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I have unraveled the profound symbolism at play.
The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people. I mean just look at her smile. Regardless of the race, culture, or religion that may come to rule in Germany, the German soul remains immutable. This soul, carried through the aeons of history, radiates through the very ground upon which we stand, compelling all who dwell here to adopt its formidable mindset.

The dogs symbolize the ultimate superhumans we aspire to create and with whom we aim to dominate the world. These are not merely dogs, but a pure and rare breed, epitomizing our highest ideals.
Know this: the German people are unconquerable. We shall not rest until the world is ours, for our ideals, our philosophy, our worldview, and our work ethic are unparalleled. We are the bearers of the highest truths, the vanguards of an unstoppable destiny. Through the strength of our spirit and the purity of our vision, we shall forge an empire that will endure through the ages. The world will recognize the supremacy of our ideals as we ascend to our rightful place as its rulers.
The black woman also symbolizes the German barbarian, while the white Romans represent the civilized world’s view of our ancestors. Just as the Germans were once seen as wild and untamed, akin to black barbarians, so too does this imagery capture the indomitable spirit and resilience of the German people. Though underestimated and misunderstood, we possess a strength and identity that transcend time. The essence of our heritage, undeterred by outside perceptions, remains steadfast and powerful.
If you have not witnessed it yet: https://youtu.be/NeQM1c-XCDc
>The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people
wir waren germanen und scheisse
Nibba, the "black woman" represents Germania and Rammstein chose to cast a nigger in this role for ebin PR controversy and to make money.

Und Deutschland ist tot. Die Juden haben uns besiegt und begraben. Die anderen, schlechteren weißen Rassen werden folgen.

>"profound symbolism"

All you did was use eloquent-sounding language to produce a specious but hollow series of platitudes.
Germany isn't dead. AfD and the despicable BSW have gained significant popularity in the latest polls. There are literal niggers in this country who want Jews and Muslims dead. I don't think Germany is dead at all; maybe it was, and now it is reviving itself from the ashes through its spirit.
Ich Will and Du Hast are fun to play on guitar
That's all I have to say
No I'm pretty sure it's degenerate nigger shit enshrining the West's nigger worship. I think you may be coping Germanbro.

wtf I thought Rammstein was a based and redpilled band, are they leftards? I never really cared to read anything about them I just know one or two of their music.

Sorry if yours is a sincere effort. Take my criticism constructively as me suggesting for you to add an element of understanding and explication.

It's not clear to me what value your interpretation has and without some sort of set up, or table-setting, as I like to conceptualize it as, well, it's like inviting us for a bowl of soup without a spoon with which to eat.

The words are there, but they aren't making it to my mouth, to put it another way.
They're from the soviet side of berlin, do the math.
An Islamic Iranian twitch streamer living in Germany got a ban for basically going full 1488 and red pilling his audience on JQ. Strange times.
They've always been weird faggots. Which did Till Lindeemann no favors when he got accused of rape. Even though she walked it back, shitlibs still call him a rapist.
>Omri/Khomri (king of Israel) dynasty lasts until 722BC when the assyrians conquered and dispersed the people
>Assyrian documents refer to them as Khumry
>Khimmirai/Gimmirai/Cimmerians appear in Assyrian records during the reign of Sargon II (722-705BC)
>Cimmerians are known from Herodotus to be driven westward out of their lands around the Black Sea (modern Crimea takes its name from them) by the Scythians
>Cimmerians disappear from historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts exit historical records (or, more accurately, are dispersed into various subgroupings) around 5th century CE
>Welsh (Cymraegs) appear in historical records around 6th century CE from Celtic origins
Are these related?

---- related?
There's hope for you Germambros. But don't fall for the trick (((they))) are contemplating pulling... letting White males throughout the West enjoy a sigh of relief with an allowed resurgence in the "far right". Kind of like how frat boys in here were allowed to chant "USA, USA, USA!" on campus recently in light of Palestine protests. They will loosen the leash and allow us our pride briefly, but only to send us to certain death in the meat grinder where we will be expected to slaughter each other.

