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Red Skull is Thomas Massie?
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What do you see that appears on both pictures? This one was posted by "Red Skull"
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and what would the fed be replaced with
Either Massie or Chip Roy
a private corporation which would run things more effectively than the goverment
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Poor man.
Ahead of time and under schedule.

>Checkem, not sauce.
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Did you know the "happening guy" whose picture is posted every hour is actually a real politician?
His name is Ron Paul. He introduced the so-called "End the Fed" a little over 17 years ago.

Cynthia McKinney also spoke about "the pledge" a few years ago. Ffd to 3 minute mark.
Has anyone ever considered the possibility of state bank currencies and private currencies, with dollar tied to an index of the top performing currencies.
Is this why (((they))) killed his wife?
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I am The Clockmaker.
Ask me anything.
bro that and other shit was revealed in pizzagate. massie is being persecuted right now by (((them))) for trying to fight back. this isn't a slide thread you faggot.
Are we there yet?
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kill yourself.
this and revealing the "AIPAC guy" thing.
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What time is it?
I have observed your numerals and I must inform you that we are in fact just about there.

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He introduced a bill ending the Federal Reserve, then mysteriously his wife died, then jews are messaging him telling him to look at what going against jews has done for him.
Next time someone wants to end the Fed, get rid of all jews first otherwise they will start killing your family members.
His wife is dead and he doesn't want to go on so he is pulling out all the stops and crashing this country with no survivors.
>All politicians are controlled by jews
>All economics is controlled by the Fed which is controlled by the jews
What is the final truth in the trifecta?
>Jews worship satan via their babylonian talmud?
>Next time someone wants to end the Fed, get rid of all jews first
or just have no wife/children/siblings/parents for them to use against you.
What did they replace? That's the answer.
Texas is already doing this with a state reserve currency that is backed by metals.
He’ll get back to you in about 2 weeks I believe
Dumbass we already know this because of Ashley Biden's diary and Hunter's laptop. Deep state isn't gonna do shit about it, its how they control the politicians. Massie is way more important, he is naming the jew.
Right, but I'm saying you still have a dollar. The dollar is then tied to an index of let's say the top twelve or so domestic currencies/securities etc.

It changes very little, except for 1. Control of the currency itself is removed from the hands of a single national agency/body and 2. The currency would be much more robust, as it could theoretically withstand the failure of one or maybe multiple currencies struggling due to malfeasance, mismanagement, loss of confidence etc.

The methods for how indexed currencies are chosen and how the value of the dollar was derived from them would have to be set in stone and inflexible of course.
Red Skull loves kikes and wants European founding stock to go die for Israel and is fully complicit with the Kalergi Plan.

Therefore he cannot be Massie because kikes hate Massie.
Holy shit that kike alone just ensured that Massie will be getting himself a copy of Mein Kampf.
pretty sure RS is in AZ. Massie is in Kentucky.
States can't issue their own currency.
And Texas doesn't even have much gold; it's only like $1b from its time as a country iirc
The Fed IS a private entity, retard.
>States can't issue their own currency.
why not?
You retard. The government doesn't run the Fed. It is a wholly private institution, run by Jews, who issues money, with interest, to the US government. It has never been a government entity, which is the entire fucking problem to begin with.
>We've killed your dear beloved wife for shining a light on AIPAC, goy
>I hope you learn from this decision
Read this dudes wiki. The guy was an uberchad.
>Ron paul acolyte
>Raises 32m for a proto VR company (sorry carmack)
>Hot wife
OMG, I love this guy. I will pray for his safety
The vengeful spirit of Andrew Jackson
To expound on this- think of the problem this way- we aren't carrying around gold and silver coins in our pocket. We cannot back a currency with gold... but we don't want a national agency to be in sole control of the common currency and legal tender? What are your options?

Perhaps you let state banks and private banks issue actual notes of varying degrees of confidence and backing (backing could be securities, bonds, gold silver, credit whatever). But that still doesnt give you an actual uniform legal tender? So what do you do? You issue a federal note that is *backed* by predetermined amounts of holdings in an index of these private and state notes- lets say the top 20 of those state and private instruments. The currency would simultaneously be tied to some sort of average or index of these top 20 instruments etc. So you'd have a liquid uniform tender totally dependant on an index of private and state instruments that is itself tied to those instruments in value.
>a private corporation
worlds smartest israeli
He wanted to audit the fed.
What a fucking gentleman, he saw through the agitprop.
You mean dead wife. The jews got her.
>The vengeful spirit of Andrew Jackson
With Burr as supporting lead.
Checked and keked.
STFU, nobody cares that DNC shills are being paid to smear Biden and force him to drop out. I want that old faggot to keep running.
Interdasting… but i dont think so
>States can't issue their own currency
>private bank can’t issue their own currency
Only the congress can issue currency per article 1 sec 8 of the constitution…..yet we have the federal reserve. Simple law should not have allowed them to issue currency. Constitutional amendment was necessary
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what would the audit lead to?
does massie think jews killed or o are we doing that for him? somebody email that faggot this thread
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>17 years ago.
Build Back Barter
>Verification not required.
He’s not dropping out. He couldn’t even if he wanted to, there is no replacement. Nobody wants to pick up a cursed campaign when they would have a better chance waiting for 28
we have to pay interest on the debt that came out of thin air
No, red skull is some retarded boomer faggot that larps.
>We cannot back a currency with gold.
Yes we can, the problem is that it inflates as the miners see fit, and any other currency on earth that decides to run fractional or fiat, immediately starts to eat your economy, even into long down-chain trades.
he believed in the american dream, what a dummy
Biden's gonna murder his wife and suicide because his dementia will cause a psychotic break. Two weeks
That's article 1 Section 10 you are referring to I believe.
>No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.

