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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It’s a cartoon
There’s literally a black musician named Shaggy

Why are Chuds losing their MAGA-rotted minds over this???
Nigger fatigue reaching critical levels
the "total drama island" aesthetic, for one thing.
That show was trash and so too will this one be.
no one wa5ched the show but if they didnt renew it for a 2nd season theyd get called racist. the jeet didnt even want to make a scooby doo reboot. she wanted to make a boring autobiographic series so she just did
Why not just make a new character?
oh, and iirc, they literally introduced it with some aggressive snark, shitting all over anyone who liked the OC. idk how you can pretend not to expect pushback with that kind of behavior.
>make the burnout druggy black
nothing will top his live action performance. One of the best casting choices of all time
literally they could've done a parody, and no one would've complained. Do these idiots have any idea how many scooby doo clones existed during the 80s.
It was trash, but it was a product of its time, for sure.
if its meant as provocation and political don't you dare claim offense if it is understood as such
that's not even a trophy tho, shaggy was a favorite character but he wasn't a good role model or even a good person, he was lazy, cowardly, a drug addict and talked to a dog which he thought could understand him, why did they exactly want that character to be black again?
If show is bad we blame the niggers.
If show is good we excuse the niggers.
Nobody watched that shit. Least of all chuds. Why do you think anyone watches talmud vision?
Pepperidge Farms remembers when the left lost its collective shit over Johnny Depp playing Tonto
we hated that and ghost in the shell too but leftards always misrepresent
Scooby Doo was created by a jew, he would 100% love the reboot
>ghost in the shell too
oh god, I forgot about that.
Never watched it either.
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thats what shitskins do. they cant create so they just shit all over things white people created to the point that theyre literally colored brown
I'm not so sure. even jews have to have some protective pride over their personal legacies.
Just wait for the anime.
>scooby and shaggy return
>rest are replaced with cute jap self-insert chacters
based nippon
>2023 show
Pajeeta leave behind giant turd
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>turning shaggy into a shota
we are tired of niggers so tired of the that they should go back to Ethopia
Don't know. Don't care. Didn't watch.
>ayo scoob imma use 1 pussent of muh powa level on dat ghosly cracka, pass da blunt nigguh dayum
Go back to 2021, jews are more 1488 than the germans these days
This actually reminds me of some fan comic I read a long time ago which was actually creative.
why r u niggers turning this planet into shit ? affirmative action and now this ? god I hate niggers soo much
I remember that one, I think it was called "Sneedy Dee", formerly called "Chucky Duck".
You're obviously not a Scooby Doo fan. Shaggy was not lazy, he was a gold medalist gymnast, meaning he's got insane strength and agility. He was admittedly cowardly, but even in the series, he said the reason him and Scooby are so afraid of ghosts/monsters/etc. is because they fought the real thing, and they did. Shaggy is not a drug addict, drug addicts just adopted his Beatnik style of talking years after he was on TV. And everyone can understand Scooby.

Also, Shaggy was asked to coach sports at a school for monster girls with supernatural powers. Would they ask him to do that if he was lazy? Even Batman recognizes Shaggy's abilities. I didn't even have to go into the whole Ultra Instinct Shaggy thing or Shaggy vs Mortal Kombat to debunk your bs.
no, nigger, it wasn't.
It was called "scoob", I think.
diaspora nationalism votes and donates left to errode native nationalism
this is an universal trend

>jews and hispanics in the US
>turks in germany
>indians in canada
>pakistanis in the UK

their leftwing vote is to swell their ranks, redistribute power to themselves from the natives
its gametheory but their ideological core in behaviour is rightwing

la raza bar association fighting white supremacist or AIPAC for muslim immigration are extreme cases of this
turks in germany vote open borders leftwing social democrat SPD party but for Turkey hard core ethno nationalist muslim Erdogan
"Scoob and Shag", actually.
Forgive me, I could be getting it wrong due to the multitude of titles. I'm just a gummy bear growing city slicker with a fancy Mexican car.
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eh, cartoons are so-so. i'm way more interested in the destruction of the state of israel.
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So. Many. Niggers.
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right, you totally weren't referencing the stupid simpsons meme
Well maybe there wouldn't be such erosion if white/intergenerationally native folks didn't let their social and educational advantages erode. Make your kids do their homework like the asians do, but try not to fuckin' ruin them like those tiger parents also do.

It's okay. I'm strongly convinced that the one thing uniting all humanity. Regardless of race, creed, belief, or other factors, we all have brainfarts.

I personally identify as a dumbass. My pronouns are huh?/what?
*that the one thing uniting humanity is stupidity.

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No one is losing their minds over it, no one is watching it except to say how bad it is. Stop trying to drum up interest in a shit DEI show.
>Pink-haired woman.
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>Well maybe there wouldn't be
People are rational actors and do act tribal as collective this is not conditional.