Your government is rearming in light of our nigger faggot government's incompetence and clear inability to uphold the peace we promised. So are the nips. The occupation is soon to be over but there may be a heavy price imposed(on all of us)
German heroic legand is a beutiful thing. As far as the soul of the people coming up from the ground, NO
Quit fighting for ideologies that only exist in your own mind. Get your thinking outside the box. There are real problems over there. Frankfurt looks like any American city as far as dopers and homeless go. Don't fight for something that does not benifit you. As long as things keep running it will never ever change. And why should it? It works for the people in charge, poverty pimps etc.
>German people are unconquerable
You lost
I'm German and the only Germany left in the world is the USA, if it is not overrun with spics that is
The video is a literal tour de force of zionistic jewish agenda. Having a negress represent germany, while white people are paraded as dogs complete with leash and collar? Mocking the third reich, the scholars and monks that built the pillars of wisdom that made germany the beacon of light that illuminated Europe in the dark ages after the fall of the Roman empire?

Rammstein is, like all music industry slop, fully jewish owned and operated, the proof is that you can stream it and listen to it on the radio.
Do everything to dodge the draft, brother. Once it is all over, we will teach you culture once again.

We lost, yes, but we didn't get conquered; we are still speaking German. We had many supporters in the Washington Elite during World War 2. But the Jews, as always (since money speaks), have gotten the upper hand. Once we build our alliance with Russia, Gerussia will be unstoppable, and the Jews of the USA will seethe and cope.
More like globohomo propaganda with impressionable fuckwits like yourself falling for it as 'inevitable'.
i seriously hope these worthless faggots torch themselves during one of their shows. that would be funny.
Rammstein niggers are way to stupid for any form of symbolism.
you got filtered you mong
video director was specter
and he used that black bitch in all of his music videos
shes in every aggro berlin clip
now rope yourself
>here's the 4 REALZ reason why they put le blaq chick in as Germania
There is no esoteric symbolism nor any of that rot, it's just trolling.
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it was actually a reference to the ancient pagan goddess Nerthus whom the germanic tribes used to sacrifice faggots to by drowning them in bogs (since faggots reject the divine feminine archetype of the mother and lover, they are plunged into the dark womb of the earth to atone for their crimes against the mother earth)

Nerthus was said to be depicted as a black woman with blond hair, which is in accordance with the Homeric hymns describing Gaia as 'black', like the deep soil of the earth. nothing racial about it originally; the sky father ournos is described as white, which seems related to the eastern conception of taiji or yin and yang, where the earth is dark and feminine and the sky is white and masculine
She isn't German so she represent un-germany. That's how symbols work. "This is a nigger in chainmail" does not, and *can not* mean "German." I bet you think trannies exist~
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>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
thats complete retard shit, there are archeological records of their culture going back much further than that. there is an archeological presence of ancient celtic peoples in northern italy going back more than 5000 years
also no cimmerian and german are not related. german likely derives from either gar-man, as in 'spear' man, compare to the name 'gary' which means 'spear', or 'gar-men' as in 'shouting men'. either translation would have been appropriate given germanic military strategies at the time. cimmerian is of disputed origin, possibly meaning 'many clans' in old persian
the only thing I got from this is that Germans are degenerate faggots, if you were caught watching this in NS Germany you would be shot, all I have to say
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HELLO my King.. thank you for sharing the wisdom of the ages.
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NGL this looks like a hoax

>imagine believing in carbon dating and fake it till you make archeological Judenkraft
now tell me what this represents
is this a good song? I like it
>science, archeology and history are all unreal....until I dont like it! then its fake!
nigger behavior
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Till Lindemann is a kike.

Ramstein are all kikes.

They just mock you.

That's all.
They've always been leftist degenerates.
Anyone who didn't think so wasn't paying attention.
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What happened to you faggot niggers who cheered this cumlet the other month as "true german" who was walking around reporting people to police for expired registration and parking ????????

THIS is the face of your win ? THIS is what germany needs ?

you deserve everything that's coming your way EVERYTHING. You untermenschen bugmen.
>The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people
Rosen rot and Sonne are among their best tracks.

