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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What was the exact moment you checked out of society?
Probably about after the start of the war
Cats look like dark crystal puppets.
It was after parkland when Kamala Harris threatened that it would keep happening until we gave up our guns.
I checked out in 9th grade about 20 years ago. I have contributed the bare minimum and taken as much as possible since then
They are lost votes anyway they won't vote trump or biden for solid personal reasons

They last tactic would be equalization

Meaning they will pretend RFK is just like them after his father and uncle died killed by democrats and republicans
I never checked out. Even my old government still showers me with another decade of taxation. So I am a tightly embedded citizen. Oh, and I read OG interwar documents as a middle school kid.
its really sad thats happening, i hoped to one day visit russia but im too scared to go there now , maybe one day i can visit and try russian vodka
I can't recall any exact moment, but that's a cool looking cat.
>checked out of society?
You can check out anytime you like
But you can never leave
No, you can visit I don't think people going to give you shit. We still like foreigners, just stay out of politics
After spending 10 days in Uruguay.
when undertaker threw mankind off the cage in hell in a cell 3 in 1998
When I failed high school exam and being rejected from jobs mutliple times.
jak można kurwa nie zdać matury jprdl głąbie jeden
Didn't really check out, until ten years ago, but the first time I realized some serious fuckery going on was 1991. I was in highschool, the USSR had just declared they were officially fucked and about five seconds later, the Chinks were our bestest buddies in the world. Even all of the fucking TV journalists changed their tune, all at once. It was nuts.
About a year after 9-11 turned into us invading random countries for zero purpose. So 2003ish?
In Soviet Westustan, society checks out of YOU!
zamknij pizdę pedale
lmao nie zdał matury o kurwa co za pojeb
2008 housing crash
I can never check out. It's all around me. Everything is shot through with boring political commentary. There's no room for excellence or any other virtue because we're always downloading some update about the state of our genocide. Loosh demons feed on us in our sleep.
When i saw depeche mode at madison square garden with my mom in 2017 maybe. And they were as good as they ever were. Nothing else really to do after that
During the whole Russia collusion thing.
I work in software as a professional, was worried about being accused of being a Russian hacker since I look Russian.
I had to check out because the state had lost its marbles.
Republicans are the domestic tyrants while the Democrats are the international tyrants.
When the trans shit started
All the people i liked checked out of my life and all my "friends" turned out to be treasonous assholes
2013 "no boots on the ground" obama syria speech.
>When i saw depeche mode
how gay are you on a scale from 1 to RuPaul?
I never checked in
When the democrats ruined my career with their gay vax mandates.
>I look Russian
This you?
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I didn't check out of society. Society ceased to exist when I was a child.
When the majority showed they weren't scared to take a one year old novel medical product; they were most scared of not doing what everyone else was doing.
The trump vaxx mandate
please refrain from further random key mashing. this is a place of discussion and not a gallery of adolescent aggression. thank you.
ssij pałę, memeflaggot
Gamer gate
December 21, 2004 was my last college final and last time I left my house. I spent most of high school and college not talking to anyone or leaving my room though.
I keep trying to checkout, but they keep pulling me back in.
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>ssij pałę
Ich glaub jemand möchte heim ins Reich.
When I started crossdressing.
Haha. How fucking weak of a pussy do you have to be to just give up? Part of being a man is to always get back up when you get knocked down. Crying in a puddle of piss never solved anything. Life is hard. It's harder if you are stupid or a limp waisted fairy. Lead,follow,or get the fuck out of the way. Your failures are because of you. Stop crying fag.
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I have a lump on my left nut and no insurance or money. You need to see a primary care doctor before you can be referred to a specialist, so I can't even pay for step one. I might as well have just fucking got vaxxed at this point. At least that was free.
When Photofeeler told me my face is 3/10. I guess that means I'll never have a loving wife and kids, so why contribute to society in any way?
2008. I just was like: Yep I am out.
Why don't you have insurance? How much does it cost?
cut it off yourself. worst outcome: you're forced to become a tranny which like a big whoop for internet losers anyway.
>I have a lump on my left nut
If it's sort of attached to your left nut, see if you can get a flashlight and shine a light at it. If you can see the light through the lump, you've likely got a fluid-filled cyst and it's nothing to worry about. They're quite common. They usually leave them alone because resecting them risks nicking the old sperm tube.
ive never worked a 40 hour work week in my life ive never checked into society.
I needed £350k to buy into a £30 million project. I could have sold ~£400k of assets on short notice to get the £350k. My father said he would spot me so that I didn't have to take the £50k hit. Nice. Or so I thought. He withdrew immediatley as I made the commitment. I was made to look like a joke and haven't been offered buy-ins since. Turns out my mother thought it would be funny and did indeed think it hilarious.

