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Do you feel the spark of God within you? And I mean actually, apart from Church or the Bible, but in the Christian meaning.
You have a mental illness.
yeah thats the false light of lucifer you done got pwned fool!
sometimes yes
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Yes, my silver chord is strong and radiant and I feel the love and light of God within me. It's all so beautiful.
What god?
thinking of light when you think of god is idolatry btw
I certainly do.
You have a mental illness
>God within you
Miss me with that heresy
>do you feel god within
>But only the one from the desert that likes mutilating babies
>You know, the good guy

Hahaha christ niggers are retarded
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reminds me of this funny fella that deceives people
No. I just feel dopamine and endorphins
meds thread.
Yes but I feel ashamed for being Human in this Clown World that mock Him. CHRIST IS KING!
not anymore
just lacrimose deis irae
yeah i honestly do, and every time i sin it makes me feel worse than i ever have before. the struggle against sin is a daily struggle.
I think God is telling me to do what I'm doing right now.
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I get a blast of interdimensional light and it shifts my consciousness into a dimension where pleiadian beings live and then I get to spend time with my interdimensional friend.
I don't see, hear, or feel God. I was baptized as a child, and have been looking for him since. The only times I've felt even close to the way I did during my baptism has been at concerts which leads me to believe that church is mildly bullshit and the baptism was placebo.
When I was a child it was strong, then for a while it was weak and fading when I was lost in life, but it has since come back stronger than ever
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live music is church for young people. it can get a little evil depending on the music, but its clear the God enjoys his progeny celebrating and enjoying and evening together -- also God is historically both good and evil, as you cant have one without the other -- so even Astroworld has some connotations of religious ceremony. I'd prefer a Polyphonic Spree concert personally, but I understand the universe needs both sides of the coin.
The Christian god is unironically a demon. I figured this out at 10 years old.
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suffer, heretic. he who does not gather, scatters.
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Only a demon would do this
God transcends religion.
What if all of existance is made up of manifeststions of this energy, and it's all trying to reach singularity again?
No, and you don't either.
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You find God in the scriptures. When you can understand them you can see how He works. Baptism doesn’t save you. Belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior along with repenting from your old life. Works don’t save you, they are a product of your salvation.
Yeah but, theres like 1 foot in the door and god is like "Fucking clean this shit up first"
inthink you mean holy spirit, and yes
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"jews" today aren't even jewish man, they're the sons of ham. they're not even "semites", or rather, the "offspring of shem". everything is backwards and down is up.
God isn't real. The proof? Everyone in a church has a different idea about what he is and what they want from him.
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Kike hands typed this. Every knee shall bend and declare Christ is Lord. You faggots can spam this board every day, the only thing you retards are succeeding at is proving that Lucifer is real and Christ is the only means of salvation.
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I hate the creator!

And I keep re-creating mysel, I keep re-creating mysel for I am!
Get it, were all the same shit sans in the sand box and the box itself! fml
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You are manufacturing your own suffering, but you are not the creator.
these fast posting flesh automatons don't feel the spark of God within them. so much is clear.
You've certainly triggered the kikes and shills.
Absolutely not. God abandoned us and that’s pretty messed up. Why even waste everyone’s time with all of that bullshit if all he is going to do is play silly ass games.
Psalm 51 mentions Zion and Jerusalem, maybe they'll stay out of it so we can discuss further Imago Dei that makes us all aware of our Father in heaven.
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Yes. I have always felt God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirt. I have a strong connection and faith, always have. I pray that others pray to Jesus Christ and ask for him to come into their lives.
I prayed for help and instead God sent a bunch of niggers to torture me. What is the purpose of this evil God has committed against us? Why did he lie about helping us?

Jesus should be arrested for homosexuality
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Revelation 3:9

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship."

Jesus Christ warned the World of you and your ilk.
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Jews worship Satan and he has deceived you.

I will pray to Jesus that he opens your heart to the lies of this World so that you may receive the Truth.
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You've got to figger it out, nigger. You're still breathing air, so he must have some reason for keeping you around. Is there a beginning to your story?
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Because it's amazing what some good theology can make you learn about yourself and how you end up places, it can inform you of what was going on.
>and life is worth the living just because he lives.
I should find a version of that hymn that fits to 1 page.
Yea and i always like to post thw greater exodus by monte judah on /pol/ because it pisses off glowniggers and its actually tangible information presented in a concise lexture for how to survice the great tribulation


