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Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage. In fact the taller you are, the worse it is for your health. But somehow height is the single most important factor socially.
>Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage
It makes pussies wet, so that's a lie.
Just because the female of a species find a characteristic attractive does not mean it has practical advantages. Male peacock's beautiful feathers have no practical advantages
sexual selection offshoots evolutionary advantage. the females evolve "big gud" and then prefer bigger males. its not like they can evolve "exactly 6' gud" to prevent giant men who cant live or work.
gelapigos geckos are javing a demographic crisis atm becsuse their males are too big to eat the moss thats their main food source and the females refuse to mate with the smaller males. the smaller males resprt to rape and tricks to reproduce
female sexual selection is antithema to civilization
>Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage
today it doesn't
but femoids are still running cavewoman firmware
Many species have gone extinct due to such insane evolutions, phenomena is called fisherian runway sexual selection.
Incels discuss this often.
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Manlets are ALWAYS the top dogs.
Caesar was like 5'2
Napolean was 5'6
Hitler was 5'8"
The majority of engineers and scientists throughout history were short.
There's an inverse relationship between height and intelligence; the shorter a man is, the smarter he is as he has more brain mass per body weight, meaning more energy and proteins are sent to his neo-cortex as opposed to tall "men" who, due to the square-cubed law, require much more energy to do anything and thus they live shorter lives, are less intelligent, and weaker/take more work to get nice gainz.
The only "advantage" they have is women may be more attracted to them, but if your only value is based on ROASTIES, as opposed to being a leader of MEN (like manlets are) then that just proves how pathetic tall "men" are. "Oh, I only like TALL men" <-- literally how roasties and tall "men" think.
If you're a tall "man" you may as well get a sex change now, you're basically a woman.
And yes, I am a manlet and proud. Manlets are objectively superior.
Two sides of the same coin. The whole point of life, is to live, and continue living. The practical advantage is that you continue living. Peacocks still exist because they are hot and make female peacock pussies wet and that was good enough for nature.
>Just because the female of a species find a characteristic attractive does not mean it has practical advantages
Explain Peacocks.
It's instinctual for a woman to want a large male who can protect her and her offspring from other large males. But now it's turned into an arms race where women are seeking out the freakishly tall to outdo the other females. Girls used to ask for a 6'2 guy to date, now theu want 6'5 and above.
Because looking up is submissive. Height matters in the corporate ladder for the same reason.
i am 6ft4 in mutt measurements and still struggle with women
Yeah, everyone else was busy getting pussy.
Shutup manlet, you would sell your soul to be Arnie or dolph
It wasn’t advantageous back then either. Cavemen were dinky.
cope manlet
peacocks have few natural enemies and the specie survives DESPITE the males being disadvantaged by a plume of burdensome feathers
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height won't overcome being a goofy lanklet with bad posture
I’m 5’10.
Quite literally optimal height.
> getting pussy
have fun with all the ran-through whores.

