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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's fucking over. Trump just lost the zoomer vote.
toppest kekest
You just know she's a BBC slave
who the fuck is hawk tuah girl I already know too many college roasties with cowboy hats
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wrong. trump is the black lover choice
>Drunkenly bragged about spitting on nigger dick to lube it up for sex
>Conservitards thought she was /theirgirl/
>Hailey Welsh brags about sucking cock on international tv
>welsh suck cock
Humiliation ritual. Question for you:

>Omri/Khomri (king of Israel) dynasty lasts until 722BC when the assyrians conquered and dispersed the people
>Assyrian documents refer to them as Khumry
>Khimmirai/Gimmirai/Cimmerians appear in Assyrian records during the reign of Sargon II (722-705BC)
>Cimmerians are known from Herodotus to be driven westward out of their lands around the Black Sea (modern Crimea takes its name from them) by the Scythians
>Cimmerians disappear from historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts exit historical records (or, more accurately, are dispersed into various subgroupings) around 5th century CE
>Welsh (Cymraegs) appear in historical records around 6th century CE from Celtic origins
Are these related?
are americans even human anymore? she literally just said one sentence about blowjobs and now is a celebrity? I don`t get "it"
All americucks are bbc-slaves.
what is this forced meme woman
Didn't conservatives try to claim this slut as one of their one?
Kek. She probably likes BBC
the joke is hedonism
So this is gen z's taylor swift. Wow! 20 going on 40.
I honestly do not understand why this is popular.
it's tiktok niggerculture
>muh dik
it's everything they wanted to hear
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>Didn't conservatives try to claim this slut as one of their one?
>Kek. She probably likes BBC
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>zoomer girl
>against Trump
STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES! WHAT? A WOMAN... DISLIKES TRUMP????? I, for one, am shocked. Shocked, I say
No matter if they are conservative or liberal, they are proud Americans, therefore built for bbc.
I will be so glad when she is gone. Her stupid phrase infected my BASES 23 year old sci-fi mmorpg already.
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well then she better take off that cowboy hat bitch!
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Oh no! A Jew interviewed a whore and her whore friend, and they all agreed that they won’t be voting for Trump. I GUESS I SHOULD JUST KILL MYSELF
Conservatives are so desperate to virtual signal that a reference to blowjobs owned the libs and ended pride month.
>the literal fucking slut that went viral being a slut doesn't like Trump
>somehow this reflects badly on Trump
Wasn't she a school teacher? Every school teacher I've ever met has been an airheaded shitlib.
just some gay unfunny normalfag meme

She is disgusting whore filth.

kills her own kids

sluts 4 the electric chair
Damn she’s trad as fuck. Meanwhile MIGAtards are drooling over trannies like Blair White
>white trash girl proclaims love of BBC
>rednecks cheer and make her their favorite celebrity
Conservative red states LOOOOVE their BBC.

Mutt's Law is *not* just a meme, and it's not Americans, it's specifically Trump-voting, rural, blue collar Americans who constantly think about nigger dick.

Hawk Tuah Girl is the final, undeniable proof of this thesis.
Anon isn't wrong. She's obviously a massive whore
Who the fuck is this. Why do you care what she says.
So an average white american woman?

White libtards never racemix unless they’re poor, that’s why they’re libtards, they’re away from reality
Retard you fon't know what incitement is.
Well shucks! She's not voting for Trump, the 90s democrat? Nu/pol/, avid pro-zionist pro-trumpers are really not gonna like this!
normie meme about a slut. ignore.
Some Facebook meme that retards pay attention to
Zoomers don't vote
As zoomers don't fuck
As zoomers don't work
As zoomers can't handle stress
As zoomers can't keep relations
As zoomers can't see to the eyes
Almost all Zoomers are genetical dead ends
fuck this stupid psyop shit
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>used to be I was aware of all the arcane internet content
>now I'm out of the loop with 80% of the shit posted about on this site
I have no idea who the fuck Hawk Tuah is, I'm guessing she's extremely fake, gay and jewish.
i donno, it sounds like some kind of native american tribal name though

