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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Have blacks ruined the tourism industry? Travel, in general? What can be done to keep pool parties, airplanes, and Carnival Cruises a safe space for whites?
niggers have literally ruined everything.
They only ruin what you allow then to ruin. But whites are weak so they allow everything.
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You check into the hotel, drop your luggage in your room, grab a drink, and head out to the pool to find this? What do?
Ask for a refund.
Kick those nigger bitches out the pool
Southerner here, hoa pools, backyard pools and private swim clubs
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Just imagine how much the water level will drop when they get out? You’ll need to ask for a refill, anon..
I don’t go to hotels and even if I did, I’d stay in all day. Enjoy sharing your giant bath, dirty faggot cracker spic. Also note (even across race) it’s mostly foids with occasional simps jockeying for used goods. Which one are you?
yes and thats a good thing. boomers deserve to be surrounded by niggers on their trips.
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Me on the right, fyi.
Go live in Idaho, cracker boi. Stay away from black leisure areas
Ngl, I’d eat all their asses after a hot and sweaty day. THICC
Holy shit what a wreck
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>you irl
>They only ruin what you allow then to ruin. But whites are weak so they allow everything.
t. bitchass whiteboy
Post your skin, “Jamal”
How do niggers afford to do anything but rot in shitty section 8 apartments
I wouldn't swim in there blacks rarely bath
Taxes = silent & state mandated reparations
chink detected
I hate chinese people
Drop my trunks and begin masturbating furiously over those thick sweaty rolls of melanized blubber and shouting "Gibs it to me Latrina"
Say Hello.
>Homo Sapiens

Fucking hell. Why do you not use harpoons in USA if it is legal to buy them?
Thats not even a pool, its a fountain or some other decoration.
What are the best tips to avoid niggers while on vacation? For example, don't fly frontier or spirit.
Is this a fat nigger-bitch convention?
Imagine the smell and the gallons of Bodily fluids from those specimens imagine swimming under the surface and accidentally Swallowing mysterious sticky green substances

I would automatically kill mysef
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I think because so many of them are scared to get in the water.
>Have blacks ruined the tourism industry? Travel, in general?
I've never met a black person so I couldn't tell you. I've only ever lived and vacationed in Argentina.
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>yaaaasss queeenzz
I wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. If I somehow was, I would probably just talk to them and ask if I can hit the hookah. At this point one of them will say “he cute” and then we’ll probably smoke some weed and laugh about some bullshit.
>"Have blacks ruined __________"
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Hey boy lester maddox needs his shoes shined
Good afternoon, Saar.
Why my Lord why you created these demons
Doing Drugs with Niggers
Leaf Flag
Checks out.
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>we heeeere to staaaaay booooii
There is nothing wrong with black people. Many are big and beautiful. Stop being bigots.
They have one relative with an affirmative action civil service job that foots the bill for the whole family to fuck around.
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Carnival cruises? You're a nigger just for mentioning it OP faggot.
>that bitch in the back
Damn how can us white bois compete when a bitch got a FOOT LONG PUSSY lmao
These creatures were created to punish us in this realm they do feed over our suffering
I can get a €300 flight to places that only the rich Americans, Chinese, europeans, etc go to so no, not a huge black problem on my hols. Oh and non American blacks arnt as trashy as American blacks. The odd one you bump into are generally okay.
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>wat is u poor or sumthin? caint affor a cruze?
The transatlantic slave trade was the largest most destructive tragedy for the Americas.
>Oh and non American blacks arnt as trashy as American blacks. The odd one you bump into are generally okay.
Uh huh.
I have yet to see a black person go mountain climbing in Japan. Even Mt Fuji, which is packed with shitty tourists from every corner of the world, is black free. None of those amorphous blobs wants to walk uphill for 8 hours.
Start your own private parties, stay together as a group.
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Imagine the smell...
Can't even be mad, this nigga looks like he genuinley enjoys life
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>yee yeeeeeee dis is doope
Lol, he’s heightmaxxing with them 4 inch shoe lifts
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What I'm seeing...
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The greatest party on earth, my man. Would it ruin your vacation?
Go to country clubs
Overly extroverted people have ruined everything. Nigger, spic, white, it doesn’t matter. The only saving grace for most whites is their massive gatherings tend to be rather wholesome family events. I went on a trip last month and could only use the pool at the hotel for 2 evenings because every other night it would get filled with nigger brained whites listening to rap on their portable speakers and using nigger mannerisms. I might never visit California again. I’ve never seen so many white people trying to be niggers. I blame the jews.
>I was banned
Pool is closed, spam nigger. Get out.
Jokes on you this is my fetish I’d get like 5 nigger bitches back to my room and pump and dump them
Like a nig in slop.
Marbella is infested with american and uk niggers with funny hats and giant chains from aliexpress, jordan wearers with those noodle type of hair
there was none of this shit 4 years ago and now it's literally the Bronx, I guess some nigger made a tiktok about it
They definitely seem to behave worse in large numbers and with easy access to weapons.
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This you in the red, son? Sharkin..?
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Anywhere known for partying that has cheap flights from the US is a no-go. Think Vegas, Miami, cheap Caribbean cruises. Vegas might as well change their name, it's unrecognizable from even a few years ago.
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Nah bro I just get black pussy thrown at me all the time because I’ve got curly hair that I take care of and black bitches dig curly hair so I know I can pick them up without even looking my best
This, but unironically. Mass bleaching is the way.
I do a 360 and moonwalk the fuck outta Dodge
We know you're not black anon you nigger trolling faggot
How can these many niggers afford to vacation? Is it all that government 'gibz me dat' money?
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>stick to da wite gurls, crackaz
Turds in the punch bowl.
You are a fucking jeet memeflagging as a nigger. Don't you have a street to shit in, jeet?
>black leisure area
AKA Africa
That's them bathing
Ahhr the hunting be fine in these seas!
The literal solution is to not act like a poverty nigger by purchasing the cheapest options available. Even going mid-range sorts out the vast majority of human trash, mid-high range is 95% respectable people, high range is not worth it because it's 100% wrinkly old boomers and corrupt gucci chinks.