I think they mightve shadowbanned the original link from the lion and lamb miniatries channel
Nobodies perfect in doctrine or theology, but thia guy has a eschatological approachnof common ground where if you can set aside biases its worth the retainer study
Jesus Christ is the only one anon
Hue of man?
Or a Free Man
Know the difference anon, grammar and language is power
Another example
>televiaion = tell a vision
Maritime law aint no joke
What If I am the LORD, will you let my people go?
Problem is it's dark.
Bright, yet also dark.
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Study the chapter describing Elijah in the cave, also ezekiel 20; and know that we worship the True Lord God via music and song and hymn all the time, if faith cometh by the hearing of the Word youre not listening to it enough to come to that conclusion by your own admission, and yet you do know the slight bit of what resonates with the Truth
If you have ears to hear and eyes to see: do so, you wouldnt be on this website were it not for this thread and were it not for this reply anon

Plus the marriage supper of the Lamb gonna be awesome, ill be there and so will my fren
No. Sometimes I think maybe I’m close but then I think I’ll know when I know and I don’t know. I’d like to feel God. Church doesn’t feel right, meditation is difficult and I don’t try hard enough, my thoughts are so scattered. I’m not doing my best every day and it would be nice to hear from someone that it’s okay and encourage me to keep trying. Someone with authority. My dad wasn’t around. Sometimes I just need to cry and can’t. There’s something in me that needs fixing and hopefully one day God will help me do that. Sorry for dumping, going to try and cry now
Be truthful and help others and you will feel better yourself
And if the energy of evil les you to sin, what if Christ died for all sins and Rose again?
Whos the Grand Observer in this simulation of creation?

3 signs to watch out for in the end times:
1the euphrates river dries up completely; it is currently drying
2the altar in jerusalem is shut down, no temple necessary for the third described in ezekiel will come from heaven, but the powers that exist in contemporary judaism demand an altar be set up in an ATTEMPT to build that temple aand sanctify the priesthood and tools: this is what the red heifer is for and why hamas attacked, they were jealous of the red heifers ashes ceremony
3 after the altar is shut down, two witnesses will show up shortly thereafter and following the 3 and 1/2 years ypu will see multiple supernatural disasters and cataclysms among other things like the counterfeit false prophet promoting an antichrist and a mark of the beast

As per the mark of the beast, we currently have the technologicaal fintech singularity and infrastructure tools being rolled out, juat research the digital pound foundation and realize the current debt liquidity crisis from endless money printing is an occult ritual involing problem reaction solution and hegelian dialectic dynamics resulting in a reset and adoption of digital currencies etc.

The funvaxx was a trial run what comes next, internet of bodies hardware for the eventual software of the mark of the beast itself

"Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness, and not light." Amos 5-18.

The Church is the body of Christ, as well as the pillar and ground of the truth. (1st Timothy 3:15) You cannot know Him apart from the apostolic body of faith that He left us. The world will give you delusions and prelest.
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Oh so two more weeks? Thanks Qanon. That gay ass bullshit is super helpful.

How about your god actually do literally even a single thing. Oh wait. He obviously does not give a single fuck so that isn’t going to happen.

Pray to God and God will ignore you and send a plague of niggers. It’s easy to see why his sons always rebel. He literally tortured his own children.

God is a tyrant and a liar there is no mercy to be found only two more weeks ad naseum.

It’s always two more weeks because this God won’t actually ever do anything. If he does it’s just bad shit where he gets mad and hurts innocent people. God literally is torturing us all and won’t stop even if you beg for mercy.

Why in the fuck would anyone worship someone that did this
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> Christian meaning
Reread the beatitudes anon

1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Did Christ not suffer the ridicule of His Own for all our sakes?
When they shouted His Blood be upon us and our children forever, they meant to curse but it turned into a Blessing from God: for only God can cover you with His Blood as an atonement for willful defiant sins unto death, and all are guilty before Him
When you realize how much He Loves us all, nothing else matters
Christians should just shut up. Everyone is tired of your bullshit, your God never delivers and it’s always the “two more weeks” bullshit.

Obviously your God is on some bullshit. He literally never delivers. Ever. Shits the gayest shit I’ve ever seen. Without a doubt the God of Israel and his followers have made complete fools of themselves with their endless failures.

You show me a day and place where God is needed and I’ll show you a place where God will be nowhere to be found
>God is good and evil
>" cant have one without the other"
>can't have a single deity representing Good
>and a single deity representing (((evil)))
>"nuuuu GOY it hasta be the sayme POYSUN"

another day
>(((false dichotomy)))
Go read the book of job then, all your accusations are predominately the result of freewill being imposed upon others by their sins

Lest ye repent, itll end up as one od those physician heal thyself paradoxes
The key to understanding is to ask God for it, He alone can answer all your frustrations, just have faith and take the chance , dont be afraid
>your God never delivers

I feel it when I'm sober for a long time. Technically I feel it all the time but I feel it more when I'm sober for a long period of time.