just an American chav.
It's the new Minions. SEX AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
It's normie shit, literally the opposite of arcane. Notice how it got no traction anywhere outside of Facebook/YT.
Literally who expressed an opinion, and it is suddenly over? She is about to be memoryholed within a month
she had her time
Time for the next slut
Praying to baby Jesus she gets murder raped by an illegak.
This. I stopped talking to my retard friends for days because they were sharing memes of this shit. When I spoke up they said "bro that always shares edgy racist memes is bitching about this lol". Stupidity is more offensive than anything else sometimes
some tiktok whore normies are obsessing over for whatever reason
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>whew, glad i solicit and follow advice from women
said nobody ever
Yeah... actual celebrities have a longer shelf life. These are cheap immitations. These you can toss in the trash after a week tops. Clickbait fodder
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> Be thot
> Be asked how you suck cock
> Give answer
> Becomes e-celeb

I endorse nuking ourselves
>1 PBID Slide thread

kys nigger.
Stay mad incels
I didn't notice because I only know about it through this board but no one explained it so I'm left confused
this cancerous hellhole we call society is almost too much most days
Its so obvious that they’re trying to teach young women that acting like a slut on camera leads to overnight stardom. Disgusting.
>zoomers and mutts unironically paying any attention to attention-seeking whores and the shit they say
lel, very pathetic.
Nuclear bombs falling all over amerimutts
sadly, in this shithole it does. they worship being a whore and the black mirror jewbox
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>>If God doesn't destroy the USA, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Say what you will, but you are going to hell forever :)
Whores for Biden.
Funny, how they ignore what happened to one of their own when Hunter accidentally impregnated one.
You're right.

It's uninhabitable. This is a lunatic asylum either outside or inside prison

Jewish mass media is mind poison. I think they get a kick out of feeding us garbage.
niggers are useless fucks and one of the things they do is go to public places like mardi gras or spring break and do nigger themed man on the street garbage and ask random girls (mostly White) stupid normie sex questions and one girl said to spit on a dudes dick, that's it.
many of the niggers then have the audacity to ask these girl if they fuck there jungle nigger asses and some go as far as to insist they kiss the nigger.
the moral of hawk tuah girl is all niggers should be sent back to africa.
She’s almost like a Palestinian.
Woah. Such great political analysis from the excellent mind of an important cultural and celebrated American figure, the "Hawk Tauh" girl. Even though I'm not an American myself, I severly doubt that any truely educated pariot of the land of the free could read this and not reconsider their decision to vote for Trump.
hopefully, one of biden's illegals will dismember her. such cases are useful as an example only.
For every Hawk Tuah girl, there are a million young women that destroy their future by acting like a whore on the internet. Whether it’s onlyfans, or just talking about how they suck dick. Once they hit the wall and need a job, employers will be able to pull that shit up with a quick google.
The older I get the more I’m glad I have no fucking idea who these people are.

Do zoomers really follow this and listen to all these people?
the results are in. cocksuckers don't vote Trump
>Retarded hole has an opinion
Does anyone really care? She’s practically a stripper.
are zoomers retarded hellspawn?
>all these drumpftards calling her a whore, slut, etc
>completely ignoring the fact that Drumpf's a literal whore monger

double standards much?
Yeah I’m getting old can’t even keep up with the internet shit anymore outside of /pol/.
The way normies repeated this meme and other shit that comes out of barstool type garbage farms has me convinced that they're the real autists. It seems like they always involve signaling of sex-having and everybody feels compelled to participate in some way to prove they, as sex-havers also understand the reference. The memes are never funny to begin with yet the normoids keep spamming harder and harder and they never become even a little bit funny but they just keep doing it. Fucking insane
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I just want out already.
Literally watched the interview she just said she didn't want to suck his cock she said nothing about politics.
Some redneck whore who said something stupid and it having her 15 minutes of fame.
I've been bombarded by this shit on twitter. She made a sound of spitting on a dick (hawk tuah) before sucking it. For some reason this is being shilled across the internet. I don't get this meme either.
what a surprise the porn whore that wants bbc is against trump.
That's what it means? That's not how you spell that. Zoomers are retarded.

