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>roughly half of all people have a t*ttoo
how bad is it now, and is there any way to stop this?
Do you know why you do this censoring thing?
My wife doesn't even have pierced ears.
im actually curious on his behalf, why? i never understood it
new to this website?
The slave caste tend to mark themselves, this isn’t new.
Do you know why you do it?
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It’s funny, it’s like saying something is harem despite not being mudslime… Why am I explaining this? Go back to plebbit.
This is a retarded internet survey holy shit goyem are dumb
I'm not familiar with this as a Muslim practice, but I am as a Jewish practice (e.g. G*d).
really want to respawn in a time which isn't filled with degeneracy.
the moment there was a chance for a half decent existence, the whole world has been overrun by kikery seeping into every single facet of life.
if I missed the rapture, when's the next one?
but y*u are
Why stop it? It's an easy way to immediately identify an idiot.
>short term, small scale unthinker
because even speaking of such a foul thing pollutes our soul
I don't buy it. You're still speaking of it, just refusing to spell a word correctly. Do you think you're fooling God or something?
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Hopefully the younger generation will see their tatted up parents and the “rebel” thing to do will be not get them.
Also hopefully laser technology improves so they can be removed quicker and better.
>literally every girl gets tattooed by 18 nowadays
The tattoo is the most retarded trend ever
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Grrrr tattoos bad grrrr women with tattoos make my pp hard but they don't want me and that makes me angy.
imagine her in 40 years
Ohhhh the fag is offended!
>Also hopefully laser technology improves so they can be removed quicker and better.
The more this technology improves, the more retards will be getting tats because they can undo it when they regret it later.
I'm glad this technology is still shit, and hopefully it remains shit so their bodies remain a testament to their terrible decisions, marking them as sex objects to be cummed in.
Her body is sexy, the tattoo detracts from it, though in smol brain minds I suppose they will say anything to humor her and she will probably believe it.
It's an /int/ thing.

Amerifats censor absolutely everything on TV. So when amerifats get bullied on /int/, the posters make sure to censor all of the c*rse words.

This is to facilitate the amerifats understanding of what is being said. Their comprehension of the English language is not very good to start with. Adding uncensored words would only further confuse them.
bitches who look like that
1. act like a whore for attention but dont want sex
2. actual sex with her would be painful because your dick would catch on her alt girl piercings every 2 seconds
Me, my gf, my sister and her husbands are prob the only people I know w/o tats.
That tattoo is so gross. Women with tattoos have no value
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Doodle Niggers get the rope in the end. I don’t give a fuck how “meaningful” or “sentimental” your ink is. It’s gay as fuck, no matter what you stupidly had permanently etched into your skin. Tatts are for sluts and scumbags.
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It’s every girl
She's probably a Biden supporter who thinks killing babies is cool and that everyone should go to therapy. Most likely wants a man who makes a 100k a year, while she collects a mental disability check, and babies sits for a living.
It's such a massive red flag. And they wonder why men don't take them seriously.
>already ruined this badly
What a shame.
That tattoo is fake, you fucking idiots. Literally a "stick on with a sponge" tattoo. You can easily tell by how it looks like it's cracking, because it is
the tattoo ink promotes lymphatic cancer, and who knows what else.
don't know if laser really removes it or just the appearance, since the ink accumulates in the surrounding lymph nodes on a continual basis, meaning if they've had them for a while, it's already been taken in.
given there haven't been many studies on all the secondary effects, it could pass into foetuses, damage dna, like most contaminants.
there are heavy metals in tattoo ink
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Tattoos are the ultimate NPC nigger cattle detector. I immediately dismiss anyone who has them, no matter how many.
white women in 2024 -
>covered in tattoos
>drinks and does drugs
>brags about sexual conquests
>curses profusely
>vulgar, rude, and aggressive
White women are identical to 1990s gangster rappers. Imagine dating such a monstrosity. No wonder the birth rates collapsed.
all you have to do is avoid any girl with a tattoo, any std, body count higher than 0, been mRnaed, been on birth control pills, or spent any time on social media/watching tv, grew up around negros.
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Atleast I know which women/people to avoid
no wonder it's all by design as society has been poisoned over the last 80 years.
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Tattoo shops are flammable.
So I don't mind it, it's like a retard stamp.
Do you say the nigger word?
Not real, its a cosplayer for one of those Chinese phone games
Tattoos are disgusting to look at, but I appreciate that they can automatically let me know who I don't want to associate with or be around
kek /pol/ is filled with such crybaby bitches
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The laser breaks down the particles into smaller pieces and the ink is (mostly) dissolved in the bloodstream and gets shit out.
Some probably goes into lymph nodes and other places too.
But dude, there are harmful chemicals in tons of shit. Not advocating tats but the “health” reasons are so minor until proven otherwise.
Good luck if you’re 100% against tats though bros. I’m against them but I’ve never had a gf without atleast 1. And the girl with one just HAD to get one and it was a fucking 1cm lightning bolt on her wrist.
Current gf has similar to pic related. Not as horrible as it could be, but she knows I don’t like them and we’ve discussed her maybe getting them lasered off someday. Since they’re just thin cursive letters hopefully it should come off almost completely.
Not too expensive either, probably $2k or less total.
Yes, it's useful in that way.
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>But dude, there are harmful chemicals in tons of shit.
yes so why soak up even more in something that is completely discretionary and also looks ugly
you don't have to be insecure about your gf just because you're being exposed to our opinions here, but me personally, i couldn't deal with what you posted. every time i saw that stupid cursive dipshit saying on her i would be instantly reminded that she's a massive retard and a liability.
That looks stupid
She got them at 18. She was dumb yeah. Not my first choice but to me it’s better than being incel.
I’m not gonna completely judge someone based off some “light” tattoos.
Many of you guys say you’d deny a girl with tattoos etc but I really wonder if you would….
Or if you even have the chance to do so. Maybe you’re a steadfast Chad though I guess.
What's with the bathroom pics? Is she getting ready to take a shit or did she just take one? From the look on her face - she just took one. Now her toilet pillows smell like shit.
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Here’s an uglier one for you
I'm not a Chad I just have standards and certain things I'm not willing to compromise on. I have no idea why this makes you insecure. Maybe that's something for you to think about. I did dumb shit at 18 too. But chicks with tattoos, it aint for me. It is extremely unattractive. I already hate women as a default, so if I see some stupid "live laugh love" thing on her body I'm just going to be reminded of how much I hate them even more. A wise man knows his limits.
>1cm lightning bolt on her wrist
Satan fell to earth as a bolt of lightning. She's possessed with the demons, as are most all of these tatted split tails. Good that she's gone.
Maybe if tiktok shows normies that it was found that autopsied bodies of tatted vs non-tatted people found higher levels of metals in the tattooed persons brains, same way these retards needed tiktok to learn about sunscreen
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I do too. And covered in tats is one of them I wouldn’t tolerate. I would prefer none at all, but that probably removes 80% of the available women.
It’s already sorta hard out there. I don’t doubt I could find one without them, I just don’t care THAT much about a few small ones. I’d rather not be a single unhappy incel.
My gf is great, she got 2 dumb tats at 18. They’re not bad compared to what many other women have. If they were I wouldn’t have been interested. In fact you can’t see hers unless she’s in a bathing suit or certain type of clothing.
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>The slave caste tend to mark themselves, this isn’t new.
truth, it is an unconscious imperative for slaves
>short term fun