Fuck being sober right now though. 2024 is a gas.
Ever since the creation of the state of israel in 1948, we have been living in the end times
Ever since ezekiel 38 began to unfold with the ukraine war and the recent hoatilities involving the same confederacy host of nations attacking israel, we are essentially watching the pawns open in this game of chess
Read that prophecy and just watch israel, i gave more than enough information for a skeptic to retain until proven wrong, you are just being impatience and acxusative at this point
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of all wisdom, Who Gave you the breath od life each morning, pray tell id thou has an answer
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A day and place where God is needed...
1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (KJV) Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
How about you just let me know when God stops being evil 24/7

If God delivers even one single time, ever, just once. You let me know.

But we all know that’s not happening. With Yahweh you get tyrants and niggers and two more weeks. We all know the drill and his gay ass bullshit.

Maybe he will even send some bots to post the same gay ass boring shit they’ve said ten billion times already
I feel the warmth of Satan's flame.
Once again, refer to the multitudea od the apecific content od my posts previous and you will be satiafied lest you glaze over them in contempt
If youre looking dor a more personal approach, id kindly sugfest doing that 1 on 1 with direct confession and prayer to God and just ask Jesus Christ literally what you asked me in earnest: to Reveal Himself unto you
You wont be disappointed anon
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I’ve watched evil rule the world for decades and this God does nothing. He is a coward and can go fuck himself and so can you. Such a disgraceful God doesn’t deserve worship.

He has ignored his own followers for thousands of years and shown them zero mercy. In a just reality Yahweh would be arrested. There is no justice in Yahweh’s hell world.

You can make up all the bullshit you want but the facts is this world has been hell for thousands of years and his followers have prayed for mercy millions of times and millions of times those prayers have been ignored.
Yahweh doesn’t deliver. He has failed and is a failed God in 2024.
I was a Christian for decades. Jesus is a faggot and won’t deliver. He literally never does. I’ve watched millions of prayers go unanswered and most of those people are now dead. God never helped them as they pleaded for help and died deaths of despair.

I watched this God abandon his followers. I don’t care why he did it.

If our life’s don’t matter then so be it. Gods life doesn’t either. If life isn’t sacred then nothing is sacred.

Yahweh can suck my dick. He is a liar and a tyrant and deserves to be cursed
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when's the last time you took a test in school?

was the teacher talking during it?

pay attention - gay little hints and symbolism is all over the place representing at the very least that the shit heads from the bible actually do exist and do fucked up things
While op might indeed have a mental illness, I myself have noticed that a lot of people are in fact missing a certain something I’ve always referred to as a spark. It could be a divine spark or perhaps possibly people are just getting dumber and less self aware they just sorta move along like ants or bees in a hive mind , i haven’t given it much thought. kek
You will be confronted with a choice when the mark of the beast financial singularity dawns upon your precious time left
God is not a respector of persons
He Gives rain to the just and the wicked
Let him who is filthy be filthy still as it is Written

If Holy quads 7777 wasnt enough of a sign to you, then i truly pray youre the type that responds to pain, but measured in a way you truly understand, for the LORD Speaketh twice and man percieveth it not
There is a reason for everything and His Ways and Reasons are far above and beyond ours: go ahead and glaze over each and every soul here for the sake of doing so, the Lord God is Maker of them all and accounted each and every hair on their head
Until you truly comlpehend and understand you only present a guilty offence of willful ignorance come your day of Judgement to your own peril and delusions lest ye repent
Ive shown you the Door, you mjst open and walk through it to Him instead of placating to immaturity and anger all the time
Yes. I am also a pureblood. Things don't bother me such as politics "muh happening" that is just cianiggers daily psyops shilled online, I'm usually happy and hopeful, and sometimes get things in clutch with surprising timing. I also know not to mock the plight of vaxxies and just keep it mild on the commentary as it is God's advisement (conscience voice). I would have normally just been dismissive, "I told you so", and petty without the feeling. I take time to take in and enjoy my environment and spend time with my family.

God is good to me because I take time to notice the blessings I have.
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Dude, we came from nothing/voidness and will return there. We are not gods spark or eternal love bullshit. These religions and bullshit are just methodology for shallow humans to control other humans with ideology and wishful thinking.

in other words; they keep you poor right here right now by filling your mind up with wishful thoughts about a paradise afterlife full of make-believe.
Put up or shut the fuck up faggot
God is love, the Kingdom of God is within you.
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>Hahaha christ niggers are retarded

there is overwhelming evidence that christcucks ignore

Thanks to Christianity's immense popularity researchers could find the god of the bible was a living "god" of storm

and was pretty much recycled many times over
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God's commandments keep us pure and protected, anon.
Rocks, trees, etc. The old living places of the world.
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There is no evidence that god(s) exist. There is only evidence that liars exist. Yahweh is a false god, the evidence for liars is profound.