I have been floating back and forth between should I or shouldn't I bother with other people since.
Imagine if that cat was 7 feet tall. Nope, I won't be taking the alley short cut ever again.
your parents probably saved you from getting royally buggered (in the arse) on some investment scam
2008 during the Superbowl. I realized none of the comercials had all white couples anymore, all mixed race, then i realized that all recent comercials were mixed race. Later that week new comercials came out, NEVER a white on white couple, always mixed races.

I woke from the matrix after Tom Petty played at halftime, during the Scrubbing Bubbles comercial.
>What was the exact moment you checked out of society?
When i shidded myself
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>when did I check out?
Oof 2009 when I was 24. I took up a job as mortuary salesman, which means I essentially live in emergency rooms waiting for someone to die so I can sell funeral plans. But in this business you also have to make yourself available to participate in wakes, burials, and working with morticians to make sure the remains are acceptable for display in an open casket…..stuff like that. There’s rules too like no smiling ever and I must wear a cheap black suit, tie, and black dress shoes. Only my dress shirt can be white (must be white). I’ve been attacked, spit on, and regularly have to draw straws to stand watch all night should family members wish to spend “one last night” in the wake room with their recently deceased (very common when it’s a child). 32-48 hour shifts are the norm; I once worked 5 days straight with no breaks except to use the bathroom and shove a protein bar in my mouth and drink water, and shave.

When you say checked out, you are implying like completely, right? As in I shower at a gym and sleep in my office. My phone is my only portal into the outside (real) world…and I know even that’s fake.
About 20 jobs ago, when I realized no employer ever keeps it's promises and I will never get anywhere in life.
When my boss wrote a company wide email about how safe and effective it is, also saying that it's a condition of employment.
Bah Gawd!
9/11 didn't sit right with me.
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after the 2018 mid term elections. two fucking years of “owning the libs” on twitter with literally nothing to show for it despite controlling the house, senate and white house. I hope trump does win this election just so that he can suffer an agonizing slide into dementia in office rather than enjoy any semblance of peace in his life.
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when the monkey worship went mainstream.
I was like 4 thinking im not like them
when I watched a video on how the Federal Reserve works
2008. Game is rigged, so why play?
The overwhelming majority of people don't actually have any friends, they're just never put into a position where they realize it.
but with money like that you don't even have to participate and you can still enjoy life.
Expensive for poors. Probably close to 1/4 of monthly income, and that's not even counting the deductible you have to pay. That's probably double that.
I dropped out of society around 2011 after watching a disturbing hentai called Bible Black
when society not only allowed my lying cheating hypergamous whore ex wife to divorce rape me but then also shit on me and called me an incel afterwards and humiliated me for living with my mom for a few months after.
Your workplace doesn't give you insurance?
> Give
They will gladly take a chunk of my paycheck for it.
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Nope. I have the Ivan Drago phenotype.
when i got to college (15 years ago)
i cant imagine living in the easiest time in human history and being so worthless you cant even get healthcare. kek thankfully the vax and the first 5 boosters were free.
When I did everything right to get the job and they turned me down at the very end because I was white.
oh, somewhere around getting canned during the 2008 bank crisis
After I quit my first real job. Just couldn't stand wage slaving.
Dolph Lundgren is not Russian
When they threatened my livelihood over my refusal to get the Covid shot. Turned me into a pariah at work. The threat of a lawsuit kept me working. Now I get the “forgive and forget “ treatment, let it go, it’s over. Oh no, you’re not going to get away with it this easily. Never caught it, O- blood. And yet I had to cover the workload for those who were multiple vaccinated and had to take weeks off for recovery. At this point, I’ve realized just how little effort everyone else has put into it, and have dedicated myself to making a big show while simultaneously doing as little as possible on the clock.
Same. I can't believe I lasted as long as I did, 2009 alone should've done me in.
November 5th 2020, officially.
You can get health insurance working at Walmart anon cmon now.
Day 16 of 15 Days to Flatten the Curve