How do you interpret this?
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Any and all payments by States to any Federal or private anything done in Fiat is done in violation of the law, and if it's not treason, is at least perjury upon notice.
>States can't issue their own currency.
Nobody American wants "currency". States can make gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.
what a cuck he was, even Barr was more adventurous
>Red Skull
Who's that?
>he is naming the jew.
I can't believe Thomas Massie is going to commit suicide. He was so distraught over his wife's passing. RIP
they are all on the loli island list.
10 pushups
You'd probably need somewhere between 50,000-100,000 tons of gold to make it work with just currency *in circulation* and like 10 times that amount for the whole dollar footprint.

How many above ground tons of gold bullion even exist in the world?
Bitcoin obviously, and force the kikes to run a real budget instead of inflating us into poverty.
Well done Massie. I think it's all for not because nobody will vote for it, but it's a start. Your job is after all to represent the views of your constituents even they're not that popular. It'd be nice if the gov in general started representing the people and rejecting the "AIPAC" persons of all the lobbyists.
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it's all fake and gay man, nothing is going to happen. they're going to get away with it, again. trump is one of them. redskull is part of operation trust, it's a whole apparatus. full spectrum domination is the name of the game. if you can overcome the psychological tidalwave strategy they're trying to use to overwhelm the masses, by owning all the tv stations, all the YT influencers, all the radio stations, all the big book writers, tv and movie producers, and many other aspects of pop culture. this place is comp'd, and so is everything else.

they created a situation where everyone is watching kitty genovese being murdered and no one is doing anything about it. blackpilling. demoralizing.
So do you consider state bonds to be in violation of this?

Could *banks* still accept any note letter of credit security etc.?
Trips of truth and extremely based
The power of Congress that is beholden to the vooter. It's a start to make representatives actually represent the people.
The dollar is defined in silver, not gold. The unit of measure for gold is the eagle.
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>names the jew AND proposes to end the fed
>wife gets "suddenly died"'d
Many such cases!
this, even foreskin is a psyops, it doesn't exist unless installed at birth by a muslim cleric, its just made up to torment you with on the fourchins...
So what, you'd need approx 4.5 million tons of silver or something? Just to back dollars in actual circulation?
you are literally retarded. your second pic is text from a bill introduced by Chip Roy of TX. every single bill introduced in congress is automatically public record and posted online in perpetuity for public viewing
If RS is Massie, I'll retract every "2 more weeks" comment I've ever posted on his threads, as well as retract calling RS a kike. Also condolences to Jim for Mossad murdering his wife.
No wonder they killed his wife. Now though, he has nothing to lose! Fuck the Fed!
Bitcoin works better than all of that without needing to trust anyone.

By being a put option on electricity it's backed by kWh futures contracts.

So it's all there cryptographicly secure ticking away a block every 10 min.
we didn't listen
Him... not Jim.
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I know over a Hundred Indian reservations looking for some Payback! Bring that angry democratic fuck back from the grave I dare you!
terrence howard
inb4 larp got the pic from twitter
Bitcoin does not work better than all of that. It is not a letter of credit, a note, or a currency. It is an investment product or maybe a security.
want to play a game anon?
if someone suggests real world action, they're a glownigger?
either way, doing nothing is a losing strategy. did (You) prep?
Good lord. Were you alive in 2007-8? People went to huge rallies for Ron Paul chanting END THE FED, END THE FED!
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>implying the wagonburners wouldn't be too wasted to even notice he's back
jews assassinated the wife of congressman Thomas Massie
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>Didn't learn from the trail of tears
It's going to be the highway of tears this time, featherhead
>T. Nordic slut for Jew cock
A highway of white children heads on pike. Jews aren't your only enemies remember that.
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Who the fuck is Red Skull?
>white children
>In the US
Lmao, good one Chief Seething Hands
larps as an insider here on /pol/
>over a Hundred Indian reservations
There are over a hundred indian reservations that hate Cherokees.
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That stupid cunt never named the jews. The king of midwittery...
yea, he's fucking my wife right now.
>Just to back dollars in actual circulation?
Federal reserve notes aren't dollars. Repeal Fed Res Act.
Forfeiture of assets of the banks and shareholders of the federal reserve until federal reserve note debt is paid off, under reparations.
Standardize, if needed, the ratio of gold to silver based on dollar weight.
Use existing eagles, buffalos, and pre 33, pre 65, coinage, while ramping up minting and allow holders of old coinage ability to exchange for new mintages.
Reintroduce convertability of unitted states notes.
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Louis T. McFadden was the previous Congressman before Ron Paul to propose ending the Fed. He was poisoned at a banquet. Message sent and received; there were no more attempts until Ron Paul.

