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Has there EVER been a worse presidential debate performance?
he's 81, leave him alone ffs
blame jill biden for forcing this walking corpse to run again
His prep team are to blame. Trump told more lies.
For a presidential debate with an 81yo his handlers slipped Xanax to to ruin him for their pet Barry pick I'd say it was about what was to be expected.
No, but I'll still vote for anyone else besides Trump.
Nah. Nixon just looked like shit. He was on point with the facts. They say he even won the debate among people that were listening on the radio. Biden didn't even know where he was at times.
If Biden had hindsight 2020, granted impossible, but if he did, the optimal move was for Biden to say he was coming, but then not show up, and then tweet: "I've consulted my councils on the matter, and we've decided that this 50 count Felon is by-the legal system not eligible for running for president now or ever again, and so therefore to not encourage what appears to be a gushing wound on our republic, spilling gallons of vital fluids all over, I have intentionally ghosted CNN for lending legitimacy to Trump via their platform. I've done this to make you even madder than you were before. Bring me the leading republican candidte and I will appear for a debate"

And that would have been completely reasonable.
then why is he a president? kek
>Trump told more lies
Like what?
he signed up for it
Like OP isn’t gay

Difficult to believe given that every claim biden managed to make was a lie. He even just told more lies on tv a few minutes ago about how trump was leading a mob to hang mike pence and nancy pelosi.
Probably not. Carter got killed by Reagan pretty bad and Hillary got killed by Trump in the second debate pretty bad but it wasn't like this.
Who really cares, the US is such a shit country, and it's only getting worse. The country will be worse 4 years from now no matter what happens with the election. Jews are in charge and Jews are shit.
>trump was leading a mob to hang mike pence and nancy pelosi.
God I wish
Vivek vs Kamala debate would be great.
This. If only Trump was the man they claim.
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many of you are too young to remember the time that Mitt Romney of all people wiped the floor with President Obama during a debate.


Not as bad as Joe though. That was certainly far worse
He just made a nice statement about the King Cheeto tyranny that will destroy our country so I'm still ridin' with Biden, chud
Not in my lifetime
>t. 39 years old
Ridin bidens dick you pathetic cuck
I don't get why Democrats are struggling with this. If they can turn a man into a woman just by saying he's a woman, why can't they do the same thing by saying Biden's debate performance was great?

Biden sounds good today, it seems like he got over his cold and this speech wasn't hosted super late at night like the debate. Biden going to crush Trump in the next debate. If Joe was in as bad of a shape as you people are saying, how can he deliver such a good speech only a few days after the debate?
No, I genuinely don't think so.
No, seeing Trump haphazardly defending his golf game rather than his politics was his final nail. Biden smashed him by the end. Yeah he has a stutter but at least he wasn't rambling about golf during a presidential debate

yeah, this kayfabe is arranged more than WWE fight, Biden is the underdog now

I bet you think the paki pm wins his debates too.
How long was his speech and how many questions did he take? Maybe his meds where what they needed to be to read off the teleprompter.
No questions and talked for 3 or 4 minutes. Told a few lies and asked god to defend the troops randomly.
4m30s, 0 questions and he was stoking dissent with the supreme court decision. should he be arrested for trying to overthrow the republic?
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he doesn't have dementia. he's an old man with some mild cognitive impairment but MCI isn't dementia. dementia is a rapidly progressing disease that results in the speedy destruction of brain tissue through inflammation. if he had dementia he couldn't even stand up onstage at all, he'd be bedridden. MCI is normal in elderly people and doesn't prevent them from being mostly functional, albeit a little slower and more forgetful.
his speech was pure nonsense, many posters here make more sense
the democrats could beat trump IF they put a young white male in his place. but they can't do that because the democrats are the anti white party. So they are in a conundrum.
OLD BEA BIDEN VID SURFACES>>>>https://x.com/yatusabe/status/1807405801453068483
Sounds like cope
are the dems just sacrificing him? libniggers control the narriative of this entire gay country. why did they just NOW decide his dementia antics were troublesome? this wasnt a big deal when he was reading placeholders on telepromtpers or shaking hands with ghosts? the question is why now, and what is the democratic party up to?
>worst presidental performance
The question becomes do you take the L or or get messy with the identity politics? Remember the elites and Israel win with either party.
now careful there. i didn't say he should still be in office. he is definitely slower than he was 10 or 20 years ago and a president needs to be able to make rapid fire decisions which he isn't up to doing at this point. an actual condition like Alzheimer's though? not at all. anyone who works in elder care knows what Alzheimer's does, the patient is totally bedridden.
Maybe they thought it would be like the state of the union speech
wrong. you clearly have no experience with this besides internetting. i have cared for my grandma for years. even when she had stage 3 dementia, she walked around. before her diagnosis, she didnt just not have dementia, right? she had undiagnosed 2 and 1. joe is about where my grandma was about 2 years before she died. she knew peoples names, knew where she lived, fucking WALKED around and cooked for herself. by the time she was forgetting where she lived, peoples names, and thought it was 1989, she got the diagnosis. and still walked around. joe biden 100% has dementia and i think his cabinet knows it. they seem to want to swap him out with someone else before he gets to stage 3, when he doesnt know his own address. you really think hes not one small step away from that?
No I mean it. Sounds like legit cope. I'm sure the dnc will try to shill that narrative but nobody wants their president only mentally unfit for office some of the time as well so it wont work as an excuse.
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This loser sucked at the debate too.
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It's always about dicks with you magats
No, in other bad debates they've at least hung in there a bit. This was like Mike Tyson vs a 5 year old, literally the first time Biden spoke it was over
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He did quite well. Sharp as a tack!

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