I am neither, they simply disgust me and I want most of them dead
>bigger Grug kill bigger boar, fetch bigger meat
>bigger Grug protect cave better
how was size not advantageous?
Evolution isn't survival of the fittest, it's survival of the species that prioritize survival and reproduction.
Genes that promote reproduction are, in fact, the most advantageous ones. It doesn't matter if you're 5% stronger than the other guy, that slight increase in food you bring back from a hunt won't make the difference over being 5% more attractive, because when a woman can only choose one mate, she's going to go with the one that's more attractive.
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>Being tall confers no real evolutionary advantage.
It makes me able to reach the top shelf for your mom. What are you going to do, go get your big boy stool and stand on your tippy toes?
No one takes short people seriously, they are children
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so be a monk or a faggot i guess. i'm not sure what i'm supposed to say to that.
>It makes me able to reach the top shelf for your mom
that's where she keeps the condoms
t. been there
Evolutionary advantage was tall used to mean "well fed" or "not stunted from malnourishment."
Superior genes. Simple as.
height is a telltale sign of good breeding and nutrition
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All things being equal, tall guy will beat the ever loving shit out of short guy as well.
all of them were taller than average. most were 2-3" above average so yeah, they were tall and it has always mattered
More likely to rape them vigorously, it makes women wet, their brain wiring does that, they can’t help it.
Because it wasn’t selected for. They were much shorter than the global average today.
Women are retarded. That’s all there is to it. Height is actually a disadvantage in most situations men would be in. The best fighters are not the tallest. I’ve seen some big dudes get fucked up by pretty average size guys simply because it’s easier to take them down.
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Having big boobs doesn't have an advantage either yet men prefer them. Things don't always need to have one, science-cel.
It is disgusting, women in 2024 are disgusting. Men need to stop giving them money and having children with them so everything collapses
that guy blew his head off with a firework
Women like to feel sheltered and safe anon. A big strong tall guy allows them to feel that way all the time.
I don't feel safe with them because they are high body count and they have the state behind them
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>There's an inverse relationship between height and intelligence
Manlet cope detected
Height and IQ are positively correlated
Women like to feel small, like little girls back in daddy's arms. Not because of sexualization of the father, but because that's the suitor's natural role - becoming the new father, protector, head-of-household.
If you don't make her feel small, she doesn't feel protected. And a woman who feels protected is horny as fuck.
I'm a tall guy and I've had more than one girl explain it to me.
Not at all. Especially now with the popularity of bjj and mma. Being tall is a liability when fighting those guys. You better be a better striker because the moment they get you on the ground your advantage is gone.
>Having big boobs doesn't have an advantage
Are you delusional ?
>more milk for your progeny which makes stronger children, more likely to be breast fed than jew-formula fed which makes babies weak
>bouncing boobs when having sex is the absolute kino and exciting sight
>most comfortable pillow when sleeping next to your big tits wife
>staring at large breast for 10 mins makes males happier, statistically and medically proven
>overall men with women with large breast are happier at life, and men with women with no breast at depressed and demoralized
>large breast women are more generous, they do more, give more, they cook good food, and are not whining bitches like mean flat breast whores
You clearly dont know what is to have a big titties woman.
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a. that's not going to happen
b. it will collapse anyway
but don't let any of that impede your progress towards being a serial killer
can we pls stop with this manlet cope?

t. manlet
every time I see a white girl with a white man, he's always a freakishly tall freak, like 7ft 3. white girls have height fetish. they have an obsession with height.
then they complain when a white man has sex with 4ft 11 japanese girls.

Hahaha, fucking NWO jewesses!
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All of you are too tiny for modern women anyway. The metric has changed, faggots.
>disregarding context
Yeah, so you're as smart as you're tall.
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>They were much shorter than the global average today.
comparing cavemen heights to modern day heights is retarded
if you want to be honest, you should compare successfully breeding cavemen to incel cavemen
6'3 here, girls don't give a fuck. I'm ugly as fuck and my height has done nothing for me!
bigger boobs don't produce more milk. The rest of your points have nothing to do with evolutionary advantages and are just things related to male's preference for them.
I'm 5'5 and women tell me I'm cute all the time
>I like to feel small, like little girls back in daddy's arms. Not because of sexualization of the father, but because that's the suitor's natural role - becoming the new father, protector, head-of-household.
>If you don't make me feel small, I don't feel protected. And a twink who feels protected is horny as fuck.
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I jumped kek
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trained and tall vs trained and short = gg manlet

it's a force projection multiplier
>I like to feel sheltered and safe anon. A big strong tall guy allows me to feel that way all the time.
>men are delectable ;3
>But somehow

cause they can kill you easier you manlet nigger

UFC needs to mix weight classes so we can end all delusions manlets still have left
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>The rest of your points have nothing to do with evolutionary advantages and are just things related to male's preference for them
You know sexual selection is a mode of natural selection, right?
Nope. Sexual selection in that sense doesnt confer any real advantages. In fact, it often detracts from them. This is seen in many species.
manlets are basically slightly stronger women. manlets are weak and dont even get noticed cus we are small and not a threat.
Not all of them. For girls that know their thing, shorter men have bigger dicks, the energy saved not to grow in height was used by the body to grow their dick.
t: manlet with a big titts wife.
>just because the female
>no practical advantages
The most practical of advantages. Cope take, for no reason.
>t. 5'11
>All of you are too tiny for me anyway. The metric has changed, fellow faggots. ;3

