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She broke up with me because i'm socially anxious.
I can't talk to cashier, i can't order at the restaurant , she is always doing things were i need to speak because i stutter and i panic if i need to speak.
Nothing of value was lost.
I'd break up with someone if I had to be their parent, too
piece of shit
truth hurts
how did you find a gf if you are this big of an autist? cigan arranged marriage? dont think she'd be leaving if it was though.
maybe I have a chance after all
How does a loser get a gf if he can't function in society. Was she ugly or something?
>claims to have social anxiety
>had a gf
Sure normalnigger
Dang, that sucks. Anyway I think it’s time to get rid of these kikes.
i look very good
>make list of thinks you can’t do
>take benzos
>go do things
>repeat until you don’t need the benzos
There you go anon.
You sound like a bitch.
How did you even get the balls to get a girlfriend? Because that's the least believable part.
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Having low self esteem and anxiety is the least sexy thing you can possibly do. So just stop it
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Violence is the only answer. My advice is to make a plan and follow through with it. You have already lived in hell. No it's time for payback.
Why would she waste her life?
She should have killed you

good - you are a disabled person and should not reproduce with weaknesses like that - if you had been born in sparta they would have thrown you to the gulls
i look good and i dm her on bumble.
she was also the first one who kissed me first.
Sorry to hear that bro.
I don't blame her though. If some guy comes by and threatens her or your kid, are you going to hide behind her again? Dating is a prelude to marriage, which was ultimately about survival as much as it is love, even from a religious standpoint. "And so a man leaves his father and mother to become one flesh with his wife". Why would she want to become part of something useless and ineffectual? She can get love elsewhere with someone not unable to to basic things.
This isn't to dog-pile on you, I'm a similar boat. It's one of the reasons I'm single, because I know I can't "perform" per se up to expectations.
Some women don't mind or care about that, but she does. You're simply not a good match at the moment. Take this opportunity to fan the flames of change within you, and start trying to change. Even if the anxiety never fully leaves, you can work with it / cope with it. I.e. "who the fuck cares what this random cashier thinks of me? If I fumble an order then LMAO whatever. I already know I'm a retard this is yet another failure, what's one more." etc.

Don't blame her leaving, but also accept that if she actually loved you she would have attempted to help you get over it / find alternate ways to deal with it. Consider this both a wake-up call as well as a blessing that removed dross from your life.

Many times the relationship happens and then things change. You can develop anxiety over time or even quickly, such as a car crash turning into anxiety for traveling which makes you want to hole up at home more which spirals into other issues.
Sucks to hear but she sounds like a cunt just find another one all women are replaceable. Learn to come out of your shell a little bit more
>she is always doing things were i need to speak
It's called being a human being
Get meds for it then retard
>gf left me because I am weak and scared
Seems fair
You are not good breeding material
Well don't be a pussy next time and this won't happen
you should stop caring, like truly stop caring when accepting there is no tomorrow, be the moment since nothing else matter. then your anxieties will go down. you need to die in your head to truly live
i'm physically small ( narrow and i weigh 60kg (130lbs) i have a weak genetic, not made for fighting.
I tried boxing and i got rocked from a light jab, i can't put weight even on 3300 kcal
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Don't listen to these faggots. If you want justice you will have to take it the old fashioned way. Do them like foolios ops did. They shot the shit out of that nigger. He died in a hail of bullets.
>Thread theme https://youtu.be/VFwqVw_zq7Y?si=c556PDjowytQ-RBJ
you sound like a manlet, you look like a manlet
why not kill yourself ? :)
we don't let manlets reproduce
sorry bub
Stop acting like a faggot get another bitch start lifting some weights stop with your queer mindset become dangerous

My mummygf orders all my food for me
He's right though.
Hell, look at the depiction you chose to use for yourself, a scared little boy trying to hide behind his parents, ffs he was 100% right about you.

If I was a girl, you'd give me the ick!
I couldn't imagine dressing up and spreading my legs for a numale that trembles at the sight of a servant!
The thought of such a pathetic creature trying to dominate me is repulsive.

