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Why does the entire nation of India want to immigrate to Canada just to sling shit coffee and work for nothing? Go the fuck home.

Also happy Canada day leaf bros
Stop getting uber etc.
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I pretty much avoid most tfw employed companies, but it's getting more difficult
Um saar it's Taj Mahortons
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-good morning sirs

Not bad. I came up with Bin Hortons half drunk in the shower.
I forgor green letters

>fuck I'm retarded
>no hablo verficato
Lmao they don’t and you thinking they do is hilarious.
1 percent of India would take Canada over.

Also the Tim Hortons things is not true lmao.
Yeah the girls who are students work there.
Brown men have proven they can come to Canada work labour or transport work and get into the middle class within a couple years.

While whites who were brown in the middle class are now unemployed welfare leeches
Obsessed about Indians.

It’s Canada Day and you’re taking about some random minority in Canada because you either brainwashed yourself on here or you or you’re a paid shill.
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I wish I got paid, but these fuckers live in my head rent free. Literally every gas station, convenience store, big box, fast food is all east Indian. I don't even live near the coast. This isn't immigration, it's an invasion. Maybe you live in a little white berg, but it's creeping in everywhere.
good morning sir
Indians are honestly disgusting. Whites bend over backwards to help them and this is how they talk about Whites. Why would anyone want Indians in their country? It's like welcoming in a plague of locusts. Canada doesn't need Indians or India as evidenced by immigration only ever going one way.
Indian are thr highest earner of all canadian by double!
Ill take my coffee double double hep b.
i think it's related to BRICS since tim horton's is owned by a Brazilian company.
Also funniest thing about Indians. They have thousands of years to build a functioning society and failed worse than anyone else on Earth. White Canadians came to the wildnerness and built one of the most successful societies and countries in the world in under 300 years to the point Indians are clamoring over each other to get here. And they destroy that sucessful society and nation in less than 10 years lmfao. Indians have the reverse midas touch - if they touch gold it turns to poo.
>small local supermarket
>all white employees
>always good and friendly service, clean and good range for its size
>happy to support despite slightly higher prices
>bought by jeets
>fired all the white staff and replaced them all with jeets, not one non-jeet left
>store now run down, dirty and half empty most of the time, prices jacked through the roof
>stop spending money there but start shoplifting all my expensive items
>send in complaints to authorities about immigration, labour law and food safety violations
>make up the details, idgaf they're jeets they're bound to be in violation
How are >you combating the jeet menace?
Don’t read cope
I said the truth

Yeah, I never bend for these bobble heads. I earned my place here and fuck these guys demanding and protesting around the country. I've seen all the Indian job line, food bank, and protest videos and it makes me sick. Fucking zoomer kids are going to have to compete with these pull-start rag heads for a job soon enough.
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>Tim Hortons (prime pajeet workplace)
They're not gonna leave until Canada has lower living standards than India. To them, moving from India to Canada is like moving from a dilapidated porta-potty into a mansion.
die jeet
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As a white man I would say they are enriching Canada and doing the jobs you lazy Canadians won't do. So put up or shut up.
Someone post the article where they were shitting on the beach in Ontario and had to close it due to e-coli, fucking always cracks me up
Why are there SO MANY threads every single day
with LEAFS SCREECHING about immigration
of us into Leafland. Perhaps its time to give it a rest?
Until you vote Trudeau out its not going to stop

Go outside and do something productive like get a job?
>doing the jobs you lazy Canadians won't do.
they r stealing all the good jobs they pretend to be black to get black diversity jobs
Living 12 to a 2 bedroom hole in wall in surrghanistan is still better than living in india lmao, imagine just how horrid that place is. GO HOME
>also poojeetas are so hungry for BWC it's unreal
>Go outside and do something productive like get a job?

there arent any jobs u fucking took them all. dont make me come to ur shit hole and rip out ur turban take a shit in it then put it back on ur dumb head
Wake up man, it's wage suppression. People here are fed up working for jack shit, but these capitalist pigs won't budge on wages.
>As a white man
Post hand
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>Canada, invaded by jeets
>pol thread invaded by jeets

Pot, kettle, something something
According to Indians I've talked to, it's because India is a miserable place, and no one wants to back unless it's too visit or things didn't work out.
why are you lying? I walk past a tim hortons every day and all I see is are indians behind the counter
>as a white man
>you lazy canadians
lmao even
how are you this blatantly stupid and yet this proud
ur fucking locust get out of my country
>or things didn't work out.
how do we make this happen lads?
If your job was some basic low paid job making coffee
You have to maybe get a degree or something and get a higher paying job
This is why regular Canadians are not worried.
They know that they got skills and their jobs are under no threat
Just do like they did and emigrate to a better country that will give you things for free.
I've lost the Google maps India pin drop challenge 8 times in a row, and I get it, it's shit there. Clean it the fuck up. They call us lazy, yet they won't lift a finger to pick up one piece of trash.

>we fucked up our country, let's leave

You fuckers are traitors to your you own country, and a plague on ours.
>This is why regular Canadians are not worried
Have you even spoken to any? Even libtarded Canadians fucking hate you now. Does anyone have that webm of the comments under a video of a Pajeeta leaving Canada and going back to India?

