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Is Russia winning?

>damascus will be a ruinous heap
lets fucken go!
The Syrian Civil War is ongoing and Turkey receives a lot of Syrian refugees from the Northern border. This has been the case for a long time now, tensions flaring because a migrant assaulted a little girl.
>Turks side with Israel
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We need hero baker for /sg/ return
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What is he ready to sacrifice for this bros?
Cool story but why should we care? Because that will divert troops from Russia or something?
Why are turkey and syria in the middle East they should mind their own business
Why is Turkey always on the wrong side of everything? Why are they so consistently shitty?
Middle eastern countries have never gone to war in all of history.

They just get invaded by crusaders, England, France, USA and send suicide bombers against eachother for 72 virgins
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>Middle eastern countries have never gone to war in all of history.
Turkey and Iran will gradually split Syria and Iraq between themselves
Turkey shouldn't exist.
Middle eastern governments are pretty much like if Elon Musk or some other rich white dude was given a country with his friends.

Then they buy outdated old western countries military equipment as toys. And then larp war with eachother.

"Ok we are going to throw away this old artillery because we have invented new better, there is some oil priince alibaba that wanna buy it"

Then this retard buys old junk artillery and gets together with his camel friends and shoots it without knowing what he's doing.

And also gets to buy some old F14 tomcats that is sitting in storage with rust.

Now finally he thinks he is powerful and send a bomb at the border of his country. And then CNN reports of "war" because some monkey blew up some old tech european military bomb from 1969 he was able to buy from some old european military storage for his oil money.
>clear information is not yet clear
journalism was a mistake
Did rape start WWIII?
Fake prophecy fulfillment if that happens. Damascus was rekt in 2 Kings 16:9, which is what that prophecy is about. Read context, and the prophet who wrote it.

If Damascus is nuked, it's to hoodwink evangelicals.
they havent they just blow themselves up with suicide bombs

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>Clear information in the area is not yet clear
get rekt muhammed dogfucker we are killing your children world stage for the entire world to witness
It’s a cover for them to spin up their militaries and roll into Israel.
and u are powerless cucked faggot

now pay taxes you fucking dog
Turkey is a joke. they are like the saudis. bullshitting their populace while sucking off the west and droning armenias bought from israel.
i hope they are stupid enough to attack israel so we can butcher them afterwards
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how will this affect the value of my ancient ottoman coins and whatnot?
If this post ends in anything other than 3, it’s a nothingburger
this is confusing
I am just seeing small videos of random shit in the street and that its syria vs turkey?
is this some third world subpar psyop?
you can always melt and sell them for gold value
its fukin middle east
>Middle eastern countries have never gone to war in all of history.
>They just get invaded by crusaders, England, France, USA and send suicide bombers against eachother for 72 virgins

you really think they are capable of a conventional war with eachother rolling out tanks, jet fighters etc

its always some fukin little bomb or rocket bullshit kek
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why are they sharing this, if he is supposedly betraying them
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eh, i'd have to learn alchemy first
I received reports that the Tiger is already heading north. Al Bab soon
>be Erdogan
>US tries to oust you with a coup, and get you impaled on a broom handle like they did to Ghadaffi
>they fail
>they shelter your political enemies, who also took part in the organization of the coup attempt and spit in your face
>they kick you out of the F-35 program for wanting to buy arguably superior Russian SAMs instead of the always fail piece of shit Patriots
>they support israel in the genocide against your muslim brothers
>be a loyal lapdog nevertheless

Fucking pathetic.
just shitskins thangs
the real world will be totally unaffected by this
send them to me im not that good at alchemy yet but i can send you back their wieght in silver as i can turn old coins into silver with my alch knowledge
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>US tries to oust you with a coup
>Turks chimping out
>Israelis chimping out
>Shiites chimping out
Meanwhile Lebanese make coffee and dandelion salads.
its just that leftoid western newspapers are full of refugee migrant lovers and when they hear that some goatherder send a rocket from 1971 on a neighbhouring town and some hutt village had 3 casualties they have to write an article of the horrorful war in monkeystan
lot of sna are turks.
chimping out by sending larp rockets on a hutt village 24/7 that does nothing but create a sandcrater in the desert

that region is the biggest meme
Has no one considered how much of a hassle the Rebels are?