QRD : around fathers day a clip went viral of a cute white girl saying 'you need to 'hawk tuah' spit on that thang"

I believe in the context of fathers needing to receive oral compensation from their wife. And then

>meidas touch

huh.. .makes you think. Similar to Taylor Swift. What an interesting strategy it would be to blow up such a clip which is pretty universally enjoyed.... who doesn't like a cute girl talking about suckin dick?

That's just stage one. Stage 2 is a 1-2 week long campaign to dox the girl, and track her down. 1-2 weeks of suspense...

They find her... Stage 3, the interview " oh, Trump, he sucks... that's a no from me, dawg"

Goal being to pander to a Trump heavy demographic and try to discourage them from voting for Trump.

Its our media who does this.
It isn't the people. The people think this kind if thing is beneath them. And yet, their tactics appear to be working, if they've got nonAmericans believing that this is normal or acceptable to most of us.
it's like when the right glazed up that ginger singer lol
Why is any forced meme,
" popular " ?
If someone is discouraged from voting a certain way because of this they need to have a good hard look at themselves
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feast your eyes upon these pure bavarian phenotypes...ahhh my sweet valkyrie princess...

:( it do be like that tho.

Maybe liquidate your assets and start fresh somewhere. Maybe even live sparingly as a beach bum.

This is literally non mainstream media shit you can’t blame everything on ‘media’ it’s just American culture that spreads like a cancer
>woman known nationwide for giving advice on how to properly fellate a penis has a political opinion worth broadcasting to the masses
I don't even care to vote but it's just unfathomably retarded to me how this is something worth putting on TV and even more braindead certain "people" eat it up
Sounds like your friend circle hs a bit of.a NIGGER problem. I mean the younger generations are ruined, i've experienced it 1st hand by engaging with just 5 years younger girls. It's insufferable

I'm just suggesting it's a potential angle. You throw enough shit at Trump and I'm sure some people will not vote for him.

You see them doing it already. "oh, you're going to vote for a 34x convicted felon?!

A adjudicated rapist?!"

All that stuff is as good as subtracting from Trump's vote total. Even if men are less likely to fall into it. Plenty of women may decided they're not going to vote for Trump.
Imagine caring what a woman thinks
I'm voting for Adolf Hitler.
Ah you raise a good point, I did not factor in the mind of women, this probably has swayed a few thousand into not voting
I've already done the bum thing. If I had assets to liquidate I'd already be like somewhere pic related(price is a starting bid). Instead I live in the center of the shit, a major city. I've got a seat front row and center to all of this and I have no idea how to get the fuck out.
MAGAcucks are gonna commit mass suicide once they realize that the majority of the pro-trump voices on the internet are just seething browncel zoomers that can't vote in the US.
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The way he jogs off always gets me.
Pretty easy to tell when jews are plotting or promoting something when you come across headlines like "who is the hawk tuah girl"
Now if that had Biden, what would the headline be?
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Oh no! Not reddit’s flavor of the month! How will Trump ever recover?
I’m 99.999999999% certain that if the trashy hawk tuah girl had said she was voting Trump then the media would’ve piled on her saying how trashy all Trump voters are.
why kot ching chomg ping pong?
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See >>472783931
I had to look it up a few days ago when someone had a hate of the saying. It really is facebook tier meme normiefag shit.
Who? I never heard of whores.
That's a funny way of saying "trumpcucks would worship her as a blonde aryan goddess as long as she was a trump voter"
dumbfuck lol
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Amazing. Where can I go to learn more about this whore's political opinions?
If a girl likes black guys, it means she probably has hiv/aids and a whole lotta stds and stis.
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Always a retarded leafaggot saying something stupid
Don't try to make any sense of it, Hans.
HAWK TUAH is what the Iron Sheik said whenever he had to talk about a disgusting wrestler.
Whoever the girl is, she's only mimicking shit and poorly at that.
Conservative women like indian cock and asian cock
Change BBC to LLL (Live, Laugh, Love)
just like onions
What the fuck is a hawk tuah and why should I care what some dumb cumslut thinks about politics?
>indian cock
No one likes spicy nigger cock
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OP kill yourself. Her and her friend said they wouldn't blow him.
she voted for it idgaf
>Biden meets with key figures in Black community.
>just some gay unfunny normalfag meme
This. It's insane that something that uninteresting could spread so far and wide, even on normienet.
oh on! some literal cocksucker wont be voting for trump???
I think there is some truth to it. Californian Coachella-type whites for instance rarely date outside of their race.
they sound cucked and pozzed
Why do they look like they've been in pron for years?
She's the "Okay boomer" psyop for the election cycle 2024. Just whores being whores, really. Not worth a mention, much less a thread. As always OP is a faget.
Shut your fucking mouth you jew CUNT, slideslut nigger
No one cares about some woman
That pic has a smell. That smell is cheap wine and birth control pills.
>>white trash girl proclaims love of BBC
This didn't happen
>truely educated pariot of the land of the free could read this
All 12 of em
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qrd pill me on Hawk Tuah girl. I missed it when it first went viral.
change it to indians, would be hilarious
BUILT FOR indians
SHE NEEDS indians
>Lives in Trashville
Can confirm she's definitely a liberal. If we could cut that city out of my perfect state and make it an island we'd be better off. It's nothing but drunk tourists, illegal immigrants, and poser ass """country""" white people who think putting on boots and a hat make them look cute. I mean, look at this dumb zoomerette and you'll know I am right.
street interviewer asked about #1 sex move or something, bumpkin whore says HAWK TUH SPIT ON THAT THANG!
Americans are retarded perverts.
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Oh look, it's that guy who reposts his copypasta every day in the hopes of reviving 19th century British Israelite pseudoanthropology