During the Iron Age I period (12th to 11th centuries BCE), the religion of the Israelites branched out of the Canaanite religion and took the form of Yahwism. Yahwism was the national religion of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Yahwism was monolatristic and focused on the exclusive worship of Yahweh, whom his worshippers conflated with most high Canaanite god, El. Yahwists started to deny the existence of other gods, whether Canaanite or foreign, as Yahwism became more monotheistic over time.

Other neighbouring Canaanite kingdoms also each had their own national god originating from the Canaanite pantheon of gods: Chemosh was the god of Moab, Milcom the god of the Ammonites, Qaus the god of the Edomites, and so on. In each kingdom, the king was his national god's viceroy on Earth.

The various national gods were more or less equal, reflecting the fact that the kingdoms in Canaan themselves were more or less equal, and within each kingdom a divine couple, made up of the national god and his consort – in the case of Israel and Judah: Yahweh and the goddess Asherah – headed a pantheon of lesser gods.

During Josiah's reign, Assyrian power suddenly collapsed (after 631 BC), and a pro-independence movement took power in Jerusalem, promoting both the independence of Judah from foreign overlords and loyalty to Yahweh as the sole god of Israel. With Josiah's support, the "Yahweh-alone" movement launched a full-scale reform of worship, including a covenant (i.e., treaty) between Judah and Yahweh, replacing that between Judah and Assyria.

By this time, Yahweh had already been absorbing or superseding the positive characteristics of the other gods and goddesses of the pantheon, a process of appropriation essential for monotheism.

Just 2 more millennia, you fucking tool.
trust the plan.
dang, well, in that case

what should people do instead?
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Atheism is the only belief state that corresponds to nature.

People can do as they wish.
The way people speak if ne to me indicates they see a light in me I am not conscious of.
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Please think on what your actually saying and what you think you know jewfren.

Other frens idk if you noticed but this Jew here called him the Jew name for God, we don't do that unless discussing the names and this Jew is obviously a very angry lil tare because of how hard headed and stubborn he is being not very religious like most the young one the old ones will usually blot out the name or give you the ole hashem etc ...he is the Tetragrammaton or God or as I personally prefer THE MAKER because that's what The Maker is not like how these Jews switch between talking about Satan and God when they say Yahweh , I do think it's nice and noble of you anons to actually try if you noticed what I'm saying though they do deserve a chance but we know that the Tares get separated from the wheat and well yk the rest ...is my birthday today frens I like my birthday alot and I love The Maker .
You may feel it when deprived of certain things or with intense prayer.
It wasn't him. Jesus died for our sins, but he is sinless.
yup. whenever I get the internal "hint" it pays off tenfold.
>don't take the vax
>leave America
>focus on your own work, not someone else's
>dump that one, marry this one
>keep saying nigger
>know your true enemy, Israel
works out
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This is the main reason while though I am the Messiah reborn (as a Rabbi said, the Messiah would be a reincarnation of King David), I distance myself from Christianity because it's centered around concepts that demean the Messiah from ever wanting to take on the role as Messiah. It seems to me like a fake Jewish (white gentile convert) corruption or from the minds of schizo Jews who didn't know any better.
Some were led to think by atheists that the Kingdom of God is an illegal occupation in Palestine and this has led to a great deal of suffering and oppression.
I'm not God, I'm just waiting to do his command...if he ever decides to come back to this hell called earth and free us(me).
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I am a god with amnesia I'm quite sure.
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mento illness ain't real
>people can do as they wish

Okay, then I believe in the Christian God and advocate forced conversion of any and all that don't at least feign adherence to my "delusions". Kind of like how Europe operated for nearly eight centuries. Since atheism advocates for nothing past correspondance with the harsh laws of "nature", and people can "do as they wish", then it's imperative that those people with the grandest delusions, the most psychotic of obsessions, and the most fanatical of devotions (to whatever they fancy) engage in power struggles to ensure that their favored brand of crazy win out over everyone elses.

Nature is absurd. The golden law of nature is to destroy and in turn be destroyed. To find a semblance of meaning in such a universe is fruitless. Do what thou wilt.
Stay strong brother. We are imperfect, and being aware and battling against your wrongdoings puts you well ahead of 99% of people. That being said eradicating jews is not a sin, and should be considered a moral duty to absolve the world of most (manufactured) temptations.

Do your part, when able
Satan Tempts Jesus
4 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’


‘In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ”

7 Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not [a]tempt the Lord your God.’ ”

8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

10 Then Jesus said to him, [b]“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

Ancient "Jews" took "Satan's" offer of the world and all its possessions and to have dominion over it, this also plays into Jewish endtimes prophecy where we(all non Jews) are all slaves and they own the planet and all things in it ....God regularly punishes and kills then hoping to finally get them to cut their shit, never works though.... eventually they are gathered up since they are the Tares amoungst the wheat.