At least she’s aware of how much of a whore she is. Kek.
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Get a load of this one.
>has a kid as well, but isn’t pictured
>long term
>nigger pimp crown
Well, you're clearly not happy she has tattoos and you fantasize about her not having them.
People can change of course. Would she do it again? Maybe not. But that's exactly why getting them is so dumb in the first place. Women treat it like a fashion statement but it's permanent. It's like they have the time horizon of a nigger.
>that nasty dyed hair and drawn on eyebrows
her entire sense of self comes from the nigger community
If you don't have tattoos you can print off fake tattoos and people will remember the guy with X tattoo and then you scrub it off.Get some fake eye color contacts and wear a wig, and grow a thick itchy beard you can shave off.
The nice thing about half of people having tattoos is that 'the guy with x tattoo' isn't even memorable.
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>time horizon of a nigger
That’s what it is. They’re 18, and they WANT TATTOOS.
All their friends and celebrities have them. They want one NOW! Instead of getting a temporary henna or something, they go get a permanent tattoo of something “meaningful” to them at fucking 18.
They’re dumb women. Basically nigger minded at that age. Then by 24 (when I got with her) she acknowledges she “doesn’t regret” it but doesn’t want to get any more…
Luckily she isn’t covered, all I’m saying. Because it just removes them from most decent dudes prospects or forces us to accept their bodies and mistakes from age 18 forever.
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The stripper unironically is the one of the least tatted…
What sucks is this bitch is my type but the tats and piercings just kill it
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Yeah. That’s practically every girl though.
Rejecting every girl with a tattoo eliminates like 75% of modern single young women.
Average male experience. Most I had was 20
This topic is probably lifted from some other forum where they use terms like "unalived" and such. I suspect it mimics the way Jews refer to God, some form of slave obedience ritual.
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lol, I actually know this girl. She was friend with my little sister in high school. She was depending on her dad to pay for her university, but he died ... she got depressed, became a pseudo alcoholic then she got pregnant. She was never a "dirty slut" but also not the brightest bulb in the box ( i.e. she wouldn't of graduated uni anyway). At least her kid is a little white boy, she's never had any abortions, no vaxx, over all not a bad girl to date if you're some lower income blue collar single dad.
Her kid is probably half nigger then, which would check out given what she looks like. Kek.
That's retarded.
You should eliminate 100% of women.
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She’s kinda cute but the stripping is a bigger problem than the tats desu. And being a stripping single mom.
I don't know what your problem is. A tattoo does more than almost anything else to portray your special individuality and uniqueness. Tattoos are a way to increase your charisma and make you more interesting.They represent a big middle finger to the man.They show everyone that you don't play no shit. That you go it your own way and play by your rules and never back down or do things by the book. Tattoos are freedom. Tattoos make you a better person. Tattoos fight the system, buck the system and show others that you are the real deal...a real player, a "can do" boss. Why do you want to stop tattoos anon?
So how's your little sister doing though? Maybe we can arrange keeping this 4chan thing alive eh?
the white countries have more tatooed people than african ones, it seems
Whay thr fuck?
Sadly it now represents the opposite and they are permanent for the poors.
A tat that accentuates a girl's body is different from having Spongebob above her cooch.
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What about a SpongeBob on her arm?
Well I think that's implied in my ridiculously over the top earlier comment. Obviously tattoos are strictly for raging, utter NPCs. If you've done prison time and got one scratched in with a biro and razor blade, ok. But 99.999999% of the tats we see today. NPC town. Clearly.
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You think an NPC would get this?
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The 19 year-old front desk girl at my gym was flirting with me and showed me her new tattoo a few years ago. The tattoo was on her arm and part of some stupid quote that was important to her. I told her I feel more unique not having any tattoos. It took her a while to process that one.
Like other anons have said it shows me who to avoid. In my biggest betrayals in life I've noticed they all had tattoos
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What about this then?
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I love tats, they let you know who to dismiss as wife material at a glance. Saves a lot of time and hassle.
Some dumb bitch were I work sometimes waddles in sporting new tattoos from time to time. Everybody gushes and fawns over how coooooooooooooool they are. I'd dearly love to tell her she's a fat, ugly, pasty disgusting mindless landmonster and the tats are the cherry on top of her tragic lifelong social indoctrination.
Yes. Like I said before, tattoos are like the cherry on top...the crowning indicator of a lifetime of NPC indoctrination. Just low rent, bottom feeding, dummy moves. Ooooooooooooh think I'll get a full sleeve tat and show everyone that I'm special.
This. You know there's this whole straightedge subculture about refusing to do drugs, get drunk, etc., why does no similar subculture exist for not marking up your body permanently? The only people that seem to understand are conservative Christians and even then tons of church girls get tats. Cross and praying hands and bible tattoos..
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Do you happen to like Beetle juice?
>meet someone new at a party
>they have random tiny cartoons and scribbles tattooed all over their arm
>not even cohesive and they don't mean anything
Ive met people with tattoos of their family and dog names, those do not bother me. What bothers me is when I'm talking to someone, and they expect me to take them seriously with toddler drawings on their arms and body.