It's a class war you fools, always has been.
I hate niggers.
>There is something wrong with black people. Many are fat and disgusting.
Just give them their own country in the south. Move them all therre and seal off the border. Easy
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>u poor or sumthin lil nigga?
Enjoy your STDs, and don’t forget to conceptualize the aroma.
Fuckin' filters won't let me post links to kaotic. Just go there and you find plenty of examples of Homo Stupidus Niggerus chimping out on cruise ships.

Look for "Another Brawl on Carnival Cruise - Bet You Can't Guess Who".
I don't go to public pools anymore as the blacks tend to poop into the filter.
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Historically yes
>avoid budget airlines
>avoid budget hotels
>avoid all cruises. All of them.
>avoid all water parks
>avoid all casinos
>avoid all buffets. Go to real fucking restaurants with dress codes.
>avoid food festivals too. They're ripoffs anyway.
>avoid anything that advertises itself as "all expenses paid" or "_______ included."
>use Frommers and Lonely Planet travel guides to avoid the places they mention. They are all tourist traps and paid restaurant reviews anyway.
>do take "day trips" from your hotel. Black people are too lazy to leave their hotel unless there's a beach nearby or a free shuttle bus to Disneyland. They will not go someplace if they have to wake up early.
>do make reservations for things. Most of them cant and get turned away for showing up unannounced.
>and avoid any African country
That's not a pool, it's a watering trough.
baited one guy award
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Why do they have socks on when they have fur? Disgusting!
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Why hello ladies. Does anyone want to eat some fried shrimp and mozzarella sticks up in my suite?
>"You should wait at least 2 weeks after you have fully recovered from diarrhoea and symptoms have disappeared before you take a dip into a public pool."

Those fat niggers at pool parties and cruises are stuffing their fat faces with subpar unhygienic buffets all day while on vacation, most definitely shitting their brains out and spreading that joy around to anyone foolish enough to enter a public pool.
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>booooi u betta get sum chickn al fraydo if u tryna hit dis
> Memeflaggot
Opinion disregarded
>Nigger is hooking up with two hippos
He's sticking to his own race and dating the obese ones. No shame on his game.
Why do black people make america feel like a third world country
I want to go on that Disco Cruise and bang old black women.
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Yes. Theme Parks, restaurants, any public place that isn't something they are explicitly against, like camping in Alaska or chess tournaments.

