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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>go to bank for help getting a new PIN code
>roastie gives me attitude/tone for no reason, while im nice
>tell her "give me my ID back, you are too angry" and physically stand and go to another roastie employee
>get helped and treated nice
>submit a complaint telling them i will withdraw my 4000$ and proceed to withdraw every salary leaving only 10$ because of HER BEHAVIOR, also posting a google maps review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GznXYL--ePw [Embed]

everybody wants to abuse you these days until you give them a brutal attitude check. now the jews are asking her why clients are withdrawing all their money.
say bye bye to that raise wagie
ps: to all saying 4000$ is pocket change, why are you complaining about groceries costing 60$? everyone says 4k is nothing...but they bitch about 60$ groceries, weird?
again, to the BOOTLICKERS saying 4k is nothing, I was withdrawing my salary regularly so i could have kept 10k if i wasnt withdrawing.
my monthly salary is 1800$ and i intend to withdraw it on the day, every month.
so in 1 year, i could have given the bank to keep...i dunno...20k?

yea, try walking in your bosses office and tell him you just costed him 20k, even 4k, lets see if he thinks its nothing (:

i like keeping money in cash, you bootlicking faggots keep your money in the bank, you cant even afford groceries
lmao, try doing comedy instead of political rants, you could become a famous bulgarian comedian one day. I believe in you. You can make it. I am your biggest fan.
aw sweet a schizo thread
but i am already a comedian and regularly do comedy....

fyi FUCK EVERY FAGGOT HERE that doesnt do a bankrun.
if you keep your money in the bank you deserve to get fucked in the ass
Take your meds, you’re schizo ranting again anon
cant, im taking creatine and arginine
it doesnt matter if you make more or less money than me.
maybe you have 1k savings, maybe you have 100k savings, i absolutely dont fucking care.

dont let these fucking jews keep your money hostage

are you fucking retarded?
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>198 subscribers
You are the biggest comedian in Bulgaria.
i dont want to be the biggest comedian "in bulgaria"
i dont want anything to do with bulgaria
i want to be a humble comedian.

and for the record. if anyone says 4k is nothing, ask the bank to just hand you over 4k. cmon bro its nothing. see their faces
im just saying...if someone has 4000$ of your money...they should not be allowed to give you any attitude or hold a tone.

if you lend a friend 4k....he isnt gonna give you TONE in front of others.
its a fucked up cuck move.

everyone thinks he can afford to lose customers until he quickly finds out how vulnerable he is. you write a couple of nasty reviews and stop shopping from some place and see how quickly they go downhill.

i used to spend 200$ a month on groceries from a supermarket but i boycotted them. have fun when my money is going to lidl now

Nice shoutout to your homies
to be honest the way you talk in your video and online makes me think you're an insufferable faggot and the only reason you got your way with the second lady at the bank was because maybe she has to deal with a husband like you at home so its no big deal to her.
the majority of people on here probably agree you're an insufferable faggot.

I get what you're saying about "they need to respect me" but for fucks sake cunt, don't hold it on the bitch at the counter; she doesn't run the fucking company you dumb cunt.

If you really want to piss off the people in a bank, shoot them all. Trust me it works way better than just complaining on 4chan.
Who cares basedboy
I haven’t had a bank account in years. I’m doing my part. TKD
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Good for you anon, fuck putting up with that attitude like they are doing you a fucking favor
i work with like 10 different people every day.
they all are fine with me.
im the nice guy that comes in your store and treats you chill.
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that's based. Make sure you call the complaint line, and email as many mangers you can. Let them know you're pulling money out because the roastie was rude
i did, i wrote quite an autistic email letting them know i will be withdrawing money and to ask her why i got treated so badly i physically got up and went to sit to another woman to help me.
+ google maps reviews for max damage.

i know its hard to believe boycotts or complaints work but they do...a lot of damage.
nothing more jews hate than losing even 100$.
you would say "its nothing bro" but try explaining to a jew he lost 4000$ and its like a fucking holocaust

dont ever let them mistreat you bro
always fuck their day up.
homelander maxx
>Be me
>Have $500k/year income from own business
>Ask roastie for loan for $200,000
>She doesn't give because I don't have an annual account
>I show her invoices, future invoices, my business makes that much in 4 months
>She makes life difficult
>I do absolutely NOTHING
>2 weeks later try again with the SAME roastie
>I keep it short 100% over email
>We go back and forth
>She grants loan
>I get confused but w/e I can buy house
>Learn later she was fired
I miss her so much
You have to go to the richest area of your country if you want to withdraw everything from your bank account. Like tens or hundreds of thousands. New rich areas. Harrods area of London. Monaco in France, Geneve in Switzerland, Manhattan or Bev Hills in the USA. They won't bat an eyelid. Banks in these areas are used to clients who withdraw 100k just for shopping.
should have found where she lived and set her house on fire, or raped her
but im not in monaco
im in a "town" in bulgaria.
withdrawing 4000$ is a holocaust to these people.
they have daily atm limits at like 1000$
the monthly NET salary here is like 800 euro max
debanking ends the fed. all you have to do is stop leaving your money in the bank and the kikes will shit themselves with panic as banks collapse. if you still bank in 2024 you are a traitor kike or a retard cuck.
tell these fools so that they listen to you
dont keep your salary in the bank for more than a day!
Based ngl
i believe you can be way more based than me
but only if you start withdrawing your salary
dont let these jews....keep your...money anon
You're a Karen.
Based and proportional response pilled OP. Fuck em
>let petty women working menial jobs disrespect you or you’re a karen
you're a cuck
You being a petty faggot to a bank employee isn’t politics or news. Fucking kill yourself
a petty?
so just let roasties disrespect you and hold a tone with you angrily like youre in highschool?

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