I've also met girls who look like they have no tattoo, and then it's actually in a ridiculous place like the middle of their chest or on their lower back. Like what the fuck, why?
Lol. Not that much. Jesus, that's on almost the same tier as people who have metal Transformers emblems glued to the door panel of their car.
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>gets this as her first tattoo
I notice women do the “random doodles” approach way more, it’s terrible.
Even worse are tattoos on women’s thighs. Just sickening.
that’s because she’s 8, muhammed
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>that's on almost the same tier as people who have metal Transformers emblems glued to the door panel of their car.
That’s literally the epitome of NPC behavior, especially with the covid garbage. Peak brainwashing at its finest.
All jews do is trying to trick their god using some meaningless bs
You do you man, there are still women out there that check every box
>debt free
>no tattoos
and no you don't have to spawn camp the middle school
Beetlejuice is great, but I wouldn’t be caught dead with him permanently on my skin, or any other comic book/movie character. Any tattoos are bad.
> just HAD to get one
By who? State’s degeneracy enforcer?
my child bride checks all of those boxes
just convert to islam
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It’s rough
Finding a girl my age without at least one shitty random tattoo is impossible.
Tattoos are an act of self harm, no different than trying to cut your wrist, when you consider that getting a tattoo increased your risk of cancer by 20 to 30%
She’s look better without it.
How new can you possibly be? lmao
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Do you still have your foreskin tho?
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It was the like 1/3 the size of this.
What’s the point? Did you only have $10 and asked them what you could get for that?
You gotta spawn camp high school then. And if they’re still virgins after they’re probably;
Not very attractive
Autistic or fat
Mormon/in a cult
Or the ultra ultra ultra rare giga Stacy daddy’s girl raised by an amazing father.

