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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>'Nice to give a bit back' - Bellingham to critics

>Paedophile head teacher jailed for 17 years

>Kuwait flight hostages sue airline and UK government

>Energy prices fall but relief may be temporary

>Union calls off Port Talbot strike action

>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends

>High mortgage rates pricing out buyers, says Nationwide

>Funeral home inquiry: 163 families linked to ashes
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Sexually, being a woman kind of sucks.

Men have penises, which can penetrate, but also buttholes, which can be penetrated. Both penetration and being penetrated produce a unique type of pleasure.

Women, on the other hand, have two holes: the vagina hole and the butthole. There's not much variety there.

Sure, a lot of guys won't get penetrated for fear of being gay. But those who do experience a great deal of pleasure.

If a woman wants sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex, she can't forcefully penetrate him or her. That prevents women from being able to experience one of life's truest joys: the joy of rape.

Men can fuck women and men and be fucked by men. Women can just get fucked by men. Women, contrary to popular belief, can't fuck one another. They can only lick each other's genitals and use toys, which quickly grows boring. The toys are artificial and do not pleasure the penetrator, leading to a very sterile, cold bedroom devoid of sensuality.

There's also something to be said of how close the vagina is to the asshole.

Personally, I think the sexual ideal being ought to have both a penis and a vagina, but not a butthole. The vagina and butthole should merge into a single orifice — a cloaca!
Funny how the smartest person here is a jeet immigrant.
Bloody Portuguese
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imagine being such a newfag you think you can "bully josh", especially "bully him" into leaving

I don't like josh, but it can't be denied that he's the most stubborn, no fucks given cunt in this general. the lad never folds under any sort of pressure. he just keeps on coming

in fact when he does disappear for a bit it makes me even more suspicious than usualy because it usually means he's upto something. a new larp or something like that

be on guard lads
Women can have multiple chain orgasms. Sometimes when i fucked my gf it was like she had down syndrome, but then she is a woman so.
World championship of autism
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Proper look of pain and despair on that bloke's face.
checked and kekd
Neigh thanks
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>Sometimes when i fucked my gf it was like she had down syndrome
>i fucked my gf it was like she had down syndrome
Maybe she has?
It’s taken 20 years to cry over my consciousness of being brown.
Honestly at 30+ years of age, I saw a Vote Reform sign leaving my village and my heart flipped. The 20 Tory posters in “Linda’s” home doesn’t bother me so much, nor does the UK flag at full mast outside “Dave’s”. I have became accustomed to living out here its water off a ducks back.

I am third generation Windrush, my children were the token brown children in the village school so it is neither here nor there.

Today however has rocked me and I cannot pin point why. I got to the gym this morning and spoke with one of my gym pals you see no where else but this building.

He said the words “ make Britain great again” , after speaking around the houses of my morning. I responded with “ I’m sorry? “ . The conversation ended swiftly after this because of course he didn’t mean me when discussing the refugees nor migrant workers.

I have taken my afternoon to reflect and ground myself as another “friend” brought up the trans debate only the other day. Swearing blind about pronouns, gender and sex.

It unsettles me how out of the woodwork you thought you were content and then suddenly you look down and see your brown skin. I am looking at myself differently today and it has made me anxious perhaps the tears were reactive. Perhaps I am over thinking or perhaps there is a shift. My friend called it crypto facism and that is all that made me smile today.
You thick cunt, she's definitely got more chromosomes than you
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I fucked her tarded
Heeee's a spastic
He's got no friends and lives in a bedsit
And on his chest are two flabby mantits
And he needs to die
double lucky!
Thoughts on Professor Sir John Curtice?
damp rag
looks like that guy from robocop
Nimbus 2000 Harry Potter Vibrating Broomstick by Mattel Enthusiast
Looks like a quare. Is he a quare?
josh in ten years
Nonce vicar phenotype
>reddit post
Local council have put posters up in the public toilets raising awareness for male incontinence. But they've also decided to rip the locks off the cubicles so you can't have a shit.