I literally get a packet of fucking sauce on my plain ass sausage and egg bagel. Fuck Jeets. Kill Jeets
> their jobs are under no threat
no job is safe from pajeet hands. even white collar office jobs r being stolen. pajeets r pretending to be black inorder to get them
your people are disgusting. Ugly, short, stink, low IQ, benefit leaches, abhorrent 'culture'. We don't want you to come to the Western world and never will.
It's kind of amazing to see even the lefty fuck heads do a 360 and walk back out on mass immigration
Good morning sirs
Not worried? Lmao. You're so out of touch. A local politician by the name of Bernier is literally winning on the platform that he promises to reverse indian immigration and send you all back.
Take that back ya damn yankee
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>>stop spending money there but start shoplifting all my expensive items
>>send in complaints to authorities about immigration, labour law and food safety violations
>>make up the details, idgaf they're jeets they're bound to be in violation
You're a hero, poos are actually evil and want to spread filth and disease wherever they go. I should call ICE on the gas stations that sell vapes to kids.
>doing the jobs you lazy Canadians won't do
Bullshit, any time a poo weasels its way into managment he fires all non poos.
Checked and based
Whoa cool it with the anti-semitism.
He's a Shabos kike too, don't think for a second that we have anything here other than the Uni-Party.
Kikes seem to realize they made a mistake importing millions of shitskins who hate them. If they can compromise on their shitty plans we can coexist.
>Kikes seem to realize they made a mistake importing millions of shitskins who hate them. If they can compromise on their shitty plans we can coexist.
Deportation and then Annihilation? You are on to something goy
Famous last words
They're a biological weapon they unleash on countries.
>uk Anon falls off the lorry and stumbles home drunk after the footie
>ambulance goes by
>makes toast sandwich
>posts on leaf thread
>jews try to kill your lineage
>we can coexist....
Lmao how fucking stupid are you? I sincerely hope you're not white
>Go the fuck home.
You have a lot of work to do leaf.
First you have to overthrow and execute your government.
Then and only then can you make the poo's leave
Good luck
Out of all the countries that exist in the world in desperate need of emigration, why did our elite had to choose indians?

anglo boomers are something else
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I work, and I've literally met 3 people from Ukraine in the past year that came here recently. They work hard as hell. Thousands came here during the 2th world war, and they toughed it out for decades to earn a place here. These jeets stand around at "security" jobs for 18.25 an hour and pick thier ass. If you want my respect, you'd better earn it of fuck off.

>t. working man
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Low IQ, submissive, breed like rats (through rape and incest mostly), will fire any non jeets (see the sam hyde broke dead quote), worship israel while israelis see them as subhuman(everyone does desu), they spread diseases which big pharma profits off of, etc
Getting real sick of fucking shitskins everywhere.
Where'd u get that wooden pepe. I want one
This is your typical canadian.

Ass spread to get fucked by indian and jew cock and defends it to the death.

Ukrainian people are nicer than the average pajeet subhuman who always looks for a way to scam and steal. Jews don't care about White people fleeing a warzone unless they're in the same tribe and would rather bring in a entire village of slack jawed curryniggers and put them on welfare. One day a poo is gonna try cat calling my underage sister or some other kid and I hope I don't start throwing hands on that ugly goblin.
Trump will bring them all to America soon.
There's a lot to unpack here, but one thing you're right about is when they get into any position with even mediocre power, they will get rid of whites and only hire thier own. I went to Walmart to pick up a dresser for someone and it was all jeets. I haven't been there in 2 years, but holy shit, what a wake up call. They were speaking gibberish behind the counter.
In the future, it's generally better to not give the feds your palm print for free, show the back of your hand instead.
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And they're illegally coming into my state now through the north
I think it has something to do with their culture. They're allergic to construction jobs because it's seen as manual labor and in India, those hard laborious jobs are only designated to dalits and low caste pajeets. They will do any job that's easy like fastfood or whatever but they will never pick up a shovel or anything labour intensive.
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I cut it out from a pattern with a bandsaw and routered the lines. Eventually it will be some 3 string shitplank guitar, but I've been busy as fuck
Too late
Good night sir!
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Its true though, I have a couple black and hispanic friends even though I am against immigration yet I never met a pajeet who wasn't a shitty person. They litter, stink, steal, rape and act entitled because of some shit brits did decades ago. In saudi arabia they are used as slave labor and sentient sex dolls, too bad jews used gaslighting to brainwash White people into thinking jeets are our equals.
My buddy was on a job with 2 of them. They were pulling the insulation for stud walls apart to save money. Literally giving the customer half of what they paid for, like what the fucK
I literally do not give a shit
That plus they are weak
Never hire or do buisness with curryniggers, they take pride in scamming
Yeah, the scamming seems to be the norm, but the jeet fears manual labour. I'm not too concerned.
We don’t like you people. No matter how hard you try to make us like you by pretending you hate us we actually do hate your kind. You are filthy heathen non-Hindus. The pineal gland inside your brains are all calcified and fucked up. No point discussing with you.

Do not confuse our love of lebensraum for love of you or your people you filthy heathen.
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Just to reiterate, I'm not trying to be a dick. I know the powers of the government and police. I can't fart, buy something, browse the internet or drive down the street without them knowing what I do. I simply...do not care anymore

>Verification not required

The last leaf
>Why does the entire nation of India want to immigrate to Canada just to sling shit coffee and work for nothing? Go the fuck home.

The short (but still true) answer:
because India is full of pajeets and they're trying to get away from each other.