Honestly I can’t ask for a virgin. I was a complete degenerate and fucked more than your average slut.
I’ll accept a not completely covered in tattoo, body count around 5 or less, young and attractive, which I acquired.
I like the worthless fucktoy women marking themselves. It makes it easy.
>how bad is it now, and is there any way to stop this?
no and yes
>Current gf has similar to pic related. Not as horrible as it could be, but she knows I don’t like them and we’ve discussed her maybe getting them lasered off someday.
Does your gf knows you use tinder and screenshot photos of tinder girls?
And why would white people purposely make their skin permanently black? It’s like crazy Michael Jackson in reverse.
And the tattoos are always of something death related, skulls, demons, grim reaper shit. What’s wrong with these people? They could have at least chosen something lovely to doodle on themselves but no…it’s always evil shit.
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It’s harmless I only went on it to screenshot pictures of tatted women.
It’s literally 4 out of 5 swipes holy shit.
Redditors talk like that THO
>the love of my life

We live in a time period when prostitutes are picky thanks you fucking simps.
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Tattoos like that are horrible. Imagine tattooing a negative symbol like a skull or something. Or a Medusa which is so popular now…
If they took mushrooms and looked at a mirror it would give them a horrible trip because they’d realize what they permanently put on their body.

I dumped an ex gf because we took shrooms together and I saw her tattoos and got a very bad vibe. They weren’t even skulls or anything. That’d be terrifying.
Does it count if I get mine removed? Will God wipe that slate clean?
Implying Long-Term fun is available at all.
And that's for all ages. For under 35s in my city, the overwhelming majority have at least 1 visible tattoo
Don't humiliate Nigel like this, poor fella
Asian women literally are the better option, by any available metric.
>Colorado Springs
I was down there once, and half the chicks on tinder had kids
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Prostitute or an average girl in 2024??
They almost look identical
>30 years old

>clownish tats everywhere


A goblina or a Chinese girl are infinitely better options.
These tatted-up NPC's are all quadruple vaxxed, they don't care what's being put into their body as long as it gets them (you) updoots on asocial kike media
Being covered in tattoos these days just screams LOW IQ and Attention seeker to me.
Guys seem to think it gets them laid, but they just attract other tattooed idiots.
Dating a nerdy Chinese girl with zero tattoos or strange piercings.
Yes 100% of women over 18 and living in Europe/Jewsa/Canada.
Tattoos are gross and ugly and only
lowlifes ever get them.
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Also accurate. Some single moms were actually untatted…,
It’s atleast one or the other. Ever since they legalized weed in Colorado the demographics shifted heavily.
I don’t know how many of you have read the parasite pill (181 pg version) but it seems to me like people are being mentally influenced by physical and spiritual parasites to put death and demons on their skin. If you think about Gods image, that we are made in it, to be the image bearers of God, then Satan wanting us to mark ourselves for him instead makes perfect sense to me. I guess it’s a part of the spiritual battle that we can physically see. Anyone else feel that way?
10 years ago would have been a good time
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You think so?
Do all anons use tinder/bumble for dates? Me and my gf meet on an acquaintance dinner 7 years ago, never passed through the humiliation ritual of (((online dating))). I value this even more nowadays, since men lives only got worse on this regard
>Some single moms were actually untatted…,
of course, they're good christian girls. that's why they didn't abort their one night stand baby
I met my last gf through work, she dumped me out of the blue after four years then tried to get back with me a month later.
I sort of just gave up after that
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Idk why you would judge someone based off their artistic art on their bodies…. Luckily jobs are no longer discriminating!
Atleast kids will get to see their grandma and realize not to judge….
You talk like tattos gives you special abilities, increase your iq or gives you superpowers and you forget the reason they are just drawings literally inks below the Epidermis and they get tattoos not to fight the evil Nazis but because is a trend and they don't want to get behind because they are attention whores that's way there's a strong correlation between tattoos and covid vaccines.
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I do not have any tattoos and did not fall for the vax, didn't even get tested. I have Pure Blood and Pure Skin.
Gave up for a few years after that*
I did the online thing and met a Chinese girl , she’s nice and cute at least.
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Give me your theory, faggot.
>artistic art
>Why yes I do take SSRis how could you tell?
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Online dating for a sub7 guy is pointless in 2024. Especially tinder.
I had luck with it up until like 2018. Idk if the algorithm changed or if women did.
I hate tattoos
the only time they make sense is some book/movie setting where it gives pirate treasure location or some other gimmick. Irl 99% of tattooed people get some retarded doodle shit. Multiple times. On every body part.
There was a guy in highschool that wanted to get his arm tattood eith cartoon characters like bart simpson etc. He drop out and his parents threw him out of the house lol.
If it wasn't stupid and ugly then why even normalfags get triggered when they see someone with face tattoos.
If it's to put it on your face then it's wrong anywhere.
lmao jobs are absolutely still discriminating against tatties, if you are going to be a part of the company's public image.
They will find something worse, "rebel" thing is not even real, it's just some new fad that jews set up every generation
Grandma should kill herself.
>based off their artistic art on their bodies
you are retarded, and everyone you know thinks so too
News to me that Asian women give birth to white children. You know that’s the entire point of marriage and reproduction, right anon? It’s not for muh love muh pleasure muh dick. It’s for the future generations of the white race. Otherwise any addition to the population is a net negative.
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Every nurse, dental hygienist, leasing agent, waitress, cashier, police officer, actress, singer, teacher pretty much all have tattoos. Idk what rock you’re living under.
/pols/ opinions on tats can be boiled down to this