Mass immigration negates democracy itself. As you use the tyrants flag you sing a tyrants song.
Shaggy is literally a trust fund baby who lives like he's homeless.
Do fat albert with white people.
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I don't get it nether, op.
I mean it's just a cartoon character, not a real person.
we are at liberty to change anything if we want too. if we so wanted and it would not matter in the slightest.

like Oscar from the Proud Family
>A whole 3.7 seconds of sugary flavor!
why arent there niggers here defending Disney ? I wanna argue with a nigger ! they r probably too pussy to show themselves
You sir...are pathetic for knowing that much about an irrelevant cartoon show for children.
You should be ashamed.
Fair point, with a work cited (although it's arguably an opinion piece). I'll concede the point if you take the 'rational actors' part out of your argument. I agree with the rest.

QED again, I'm on 4chan instead of doing literally anything else.

Trailer park redneck Fat Albert actually sounds watchable.
Did they really do this?
Not really a show I liked, personally, but wtf?
Nobody actually cares except insane women who won't even watch it.
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Because white replacement is the point of course.
I stole these shoes from a homeless man
>you should be ashamed of knowing about beloved American cultural media and icons
so he should know everything about niggerball instead? Because that's how it always is with you boomers.
I lost my shit with the jew playing The Lone Ranger. Fuck the whole Arm & Hammer family!
It's relevant to the thread. Now, if he were posting ponies or something, I'd consider what you have to say. For all we know he just looked all that up, too.

Bro you're going to get plantar warts. They never get an opportunity to properly wash their socks.
its game theory
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no they don't. "The end justifies the means" they chip away as then the next gen knocks that chipped block off
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no, i did it with photoshop just to show OP what its like to see a race change from the opposite approach.

here is a template that I cobbled together for others
Oscar was based, though. Penny was the obnoxious cunt that everyone hated.

I'm worried about these pH levels
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If true, maybe that's part of what's wrong with them. No pride in creating anything worthwhile, even when they do manage to.

ah, ok. I guess they really only like to do it in the one direction, and not the other.
>Velma, I'm, like, totally fed up with your goddamn nigger shit. I'm gonna have to use 0.1% of my power level to, like, curb-stomp your stupid monkey face out of existence!
blow it out your ass. the first one was pure kino
why arent there any niggers on 4chan who can show themselves and defend this crap ? niggers r all cowards
skin colour is demonology




welp, at least I got to witness anime before it's jewidization
TBF we keep calling them a racial slur. Kind of offputting when it's not being used as a solidarity thing.
No one cares about that show though, not even leftoids.
>There’s literally a black musician named Shaggy
Oh wow the guy who made that Mr Bean song. fuck and die
Can confirm.
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it has 1.6 / 10 rating, nobody on the left liked it

what i had more of an issue with was Google doing pic related when you searched "velma" in october of 2022.
because they changed her character to be a dyke.
>but it was a product of its time
kys retard. You don't deserve the Scooby Doo movie.
I thought Shaggy the musician was made up for Rick and Morty.
Those people are equally pathetic you stupid nigger.
I don't watch cartoons. I don't understand why "gender benders" insist I get angry over the cartoons you make the children you kidnap watch.
Das Niggademus
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>corporation does something 'woke'
>boomer jokes about it on facebook
>Far Right Trump Supporters Total Meltdown!
>Smug libtard: heh looks like you chuds are the real snowflakes
whys it so important that i know what everyone fucks and gets fucked by?
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MAGA people throw white power signs whilst their girls strap in front seat of their truck their baby gorilla. whitey can't stop thinking BBC, he'll gladly sacrifice their daughters and wives on the altar of Negro worship to be impaled by a BBC and then raised the sub-human mulato. you won't believe it, but the original creator of Shaggy was a Jewish man, whilst the creator of the nigger Shaggy was white.
confirm. the movie was trash but he single handedly carried it, making it less trash and still somewhat memorable.
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pride isn't about love or privacy of one's bedroom, it's about fetishes and forcing you do think about it
Yeah, "Mister Boombastic" was one of the top bangers in middle school. I remember my first school dance when that song came on. Not even hating.
>If you aren't obsessed with children's cartoon shows you love niggerball
That may be the most stupid response anyone's ever posted.
The Vincent Price ones were kino
I don't get it either. Like every other aspect of society, blacks are being coddled. They have nothing and are nothing, and are given the door prize and participation award. This situation should be fucking humiliating to them, and the fact that it isn't earns the additional wage of contempt. They ENJOY being infantilized. For Christ's sake, half the rappers have 'lil or juvenile in their fucking name.

> very impressive, old man Jenkins. But who said my power, like, stops at 100%?
If shaggy is now black should he not be in jail for smoking dope?
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>shota shaggy getting groomed by velma

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