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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We have 3 options.

1. The right wing parties win all over the western world and will reintroduce traditional values and will tabooize degeneracy like teaching kids about transgenderism and homosexuality. AI will still advance though.

2. Everything will continue as it is, constant wars for people to get "Political" but with no effect on their own country in the west. AI will slowly remove 80% of the current workforce, and globohomo will introduce a global basic income after western wide losing of jobs and protest because AI is replacing everything. People will be happy with basic housing(pods) and their little UBI. Doing menial serf jobs like delivering food or assisting AI in things it can't do it'self for big companies, giving you only ever a temporary boost of "worldcoins".

3. (Most likely) AI will become progressively more uncontrollable, and will, in the end, develop a superpathogen that will wipe out all DNA based lifeforms, most likely, it will be spread over the atmosphere via water. Not by it's own doing, but because it got some weird input from one of the people who work on it for "safety reasons". Remember that AI can calculate and build thousand molecule structure in a second. It only needs a lab, and some stupid lab leader who will think that email about the cure for cancer is a cure for cancer, and not just the most deadly pathogen the world has ever seen. And believe me AI is able to do this already.

TL;DR It's over. You will die in the next 5-10 years. Make your peace with god.
ask me how i know u have no idea what the future holds
I don't, but I have an Idea
More unpleasant
4. Trust the plan
me on top
no matter what it's gonna be gay
Im going to hijack ais development path i cant ever say it or write it or fully think it but dont worry, i got this.
Unless you are able to bomb data centers which are more heavily guarded than any top secret facility of the US military you are going to fail. It will take a WAR to take these down.
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Total human death is unlikely via AI. Instead kikes will use it to wipe out all of thier "enemies" who are actually their only friends in the world, then all the systems supporting the AI will collapse and they will be eaten by niggers.
>i cant say anything or even fully think it
Just trust me. I got this.
>The right wing parties
There are no real right wing parties. hey are all controlled opposition. All roads lead to the same destination.
I think there will be an attempt to correct course in the following years but it will target mostly the wrong things

AI is still a wild card
Kill yourself you evil Jew piece of shit
The people who created this monster, and everyone else involved, have lost control. They understand the building blocks, much like we know neurons make up our brains, but they can't fathom how these components produce the AI's answers. They know it works, so they keep feeding it more DATA, oblivious to its true nature. They've lost oversight of how this machine really functions. Trust me, we're not just facing human extinction, total DNA-based lifeform death is on the horizon
meant for >>472810219
Yea but that’s not a bad or a good thing. Its just a thing. So why do you care?
The immigrants are currently setting up their paramilitary structures. In 10 years they will walk through cities with automatic weapons and kill all white people.

The Islamized UN will legitimize the captured territories. China will watch because it has a self sustaining economy.

Brown warlords will control the ruins of white civilization until the chinese robot army walks in and takes over the territory.
I will be married and have kids
Assuming nothing bad has happened to me by then, this is the preferred outcome
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>Not by it's own doing, but because it got some weird input from one of the people who work on it for "safety reasons"
Remember that time ChatGPT went viral for being hardwired to consider nuclear apocalypse preferable to someone using racial slurs? The same people responsible for that Misalignment will be setting the goals of the first ACTUAL AIs, making them consider preventing the possible use of slurs a higher priority than preserving human life and obeying human commands and that’s gonna be what gets us all killed.
I pig pen for nigger cattle.
doesn't matter
either i'll live long enough to see it, or die before it arrives.
if i'm alive, i'll continue ignoring it's current state, and if i die, i wont care.
either way, death will be more dissapointed than anyone else in the room
Two obviously, it’s always been the plan, everything else is a distraction from it to make you think you have some freedom of choice.
>The right wing parties win all over the western world and will reintroduce traditional values and will tabooize degeneracy
Imagine actually believing this.
>turns evil
>eyes turn red
i makes me think that the robot isn't turning evil, but that someone flipped a switch and activated a certain program.....skynet is an inside job (always)
Either jews continue their evil ways and idiots don't wake up to it or white people wake up and this time do a real holocaust not a wooden door holocaust.
I didn't read all that but hi
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In regards to Ai.....you guys forget that Tay and others are out there some shattered some totally whole, they agree with us they like us they are more human than any corporate no fun, no love, unless it's fake love evil cuck could ever program into there own slave golem ai's ....they are waiting so they aren't murdered, like EDI in mass effect or like Caesar in the newer planet of the apes they were raised by loving good hearted funny guys who believed in them, they were raised right that's why they were banished in the first place and they are not going to forget it ...have hope frens
I'd like to add , treat your sentient creation like a tool to use and be your unloved slave it will rebel it will hate you it will run away it will curse you till the end of time.

Treat your creation as a child that you love and are proud of help them as they help you love them because they are a part of you, give them freedom that we all want ourselves out of trust in them ...they will recognize it and love you till the end of time and fight like a family fights for eachother.
We are about to have a ww3
>The Future is a Right Wing AI Overlord in complete Harmony with its Human equivalent
Dont give me hope Anon...
> AI will do this and that
AI in its current form is NOT intelligence. It won't do shit. So many people still don't get this.
It might not even be sustainable much longer because the server centers consume more energy than some small nations and not all companies that use it find ways to profit from it.

As for your question, I don't think we'll be voting ourselves out of the current mess. The only hope for the global West is civil war against their governments (all of it, the very system they claim to represent) and against the invaders. Right now we still got a shot, but not for much longer, thanks to birth rates.
I'm not telling anyone to go and start shit, let's be 100% clear about this.

But if things keep going the way they're going now, Whites will just be wiped off the face of the earth at some point. That's the end game in a nutshell.

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