>Tattoos are le bad unless I personally like them then they're le based
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tired of these >>472802473
>>472802884 new faggots and people actually explaining it
>every useful idiot with low status marks themselves.
I handle heavy metals Al the time. No tats. Honestly don’t care.
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Well the Covid-19 pandemic was an insanely meaningful time for many people. The world changed forever. I can see why they got that as a tattoo. Plus the vaccine was so effective and basically saved grandma and the entire world so….

Also tattoos are like one of the 5 most interesting topics for every single woman nowadays.
I dont remember Hitlers saying you should put a fucking swastika in your body, I have read he wanted to get rid of people with tattoos.
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tattoos are the new fedora and people are starting to catch on
people that shouldn't have them have them
expect a dropoff over the next decade
>I feel more unique not having any tattoos
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LGBT is most likely.

Some people just like to get meaningful things guys…
Like Spyro was extremely important to this plebbitors life…
When he was 10 school was tough and depressing. They were considering suicide but Spyro was there for them….
Now when they’re 70 years old they’ll look in the mirror every day and remember Spyro..,,
>Covid-19 pandemic

>Plus the vaccine was so effective and basically saved grandma and the entire world so….

Regardless if you are a bot or a pajeet telemarketer, someone with ulterior motives paid for your comments to manipulate our opinion.
Im an oldfag, got 3/4 sleeves in a level 4 cali prison 30 yrs ago. It said something about the guy you were planning on running your mouth at back then, now, I keep em covered and regret them. The quality of work coming out of the Ca prison system in the 80s-90's is what made people want them but more the "look" of it. Now it is doodles on hot chicks when before the dads would have disowned them outright for it. Saw it happen more than once back then, of course they became drug addicts and whores, because of a stupid sun tattoo.
What about traumatic tattoos/carbon stains from road rash/pencil punctures? Are those tattoos?
Does his face tat say basedboy? Lmao
>Retards, Retards and Retards among the most likely to get a tattoo.
Fun fact: It's the dumbest half.
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No… but I just like to remind people to get vaxxed or boosted so they can fight the pandemic and stuff
God dang good women are harder and harder to find, but they are still out there.
My gf isn't a 10, I would say she is a solid 7 (with big nice tits) but I wouldn't have any other way. We work out together, and she is more redpilled than me sometimes, sends memes making fun of trons, faggots, niggers and jews. The tomboy supremacy is unironically true, they are unreasonable based when they are self aware of the kike grand puppet show.
Tattoos damage the skin over time that fucking pokemon won't be recognized when that bisexual reach 70 (if any)
Yo sorry my bad
it tells me if a customer is relatively stupid and can be walked into poor financial decisions for my benefit. If you have a sleeve and fancy yourself a talker, I'm gonna eat a big chunk of your paycheck. If you think a bit of poisonous ink stain injected into your skin is an improvement on God's perfection of the human form, them you are a fool and a fool and his money are quickly parted.
he has sojboj tattooed on his face... I am at a loss of words
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extremely based. Please keep it up
No, you just need to lurk moar.
I got a tattoo for my mother that was taken from us on a young age, I miss her a lot, but I know she is in peace with God now
what's wrong with that things dick
doing the enemy's work for them, anon. getting people killed isn't a good thing.
She could be I peace with God but you are not.

>28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.
>I know she is in peace with God now
She's crying that you mutilated her body, selling your soul to Satan, in her name. You're retarded.
Bitch wasn't worth more than a pinky!
NPCs aren't people. Anyone who enforced masks on others deserves what they get
Only homosexuals have tattoos.
I get your reasons, but that is dark even for pol, she was strangled to death in a robbery, I didn't even manage to say that I loved her
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if you're able to program them, you're programming them wrong. they already believe that shit, reminding and reinforcing their beliefs isn't the winning strategy anon. it's a dumb idea. this kind of trolling is the kind that doesn't get the desired results.
>I didn't even manage to say that I loved her
Good, because you clearly didn't. Fucking retard.
I got the impression that 90% of the English lads that I see IRL are "tainted".
And I see many of them in South Portugal.
>Why yes, I'm uninteresting average nobody without any relevant skill or talent, I lack inner monologuing, I follow trends and my physical appearance is mediocre but I still crave attention, how could you tell?
>dark even for pol
this data reconfirms what I already knew, my pattern recognition is on point
You think you are the only one who lost someone? If you wanted to remember her why didn't you just used a wallpaper in your cellphone?
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Literal demonic behavior, this guy shares why he has tats and the reason it's sentimental to him and your first response is "you're going to burn in hell for eternity" despite the fact the bible never even mentions tattoos.

