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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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He started off as a video game streamer, and is now debating toe to toe with academics and politicians
He’s genuinely intelligent, and he’s half Cuban so he gets diversity points for lefties for being a white passing latino
>How did Destiny get so famous so quickly?
Isn't this dude one of the original live streamers?
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How long until he grows a beard like this?
Stop spamming this ugly faggot on here. Nobody cares about your e-celeb garbage.
by being the only one willing to talk to reddit's most hated Chuds
You avoided the word big.
someone post the pic of him where he looks like a 12 year old with an adult's head
by being a run of the mill liberal
he cornered the market for pro genocidal pro israel leftist who trust everything wikipedia, the state deparment or the IDF say

and his antagonism to nick fuentes dragged him up from the gutter of leftist only commentary to the political sphere
Still not famous and the eceleb shilling to make him famous is pretty pathetic. Literally nobody knows the faggot which is why it was such a reach to have him argue with /ourkike/. Both of which were utter and complete failures.
He isn't. This isn't Discord so stop posting here like everyone is on Discord.
Is this the ultra manlet?
yes, his real name is Mr Stephen Bonelli
probably pushed by one of the managing firms that dictate who will be popular on youtube

Again I only ever see him being posted on 4chan
>no no you have to watch him to see him bring famous
Fuck off nigger faggots
Mistah borelli you incredible obscene maron
Because common folks found it very difficult to uphold the debates with Destiny and were left fanthomed as to how easily he seems to maul trough smy dicussion like communicative interaction. Regardless of subject.
Is that this guys name! He sexually assaulted me in a public toilet once
ironically destiny handled himself better against nick fuentes than alledged gambling addict robert barnes did.
I guess what can't bend breaks.
We all got to fuck his wife.
Rent free
Post script:
I think that makes me a 32 degree freemason or something.
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in 2017 he got his shit pushed in by JONATHAN ARYAN JAFARI (real name) and decided to spend his life jobbing in debates instead of league
Come on now. He is no Ryan Dawson.
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he's essentially the ben shapiro of the left. insufferable, sniveling voice and rapid-fire bullshit. he's popular with libniggers because he's a groveling bootlicker who incessantly quotes the (((experts))) without forming a single thought of his own. his specialty is doing 2 minute scans of wikipedia articles and confidently asserting his command of the topic.

also, he's a literal cuckold
You’re joking right
Jontron is hilarious, but he sucks so bad at debate. If he had done better that day against destiny his e-career would’ve gone a very different trajectory
This...The only "eceleb" I like is Lauren Chen.
She is easy on the eyes, and has good takes.
I like her. I don't give a fuck about any other schlub schilling online.
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ben shapiro is not really rightwing outside of his home country israel
Yes he also paid for our rent while we fucked his wife
The Jews searched for the dictionary definition of useful idiot and saw his face
He isn't he gets about 40k people watching him which is nothing in the grand scheme of things, you're just in an e celeb bubble
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>MISTER Burtanelli would you please stop displaying moronic imbecility!
this makes it noteworthy that he debated
finkelstein, peterson, shapiro

did lex "mossad" friedman interview him too?
Wikipedia Steve's not really going "toe to toe" with them when he keeps being exposed as a pseud and a fraud. Sophistry might work on 16-year-old streamers, but it doesn't play so well when you're going against someone who knows their shit.

It's also easy for an attention-seeking gish galloper to become marginally famous thanks to the internet, and it doesn't hurt him in his quest by being ideologically inconsistent and saying things for the sake of shock value. No one knows who he's gonna turn against next or what racist shit he's next going to say, and a lot of people consider that unpredictability entertaining.
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His career was pretty flat until he started shilling for Israel when he suddenly started getting all these gigs with big names.
and if he were a wealthy black he'd be more likely to commit crime than a poor white (still unrefuted btw)
Satanic digits
>*yells into mic incoherently*
Hes an ex starcraft pro that got in on the ground floor of streaming what do you mean?
I've seen a few clips of Destiny. He clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth a lot. Does he use a lot of meth or something?
He admitted that in order to stream constantly 24/7 you have to be on something
hunks are in. deal with it
Everyone does a fucking weird podcast with ads now with dogturd nobodies like him for time consuming fodder so who cares?
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the kid-bombers are desperate for someone who can influence gen z and tiktok
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>get so famous so quickly?

He doesn't even have one million subscribers.
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He's also a multimillionaire

ENTJ are very rarely unsuccessful, they're the chad archetype in jungian mbti
Sounds like a pathetic existence
his cuckold masochism is rightwing degeneracy of high power males typical not beta
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