i mean it really isn't. height is one of those pepsi challenge type situations. sure, within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone it seems to really matter, just like the first sip of a coke. it's an illusion that women want tall men, an artifact of the survey process. the person i was most in love with ever was a guy probably about 2 inches shorter than me. i'm 5'9" so he was like 5'7". but he had other worldly charisma, he had a whole aura that made the world look technicolor if you were in his sphere. he died and i still feel like he is with me all of the time.
Tall = heavier, more leverage
These are the best traits for hunting and killing animals with your bare hands or a projectile weapon.
Women want dudes that look the best for survival to fuck them, it's not hard to understand.
If you're a nerd/shorty, you don't look like you can survive. Because you can't survive.
Women want to be the little girl of a daddy. Daddy is taller than her.
This is inaccurate. Sexually selected traits are reproductively advantageous compared to individuals from the same species, but not compared to other species. Species which reproduce quickly and in large numbers, like rodents, do have an advantage in maintenance of the species, but that’s not the topic of the conversation here.
Or we could just do pistol duels so that lanklets can suffer for being bigger targets.
I'm sure being able to survive in the most heinous conditions is a great survival trait; but you're short, ugly, smelly, and built like toothpicks held together by birth defects.

Pussy moisturising is the most important survival trait.
You can dress it up in a lot of ways, but that's what it boils down to "daddy is tall".
>Tall = heavier, more leverage
>These are the best traits for hunting and killing animals with your bare hands or a projectile weapon.
>I want dudes that look the best for survival to fuck me, it's not hard to understand.
>If you're a nerd/shorty, you don't look like you can survive. Because you can't survive.
This isn’t actually the case. It’s overall mass and volume that creates better odds in a fight. An elephant will always defeat a giraffe.
>big boobs doesn’t produce milk
My wife’s tits were producing enough milk for my child and some for me, gotta love that Colostrum. Even after my child stopped feeding from his mom’s tits there were still producing milk.
You sound like a flat breasted whore because you are passive aggressively mean through your mental delusion.
this is just propaganda from the tall camp. tall bros know manlets will die childless and the children of tall bros wont have manlets to do the grunt work.
>I want to be the little girl of a daddy. Daddy is taller than me. UwU
Says you. My point is boobs have no tangible benefit other than it gets men aroused. Nobody knows the underlying reason for them.
The 2nd one is already happening
> Serial killer
Why would I do that? Women suck but there are still aspects of life that are enjoyable outside of them

My penis is almost 20cm and I am about 195cm tall
Ceasar was 5"6 when average roman height was like 5'2" for men
>japanese girls.
Even bigger whores than white women
they obviously have done studies on that and say boob size doesn't equal more milk production.
Letting women decide anything is why there's an epidemic of single moms with half-nigger monstrosities and jews pushing tall basketball players of african descent with white cheerleading teams in every highschool and university and pro-league, you fucking faggot retard.

But yeah I'm sure a system that basically manufactures niglets and losers because their dad was tall, so gross post-wall roasties can be on bumble going "36, still young, my son darquel jr. is 12 and my life! No losers please, only men with good jobs!" is a good deal for everyone involved.
I hope you die a horrible death in that jail continent of yours
Manlets usually are the ones owning the company the tall guys work in. Manlet had to compensate by being successful at life.
This is true, we have gotten much taller. My father was 6ft2 or so in your measurements and my grandfather 6ft (180cm) which for the time was very tall
>tall has no advantage
Why are short "people" always asking me to get things from places they can't reach then?
I only oblige elderly ladies, nothing more pathetic than a man asking another man to get something off a high shelf.
Find a ladder loser.
Want that orange up there? Climb like a monkey you short bitch.
'prreciate the psyche up attempt, tall bro, but i know my lot in life.