>The closest reference that some people associate with tattoos comes from Leviticus 19:28 in the Old Testament, which states, "You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord."

Interpreting this verse involves considering the historical and cultural context in which it was written. Some argue that the prohibition was related to pagan mourning practices or idolatrous rituals and does not necessarily condemn modern, culturally neutral tattoos. Others view it as a guideline emphasizing the sanctity of the human body as a temple.
i censor the word w*men every time i type it no matter what, i can not forgive myself for uttering such a vile word
> "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17)

>Guise the Bible never mention a 9mm or handguns ehatsoever it could be they were talking about pagan rituals back then think about it guise, guise??
with how much us zoomers are like gen x, our parents, I'd have to agree that this "rebel" thing was just a sexual revolution fad
not everything relates to your semitic mythology retard
I was at the beach yesterday and saw quite a few women (mostly but not all fatties) with those horrible huge thigh and calf tattoos. Also some would-be-cuties who had the lame doodle tattoos all over.
> but they just attract other tattooed idiots.
I have no tats but I get hit on by sluts with doodles all over their body when visiting natatoriums. It's rather sickening and I don't know what face to make.
There is always people who like to feel superior, but act as cruel as niggers or jews and expect to be treated better than it
Damn. I thought it was bad when I saw British boys dressing like hicks & mudders in England. American tattoo boys really fucked yall up over in Europe.
I don't pretend to act superior neither I offended you, I just want you to stop excusing this modern behavior of marking the skin with cartoons or quotes, young naive and gullible people are falling for this degenerated trend and what you did is a small part of the reason.
But not every lawyer, surgeon, architect, engineer. Can you spot the difference?
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> tattoos are like one of the 5 most interesting topics for every single woman nowadays
We already know the shallowness of the female mind.
The only offense that really struck me was telling that I didn't love her. I sacrificed so much of my life to give my young sisters a better life despite the hardship of losing their mothers when they were just kids, I know her death wasn't my fault but I feel like a shit everytime I think that I could have been more present with her, enjoyed more time, learned more about raising kids...
If God will doom my eternal life just for this, so be it, I think there is way more important things to judge the content of the soul of a person rather than this
Sorry to hear that anon.
STFU pussy. Wah wahhh
>21.5% of Australian woman are undatable
Dude you probably haven’t lost a parent yet, have you?
Faggot. Don’t disrespect someone’s lost mother who you don’t even know.
i have come around to the idea that our ancestors are literally watching our lives and maybe pulling strings where they can. maybe our whole world is spectated by anyone who has ever lived and they are always wrestling for outcomes. if that's the case then your mom would be proud of you anon, either way she knew you loved her
Thank you anon, I keep living not for me, but for my family and my future kids, I know that she would have wanted this, she was a really good mother, everyone around loved her very much, she had a good soul
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It's crazy how women's tattoo sizes, location and frequency strongly correlate to her promiscuity.

Download any dating app with criteria searches, and look for women who identify as liberal, athiest and don't want kids. It's like flipping through a tattoo artist's portfolio.
>(((John "Kerry")))
I only hope you don't have to pass for this, no one deserves this suffering on their lives, it is a heavy toll.
Many ancient civilizations believed this. God, is for sure watching at least. But your ancestors as well? It’s possible.
Imagine the “show” they get to watch with the average persons life. Pretty pathetic to think about….
If more people considered this possibility, and thought about it daily many would act totally different.
I’ve thought this before, and am going to start living as if they’re watching. I’m gonna make this “movie” of my life better. They’ve seen enough degeneracy and wasted time.
Same for my Wife, and yes, anon, my foreskin is intact. Deus Vult, Sieg Heil, and God bless You.
I really hope there is something more, and even if not, she still lives through the good actions she thought us, and the loving memories we made together
I took my mom to dyalisis 3x a week for over 3 years until she got ovarian cancer and I was her guy, her caretaker, there till the end and felt her spirit rise into the corner of the room. I know loss, I know the pain of grief. I broke down giving her eulogy and could not finish. No tattoo, no drinking bienge, just living right to honor the dead. I am a man, not a faggot. KYS
checked and exactly. makes you stand a bit straighter and spend less time jerking off that's for sure. nothing wrong with that, we should always work to make our ancestors proud
that's as good of a legacy as anyone can hope for. good job anon
I’m glad your mom suffered for several years. Hopefully her disgusting pussy cancer was painful. Probably from being a dirty slut letting all those niggers inside her.
You like it?
I've done that. A plumber entering the house where a woman is alone is haram.
Eating pork is haram.
A man dressing as a woman is haram.
A woman walking around without a close family member escorting her is haram.