The longer answer is that India is an intensely competitive society in which there are a BILLION people competing for a fraction of the resources and opportunity that Canada has. It is much, much easier to go to Canada and try to make it there - if the Canadian government is stupid enough to let them get in.

t. I have spent a few years in India and honestly can say I would not be able to compete in their society, and even if I did there is not a whole lot to gain.
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>Imagine living this close to Russia and having an outside opinion
What are you going to do about it? Voting and democracy are now clearly a farce
> Bin Hortons

creative, but that is Arabic not Indian.
bin Fucktard in arabic simply means "son of Fucktard"

Mohamed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud = Mohamad son of Salman who is son of Abdulaziz of the Saud clan
I still remember when trudeau had that by-election bullshit. What was it? 40% turnout? Lowest in recent history.
Did you know that Russia is going to give Indians “freedom of movement” soon. That means pajeets can go to Russia to live and work without a visa or passport.

Shits cray right?
If that happens I unironically will marry some pajeeta to get a pajeet citizenship again and go get my piece way up north where you can see the northern lights.

She’ll probably be a virgin too.
How does that make you feel?
You leaf’s like talking about feelings don’t you?
They actually do a lot of construction and have contracting businesses but these are the Sikh’s not the Hindus that are coming in droves. Sikh’s love under bidding other companies for jobs by a wide margin.
shut the fuck up pajeet ill rip the towel off ur head take shit in it then put it back on ur dumb ass head
>many many apologies sirs

Holy shit nigger, I'm a degenerate /pol/ fuck brain, do you really think I care to educate myself about the intricacies of the middle east? Dude, I see brown and a towel on head and pattern recognition kicks in.

>Verification something something
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The best case now for us is Economic Collapse or even better
I’ll get a proper dirty fresh off the boat pajeet to lick a glass bottle and stick it up your butthole and spank you so hard it shatters so you have to go to the hospital and beg another pajeet to fix you
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Based. You should sell handmade wooden Pepe's on ebay.
If it's more cannon frogger for Russia, I'm all for it
After watching James May's India special on Amazon Prime, I can COMPLETELY understand why pajeets can't wait to get the fuck out of there.
I could see eastern USA getting nuked, but you guys always tell me nukes are fake and gay

>nuke Toronto

Thank God
just deliver my DoorDash and dont get ur curry farts in my order
heem sleepy
>nukes are fake and gay
They aren't and we are going to see right quick my son.
They're getting tricked into being paypig cannon fodder, but they're too stupid to realise it
>Holy shit nigger, I'm a degenerate /pol/ fuck brain, do you really think I care to educate myself

You and I might both be degenerate /pol/ fuck brains but there is no need to advertise the fact. I just thought you might want to know Bin Hortons isn't really a dunk on pajeets.
But no big deal, you do you bruh.
>but the jeet fears manual labour.
Poos are so jewish
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>turban-clad doordash driver brings you goyslop
>not growing your own food

Careful, you might not be on the wgmi list
You're just jealous because no one wants to hire your pathetic leaf ass
Nukes are completely fake and you can't prove otherwise
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Lmao I would never eat any food delivered by a pajeet you poor fuck.

My food is delivered by white people.

Unless you are Deadmau5 or a member of the Stargate productions team. Your little leaf life is worthless to me scum.

The calcification inside your brain makes you a good worker though. Maybe some of you should be kept to harvest the maple syrup or something… I really haven’t given it too much thought. All the focus for now is on infecting your country with pajeetling hordes. BREED. BREED MY PAJEETLING BROTHERS AND FLY. BREED AND FLY.
It might be the reason why new delhi has been so shit despite the government having enough money to make one indian city look nice.

They couldnt find enough pajeets willing to work construction jobs to finish the skyscrapers and roads needed to make a city look nice.

China 20 years ago was as poor as India today but they still had a couple cities like Shenzhen who were nice - so i dont think it was a funding option but simply because they didnt have enough construction workers to make one city "look" pretty at the very least.
imagine being a poojeet in canada and knowing everyone hates you. poojeet will try to pretend that he doesn't care but we all know he cries himself to sleep at night.
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I'm way ahead of you buds. Save the salt for your butter chicken
I keep a few good ones around. The fucking bird in the background makes the whole thing more real
You're the one making the claim. The burden of proof falls to you
I think that's real cool eh
Get off this board and finish it. It's better use of ur time
will you color it?
Jim Carrey literally made a nuclear device in his backyard shed. My bad, it was David Hahn, and he achieved nuclear fission with smoke detector parts and lithium batteries. Check out the nuclear boyscout documentary.

>post the smoke detector meme
I'm not here, it's pissing rain and I'm drunk, this conversation never happened

Most likely, with the most expensive paint the dollar store has
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Forgor Jim Carrey pic
No you didn’t you street shitting parasite. May your mother die of the Black Death ben chod
I know THIS GUY has the "gardening is literally Hitler" infographic on his machine. Post it bitch, so tomorrow I can make a grow your own damn food thread when I sober up.
You seem like a cool dude. Hope u enjoy ur pepe guitar, gonna go back to /k/ cangen and fuck around because I don't got nothing better to do. Repent and believe in Jesus
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Sometimes I wonder if Canadian shitposting masquerades as poo writing. But then I snap back to reality. I fucking hate the jeet equal to kikes.
Don't forget to wrap ur guns in plastic wrap, Vaseline and put em in a PVC pipe and bury those fuckers in the woods /k/ bro

You guys are nuts, but much love just the same
Uhh.. Hold on.. There's something here, oh right!
Looks like someone made a claim before I did. I guess the burden of proof falls on that guy lmfao
>Familiarity breeds contempt

I remember when the great replacement was a far right meme...
Also o7 Steve Bannon, what a fucking champ. Took it on the chin.