Thinking Jews are chosen for anything except being a living example of a good and a bad choice(we were given choice for a reason) and showing that even when given a million chances some are just to far gone....that's where your wrong bucko.
Not caring is why the situation is so bad to begin with. It's the worst advice anyone could ever give.
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If you feel the spark of God within you,
Lurk more.

I have seen the light, no joke. Jesus Christ is that light.
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JEWsus faced no temptation since he knew objectively God and the after life exists plus he is God. Humans don't get that luxury stupid cunt. Why would JEWsus even fathom temptation when he as The Almoghty imbued his human life with supernatural powers/virtuous characteristics? Fucking retard christcuck fables designed for women, children and eunuchs
>In a just reality Yahweh would be arrested.
fucking brazen
inb4 International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Yahweh
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bumping this thread so I can talk to schizos
what is your religion
The virgin

The real
I make merged twins, don’t need to talk anymore nor owe answers. Lights out
>he posts this after viewing “please cum in my mouth” ad
Christians : what do you mean God made everything?
I don't know if there is or is not a "God." I don't think it's possible to know.
Christians : I limit God!

>or maybe you’re limited but alright!
The most sold book (66 stories) of all time mentions dick cutting over 900 times. Truly what a tale of schizophrenia I mean truth
what about the Biblical god that created the Earth 6000 years ago and then flooded it whole a thousand years after that?
Yes. Unfortunately the vast majority of people are soulless meat golems. I mean truly soulless. It's a lonely world.

>still enters lights out

2000 more weeks old fags before you’re turned off forever
I simply tell the truth and it pisses them off
Forget the abrahamic bullshit. Youa re God, it's you, Always has been, always will be

Tat tvam asi!

Cita nama rupa shivo hum shivo hum
My name and form is bliss, I am Shiva!
-adi shankara
It is also written that man shall not tempt God
Tell that fucking loser Satan ooooo
How do you know that the Bible is true? Most people don't even know how we got the Bible. It was compiled by the RCC, they chose what to include and not include and they pedestalized Jesus which was so far removed from what his disciples taught and then the RCC hunted down and killed them all for heresy. So you're taking all of that at the RCC's word.
What I'm saying it's ridiculous to believe in the God that says the flooded the Earth because it obviously didn't happen
Yeah talking snakes and magical resurrection Jews turned out to be a Jewish lie, who knew?
Think about it. Why would a God of unconditional love banish someone to hell and torture for all eternity? Sounds like a massive contradiction.
don't forget the time the sun stood still for 24 hours in the sky (according to the Bible )
Yeah it's a contradiction. Although here's a casual reminder that the old Testament says there's no afterlife. Many quotes on this website


For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks? Psalm 6:5
The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence. Psalm 115:17
The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward. Ecclesiastes 9:5

I think when you die you are reincarnated.
got a source on that one?
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I took a picture of the spark within, from the outside
why does your image look like a pair of hands spreading open an anus?
Evidence for the flood is everywhere including ararat
>sedimentwry layers supposedly millions of years inbetween have tree trunks crossing inbetween
That isnt supposed to happen
Also smithsonian coverup for egyptian relics in the grand canyon, tools inside of coal deposits, giant skeletons etc.
Even the red sea crossing has been found with a multitude of other biblical Miracles, you have to do the homework yourself upon inquiry
Not any longer. Just apathy and bitterness.
>i have Said ye are gods
What did Jesus mean by this then, fool

Even the pharisees believed in the ressurection, king david said he will go to his son but his son will not come back to him, validating both the innocence of children prior to the age of accountability and an afterlife
Other notable examples are found throughout the Scriptures, cherry picking foolishness without bating an eye to rebuke
Solomon states that he knows where the spirit of man goes but not the spirit of animals
Funny how that works

What you quoted is reproof against things like indulgences for dead relatives or prayera from saints etc. And orher similar heresies from the whore of babylon / catholic church
When abiding in Christ, yes all day long.
I used to feel Gods presence every day, but after I took the vaccine he was gone
satanic lie
in that case 99% of humans who ever lived had mental illness
if 99% of humans believe in something, does that prove existence or the things or 99% of humans had mental illness?
Especially when erect
>For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