Seriously, the only thought worse than such a creature cowering like that is if such a creature then tried to act dominant. It's now like a Chihuahua all bark, no bite, just standing there shaking and running it's mouth
Sounds like you would fit better as a homosexual bottom; you could let some other man do your talking for you and really fulfill your passive and submissive destiny.
She did the right thing.
had the same... get therapy it really helps.. and i mean therapy not just take pills alone but actually do the therapy as well

Really anon it helps i am way better today than i was
Most people don't care that you stutter. Especially at restaurants. Those people talk o mid to low class trash people everyday. They hear worse accents and see worse social graces. You're not that special, dude. Nobody is expecting you to be super competent. You should ask her back out on a date where you make the orders. That'll show her that you're trying and that you've grown. Otherwise take this time to figure out why you think you're so special
Nobody cares
we already know this. it'll become news if the talmudvision starts broadcasting it, but only insofar as it'll make it clear the jews have fully gotten behind the orange nigger
so until that happens, nice old news
Dude, go out and practice trying to conquer your fear. Talk to people where it doesn't matter and learn to feel comfortable. You can do it, but you have to work at it. It gets easier the more you do it. If you can find humor in yourself it makes it easier also. Learn to laugh at yourself when you fuck up instead of letting it get you down. Just move on
>Verification not required.
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded. I used to be like that when I was a kid. I forced myself to grow out of it. Maybe you need meds. Take meds. Complaining about how your lack of action is making your life worse will not make your life better, surprisingly.
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Don't listen to these faggots. What you need to do is take vengeance I would suggest writing a detailed manifesto , the chosing a target rich environment where your pain can turn into immortal glory. It's hard to let go but you must separate yourself from this world and become the lords wrath.
I work in the medical field, and that does sound like true social anxiety. Often times you see people (mostly women) suffer panic attacks when having to do activities either outside of their comfort zones or things that are not commonly done, such as going out to get a haircut, or having to drive when they aren’t used to it. Most commonly these attacks trigger a flight or flight response from understimulated or overly sensitive adrenal glands. This causes them to start to breath sharper - keeping a build up of CO2, triggering their hypoxic drive and making them feel short of breath and panic more. In your case, social anxiety sounds like it makes you socially avoidant and innately going into a social setting causes you to start the fight or flight response. The heart rate elevation triggers a cascade effect as you get more nervous, and thus avoidant. Beta blockers help with this, musicians often take them for stage fright and the effects are lighter than Benzos or any type of antidepressants. Bear in mind this may have an effect on your sex drive, but if you’re as thin as you say, I’m assuming your vasculature is fine and can help compensate from the lowered heart rate. Also just going out and doing these things more often will get you more used to them, but I’d recommend that after meds.
As an aside, women want to be told what to do, to have things done for them. They like being able to shut their brains off and not have to act or think. Women taking on YOUR role as a man will generally feel resentful overtime and view you as an unworthy partner, no matter how good you look. You will struggle to find any woman willing to compensate for this, for the long term at least. This is something you absolutely must work on while you can, otherwise you’re going to have many relationship issues in your future.
Have you considered not being such a bitch made faggot? I don't like doing any of those things either, but I do it anyway because I'm a fucking man. You should just troon out pussy. Then your bull can talk for you while he pounds your asshole.
Im a complete femboy but I still get shit done like a real man. Women love it.
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I think if he took drugs and focused his thoughts on our beloved fuhrer then he could be the change the world needs. Don't give up. Instead get Even.
How did you initiate contact and go on dates with her then if you're like that?
Just get yourself a woman who likes to nurture not a modern whore, women of the past did all the work except actual employment work and that included bills, phone calls etc. Men aren't social animals, thats why we have women who love socialising.
>Just get yourself a man who likes to nurture not a modern whore, women of the past did all the work except actual employment work and that included bills, phone calls etc.
I REMEMBER YOUR LAST THREAD. seriously get in stockings so I can fuck you
You're a mentally defective turbomanlet and you got a gf. How ugly was she, chief?
How did you get a gf being a manlet and socially awkward?

Anyways, find a job/hobby, you will get self confidence with age too
The cure for anxiety is to do the things that cause you anxiety until they no longer cause you anxiety
Straight to Sheol
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If you're a straight dude then it's either that or remaining single.
how tf did you get gf in first place ?
anyone here tried nardil? I’ve heard stories of life changing results apparently it can just switch off social anxiety
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>t, manlet, weightlet, spineless faggot
You're a defective, useless man. Kill yourself immediately.
You're a faggot, she did you a favour. Now you can go be with another man.
If you can't box then go do some bjj or wrestling. Lift some weights and do cardio. Combat is necessary for real confidence.