And even though they're not interested in those things, they're very interested in preventing white people from doing them out of spite.
Go swim in a pond river or lake or the ocean fuck pools.
Plumper pass
I couldn't believe it even as something as gay as Pride Month they had a big "fight" and it looked like the same as if a flash sale is happening at Walmart, they make everything feel the same, same exact vibes.
>Have blacks ruined
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so this is what hell looks like
The best possible advice I can give you is if you have curly hair use aveda Not with that shit pump out your hair, black chicks, love curly hair, especially if it’s treated really well same thing with any other type of hair, but I only have curly so that’s the best advice I can give
chlorine working harder then they ever have
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Imagine, if you will, the smell.
the nip speaks wisdom
That's a funny way to spell Kike.
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>al fraydo

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I would prefer not to, tho it is inescapable in my mind.
How can you be that fat and have zero titties?
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When your entire person becomes one large globular titty.
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Eighty percent, or four out of five Black women are considered overweight or obese according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. Black women also have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States, with 56.9% classified as obese.

You need to go to places that “price out” those people. I went to the Dominican on vacation and the resort I booked with had absolutely zero nogs. Not a single one in sight. The flight over had plenty, but fortunately none could afford where I was staying.
>pool party
>everyone just sits and stands around the pool because they can't swim

Why don’t you want black people and your family vacation white boi? U raycis or sumint?

..my coworker, an average smart guy, tried to book some very extravagant vaction in japan, very tricky, something very special, and the site, the website, you could book it was overly complicated, i dont know, it took maybe two weeks for him to get everything under the hood ...

...yeah, thats how you keep the niggers and shit out of your travel destinations! ... make it over complicated!
All their bills are either paid by tax dollars or just ignored. So 100% of the money they make can do towards buying car cosmetics and vacations.
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>come takes a pitcha wiff us boi
hippos dont have aids
>What can be done
a new stone age tier dark age
At this point, if I even think there might be niggers, I just won't go
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What song do you think is playing rn?
They get gibs. COVID money really let them start traveling around a ton more than they used to, and they live on debt and CCs. It's crazy when you see them have multiple cars, house, etc and then they are drowning in debt, get government assistance, and complain about being held back. They all live WAY above their means and will go in debt to go on a vacation-- the same one you're carefully affording.
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Is that some kind of "morbidly obese niggers only" retreat?
I didn't realize that all niggers were morbidly obese until this thread*, Lizzo's popularity suddenly makes sense- she's an average pavement ape female.

* I don't live around any of them.
Tallahassee Pain - Bartender ft Akon
When I used to have to commute through the inner city, whites all drove toyotas, subarus, hondas, and an occasional chevy/ford/dodge truck, niggers all drove mercedes, lexus, BMWs, infinitis, and Cadillacs- often times the cars were only a few years old and already beat to shit.
The women are all obese and then men are either shredded or obese. These are exceptions to this but they are exceptions and not the rule. They also have weird proportions and even when they are only baby hippos they waddle when they walk. One day you will meet one you think is civilized because they seem to blend and meld into the workplace. Then you see them with a few other blacks at the same time and it's like they revert to what they really are.
Make all pools deep enough you can’t stand.
360 degrees walk away
>> Have blacks ruined the tourism industry
can't afford an above ground for your trailer park huh?
"Swim Thicc"
Blacks do indeed ruin everything. Lazy, entitled, greedy, aggressive, violent, and a complete lack of shame.

They represent the worst aspects of humanity. They latch on to those who create civilization and slowly destroy their host, like a parasite.

The only solution is to keep them out, no matter the cost.
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Avoid going on any cruises, for one.
Dance with me niggas
Ahh cool you get hang with the monkeys
You just those niggas are peeing in the pool
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Go eat an orangutan Chang
You need to have a very low hygiene to enter a pool with more than 5 persons
The irony is that there are more Mexicans than blacks
If only those cruises were going to sent back to Africa
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>Wakanda foevaaaaa
Imagine thousands of years of not living with africans, evolving past their nigger behavior to form civilizations that invent modern technologies and profound philosophies, only to be reunited with these disgusting creatures and having to share our societies with them.
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>That watermelon beach shirt
kek, this is amazing.
That nigger is retarded, isn't he..
Are niggers really this fat in reality?
I only see niggers in the media.
bros im going on a carnival cruise (mardi gras) in september (8 days)