A tribute to Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/mcfadden.htm
Physical gold and silver
It would increase the robustness of the system if they could. AND if its all digital it could be seamless for the user.

"Central Bank Digital Curreny" could be so useful. You could design it to be possible to allow even the biggest banks to go bankrupt with no wider issues. So much would be possible. Would be. If it was possible to trust Western governments in even the smallest matter. This really should be a golden age...

oh well.
>what kinda currency you want?
>just fuck my shit up senpai
Imagine the EU, but 10x worse. That's your suggestion. Local economies in flyover would get absolutely fucking crushed if you did this
So to be clear you are saying to pay off existing notes and continue issuing bogus dollars or only issue notes going forward?

If the latter, we can still assume you'd have to have a similar amount in circulation correct?
Rampant currency speculation.
Before lil bush destroyed the US Budget ending the fed could have been considered.

If we end the fed who is going to print the money to pay for our 35T in debt
This inflation and deflation is rather irregular. If it's gold or silver, then there's no chance of faking it, there was Labor attached in advance, currency is then reward for effort.
We have metals. We may have to make an amendment to add a few types.
Isn't the euro still issued by a central bank? If so it's the exact same as the dollar and is still very much different than what I've described itt.
Are you talking about pegging to gold or backing with gold?
>If we end the fed who is going to print the money to pay for our 35T in debt




let that sink in real slow








take your time to process this
>Could *banks* still accept any note letter of credit security etc.?
I forgot where I read it, but there was one city that tried to make their own currency. Legally, it was a "Gift Certificate" that every merchant in the area agreed to accept. The IRS shut that down pretty quick.
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>what should the fed be replaced with
Gold and silver. It should be illegal to buy high value items without gold or silver simply because jews printed the currency. The kikes caused inflation via printing by buying up a bunch of houses then on top of that charging property taxes on the capital gains [of inflation]. On top of this they short the precious metals market, literally calling it the fix, by injecting a mass load of paper iou's which create an artificial supply; a strong dollar can buy lots of precious metals. The other form of theft that jews employ is usury, by charging us over a trillion dollars a year in interest as they continue to destroy our currency by relying on faith imstead of tangible and scarce precious metals.
That would be a currency but I'm asking- under article one section ten, could a private bank accept any letter of credit, note, or security as payment? Not a state- a private bank.
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Can't stop laughing at this you bastard.
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No, not "backing it". We need physical gold and silver coinage. Backing it still allows them to freely print it, leading us right back into this mess of faith in the fiat.
why won't he reveal his wives cause of death?
The truth.

>"The Great Book of the Public Debt" (Grand Livre de la Dette Publique). This book was a record of the French government's debts and expenditures during that time.

>The Grand Livre de la Dette Publique was significant because it highlighted the immense financial strain the French monarchy was under due to years of war, lavish spending, and inefficient taxation. The revelation of the extent of the public debt contributed to the growing discontent among the French population, as it underscored the economic hardships faced by many.

>This financial crisis, along with other factors such as social inequality, political corruption, and Enlightenment ideals, played a crucial role in fueling the sentiments that eventually led to the French Revolution.
Redenominating old coinage and maintaining the dimensions allows the old coins to circulate alongside the new ones. Post related >>472795921
Silver enda the federal reserve
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The mexibros and jews will beat you to it. Stay home and chill. They will turn on you next. Good luck.
It's issued by the European central bank yeah. But each country in the eu has their own currencies as well. The problem being that local economies can only produce in gsp what their labor is capable of but the value of th eu will be an aggragate of each member state. So your local currency gets devalued. You'd have to have an internal system that prevented or leveraged the currencies of slower/smaller gdp states against the larger. And I have no idea what that'd look like. It'd basically be some commie gobbledygook
>could a private bank accept any letter of credit, note, or security as payment?
that's what I was trying to say; the IRS won't allow it. if a "Gift Certificate" was honored by a bank, it would be functionally identical to money.
Coins can be clipped by the jew. Silver and gold laced printed currencies with digital ledger backing I'd buy
yes pay, I don't know what you think happens when you stop paying US treasury bonds, but it is not whatever you are thinking.