"The Cimmerians originated as a section of the first wave[18] of the nomadic populations who originated in the parts of Central Asia corresponding to eastern Kazakhstan or the Altai-Sayan region,[19] and who had, beginning in the 10th century BC and lasting until the 9th to 8th centuries BC,[20] migrated westwards into the Pontic-Caspian Steppe regions, where they formed new tribal confederations which constituted the Chernogorovka-Novocherkassk complex.[21]"
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>Trump turns to black rappers who commit murder
That proves that Trump is really smart. Trump knows those are the people that blacks admire the most
>The Hawk Tuah Girl
>Hailey Welsh
literally who
>That proves that Trump is really smart.
How did the Platinum Plan work out during the last election?
Just like that leftist will lover after calling her redneck hillbilly

Believing that memes spread organically in 2024 is worse than believing in the tooth fairy
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She just said she wouldn't spit on his dick, not that she wouldn't vote for him.

Take that however you want as a moment in the current state of U.S. politics.
And now we know why she is being promoted everywhere
what's CE?
your god loves BBC in his aasx0ass
Trump won bwc won white boy summer is forever
kikespeak for AD
The fact that this whore is even popular here just shows the absolute state of cuckamerica
nigger shut up
I want to see the words coming from him
I want to force him to play his hand
nice try gurpreet.
change to Jesus Christ
They were plotting to murder black people.
i hope a muslim stabs this bitch in the neck so hard it decapitates her
Media is propping her up
Fuck these whores

Ill find somebody else to beat my 5incher bushwhacker to until my tradie shows up
Lighten up faggot, it's funny shit. Even normies make some great content now and then.
We don't care. Youre both as fuck. Fuck your shills from both sides, fuck election campaign employees and fuck anyone who thinks voting is an answer. You both serve corporate interests, the kikes, the woke agenda, the 1%, and the oppression of American workers through immigration. We'd rather throw our vote away and keep shitting in your face then pledge our loyalty to either of you.
Kiss my ass, bitch.
>Mic drop
>Zoomer vote

>5% of zoomers making tiktoks about how their generation needs to get out and vote
>23% of zoomers sharing said videos to others zoomers
>92% of zoomers having watched at least one of those videos
>4% of zoomers actually bothers to vote
>98% of zoomers upset about how other zoomers didn't vote this election