>Literally said he will become more powerful in jail
youre the shill. yesterday you were making threads and op was responding. do you guys just swap out every day? doesntim hortons pay you?
only Canadian whites are cuck garbage. no other whites in the entire world accept indians.
four fucking months to the man. then the pedo in chief comes out today to scold the supreme court and jan 6 bullshit saying Trump is going to go after his side if he takes power again. pedo biden is going to be in hell suffering for eternity. fuck the system.
They are pure filth. Disgusting mother fuckers. I went to the shopping centre yesterday and it's chock a block with pajeets. They fucking stink
Fuck that. I'd never bury a gun. Unless I'm old and they are looking for my guns. Then I'll instruct my kids where to get them when I die. Death to the NWO
How much cow shit have you eaten today, SAAAR?
Fuck all that noise, I watched the debate. Saw Bidens new speech yelling the next day. Fuck man, he's old.

At least Trump got a partial immunity win. If Trump wins again, I'd just laugh and have a beer. Leafs have our own problems up here. NDP is a literal raghead
Canada saw a few fancy stocks and banned a bunch a guns not too long ago
I used to look up to Canada, then the commies infiltrated academia and went for government positions and indoctrinated retards to keep their fight going. Blood is on the horizon though, and I aint the one to be doing any dying.
I don't know what kind of pull-starts you have in merry ol England, but I've never heard em say saaar. Good morning sirs is pretty common up here though
Because your kind is invading their fucking country, and you're a bunch of nasty fuckers with horrible hygiene, and you can't even wash your fucking hands like a human being after pooping, or even shit in a toilet. You nasty fuckers should just stay in your shithole and leave White countries and their people alone.
I don't want Indians in my nation and I think there is a very high chance of a sectarian genocide of muslims and hindus here because of their disrespectful behavior
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>go outside
>see nothing but niggers and muslims in once was a 100% white city less than 5 years ago
Hey man, all I know is regular Joe and Jane are turning thier backs on the immigration shit show thier votes caused. Literally no one voted for this. I still hold strong. I still fly my flag. And I still believe this country has a future as grim as it seems right now.
me too brother, me too.
Thanks buds, I was trying to remember that line in the shower, but all I could conjure up was Bin Hortons
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Hey yank bro, what are the political implications of you guys making this wine over 2 decades ago and some random leaf drinking it? Will this affect my political compass in any way?
Ain't no yankee son, Im a Dixie man. If the wine is good, then drink up. I'm a gin boy myself, so I dont know two shits about grapes.
Dude, I used to make gin back in the day. Go up high and the best junipers and spruce ends you can find. I had to buy some coriander cuz she don grow there. Fire in a peppercorn or two. First batch the hydrometer hit the bottom of the flask at over 60%. I don't water it down. Kinda getting off topic tho...jews bad, rag on head, etc.
Imagine going from shit filled streets, garbage mountains, polluted water, choking toxic air, thousands of people in your line of sight from any position looking any direction, crime, murder, rape etc. You'd be glad to go anywhere else and enjoy it until you make it the same place you left.
You shouldn't speak to negatively about the United States man, jeez
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Imagine living in Canada and some shitskins erected this monstrosity in your community that you grew up in and this government let it happen.

>the beatings will continue until morale improves

We're watching our nation erode right before our eyes, but I don't think any of us thought it would happen this fast
shitskins are fucking retarded
That's a very mean thing to say.. Shitskins.. Why are you so cruel?
why do you faggots let this happen? just go blow it up
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Some clean air here bros.

I think about it like this. Things went to shit during covid, people were locked down (I literally lived innawoods), things went back to normal. But it wasn't normal, it was like a new age Renaissance. People realized that they can have hobbies and talents that were outside of making the man a dollar. Work from home faded away. People came to the realization that there is more out there in the world for them other than some shit ass job

>literally 1984

Government stepped in due to low productivity and birthrates because people are enjoying thier lives instead of contributing to the machine.


Doesn't work. People are thinking for themselves now. Government is like OH YEAH? Floods the country with cheap labor from ragheads, and here we are today.

>pic not related
neck yourself you dogshit coloured faggot
Go back to europe subhuman tr00n
Who hurt you?
Share with me your despair related to your trauma.
I'm here to help you if you need a shoulder to cry on.
Just let it out
In the year 2000+1, most Canadians called them sand niggers. After 9/11, they started teaching Arab sympathy bullshit in high school
I know, I had a couple friends in highschool who called them sand... Peoples. LOL
I'm 36
>lift hand to mouth
>puff on cigarette
>notice memeflag

Please for the love of God someone post the BLM pepe where he whispers 'nigger' and everything is on fire in the next panel. I might need it later
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Dude, just say it. Or did you just fall out of some reddit thread and forgot you can say nigger? Fucking cringe.
>>puff on cigarette
How does it feel being a retarded cock smoking faggot?
Everyone knows men who smoke like to suck cock.
At one point I was being banned for typing it. I think time have changed but I'm still abstaining. I say it in real life situations because it still carries weight. Saying it here doesn't mean anything anymore. Its like saying "bro" or "dude". Also it is just the internet after all
Who the literal fuck even says lol anymore? Holy shit bros...
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I literally cannot understand a word you are saying right now

Seriously, just go to the native reserve and buy smokes

I think I saw on Reddit a video where a Canadian politician was telling some Indian students that fast food workers weren't needed but nurses and construction workers are needed. The Indian immigrant was talking back and complaining about why should he work in a field he doesn't want to work in. Some of the comments in the thread noticed that the Indian guy was all about himself and he seemed selfish. For some odd reason, I can't find the thread although I saw it in the last couple of days.
So they learn everything about Tim Hortons and eventually own it. Meanwhile, you sit here and bitch on the Internet.
>fucking memeflag

Yeah, I saw it. You could barely understand his English.