should i worry? is it really gonna be full of BLACKS?
im going in a big group of 15 people but seriously…tell me its not true.
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The term is happenstance :D
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The black obestity rate isnt high enough
The black drug use rate isnt high enough
The black crime rate isnt high enough
Abortion and drugs should be specifically legal for blacks
Slope simp abt to find out
This combined with 50's merciless berating ended this man's life.
I haven’t noticed as many niggers on vacation recently. They stopped getting covid gibs and pandemic EBT. They were trading pandemic EBT for gift cards. Vegas and Carnival were insanely cheap in 2020-2021 and niggers took advantage more than normal
we need members only hotels with yearly membership fees.
Drake you used to call me on my cellphone
Yes. Sheboons are waddling masses of hate and resentment. If ayy naturalists landed on earth to document the hominids of earth, they would categorize then as a separate species based on BMI alone.
how do americans feel being so surrounded by subhumans that they cant even go to the pool in peace?

I was in Cabo San Lucas, when a Carnival Cruise ship docked. At least 60% of the people were niggers from California.
That's called a "timeshare" in America, but the convenience is ruined by Jewish property managers charging you constant fees even if you don't use it.
the worst part is camping is like that in many places these days. You go hoping to relax and find a bunch of drunk squids with bluetooth speakers.
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Just like us, but niggers.
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My IQ is dropping in real time watching this. Suddenly I have the urge to do synthetic drugs and destroy an all you can eat seafood buffet.
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I worked at a korean day spa with large pools that was patronized 90% by blacks and it looked like the pics itt. All day, every day, very fat niggerbitches sat in the water gossiping whatever baboon shit, trying to sneak vape hits or cigarettes. I was fully rp before but man, every day i wanted to scream WHY ARE YOU NOT AT WORK?!?!
sad but when i was a kid my dad would drive me from ontario to French Quebec to go to the water parks and i was always surprised by how blonde everyone was because most of the people there were francophone scots and germans assimilated to french culture. it was always very orderly and even the macdonalds workers looked like swedish models.
In honesty that level of athleticism, coordination. energy and stamina is pretty impressive considering how insanely fat they all are. Their choreography is on point too, nobody's twisting ankles or fucking up. It's hideous to look at, its lack of civilization is depressing, but it is mesmerizing.
Anyone that starts a thread with a name like that should immediately be considered a cherry picking demoralization kike.
Like always. Just go to nicer places. Do not go to the cheapest option available. Honestly sometimes it just takes spending $100 more.
i walked the seawall in vancouver today and do it 3 or so times a week in the summer time and its 75% white other than tourists. its amazing that when it comes to jogging, cycling, and multi hour walks in the sun you're surrounded by whitey but when you get to the end of the look and come back out downtown you're surrounded again by a jungle of ugly people
They're not fat cause they're black. They're fat cause they're from the South(and also the United States).
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No.. I just think these jungle parties are funny and stinky. Quit projecting your filth on my groid hate thread, big nose.
i wish i got covid gibs. There are people i work with that got 25,000 and the government is still crying about it.

The thing is i know our government is too inept to claw the money back so i'd have just taken the covid bennies and put it in a tax free savings account invested in SP500 index funds. It would be like 35,000 by now.
americans need to create cultural membership societies that require membership to buy tickets to events.
imagine getting mugged in a hotel swimming pool.
*end of the loop i mean.
Clap some XXXXL cheeks
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congress gets absolute immunity from being questioned about things they said on the floor
its very strange to see stephen king try to claim "this aint what the founders intended!"
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do people know going in that its all going to be nigs?

Would it be reasonable to assume this denotes the person is generally useless for most things, and has been useless for quite a while?
>paying for this
i work with black women with masters degrees that have those claws and do money muling as a side hustle for nigerian 419 scammers.
Because the dominicans just throw them over the border in Haiti.
teres not enough chlorine in the water to make that water safe to step in
interesting. i went a while ago to a cheap resort and the only nigs were the workers. everyone else were non-nig tourists.

