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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It was nice to have known you, RIP
two doner wraps, only white sauce please.
Israeli anons, what is going to happen to Lebanon?
Jew monke is will launch his 3 day special military operation in about 2 weeks
they are going to send recently recruited orthodox students to be cannon fodder in the hills that have eyes
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Nothing will happen. Relax, don't worry about
fugga bout it
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New batch of dead hezbocuck dropped
If Lebanon is given the rare opportunity to save the World then they should take it

They can't do it alone, the holy struggle against international zionism is worldwide.

American weaponry and taxpayer billions is their life support, revolution is our solution.

Two birds with one stone, their genocidal ambitions are ruined and our national future secured.
No survivors hopefully
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F in chat for Lebanon.. nice not knowing you
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Hopefully jews are dumb enough to start another war when they cant even win the first one, based Benjamin Netanyuahu keeps on fucking up Israel more
if Jews could win in Lebanon they would have gone in already. They've been wargaming for months. There's no element of surprise anymore, Hezbollah is ready
Sure thing leb time for another round of wog bashing
Israel has never succeeded in Lebanon. Good luck jew
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>cant even win the first one
They seem to have won it pretty hard imo
Lol these FUCKING sandniggers thought that abandoning Palestinians would lead to them being spared are about to find out the hard way that they're next.
Their objective is to destroy Hamas and on a longer timeline annex the region, none of that has happened or is close to happening, how are they winning the war?
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two more threats
The fact that they've either destroyed or currently occupy all of Gaza, and have killed or displaced virtually the entire population of Gaza, doesn't seem like Hamas is putting up much of a fight. Your argument is basically "well Israel hasn't totally crushed Hamas into dust yet so they're losing!" which is just bafflingly retarded.
The last time Israel invaded Lebanon they besieged its capital city, killed some 10,000 civilians there, and occupied parts of the country for years afterward. They only stopped besieging Beirut after the PLO's leadership fled the city, and because the US and UN were pressuring them to accept a ceasefire agreement. Similar to now, though, Israel refused to leave the region while the PLO was active, and it took til 1985 for them to actually withdraw from Lebanon's territory.
The problem for Israel is that the moment a ceasefire is declared and they withdraw from Gaza there will be HAMAS victory parades and they will come back bigger than ever. IDF has already lost strategically. Destroying Gaza wasn't victory.
I'll be the happiest mf when it happens. Fuck lebos
You dont seem to understand that for guerillas all they need to do to win is to survive
>doesn't seem like Hamas is putting up much of a fight
Yeah they are, its in the news every single day


Hamas is fully entrenched in the population, they are never going to be destroyed unless Israel kills all palestinians, also the displacing only means they are in other parts of Gaza not outside of Gaza, the jews failed to send them in to Europe or make Egypt take them like they originally planned, if you fail every objective you set out to achieve thats not winning, killing like 70 000 civilians means nothing more than even larger portion of the palestinians are now fully on the side of Hamas, its baffling to me how you think Israel is winning
That wasn't the last time they invaded, that was in 1982 before Hezbollah existed. The whole reason Hezbollah exists today is because of what Israel did then. Long term it always backfires on Israel.
In 2006 they invaded Lebanon against 5000 professional Hezbollah soldiers and 10,000 reserve. IDF couldn't' even enforce a 30km buffer zone.
I don't know if you're a delusional Jew but you definitely still understand things throuhg the jew owned fox news paradigm of world affairs.
Faggot no Aussie likes leb regardless of who is going after them you fucking dirty migrant
Screenshotting this for when hezbollah looses
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if you jizz you win
Absolutely nothing is happening
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This and now Hezbollah is far more organized and many of their guys are battle hardened from years of fighting in the syrian war, they have 150 000 missiles/rockets now even according to the lowest estimates, 2006 was already a disaster when Hezbollah was just a glorified pajama party, now imagine what would happen now, several israeli cities close to the border would be flattened
you're screenshotting the history of Israeli failures in Lebanon?
Is history supposed to change in the next coming weeks and months? I thought Jews were supposed to be smart.
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today I will remind them
>literally nothing happening
I agree, IDF is not going to invade Lebanon or they would have done it already. They would have been war gaming this for months already.
>tfw not sure if this was supposed to be the Auschwitz masturbate to death machine or IDF field semen extraction system
Israel will lose, just like 2000 and 2006
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the latter

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