>rubba dubba dub dub work
>head bobbles
>rubba dubba dub gas station

This is why I started this thread in the first place. Why lick Canadian hairy balls, live 2 or 3 to a room, make no fucking money? Even the girls are crap. There's cute ones, but they all talk the same shit. They don't want to be a part of this country, they want to start their own communities and fuck everything else. Maybe 2% want to integrate, but the rest want to take this country for what we got.
It's Canada day buds, or did your iPhone forget to tell you.

You dumb white niggers are so funny sometimes

The only videographical evidence I have ever seen of anyone saying SAAAAR is of white british soldiers.

Such as can be seen at 3m 45s in this clip of Lawrence of Arabia


Please do send me an example of a brown person doing this so that I may update my records. Otherwise shut the fuck up you dumb white nigger.
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I'm pretty sure SAAAR was in a few Monty Python skits. Clockwork Orange too. Damn, you Brits are racist as fuck. I guess I would be too if some mook handed be a dry bun with a bunch of smashed peas on it
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>leaf jeet thread on page one

I haven't posted in ages, no one told me it was this easy
If we’re so racist then why is every couple interracial everywhere I go. I saw a full blown chink the other day with a hot white girl and then AGAIN another totally different set the day after.

I think pretty much every single non-white and about half the white population (with high IQ) are all United against the low IQ white trash population because they’re good for nothing chav thieves on benefits wanting more gibs and causing crimes and general problems for everyone else.
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>Global controls will have to to be imposed, and a world governing body will be created to enforce them

Crises precipitate change
Also I’d rather have the option of having mushy peas with my fish and chips than your shit country where green vegetables are basically a luxury product



I guess I misremembered it. Here is the video of the Canadian politician telling the Indian that when the work permit expires, he has to return to India and that Canadians need to work their starter jobs in fast food. But yeah, Canada really does need the nurses and construction workers instead of fast food workers since there are plenty of Canadian youth who are in school and college who can work in fast food during the summers, holidays, after school and weekends. When those Canadian students are done with their education and graduate, then they are ready for the more demanding jobs like medicine, nursing and construction and all that.


Guam doesn't get the American flag even though we are part of the U.S.

But yeah, on another thread, I left a comment about how plenty of Russians went to live in parts of Ukraine, then Putin invaded Ukraine to add those territory to Russia and how Indians invading Canada want to make Canada a new India. Hindu Indians online have even gloated about replacing Canadians.
First politician that promises TJD and a wooden Pepe in every home has my vote for life.
Dude, you're in the uk. I never see Asians, Punjab or too many blacks race mixing here. Population over 150,000. British Columbia thanks you for the French girls, but even that's tiresome. Some Australians maybe. I ain't like you.
>Why does the entire nation of India want to immigrate to Canada
Not just Canada. They're flooding Australia too.
I have not seen a white Tim Hortons employee in years and the only jeets getting hired in trades are other jeets and they are paid minimum wage and never get indentured. You are a literal peasant class
>visit vancouver
>uber driver is Indian
>listening to country music
>asks if I'm American
>says it's his dream to go to the USA
>Canadian housing prices bad, etc
What the fuck? Is Canada really not enough for them? Mind you, this guy brought it up unprompted.
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I pulled these silly cunts out of my garden the other day. I make my own bannock and bread.
r u describing urself here ? u fucking pajeets r nothing but trouble. u should go back to india if u dont like us
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>Bin Hortons
Has the bin man been, man?
Dude, if you ever go back, start in north van on Hastings street and ride it all the way down to the massive Scotiabank building. Turn left and get drunk in Gastown
Incels are looking for an excuse.
Zoomers rather do onlyfans and YouTube for money
What about Jewish Canadians
Sorry about Van by the way. One street is junkies dying, and the next block is Louis Vuitton.
Most would be old methheads surviving
I don't know who you are.

I don't know where you live.

But sweet Mary, Mother, and Joseph, if you ever post a lower resolution pic than that, we're gonna throw hands
Why would I go back to india when I can outcompete and outbreed some fat retarded white person?

Do you realise how hard it would be for me to compete with my own kind?

Indian IIT and IIMs have minimum cut off scores which are higher than AVERAGE intakes for the US ivy leagues. Lmao. You are fucking dumb fat pussies ripe for the fucking. And it also feels really good having a nicer car and bigger house than someone who think they’re better than you.

It’s YOU who needs to leave. I will make YOU leave so my children have lebensraum. i won’t just talk on this board. I will literally not rent out my houses to you dirty untrustworthy whites.

You have no right to this land peasant. The government or the monarch is just as likely to ask YOU to leave as me. Dumb Faggot but they will keep me because I contribute more. Haha.
there is no LV around Hastings
Before that it was hindooo and punjooob. Then suddenly Indians become thugs and dealers
>curry nigger writes a full wall of text
I sure got em heh

I met one guy who was really into it, never paid him mind. There's some little windowless shithole they congregate in, probably less than 30. Not popular to be a jew here
>Sorry about Van by the way
It makes Seattle look like Gotham. I was only there for two days in the West End, and the city planning had me gushing. American cities could never. The only downside seemed to be the price, my brother told me he was paying $6000USD for his apartment and I couldn't fucking believe it.

