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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'm not sure how complex systems will survive what is coming. I'm seeing formerly intelligent people degrade at an alarming rate. Their problem solving capacity is gone and they can't deal with stress anymore. Developers and managers are relying on people like me (white, unvaxxed contractors) to make decisions and take on responsibilities that I have no business taking on. Yeah, it's good for me right now, but what happens when all these peoples' brains completely breakdown? Entire industries will cease to exist.

it's a normal civilizational cycle. I suppose this means you'll be overrun by "barbarians" from south america then.
I don't have a problem with white people committing suicide
uhhhh that's clearly what's about to happen

the suburbs are fuuuucked

glad I got out
worry about yourself
2 of the 3 died, unironically.
Not your personal army faggot pedokike.
Happy hunting.
>I don't have a problem with white people committing suicide
Me neither. Can't wait until America becomes a Latino country. There will finally be world peace and nobody will be spreading globohomo by force.
average southerners kek
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Two more weeks
Why do people feel the need to make these faggot faces in photos?
It's crazy these retards can yap about "muh science" then inject themselves with some shit that took 1-2 years to make, when it should have had like 10 years of trials and data. They learned about plant nucleus's in 3rd grade and think they're enlightened by science
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Wait until "AI" makes people even lazier and stupid.
Remember when you weren't allowed to use the internet or a calculator to do classwork? There was a reason for that.

This round of the industrial age has had its chance and now it's about to die, again.
Next time there won't be easily-obtained oil, we've turned it all into CO2, plants(that breath the CO2), food(from the plants that we eat and feed to animals for food) and plastic. So next time we go around we're gonna be playing on hard mode. No nuclear help either. Can't get fuel rods without lots of cheap oil.

Uncle Ted wins in the end, because he thought in a naturally-ordered way.
God(J.R.R.Tolkein) is in his heaven and all will be right with the world. Ride the spiral.
Well, for those who manage to survive:

The Soviets tested Microwave Radar Exposure in the 1950's, for medical effects. Duh, it was new. If you listed COVID morbidity, next to high dose RADAR morbidity, you might be surprised to read they are exactly the same. Skin lesions, clouded thinking, rapid pneumonia, myocarditis, heart-attacks, etc. If you listed Long Covid and much of what is called "Vaxx Injury" next to Long Term Low Level Microwave Radar Exposure,... did you guess it? They're damn near exact. Dementia, Myocarditis, Rapid Organ Failure, Rapid Onset Cancer...

Remember, post mortem testing in the 1950's wasn't quite as advanced.

Yes, Microwaves are what power Radar and 5G, the latter of which was placed in the hands of billions of people from 2019 onward.
I hate American lefties so much
Basic primate evpsych behaviour
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Good info bro, added to the folder right away
>But the other wavelengths?! And Radar is used all over ?
Yes, and I'm sorry to inform you that you've apparently been kept in the dark, for some pretty logical, if not also shitty reasons.
But the big thing about damage, as it appears, when it comes to Microwaves, is Total Internal Reflection.
If you were raised believing that Microwaves were not Ionizing, I'm sorry to say, we can clearly now see that they are, actually ionizing. They aren't sub-atomic, they're electrical. But they ionize. And you'll never need to get to Ionization, to get over 106 F in the body, which is where cells start to die.

So out of the 3, how many of them are dead?
>Can't deal with stress anymore.
Unvaccinated and same. I walked away from it all. Mostly because the stress of dealing with retarded policy changes and being around dickless vaxxies was driving me nuts.

are all the Jews gone? if all the Jews aren't gone there will only be increased awfulness.
It was a social test. To see how many normies are cattle and willing to give up their own health and rights in order to go to restaurants and keep their goybuxx jobs.
People didn't used to do this in photos from before digital cameras. We just smiled. In rare instances your candid photos might capture people laughing or something close to this redditor face, but people did not do that intentionally.
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In a world where everyone is competing with an idea of an idea of a human, the creation of media that doesn't out-do the idea of the idea of joy, insults the ego.
obviously it's the fatty and the woman
Is that vsauce?
They can't smile because they're not happy
Please tell me these people are dead.
Or permanently fucked up?
>It's not the vax it's 5g
>But also it only affects vaxxies
>Entire industries will cease to exist.
full delete of industries that never should have existed in the first place.
its fine. enjoy your day in the sun and put your money towards land.
Fucking kek. Saved
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2 moar years
Most based post I've seen in a while about the usa. If the jews in charge of DNA samples,I'm more your flag than the other. How I get back home. I'm blonde and blue eyed. Will convert to Islam.
Curious how this epidemic of stupidity is mainly affecting Americans
Of course they can't think straight. They're faggots.
posessed by demons
It's the DARPA mind waves unironically.
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>posessed by demons
The number of demon possessed is far greater than anyone could imagine. They let them out of the hole in the Gotthard tunnel a few years ago en mass.
>some shit that took 1-2 years to make
Did it?

(Published May 4, 2002)

"It's a tale only the best conspiracy theorist could dream up.

Eleven microbiologists mysteriously dead over the span of just five months. Some of them world leaders in developing weapons-grade biological plagues. Others the best in figuring out how to stop millions from dying because of biological weapons. Still others, experts in the theory of bioterrorism."


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