It seems to convey a morality, even though the speaker doesn't adhere to the morality.
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>hey look it's all degenerate countries
My mom was black, and I got the house, seeth nigger.
My wife has tattoos i think 80% of them aren't even good or worth having at all.
Well atleast 20% of them are okay…… I guess
It evades botpost trigger, archive search, and ai generated opinion.
You want to train an ai on my opinion?
Pay me.
Don't give up!
Harder to find doesn't mean impossible to find
Tattoos ruin women. Straight up ruin them
>if you're able to program them
I can't, just re-enforcing their current programming. Many are not getting boosters any longer. Must do our part and make them sextuplet down on their morbid stupidity
The ones you really have to look out for are ""reformed"" tatted-up tradroastie chameleon whores

At least the leftist tatted whores are upfront about being a feminist whore rather than engaging in false theatralics to draw you in
I swear 98% of people in Australia have them.
It's fucking ridiculous.
My sister doesn't have tattoos and she's also been married now for 10 years and they have 5 kids.
Loads of people not getting in to heaven.

I hate gay cunse an biker faggots too.
I know 1 girl without tats and have a pretty wide circle
She's also 21, white, blonde, and not a whore
Hope she doesn't fuck up her life
48% Italy must be the mafia people
There are literal senior citizens with full back pieces you nonce
You fucking krauts literally gave the jews tattoos and NOW you're complaining?
I don't even think a "non ruined" woman would even want you lil bro
Have you ever seen a woman before?
30% higher lifetime chance of lymphoma
no biggie
Out of all my friends, only one has some shitty tattos. All because his sister wanted to be a tattoo artist back in the day. He's a good brother, but should've told her to tattoo a ham or something, lmao.
>The risk of lymphoma was highest in individuals with less than two years between their first tattoo and the index year
>We found no evidence of increasing risk with a larger area of total tattooed body surface.
Holy shit, it's real
>21% increased risk over "normal risk"
>normal risk is 2%
Oh, so a nothingburger sadly. I still wouldn't get a slave tattoo but lmao.
yeah, from 2 to 2.4% overall risk, not great, not terrible
>is there any way to stop this?
It'll stop itself. Kids will eventually - and rightfully so - consider tattoos to be cringe because they see boomer millennials running around with a bunch of shitty doodles all over their bodies.
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WTF shithead. You think krauts went to the trouble of tatting kikes just so they can burn their bodies in an oven later that week? Why the fuck would they do that? You also think they let them out of the locked trains so that they could messily kill them later?

Holocaust did not happen. It was not even a concept by kikes until they decided to grift the world in the 1960s.
If you have a tatoo you're literally cattle, same with the vax
You just filtered out 49.99% of the human population
Well yeah, if it was actually anything significant enough to worry about we'd know by now because tattoos have been around for as long as people have had pigments and too much fucking time on their hands.
Every single person I know with tats has a mental issue.
They gave them a number so they could organize them for forced labor. They didn't start cooking the matzas until they had to cover their shit up from the rest of the world, hense why they didn't even cook that many and just shot most of them instead. Can you not read basic history or something?
I'll bet you 5 bucks that you also have a mental illness despite not having any tattoos. Could it be that mental illness is just common in general?
it's a jew thing you stupid toilet licker, shut the fuck up and look at this fucking jew right here >>472803262 in the thread with you

fucking doggy dog world retarded ass niggers ITT can't ID a jew on /pol/
you have no souls, you are jews, you gave those up a long time ago
you're all cursed people, it's why you scurry about like rats, you think if you don't speak God's name he won't see you

you're like stupid demon children
I got my first tattoo in 1998 and my last one in 2007. After I got back from Iraq and discharged I immediately became a monumental fuck up and and got a full hand tattoo, wrist to cuticles. No sleeves, but a huge fucking hand tattoo. Eventually I had to sleeve just to make it less apparent.

Anyway, I still managed to get a good job, married a spoiled rich girl and my son was just awarded student of the year. I've got a boat too.

Anyway, tattoos culture now is stupid, what happened to bikers and sailors? Fat chick's with Disney sleeves, regular chick's with huge upper thigh pieces or 15 tiny bicep flash.

