to get you, for no benefit or satisfaction to gain.
If thats the case, dont report them. They probably arent wrong.
>pilpul bullshit
this country can’t be nuked soon enough
>Otherwise they will sabotage your food.
The Rig Veda was right about shudras
100's are blue now
I write mine off as donations.
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I left tip three times last weekend. I left 8%
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Only in clapistan lmao, quit this garbage practice and bring your service industry to heel already.
Tipping should never be expected, only service that truly impresses you should get you to only maybe consider tipping.
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Haven't seen this bait in years.
Yea, bringing food to a table for a job you are able to afford a house. I work an actual job as an electrician and don't make that much. This is why I hate tipping. So many servers, bartenders make so much money and you just run back and forth to the kitchen. I was a waiter at a retirement home when I was 15 and 16 and they never tipped.
i always just leave a note that says "buy btc", been doing it since 2011
had any of them listened to me, they'd have life changing gains
not my fault if they ignored the best tip they could've gotten
If it's a dude being honest and non self-centered then yea ill pass him some money, BUT NEVER FOR WOMEN, all they gotta do is open they legs, take a picture and BOOM PAYDAY.
You must not have seen the dozens of videos of delivery drivers spitting on food or throwing it at the customer over a small tip. Or the classic "Burger King Foot Lettuce" or "Taco Bell Piss Nachos."
Oh ok. You see, it's not a real $100 bill. It's a prank meant to instill rage in the intended recipient. It's mean-spirited, and not genuine tender.
What does this even mean
I could give them the coins if I'm paying with cash, other than that no, that's how it works here.
Only my hairdresser since they know how to do what I want and I usually get the same 2 ladies when i go. Usually just a couple bucks since Im In there for less than 15 minutes.
Unless it's a very high class resturant, or a fast food joint, you absolutely run the risk of your food being fucked with should you forgo a tip. That's half the problem with the tipping industry in the US.
>poor service
>still tips
do americans really
Reminder that tipping is a Jewish custom and practice, by tipping you are supporting the jews.
all non-tippers get a complimentary topping of my balls with every meal
I tip someone if I feel they deserve it. usually when I get my hair cut they get ye bare minimum of $5. I've had a few cuts in the recent years that were so fucking good I tipped $50. Those mother fuckers knew how to cut a man's hair.
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If they're brown or black pay them nothing.
you are the golest
A man of principle.
OH! I nearly forgot.. I came out of a grocery store recently and there were two gentlemen of the darker complexion trying to get signatures for some bullshit petition and I heard one actually say "please sign so we can get paid. We actually get paid for signatures." These guys were so bad at their job they reported to begging people to sign so they could get paid...
Only if it's a non-chain place that I specifically want to support. There's this one local place that you could tell made an effort not to price gouge after covid like most the others. I'm happy to tip them. I want them to stick around.
>The consumer pays less sales tax
I'm waiting for that sales tax reduction. Surely it will come any day, right?
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i like to write 200$ for the tip on the credit card receipt but make it look like it was originally 2.00 and changed by the staff, then I cancel the charge and call the restaraunt and complain to the manager and get free meals.
then on my way home from briss camp I stop and sacrifice some chicken strip i saved to moloch because i swallowed the real things to make me stay young and verile.
if I can I try to run over an animal (pref golden retriever or family dog) before egging the tenants cars at my rental properties and then calling the ATF and leaving a false tip they are making and selling silencers out of their kitchen.
says the faggot

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