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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Do atheist prescribe supernatural qualities of certainty to their God of science? For all they know in their atheist hellscape world view we could all just be a simulation or a brain inside of a vat being spoon fed all these experiences. They have no way of really knowing it that's ever the case yet they go in in life acting like who they are and what they're saying as it relates to science is infallible.

If you are prescribing a perfect infallibility to the concept of science, aren't you just idolizing it and calling it your God of worship? In the opposite of the Gods of the gaps argument, everything you don't know you just assume science can tell you. This includes obvious supernatural concepts like matters existence or the space existence in which matter occupies.

If these things the average atheist looks at and just assumes science can tell them how space was created, than I think it's safe to assume they prescribe a God definition to the thing known as science. Even if they have no way of knowing it they're real or not, they seem 100% confident "science" can tell them all the secrets of the universe.

Is science their God? And if you think science can answer all your questions how is it not your God? And if it can't answer every question (meaning no logical answer of what causes this phenomenon) wouldn't you have to appeal to a creator in those scenarios since you admit your science isn't any longer infallible?
they worship humanist rationality
>there's a god.
>wow, can I meet him?
>well yes, but actually no. He's invisible, you see. And works in mysterious ways.
well, ok, but I don't believe you.

It's really that simple.
At least they don't worship a fucking jew
Why are believers so utterly stupid? Why do they fall for lies then spread those lies? And why are they so obsessed with non-believers?
>t. retarded shit
You must be at least 9 years old to post here

Ok next question
Define “humanist rationality.”
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Science is a method to try and understand how things work. It's like asking would you worship a flow chart for troubleshooting why your computer doesn't boot?
Cute Kot.
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I get it now. You must be an atheist larping as a theist, trying to make them look dumber than usual, right? Well played!

The fact is that atheism - not believing in any gods - has nothing to do with any unrelated maths or science.

Religious fuckwits can't argue against non-belief, but in their low-IQ stupor they imagine they can lie about atheists and somehow argue against science.

Their long term cognitive dissonance - believing in nonsense and desperately trying to rationalize it - has eroded their cognitive ability to the point they can't tell fact from fiction.

The hilarious bit is that they aren't even bright enough to be embarrassed by their shameless stupidity.
>Is science their God?

If the net force is the same as the mass times the acceleration, and we know the expansion of the universe is accelerating, then what is the force that’s acting on the universe and causing its expansion to accelerate?

How the fuck can anyone claim to know that God doesn’t exist when they can’t answer such a basic and fundamental question.

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