its too late for metals.
>So to be clear you are saying to pay off existing notes and continue issuing bogus dollars or only issue notes going forward?
Pay off debt notes (federal reserve notes), electronic bank ledgers, bonds bills notes of interest.
Mint coinage going forward.
>If the latter, we can still assume you'd have to have a similar amount in circulation correct?
Not necessarily. It would depend on the ratio and standard weight that is set.
Though I do admit, it would become a clusterfuck in terms of contracts such as mortgages.
It's possible that a slow release and acceptance on a state by state basis, while the federal government continues to issue paper in the meantime, would allow for an easier transition.
Aside from the inherent difficulty in the physical coinages' use as a medium- what is the total value of all gold and silver bullion in the world (above ground)? A wild guess here- maybe 14-15 trillion dollar's worth? And while that makes it theoretically possible to use as a currency it seems improbable there is enough avaliable in practice to actually mint coin age right? I mean you'd probably have to bet on having 10 trillion dollar's worth (in today's dollars) in circulation.
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This poster is a jew. Do not give him any (yous)
>If we end the fed who is going to print the money to pay for our 35T in debt
Fed bank members and shareholders, with their assets.
The third little piggie:
Clipping was a big deal when scales weren't available for $5 on amazon. Coating is a problem. Weight, not a problem, you'd carry about 100 oz of gold to buy a mid-sized house. That's nothing on weight.
BUT, electronic POS is damn convenient, ngl. The ability to cancel stolen money, that's up there, maybe beyond, sliced bread, in real gains.
I don't agree, but we can talk about it in a better forum, where the opponents aren't going to front-end.
Well, this and the Tucker interview explain why (((they))) killed his wife.

He still has children.
Good to see the Ukrainians get to enjoy the weather despite the war. Not all is bad.
>Coins can be clipped by the jew.
Copper is valuable, as is Nickle, Platinum and Titanium. There are others.
What I'm saying is that you allow states and private banks to issue actual letters of credit, notes, etc. Then, you create a currency which is very strictly backed by holdings in an index of these domestic instruments, as well as pegged directly to them (in proportion to the holdings).

This removes a central bank from the equation. Tge larger the index the more decentralized the currency.
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>each country in the eu has their own currencies

Another guy did this and was ignored for years. His name was Ron Paul or something.
>The ability to cancel stolen money
If someone can do so, they can just as easily cancel your non stolen items. See Canada truckers.
Yes, you dunce, among other things I can't name because fuck shills.
The national debt is a figurative number displaying thr amount of wealth that jews have stolen
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I'll be running for a VERY high position one day.
I am not qualified, I have things that they can and will use against me, I will own up to them and persevere.
I cannot be bought.
Money doesn't interest me.
Putting a system in place that gives us freedom from reliance on anything but the communities we grow around us, is my goal.
Everyone will be raised to a position of power when they feel they are ready to have a voice in their surroundings.
we will all move this earth to our will, and we will become something greater than we ever thought possible.
We have been held back and reigned in for far too long throughout history.
There is nothing that can stop us, unless they do not profit.
Then they will use everything possible against us, to extract our souls in the form of usury.
How do I gain this position and help humanity flourish?
I doubt the total amount of platinum would even add a half a trillion to the total. And I have no clue about copper and other things I mean it's so useful as a raw material idk where to even start.
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Can’t wait to see Jordan vote against this and red pill more of his retarded voters who think he’s in the opposition.
Not necessarily, I use a credit card, and pay it like I am a bank who pays on checks when they arrive, in this case in the form of the card bill.
Too much copper in the world to use it as currency. Chinese tried it long ago and that's how they ended up with paper money, it was too heavy per unit value.
Metal needs to also be a metal that we can mine, or obtain, here in the states.
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How long does it take to microwave one ?
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Silver burns jewish skim because they do not produce the amino acids to protect them from the raw power of silver. Its called the oligodynamic effect.
You cant just end something that corrupt with a simple vote. It would have to be dismantled piece by piece first. This is stupid legislation that jumps the shark.
>I mean it's so useful as a raw material
that's inherent value tho. that's placing a floor, naturally.
But I understand, these may already be too rare. There are non-metals, maybe coining ruby or opal lenses?
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Never forget that the jews only own digital ledgers, paper piles, and bags of pebbles. This is why they often call the precious metals
Instead of
of course he wouldn't, he was a commie
We can create synthetic ruby and opal, and while these risk being counterfitted, or inflated, there is value in the material. Case them in the center of another crystal, a bit like those two metal coins, and a bit like the BitCoin coins.
Nearly all of them do or did and some phased them out because they ostensibly became worthless. What were they using before the eu if not their own currencies?
>Jews were believed to smell of sulfur
Isn't sulfur the main cause of bad breath?
A central bank printing notes isn't the problem. It's a private kike run bank that's the problem. Your solution would just get overrun by kites again printing their own private notes and exchanging between themselves
>jews cant touch silver without turning into lepers due to the oligodynamic effect
>scales and calipers
Is this the real reason jews have been shorting silver?
rocks may contain metals in ppm
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Print infinite money iii
There is a difference between Eurozone and EU

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Who is Q?
A central banks printing notes is the not the problem, a central bank printing notes at their unilateral whim and fancy is the problem.