You let fear guide you instead of God. Repent.
What spark of God? If you are a typical protestant you don't even believe in essence energies distinction therefore in your metaphysics you never get to actually experience Gods true grace, instead only created simulacra beautific vision.
>Only a demon would do this
How do you know what is good, what is evil?
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Yes. Sometimes something will happen that will touch a part of me deep inside, sort of like a tuning fork and I will cry immediately. Only way to describe it is being overcome with love. I use it as my compass. Praise the Lord, Jesus Christ, King of Kings!
well only one religion can be correct all the others are wrong. Meaning most people are still wrong on religion.
Those who dont believe cant because they refuse to try whatsoever. All it takes is the slightest consideration, the weakest seeking, and proof of God will be found abundantly. It is like if someone went outside and said that the sky is grey when there isnt a cloud in it, or the sky is blue while it is covered in clouds, at that point what can you say to convince them otherwise? The Lord is hidden from anyone who doesnt want to see Him.
No, in the Christian meaning you receive the spark from the church.
speaking of sky why is there not a solid dome/firmament up there. There should be if we're to believe Genesis and some other random verses which say god's feet can be seen standing on the firmament from some tall mountains
While Catholics in their hubris caused the schism they still hold onto the elder faith of Christ at least in some regards. On the other hand protestants have fallen into complete relativism and I hope you see error of your ways.
Read revelations 5

8 Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
10 And have made [d]us kings[e] and priests to our God;
And [f]we shall reign on the earth.”

11 Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud voice:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

Unambiguously the saints pray at the throne of God together with heavenly host.
electric spark
>Catholics in their hubris caused the schism
Why do you reject the ancient doctrines of the Filioque and the primacy of the Bishop of Rome?
There is only one unforgiveable sin. And that is blaspheming the Holy Ghost. And not once in scripture is that expounded upon as to what blaspheming the Holy Ghost would entail. Some would say this is because its not a thing that man can do. Others would say its because what ever would qualify for that is so egregious that it ought not ever be written or spoken. Either way I dont think the idiocy of the vax would qualify as the mark of the beast, it seems to be a close imitation but it didnt hit all of the checkboxes.
Reject the new age stuff, accept Jesus Christ
The catholics do have a point in this. Prayer is toward God and for the living, if we are to believe that the saints do not yet live then we are at odds with scripture.
>wedding ring
How did I never notice before
Ancient doctrine of filioque which didn't exist prior and that Catholic church even admits was an addition?
Image of the beast = mRNA
Why? Humans are made in the image of God with double stranded right handed helix, and mRNA induces a triple strand to the DNA

Name of the beast? Vaccine contains luciferase. Lucifer.

Number of beast? 666? Luciferase is destilled at 66.6 ml phosphate buffer.
>Do you feel the spark of God within you?
I used to think I do, but turned out it was just a combination of youthful energy, hopefulness and naivety
it goes away with time
From the Haydock Commentary on Matthew xii.32:
>St. Chrysostom therefore expounds these words, shall not be forgiven them, to imply no more, than shall scarcely, or seldom be forgiven; that is, it is very hard for such sinners to return to God, by a true and sincere repentance and conversion; so that this sentence is like to that (Matthew xix. 26.) where Christ seems to call it an impossible thing for a rich man to be saved. In the same place St. Chrysostom tells us, that some of those who had blasphemed against the Holy Ghost, repented, and had their sins forgiven them. St. Augustine, by this blasphemy against the Spirit, understands the sin of final impenitence, by which an obstinate sinner refuseth to be converted, and therefore lives and dies hardened in his sins.
When the word image is used in scripture it is never about physical things.
DNA came about from evolution.
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WOAZAA hey there Levi greenblatt shmecklestein fucking crazy seeing you around these parts trying to copy me and your so fucking bad ik your not even a bot^^^^^^^^^^ we*re going to laugh at you for eternity by the Whey ------+ I see now why Hadrian'zl and Titus'zl blessed by The Maker may they forever be remembered ;) left some of you as a reminder to mock forever and ever & can you do me a favor real quick fren make it so I can post multiple screenshots and not just one to fucking dab on you even easier :D

OMG you though you could ban me that's just plain cute
Interesting thank you for that. I thought such hard heartedness was a separate thing but that makes sense.
>Ancient doctrine of filioque which didn't exist prior...
Prior to what?
>...and that Catholic church even admits was an addition?
Where does the Church admit this?
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Orthodox Christian position is that Christ specifies very specifically that even blasphemy against Christ can be forgiven, so one can reject Christianity and repent, but blasphemy against spirit can not be forgiven.
This is believed to mean that actions that completely stop the work of holy spirit within you are unforgivable, such as suicide, or in the future whatever the mark of the beast will be.
It is not something can be done accidentally, and relates to the very core relationship of God and human. We do not need to fear that one day we will accidentally commit this sin because Christ clarifies that even blasphemy against him, and his body is the church itself, is forgivable.
How do you know? Is that a falsifiable claim?
what about you OP?
>1 post by this ID
You're welcome. The Haydock Commentary is available online. It's not necessarily definitive, but it is useful.
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Guys guys seriously rn frens anons my compatriots in arms :§ By the Maker can you believe these fucking chutzpah filled dry asf latke ass mfs rn LULULULZ
Well it’s true this world sucks and everyone is scared to say it because Yahweh threatens to torture them if they criticize him.