Meanwhile, old fucks are slowly shifting politics to fortune only their dying generation because going out to vote every few years is a highlight of their decaying lives, surpassed only by the joy they take in watching major sports evens of sports they otherwise don't care about at all.
If the hawk tuah girl has a single brain cell, she creates an onlyfans doing blowjob videos right now. She'd be making millions over night. Just saying. She's obviously already a whore so it doesn't matter.
>jannies banning incel threads
literally the opposite is happening, they ban anyone posting "this is an incel thread" in the incel threads and happily let them get bumped to 300+ posts despite having a rule-breaking thumbnail
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The sign is actually a subtle joke
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>hawk tuna girl
>no pics of her tuna yet.
Why did everyone gas this chick up again? She was bragging about sucking dick. Hokey country girls usually are fucking retarded anyways lol.
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women are retarded and should not be allowed to vote.
any woman actually intelligent enough for voting should be able to see that women in general are not fit for making political decisions.
it's pretty mid desu
>caring what retarded whores think
not even once
zoomers hate hawk tuah already it's become a gen X/boomer meme
>worthless subhuman whore says thing
i can tell you dont shop for your own groceries
I shopped for them today. I bought more alcohol than fucking food because fuck it man kek
Pretty sure zoomers won’t remember her by november
It is on world star hip hop.
That us mainstream media.
thats actually funny and would actually get people to stop.
no one finds indians attractive lmao
Gonna look rough in 10 years. She'll be stuck sucking dick so no one has to look at her face.
>famous ethot
>retarded opinion
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I doubt this, only because it has been literally 9 years, going on a decade of nonstop shit flinging at and about Trump.
So much so, that most people have learned to tune out anti-Trump "news", articles and stories with not so much more than an eye roll at the talking heads.

Example in my picrel.
>in america you can become famous for talking about sucking a BBC
she made a meme, but since the internet is polluted with retarded newfags they think it imparts some kind of celebrity status.
Cimmerians always make me think of Conan the Barbarian
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Zoomers are so fucking deprived of sex and are getting completely fucking cucked by millennials out of their women, that a girl even remotely talking about pleasing their man (as the HAWK TUAH) is worthy of simping by zoomshits. We truly live in incel times.

I've seen some bad memes, but this has got to be the most brainrotting thing to turn this bitch into a e-celeb.
You're the one that brought it up first you faggot
I gotta say those of you who insist on bringing it up in any context are a bunch of closet faggots
You talk like you're cool or funny or something but all you are is a grown man who wants to talk about dicks
Shut the fuck up and don't speak anymore you fucking faggot we can talk about shit without having some bitch bringing up dicks like a fucking clown
Why don't you just kys man? There's no way you've got shit outside of here with a personality like that and id bully the fuck out of you because I can sense a pussy like you
Fuck off and die dude I mean that
BBC got dis whiteboy actin up
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I am white and I only fuck and suck Indian cocks.
( Feather. Not Dot. )
Aye howareya! Aya how areya! Pow wow pow wow pow wow unga!
Call me a pow wow poon princess!
You act like that has any effect on me, all you look like is a faggot dude, at least use something else don't be gay about shit even if you are a nigger talk shit be a man when did everything get so fucking gay hahhs
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Its July. You know what that means
I love Israel!
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All Americans are desu
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So...making a candidate lose the cocksucker vote.
This is a good thing, she's gutter trash. And about as shocking as a nigger stealing a bike.


