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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A private backyard for my own pool, garden, and barbecues?

I'm going insane! I need a balcony and to pay rent forever!
You will never live in a real community with your compatriots and neighbors
You will always be a goy
We have towns like this in the midwest.

Nothing happens in them and they're very boring. Your employment opportunities are also very limited if you have any sort of ambition.
my own private forest and land?

i am going insane, i need people closer than 2km and supermarket 5 min walk away!
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>still thinks he owns shit
NPC mill
5 mins? I want to live ON TOP of the corner store and listen to niggers and homeless fight all night
Constant noise at night below my apartment?

Can't go jogging after dark if I'm a woman?

Public swimming pools full of absolute strangers?

Sign me up!
the same homeless tranny masturbating on the bus AND subway in the same day, like he's got a quota
Hey look, Cities Skylines
>Captcha: Dr. Pang
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The biggest issue i see with this is every single time if they want to go buy or do anything else than just being at their home each single one of them will now likely go and fart up everyone else's home with toxic fumes.
They should have at least a couple of essential stores like supermarkets and a small mall or something in bicicle range of the suburbs so they can cut down on that.
I'm not saying completely ditch cars but that would significantly reduce pollution and with the improved air quality improve health, fertility and standard of living.
Electric cars would also help to at least not have all the fume toxicity directly near the home.
I know Americans tend to need cars more because the distances to get to any place like a school tend to be larger due to lower population density spanning the country overall
I don't have a problem with single family housing.
But it is a problem when its 99% of what you build and then no one can afford it.

It would be nice to be able to take a five minute walk for groceries instead of needing a car I also can't afford, but even most apartments are segregated far away enough from everything that a car is still almost mandatory.
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"boring" is exactly what I'd want nowadays.
Just a peaceful environment to thrive and raise a white family without being bothered by weirdos and brownies.
These are not and will never be real neighborhoods.
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Can't afford a family on any of those jobs salaries in those nice places. That's why everyone leaves
People that live in outlying weird areas tend to shop in bulk, they don't go to the grocery store every day. Also Americans order a shit load of stuff online, I only set foot in a physical store like twice a month
Having lived in American-inspired Canadian suburbia, I can confidently say it's shit and inherently soul-crushing, especially as a child.

For adults, the main limitation is the lack of small buisinesses (within walking distance) owned by community members. Right now, I can walk to restaurants, bakeries, flower shops, grocery and produce stores, convenience stores, barber shops, pharmacies, a local park, and a bunch of other places. Not only to buy stuff but to socialize.

American suburbia are intentionally designed to isolate individuals from their communities, nuclear families from extended families, and to give the upper hand to large corporations over family buisinesses.

This is like the question asking if you give yourself a huge dick, but you would become black, would you do it?

If someone gave you a home, land and a private forest, but you have to become latvian, would you do it?