I just realized Yahweh torture everyone either way and quit giving a fuck.

Suck my dick on the way to hell motherfuckers I’m out of fucks to give the timer ran out for me
For the record fren some of us frens are phone fags who do it so we can avoid bans because avi fucking leberman over here can't IP ban us :)
alright then, answer the question.
this is not a 1 sided interview
I'm autistic so no but still act on behalf of those that do, but not liars.
Holy shit anon thats one of the best explanations of overcoming pride and looking for God. Saved. I will use it to debate atheists.

It is true that God reveals himself to you if you ask him.
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based post. Fuck the bible.
>prior to what
Filioque was added into Nicene and Chalcedonian creed only in 589, only in Roman jurisdiction, and only to combat moronic Arianism plaguing northerners. Filioque was not mandated to be liturgically used by western churches until 11th century. Latin theology also does not seem to understand eastern Orthodox theology, the question is not of spirit proceeds through the son, the question is what is the hypostatic ontological origin of persons of the Trinity, the father is the monarchia of the Trinity, he is the hypostatic origin of God as God outside of time hence he is the father, he is the one in whom I AM THAT I AM resides.
This is also the reason why Catholics fell into social trinitarianism instead of monarchical trinitarianism, and why you never read Cappadocian church fathers.
Catholic church official position is that only by Pope Benedict VIII was filioque officially instated, after which down the line Catholic church unilaterally excommunicated the entire eastern world despite eastern world being the one to actually face constant warfare from enemies of Christianity.
You mean the 'ancient' doctrines which were invented by the Franks to subvert the Roman church? Filoque was adopted only after the Italofrankish Pope Benedict was ordinated Pope in 1009, the first schism was in fact between Roman Popes and Franks before the former lost the battle.
You have no soul
No, never
It is pointless, Catholics online are in complete denial and hubris. All of this is documented by their own church which is so relativistic that it allows eastern Catholics not to use filioque liturgically and have St Gregory Palamas as saint even though they oppose essence energies distinction.
Where is the Bible can I read more about signs of the end times?
I'm not op fren I always always -promise on our friendship fr post under a American flag because I'm free as The Maker made me ___ I am not op& Jesus Christ'zl wins :) any other questions homie ?
I used to feel it sometimes when I was doing blow and banging hookers but it was just my defibrillator going off
You live in end times, everything after Christ is end times.
It should be fully irrelevant to you when the kingdom of antichrist comes because if you act like kingdom of God is already here you will be shielded.
>any more questions
you didnt answer anything...
On many occasions, and when it happens it has convinced me further that all organized religions are crude and vile, run by control freaks.
Nothing worse than listening to a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or whatever proselyting. They tap into God and instead of revering the divine experience they weaponize it in order to control others.
Any religion that points to a "holy book" and has some sort of "leader" is an abomination, a twisted corruption of a spiritual essence that every person should experience untainted.
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You believe in a generic deity, I believe in a person, that person is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
He is fully man, he walked, you could touch him, he ate with others. But the glory is that the divine creator of existence is so glorious that he was the same person that was Christ Jesus. Full God beyond causality itself became incarnate as a full man so that humanity in humility can partake his grace literally and have a literal eternal communion and relationship with him as a person, again literally.
Yes, occasionally. I am reminded in these moments time and time again that god is not only real, but that my own intentions and actions dictate the quality of my life.
Kinda looks like AEnema if you squint.
Roman Popes resisted the Filioque heroically for like 500 years, it's in fact why the Orthodox church rejected it after the people themselves - not the fathers - revolted, the political agendas and coercion by the Franks towards the Romans were well known to everyone.
forgive them for its Gods place for judgement and God is just.
Watching Catholic attempts at ecumenism is very odd in modern day after all of this.
They were aggressors religiously (excommunication) against east and politically against Byzantine world entirely, and after all of this they are like
>Ooh let's sing kumbaia and merge back in peace
And then you think, sure, so we are going to clarify doctrine and you will repent?
>Oh no no, we just reached a point of relativism where every church even with heretical dogma is in communion now
So basically you want us to commit sin and go against dogma, gotcha...
They've reached a point recently where they are becoming okay with ecumenism with Calvinists even.
I feel nothin'.
Not the wind on my face nor the spray o' the sea.
Nor the warmth of a woman's flesh.
It's even more ridiculous in modern days like these when we see the same thing being played out again, it wasn't unlike having the EU nowadays coercing us to adopt buttsex and forcing it in our constitutions to subvert our dogmas, same thing happened back then and everyone knew.
of course! hahahahahhahahah!
Meant to reply here >>472846604
You have no concept of the evil you represent. Furthermore your mind is so twisted, so controlled, that no one will be able to convince you otherwise. Much like a pig, you are incapable of being taught to sing.
hello fellow apotropaic magic enjoyer
thank you for your hexafoil
here, have an anasyrma for good luck
What's the evil, robbing Satan of his power and claim to this world?
Go ahead, spill our blood and curse your house forever.
What's the matter? You don't believe in anything concrete so what do you even rely on?
What is your moral compass? You have none other than your subjective judgement so take your own post and apply it to yourself.
God willing Georgia has not been touched by faggotry enough and out government is introducing laws against trans studies for children. Even though I don't like our government generally, these things are necessary.
im not a jew
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See that fuck up I made real quick that's something only a human slips up with .
You're falling into the same error that Protestants make, viz., you're conflating definition of dogma with its invention or innovation. Prior to the schism, no one had thought to question the doctrine that the Holy Ghost proceeds from both the Father and the Son. When its use was finally mandated, it was to prevent the spread of the heretical denial of that doctrine.
>Catholic attempts at ecumenism is very odd
That's because such attempts are heretical (in fact, the word ecumenism is wrongly applied by these heretics to their religious indfferentism). We've been without a pope since at least 1958 and the Judeomasonic infiltration of church was nearly complete at the beginning of the 20th Century. What you see as the Catholic Church is, in fact, not the Church, by rather Novus Ordo Counterchurch.
Funvaxx is not the mark of the beast, it is the precursor hardware for the mark of the beast software essentially