The idea of the whole thing with her being organic is...highly redflagging. Vidrel.
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A slut who will fuck 5 different minority men this weekend is against the 'conservative' candidate... WOW who would have have thunk that!
zoomer slut vote
It isn't popular here.
Nigger loving white trash southern Christ cucks.
Even white trash midwestern party girls hate trump.
I've never heard of her until now. I think her relevancy will fade in two weeks so no point in me learning more about her.
I doubt she's a good canary in the coal mine, women are largely driven by what they percieve as public opinion by nature for safety so if a woman is watching the news or reading ZOG social media 24/7 this was likely to be their opinion anyways.
I sincerely hope Russia nukes that NeoSodom. Everything There is filth. They celebrate it with pride
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Yeah I was busy one day and must have missed this bc it’s every meme every where.
Zoomers arent the ones who like her. Its all boomer and gen x fat old men
>age 23
>born in tennessee
>not a republican
100% makes fun of "basic bitches" who have a white bf and is going to be single with a black baby in a cabin in 10 years
Corporations and politicians decide who and what is popular
stop projecting
Thanks for the wiki article mr reddit.
Nah shes now been interviewed with mulptiple nigs, and her “spit on dick” guy she was talking to wa sa nig. Mudhsark fo sure
literally who?
It's true. One of the first pornos I ever saw was when I was about 9 years old. One of my white trash neighborhood associates showed me his dad's porno tape called "Ebony Humpers." The meme is real.
Why do they always dress up like pioneers but act like total prostitute porn strippers? What does it have to do with “country”?
the Algorithm decreed it to be so
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who they going to vote for? genocide joe who is demented? lmfao. who fuck even is this cum dumpster anyway. how can anyone take someone covered in semen seriously
in the full video, her friend got the black guy's number. no joke. literal whores.
Shes not a cute white girl. Shes a plain jane brown mixed girl
Fugly mutts. Definitely some hispanic or gook in there.
What would it take to slap someone to death?
>meanwhile: prostitution is legal in krautland and Berlin hosts a world-infamous fag bdsm nightclub den of debauchery and shit skins form rape gangs in the streets with impunity and they were all recently ruled a female
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Welp, there goes all her liveability and pay check gone from normies.
Most likely…
Why do these people think that “vountry” means actling like they’re in porn with drugs, but with pioneer outfit?
Boomer and gen x males seem to worship her. I saw them with their sunglasses in a truck pfps cussing people out and threatening them on instagram. If the other people said anything negative about porn girl
The weird thing is that I can't find the original video of that dumb bitch.
All I'm seeing is copied thumbnails with indian people narrating a frozen image... Truly bizarre. The internet might as well be dead.
I did find the audio sample of her and it reminded me Americans are puritan feminists fuckwits without any real sexuality however. No appeal there, but supposably she is being swamped with talent scouts!
Yeah thats what I thought. Literal ugly mudshark street hookers
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>…but it’s LEGAL where you are!
Ignoring the fact that going outside in muttfrica is now a bdsm nightclub, literally everything is worse in america except we can talk on here without arrest usually. And easier to get guns (cant use them)
This is what I wanna do with my life !
this bitch will hit the wall going mach 50 and her nigger pet will abandon her
Well, considering she was telling a nigger about all the cocks she sucks, yes.
Theres always an endless flow of cucks somehow. All the 35 year old mutt fugly spic roasties I know are with 50 year old foreign rich men. Not even sure how or why that balances out.
She is exactly what you just stated those other girls are.
Democrats totally didnt pay her to say that.
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Boy we sure do. I tell you what.
>Meanwhile MIGAtards are drooling over trannies like Blair White
It's true.
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>jewish woman dislikes Trump
Who gives a fuck
literally three convicted felons
he's so weird calling Taylor "pretty" all the time
>I love niggers!
No he didn't.
some meme about sucking nigger dick
Is literally a single person in this thread who thought she was funny or at all deserving of this overnight celebrity?

Seeming hard pressed to find one, which is odd considering how much she's apparently loved by the internet.
OH! So that's why she was allowed to be a trend,
Just American politics, I see, nothing burger then.
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How long until the porn video?
Taking bets.
>Tries to E-Girl for 4 weeks.
>Hawk Tauh'in on video in a month.
Republicans love niggers too though
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well, she is obviously a hoe so how is this a bad thing for Trump?
Forced meme.
well, she is obviously a hoe so how is this a bad thing for Trump? Also, imagine thinking Internet people will actually sway someone's vote.
Literal spontaneous disgust reflex on seeing.
shes proof allowing normies access to tech via graphical interfaces was a massive mistake. they lower the quality of everything they touch to levels beyond comprehension
>loved by the internet.
Well her 15 minutes is about to dry up now
Young, perverted, has the attention span of a child, votes Biden.

Not surprising at all.
She's a wigger whore that'd look good hanging from a lamp post.

In the 70s and 80s and 90s it was generally hidden how on the large stupidity was widespread. The Internet and BBSs were the thing for scientists and nerds and techheads up until around 1995. After that it became more well-lit as to how widespread stupidity has been. No more NPCs hiding it through emulating or fake-it-til-you-make-it.