They occupy a strategic border point with turkey and syria used for trade. No merchants can go through that route because its an active warzone. Freeing up syria would allow trade into turkey from the middle east much more smoothly
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like when iran gets their generals butchered

they send some shitty rockets from 1953 that gets shot down because they know they will

and then they think they have fooled the world into thinking iran defended themselves!

but in reality they couldve just bought fireworks

they have zero balls to start actual wars
Hezbollah in the south are Syrians, stupid.
The alawites in the north are also Syrian. Lebanese = Christians and their Sunni laborers.
Let me fix that for you:
>Turks chimping out at Syrians
>Israelis chimping out at themselves.
>Syrians chimping out at Turks and Israelis.
Meanwhile the Lebanese brew tea to have with cakes
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Looks like Sunni Arabs in occupied Northern Syria are finally chimping out against their Türkish overlords. Can't wait for the watermelon seller to pull out completely only for the Lion of Damascus to take back what's his.
Say it with me:
Turkey is the reason they're there in the first place
Idlib soon
What tranny site is that?
Its also beneficial for Turkey. Assad is a sensible dude and doesnt hold 200 year grudges. If turkey gives him northern syria back he will open back trade from the middle east into turkey because right now northern syria is an active battlefield
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theyer all arabs
kek its turkey vs jihadists
aka jihadist civil war
European countries have never gone to war in all of history.

They just get invaded by Nazis, Communists, Muslims and Mongols and carpet bomb eachothers for jew masters and greed.
its not a war its a bunch of goatherders with homemade firecrackers
european countries are having a war right now with tanks, jet fighters, artillery, etc

now send anotehr firecracker at a hutt village and think ur in a war
funny how they go to war with each other when there's a greater satan threatening them both
doesn't make sense
>homemade firecrackers
nah those takfiri dogs have tanks and shit provided by roaches themselves
let them kill each other
I don't really understand what's going on. I just want to see some dead syrians

i can only get so hard anon - i bet turkey could invade israel and still stay in NATO - nato is that fucking weak
but they are not syrian u filthy roach
they are takfiri rats u imported into syria, most are roaches themselves
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no they dont they are having a firecrackers war

if they would start an actual war whichthey arent even capable off the west would be there and kill them all instantly

there is no war in middle east unless white people go to war

theyre a bunch of goatherders with firecrackers
u is stoopid, u know nothing of what u speak of
Shut the fuck up you useless cunt, your nation can easily be obliterated by Muslims.
Erdogan said he wants to normalize few days ago.
War is useless especially if it's fighting for foreigners interests. European will kill eachothers if ordered by their politicians.
found the roach
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roaches fighting takfiri roaches is in the interest of assad
fukin western monkey memeflag

my nation has sent AWACS and archer artillery with excaliburs etc etc to Ukraine, technology your nations are uncapable of

ur having goatherder firecrackers war

like if i go to my neighbhour and throw a firecracker at his lawn lmao

I wish there was an actual war in middle east, but ur a bunch of monkeys uncapable of anything but firecrackers
Fuck off you larping Muslim
LMFAO Pakistan or Turkey could easily steam roll your retarded shithole.
>entire world economy slows down in the past 6-7 years
>covid hits, causes massive inflation worldwide
>wars just breaking out franticly
Weird how much tension can be kept down just by cheap money and international business.
which part of jihadist civil war dont u understand?

seethe more roach
I'm not Turkish, ya ghabi
then stop sucking roach cock u seething faggot
let them kill each other
Are you fucking stupid? They're Muslims. You are part of the problem, why did the Abbasids and Ummayads fall? Division.

Al Bab this week
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Nothing ever happens
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>They're Muslims
fuck u and fuck ur kikeroach buddies
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no they couldn't lmao they have zero technology compared to sweden they are 50 years behind us

at one point swedish government was in middle east around year 2000ish to teach them about rocket technology and help them build factories for it kek

they are goatherder nations with firecrackers and old western scrap
Idk man this whole thing is so confusing it’s just better to ignore it.