The less politics they put in them, the better.
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>moar jewish (((explaining)))
Niggers don't represent anything White nor will they ever. If anything it's a statement on nigger fatigue and how (((media))) pushes/weaves niggerdom fiction into every historical narrative
I think Till is very subtly debunking the origin of German Nationalism, which has basically sold out Europe for about 1500 years. The entire video is a retelling of the "highlights" of "German" history. What we now know as "Germany" is really a race of mutts and a mish-mash of about 40 different tribes and subtribes that once ran rough shod over Rome (the First Reich) any time it wanted. Rome conquered European tribes by paying off the largest and most powerful chieftain (Charlemange) and creating the Second Reich, which led to Europe's subjugation to Roman Catholicism via the Holy Roman Empire. Arminius (likely a Roman lie and made-up origin story for the "German" people) was used to invent an origin myth to convince "Germans" to die in the defense of Rome. Europe then became two mystery meat "peoples" (the Franks and the Germans) comprised of former diverse European ethnic peoples both used to defend Jews and Christians. You then see the "Germans" further their subjugation to Rome and it's Jew financiers when they established the Third Reich or Third Roman Empire, depicted in the video. The implications being that "Germans" were always basically niggers and the concept of German Nationalism is basically a lie used to subjugation Europe to Rome and the Jews. The final evolution of the German people is an actual de-evolution from the niggers they always were into literal dogs. The video is a massive redpill to leftist fagfots and a blackpill to right-wing faggots. It's art of the highest order.
Not really. Germans are basically the niggers of Europe. Europe used to be the Huns, Silesians, Visigoths, Vandals, etc. Now they are basically just a mystery meat that people classify as "white" whose greatest historical accomplishment is the defense of Rome, that for some fucking reason they take pride.
The reise, reise album is underrated as a whole
Fuck you. 'Stripped' is among their best work. They took a faggot Depeche Mode song, re-worked it. Juxtaposed it with Leni Reifenstahl imagery, and made a song about the heart of the German people out of a gay pop song. It's political and it's fucking exquisite.
Rammstein are jewish controlled and support open borders and other leftist bs
You're a lying kike/golem or really stupid. Read the Roman account of the tribes who would collectively become known as the "German" people in Tacitus's Germania. They were described as "the purest" race and unmixed like most others and noble with many honorable virtues. It's WELL worth a read or listen . . .

Tacitus - The Germania FULL Audiobook

Full book
>Listening to Rammstein
A hardcore Anti-German leftists band that literally pisses on their audience.

As Germania grew and ventured out YES there became subsets of the Germanic peoples but see my post here >>472815148

Btw I'm not going to pilpul all night. I've got to sleep soon
Lmfao. No seriously kill yourself.
This is true. Based. But the song has been co-opted by the right people now kek
american flags always sound retarded using bad german. just saying.
It has not. Maybe in the us because you they don't speak German and are crazy retarded.
oh you sweet summer macaco! Rammstein are FAGGOTS in the purest sense of the word. trying to piss you off with evil, them being white means nothing.
they're not nazis, never been, they're what happens after germany got cucked.

their only flex is that of European intellectuals and atheists, which they seem to carry to the ground and hasn't aged well. it's as if God smote them for being weird faggots.
I thought that broke up the band for good. did it?
I like listening to stein um stein.

to me, sehnsucht was their best album. or whichever has alterr mann in it.
Nah they are far to important to keep idiots busy that think
>oh he rolls the "r" must be right-wing.
I am really thinking now but I don't think there is a more degenerate band that comes from here.
>regardless of the race,
I love all the Rammstein stuff from the 90's
I don't care if they start raping children now, the old stuff is amazing
You say that the notion of the German people isn't a Roman invention and then ask me to read a Roman source. Ok buddy. Spare me the part of this conversation where you call me a kike just for disagreeing with you. Fuck, even the namesake of Germany was a Roman General (Herrman aka Arminius).
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Your post is so filled with half-truths suppositions & omissions that it would qualify for ZOG school curriculum and as if it were written by a jealous hooknosed brownie. So what if 2 of the 3 Reichs were German (that's quite a feat/accomplishment) as they had a lengthy history (and service ) with Rome and were on their way to surpassing it. Berlin would've been a new Rome and wonder of the world if (((the Allies))) hadn't genocided them. I'm not going to argue tonight fool, it's late. Just can't let you get away with such a jewish sounding smearjob
I met a redhead that had a weisses kreuz hoodie when I was in highschool. I lost my fucking mind when I met her I wanted her to suck my dick.

she looked like camille and kennerly kitt the harp twins. Amazing pussy. I heard rumors that she was a degenerate that fucked dogs. I never got to tap that gringa and her sick shit she was up to.
>The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people
I have second hand embarrassment for you and your country Hans.
If this was even remotely true, why did Arminius command an alliance of tribes at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest?
Assassin Creed Shadow and Gladiator 2 for example
I never understood what was up with La nerga in that song and in the Engel video.