There is a lot of shame a person has to shoulder in becoming a latvian.
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make it a 20 minutes walk and still quick enough by bicycle and I'd still be fine
problem with making it affordable is it will invite lower classes and that corellates with nigs and scum as well
if you make it both affordable and add businesses anywhere in between you essentially end up going more towards what big cities are and the atmosphere adjusts accordingly
if they are that expensive I guess a medium wouldn't hurt where you won't have excessive scum but still somewhat affordable houses
and a couple of businesses near
then you get something that looks more like this
although you can have it more orderly placed
and will be like a modern medium size city where you can kinda get the better of both worlds
I mean who really need to need all the crap they have in a major city anyways, for me a medium city already has enough of most types of businesses to choose from
in my opinion ideal would be to have the functioning economy as well as affordable housing and good pay power (obviously) but at the same time segregating yourself from any type of illegal immigration and having mechanisms and laws in place to generally encourage less scummy behavior and people
so more towards how an asian society functions, but with white people and not totally draconian
that probably sounds way too restrictive for most people to ever agree with
and the brownies and scum can all have their suicide party elsewhere e.g. on the roof
there isn't anything inherently wrong with that kind of neighborhood. You have a good size house and a decent yard that the kids can play in.
There is a neighborhood, called New Town St. Charles, by where I live that looks like a normal suburb but in the middle section of it there are shops, restaurants and stuff. plus there are several parks and public areas where the neighborhood has events and shit. It's pretty ideal, to be honest.
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Suburbs are just city dwellers lite. Still completely dependent on going into town and buying all your goyslop from the same corpos that the city dwellers do.
being bored is a sign of a dull mind.
I guarantee my mortgage is cheaper than your apartments monthly rent.
Build credit. save for a decent down payment, and by a good home(or one that isn't too pricey to fix up) within your price range.
>not have a house 20 acres and a balcony
Bro... Even bumfuck areas have fiber optic these days
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>and to pay rent forever!
Don't worry that's what property taxes are for
I wouldn’t ever want to be within 10 miles of anyone if I had the opportunity
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>indian migrants
the meme is kinda pointless or i dont get it
the suburbs are obviously way better because you have your own space by yourself completely insulated with way more privacy and not having to constantly deal with tons of neighbors apart from the ones directly bordering your garden
they are both conglomerations of living spaces but that's the only common thing they share
obviously the standard of living is way higher in the suburbs
we have suburbs that look similar in medium and smaller towns but they are smaller and interconnected with the town itself, you get like a supermarket down at the end of the road and if you drive further the city core
those are more affordable than the ones enpictured in the US so it doesn't really make sense
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Imagine talking this much
yeah sound like that would be the best imo
now having that affordable and predominantly white is probably my ideal and that's the most tricky part to keep up in the long run nowadays
i have spare capacity sometimes
Most of these neighborhoods have a bunch of niggers and beaners shitting them up and breaking into cars at night. Rural or nothing.
The suburbs are funded by taxes of those who do not live in the suburbs. They don't pay their own sewage and drinking water and so on. It is just a scheme to take on a lot of government loan that they need to raise taxes to pay for and cause a lot of car-centric infrastructure.
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very true. white neighborhoods are ideal because they are white. all other races always try to escape to white neighborhoods.
Buddy, I don't have a price range.
I work a shit job in a shit place where there is only other shit jobs, and yes my rent is shit, because we've got fifty fucking million criminal aliens shitting up half of them. (our flyers now come in english, wetback and now some middle eastern shit that is either muslim or jeet, I don't know)

I've got good credit, but what the hell am I supposed to do with that?
We have villages and helmets all over the country. The ones in the original 13 colonies even look like the ones in Europe, unsurprisingly.
I have a paid off doublewide on an acre of land in the woods, I watch elk, deer and other wild things play and frolic off my porch.
It can be kind of boring sometimes but all I have to do is drive into the nearest town approx. 15 minutes away and be reminded why I live in the woods.
Literally not how that works in the US. And your European so you don't even have suburbs.
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thanks for pointing that out
still better than the social housing though
living in a block like this you will have even worse fumes with a large parking lot directly in front of your window where you have even older and more polluting cars starting en masse without much insulation from the neighbor

the ideal is to just have normal cities without too much weird schemery
some suburban parts sprinkled in, some segregates block parts for the white lower class and give them an opportunity
but keeping distances decently low, keeping things bicycle and foot compatible enough to reduce immissons and keeping foreigners out except for maybe a sprinkle of half decent ones

not properly regulating the straight up illegal immigrants is the most stupid thing because it correlates with crime and scum so obviously
the whole entrance situation sets up a vastly different mentality
if the west wants cheap labor they should heavily restrict it, make sure illegal roads are extremely deadly and enforcing the law on anyone who still makes it on top
and then just make them apply at designated stations closer to where they come from instead so the companies can order a more civilized brand of shitskin and probably place them right inside the ghetto directly docked to the industry they are ment to work in
give them a permit that restrict their access to being cheap labor force and redact it as soon as they aren't needed anymore
keeping higher education and opportunities relegated to white people or if anything at least heavily favor them except for a select few brown savants that would actually make an impact, no more comfy bullshit jobs for brown people
something maybe not exactly, probably has to be more obfuscated, but closer to that