They're all dead to me.
vaxx mandates
personally offended they thought they could buy me off for $100k a year and the promise of a pension that no one under 62 will realistically receive
at the same time, it redpilled me as to
either how stupid the average person is
or their bodies can be bought with a shitty job and some amenities
honestly i don't know that anyone ever checked my into society. feels kinda rude you're assuming i'm the reason i'm not part of some nebulous group i never get to see
same. i essentially already knew what was going on since 2008-ish but kept trucking until 2020 which is when i lost the last shred of hope i didn't even know i still had.
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I kind of soft-checked out. I participate minimally to the extent necessary to make it through to the end, which will come sooner for me than for most of you. I gain residual benefit from the world I grew up in that leaves me comfort and security that I still stand a good chance of not getting taken away from me so I'm not as inclined to give up/check out for martyrdom or any other reason.

If I were in my 20s facing the future, I suspect that it would be a very different story.
Trying to quit work and work trying to 5150 me as punishment.

>had my housing threatened for years
>my mom has her housing threatened while fighting cancer
>landlords forcing her out even though she is never late with rent
>move her to my grandmas (her mom)
>grandma agreed but ends up going full boomer schizo
>taunts and torments her daughter as she dies of cancer
>mom passes and grandma turns her attention to my sister
>constantly have to mediate for them
>work is hard too, work under a micromanaging psycho
>decide fuck it, I'll quit and move me and my sister across the country
>go into work and tell them I'm done.
>full crisis mode to them
>they lock me in a room and keep asking if I'm going to hurt myself or others
>this takes hours
>somehow they convince me to stay
>everyone treats me like a retarded invalid now though
I had a rooster that used to act like this when you put a mirror in front of him. He would do it for hours.
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I'm guessing that's what's going on in this case, both figuratively and literally.
When they started talking about Twitter posts on the cable news.
I feel for you, leaf-bro. The best part was that I NEVER caught it, despite being surrounded by the multi vaccinated. I think it pissed them off even further.
I wish he was still alive, I’d shoot some video of him and add her music.
2020 when i got raped by an iraqi bastard that i had to get unalived and 2021 when the medical system murdered my mother

now forward to 2024 im okay with genociding all muslims and africans on the planet.

ive come to accept that not all humans deserve to be alive in this world, and certainly a larger portion of the world need to die.
I've been gradually checking out my whole life but if I had to pinpoint the moment I lost any residual hope it would be the entire year of 2021.
When I was 16 and realized I'd forever be 160cm. Inferior to other men and disgusting to women. Dropped out of high school and checked out after that, who gives a shit.
I think once I saw people mentally were not going to recover from COVID any time soon, if ever. The way people acted during the Trump and Hillary stuff I was hopeful might just be animal spirits getting the best of everyone, but COVID was sort of the final indication that as a country, the U.S. had gone completely and utterly fucking insane. The most recent debate is just additional confirmation of that. That's the really high level stuff, but more low level stuff is just the way women are composing themselves these days, the dating scene, the health care system, it's all melting down honestly.
Realizing I’m an incel
When I lost my job due to Covid. I have not recovered.
The day I finished high school at age 17 in 2018 probably. I've never had a job and have just been a neet ever since basically besides doing a meme degree online.
when I realized no degree of self improvement would actually help me.
The neo-cons who shaped our middle eastern policies were largely republicans
While it might not be ideal, stop giving a fuck about looks that are out of your control. Who cares what others think, you can't allow that to dictate your life. You can still enjoy hobbies and have friends.
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one time I took a bunch of shrooms and walked up into the foothills watching ravens and shadows pass by as they consumed the disgusting shitheap of a town I live in beneath me and I had a vision of Hermes/Odin/Mercury/Exu telling me to commit crimes in his holy name; that society was an overripe fruit long past its due and needed to be burned and offered to the wilds. I will rend this entire corrupt society into pieces and offer it unto dogs. Ave Mercury
That's not even that long ago dude. Get your shit together before it's too late. Even doing part-time bullshit mindless job so you have enough income to enjoy hobbies and have some work experience. I know people who went longer than that before getting it together and they wish they did way sooner.
You should’ve disappeared her in Minecraft
Ah you think checking out of society makes you powerful? You merely checked out. I was born outside of it, molded by a hatred of it. I didn't see society with my own eyes until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but an open air daycare for fools and children.
I don't care what others think. I am the first and foremost to consider myself a subhuman for being short. Everyone could consider me to be a god and I would still feel like a subhuman. I can't enjoy hobbies with other people when being around people highlights how genetically inferior I am.
you can get payed millions to be a horse jockey
Probably in my teens when I realized hard work just gets you ripped off, maybe my 20's when I tried to get intontrades but kept getting only unpaid apprenticeship positions with companies infamous for firing apprentices a few months before they get their tickets and certs so they can't become competition, while also treating you like garbage.