The apparent general ambient IQ from 1970 to 2024 probably was more than halved because the appearance of reality could not be otherwise maintained with the internet and smartphone tech becoming so ubiquitous.
That never happened fucktard. Enjoy your .25$ for your post shill.
Hawk tuah is millennial coworker humor
Pssst...hey kid..they don't vote.
>it's another one of those americans have to do weird stuff when having sex because the jews took their foreskins episodes
Liddy frizzing up baby gronk is a bigger meme than this coalburning whore
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Zangief mains in street fighter 6
God damn you kikes just can't help yourselves?
>Spits on circumcised muttnigger cock
>Gleefully announces it on viral video
>Amerimutts spread her meme to every corner of the internet
>They have mutilated keratinized cocks
best and most accurate characterisation of whats going on here.

image also top kek
Troons seething trump won
Literally, who?
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Nah its just a meme made up by seething euros
WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This. She was funny for a moment. Joke got ran into the ground. Only the dumbest fucking lowest common denominator of gorilla retard would vote as this thot does. Her whole claim to fame is a dick sucking tictok.
>Opinion of the whore who tries to impress niggers by showing how she likes to spit mucus on dicks
Yeh, this probably is who the left take their voting direction from.

>shes a disgusting worthless piece of shit
no shit.

STOP giving this vapid cunt any more attention you idiots.
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>Another animal fucker
Irredeemably RUINED.

WHERE the fuck are the Dads at?
a woman loudly hocking a mucus-filled loogie onto my dick is probably the least erotic thing i can think of
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just in case, anon. picrel
Hope she gets raped to death by an immigrant
She crafted a meme, fren. If that’s not worthy of fame I don’t know what is
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>all blacks are involved in gang violence

Well yeah they're black
I don't. I hope we expel the jews and immigrants and our idiotic women are allowed to breed under our peaceful captivity.
Shes a coal burner her opinion doesnt matter shes stupid.
I listened to the video. Op is fake news. All she said is that she wouldn’t huak tuah on DJT
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>not even spitting in her mouth
Meh, bitch isn't near kinky enough
>tee hee spit on pp
Fucking vanilla, missionary position, of a 'sex act'
Normalfags are pathetic and are happy if they get their dick wet once every 3 months from their frigid bitch wives
Wrong, bitch. They crave Big Mexican Weiner

I did not hear of this person until earlier today. I am losing my mind. I refuse to believe that I'm THIS out-of-touch.

>incels complaining about a woman who has sex, the thread.

What a bunch of miserable lovers.

No wonder you want ww3 to happen or your countries to be taken over by far right dictators; you're not getting any.
it's super gay and you are too, no cap
The bigger question is why is the media obsessed with this bitch? It's not like she's the first girl to get drunk say some retadddd shit and go viral, they were literally searching for her identity for days
ok anon, but you dont need to broadcast your faggotry for everyone on /pol/, that's what /lgbt/ is for, now go, git.
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You tell'em bruther.
Yeah, we know women lie, it's just a thing they do, they can't control it. All those girls are voting for the big T if they can get their make up put together in time for the election.
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The internet is now just content farming. Whenever some new e-girl pops up, they have to run the shit to the ground because if they don't, someone else will. Anyone remember "that motherfucker is not real?"
most people unironically listen to the latest pop music
most white people are trash
I guess they'll want her onlyfans soon enough
Bro right, I'm seeing patterns here. It seemed like 2016 had a distinct cultural roster of memes... This kind of feels like its in the same vain. Some shit that's being push, and now she's giving her political opinion..

Lil Tay youngest flexer, woah vicky, Ken Bone, etc

Next thing you know another lockdown
Not to mention Karen
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You gotta give the people what they want. I live here and people really are that dumb. If some dumb whore goes viral and then tells them what to think, well, you had better think what she says or you're wrong and that's that. Americans, and people all over, really are that fucking dumb. And just think, they outnumber us.
> blowjob betty of the week says Orange Man Bad
> it’s over
Without a doubt, they paid the bitch to say this, “ I aint votin fer Donald Trump”
Zoomers hate jow buttfuck biden. All zoomer boys love TRUMP because they remember the bullshit two years of the fake pandemic and remember well their leftist micromanaging neurotic teachers that tried to force them to wear the mask.

Everybody’s voting for Trump. They just don’t know it yet.
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she was asking if they would spit on his dick. love fake news!

Kek like “Quaking Pussy”
Yeah or maybe its because he is a grapist
And you just let him disrespect you like that? You're the fucking faggot
See that case was a bit different she became rapper then made it big on onlyfans.

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