the future is tallbros competing with former tall bros with manlet requirements growing ever taller.
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No, this is basic to the theory of evolution
You said sexual preferences have "nothing to do with evolutionary advantages," but they're a core aspect of natural selection.
>The likelihood of these traits being 'selected' and passed down are determined by many factors. Some are likely to be passed down because they adapt well to their environments. Others are passed down because these traits are actively preferred by mating partners, which is known as sexual selection.
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Manlets are fkilling macheens.
Peacocks are around still practically only because the Indians culled the tiger population to the point where tigers are endangered. Peacocks get fucking annihilated by tigers in the wild because the tiger can often grab the peacock's tail feathers before the peacock can take flight.
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bc you're small
My issue is not that I cannot find any women, my issue is that they all suck. 10+ body counts left and right but now I want to be the trad wife. You should be hanged
Women are surprisingly aware of groups and race, it’s just that they prefer use it to their individual advantage. For example, white women support race laws for white men, but open borders for nonwhite males to come in and breed with whoever they want.
>Sexual selection in that sense doesnt confer any real advantages
Nigger do you not understand how evolution works? Or are you advocating for rape?
Most tall guys end up with fairly mid or even dumpy gf/wives, all things considered. A tall, handsome, exciting, rich Chad? Sure.
But that boring 6'4" accountant who always awkwardly lurches around is not going to get high quality hot girls just because tall.
Those guys are able to coast along and get pussy from the girls obsessed with tall dudes just by being tall, and never develop the game/charisma required to get the hottest girls.
The guys who get the hottest, highest quality girls are the guys who aren't significantly below average in any area that matters, but are very charismatic and confident and cool and end up having extremely high levels of social status and popularity just because everyone likes them.
>But somehow height is the single most important factor socially.
No, you are just a social retard and your obvious insecurities about being a manlet have a bigger negative effect on your social status than your actual height.
Point being my height has not helped me, it only helps me to get whores which 99% of modern women are. If you are a guy with dignity it is over for you.
>It doesn't matter if you're 5% stronger than the other guy, that slight increase in food you bring back from a hunt won't make the difference over being 5% more attractive, because when a woman can only choose one mate, she's going to go with the one that's more attractive.

And what do you think is attractiveness? stupid dumbass attractivenes is subjective, innefective and lack solid substance or clear goal do you know what fisherian runaway actually is? Daughter is more attracted to certain trait than the mother (heredated her behaviour but worst) and the vicious cycle continues it could be any stupid bullshit without purpose heigh is disadvantageous

You must eat more
You are easier target
You weight more
Doesn't meant stronger, faster or more intelligent, fisherian runaway means redish crests it could be long colorful tail, large horns, silver back, stupid weird dances, long fins etc

Let the women choose and you will have the fucking animal kingdom and the rest of the 99.99% of all other animal species that are extinct until the sun explode.

Let the men choose and you have agricultiral civilization and so on
It's not. That is just an internet meme. I'm 5 foot 8 inches. I'm happily married and have a kid. And i'm in no way special or unique in this, there are plenty of people who are the same.
manlet cope
Stop your demoralising kike thread.

Height is not a big deal. Short men date, fuck and marry. Any incidents you highlight of women saying they prefer tall men is just that. Some women stating a preference. Other women prefer a man they can look in the eye without breaking their neck. Who aren't impressed by someone being a foot taller than them. There are women for everyone.
You sure sound mad down there, little guy.
If you want to have attractive women you must be above average everywhere and even then she is a whore. Congrats.

> marry
>from the girls obsessed with tall dudes just by being tall, and never develop the game/charisma

If by now you haven't figured out looks are everything this means you have average mental capacity at best.
propaganda from the tall camp because manlets are actually dying out and we will have a manlet labor shortage in the not so distant future.
Big guys squash manlets
At maximum you would need 6'2-4" height for optimal health and strength in terms of protection against others.
6'3 here. I don't date girls who states a height preference. Fuck them, I support my short kings over any slut any day.
its not sex that i want. i want that post sex/post bj relaxation at night so i can sleep well.
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Being 6'2 allowed me to have my pick of the litter. Found me a 5'11 amazon. Been married 20 years. I remember being short, as a kid. It sucked. It must really suck as an adult male.
Should probably refine your statement.
"Looks are everything" is insufficient. Try "looks are indicative of everything."
>My issue is not that I cannot find any women, my issue is that they all suck. I want to be the trad wife of a Chaaaaad :3
>Let the women choose and you will have the fucking animal kingdom and the rest of the 99.99% of all other animal species that are extinct until the sun explode.
>Let the men choose and you have agricultiral civilization and so on
Shut the fuck up you dumb retarded twink. Let the woman choose and you will have BBCs and fat European cocks. Let the twinks choose and you will have China or India XD
Tg fdp
Natural selection is just a catch-all term that atheist neckbeards use when they don't know the answer to something. It's the same when a leftist calls someone a racist when they don't succeed in their argument because they can't think of any other explanation for why their argument isn't going their way.
this. manlets are only slightly stronger than your average woman.
Just be gay op, be a bottom, leave women for us
Nigger just admit your gay and kill yourself.
Legendary truth poster. Lanklets left on permanent suicide watch.
Isn't that the cuck that got angry because a woman put her hands on his chest?
But for what? To get access to a heavily used up woman that larps as trad?

