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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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if there is one thing /pol/ has taught me that would be there is always a hidden satanic meaning behind any thing mainstream
Discord is mostly owned by Tencent and the CCCP.
They do not delete pedo and zoo stuff, even when the cops are involved, until the government is getting involved.
Discord knew about Jan 6.
Discord is full of trannies that force convert teens and underage children on the platform.
Discord is not peer-2-peer encrypted.
It has been shown Discord access your TCP and UDP packets and do "something" on them, probably mass surveillance, but since it is a closed source black box, we can't know.
Discord forces ads on paying memberships.
Discord put once free functionalities behind the membership paywall.
Discord fucking sucks for uploading files.
Discord doesn't delete your messages nor your files when you click "delete", they store them on their CDN servers. Researchers found some 2 years old deleted files still accessible via the direct CDN URL. It is a clear GDPR violation, and they could end up in court and closing business in Europe for that.
Discord is built over Electron, a framework running JavaScript on desktop (initially). Electron works by running a web browser (Google Chromium) to run their code on every platform. It is heavy, slow, ressource hungry. JavaScript is inherently unsafe, insecure and slow because it was designed in 7 days only with no respect towards security nor performance.

Do you need more reasons to avoid Discord ?

If you want a free and open source and decentralized communication platform, you have the Matrix protocol and half a dozen "discord clones" built over it.

> Verification not required.
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Every discord server I go to for gaming ends up being filled with anime weebs (pedos) or transvestites (also pedos)

Discord is only good as a voice chat with your actual mates
it's for trannies and inverts. just use matrix/xmpp
They sew discord.
glownigger op to collect data

dont say or do anything on there that you wouldn't want the fbi or government to see
Gamers got sick of paying for ventrilo servers so they all joined a Slack clone, but its clearly selling data because the business model has no case otherwise -- and BOY do they have a ridiculous amount of data. Particularly as it relates to Earth's finest psychic warriors, online video game players.
Square bracket around the eyes. Esoteric meaning. They are blinding you.
>Earth's finest psychic warriors, online video game players.
Ah shit you made me blush.
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I see no practical use for it at all. The entire fucking thing is stupid as hell.
what is a (legit nohax) noscope wallbang headshot if not a demonstration of actual Xmen abilities?
fpbp and /thread
nigga the key points, fuck trannies, furries and furry trannies

It's a kids social full of groomers, furries and other freaks. Anyone 18+ using it is a pedophile.
Their logo is a double goatse
I prefer ventrillo
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an essential tool in modern warfare
I can think of another reason to avoid Discord.
While everyone makes his own Discord server to avoid having to make his own forum, having your entire community in what's effectively one single endless IRC channel makes it near impossible to find old download links and infos.
When it comes to truthseeking and research, Discord is by far the single worst resource for anything that wasn't posted within 2 days ago on a moderately active server.

In itself that's not such a big problem, just don't use it.
The problem is that all the dumb niggerfaggots go to Discord to ask questions 500 times in a month, because they can't find the info somewhere that's easy to find and navigate to, and the people with the answers won't give the answers because it got boring after the 12th time.
It reminds me a little of a Twitch chat whenever there's a timed scheduled event. 90% of the messages will be "when is the event starting?" despite the fact it's written on the stream, pinned above chat, and posted 6 million times by every chat member that didn't take the vaccine.

These motherfuckers are dumping the info deep in Discord's bowels where you can't find it.
And unlike a forum, it can't be archived with the Wayback Machine or another archive service.
Knowledge and help is being lost to time already.

The name Discord was very well chosen.
Discord is exactly what it sows.
I used to be regularly banned for "cheating" in wolfet because I reached a decent level. felt effortless at one point and became bored so I switched to trick jumping
wonder what life might have been like if I could have expressed those skills in. something real
can't unsee.
never liked dishit, because of the slowness, bulkiness, awkward interface and worst of all the horrible pally informal language they use throughout it.
>wohooo hold your horse dude! we're just fiddling around with the bits and bobs that make the whirly bits go round lol!! give us a sec ha ha friend o pal!!!
spyshit programme
Which discord server has the hottest girls above 18? Are there servers with hot onlyfans girls , escort , prostitutes, cam girls and pornstars? I wanna do some zherka type of shit
also has nobody realized it looks like a spinal cord?
>app meant for talking with people is literally called discord
Words are spells and discord leads to nothing but negativity
For I concur.
2600hr of multiplayer doom registered. My brain is fully mapped.
yeah im pretty serious, online games are a filter system for psychic powers (or just ability to make predictions in complex systems if you want to make it less fun sounding). I believe this is why Discord was created to spy on us. Doesn't really matter now though, every 14 year old can buy psychic powers for $20 a month hax subscription or whatever, every online game with skill expression is rekt by the fake psychic industry.