Happy not shitting in privacy and safety gents. Is that what they meant by not suffering in silence?
all of these are the same thing
>>Boy, 14, missing after swimming with friends

Love it. Soon as the sun gets bit hot someone always jumps in a river and dies
that would free up the lavs for the truly needy. Smart move
Good ring generalship, generally needs to work on conditioning
taken too many knocks earlier in his career, much improved head movement but it's taken his toll
can be seen in his last few where he's been caught and wobbled from shots that would have bounced off years ago
possibly past him prime physically but mentally and technically easily the soundest he's ever been
>sir? I'm hearing lots of grunting
ever had felt a woman's cervix suck and vibrate on you cock as she orgasams? that shit makes me shoot instantly.
It's been raining all day though
At the age now that if I don't shake my willy properly after a wee it dribbles down my leg. Never used to do this
uh oh
sex was mentioned
It's obvious, perch over and have your crack shit in the urinals.
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>I'll be back
You're a pathetic nonce, you know that.
There's only a handful of reasons to use the public loos and none of them involve bowel/bladder movements.
Based GreenandPleasant lurker

Turdskins know deep down that they'll never be one of us, no matter how many times the establishment, media, or their shitlib puppets insist to the contrary.
no willy too short
cringe minge edish
i am winning
thread btfo
day 1 of not being a brincel
feels good man
I love English women, especially those with rural West Midlands accents.
>day 1 of not being a brincel
you had sex?
don't research what that actually does to the end of your nob
We barely have public toilets anymore cause the gays kept shagging in them
Sat on a bench today and decided to do a tally. It was only 10 or 15 minutes. I noted down each passer by

>1. White
>2. White
>3. White
>4. Black
>5. White
>6. 5 teen schoolboys - 3 black, 1 asian, 1 White
>7. White
>8. Cutie Asian girl
>9. Arab looking cunt on a bicycle
>10. White
>11. White
>12. Three old Japanese people
>13. White
>14. White
>15. White
>16. African family of 3
>17. African couple - not part of the family above
>18. White
>19. African
>20. White
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he's still an incel, just wants to rejoin the EU now
Any reasonable person who gets caught short goes to the local supermarket and buys a can of pop or something.
he fell in love
bit depressed ladcunts
how can a can of pop suck you off?
Probably why cottaging turned into cruising in parks and whatnot.
clean your room
Back in the day we used to do tallies of the different car colours going past
Incontinence sure seems like a good one. Because of that shithousery I had to go buy a pint in Spoons and take a dump in there
Exactly, now you're going into nature areas and frightening mild mannered Tory voters.
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her pussy smelt fishy like someone had cum inside her already
not very romantic
but still counts
just glad to get it over with
Mini punch no return.
Do 150 burpees right now
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>Have you met your English rose at the local Reform canvassing campaign yet, anon?
?Why not?
I feel sorry for the poor bar lass who had to fish the turd out the glass, but I'm sorry about your incontinence.
>someone had cum inside her already
>not very romantic
you know buying a prozzie doesn't count
Earlier I was sat on a bench near the university and saw a couple of Sikh poofs with their arms around each other
The more I think about the struggles you lads face when dealing with the "normies" and your alienation from society the more I come to the same conclusion, have you considered just being kind?
Just don't be racist, cut the bigotry, treat women with respect, and you might soon find the place in polite society you so desperately crave. Holding on to outdated, regressive attitudes will make you a pariah in any society and the only one who suffers in the long run is you. Come on, put on those big boy trousers and become a responsible adult. What have you got to lose?
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That sounds bent
Fancy cheating on my wife with some young foreign bird at work who just started her apprenticeship lads. But the fear of god is preventing me from doing it. Am I cucked?
still counts
nobody is denying me this
i only gave her £10
that doesn't count as prozzie surely
Nige absolutely drowning in gash, what a fucking lad
>Former Al-Qaeda aide appears in UK interview on ‘mentoring children’
Lol, lmao even.
i think in indian culture they walk around holding hands, or gayer still, linking their pinky finger together
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What happened to the old macho gays who just wanted to sniff coke and bum eachother in private?
You sound like a fag
Because they only have eyes for Nige
No, you will have to answer for your actions one day. Remember your vows
>fall in love incel
that's what I've been saying
>i only gave her £10
bag of chips and a can of irn bru?
Aids and Death
a man's man that Nigel
Have to assume they died of AIDS
nah I’m having a 6th rum on the rocks and a 3rd wank and going to sleep
alright, ten pounds is oddly cheap for a prozzie. I think we need more details, does she usually have sex with people for as little as the price of a big mac meal?
he is remarkably suave for a toad
>bro just like take heroin like us bro then you won't care about anything bro it'll be totally cool bro c'mon
It would be easy to walk about saying "haha I love people of colour so much." Doing so will see you, your wife, and your children raped by pakis on the streets though. The more people that do it the faster we lose. Everyone wants to live in a nice clean house but nobody wants to do the cleaning.
I'm too lower class, I work but I'm still from the Iceland ready meal, spiceheads in the family, holes in my clothes underclass.
Fair dos you're not wrong there, he's a magnet
Keep sharing my misses online when I'm hungover. Feel like shit.
>some young foreign bird at work who just started her apprenticeship
nonce alert neeenawww
i'm a chad now and you are cucked my fren
good grief get back on your meds anon
s'av a goz m8
they died
>Died the chad alexandrian death in battle rather than fagging on and becoming sci fi obsessed turbo autist nerds
That actually makes sense
if you work that's still better than most of us who post here, no need to put yourself down just because of family members
pretty sure she wanted a bag of brown
smelly skinny little slag
still counts
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I should not be playing this when I'm in the countryside, in an empty house