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is indeed expounded upon in Scripture multiple times and in that very same passage the context is clear: you see the Son of God performing miracles with the Blessings of both the Father and the Holy Spirit doing the works, and you believe not the works and call it beszelbub etc.
Thats the context of it in a nutshell
Blaspheming the Holy Ghost with regards to the eventual mark of the beast is also tangible, that mark indicates you submit fully to this spiritual prison of the flesh be all end all according to a limited worldview, all the meanwhile half the population will be divided against it and two witnesses testifying against the antichrist, beast, and false prophet AND all the while multiple other prophecies of Judgement being fulfilled
If an individual still wants to worship creation over Creator at that instant; be it globohomo clinate change, financial singulariry because muh mortgage and riches, or other makeshift idolatry, they will full well be embrqcing their own rebellion and damnation against the Spirit of God
>calls me a protestant
Thats where your also wrong, see the video lecture i poated earlier itt yesterday night
Bith catholics and all schism between it are the whore and her many prostitutes
If you change the Law of God then you have transgressed the same Covenants of God
The Truth is plainly Spoken throughout Scripture, but many want to interject these traditions of men as being valid etc
While its true the saints of heaven rejoice when a sinner repents, what exactly were your points?
Purgatory is a moot idealism for indulgences to be justified, everyone ia Judged the instant they die for heaven or hell until another Great White Throne Judgement at the end of everything also
God Knows His own flocks at the end of the day, He Will Separate sheep from goats and Knows the True Intention of the heart etc.
All the bible, im not even joking
Even the torah contains preludes to the last generation
If you want a degree of generalization however, daniel and the prophets, and revelation would be the key Scriptures apart from the gospels on the same subject, also some of pauls letters contain various allegories

I posted a video earlier itt, it cites many Scriptures in a good informative lecture context, link again here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1RoIC4NAcaM&pp=ygUaR3JlYXRlciBleG9kdXMgbW9udGUganVkYWg%3D
Whilw true to an extend, the birth of the state of israel is the beginning kd the end of the age end times in partocular, right now in current conflicts we see the opening pawn moves for ezekiel 38

You should study the luciferian pyramid of powers that be, and then thoroughly introapect and examine apostolic christianity because there are notable difference between a wolf in sheeps clothing and being martyred for your faith en mass across the roman empire in those days respectively
This world lacks a Christian radicalism which was present when you sold everything and gave your be all end all for fuethering the gospel
Its worth doing when you truly understand the price Jesus paid for our sins anon, and nobodies doing that lifestyle without adequate validation and proof from none other than God Himself
Religious people fols all the time under pressure, nothing can crack my faith from the Rock that is my foundation of faith
Funny you mention byzantine
Catholics even went so far as to invent and bankroll islam to reclaim the holy land from the crumbling byzantines, typical glowie stuff even in those days with their provocative hubris

Many shall say Lord Lord did we not-
And then ACK~
Byzantines were the real Rome
Interesting, far more reasonable than what I've been told

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