Hastings though... that was particularly bad. Not even Skid Row stretches that far and close to the touristic parts of the city. Craziest part is that it was a stones throw away from Gastown.
>uk paki ficks fat retarded white person

Holy shit bros, someone edit the plapjack meme for some uk Indian guy. Don't forget the peas on bread. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST
Happy Canada day you pathetic fucks! Sell your country to the chinks for years and do nothing while they rape your housing market, then endlessly bitch and whine about poos once they feast on the corpse. But hey whatever makes you pussies feel better!
I'm talking about what the yuppies wear.

>park in Oppenheimer Park

Shit mate, me needs new rollers
It's hard hating everyone
they get paid less than 4k usd per year working in india. they get paid 25k usd per year here working minimum wage.
Glad you saw Hastings its something else, I was in Philly in 02, wasn't half as bad then
I didn't even know I was in Gastown until I saw the fucking clock, it's like 2 blocks away

There were no sirs in the area
I’ve bareback fucked so many chink girls now I’ve lost count. And the funniest part is they always seem to let me raw dog them on the first or second night. I always shoot my load deep inside them too.

But they make you white cucks do STD/STI tests first before they let you go bareback hahahaha

So in the real world. It’s actually you who’s seen as dirty not pajeets. Let that sink in.
> imported slave nigger has an attitude towards their white masters
fuck of pajeet no ones talking to u. fetch me my god damn coffee double double or go back to india
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Happy Canada Day you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your ”pol indian hate” threads. Face it. most poos will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history. get over it losers
Dead nation being consumed by vultures and all the decay eating creatures that eventually work their way into the niche. They come here because their place was overrun even worse, with trash build up and pollution galore; they come here to dilute their filth humanity upon us. In other words, India is coming to Canada.
because they, much like the rest of the world actually and sometimes actively hate you. You are a disease that spreads literal shit everywhere. The goddamned UNESCO had to make a fucking music video telling you subhumans to shit in a toilet. Your a disgrace and lower than niggers.
I left Canada for a few years to live in the states and am back here on Vacation. I went crown land shooting today on Canada Day with a friend and one of his friends; eventually talk turned to Jeets & Timmigrants. My friends friend mentioned how there was a new manager at his store who fired almost all of the Canadian employees and replaced them with Indians and how they turned the back rooms into disgusting cesspits. My friend and his friend and myself all shared the consensus that India needs to be nuked off of the face of the planet in order to save Mother Earth from the ecological burden of their hideous populace.
bernier was part of the quebec govt supporting the companies shipping asbestos over to india where they knew the slave factories there wouldnt give workers protective equipment. he’s just a careerist, he isn’t a humanist. canada is the way it is because canadians are liars about their intentions. they say they arent communists but test them and you can find out they want prosperity and high market returns without any of the risk.
u know what has to be done
Amen brother. Crusades are holy if we say so.
Gastown is basically a tourist district. The only Indians I would notice there when I lived in Vancouver were night watchmen sleeping on the job inside of boutique stores and party goers from Surrey who took the skytrain to get there. I have had to reject the advances of more than one Pajeeta when I would go out for a night on the town.
It's on everyone's mind right now so he just blurted it out as if you might help or something. Really grinding being around all these Indians all day. Even they feel it.
This is basically what happened to Michael Jackson. Too much hair care products near a source of fire or spark.
I worked with a few of them, and asked one to pass me a hammer. One guy goes "hammer, what is?". I fuckin walked off the job. I think these fuckers forget what country they're in. Don't tolerate it bros. If I moved across the globe, I sure as fuck wouldn't expect someone else's country to bow down to my needs, so why the fuck should we? Stand strong bros. Together or not, I'm the last fucking Canadian.
Just ventilate them with some 5.56
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call waiting for you king
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It gets worse.
Honestly I love it. Are you going to use single coils or humbuckers?
This has been happening across this country for years. Employees feel undervalued and complain. Get laid off. Hire jeets. Hopefully some of these benchod badtards read these threads and stay home
As someone who has moved to another country, I have tried my best to assimilate into American culture, I also have no intention of altering the political landscape or forcing my culture on others apart from maybe showing some of my coworkers some Canadian bands and musicians.

That said more of my great grandparents were born in the US than in Canada. But still, I wouldn’t expect any special treatment or acquiesce from any nation that is generous enough to allow me to move there & try to make a life for myself.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
I have a custom wound single coil
Some men see a turban, some men see a wick.
Day of the Flush?
hell yeah
As should be expected. I see vids of piles of people here speaking a foreign language demanding more more more when rent is 1800, eggs are over 4 bucks, gas is 1.76 and there's lines to see a doctor. Fuck that.

We need to make a better world for our children
What's the top one? 223?
Every old stock Canadian needs at least one SKS.
lmao what? There are hundrends of miles of road with ONLY jewish housing and stores, right in toronto.
my dad has a bunch of those old piece of shit rifles. i need to get my hands on a pre-ban pistol.
you quit your job because an ESL asked you to tell them what a word meant? you must have not needed the job much >>472820492
are you literally and unironically implying canadian culture is the same to usa culture as an indian’s culture is to canada?

you guys r cringe af
how do we get one ?
They are both SKS’s in 7.62x39

The one with the nicer looking hardwood stock is a 1953 Izhevsk, the one below it is a Triangle 26 Type 56 from the Vietnam war era.