at best the African countries Germany colonized made sense, but it was just too fucking gay to fit in.
germans invented marxism, nazism and paprika sausages

i think the world will survive without your kind around
Honestly the first people that must me mercilessly cleansed are our own. Most of em are barely more than animals now.
You talk about my half-truths, yet don't actually list them. What was I being "deceptive" about? The notion of a German Reich is fundamentally absurd and should be absurd to anyone that considers it. Why would Germans die for Rome? Why did the "Germanic" tribes stop sacking Rome? What did Charlemange and Hitler actually achieve for Europe except for a thousand years of wars that decimated European populations?
Literally goyslop niggerslop kike shit.
>keep rewriting history and attacking Amalek
I said no such thing and of course provided a good Roman source. It's not that you're a jew or jew golem because you disagree - it's because of your ZOG reinterpretation of Germanic-Roman history is biased & conspiratorial and plain wrong. Your slant on things is typical of and has every hallmark of a (((communist))) interpretation of Germany.

Glory of Rome - When Roman Legions march into Jerusalem
As Byzantium would be a new Eastern Rome, so would Germany seek to become a new Western Rome. They were replacing the old corrupt jewed whore known as old Rome. New & improved
>weisses kreuz
What's that?
All the good krauts perished between '39-'45
a rammstein reise reise album black and white hoodie. looked good with her pale skin, like a degenerate virgin mary
>Quinctilius Varus ... give me back my legions !!!!!
Damn you don't know the backstory of Arminius? Etc? Dude - I'm not going to write all night. He was a childhood hero of mine btw right beside Alexander the Great and that was pre-internet and I'm very well read. Go ahead and continue on your mission to call them "niggers" of Europe etc but you're dead wrong and unlike (((you))) I consider the German people European royalty/nobility
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fucking kek
(((Marxism))) is jewish you brown brainiac. Virtually all of (((communism))) is
>Comments are turned off. Learn more

lmao even

Did people really not "get" this song when it came out? Xdd
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think actually good pussy wearing this
you’re literally brown
I'm not that brown.
>Romans didn't invent the concept of German Nationalism
>source: the Romans
Blather on all you want, but the fact is that Rome stopped being sacked when they named a Frank the "Holy Roman Emperor." Europe's share of the global population has dwindled from about 50% in 600AD to about 11% now and falling. And at present time, we are beyond being able to distinguish a Saxon from a Bavarian and are now into the stage where "Germans" are a mystery meat whose women are being bred by literal niggers and sandniggers. If you cared about stopping this, you would eschew the concept of German Nationalism, stop defending Jews and Roman Catholics, and focus on trying to remember what you actually were and preserve that, but it's honestly probably too late for that. Because even the few people willing to question the narrative get wrapped up in Nazi bullshit, which is just the right-wing arm of Rome and it's Jewish bankers.
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Germans invented the concept of German nationalism and the Romans observed & documented it, end of story.

>it's afraid
Btw you're either a hippy or a jew or insane. We've all heard this concocted bullshit before. You're sporadically dishing out the usual schizo psyop dribble out of fear that people are waking up to what a great man AH was for bringing the nation from ashes & ruin into a economic & familial powerhouse. And WITHOUT (((banking))) cartels either.

>Hitler the traitor
>Hitler the secret jew
>Hitler the Rothschild
>Hitler the maniac madman
>Hitler the occultist demon
>Hitler the sadist rapist
>etc etc ETC

It's all cheap elaborately concocted (((hollywood tabloid))) conspiracy bullshit psyop perpetuated by those afraid to face the fact that the world has begun to realize the reasons behind the war - to defeat judeo-bolsheviks (rebranded communists) as they'd just genocided 40 million Whites in Caucasia and were infiltrating all of Western Europe to stage another (((red terror)))

1987 interview with top SS General Otto Ernst Remer
This is not a love song.
I don't sing my mother tongue.
Say nigger or get off the board
All videos uploaded on the official Rammstein youtube channel have always had comments turned off, back from when the channel was created.
Heino > Rammstien
Nig-Germania, which is Lindemann's fetish.
Imo it was made this "shocking" on purpose, so that they can finally larp as nazis for a few secs without reprecussions.
Your ancestors were niggers, Bubba,
How long until you faggots finally do something or is there too much cucked Slavic blood?
The drums in that song are abysmal, fuckin hell
Heirate mich is by far their best song
I though he fucked anything that moved, especially fatties
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Halts Maul über Negerlied und schwänger eine richtige Frau
>German soul remains immutable.