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just one more reminder who the roaches are
I rest my case, people like you are the reason why Allah punishes the Ummah for straying constantly. Spilling the blood of our own is never good.
You must be fucking stupid to think that Pakistan is weaker than your army. Retarded kike worshipper.
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okay last one i promise
Turkey doing anything but help Palestine
>Spilling the blood of our own is never good.
btw where u were ur cries when the roach takfiri dogs were killing innocent muslims and christians in syria
gtfo my board faggot
sweden was the 5th nation in the world in 1955s to make their own domestic nuclear program, weve had jet fighters since 1950s and during the cold war something like the 4th largest air force in the world

today we are part of western military alliance and dont need to have as big of an army

but our weapons industry is decades ahead of your shitholes and we could alone arm up and defeat probably all of middle east if we wanted

ur fucking goatherders with firecrackers that get to buy our old junk when we replace it with new things that WE INVENT kek

saab probably has kill switches on your awacs and will disable them in a war kek
u are a self hating muzzer
no there is no muzzer who is capable of writing the way i do, i have something like 125 IQ, which is normie tier in a white country but for an arab is like a genius

>today we are part of western military alliance
You realize that the people you refer to as goatherders with firecrackers let you in, right?
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Russia are the bad guys. Israel are the bad guys. Ukraine are the good guys. Iran are the good guys. Assad is best guy. Cant Mossad the Assad. Assad will prevail, again, over the turkroach menace.

Shut up faggot.
How many weeks until war breaks out?
Syria sucks too, though
125 IQ is almost genius level but you are just retardedly ranting here about how sweden could conquer the middle east because you make some artillery and stuff lol.
It's bad for jews, so it must remain viable.
two shitty muslim countries that I don't care about. unfortunately, this shit will just lead to more muslims trying to flood into Europe.
just because i have bigger balls than you doesnt mean im an arab



Sweden will disable your awacs in war and rape ur entire countries
The average IQ of most European countries is roughly around 100, 101, 102. Ireland is the lowest because of ethnic cleansing reasons but thats irrelevant. The TLDR is if you have above 120 youre exceptional. Im 128, my last GF was 135. 125 is in the top 10% of White intelligence not just humans.
>because you make some artillery
LMAO, sweden is one of the world leaders in military technology look up BOFORS, SAAB and swedens military industry fukin monkey
Scott ridder is a fucking faggot who has consistent wrong predictions. He tells Russians what they want to hear so he can grift off media outlets like RT.
Putin is in charge of that now
that doesn't answer my question
i believe 125 is 5% percentile, mensa 131 is 2% percentile

my ex was probably 131ish too, such relationships are great the way you can speak about shit with eachother, shes a llawyer now kek
wow, two superpowers are about to throw down
turkey has no say in NATO lmao, u were using us to get free stuff because nobody wants to sell you stuff

all of NATO has F35 but turkey isnt allowed to buy them because we look at you like monkeys

ur not real members like sweden, just retarded meat shield
assad does seem like a pretty cool guy
and while i have no actual proof of this, something tells me he's a great tennis player
how crazy would it be if i was right?
Yea I was using rough numbers better under than over right. Probably closer to 5% yes. Right at the front of the curve, at the bottom. Its impressive, and you should consider yourself important. You were obviously meant to actually do something for everyone else. Dont throw your life away knowing that.

In each country the average opinions of those elected represent the genius of
the race, and they will be found not to alter sensibly from one generation to
It is seen, then, that we are confronted once more by the fundamental notion
of race, which we have come across so often, and on this other notion, which
is the outcome of the first, that institutions and governments play but a small
part in the life of a people. Peoples are guided in the main by the genius of
their race, that is, by that inherited residue of qualities of which the genius is
the sum total. Race and the slavery of our daily necessities are the mysterious
master-causes that rule our destiny.
-Gustave Le Bon
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Baathism is pretty much a slightly more left version of NS for his people instead of Whites. We would definitely be allies if we controlled our own countries.
All bullshit and sperging /sg/ homos aside.. how would this shakeout in a hypothetical 1v1 with no other involvement other than intel and material aid to either party?