fucking hell
> That prevents women from being able to experience one of life's truest joys: the joy of rape.

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The new faggots want a CEO position or highest paid civil servant job and to sodomize helpless toddlers, and then get you arrested if you complain about it.
Come on lad, why would I larp about that. As soon as I first met her during her being shown around the office she checked me out and smiled.
I think god put me here to test my faith and good grief it's testing me.
it was for heroin i assume
i waiting for the bus outside my flat
and i charmed her inside
and they say romance is dead
fucking casanova over here
What are they doing? Reform is racist. Why would they betray their own brothers?
Gonna work yourself up lad and the ghost will sense the fear and pounce
>why would I larp about that
So it's less likely to be rumbled. Classic strat
ill just start swinging in the air idgaf
mon then ye floaty bastard
did you use a condom at least?
I'm saving up to move out but that's hard unless I want to live in a HMO around Pakis. I love my culture of the uberpoor even if most people don't get it, it's just going to be hard to get out to a reasonable place without some massive change. I've thought about taking the HMOpill but I'd lose money and have to live around monkeys instead of lovely chavvy mums who give me cans for looking after sprogs for the night while watching their Sky.
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She SMILED at you? Begin planning your future together, posthaste.
I remember my indian gp was putting ukip flyers up at his medical centre one year
Did alexander die withering away in a bed covered in lesions till he was a skeleton and then a common cold virus he caught off his male friend visitor and his small dog sent him to the slab?
>brinny realises the futility of modernity
Grow cabbages. Learn to hate slugs.
Think it was you here the other night when I was awakened by my kitchen door opening by itself and you said just swing at em. I confronted the kitchen ghost by standing my ground showing I wasn't scared and closed the door again and went back to sleep
Mate I'm not a virgin, I've fucked plenty of women and I know the look. Not that you'd understand.
yes she had one lucily enough but i don't think person before me did
beggars can't be choosers
gotta take your chances while you can on my opinion
Kinda did yeah
>chavvy mums who give me cans for looking after sprogs for the night while watching their Sky.
sounds comfy to be fair
You tell me, I know he was a bugger.
did it look like this:
because she may have had the shits or something
a trustworthy lad
Only one thing for it: shit in street
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good lad
I was inspired by /fit/