There is also a No.4 mk1 Lee Enfield in that pic. The only 5.56/.223 gun I have is back in America right now.
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The Tims where I live either dropped their night shift or only employ one Indian kid who can't speak English on nights. I don't go to any of the franchises anymore because any time I would've gone after work that they'd even be open they don't have a fucking clue what they're doing and they never get my order right. I'm not the only one. These franchise owners would rather make less money by dropping a profitable shift or losing money from not being able to fill orders than pay young white people minimum wage. Fucking hilarious
No, I am implying that anyone who immigrates to another country should not try to disrupt or change the culture of that place.
No shit, I remember they were giving these things away years ago for like 250 shipped. Now you can't even find them. Everyone's holding
i live in gastown and its full of SRO housing so sadly you're surrounded by property criminals but for whatever reason sirs don't like to live here. i am lucky to have an 800 dollar rental unit and like walking the seawall in the summer.

What other parts of bc are good to live in at the moment? I dont want to live around Joyce because... too asian. Surrey too asian. Poqo is too asian. commercial drive is too commie
Honestly, SKS’s are very reliable. I have put close to 1000 rounds through the Chinese one I have and haven’t had any issues. It just works.

You could buy an antique still. Here is a Manhattan Arms Pocket Model 1 I have that was made in 1860.
Having a PAL and going on gunpost or townpost or going to one of the many stores that sells SKS’s.

They have doubled in price since I bought mine.
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Why are you even on /pol/? If even normies and leftist hate you, you should know for a fact we hate you. Go back to india chan ranjeet
where i live they don't have security so homeless are camped out inside and outside.

Brekka (which is WAY WAY better -- but more expensive) hires one fat white security guard and he simply turns addicts away even if they have money.
Commercial drive is pretty damn commie. I would always call it communist drive when I lived there.

Honestly finding a place that hasn’t been shitted might be challenging. Everyone I talk to has mentioned how bad it’s gotten.
you can get antique pistols on gun sales sites. for some reason antique pistols can be sold without a license. there are guys too that specialize in making bullets for them. you can find news articles of nigs in the UK offing each other with them.

i want a nice modern pistol for personal enjoyment reasons.
I've made my own coffee for years. I went to Tim's over a year ago because fuck it, and it was shit. I can say I walked the earth when Tim Hortons was Canadian owned and baked the donuts in the store
Try Lytton
A good IQ test is what this anon posted.
The concept that because millions of lower end jobs have been taken that somehow millions of people who otherwise would've worked them are now vying for the next tier of jobs is beyond them.
i make 4500 a month after tax and pay 800 rent in gastown. my surplus makes if decently fun to live here but honestly i want to live in a more middle class white area where i am not in close proximity to crackheads. when i walk the seawall in the summer i frequently see out of town white tourist families and i want to live around people like that. in gastown you never truly get over the paranoia of home burglary
I really miss it but the only times I can go I LITERALLY can't get anything. Even if I worked days I wouldn't give them my money.

Speaking of security it's all Indians too. I know for a fact they do fuckall around where I work. I'm curious as to why that's the other industry that gets flooded with them
I want the Russian melted down war-time rail road steel Baikal 308 / 12ga over under break barrel not to be too specific.
i just drink tims because it's close to work and cheap. there was something i wish i got on film a while ago but i hesitated. the whole outside of the building was tents and addicts camped out. i walk in and its some asian woman crying that she had her purse stolen, pajeet workers that cant understand her, and a white meth addict with a canada hoodie on jumping around smoking meth. the whole scene summed up canada for me at that moment.
pajeets are considered a martial caste that specialize in army, law enforcement, security, and organized crime.
I don't even drink coffee. I just liked their baked goods and would get a donut or cookie after work once or twice a week. I also was alive for all the controversy about them changing to not baking everything in the store. This country is a fucking meme
"Security" in a lot of cases is just surveillance. I thankfully have yet to see a nonwhite armed guard or anyone in a role where you'd actually have to fight with or subdue people anywhere around here
I have never seen a Baikal combo/drilling gun before, I have seen O/U Baikal 12 gauges though.
canada doesnt really have armed security. everyday where i work i watch the hospital security who are all jeets drive up and make the crackheads leave the entrance area, then the pajeet takes pictures, then the crackheads come back 10 minutes later, and then the pajeet comes back an hour later and the whole process starts all over again.
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Thats how they get you, the convenience. I have a one hitter coffee pot before the pods came to be, and it does the job. But I bet you Timmy's fags ain't got one of theeeeese
i actually have all the equipment to make my own. just for 2 bucks and the chance to walk around the block for 15 minutes i prefer to buy the coffee.
Sheeeeeit i think i have some china with that symbol
Only one I saw in Canada was a 22/410 shot? Small cartridge on the bottom, ultimate bird gun, looked cool enough. I'm a sucker for over unders
Armed security is basically just cash transport. I see Brinks and Garda trucks around all the time and it's all 25-45 year old white people thankfully. Imaging a jeet not just driving a big truck which has killed so many in the country already but also armed with something regular Canadians can't own anymore
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Ain't no Chinaman made one of these
Need to split the Jewish supremacists from the regular Jews along for the ride. The latter have no idea what they’re doing any more than a DBA at a bank knows they could collectively make the Rothschilds stop existing as a financial entity.
I'm a train guard, I intentionally embarrass jeets in front of everybody if they have an incorrect ticket (they normally always do). They also block aisles and doors with their suitcases and sit in reserved seats. I make these fuckers head bobble like you wouldn't believe.
In other news,