That's why you decentralized the printing behavior by making them backed directly by a transparent and legally codified index of other (theoretical) instruments issued by private banks and states.

What I'm suggesting is a method to make the currency itself dependent on a pool of other domestic institutions rather than one.
Never heard of this. Are jews really allergic to silver? Is that where their association with vampires came from?
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Yes silvee burns the fuck out of jews.
This is the student council trying to abolish the administration. The fed IS the boss. The government is the management company and goyem suggestion box.
ezra cohen-watnick. appointed by trump.
Okay? My point still stands. Did the Euro devalue privately held currencies or not, regardless of your semantics
Why print at all, when you could just mint? Remove a step and let the asset be the coin.
Because of the inherent physical shortcomings of coinage and the overall limited amount of precious metals that could realistically be in circulation.
the local currencies got replaced not devalued after a short period where the local currency was pegged to euro
Andrew Jackson was a based patriot and did the best thing for the Indians
This is the little piggy I trust to build my house.
this. the perfect monetary system would be a combination of completely digital money (recorded on a public ledger so nobody can cheat) backed by gold and silver coins held in public high security storages.
Is the euro directly backed and pegged to other instruments? or is it a currency printed by a central bank backed by confidence in this central banks policy?
How to kill the cheerleader?
That's more interesting, but again I think the total available precious metals are too limited- or at the very least it would be cutting it really really close.
So much talk of pegging. I can't take it anymore.
>What did they replace? That's the answer.
And also a question. What did you have before?
If so then shower Israel in silver dust and watch them.
it would just mean that all the hot air bubble derivatives would go away and that rich people would have a harder time to extract wealth from the labor force. it would be back to boring slow growth which means that finance itself would go back to a very unimportant industry and people would have to have real jobs again. the jews would probably flee in terror if something like that was implemented.
When I say mint coin. I don't mean to do complex equations on an asci to get a digital token.
At this point, a 1g paper dollar weighs the same as 1g of silver. Want density, Gold. Want divisibility, low value copper. What shortcomings are you talking about?

I will say that if scotus decided that federal reserve notes are not legal tender of dept, the fed would die overnight. Clusterfuck of an event for sure though.
No what I'm saying is let's say there are 15 trillion worth of precious metals above ground, and there are 10 trillion current dollars worth of currency in circulation. Could institutions realistically manage to acquire and hold 70% of the world's precious metals without there being a total shortage or squeeze?

I don't think it could ever be directly backed. It would have to work more like a bank where there are some amount of holdings- and then you are basically just talking about credit, an instrument, or a note.
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You're thinking of the Liberty Dollar, anon.
What I'm asking is- how much total value in precious metals exists in bullion right now? And how much value needs to be in circulation?
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No. Then you'd face the same problem as having your currency cut off at whim.
>no sorry, to get your actual coins, you'll have to show up at a place and get arrested for wrong-think.
There is about 10 lbs of silver, above ground, per American right now, as well as a little over a pound of gold.
Checked and saved for future reference. Lots of people fail to realize that issuing currency was one of the main reasons the South tried to secede. As we can see from the runaway inflation caused directly by the actions of the federal government, clearly the rebels were right to be concerned.
In America, or globally?
Also, worth remembering, if any currency in the chain is fiat, it immediately sinks all backed currency stacks to itself.
Quintessentially kike.
Notice how leftoids behave like sardonic jews.
Checked and I'm surprised they didn't try to give him the Gaddafi treatment.
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Alright, you made me google it...this isn't the one I thought of, but it's close:


I don't think it was this; I thought it was an east coast area that did it; some tourist trap island. I'll keep looking, but apparently there have been more than attempt to do this.

From the linked article:
>the town is printing its own money, $10,000 worth, on thin sheets of wood that can only be spent in Tenino.
>The money also helps Tenino's businesses, when they redeem the bills with City Hall for regular cash.
See as best I can tell there is about 15 trillion total bullion and about 9 trillion of all currency in circulation. I just think that's way too tight to work.
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First off, what the fuck is this clock thing, looks like jew boomer bullshit larping faggotry
Massie is the closest thing to Ron Paul we've had in a long time. Called out AIPAC, cares about national debt, wants to end the Fed.
i hate jew so fucking much, bros...
that pig seems pretty happy
>we declared you were committing crimes so we took all your shit
>(((legally))) :^)
Because the yankees started a war to stop them.
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Two more weeks
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The jew fears losing their grip on currency
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Quick reminder that inflation is directly caused by judaism
Hogs got some swagger
That was global reserves, if we count developed countries (~3bil population), probably a pound per person, about 400 usd worth, or about 200 silver dimes.
There are some interesting things in the confederate constitution- some good ideas actually- but the section that mirrors Art. 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution is mirrored exactly (if i remember correctly) by the Confederate Constitution. The issue was not what was written but that the government ignores it. In general the Confederate Constritution is very similar to the US- some tweaks here or there though.
nothin at all
nothin at all
the only shareholders the Fed has are banks, that will all be underwater the moment you end the fed.