and ban overuse of loud&lazy crap equipment like leaf blowers and lawn mowers
oppressive compulsive idiots keep overusing them
Actually it's exactly how it works.
Roads aren't cheap and cost even more to maintain, digging out sewers, providing tons of energy, requiring huge swathes of land for the absolute lowest residential density.
Road maintenance alone is literally bankrupting many US cities.
a 1 hour commute and $400k in debt? I'm goin crazy!!!!
It is how it works in the US. American suburbs will never earn enough tax to pay off their own services for road maintenance, sewage, drinking water and so on. American suburbs will eventually fall into neglect when people in cities grow tired of the higher tax they need to pay to subsidise these welfare queens.
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Given how expensive the tipical American suburbs seem to be, shouldn't it be a relatively easy calculation to have all the infrastructure funded by taxes?
Seems like something is going wrong in the calculation there, the physicality of laying a bunch of insulated cables and sewers into a road where you have a decent tax payer on both sides every couple meters should mathematically check out pretty easily.
Unless of course something about it is overpriced, which it probably is, and then money is getting lost by all kinds of silly or possibly borderline corrupt other projects and mishandling from whatever governs the district.
One would think it's the other way round, the big cities are usually where tons of mismanagement happens and also large swarms of unemployed and criminals live that cost the state millions just to keep them in check with extremely pricy police etc.
the suburbs should be rather orderly, lower risk and an easy calculation with well earning people, as long as it's being earnestly managed
No the cities pay for that. Suburbs are a much bigger tax expense than immigrants and criminals. It isn't something I want to spend money on. And they would never be able to pay for it themselves.
Gotta bolt the house to the ground and put a fire moat around it. Just to keep the commies out
not everyone wants to live cheek-to-jowl just so they don't have to start the car to get some ethiopian food.
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So you mean because they have such high cost "premium" stuff which is just using expensive work and stuff like schools etc?
I'm fine with that as long as its benefiting white people living inside the suburbs.
It also means that lower class which heavily corellates with foreigners is priced out.
That's the only benefit from all the overpriced premium stuff besides the quality of course, but you can have decent quality without spending too much.
Doesn't sound sensible to be unless the suburbs are just way overspending on whatever they are doing.
Other than that the whole financial system is a scheme anyways. In the end the state can just print away anyways, and it does, the thing is just it should be allocated sensibly and at kept at a reasonable pace where inflation can't ruin the wealth of common people.
Big cities have tons of mismanagement and silly overpriced projects that ruin the monetary stability for everyone.
What I hate the most is what everyone always thinks are "such well integrated foreigners" when they are ugly browns who steal the cushy bullshit jobs (low effort high pay) and all the high living standard attached to it. That's where they steal the premium living quality that your founding fathers intended for good white people. That's enabled by leftist big cities.
Leftist big cities should be where the shitskin scum is existing inside a CHEAP ditch and slaves away, but NOT have anything close to a cushy bullshit job, ever.
>this thread again.
buy land.
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why in the world would you choose that suburb, anon?
>significantly reduce pollution
KYS fag
Everyone including people in suburbs need to pay a lot of extra tax to subsidise it. It is the single mom of housing. It ruins the future of white people and causes government debt. And nothing premium about living with lots of equal houses in an area that will be a ghost town in 100 years when maintenance is neglected due to cost (and the loans still are not paid down)
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it would probably be closer to paradise if it's all white people
some of the environmentalist ideas left people have should be implemented to the benefit of white people
just leave the part out of it where they import millions of rampantly violent ethiopians and it'll be fine

and if you do have to have cheap labor put the ethiopians into segregated ghetto cities which do not have clean walkable cities but have a system set up specifically to maximize the amount of toxic fumes they exhaust towards each other on their way to the factory
although even putting something more environmentally friendly (but cheap) in that area would be way better in the long run because it's still part of your country that's being farted up and ruined after all

so mcd for example being replaced by easily produced toxic and slowly sterilizing onions food is perfectly fine in my book as long as its fed to the brown slave class exclusively, sterilizing and depopulating them while still keeping the environment as clean as possible for future generations

and on the whitopia side you have the whole foods with quality non toxic food and also animal products in moderation from at least a certain decency of standard which is already known to have better health impacts than completely carelessly mass produced stuff

the challenge is just to keep the shitskin inside its ditch where it belongs
i honestly dont even get all that maintenance
i mean what do you have to do just put quality but not overpriced stuff into the ground once and make sure it's easy to maintain
I don't buy that, there has to be significant corruption or large scale mismanagement involved beyond just the cost of infrastructure in my opinion, which is well known to be the case
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its important for reproductive health and staying healthy
life is way more enjoyable if you don't have constant health issues and literal cancer coming up and degenerative diseases and whatnot accumulating over generations
you don't want any of that inside the white populated area and any cost effective measure to reduce it should be utilized
you need to actually take care of your surroundings in order to preserve them for next generations
I don't subsribe to any of that being somehow a bad argument just because for some reason the "political left" or whatever construct is tipically supposed to be concerned with it
I have a house in the rural-suburbs with about 2 acres of lawn, twelve raised beds for vegetables, and some decorative landscaping around the front entrance.
I let maintenance go for a couple of years and I'm trying to beat back the jungle now. Holy shit I think it's going to kill me.
After two years you not only have long as fuck grass, you also have saplings and small trees all over the place, and vicious pricker bushes.
Living in the Bronx is probably less dangerous.
Way better than commieblocks.
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2 acres is impressive and not really what I ment with those smaller spaced suburbs in the picture with a small garden each