>coffee lovin, quint gettin, jeet hatin leaf almost makes bump limit

See you fuckers tomorrow
I despise these fucking curryniggers
Coffee empire brooo
Coffee cartel time heeuheuehuee
Das rite. Pol is nothing but a site for white rejects to interact with shitskins. These rejects always whine and dondu sheeit
Das rite.
Yes saar see you tomorrow at Jim Norton
Maybe you shouldn't have colonized them for hundreds of years like a fucking asshole.
it must be blissful going through life this retarded
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he turned on the safety blinkers to go set a man on fire damn
They want to take over our bars and restaurants so they can drug our women and infect us with third world diseases.
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Because they're all fucking related. This is how it's always worked. They're all working together or are being actively enslaved by an older relative for cheap labor. They're jews with lower iqs so most of them end up in doing normal like shit but on a smaller scale, ie instead of banking they trap their cousins in debt and force them to run a hotel.
Why not open up a restaurant that serves food that has beef or steak in the recipes? That way no Hindu Indian would want to work at your restaurant? Most Indians are usually on some kind of meatless diet that excludes beef since killing a cow for food is against their religion. The Indians are using Canadian law and immigration policies and exploiting those policies to get permanent residence in Canada, why not exploit the Indian's vegetarian lifestyle and religion to drive them away from Canada?
Ok Canadians, basically you have a shit law where prime ministers can run the country with no Time limit by "your majesties pressure"... Can you tells me why the british.. the now worst europoor country has a monarchy over you fucks... I get one part was french or something buts ITS a little one... So why listen to king charles the kiddy diddler the third?

Also wtf with the Indian monster candidate, no one Is gonna vote for him rigth? Also fuck trudeu pussy ass bastard has been running for rigth years leafs.. if he wins again he Will be no better than a dictator like His cuban father.

Yes Saaar, our special bars and nightclubs have the best wine and whiskey, saaar. Perfect alcoholic drinks for the veygans who want to write about masturbating to gay porn while philosophically contemplating their navels, Saaar.
Man i hate autocorrect.
reading your post was like hearing that crazy guy on a train talking to himself in the corner and everyone is ignoring him.
Living on the streets of Canada is a higher quality of life than living in a Mumbai penthouse.
Whatever pussy get bend.. but the question Stands... Why isnt trudeu decapited on a stick... Like every canadian tells me they hate the fucker Yet he has eigth years of rule and more to come if he wins again... As you leafs have no Time límits on This fuckers AND reelections It seems.
>1 percent of India would take Canada over.
Pooniggers really need to get a reality check about violence.
Tim Hortons fucking sucks.
Dunkin Donuts mogs Timmy Ho Hos. Day of the leaf and all.
leave my country, you're a nigger
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Horton smells a STINK
>Abduct jeets
>transport them deep into the north
>hunt them with your friends

In real life not Minecraft
Chinese already serve your kind in hot pot in Guangzhou. I was offered a spot but I politely declined… beef and lamb are good enough for me.

Isn't discrimination against others against the laws? If the Hindu Indian guy fired all the Canadians and hired Indians to replace them, maybe you can sue the company for allowing racism.
It’s just cope from loser incels.
I hire white guys mostly in my team because I hate pajeet accents and fresh off the boat pajeets would certainly hire whites as a power trip.
I only hire pajeets and chinks for roles where there’s some real work to be done and no white guy would be dumb enough to do it.
>fresh off the boat pajeets would certainly hire whites as a power trip.
you're lying, jarpinder.
I can tell it’s too much of an abstract concept for you as you’re obviously low IQ and probably low T

Let me make it simple.
Fresh off the boat pajeets usually have an inferiority complex. They don’t think like someone born in the west. They want white people reporting to them because they think it gives them status and makes them feel good.

Pajeet next generation or after, born and raised in the west normally have a superiority complex. We grew up in your society and dominated without even trying making us think we’re better. Because of that we will hire whites because we know you’re all lazy and goofy and less likely to be a risk taker like a bareback frothing at the mouth jeet would.
Seems like the Loblaws boycott has been somewhat successful. What really needs to happen is (real) Canadians need to walk right the fuck out and never return to a business when they see brown skin people employed there. I seriously want this poo people to get the fuck out of here, I'm so sick of them. I don't know any (real) Canadian that wants poo people around.
it's not just the jobs, flat head baby killer rapist street shitter loser creep.
it's the entire social infrastructure and economy. the fact that you feel the need to open your cow shit eating mouth on this issue and don't know about the housing crisis only affirms that indians are a completely brain dead people.
kys. kill. your. self.
kill your family.
random minority? INDIAN ALERT. INDIAN DETECTED. You are retarded, faggot. Indian people are hardly a minority any more. Look at the fucking numbers, shit dick. We aren't taking immigrants, we're taking indians.
It's black rock (so yea kikes, but) they're vicious pigs and don't give a fuck about the consequences of their greed.
Maybe you should do something about it...
kill yourself indian you are paying a joint mortgage with your entire extended family and fail to realize that while your mortgage payments go up, you and your inbred family are the whole reason it's going up.
>as a white man
They're importing poos because they worship kikes for being everything they wish they were
The new model will be deportations of Muslims and replacing those immigrants with pajeets and other kike compliant shitskins
Niggers are also iffy due to their tendency towards bucking their chains as we saw with Kanye
shart in mart, albino

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