I want a woman that has not been passed around like cheap meat.
Stupid idiot how could you survive with your mediocre brain, a tall faggot today is the manlet of the future.
They all were average to tall for their respective times
>big guy
>big dick
>small guy
>small dick
>average guy
>average dick
>black guy?
>big dick
>asian guy?
>small dick
it's simple math.
pls stop the manlet cope. im short, not a realitylet.
I love dicks UwU
A woman that is so far down the drain she chooses you for dick size has a body count of 10+ for certain
you might be tall, but your reading comprehension is short
precisely my point. so the tall camp wants more manlets so their children arent the future manlets. im not a brainlet.
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Have you forgotten that you are the one who brought up evolution? Or do you think that evolution is unrelated to natural selection?
Just how fucking dumb are you?
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> My penis is almost 20cm
Some evidence would be appreciated.
Sometimes I feel it's just another way for women to insult men. Yes I believe women are like this.
well that's like 80% of women nowadays
holy shit imagine not being able to catch that retarded thing with drag queen feathers all over slowing it down. loser tiger lol
good. we manlets deserve to be insulted
cunts don't look for height nearly as much as this board suggests
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God, I love being 6 foot 6 and good looking. Practically effortless pussy or dick. Too easy, actually. I could easily father a dozen children a month with minimal effort.
COPE trusting appearances are you a female?

Do you think Bezos or the Jews are sexy mother fuckers?

Are women lusting for the manlet Messi?

Usain bolt is an attractive gentleman?

What else is Francisco Lachowski good for?, google it.
having tons of the wealth is the only cheat pass manlets get. being tall is wealth in the form of genetics.
I feel like I hurt some first year women's studies major's feelings and she just learned about psychological projection, too.
Let me guess, you're 20 years old and just took psych 101?
You don't? I told you I am unhappy despite it because I am a very conservative person, it is almost as if I am in the wrong timeline. It is over

Anytime you think about a man you think about his penis?
>You can go, but first you have to eat all these eggs.
>Francisco Lachowski
you changed flags lol
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Tyler is still my favorite manlet mutt
I got recommended among girl gangs for my endurance, mein Stehvermögen, buchstäblich.
This seems to matter more than just size. After all, what use is a big flaccid cock?
Another cheat pass manlets have is Killing tall men, and outwitting them, andbecoming stronger than them, getting more power or influence....

If you think about it tall men are the ones getting easy pass.
You have to learn to be tough, not let arbitrary shit bother you. All you do is make yourself miserable, stop holding yourself up to standards that are not your own and near impossible to achieve.
cope. im a manlet, not a realitylet. my days are numbered, and wish only for peace until then.
Who cares no woman is a virgin past 16, and fucking virgins isn't fun
this guy was great in q2
evolution does account for some things. My point is breast size doesn't have any tangible benefits and people will say "well I don't know either but natural selection says so" and that's the typical NPC answer. I'm saying not everything needs to have an evolutionary advantage to exist.
Being big and strong = being able to fend off a pack of niggers.

Being big, strong, and smart = being able to fend off a pack of niggers and prevent a mass shooting once one of them starts reaching into his sagging pants for a Glock because he's mad Y-tee kicked his ass.
The fuck is this supposed to mean? This is not a reply to someone partially agreeing with you while pointing out the error. Did you think I was referring to attractiveness?
>have fun with all the ran-through whores.
who do you think takes their virginity?
This is true. That's why the jews push propaganda to make tall men more attractive because they are afraid of short white men
Imagine your a ditsy little forever a mental child with rape fantasies and wet hole that just won't stop bothering you

Do you want this guy, >>472784998
Who's 130 pounds 5'4", can't take a single punch, and visibly trembles at the sight of a waitress

Or do you want a real man?
the biggest heist i'll achieve in my life is not raising my replacement.
>almost 20cm and I am about 195cm
In english doc
jew is short incel.
He hate y-tee
Being tall didn't save this jackass from getting his head blown off with a firecracker

