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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are libshits freaking out so badly about the fact they cannot drag their political foes through the courts anymore for imagined crimes? Are they that terrified of elections they can't rig?
That’s RIGHT
It’s even better now since Biden can now legally kill Trump by ordering a hit.
You know he has 24/7 private security and Secret Service, right? You can't actually be this retarded.
No, he legally cannot. This is just your cope headcanon.
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I do find it telling though that the first thing libshits do, after finding out they cannot drag their political foes through the court anymore, is start talking about assassinations, blowing up buildings and families, overthrowing the government, and canceling all elections though. It turns out democrats shrieking "democracy!" aren't very democratic.
Because judgement is almost here.
The demons inside them know.
They will find out soon.
here in france they behave exactly the same. they're starting to riot, to talk about beating up random people, they're protesting against democratic results.
>Why are libshits freaking out so badly about the fact they cannot drag their political foes through the courts anymore
that is the only thing they could do.
Secret Service doesn’t matter and can’t do shit if Biden calls the army LOL
Biden will go even further beyond and order a genocide and will face nothing LOL
Leftists, by and large, are comprised entirely of spoiled, narcissistic, manchildren. For many, this is the first real "No, you were wrong." they have ever been told in their lives. Like a child, they lash out violently against the people that they perceive have slighted them with a mere "No, you cannot do that."
Case in point: >>472786625
attributing reason where none exists
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You jews sure are a strange lot. Continue living your delusions of grandeur though.
>Secret Service doesn’t matter and can’t do shit if Biden calls the army LOL
You honestly think a bunch of chucklefucks that can barely pass their qualifications are going to outfight private security with police/military experience and Secret Service? kek
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yes (You)r screencap indeed is reflective of a mentality
>'I disagree so it must be suppressed, eliminated, or otherwise stamped out'
Authoritarian Statism
Here in America criminals can still be tried for their crimes, even if they were once upon a time elected to public office. It's the only way we can reel in corruption by top officials.
Biden will secure a proper communist government
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I just find it interesting those who claim the mantle of "protectors of democracy" so frequently also want to end democracy and kill everyone who doesn't want to end democracy.
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Gay space luxury communism, now?
Communism works
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Really? When?
Trump made sure that Biden has immunity so pretty much he could take a machine gun to the supreme Court and kill them all and claim it was an executive presidential action
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That's not what presidential immunity is, anon.
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Mao Zedong
Carl Marx
Joseph Stalin
All successful leaders
Trump isn’t the president so he is not immune anymore
Video games are a waste of precious time instead of doing manual labor
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>if Biden calls the army LOL
U.S. Army cannot be deployed on American soil, you dumb nigger
this just shows me you're just talking out of your ass, you probably don't even live in the U.S.A., faggot.
>The president should become a complete tyrant, ignoring all rule of laws, disenfranchise half the population by calling off elections at his whim, and exile his political opponent

>By the way, it's the conservatives who have psychosis
that would start a civil war. jews would be hunted openly. he should do it.
>he thinks that Biden won’t deploy his army on american soil
how? the bolsheviks only where able to do that because they took over a mostly unarmed disconnected and ignorant population.
Biden will.
Communism shall take over America with an IRON FIST
China shall assist in making our government
When you were a little kid, did you ever imagine you'd grow up to become the monumental pussy faggot that you are today?
well whatever it is they all think they mean by the word 'democracy' doesn't mean what they think it means to begin with (whether or not they're advocating for Authoritarian Statist crackdowns)
Lincoln tried that, he got a war for his stupidity.
The only “monumental pussy faggot” here is (You) disgusting nigger troon
how? with what?
again how? you seem to be suffering from inbred schizophrenia
Lincoln was a retard.
Biden on the other hand was based
China will invade the US after the election and take over
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>China will invade the US after the election and take over
what happened to biden taking over, now its the chinks.
pic related is you having a schizo episode
Nothing was rigged, you idiots lost because women hate you, cry moar about it then die.
Biden will get support from china to take over and it shall be ruled as a chinese police state with indefinite lockdowns and mandatory KOS rules if caught outside
10 pushups, thank you.
Liberals will never win another legitimate election again in our lifetimes.
Election tourism has begun
Biden can't even secure a bowel movement, which is appropriate because a communist government would be just as shitty.
Immunity is waived if the official acts are unconstitutional. Killing a rival would deny due process and the right to life and liberty
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so you just got here from israel. dodging theit draft?
Biden can and will make a glorious communist government also ruled by china
>overused unfunny joke #7294738379
You lost.
What is wrong with being jewish?
Communism is the solution for everything
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pic related for starters.
You went a little too far with that one!
Nice larp fren
I’m not LARPing
I believe in total communist take over
>*honk* *honk*
You misspelled "MAGAs"
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You will train the militia, or you will never have a legitimate election again.
Why do you have this saved on your computer?
Can you stop, you’re not good at trolling and you keep getting your lines mixed up. You’re not supposed to say nigger and troon if you’re a retarded lefty who thinks it’s constitutional to deploy the military on Is soil. Spend like 5 minutes listening to these people and then try again.
>Immunity is waived if the official acts are unconstitutional.
Like overturning an election?
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Since they think Biden can now do whatever he wants as President like an Emperor now, they want Biden to execute Trump.
And they've been REAL LOUD about it.
Or replacing the supreme court by force.
Basically stealing the country.....AGAIN. But this time outright admitted.
Nah I don’t think I will.
But I will for a sausage roll

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