long but a fucking fantastic read. trust
I fucked that up
“Bro” tier iykwim
I'm gonna not participate in this ridiculing anymore. I'm gonna bang her in my dreams.
What kind a fucking twat can't spell luckily? What sort of fucking creature are we dealing with here?
It just doesn't make sense.
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>Mate I'm not a virgin, I've fucked plenty of women and I know the look. Not that you'd understand.
they're talking about that tory fanfic letter from the future larp on AA
I never vote *for* parties ( a childish silly action much like believing in the Tooth Fairy) , and assume they don't care about me. I only vote *against* them, especially against ones whose policies will damage me and my country.
Are you married?
>pull out dick
>unexpected item in bagging area
It's extremely comfy growing up on a council estate if you're smart enought to stay clear of all the retardation, that's the main reason I'm apprehensive about leaving. I've been away to uni and all that, got a job from that, but I've seen what wogs and southerners are like, really tempted to just stay on the estate forever and invest in social programs or something, maybe get involved in a church.
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Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
what the dfuxk is a brinny you weapon
I’m going to win while. You all seeth e
What look did she give him
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how would i even search for this info
not bad
sometimes information just sears itself into your brain
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Not even the best semi recent Ye t bh
Put your dick on a plate and tell her they gave you too much meat
AIDS is a very recent disease. It only came about in the early 1980s, was probably floating about in Africa in the 70s. If you're a racist it came from Africans fucking monkeys, if you're a basedboy it came from Africans eating monkeys.
I saw girl with tits like this today sat outside at pub. Ahead of me was a minor, maybe 12, dressed really sluttishly. The big tit girl sat outside the pub couldn't take her eyes off the slutty minor.
The man who overserved her alcohol
I wish I was actually as cool as ghost-puncher
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This one
>It only came about in the early 1980s
Supposedly the first verifiable death to AIDS in America was 1969. Just a few weeks before the Moon Landing. What a time to be alive.
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complex systems will not survive the competency crisis
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fucking worst thing about this hellsite forever and always
>media posted with no context
>’umm not their best. XYZ is better’
ok retard? go back to 2011 /mu/ and jerk off to my cringe tripfag selfies
Lass that got away got married. Feel dreadful. At least he's white though.
Some of my family and friends live on estates and yeah it's great. I live in town and it's boring asf don't know anyone here.
he got the girl but you got brit/pol/ so who really won
That's Michael Caine's wife if think, he took the Pajeetapill early. Got to be honest the ones round here look foul.
All women are nonces; this is known.
That's just fucking wonderful.
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shes not even good looking tbqh
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this is the power of middle aged barren roastie journalists
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It's old
Thank Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم slopes Getting flooded express time
It’ll take them no time to have sharia, just like bongland
ginge on the ropes
still creasing at "minge" ngl
i just bought my bitch a bitch
Don't fuck with ouija boards lads
more attractive jeetas are a dime a dozen in london and the midlands
Remember casemods? Wonder what he's doing now, posted on /fa/ back then during the sexcore days too
It was funny at uni, all the southerners I made mates who came back with me during time off didn't know shit about junkies selling meat, knock off kurdish cigs, random screaming in the middle of the night, going on mad seshes around the fields and woods for days in a row, pretty sure some of them went to work in law and got scarred by it, RIP chav lads on trial lol
We’re going to have the late imperial decay of present day America where election results take 2 weeks to even be semi counted
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hes back lads
Is net zero immigration the only Reform immigration policy?
don't believe that i've been to london
my bitches get their own bitches
my bitches self sufficient
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I would, hard to tell with the pakilasses when you go into their towns because they're all covered up, only the munters walk round without hijab.
Musta been in some shite village, not actually any city
Not for long
my bitches dont need me

and like it really shows
I got so many dimes im rich on bitches
It isn't their immigration policy. Its a freeze on all non-essential immigration.
You say no to drugs, Juicy J can't
vaguely, long time ago init
truthfully I used to tripfag on there when I was like 15 and brag about being underageb&, would try really hard by finding the most obscure shit I could on blogspot sites and posting it as my taste
posted pics of myself and got roasted because I was a skinny ass nerd. MalcolmXwing saved the pics and would troll me with them any time I posted. Fucking gay nonce
Sikhs are right wet wipes.
Anyone got any decent podcasts/long form video they've seen recently
having a bath and nothing to watch
i have to i keep having these homosexual thoughts
>rubbing her leg
I did to impress a goth girl. Probably where everything started to go wrong.
The post-Thatcher Conservative Party ideology views public service as an undesirable endeavour for the gullible. Could this explain the abundance of low-quality Conservatives in senior ministerial roles? High-quality individuals who support neoliberal ideologies might avoid public service or public sector job seeing them as beneath them
Weird how they felt elite about Arcide Fire, NMH and Antlers when it's now clowned as to most s 0y shit imaginable innit? lol
can i stick my dick in the fingerpiece hole
He dun goofed.
This was decent:
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Will Labour deal with this societal menace?
They should have cancelled it a long time ago. And I will stand by that.
Try this on for size big boy
Bong cuck needs to get btfo
Return to tradition
Patrol ur whores. Honor kill ur daughters and arrange marriage
At least hwyte cunts will have babys again
man i'd shag somebody's dead relatives
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ghosts not corpses
All the reject pickme birds are targeting nerds with tarot now, satan yet again doing numbers on the weak.
Not political but good channel anyway