The reality is that the only thing keeping this sinking ship alive right now is money printer go brrr. The USA will end the moment that printer gets stuck.
yeah well sorry to burst your bubble but that was all fake and gay too. like really gay.
I'm referring to global reserves and global currency in circulation.

The best I can tell there would technically be enough- but it would be close enough that there would be a squeeze.
>I just think that's way too tight to work.
The beauty is letting the market decide that. A subdivision of a dime can accomodate scarsity of silver, if it were to exist, by minting say 92% copper 8% silver coins at 1/10th the value of 90/10 silver.
>figurative number
nothing figurative about US treasury bonds

>wealth that jews have stolen.
Nope, we have done that to ourselves starting with lil bush. he took a 1.8T US Budget and a surplus to 4.5T budget with 2T deficit and we have not been able to recover from that. We never will.
Based and thanks for that. Hadn't heard of this one before.
They sure do, anon.
The Independent Treasury, which couldn't adequately handle the challenges of a modern economy and required having to be bailed out by J.P. Morgan every decade.
Just if anyone is interested I think this is one of the more interesting parts of the Confederate Constitution:

>Congress shall appropriate no money from the Treasury except by a vote of two-thirds of both Houses, taken by yeas and nays, unless it be asked and estimated for by some one of the heads of departments and submitted to Congress by the President; or for the purpose of paying its own expenses and contingencies; or for the payment of claims against the Confederate States, the justice of which shall have been judicially declared by a tribunal for the investigation of claims against the Government, which it is hereby made the duty of Congress to establish.

>(10) All bills appropriating money shall specify in Federal currency the exact amount of each appropriation and the purposes for which it is made; and Congress shall grant no extra compensation to any public contractor, officer, agent, or servant, after such contract shall have been made or such service rendered.
Another good one:
>(20) Every law, or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title.
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If so, I take back every negative thing I've ever said against Drunkskull.
The war was over slavery, the first state to secede literally started their secession congress with slavery as point one. There may have been secondary gripes, but they were almost all revolving around the desire to keep slavery.
Is this the first 13 States, or the Rebel south Confederate?
Who owns most of those bonds? A lot of citizens. Therefore its a debt that jews owe to us. jews are thieves
All jews are guilty.
jews assassinated the wife of congressman Thomas Massie
>unless it be asked and estimated for by some one of the heads of departments and submitted to Congress by the President;
Scotus would rule that this text lets the President take money out of the treasury.
>Holy shit how are we going to line our bills with (((pork))) if we have to vote on individual and clearly defined subjects?
So the Articles of Confederation were not for the Confederates. You done messed up my history books!
>the iraq war was over terrorism, the first country to fall literally fell because their terroristic sympathies with jihad as point one. There may have been secondary gripes, but they were almost all revolving around the desire to commit global terrorism
I bet you believe that too. Retard
what andrew jackson did for the indians was actually a mercy compared to the literal genocide that was being planned for them
The minutes of the meeting are published in books. But ok.
Could the glowniggers make it any more obvious with their Judeo-Masonic loyalties? It's like they thought they'd never be mass-executed for treason.
The war was over secession not slavery per se. Slavery was the primary reason for secession of course. This is not sophistry it is a logical distinction.

The states argued about slavery fiercely for many decades. Sometimes this erupted into violence. But it did not turn into a war until states seceded over it and were not recognized as sovereign accordingly. THAT is what caused the war.

Slavery was certainly a definitive political, social, and economic division that created the impetus for secession. But the states would have continued right along disagreeing and not having a war until a group of them decided to leave the union. Leaving the union was the causal act. You could nit pick this of course and say the US not leaving federal installations and being attacked by the CSA was the cause of the war but that is indeed another complicated discussion whether they were justified in keeping the installations there.
wow it's almost like a bunch of people got together and lied about things to the public and in their meetings. Just like every fucking war, you absolute flatbrain. Slavery was the coverup for the war over the control of issuing currency. The south wanted to print their own money, so the jews went after their economic base of slavery for that reason. Do you think Lincoln was an actual niggerlover? Or that he gave a shit about personal freedom?
Kek, it's from the Confederate States of America's Constitution.

That is the only way CONGRESS may appropriate funds without a 2/3s vote. Not a way for the president to appropriate funds.
>The people of the State of South Carolina, in Convention assembled, on the 26th day of April, A.D., 1852, declared that the frequent violations of the Constitution of the United States, by the Federal Government, and its encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States, fully justified this State in then withdrawing from the Federal Union; but in deference to the opinions and wishes of the other slaveholding States, she forbore at that time to exercise this right. Since that time, these encroachments have continued to increase...