New germ cope just dropped, XD
>stein um stein
my nigger
Reise reise is their last good album, not a single bad song
omega cope

rammstein are jewish anti-white niggerlover faggots who hate germany and hate germans
the dogs are a rare german breed. multiple scientists are witnessing a birth of this rare breed, its a spectacle, while they explore the ruins of germanic civilization.
its extremely on the nose and youre a fucking retard

I know it is hard to not brag about your superiority but at least try it.
>Germany is special
no you're not
didn't read
>The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people. I mean just look at her smile. Regardless of the race, culture, or religion that may come to rule in Germany, the German soul remains immutable.
I swear to fucking god mate if this is some preamble for why Germany should go and take over Africa I'm going to McFucking lose it. Germany being cool doesn't mean everything /everyone HAS to be German.
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>The black woman represents
The only thing negroes represent is the mark of Cain.
>I think you may be coping Germanbro.
he is
The german people are not niggers or pakis, mentally ill buck broken krauts like you is why Germans need a leader to follow
you're talking out of your ass
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She does tho. She does.
We call her Momma Deutschland over here
You are just reading things into the video that you want to see, but aren't there. It's only a music video. Made by humans. It was analyzed more than enough when it came out.

And it's Rammstein. The meaning doesn't get any clearer than the text itself:

Überheblich, überlegen
Übernehmen, übergeben
Überraschen, überfallen
Deutschland, Deutschland über allen

mein Herz in Flammen
Will dich lieben und verdammen
(Deutschland) dein Atem kalt
So jung und doch so alt

deine Liebe
Ist Fluch und Segen
(Deutschland) meine Liebe
Kann ich dir nicht geben

Du (übermächtig, überflüssig)
Ich (Übermenschen, überdrüssig)
Wir (wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen)
Ihr (Deutschland, Deutschland über allen)

This was written by someone who despises Germany more than he likes it. He says he wants to love it, but is incapable of doing so and accuses Germany of several bad characteristics. The Nazi past is emphasized both in the lyrics and the video.
I'm American can someone explain this drug fueled malarkey.
Why are germans so dark and depressing all the time?
>The black woman represents the eternal soul of the German people
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Deutsche sind son sklavenvolk zu behindert die manipulation zu durchschauen. Hab so viele fette 180kg boomer bei mir auf der arbeit die ihre eigenen kinder willentlich nach osteuropa schicken würden um gegen den ivan zu kämpfen xD geistig behindertes scheiss volk, nichts für die eigenen leute tun aber auf befehl die eigenen kinder verheizen, das land ist verloren xD
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>Know this: the German people are unconquerable.
This happened and noone in germany said anything. Like someone told you not to.
Very much conquerable.
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>Know this: the German people are unconquerable

Based and redpilled, why? cuz it's metal with harsh sounding words in German?

They've always been degenerate faggots
That's not even all of it.
>Damn you don't know the backstory of Arminius?
So you mean to tell me that Arminius didn't lead a tribal confederation and instead his army was comprised of a single, pure ethnicity at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest? It's a nice story and it's effect on you stands as testament to that. But it ultimately serves to convince you that tribes such as the Frisians, Butevians, Silesians, Saxons, Huns, Angles, Swedes, etc. were always one people. Europe's people, it's God's, and it's culture have been lost to the ages and the myth of Arminius was one vehicle used to accomplish this. And Nationalism, to this very day, is being used to slaughter Europe's people in order that Jews and the Roman elite (Jesuits) can prosper (see Azov in Ukraine or Putin's Russia). This doesn't mean you have to be a liberal "open borders" faggot, but blindly embracing Nationalism is equally as bad.
behold OP, the most delusional german in all the world
he typed all that shit, as he sits in easily one of the most cucked nations on the planet, and openly so
jews own you like they wish they owned the USA
kys krautcuck
Hitler would have had you gassed for this post.
always gets me
>Gut City
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>german shepherds mantain their breed while germans themselves mongrelify
>I have unraveled the profound symbolism at play
Me too. Germans are niggers, and they love shit.
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>I have unraveled the profound symbolism
real schizos don't abandon their thread at 4 replies

How it is a prophecy?
The clown world was already in full swing when the song was released.
Great song btw,as most of their work.
They simulate buttfucking on stage during the show, the lead singer turns to the crowd with a huge strap-on and cooms over the mosh pit

Rammstein is a krautrock band full of metal boomer edgelord faggots and always has.
Just an extreme punk version of Drag Race without the fake tranny shit. Literal kike performance art.
Despisable ?
Without the BSW, the AfD would do a shit.
Everywere, the alt-right just faild to end immigration, and having a second based party will come handy.

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