Now then, Now then
I'd post one of my warhammer battle reports but then people post shit like this;
man i said ghosts
One time back in the day is said "that'll do pig" to a female coworker, she was absolutely mortified
The tories really have gotten desperate in the last couple of days haven't they. Some of the attack lines they're throwing out are embarrassing. Like, they know it's over it's really just a case of how over
keep swigging rum but I feel nothing
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In our time back cataloge organized by the Dewey system:
Pick a subject area you're interested in and dive in.
need pussy so fucking bad ffs
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The lads didn't say they were good shoeshiners, now did they?
Over in the, probably not getting back in for another decade or possibly more. Over.
That's nowhere near as gay but that's ok, I know Polaks like to give it the big one with status symbols to show they're totally not gay ok?
Yeh, I know
Ah, so even that was word of mouth bullshit lol
try the oujia board
The judges, you, every cuck who responds
>I wish it were me
Sharia soon
I vaguely know what warhammer is but I wish you luck in your battles despite my knowledge of what that is.
Fucked up to look back on /mu/core etc in general yeah but some of it is undeniable kino like remaiiin in light and itcotck
honestly the board is all zooomer pop music trash discussion now so rip to the bants
Come on, be a proper British Poof.
if ghosts dont want to be shagged why do they only visit in the middle of the night?

alive people dont act surprised i grab their arse when they show up at mine unannounced at 2am
>I'd post one of my warhammer battle reports but then people post shit like this;
I love warhammer lore and some of the games. Never got into the models n shit though.
>shooting and beating leftist traitors
That was an option?
hey alexa what ghostussy feel like?
might enter the gay community
You're right, I only did a quick google and the first reported case was in 1981. I suppose they didn't know what they were looking at and didn't know there was anything to look for in the 60s and 70s.

Let's play the invent a conspiracy theory game.
>The average time from infection to death is eight to ten years.
>In early 1968, Rayford, then 15 years old, admitted himself to the City Hospital in St. Louis.[4] His legs and genitals were covered in warts and sores.
>Doctors treating Rayford suspected that he was an underage sex worker and the recipient of receptive anal intercourse, but never considered the possibility of him being a victim of child molestation.
>It had previously been estimated from the genetic differences between LEO70 and DRC60 samples and later samples that HIV-1 group M had jumped into humans in 1908 ± 10 years.
Jesus fucking Christ, anyway let's say he had it for 4 years before death or maybe he was a 5 year old prostitute, that takes us to the mid 60s. If the yanks pilfered all the nazi biological warfare scientists after WWII they could have easily turned the 1908 human strain in to something more deadly. Then if you look at the conspiracy theories about crack and how the CIA brought it in to black communities to keep them all down, it could easily be the case that the CIA released AIDS on to the black communities not understanding what a bioweapon is, how little control you have over it once it's out in the real world. Incompetence is a fine answer but let's go deeper, as Rayford presumably said, maybe one of the nazis decided to convince the CIA the virus was controllable or that a cure would soon be developed, maybe the CIA being god botherers decided they didn't have any responsibility for it because god's will would be done either way, maybe it was a lone wolf rogue agent, Snowden with some balls.