the whole country felt unsafe tho. in the cities it had a very scummy seedy vibe.
niggers never travel alone most of them pool money to go on cruises and to travel abroad.
I knew a sheebon on Facebook literally on ssd and ssdi going to Japan for 2 weeks with another 3 sheboons on disability too. kek
One easy way to refine your choices is just track the news. A great example is Spirit Airlines. You have enough reports of monkey shines to know, don't fly Spirit Airlines. Use your blessed gift of future time orientation and collect a list of excluded places and transportation before planning your trip. Personally I've found a lot can be avoided by not going to places that are easy to make drama and try to avoid paying the bill, 2 of the prime actions in monkey shines. For example, go to a rural area to day hike and fish vs go stay at a casino and enjoy the all you can eat buffet.
nigs also have all sorts of under the table scams going on including massive amounts of card fraud.
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check mate
this is how your jewish media would portray nigger pool parties -- a bunch of black educated kangz in suits standing around a pool drinking martinis
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Like this, right?
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There is a dangerous level of fecal matter floating around in that pool from the obese nigger woman's inability wipe her own anus.

Also they are black the pool is officially contaminated with AIDS, shut it down!
This. Whites are pussies that have yet to answer one single transgression. Then they blame everyone and everything but themselves.
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Man I was wanting to take a cruise next year. All cruises are nogos now?
there's a fantasy vs reality version of every situation involving blacks. on tv blacks are genius well spoken doctors in reality they are scamming patients life savings, sleeping on the job, and beating up vulnerable patients.

the genius of jewish propanda is in teaching the world that the most criminal race is actually the most noble and holy.
Call the coast guard! Pirates have taken over the ship!
you don't want to float around for a week in a giant ship full of Chicago and Detroit blacks?
Niggers are proof there is no god.
fug wrong thread my bad
its not like this one was productive lol

Your country is hopeless, thank God it's just nigger not pajeet pool closed
I took 2 about 20 years ago and they were super chill. Who told the niggers about cruise ships?
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>we jus havin sum fuuun whiteyyy ahh

I wouldn't be there. Read all the reviews on Google and Travelocity before staying anywhere. You can usually tell the race of the reviewers and if too many are black, I look elsewhere. Other Whites also leave hints in their reviews, for example give a place 2 stars and mention noisey rooms, crowded, etc - code for niggers.

Also th cheapest 10% of hotels in any area are always the black hotels so just cross those off your list from the get go.
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They need to start making cruises for Republicans. Where you have to show your voting record to buy a ticket.
>Would it be reasonable to assume this denotes the person is generally useless for most things, and has been useless for quite a while?
yep. that is a nigger.
>Have blacks ruined the tourism industry?
Yes and NO.

Yes cause as a white you can't go to medium to low income place

NO cause they are poor and will never go to the nicest places.

Just depends where you are in life
Imagine the smell
Yes, it was unironically an event for fat black women.
reminder that niggers are the creation of kiked goberments
non kiked goberments have just docile or adjusted blacks
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Who you takin to the buffet tonight, boys?
i'm far right so i pick 6
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Lol don't do carnival cruises only nigs do that...
Pay extra and I do not see nigs anywhere.
Life is good
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Still very much alive. Not too late for us to get tickets…
Well yes. You have to do some scouting first. Ask the nice hotel staff for some pics, check our their website, ratings etc. Now the cleverer ones will whitewash the promo pics, so put on your Inspector hat and dig deeper. If you see a pool full of niggers anywhere, then it's kind of on you at that point.
Price is a factor of course, you pay for segregation. But niggers appear to have a weird amount of money, like there are nigger gibs which are higher than whiteboi gibs, so maybe you can't afford it. My suggestion is simply don't vacation in the US. Fiji is good. SEA. Don't come to Australia though because fuck off we're full. Or simply go to the whitest state you can find and chill out somewhere quiet. Any holiday surrounded by niggers isn't a holiday; it's penance. And you didn't slavery anyone, though you might in the future.
>when they all get out and there's no water left
For me, the British are way fucking worse.
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>i'm far right
im not saying i want to see it but go naked at this point, shits ridiculous
Dude I don't give a fuck I'm here to kill your humor because it's bullshit
You're going to grow up and start taking shit seriously and stop being a bitch ass clown I'm sick of you fucking nerds thinking everyone else has thick cucked world view you do where you've accepted inferiority
You don't even see it and that's the most pathetic shit about it and I hope you die tonight so we don't have to hear any more of this shit you closet faggot no life weak bitch.
Kys please im fucking begging you I can't take it anymore I hate your weakness so fucking much
>What can be done to keep pool parties, airplanes, and Carnival Cruises a safe space for whites?
Increase the cost.
Decrease welfare.
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why whites dont acept blacks make life more funnier, because whites are bodedom as shit?
and there are still dudes that fuck these animals...
Are Blacks still shitting up the slopes? Or did they forget about it?
more fun as in how? them raping our women and stealing from our stores ?
>faggot no life weak bitch.
without a doubt, you are just describing yourself at this point. get a grip. take a walk.