Get a job around people or volunteer somewhere. You don't need pills, you need experience.
probably good looks but even that cant help you if you cant hold a conversation or order food
how did you pull her in the first place if you're too autistic to order a pizza?
wow.. yeah.. I don't really care.. see.. that's the difference between you and me, between our countries. I never even had the chance to have a girlfriend. They don't really exist over here. I stutter sometimes too because I'm too based and don't want to appear overconfident and insult normies subconsciously. Nevertheless, a girl never gave me a chance and I'm not in natural proximity to any to matter to them one bit. Yeah, that sucks. For you. FUCKING NORMIE SCUM.
ur a faggot op do urself a favour and suck a cock
How long do you think you would've survived if you lived in the Neolithic Age? 20 years? 25?
I have a similar issue OP except my girlfriend wants to marry me.
She says I'm not hard or tough. To my face. Repeatedly.
She's also said I'm like the least intimidating person she knows.
It doesn't really hurt because if it's true then when I find out the truth will come out one way or another.
But I don't understand why she's with me. She says I make her feel safe, but I don't think she means from other people....
I've even told her I'd protect her and she said I'd never been in a fight so how would I know.
Maybe it's being betabux but like wtf? It's not even insulting just puzzling.
There would be no social anxiety then, every waking moment wouldve been around people,
>I can't talk to cashier, i can't order at the restaurant
skill issue
My last girlfriend broke up with me because I was depressed over the holidays and I also said I couldn't see myself being married again.
Post cock
you oofy doofy betabuxx FAGGOTT
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Now you must become incel terrorist.
I'd argue imagining women and portraying them pictorially in masculine roles or with weapon implements is even less attractive to anyone, ever, besides a completely hormonally wrecked tranny faggot. Like yourself.
unless it's porn, like those eastern euro slut they used to give machine guns and black berets while they were tanned and oiled up. that was cool.
LOL, fuck off with your fake gay ass stories. How the hell did you even get a gf without talking you absolute retard.
You're lucky you had a girlfriend, at all. I'd suggest you work on that shit, big-time.
you know he's right

Why is that a surprise? You’re like a child hiding behind her skirts and you expect her pussy to stay wet for you? The same reason you like feminine women is why women like masculine men. There is nothing masculine about social anxiety. Fix it.
>The same reason you like feminine women is why women like masculine men. T
I like masculine men. X) And feminine men too teehee :3
kys you stinking gypsy
How did you get gf if you can't talk to people?
Also that's a completely valid reason to break up with someone. Stop being a pussy schizo
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Women don't break up because they dislike your "personality" they couldn't give less of a shit about how you act. She either found someone she thought was more attractive than you or the dopamine wore off so she left. Don't blame yourself for what happened. It's like feeling responsible for being stung by a bee. It's their nature and they can't control it unless enslaved. If she didn't stick around because you're nervous in social situations she would've bailed the moment the both of you encountered any kind of problem. You dodged a bullet.
Look man. Being social is hard for people like us.
Just remember that you're gonna be alright. You're just a normal interaction with someone in their day to day life just like they're a normal interaction to you.
Try not to overthink it too much. It sounds insultingly simple, I know. But this is coming from someone like you. You just have to practice until it's normal. Get out, do the shit extraverts do, it'll become secure nature but it takes time.
Good luck.

To her, you look weak. You're not weak, you're socially awkward from a lack of experience. It'll be ok tho. You'll find someone who's like you. She did you a favor.
Be more sociable. It takes alot of practice and a lot of failures to be good at it. You also use your frailness to your disadvantage.
This. Socialising is just basically learning how to read and write except you got a voice.
Sounds like you need a mommy instead
Can’t function irl but can shitpost peak 2024LMAO
this is the reply of a fatty with no self respect and they're projecting that onto others. 90% chance their parents verbally and/or physically abuse them.
I used to be like that. I started meds to treat it (SSRIs) years ago and I have never looked back. Wish I took the meds earlier.
This board throws a shit fit every time someone even suggests SSRIs might have a positive result though.
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>This board throws a shit fit every time someone even suggests SSRIs

Probably because 3/4s of the people on SSRIs don't actually need brain altering chemicals. They just need to workout and think about fixing their situation in a practical sense than relating to fictitious references. I believe they help. But not in the volume that they are prescribed.
She doesn't want to be the man in the relationship, sort your fucking problems out
Sorry for your loss, unironically. It would behoove you to gradually expose yourself to more socialization and not fold and think I’m doomed it’s over etc. The comfort zone can be a sanctuary but also a tomb. Improvement will entail being uncomfortable. When you fuck up and feel the embarrassment washing over your body (you probably will), just dust yourself off and plod on. Laugh at yourself a little.
Keep in mind that it’s all a LARP. I see that you’re 60kg. I know people your size married with children. They have no issues projecting confidence even when an average sized untrained man could annihilate them.
Go be a socially maladjusted retard until you’re not. Don’t be a victim
I don't think working out would achieve the same things. I used to think I was really introverted and shy but turns out I just had severe anxiety. Nowadays no one would ever say I'm even remotely close to an introvert. When I tell people how I used to be they don't even believe me.
How did you fix it? It’s too late for me anyway. My social anxiety was so bad that I totally dropped out of society 20 years ago.
how did you even get gf retard?
get fucked faggot
sorry to hear that Joe
Find a socially anxious girlfriend and order delivery instead of going out
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