but even that should be managable by a bunch of modestly payed garden workers
I mean a large field like that comes with responsibility if I was you I would try to find a way to hire guys to help get the most essential things done

i mean that's personal luxury, not like the government is going to endebt itself by millions not even if it had to finance a couple of garden or forest workers
my grandparents have a somewhat bigger foresty property and there's a lot to do but you can get away with doing a certain minimal amount of work to keep the ecosystem going and things are alright
basically cut a bunch of dead or unfavourably placed trees occasionally, keep the road free, make sure the pond isn't turning into a swamp

if you have a large family you can make some of the kids do it like they did with us haha
4 acres is more of an industrial size though you will have to find an according amount of people to take care of it or transition parts of it into something that's easy to maintain
why are there no trees lining the roads or in backyards? adding that and maybe some parks and shops within walking distance would make this so much better
Yes preferrably a kind of tree or plant that doesn't drop particularly much that would be cleaned after but will still contribute a good amount of co2 to oxygen conversion
y'all are a third world country.
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Went to the gas station after the gym tonight. I have assets, cash, good credit. Growing up my town of 20,000 had 1 black kid, 3 or 4 asians, and 1 or 2 indians in our high school. Now we have bee keeper suit arabs and now THREE mexican stores. The average home price is over $900,000. The gas station was full of ghetto people and undesirables. Where the fuck am i supposed to go? What am i supposed to do with my credit if I need $220,000 or more salary to buy a house in the area i grew up. I am disgusted with the way things have changed
Why am I supposed to leave the area i grew up in, that i like living in, to move to some dying rural shithole everyone else is moving away from just to buy a 70 year old house? fuck this bloated corpse of a country
If you don't give a shit about the future you're leaving for your descendants, you're not white
Be cool or be cast out.
Because these sorts of places aren't designed or developed by governments who care about their people, or any governments at all. Large areas of land are bought by investment firms, property managers, etc and then they develop it in the most profitable way. Typically, building a bunch of similar houses with in-line utilities, etc so it's easier and cheaper to build than a bunch of more unique houses, economies of scale and all that. It's not the people or the government building these "neighborhoods", it's rich people trying to get richer quickly and efficiently at the expense of all else.

What will Europeans do when their walkable cities become MORE unsafe because of non-Europeans committing violent crime? It will be impossible to avoid them.
It's stupid at the macro level. All these developers do it this way so they can make more money, but they're going to use that money to do...what exactly? They have all this money but can't get into a decent neighborhood because only legacy urbanism is any good and everyone else just did the same greedy shit they did so there's precious little legacy urbanism. The people who build the cheap soulless shit end up forced to live in it too.

They're all being as greedy as possible but because they're all doing it there's almost no point to having the money because you have to go live in a shit place anyway. What's the point of making money by ruining your nation?
That's not their problem, basically. For now, there are nice places they can go, or they can just leave the country, no big deal.
Was this duck necessary?
>Road maintenance alone is literally bankrupting many US cities.

A major reason is that they also "repair" roads that don't need to be repaired, and they work very slowly. Only one or two out of a group of ten are working at any one time. If they eliminate this racket, the costs will go down tremendously.
We do have real communities in small towns, so you know. But yes you are right a significant portion of our population lives in these souless commuter suburbs completely removed from their neighbors.
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>And your European so you don't even have suburbs.
ACK!!! Suburbia started in Europe.
I would love to live in an apartment, but renters in America are mostly low-class scum that make life hell for their neighbors. This is one reason that soulless suburbs like these exist.
>that one guy with the cemetery in his backyard
Holy shit! Call the cops!
Ted was not self sufficient, he did all that stuff too, on his parents dime at that.
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those are just less comfortable tax farms, mostly for immigrants who will speed and litter the better neighborhoods
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>suburbs are soulless, because... because... THEY JUST ARE OKAY?!
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>throwing your child a birthday party in the backyard?!



Thankfully, once we have all been financially castrated, you will get your pick of the litter for renting apartments.

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