I'd have my money on the Roaches.
Pic failed to upload.
>ur not real members like sweden
We've been in nato since 1952 and contribute the most after usa. You joined like two months ago after sucking our cock for like a year. Believe it or not that was not the first time you sucked our cock for us to save your ass
kike on vpn or rootless cosmopolitan, I wonder
I have contributed with my understanding to influence political strategy among our right wing. Not that i've done 99% but i have influenced it so i have already contributed on a large scale for my relatively small number, 1 person.

Contacting people online and discussing online should not be underestimated either in the amount of reach you can have.

Other than that im going to become a programmer and will probably be exceptional and do something good for us.

I like your style, very motivational and based, same to you anon, i can tell you will achieve something great.
In what reality do you think you sit on the same table in NATO with western nations?

You are like the black sheep of NATO kek
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You can push yourself through nearly anything if you have the motivation and the drive. Best thing I can do for someone with high IQ is remind them theyre genuinely important.
Indeed, thanks and best of luck to you in life fren
Looks like the prophecy is real
Russia will really invade and destroy turkey
Constantinople will rise again
I came in here to read about the happening and I am met with cock sucking between two fags
/pol/ never fails to deliver lmao
I don't think you understand how nato works. When a new member joins every member has to yes or the country doesn't get in. They can't say fuck you turkey we're letting Sweden in. If we didn't say yes you wouldn't be in nato. Simple as that. If we didn't say you wouldn't be in the alliance you brag about.
Strategically we have the most important location. Thanks to us nato has access to bosphorus and the middle east. Sweden is in bumfuck nowhere.
We have the largest army after usa with 355k active personnel. Swedish army has like 25k lol
Turkey is way more important for nato than sweden and you're a retard for thinking otherwise. When a war breaks out we will matter not you. You offer nothing to nato
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>tfw sweed dabs on turkroaches
welcome to NATO Sven, its a pleasure.
btw, Trucks will never get the good stuff, because your all goat fuckers.
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You mother fuckers seeing this shit?
You see how this Anon roles?
With fucking
He took the time out to save you from some bad clicks.

Peace, you handsome, mother fucking, Anon.
our country has it's own online forum with 1.6million registered members(10mill population) and pretty much everyone has visited that place, women, men of all ages write there.

The entire nato ascensions everyone in sweden was laughing at turkey calling them turkish bazaar salesman knowing that every western country had already allowed us in and that US president was saying we were gunne join too.

Nobody cared and just laughed at you for being a poor country trying to get stuff :D
Thanks fren, we have eachothers back
just some protesters not armies clashing

Beirut (AFP) – Four people were killed after armed protesters and Turkish forces clashed in Syria's Ankara-controlled northwest Monday, a war monitor said, in demonstrations sparked by violence against Syrians in Turkey a day earlier.

Hundreds demonstrated throughout the territory, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, following a rampage against Syrian businesses and properties in central Turkey where a Syrian man had been accused of harassing a child.
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Sixty-seven people were detained after the attacks, he said.

In one of the videos, a Turkish man was heard shouting: "We don't want any more Syrians! We don't want any more foreigners."

Turkey, which hosts some 3.2 million Syrian refugees, has been shaken several times by bouts of xenophobic violence in recent years, often triggered by rumours spreading on social media and instant messaging applications.
how is this different than the past decade?
You're not involved (for now)
>every western country had already allowed us in and that US president was saying we were gunne join too.
Completely irrelevant. I think your entire nation doesn't understand how nato works. Sweden and Finland only entered nato because we said yes along with other members. That's the reality and nothing you say will change it.
We've been in nato for 72 years. You joined a couple of months ago yet you claim to be a real member and we are a fake one. How does this make any sense?
they said sorry and kissed our flag with an Atatürk photo so now we gonna only kill half of them
Syria had the highest GDP per capita in the middle east outside gulf arab states, they still got fucked by the same chimps who are in Turkey right now.