Fuck tradeniggers, and fuck boomers especially.
Yeah, I'm generally cheerful and never bored but I'm also divested from pretty much everything that doesn't improve my life specifically. Whatever happens after I'm dead is perfectly fine and until then I'll do the bare minimum to maintain my lifestyle.
>not being smart enough to start a handyman business yourself
You were destined to fail.
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Me too.
2020 election being stolen by a braindead pedophile, paired with the medical tyranny pressuring everyone to poison themselves voluntarily.
No pussy no work

Sorry moshe
when i realized there was evil in absolutely all people

it just has to be awakened

as soon as this happens, they form a lynch mob, picking on anyone who seems to be an easy victim, just in order not to get lynched by the same lynch mob themselves

its a weird type of wolfpack mechanic, hard to understand

but one thing is clear:

people arent good by nature or design, but just by domestication and due to constant fear of punishment

you will realize this as well when our current system collapses and anarchy breaks out
I never did.
If I ever do, I'll slam the door behind me so hard y'all will hear it.
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Just when you thought you was out... Oof madonne
bro wtf
get the fuck out of there
nov/dec 1996
10 years ago after graduating and unable to find a job with my engineering degree, then realizing people with said engineering degree are severely underpaid
high school. I did social suicide to my peers after I saw the beginning of leftist shit creeping up. I'm not mentally ill I just didn't give a fuck anymore.
what a fucking joke.
Any time I buy some Motor Head. That shit gives me the strongest tunnel vision couchlock I've had. I challenge anyone to bring me back to society after hubris takes over with my massively impressive rips.
No family no woman means my only purpose is slaving for shekelstein and consumerism and maintaining my worthless life like a chore, I have to maintain my body and my car and my house for what? Like who gives a shit? I don’t
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What's gotten into you purple fags?
>Tfw I'm purple too
Yeah I know, don’t care. I’m still a slav.
no, it was more of a series of falls.
when I was 5 and a half - from being separated from my father for a year. when I was 8, reaching full self awareness and realising the world is a disappointment and life was not going to be good.
when I was 13 when nothing I did was rewarded in any way and I only seemed to be punished so I stopped trying completely. my school sabotaged me completely, despite being top in the class for the previous 4 years in maths and some others.
then at 15, 16 and 17 when various things happened including being kicked out of 2 schools in 3 months without being given a clear reason, the second one didn't even inform my parents and just told me to leave one morning.
lost my savings from a dodgy company, cheated out of my wages at the job I worked when I was 17 so received nothing.
cheated out of 2 years of work in a sideline project, work stolen and all credit to me removed so I dropped that skill completely forever.
total loss of trust in people, and a ton of other things happening throughout all that - I told some stories before and one anon said I was like Job from the Bible, cursed.
father died a few years later, and nothing improved from then on.
this isn't life. I feel like the real world ended a long time ago and this is an empty shell filled with chaos and evil.
i'm sure it's going to become worse too, and it seems to go worse whenever I try my best to do positive things.
I went to Uni, had straight A's they started me in 2nd semester though and when next semester came around they said I'd already used all my aid for the year for spring semester so, basically, fuck off. I got kicked out and, there is just no way I was going to work min wage and pay the federal governement debt they essentially allowed a University to scam me out of. I am a man of principle, I will NEVER give them a fucking dollar for that. 154 IQ, been NEET-maxing 12 years now. Stupid niggers could have just let me get the degree and taxed me my entire life but nope. Now they get a disillusioned dissident that will never pay taxes. I'm not dying for this gay ass system that hates straight white men either. This happened to millions of people by the way and nobody talks about it. Everybody thinks the student loan wipe thing is just for funzies. Nope, they fucked over an untold number of people like this. That said, I don't really care if they wipe it or not, I'm not paying that shit back, I'm not lifting a finger for this gay ass system especially now with what it's become.