no successful well adjusted man is sperging this hard about a fat nigger thread. get help.
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Imagine the strain on the hotel’s plumbing.
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if #1 lost about 130 lbs she would be a cutie
>why whites dont acept blacks make life more funnier, because whites are bodedom as shit?

your anglos have boredom personality, freaking autisics
You'd get herpes smoking from the same pipe.
This is absolutely grotesque. This makes me more uncomfortable than beheading videos.
No bro I'm sick of it. I might be a young dude but it's like youre fucking blind to how gay everything you fucking do is
Your humor, your video your life view everything
Where the fuck has honor gone? Where the fuck has principle gone? It sure as hell isn't you, it's like walking into a fucking gay bar going anywhere around you faggots now and the worst part is you think you're funny
Stop being a goddamn clown, you aren't even fucking funny you're just gay and it shows that you don't take shit seriously which means you're a useless coward bitch you were never about doing shit and that's why you call everything feds. At least we've got some resistance to Israel going here and even when we've got some faggots with us, it's you who won't shut the fuck up about dicks 24/7 and then act like the strsigjt ones, i expected more of you but you really are nothing but faggot ass cowards so kys right the fuck now and spare the rest of us of having to deal with you anymore goddamn man you're disgusting
Tattoo on his right shin says “Faith over fear”

The nigger understands fractions, sorta

You think he understands per capita?
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Each lovely drop of sweat that emerges from within their many folds graciously sweetens every drink served. Hallelujyer.
We’ve got to fix our prioooritiiiiiiies
And gets all these minoooritiiiiies
Out of my waater park
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you fucking soulless human beings with freaking boredom personality, without blacks and latins you are just a parasited guests for the jews, inded thats why your are their slaves
They still cant swim, right? Like that hasn’t changed?

I wonder if many niggers drown at these pool parties.
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Oh shove it the fuck up your ass bitch that's how I see you. Projecting little faggot ass nerds who thought they were funny on Mw2 and now all you can think about is dicks. The world would be better without you man and I fucking mean that, you're the waste of society and I would pay money to look into your eyes as you fucking die goddamn I hate you so fucking much faggot I really do
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Chimp nigger, chimp.
>Have blacks ruined the tourism industry? Travel, in general?

Absolutely. Mainland chinks are considered obnoxious but even they usually behave when out on vacation. Niggers screech and act belligerent no matter the occasion smoking their skunk weed,menthol all with a heavy stench of alcohol everywhere. I fucking hate niggers
YEEEEAAAAHHHH let it out motherfucker let it the fuck out hahahahah give me confirmation hahaha give me a reason to have a target. I'll rip everyone you've ever loved apart and set your dreams on fire right in front of you I'm fucking done with you you're done bitch you better fucking hear me right now there's millions of us you're fucking done
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>Millions of us

Lol, chimp nigger, chimp
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>getchu a drank n calm dowwn lil wite boi sheeeeeh
Do the monkey dance
Look at you. Look how pathetic you are. Any sign of violence and you bend to the law. I'm White and I'm ashamed of other Whites. You're fucking cowards. You think youre superior for this? It's your weakness that got us here. I'll come after you harder than I do the fucking niggers and I'll take everything you've ever had I fucking promise so pull out your memes like there fucking nerd you are bitch I already sense it thought the internet so what does that tell me?
>have blacks
Need you say any more?
>$800 a week resort vs. $3000 / week resort
worth every dime. The only niggers present should be the ones carrying my suitcases to my suite and scrubbing the toilets.
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>u jus jelly uh all deez fyne ahh ladyz we pullin up in heea cuh
Serious question. I'm thinking about booking a cruise, how can I be sure it's not full of blacks? Does anyone have any suggestions??
I'm old enough to remember when lazy rivers at water parks and real rivers weren't crowded shoulder to shoulder. We are unironically missing out on a great deal of recreation that once existed. Peace and tranquility and personal space is important for everyone, niggers included. Now all recreation except for hiking is simply too crowded to stimulate that part of the brain that desires peace. Thus, more and more shut-ins because your room is now the only recreation where you can just relax without worrying about too much noise or too big of a crowd.
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>Have blacks ruined the tourism industry? Travel, in general?
Yeah, years ago, i dreamed about traveling to Norway to see the northern lights, nowadays i don't feel like traveling. Europe is a fucking shithole, i would rather be in my comfy shithole.
I live in an HOA with a pool but there's still niggers.
that's a man
Wikipedia now says “none” under Casualties and Losses.