>The fuck is this supposed to mean?
the faggot wants you to google Francisco Lachowski because he has a crush on him
How is pointing out facts coping?
Millions of manlets are swimming against the current and often winning

Why is Putin still alive of he is a turbo manlet for example
Older dark triad chads

I do, because if you are a guy who has long term plans this century is pure evil to you

7 inches and 6ft4 I think
Not at all. Look at all the best fighters. I bet none of them are the tallest within their weight class. If we look at street fights it’s even more obvious that height is only an advantage for striking due to reach.
What do you care? Why do men care about big tits? Because milk ain't got nothing to do with boob size. Taller men appear to have developed better which signifies status (more food and sleep). If you're mogged, then just move to Asia and you'll be at least normal + you'll have racial exoticism bonus.

t. 5'9" manlet and you don't catch me complaining
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>In english doc
20 cm is 1 niggerdick
195 cm is about 3.4 elbows
Putin has the wealth cheat. For the billions of manlets, a handful will have the wealth cheat.

it's swimming against the current. soon the river of natural selection will wash the manlets away.
Cope seethe and dilate, you avoided my reply you are low iq idiots at least you agree with each other you could make a cute loving couple together think about it.
>195 cm is about 3.4 elbows
One big rig truck*
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>I'm saying not everything needs to have an evolutionary advantage to exist.
Fine, nobody is arguing that. You said
>bigger boobs don't produce more milk. The rest of your points have nothing to do with evolutionary advantages and are just things related to male's preference for them.
The simple point is that sexual preference IS an evolutionary advantage due to sexual selection. It's wrong to say that sexual preference has "nothing to do with evolutionary advantage"
based natty selector
lmao you're that romanian faggot who spammed this godforsaken place with that pretty boy
Oh yeah then why am I not getting any
> Niggers
They get cucked all the time, their women are obsessed with me. But they are even worse than White women. Guys who think that race-mixing is somehow the path to a good gf are only playing themselves
Taller hunters can...
> see game further away
> reach for higher branches when climbing
> see threats before anyone else

All of these act toward giving an evolutionary advantage
> you don't have to run faster than the lion, only faster than the guy next to you
>if he get resources more efficiently, is stronger, influence millions and live longer is because I am superior my mom said my long tibias are the best genetics

By your logic a giraffe is genetically superior than lions or humans.
at least they have a loving gf and can hope. manlets sleep alone and have our windows open for Nature's company
Fist-fighting is a dumbass take. Humanity didn't dominate the evolutionary arms race by punching animals to death. We fight with weapons and traps. Anyone who assaults you physically should better be equipped, and when armed with a deadly weapon, strength confers only so much advantage.
I forgot to mention how often manlets try and fight me when they feel they're in a situation where they need to show off to women. Hilariously predictable.
For a long time, humans hunted by running after animals and throwing spears to kill them. Having long legs and long arms means you are good at running and throwing spears
a giraffe could probably kick a lion to death yea.
a giraffe can live off small leaves on tree tops
and kick a lion's face in
I don't know bro I have never been in Romania and I have never called anyone "pretty boy" specially grown ass men whats up with you.
You can get women but it still is 2024 so mostly likely the are evil whores who give you nothing back

I sleep alone too because I prefer it to coping with a whore
and yet you asked guys in this board to
>google Francisco Lachowski
It's not. Unless you're a literal midget you should be fine. This whole obsession with height is why the right will never win. Instead of fixating on the problem they bitch amongst each other. Suckers.
The thing that is offensive to most men about the height meme is that it’s not even about being “big” or strong, just vertically. So you can be above average in looks, frame and dick but because /fit/ memes from 2013 escaped into the normie world, now women think that’s the most important way we determine status. This lets a lot of ugly, thin wristed and small dicked lanklets feel like men when 20 years ago that wasn’t how it worked.
I'll just break your legs and make a ladder out of them, easy
I mean, yeah that just gets into the argument of evolution vs creationism (or whatever reason for things being the way they are). People like boobs because of natural selection, or they like boobs because they always did and there is some mysterious reason why they like them.
Women want men to be distinct from themselves, and more useful. A better meat shield for millenia was very advantageous. Their taste hasn't adapted to guns yet.
I don't like boobs anymore because they stand for whoredom
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In 5-06, have had plenty of gf’s who were a little taller, like my current gf. I never went after real tall chicks or those who had some major height preferences. For most of my single life I had jobs,
like picrel, that made it clear I was many times more masc and tough than anyone relying on height alone. Bonus for any Pipehitter anons wjo recognize gif.
cope. empty words won't make a difference. manlets are screwed (unscrewed).

tall bros will just have to pvp with other tallbros for future non manlet status
women agree Francisco Lachowski is the best example of a man Literally a useless tall faggot

If I tellyou to Google spiders is because I'm secretly attracted to spiders?