No you don't. You can work just enough to fund things that you enjoy. That's what most people end up wishing they did when they look back on decades of 40hr work weeks they will never get back. Complete inactivity is just as regretful though. You have to find that natural balance that everyone has lost. Having just enough money to skim by on a minimalist lifestyle is where it's at, and luckily that's even easier whilst single and childless. I used to want kids, who know still might... but I wouldn't be devastated if it doesn't happen because the kid would be left with a fucked up world and country anyways..You don't have to make your life miserable just because everything else is miserable. Time is the most valuable thing there is.
Stolen election
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Well. I’m not fond of all the negroes on television.
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I never liked it when I started attending school, sitting still all day like a retard, listening to some woman prattle on about dumb shit I already knew, all while under the comforting glow and buzz of harsh fluorescent lighting.
They put me on ritalin for not behaving in that situation, and all the speed did was make me REALLY realize just how stupid and annoying school was.
So fuck that. I dropped out of school completely by grade-8.
You can sue them for kidnapping/false imprisonment for locking you in a room. Get that ghetto lottery my dude
Any of the good hobbies and housing are too expensive, trust me I already tried that, now I have 3 classic jeeps and juggle dailying them based on which one runs when parts skyrocket in price
This is very common. /pol/ is essentially comprised mostly of homeless people that aren't homeless. what is the end goal for most of you though? like what happens when whoever you're living with is gone? which is mostly parents I assume. some will inherit the home, but you have to pay property tax on it and maintain it. what about the people who won't inherit a home? legit homeless? these thought are the only things that make me at least try to work part-time to be prepared. I ain't slaving 40hr a fucking week but I want at least enough to live in a shack innawoods.
when i went to poland you guys were just finding out about music made in the 1990s and burning trash for heat. your women come to america to be maids. jak sie masz bartek.
outdoor hobbies will always be good and free outside of any gear you want, and you don't need friends for them either. that's all I fucking do. sitting inside is terrible, did that for long enough to realize that.
compute reset and just lost the giant message I typed out, so I'll paraphrase.
given you're in your late 20s, I recommend you to not waste any more time. I don't mean become a slave, nor enter the normal system, but to do stuff for yourself. I guess you've been learning stuff on your own for the last decade too.
find short courses/qualifications/certifications and do them sequentially, using each one in some work to pay for itself, then saving up for the next one and so on.
can be vehicle licenses, tool use certs, instructor licenses and so on. multidisciplinary. can be focused towards a grouped goal or completely separate, it's up to you.
don't let any more time pass though, just for yourself make use of your talents and skills and express them.
once you're useful like that, you become useful in lots of situations and can work in a sort of parallel world that most people will never see.
it'll be easy, rewarding and fun and nothing to do with the cunts that ruined your life.
I'm barely sustaining myself in work I'm. not interested in just so I'm not completely homeless.
i was a drifter for a couple of years with no fixed address living on savings I'd made, then went back into working - but I have no motivation in me to work beyond the minimum - which isn't good for long term, since if I worked another ten hours it'd add up and I could maybe buy a property or bit of land or something like you said.
i have no hope for the future, haven't had for nearly ten years. no happiness, not even in my dreams.

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