“4 injured” is way moggier.
check out
get a refund
>I'm White and I'm ashamed of other Whites
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best cartman song ever
i went to a restaurant earlier, and they were everywhere. they didn't really bother me. but i just know if someone pisses them off, they will chimp out.
My roommate brought me to a black party one time and I had sex with a niggerbitch that I met that night. Creampied her in her car on the street. I never spoke to her again and I don’t remember her name.
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>Have blacks ruined
Yes. The answer is always yes.
There's no way she can wipe her ass. Just no way.
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sheboon in foreground, middle. Yes, I am a coal-burner and a chubby chaser and a homeless meth addict but I have standards.
Black girls let you tear that pussy apart for a three piece combo, I'm also a bargain chaser.
How can you tell if it's a chink or a jeet impersonating a nigger? It's always either one of those
God dammit, OK left could get it. I guess.
Fat with small tits has to be the worst combination one could think of
Trips of truth… checked
>>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

>>Carl Jung.
niggers are fucking disgusting. why has God cursed us with them?
You know what, I’m gonna post it, cause that song is germane af to this thread and conveys the helplessness, dread, and desperation we all feel.


>“Somebody do something”
I felt that.
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Only poors pay to recreation with large groups.
They are close. But it seems they are not accepted by the group. Dangerous.
God I fucking hate niggers so much.
But you can’t ask for a refund because that’s racist because you could fuck a sheboon and produce a kid, so, one race the human race, we all bleed red, etc. it’s no different than going downstairs to the pool and seeing a cackle of hyenas wandering around and wanting to GTFO of there, but because these hyenas are bipedal, they must be tolerated.
Lol why are you crying on 4chan faggot
That's so fucked up. Thanks for making me happy in my hermit retreat.
They're not truly mobidly obese until they have that big blob of fat in the middle of their forehead.
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Just watch your P's and Q's.

Honestly, the comparison besmirches gorillas. They’re a bunch of bros, it seems like.
Smegma, look it up.
> dominicans
>not considered Niggers
Kek are Americans that blacked?
The Inquirer did a lengthly series of interview with Vzygoth on his radio program. He asserted that only citizens of the United States were covered by the constitution and the Bill of Rights. What is a citizen of the united states? he is a member of the states united that is to say Congress when it's in session. Thus all the laws in the bill of rights, the right to bear arms, freedom of speech etc pertain only to sitting members of the house or the senate when they are in session that is to say "the states united". The rest of the people in teh USA are covered by their own state's bill of rights and constitution but the Bill of Rights of the entire USA only covers sitting members of congress in session.

Your little picrel really made the Inquirer's assertions hit home.
Blacks are generally circumsized though
Nobody wants to go swimming in nigger soup. That's what I call a pool with niggers in it.

Nigger Soup.
We all know you’re a white woman. Or at least pretends to be. Niggers can’t spell or think xD
These fat nigger women are cunning, they get a Section 8 house by playing the bureaucracy, which in the eyes of other niggers makes them a kind of godly aristocracy then they sublet the section 8 house out to other less resourceful niggers. They grocery shop and cook for the entire population of the boarding house and this gives them plenty of opportunity to sample the food they prepare. That is they're eating all day long. They can make good money doing all sorts of sly deals, selling cigs dope shoplifted booze and so on. Resourceful women. DNT.
That is water in the hippos.
immerhin musst du kein deutsch sprechen ;)
Not the only place to find it. Jump right in desu.
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I don't know, but cruises are nothing like they were 20 years ago
That's like a lot of work to avoid, you know, getting a fucking job. It's like they just enjoy screwing whitey out of gibs. Which they do.
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