I really like the idea of the CIA having released HIV on the world. Nobody cares if you embezzle or murder witnesses, but HIV?
I genuinely don't get it. They seemed to have meekly accepted that they were completely fucked and that there was going to be a transfer of almost total power to labour but then a wild Farage appeared and they went mental.
>No, don't for reform, you can't let labour have a supermajority!
As if we are somehow supposed to believe that a conservative government that failed to do anything conservative with an 80 seat majority will somehow suddenly be effective in opposition.
keep having intrusive thoughts about a dude blowing me and whats weird is they keep happening during the day
ITCOTCK got me into King Crimson which I'm grateful for, I also still like The Monitor by Titus Andronicus. That album honestly stands up and I still stand by it.
Leilani watches Alex Jones and Neil Oliver kek
That all sounds like a lot of hard work. Slapping them about a bit when they get a bit uppity is much more time effective.
Patient 0 was a congo nigger that contracted it by fucking a pozzed ape in the jungle
like opening a window right now and trying to fuck the night

i assume
Why are there no cavemen ghosts.
What was so spooky about Elizabethan times?
Fuck a duck

Ironic we were talking about the 1000 year Tory Reich amongst the 2019 election fallout. They fucking deserve it. At least Labour will inherit a poison chalice as there's no way voters will be done being angry
idk i've only ever had modern ghosts but those elizabethan ones sound kinky
Which is weird considering the Labour 600 is more of a threat to the regime's legitimacy than if Reform's controlled opposition simply replaces the Tories'.

I wonder if it's some internal elite infighting between the different factions is the cause of it.
not that many cavemens desu, population only went mental after like 1850
Real faggot hours I guess
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>I love warhammer lore and some of the games. Never got into the models n shit though.
I can see how it could be entertaining just sitting off in a shed getting turbo baked and cheating by moving the pieces in inches instead of cm.

Someone asked
>I wonder what happened to her (trump girl)
I'm not sure but I think she got arrested around the same time for having sex in a gas station with a minor. Her name and age match.
I think it's healthy to work with your hands and make things, and I like going to tournaments and meeting different people and having a chat during a game. It keeps me going in the midst of absolute despair about the state of the fucking country.
Wxcept none of them cut public services
only if the ghosts that visit you are naked muscley men
Bet a lot of you didn't realise one of the best Black Sabbath tracks was released in the 2000s?
Probably something to do with all the seances they were playing at
>I'm not sure but I think she got arrested around the same time for having sex in a gas station with a minor.
God I wish that happened to me.
Bad Enoch is going to be so fucking tedious in opposition, the number of anti white slurs will be astronomical
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Isn't sleep paralysis ghost rape ?
what would be the song you'd have sex to with a man

im not saying you would but if you did
you reckon ghosts just chill with people around their age or does a roman ghost trot around with a tudor ghost?
Doesn't really mean anything. The CIA is clever enough to go out and release AIDS on a monkey rather than on something that can speak and communicate the visit from a strange man with a strange pointy stick (needle). Release it in the right place or on a large enough animal population and you know it will hit the human population eventually. Or if you want to get all Hollywood about it you could have SAD types sneaking in to a tribal camp in the dead of night pozzing up the cauldron of monkey soup.
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>the hat man roofied me again

I think it's because reform are an existential threat to the Tory party itself. They'll not only implode but be cannibalised and replaced. The supermajority reee's seem to be all cover and bluster and doomposting to scrape back wobbly tories who like 'are nige
no one is doing anything to tackle nonce ghost problem
A worked with a thick receptionist who said she got shooting pains up her arse that would wake her
Told her it was a ghost bumming her
I could imagine it gets very complicated.
ii don’t have that desu
heard they’re ravenous for it though
would solve the no sloppy toppppy issue
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Elmer coming in clutch for her rapist
i used to only have that on the drugs so i had an excuse but for it to happen during the day for no reason? thats unacceptable
Who you gonna call?
Both the conservatives in their current form and labour under Starmer are essentially a uniparty. It felt like the power ransfer mattered little to anybody apart from backbenchers who weren't in the inner circle and were simply concerned about losing their jobs. Something about Farage seems to have really shit things up and I'm not quite sure what as in many ways it could be easily argued that he is simply controlled opposition.
Hands down (lol) sweaty ketty one

is that by Pieter birkkhauser
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Consider the following:

Racial integration is likely here to stay. I don't think we will ever go back to a world of racial segregation.