Dam dysgenic tall retards.
this guy vs david tua who wins?
>Oh yeah then why am I not getting any
You live in Ireland the only things to do are get drunk and have sex. Sounds like a skill issue.
Yeah and height gives nearly nothing when considering firearms, if anything it makes you a bigger target.
This is painfully stupid.

>> see game further away
Taller means better eyesight?
>> reach for higher branches when climbing
How is a bigger man better at climbing? I can randomly google "best climber in the world", check their heights, and see nothing but manlets. Where's your brain?
>> see threats before anyone else
manlet cope. manlets are slightly stronger than your average woman.
false. if you are taller, you can handle recoil better, and thus able to shoot more powerful guns
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>If I tellyou to Google spiders is because I'm secretly attracted to spiders?
But when have the opinion of women ever mattered?
when you're taller you see over the tall grass
in civilized nations - women have always mattered.
Height is associated with penis length.

That's all women care about.
The only advantage I can think of is being able to control recoil better. No one's issuing bigger guns to troops as a tactical advantage. In fact, we're using smaller caliber rifles now than we did earlier in the 20th century.

And you're also seen over the tall grass.
Women are superficial. The internet sluts are in a competition to see who can get the tallest guy. If you're not at least pushing 6'3" you're basically invisible to a 5'2" fat little shit who's trying to get taller genes. There's also the obsession with basketball, which isn't even a real sport as it requires no athleticism other than "be tall, put monke ball in hoop." But the younger generation is absolute obsessed with basketball, it's supassed the other sports as a favorite. So girls who are looking for an athletic guy now think that any tall lankey guy is an athletic guy. There's the "D1 babies" meme which is basically eugenics, they want to make the tallest lanky faggots with goofy hair basically because they think those are good athletes.
>But when have the opinion of women ever mattered?
Because evolution requires the act of benis in bagina.
Mostly this, but also dimorphism. Anything that sets a man apart from a woman (height, dick, beard, muscles, etc.) can attract a woman.
i just said that and you respond by repeating it followed by cope. im a manlet and not a realitylet.
Taller = more mass = easier to kill another man = eaiser to defend woman and child.
what the fuck was that
Literal jumpscare.
Ok, so to summarize.
You: looks are everything (stated disingenuously)
Me: change it to "looks are indicative of everything" (modifies meaning of looks to appearance)
Although I am not exactly tall, I do pretty good. So just worry about yourself son.
>Height is associated with penis length.
>That's all I care about. ;D
I mean handling the recoil of the standard issue rifle. "You can use bigga gun" isn't a thing. A 5.56 is going to put you out of combat in a single shot.
that would be preferable to being you
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Cause none of your all have shit to offer but some of you gaggots have noticed that thots can overlook that if you have 6" on the rest of the chaff
>lulz get bent faggots
i didnt ask.
Manlet rage on full display, kneel spiclet.
being this sheltered lol
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190 cm here. I never think about my height and you spend all day seething about it.

Stay small.
women mater very much. just their opinion on most strategic manners is generally uselss
>I am superficial. The internet twinks are in a competition to see who can get the tallest guy. If you're not at least pushing 6'3" you're basically invisible to a 5'2" fat little shit who's trying to get taller genes. There's also the obsession with basketball, which isn't even a real sport as it requires no athleticism other than "be tall, put monke ball in hoop." But the younger generation is absolute obsessed with basketball, it's supassed the other sports as a favorite. So twinks who are looking for an athletic guy now think that any tall lankey guy is an athletic guy. There's the "D1 babies" meme which is basically eugenics, they want to make the tallest lanky faggots with goofy hair basically because they think those are good athletes.
You suggested I am a manlet. Which I am not.
Mine is 21 cms and im 1.78 m
My brother’s is 24 cms and is 1.75 m
>inb4 how you know your brother’s size
We used to have this competition when we were teens about who’s got the bigger one.
>successfully breeding cavemen to incel cavemen
So the ones willing to rape vs the ones who didn't and died off? A 5'2" megamanlet can rape a 6'2" female so don't give me that shit.
bigger grug eat more
bigger grug get injured far easier
bigger grug have shorter life span