>The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us...

>In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, it is but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course.
>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization.
>Who owns most of those bonds? A lot of citizens.
If citizens owned US treasury bonds I would agree with you.
The problem is that most bonds are bought using printer go brrr fake money.
massie kinda right but the problem is that humans always want a bailout during a crisis.
Without a fed, we will have bank failures and people will lose everything.
kek and filename
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fuck no
in 2008 the banks, about to fails, said well, the whole world will burn before we do, hence the too big to fail was born
Wow, the patriots are in control and the quality of life has gotten worse. Thankfully the patriots were in control the whole time.
Reread it, it doesn't say congress must vote and pass, only that president must submit it to congress.
My point was Scotus have made bad decisions at times and they would read it as, "president can take money out if he tells congress".
>Sassy Massie
Make this the new nickname, /pol
Show our power
remind me how the fed bailed out home owners during 2008? if i remember correctly banks foreclosed your houses for liquidity and 8 banks received 13 trillion dollars interest free from the fed.
Checked and historically informed pilled. It drives me nuts when people argue with me over this. Nobody gave a fuck about slavery, not really.
Material violations of the Constitution in regards to the institution of slavery was why the left the union. If they had left the union over taxation or some other greivsnce- a war would have occurred similarly.

Can a state leave the union peacefully? That is the question.

Now this introduces another discussion. Once they left, and the US govt refused to even speak with them (or regard them diplomatically as sovereign) was the us federal government justified in keeping previously ceded military installations in those states? That is a major question as well that never gets discussed.

You are thinking of the conflict from a policy persepctive- I see the policy as merely academic. The direct cause of the war (as most wars are) was governmental and diplomatic in nature.
Is he the only actually good congressman? Hates the fed, calls out inordinant Jewish influence. Are there any others? Does he have some dumb opinions?
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>We are invading Korea because of communism
>We are invading Vietnam because of communism
>We are invading the middle east because of freedom
>We are invading the middle east again because of terrorism
>We are invading the middle east again because of gay rights
>We are invading...
You really are this naive aren't you?
There are no awesome jews....that is a joke and punch line all in one
notice the similarity to how HR operates in corporate environment
That provision is found in the article about the powers of congress not the executive. No such approporiations power is found in the articles addressing the executive. It must still be submitted and approved by the congress. The preceeding section:
>No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time.
Ezra may work with the Aquinoniggers, but Ezra himself certainly is not Q. Q is not something for us to understand yet.
Message over messenger.
Aquino informed me where they took all the 9/11 plane passengers in one of the last interviews he gave. He's alive still isn't he?
we will invade ryssäs because we want to kill ryssäs
I'm no authority, but my tinglies certainly tingle at the thought of him still being alive.
I'm wondering if there wasn't foreign influence in the US Civil war. It occurs to me that Lincoln looks rather like a Russian, and nobody is quite sure where he was born or raised.
>Q is not something for us to understand yet.
we just got to trust the plan kind of like Jesus.
I think I would lose my mind if this were true
and I would have to apologize for all of the mean things I’ve said to red skull
You don't have to trust shit. But if you don't know what else to do, don't go burn something down because the lady on the news told you about how upset you should be.
>all the money that people have put into various systems
>oy vey nooo none of this is for you
Fucking kike
Just post pic related in conjunction with the "AIPAC guy" webm to instaturn every lurker.
So summarize the disagreements which constitute the literal direct causes of the civil war:
>1. Can a state leave the union peacefully if their duly elected representatives vote to do so based upon purported material violations of the Constitution ?
The answer from a constitutional perspective is "most likely".
>2. Can the common government use force against a noncooperative state or group of states?
The answer to this is a definitive and explicit "no".
>If a state does leave the union and all diplomatic channels are rebuffed, would such a state be justified in reclaiming previously ceded installation during their time as members of the union which are the natural objects of their lands and waterways?
This is a tough diplomatic question.
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I would be too if they killed my wife for outing them on Tucker Carlson
Actually, I studied this. Look up the odd lack of documents on Richard Lawrence and what happened to the ward where he stayed. Long before the civil war, the bank of England (very pissed at Russia for 1776) was meddling in America trying to reclaim what was lost. They inevitably won by way of moving their banking to America by the 1900s.
2018 will be amazing
Terry Davis pilled
Effectively, the Civil War was one whereby the predominant tool Of the ruling class was either going to be physical slavery or financial slavery. The sudden influx of migrants during the 1800s serve this purpose. Obviously, financial slavery was the winning model, and we have been dealing with the fall out of that ever since.
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>I'm wondering if there wasn't foreign influence in the US Civil war.
really nigger? does the never ending flood of potatoniggers used as fodder to crush the south not ring a bell?
if you privatise everything there is no where out.
>Happening happens.
>Nearly everyone involved was part of the plan, plea deals.
>Couple government officials actually do time.
Is this out of the realm of possibility?
Like any major event diplomacy was a major factor in the war. Interference? Idk. A few factors here:

The south was economically interconnected and important as producers of certain natural resources but they were not irreplaceable by foreign powers.