Good luck dealing with those chimps, turks. Nothing will ever appease them, they have a very short fuse.
Rolling for total mudslime death
Maximum carnage
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he shoots, he scores!
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>Two third world islamic shitholes might go to war
"OH noooo the humani...
Nobody gives a shit lol, let them sandniggers kill each other
funniest and truest ESL rant I’ve read in a while, nice job brown swedebro
uh Turkey invaded Syria and fully sponsored ISIS and the whole time they were getting you to think is was the jews. It was a masterful psyop by MIT to get you western tards to side with the kurds(who are at war with the Turks) and then to have the Turks invade 'Rojava' under the pretext of defeating ISIS. Who owns the entire Rojava area now?
>TURKEY(and the USA has bases there).
666D chess my 'based' niggercattle
Interesting. I thought OP was bullshitting at first because I don't bother to follow social media much, but it appears our government's pet terrorists are chimping out. Didn't find info on what they're chimping out about yet.
Did any syrians die during the riots?
fuck bernard henri levy, all my homies hate bernard henri levy

anyway the anglos planned this since the sykes-picot agreement, that's why they split up kurdistan in the first place. they left fault lines all over the place when they ended their empires. this is all a masonic plot to institute a world government after ww3

fuck the turks though
>Syrian dude rapes 7 year old girl
>Rapist hides in a Syrian refugee camp
>Turkish mob appear at the refugee camp and start fucking shit up
>Syrians in idlib chimp out randomly against turkish forces
as far as I know no but govermant forces had to deport 200 of them to syria just this morning. and many of them are getting stationed to other places for protection because they are literally hunting them on the streets rn
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a certain president will continue kissing feet of his arab overlords, as we speak mainstream media is being suppressed by our domestic "Ministry of Truth" to keep everyone uninformed and only place you can get news are instagram, twitter, etc. Apparently Turkish controlled area is fighting back after all this despite being funded by our taxes. So much for "ummah" and "neo-ottoman" larping I guess
how do you even rape a 7 year old girl? i can understand raping a 14 year old girl or whatever because she has signs of puberty which would make a sandnigger chimp aroused and unable to control himself but a 7 year old cant possibly trigger that instinct since she hasnt even reached puberty yet

these sandnigger chimps are weird, they shouldnt be considered human
People say this is not the real reason for the chimpout. Erdogan recently said he wanted to negotiate a permanent solution with Assad to normalize relations, fix the migrant crisis, and the fragmented state of the border. That's why the terrorist zone got scared and angry that Turkey might be planning to hand them over to Assad.
It needed to happen one day. Opening a trade route in Northern Syria is more important than playing babysitting for jihadi chimp who drain your funding money and trade opportunities.
nice fantasy you got there nigger
>All these Syrians WILL get Turkish citizenship
>All these Syrians WILL marry Turkish women
>All these Syrians WILL vote Erdogan & AK Parti
>All these Syrians WILL take Turkish jobs
>All these Syrians WILL deal drugs

Turks have a history of killing their own brothers fathers and uncles for power never trust a dirty turk they are really kikes larping as Muslims
>fails to name inaccurate predictions
>considers western jew/cia/mossad media to provide accurate predictions
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Turkey isn't a loyal lapdog by any means an they are the local power of the area.
yeah ive noticed a massive propaganda campaign my entire life to feel bad for the kurds, but i had no clue it was related to Israel?
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Shaking in his boots rn..
few realize this, if you notice the supported kurd militias are mainly socialists/communists and atheists they kidnap turkish muslim kurds and you know the rest
If you think you can trust anything a Jesuit says you’re retarded. Zionism is a Jesuit scheme to retake the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.
I always had a hunch that the PKK is supported by CIA/Mossad, Turkey has been fighting em for 30 fucking years with no results
Atheism is the future. Another 2000 years of goat herder mentality isn't going to cut it anymore. Humanity will reach a point where it surpasses even the powers of these so called gods. Religion only exists now to keep the billions pacified, but that too wont be a problem
try KGB
Anyway - the more turks die, the better
Mudslimes can’t into war. Retards can’t even make weapons. Braindead goat fuckers
>just change your official religion to something not pisslam
>even though government is catering more and more to extremist mudslimes
no way fag, I ain't gonna tag myself like that
Nothing like clear info not being clear huh? Fucking esl scum.
Israel is why 9/11 happened. Everyone should read the banned text of Osama's letter to America and ask why Jewish media banned it. He says flat out that because of Israel's aggression and America's support of Israel, they have to attack America and destroy it to get rid of Israel. No Israel, no 9/11, no Iraq war, no Afghanistan war. No Israel, global peace.
Very democratic. It only amuses me to think that the rich muslim world needs to go into pathetic wars cause they can't get rid of Isreal. This isn't about the US support, it's about their own capacity.