these are not insignificant differences btw, we are talking 5+ years off lifespan and many more tendon tears and bone breaks
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when you pound them for hours from on top it's better when your faces align
using a bigger gun totally is a thing. bigger = better.

but the tall bros need manlet labor to uphold the value of being tall. women reject manlets, thus the future will be tallbros vs slightly taller tall bros competing for status
Flat breast can’t feed their babies breast milk, simple as. Big tities have enough for a whole neighborhood.
>wet and hot peacock pussies
This anon knows
manlets coping lol
Ive never seen a porn with a manlet, this adds up.
I agree with your post. Im not sure why so many people on the right are so in love woth feminism.
perhaps in war.
i did and i still didn't ask.
Women and faggots tall like that you know.
in most matters outside the family dynamic which arguably more important
I don’t think that YOU understand how evolution (or life, or the world) works
false. its better when she is much shorter so you can kiss the top of her head
>I'm ugly as fuck
you're not that bad bro
>using a bigger gun totally is a thing. bigger = better.
Source for your claims. Where are the big-boy assault rifles issued for tall men?

You are brown. Go stink up a street, subhuman.
Calm down lil guy, use english.
You suggested retard. Don't you have to play with yourself? Manlet?
i cant agree
It does. My female neighbor has a bf and he laughs so stupidly, you can't imagine. His only competence is his ridiculous height.
>slavic flattie detected
Women detected, confirmed.
Opinion discarded with extreme prejudice.
You shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Sandnigger, what are you doing? You don't have arguments, you're just being a brown retard. Kys.
Tall guys are usually dumb as fuck and not successful at life.
of course there are outliers but by and large women are too hypothetically empathetic to make shrewd decisions. the women who can are peak espionage, though. i dont care if you agree, my sisters agree with me
Yes a short man can rape a tall weak lanket woman, men are built so much tougher.

A foot is not that big of a difference actually, someone 5' tall is 5/6ths what someone 6' tall is. It gets even more ridiculous when women are comparing increments of 2" which is barely noticeable or really not noticeable without a measurng tool. They're obsessing over something so petty, really judging men over minor stats. The problem is it's not sustainable, women aren't breeding because western men are too pussy to take charge and be the ones who decide when the breeding happens.
you just know she is moist down there
we dont need a source, it's straightfoward logic. bigger = better at handling recoil = able to utilize larger fire power = capable of better dispensing destruction per shot.
>you dont have an argument
Big breast > flat breast
>It does. My female neighbor has a bf and he laughs so stupidly, you can't imagine. He's so bad in bed. Every time he fucks me my bussy isn't even sore. His only competence is his ridiculous height.
b cups good
your temper is short, much like a manlet. i bet u are 5'6 barefoot
Yes, we are getting taller because height has always been selected for. If it didn't matter we wouldn't be getting taller as a species numb nuts.
It’s not. A short White will still pull bitches over a small non White
Why is everyone such an imbecile in this thread? How old are you? Is it summerfag kids shitting up the place?

To most men, yes, but why? Because milk isn't the reason.
>uhh but it is!
Checked. If she ain’t a D min, she ain’t a woman. B cup is good for 14 years old top.
manlet coping
>Because looking up is submissive. Height matters in the corporate ladder for the same reason.
i accept your concession
It's not, it's just something autists here like to use to feel superior. I'm a manlet and lost my virginity at 16 in high school, went to two senior proms with two different women and dated multiple women throughout my 20's. It's literally just in the face + charisma. I'm still very shy and introverted and most of my dates were circumstances of luck, but I still got what I got. For further proof, most of my "tall friends" are 4chan types I know in real life who have either never had a woman or maybe at best had one women. The biggest player I know irl is literally a giga manlet but oozes confidence and has slept with way more women then I ever will. It has nothing to do with height.
fag. you probably like fake tits too. stay in moroco
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