The North took a fairly draconian and threatening approach to foreign powers engaging in diplomacy with the seceding states.

The south was somewhat hamfisted in their early diplomacy attempts and overestimated the ability of their natural materials to be replaced.

The South was much more savvy in appealing to the ambitions of Maximilian and Napoleon III (and coalition) in reinserting themselves into Mexico using the cover of the Civil War to reinsert themselves into Mexico. The south facilitated this as best they could and made it clear they would support it.

The UK sympathized with Confederate recognition for mostly pragmatic geopolitical reasons and economic readons- but was ultimately lukewarm.

France was pro confederate recognition. Supported a two state solution. However after recieving Union threats they would require considerable assurance of Confederate prospects before committing to the risk of Union reprisals in the event it was unsuccessful. They never really recieved those assurances. They were very motivated by Napoleon III ambitions in Mexico.

German states (Prussia etc.) And also the Russians were pro Union for what I assume are ideological reasons. Which looking back was actually pretty stupid considering how much of a monster the US would become a few decades later.
>but Ezra himself certainly is not Q.
yes he was, the original "Q Anon" poster is ezra cohen-watnick. it was a sting operation to tie up loose ends. trump is in on it.
Interesting and good point.
Reread what I said slowly.
People should also remember this provision if the Confederate Constituion
>Sec. 9. (I) The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same.

(2) Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy.
fuck your message and the messenger, they're all in on it. did you forget about the surfside condo collapse in florida? why the fuck was mossad first on scene for that? what were they really looking for?
a federal bank that is owned by and for the government which is governed by the people
McAfee's son lived in the building. When his DMS was "triggered" (it wasn't, at least not yet), that was one of the destinations. This was a theory anyway.
You should really learn about McAfee and his family. What he did was rather thematic.
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Exactly, check out central bank of Germany during the NSDAP period or Bank of Japan post-war period before it was forcefully taken over by the Jewish IMF in the 90s.

Good documentary how post-war Japan used economic policy similar to natsoc Germany, until the Jewish IMF took over.
>Princes of the Yen | The Hidden Power of Central Banks
OP should continue in a new thread.
fuck trump and q, it's all operation trust bullshit. people like podesta is still walking around unharmed. king nigger too with his 60k hotdogs. no one is sweating, none of them are worried. it's fake.
That's really cool bud.
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The problem isn't central banks per-se, or money printing per-se, you need both if you want to have capitalism.
Idiots also think that "muh gubbernment" is the problem, while the real problem is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE.
It is NO GOVERNMENT, central banks should be in strict control by the government, so they would be (at least in theory) controlled by the people.
It is exactly the fact that Jewish organizations like the IMF and the World Bank force the central banks of nations to be decoupled from the government, made as (((independent))) private entities (read: jew-controlled), which then collude with Jewish private banks with little to no government oversight.
We live basically in the Rothschild's dream world, where the Jews not only control majority of the worlds wealth, but also the money supply of the nations themselves.
And this is why our "sovereign" governments ultimately bow to the Jewish bankers.
We need to take back control of our banks, central and private, and bar Jews from having any control over our economies ever again.
kys, Shareblue
Zion Don is saving Israel for last.
patriots are in control.
Where are my car keys?
This, and of course the Chinese govt manipulating their currency so fast that the world reserve shifts overnight and America actually becomes third world.
>The problem isn't central banks per-se, or money printing per-se, you need both if you want to have capitalism.
You don't need either.
Oh, didn't have that yet. Quite interesting. I'm still surprised at the aggressive and quick reaction when there's normally bureaucracy and them taking ages to get shit done, only to do it in a half-assed way instead of so organized. Hit the bees' nest and unexpectedly they came for the honey after declaring their nest full of it.
How does your life change with people trusting something?
You first.
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trust is a precious thing, shouldn't just be given upon a hope and a whim. have better evidence. betrayal awaits.
How does your life change by others doing so?
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he hangs out with zionist jews. he is a jew. lol wtf.
You can only (safely) have a central bank if the currency is strictly backed by somethibg tangible.

Otherwise, the policy makers of the federal reserve and the central bank recieves a skeleton key to the entire government and society. As the footprint of the currencies globally began to grow- and where gold/silver backed becomes increasingly difficult to make work... it becomes necessary to come up with some other arrangement whereby a usable meaningful currency can be had without turning over the keys to the castle to a central bank and reserve etc. I think this would be possible but it is not what we have now.
well if more people trusted ron paul we wouldn't be in this situation. ron paul warned about the trump and the TAPS Act, no one listened. oh well i guess we lose, thanks for nothing asshole, you're attacking the wrong targets lol.
America worked fine without a central bank.
>federal reserve is the wrong target
>mentioned ron paul

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