Don't get me started on the face. I regret being part of the generation that normalized reckless and juvenile individualism.
I've seen men do those things too lmao
Almost 50% in sweden? goddamn.I have a sibling who tries to talk me into getting tatoos all the time but i just say i have no interest in getting them.
that's extremely impressive for a first tattoo. must've kicked like a mule with its balls wrapped in sandpaper duct tape. I doubt you could go through the same amount of pain you fucking pussy
filling words with ambiguators has never been a thing on 4chan. it's popular on twitter.
I've been here since '06.
Ah I stand corrected - sorry I didnt recognize you Shlomo Shekelberg. Shalom.
>women with tattoos make my pp hard
Quite the opposite, they start to look like crackwhores to me and make me lose any interest.
tattoos are cool
And that including old farts

Non-incels under 30 all have tattoos
I'm actually a time traveling Nazi. I was there faggot.
>Thumbnail looks like merchant
Trend is more popular with females or males ?
Or both genders are equally retarded ?
>how bad is it now
>Online dating
>Most women have tattoos
It's fucking over
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Seems it's more popular with females
It's an ironic gesture of showing contempt by comparing an inane, neutral word like 'tattoo' to a curse word or slur, I typically do it when discussing Alb*nians and T*rks. Do I think that the word is akin to a slur? No, but it adds flavour.
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>Also hopefully laser technology improves so they can be removed quicker and better.
No, I want them to remain branded till they drop dead, the shame must stay with them.
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>Well I think that's implied in my ridiculously over the top earlier comment. Obviously tattoos are strictly for raging, utter NPCs. If you've done prison time and got one scratched in with a biro and razor blade, ok. But 99.999999% of the tats we see today. NPC town. Clearly.


When I got a tattoo 30 years ago, they actually meant something. People with tattoos were bikers, ex-Marines, drifters who'd been in and out of jail, etc. you know, the type of people that, if you made a movie out of their lives, other people would go and watch it. Now, some of the lamest pussies on earth have tattoos. I swear, the next time I see some middle-class, middle-aged white female who's never missed a meal in her life with a brand-new shoulder tattoo she just got last week, I'm going to smack the shit out of her.
>sample size 9000
waste of time and space. shitbread asshole
9000 is far more than needed for statistical significance you absolute brainlet
> t.

common on mainstream social media platforms, necessary to avoid tipping off the alogrithm and earning a shadowban.

of course i'm sure that LLMs have made this sort of pussying around with one letter a thing of the past. i know facebook in 2015 understood l337
>here's your state mandated gf bro
Were probably at 80-90% over here, everyone over 18 has a tattoo nowadays.
lmao, when you're so far gone you can only express yourself through 4chan buzzword lingo. Brainrot
What's actually worse, tattoos or piercings?

Cuz a girl I'm talking to currently hates tattoos but is thinking of getting a nose piercing.
Is this a worse case or not?
single nose ring is not an end of the world unless it's septum ring then she's totally retarded.
Might be a shittest too
Guys can get tattoos, as long as it's not cringe pop culture bullshit or nigger code. It only looks trashy in women.
that's very based
Totally accurate. I’m an old GenXer, same for my gf and neither of us have tats. The chick with cock tattoo in the reality show is her friend. I’m pretty sure the cock has been covered up. When I was younger chicks may have a tramp stamp or hip thingy but it could be covered up too. Now these chicks make sure their whole chest, arms, neck are doodled up.

Tattoo is a type of art and i'm personally not against it as i'm planning to get one in the future. I think it's ok if you put one in location where you can cover it with clothing in case you need to go to a more sophisticated event. People who get face tattoos are the ones that are fucked in the head in my opinion, but to each their own if they want to ruin their image for the rest of their lives.
BTW what's it to you anyways what other people paint on themselves? Just don't look and stfu man, it's easy! You sound like a damn twitter droon with your baseless whining if you make a big deal out of something that doesn't affect you personally.
Words, an affirmation or a statement is so corny and so female.
Actually it was a nose bridge piercing I think.
Is she a cybergoth or something? lol that's trashy as fuck
Another thing about this trend is that total normies get them now, makes them twice as lame.
>as long as it's not cringe pop culture bullshit or nigger code
It almost always is
The only good tatts are ones that show your affiliation to an exclusive group. (Yakuza, russian mafia, a specific tribe, etc) all other tattoos that are simply for fashion are cringe and should be ridiculed
Not at all. But maybe I'll tell her goths get those piercings since she said she doesn't like the goth style.
Her dumbass thinks for some reason it looks like the eyes of a butterfly?? I have no idea why.
Edgy teen shit he should’ve outgrown years ago.
You're a 35 yo single man and looking for a partner.
Two choices present themselves, which would you take?
>25 yo tattooed young woman
>34 yo no tattoos single mother
Very cool
what about dyes from plants? like the ones that people in the past used.
The one who's a virgin. Tattoos can be removed btw but used goods can't be refunded.
its ironic retard
Agreed. Or army. Or a specific reminder. I have one that reminds to not contribute to social corruption in my work. I'm a lawyer and several times seeing it in the mirror in the morning has made me remember my loyalties and avoid acting jewish.
>but also not the brightest bulb in the box ( i.e. she wouldn't of graduated uni anyway).
>not the brightest bulb in the box ( i.e. she wouldn't of graduated
>not brightest bulb - wouldn't of
>wouldn't of
You mean 'have' not 'of' Mr Bright Lightbulb

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