People always try to blame the US support when they fail, it's never because they are incapable, it's always US fault.
The US just shot down retalitory Iranian strikes against Israel for illegally violating international law and targeting a diplomatic office. Of course it's all about US support. The US should not support Israel in any way. They are not an ally, they are an active enemy who steal our state secrets and sell them to our enemies and corrupt our politicians. Israel is the worst enemy America ever had. That's just a fact. Take off your meme flag Israeli shill.
does the average Turk knows how to read and write in arabic ?
No. It's unlikely but in certain regions you are more likely to find someone who knows arabic, eg. cities with large migrant populations or cult infested provinces
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Don't you have a sister to helplessly watch get raped by refugees, Sven? You will do nothing
Mudslimes are being incinerated as we speak by Israel and you can’t do shit. Spineless mudslime coward
Oh look a UK cuck. We're taking over your country as we speak. and you're doing nothing about it, Calum. All you can do is kvetch online on some anon board. Kek lmao
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he needs some Visine for those eyes.
Damn I didn't know nitter was back! ty
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>religion of peace
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israel paid turkey to harass syria to keep them occupied so israel can invade lebanon
Why are the turks upset that a syrian mudslime assaulted a little girl? He was just imitating their pedophile prophet
the ottoman empire had 20x more rebellions go read some history
everywhere there is religion there is no peace religion is the root of a plant whose fruit is war
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>damascus will be a ruinous heap

I will exile you beyond Damascus

And it shall come to pass on that day, that the glory of Jacob shall become impoverished and the fatness of his flesh shall become emaciated.
5. And it shall be like gathering the harvest of the standing grain, and his arm reaps ears, and he shall be as one who gathers ears of grain in the valley of Rephaim.
6. And gleanings shall be left in it like the cutting of an olive tree, two or three berries at the end of the uppermost bough; four or five on its branches when it produces fruit, says the Lord, God of Israel.
Turkey is the only one capable of stabilizing the middle east simply because they understand that sandniggers can't maintain a peaceful society under anything except a tyrranical authoritarian rule. They are incapable of having democracies. They need someone that will drop chemical weapons on their own people because they are so inbred and retarded that they can't have democracies at this point. This is the sad reality that the west is unwilling to accept.
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what i find totally disturbing about this whole thing is how silient the leftoids in the west are to this. Even more so, how the leftoids in turkey are in favor of this. What happened to "muh hate crimes"? We are literally doing things the sjws in the west accuse themselves of doing and they seem to be completely silent about it.
If the same thing were to happen but with kurds, our local lefties would go batshit crazy, but since against some arabs they are all in favor of it.
And now, all of my friends who are ultra sjw vegan types are posting ai generated anti-syrian propaganda, and everyone is sharing the same two quotes.
this shit glows so bad.
to bankrupt the west and flood us with rapefugees of hecking course.
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Turks false flagging their own wahabbi lapdogs to dump them and let CHADSSAD take over, all without bad interal pr or americunts bitching that their freedom fighting moderate terrorists™ are being handed to be barrel bombed.

This is fantastic news, Er Dogan is playing it safe and smart. It also implies Idlib 3: Endgame is back on the menu. Why abandon border territory but still occupy Idlibstan (3+ major internationally recognized terrorist groups there) afterall?

Also Turkey is not Cuckmany or Great Shitstain, if they say "we're gonna deport all Syrians" they're gonna deport all Syrians.

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