Your thoughts on this?
you and your mates octavius and marcus all die together, your cutting about Londinium and a pack of plague ghosts move in on your turf.

probably why you don't see roman ghosts, new gangs moved in on their turf
you just have a song ready to have sex with a man to damn lol really
might need to hop on Grindr lad
Surely the vanquished would have more ghosts so the Romans got revenged by Carthanginians
Find that one on RYM did you m80
Told her a PAT was for testing cow shit for methane n the farmer paid 25 a shit
She asked if she could come testing with me for extra money
imagine being like some farmer ghost from the 800s and suddenly you're sharing a field with a black dude who got macheted

must be quite jarring
not in england though
if ghost gets killed do you get double ghosts, ghosts haunted by ghosts?

maybe they double died and are double ghosts so we cant see them?
Beats the Anime OSTs you have to have ready.
I have a mixed race daughter who I'm depending on to continue my genetic line so I'm backed into the civ nat corner on such matters. Otherwise, with all the things I've learned, I might be a bit critical of the concept of racial integration.

some might not know that was his ....Based ..
a what
I think if you continue long enough you make a jew.
no one is addressing the impact of immigration on the ghost population
They'll do it to us, don't you worry about that.
This bame babe highlighting my former home town is a diverse support for Reform


IF NOT KYS .. come ave a fite w ith me to nite??
Post a better one m8, was going to post this
But thought you'd all call me a pleb.
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Yeah right discord fella.
Oh, or it could have been someone in WWII testing out bioweapons on monkeys to see if there was anything useful in it, and the virus just lay dormant in the monkey population for a few decades until an African caught it.

Who controlled the Belgian Congo in WWII? *checks wiki* Er... Nah not feeling this one lads. It's definitely the CIA.
I feel like Farage, just like Trump, is more aligned with the zionist faction of the elites while the tories and labour (Blair) is more loyal to the globalist faction. It's pretty obvious that they're currently in a spat and I think the zionists have the upper hand by getting Trump back in charge.
Imagine being a hipster over bumming.
actually hozier sounds like a shout for a gay sex song

BUT BUT ITS WASCIT .. go the policicies .. NO AND BRILLIANT
id have sex with you to hozier

but not the gay church song that one is too depressing
If I was an ancient poof I'd definitely rock the I was in to turd burgling before it was cool line.
you ride a penny farthing up their arse?
like pre ancient greek era ghost or do we know of any other major bummers before them?
that was back when bumming meant something. bumming has lost its edge like punk rock.


Oh wait STARMmmer .. can we an then



HONESTLY //NU LAB ... nu lab ..
The tories have essentially been Blairites since Cameron. He made no secret of his admiration for Blair and his goals and he made sure to fill the party with his creatures. The zionists and globalists are diverging at the moment but I think it gets pretty complex with a lot of moving parts and honestly I'm unsure what side Farage is on. He appears to have aligned himself with different factions at different times but I think he's mostly an opportunist. I think he does have actual convictions somewhere or else he wouldn't put up with any of the shit that he does but I don't think he is open about them.
Adam and Steve were pretty notorious for it back in the day.
Back in my day bumming wasn't a safe little cutesy activity for "lovers," it was dangerous, and illegal, you would go to a club with 99 other gentlemen and only 90 of you would waddle out alive the next morning. I've seen veteran cleaning ladies faint at the sight of the aftermath of a proper gay orgy. Fucking fluorescent gay rainbow jackets, stick it up my arse.
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Attention all BONGS....

just imagine it

you and your best bro just chilling naked

really sounds like eden to me man
>The zionists and globalists are diverging at the moment but I think it gets pretty complex with a lot of moving parts
Yeah, I agree with this. They aren't enemies and share a lot of the same goals, but they also aren't friends. It's difficult to know everything, it's complex.
>honestly I'm unsure what side Farage is on. He appears to have aligned himself with different factions at different times but I think he's mostly an opportunist.
He is currently heavily aligned with Trump which makes him part of the zionist faction. His counter signaling when it comes to Ukraine, just like Trump, basically confirms it. Whether he actually is their guy or just an opportunist is mostly irrelevant as it doesn't change the fact that he has to serve a master and do their bidding.
>different times but I think he's mostly an opportunist. I think he does have actual convictions somewhere
I agree, I'd say him and Trump do share a lot these populist values and actually believe in them. Like Farage is obviously doing what he does because he actually wants change and cares for his country, otherwise he would have never taken the position.
You misunderstoodor I have not been clear. Does a political ideology that denigrates public service (an individual working for the public) attract low quality representatives into government (serving the public)?

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