Community servers had solved this problem by having admins playing the actual game, but they got nuked from orbit because who would buy skins if you could just see them for free on community servers?

So if there is still any interest in psychic warriors, its mostly moved toward deduction games like Among Us and other collaborative experiences that don't muddy the water with so much deliberate AI assistance. I think if we get a sufficient cloud-based gaming platform we may have our era again, to some degree. A lot of the problem is just that games run in memory and memory can be exploited, but if the game was able to run on cloud at low latency and the gamer was on a dumb terminal, the cheats would have to be much more creative (making use of color on screen and whatnot) and would likely be less disruptive and easier to patch against.

Thanks for coming to my online gaming TED talk.
wuts da matta goy? why donchaw wanna use discawod?
the number of iteration that someone can go through is unprecedented. so some level of advanced mental training is going on if you pay a skill based game to high level.
it's why good players look impossible.
modern games tend to remove a lot of the skill element, old games were faster, more precise and up to the player..
it was largely transferred from precise control to map knowledge and system knowledge.

so in a moba you're basically learning like "builds" for characters and which characters work against which other characters. all that shit can be studied on youtube with enough hours of life dedicated to learning a game before you even play it.

conversely, you don't learn much in quake without playing it. you might learn the concept that you have to run a route to maintain control of pick-ups, and yt can show you a route -- but actually running that route while there's other players is a whole different thing.

since streaming is so big now, there's further incentive in this direction where players gain skill via knowledge rather than practice. streaming as marketing has had a ton of influence on game design for online games, and the streaming audience wants to gain power by watching rather than playing.

not sure how to reverse course, skill expression may be eternally niche.
Well i got a sneak peak at the bleeding edge and future gen for gaming does not involve any personal tech and is direct to brain-wireless-interface. Its creepy. Like I cancelled my home internet back in 2020 over the experiance creepy. Intrusive thoughts, dream invasions. Wireless brain to computer interfacing with semantic decoding. Crazy shit.
Element is great to access Matrix.
It's viral code...please download.
for me a game can't really be fun without a heavy skill element.
i was replaying vegas 2 online some years ago but the servers were shut down. it was 1 hit dead so meant a lot of refining and predictive play as you say, until I could almost feel where the next one will be.
as games gained in popularity and more money was involved, skill was phased out - said by some developers of a small mmo "not everyone has the time to become 'elite', and we'd rather have more people enjoy the game than just a few hardcore players" so they wrecked the game, removing almost all the skill element, and made it play by numbers.
a few retro shooters have tried to be skill based but I've not seen anything blow up.
skill wasn't niche before, because anyone playing those games were gamers, they had what it took and enjoyed the challenge. it only beck. e niche when the masses surrounded it.
is this in Ukraine ?
Skill was still sort of niche in a way though because we played on community servers (MMOs excluded)

So ultimately people sort of bounced around and were mixed in with a lot of varying skill levels. If one team stomped, some good players would move over or the server would do an autobalance after the team getting stomped had enough players quit. Because of the high skill mix, and due to lack of esports, few people really went full robot and minmaxxed the shit out of the game.

Ranking systems really goofed the whole thing up. Even in CS:GO beta before they added ranks, the matchmaking system was pretty okay. Once ranks were added, along with as you said, the illusion that one can "go pro" playing a video game -- cheating really just became an unstoppable force. I think now it's probably more cheaters in online shooters than legit players on PC.

All in all I agree with your take on it -- I just have autism and felt like belting out more paragraphs about online games and what happened to them on 4chan. If I could have a groundhog day for the rest of my life, it would be 9/11/2001 because I remember I was playing Team Aerial Combat mod on Tribes that whole afternoon and that shit was a good time.

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