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These are the 10 best cities to live in 2024 according to experts. Are they right?
The only ones that are somewhat decent are Seattle, Miami, and San Fran. All the rest are full of niggers and white trash, or too expensive. Like how the fuck is someone gonna move to Honolulu unless they have like 10 million dollars.
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yes satan, that is a good list of cities.
>experts say, surrounding yourself with niggers and fags is a good thing!
Satan, my town of 147 people has zero niggers.
We are the best city in teh USA.
Most be opposite day
when i traveled through Green River, Wyoming, i had such a strong sense of deja vu that i decided either i had lived there in a past life or i would live there at some point in the future.
Pittsburgh, Miami, Boston are the best on that list by virtue of not being completely shit.
> #2 Atlanta, GA

Holy shit, lol. What qualifies a good city? Access to free chicken bones and gas station conversations with armed lunatic homeless?
>according to experts
Experts at what?
Fuck Boston. Bunch of Irish people live there. I hate Irish people.
>too expensive
>NOT seattle, miami or san fran
come on nigger
“Don’t ever think you can talk to me mainlander I am alaki line pokayeh”
let me guess, these "experts" included a diversity ranking in their list
no, boston is a shit hole. too many niggers and spics. boston suburbs are very comfy though
Knew Pittsburgh was the next big red city to ruin. Its a cool city though I just wish the Pirates were better.
>San Francisco is cheap
What makes them the best ? And why are they not including the fact that some of these cities are mega cities. I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. It should be the best county to live in.
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this list is dog shit
I live near Washington, D.C. and can confirm that list is complete horseshit

I literally have no idea where you could live in DC proper that would be a high quality of life. Most of DC is overrun with crime and absolute bullshit. Lots of folks in this area actively avoid it at night. You might be able to swing living in Georgetown, but then you're dropping $10M++ on a tiny townhome with no parking in an area full of idiot students.
Don't stay there or Rock Springs.
It looks the best from the outside.
Corrupt place, especially if you aren't from there.
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>More unaffordable than Manhattan
>Worst traffic on the planet + unruly niggers and antifa goons + completely corrupt judicial system
>Crime gone out of control, dying city because industry is gone.
>Literally just coastal Beijing but with white communists instead of yellow communists
>92% black, crime rate through the roof, absurdly expensive to live in if you're not the right skin color or disposition to get gibs
>Either you live in the lap of luxury and earn $500k a year or you're trapped in the Infinite Ghetto
>Expensive, but otherwise okay even if the shitlibs are insufferable
>Habla ingles?
>Literally the worst city on this planet. Makes Moscow, Manchester, and Manila look like heaven
>Either too cold on account of the northern-Finland like temperatures or too hot on account of being roasted alive by rampaging niggers

I would list some good cities but I don't want these faggots to ruin them.


No. DC is a fucking shit hole, ludicrously expensive, and getting more violent by the second, they had four fucking homicides last weekend.
All cities are shit and everyone who lives in them are dumb fuck nigger cattle.

Also, I believe if there ever is a "civil war" in America it will be city vs rural people. And, it won't be a war either. Just one day everything will go to fuck, the trucks will stop running, everything will just kind of stop. Then, all the people in the city will get hungry and start eating each other, metaphorically and literally, then they will start to flee the cities en masse. That's where the war will be rural people killing the fleeing hungry city retards.
Pittsburgh is really trying its best, for years now, to be
a gay, nigger-infested, crime ridden city. They let niggers just do whatever they want. They are really trying to fuck it all up.
orem, ut missing from the list.
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>according to experts
These “experts” must have had the IQ of monkeys
This is true.
Pittsburgh went from being based and cozy in the 2000s and 2010s to another kiked "utopia" like Seattle. Never realized the blockbusting-gentrification cycle was for real until witnessing it all over the city.
>10 absolute nigger run shitholes
Atlanta is a nigger filled, crime ridden shithole. Too many fags, too.
Racist Islanders
Sportsball NPCs
Techies and noodle niggers
Way too many faggots. Like half of the white people are faggots and dykes.
White yuppie faggots
A third world latino country. Also too many niggers.
Faggots, noodle niggers, and techies.
Naive white liberals and their Somalian pets.
I just left, anon.
They lost their fucking minds.
The leftist brain disease has spread all over the city. I couldn't take it.
>Honolulu, HI
There are homeless and hookers everywhere. Covid killed a lot of the small businesses and it's not as crowded as it used to be. They vacant buildings were/are torn down and built into condos. Mainlanders and foreign investors buy up the properties, driving up property prices, so locals are stuck with 3 generations in a single house. It's not easy to obtain a firearm here but the food, beaches, and amount of pussy you can get can't be beat.
>Atlanta, GA
Overrated, not much to do, crime ridden. Car thefts have been on the rise and you can't go outside at night without a handgun.
>Seattle, WA
Lots of liberals with dyed hair here but the women are fairly easy.
>Miami, FL
Everyone here is superficial and living above their means. The time here was fun after joining a riding group and getting mentored on how to flip real estate.
>San Francisco, CA
I was here for some company training while working as a contractor. Never again. The place smelled likes shit
>white trash
I can understand philly and Seattle as white trash, because it's literal junkies but they are nowhere near an equivalent to niggers.
Pittsburgh will never vote Republican again. They learned their lesson from Trump. Other than giving him a chance, which he blew, they’ve reverted back to hard blue.
There’s literally human shit on the streets of San fransico who the fuck made this list?
Coincidentally, all cities with hub airports that a certain absurdly cheap airline runs out of which may or may not be funded by organized crime.
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nvm my latest schizo theory doesn't apply here, my bad.
Why is it the banter
Are you an Expert?
wait hold on... you mean to say some airlines are not in fact associated with organized crime?
Not far behind you. Only I am leaving the US entirely. I just can't into PGH anymore. Something rotted away logical thought. It's fucking crazy here.
someone'll have to explain this one to me
In opposite-land, sure.
Lol. Come on.
I watch youtube tiktok ig twitch kick and rumble. Based on what ive seen, why is every girl in miami a coalburner? Even though nigs have hiv and aids.
>Island niggers
>White trash niggers
>Homeless niggers
>Corrupt niggers
>Irish niggers
>Cuban niggers
>Gay niggers
>Junky niggers
These are excellent cities of you happen to be a faggot NPC with money. They are awful for regular people.
Pretty trashy. Had to attend a horseshit conference there in 2010. Samoans are nigger-tier and all over the place. I expected more japs but I was surprised by how many niggers and chinks were crawling around. It felt like a watered-down San Francisco without all of the faggots and streetshitting. Very expensive, of course.
>Washington DC great to live in
Everyone that lives outside of DC lets out a collective ROFL.
Satan, all those cities are shitholes. If you want to know what the market thinks is the "best" city to live in , all you need to know is the cost per square foot of housing. The more it costs, the better it is. I would not live in any of them.
Every time I got to Atlanta my car gets a broken window.

>> horseshit conference

Were you speaking there?
Same here.
I moved away in late 2019, moved back early last year for work and it was like a totally different city and surrounding areas.
Ended up moving away again. Rent and house prices are still skyrocketing.
All the wilkinsburg and homewood niggers are being displaced into the formerly quiet small towns and immigrants are all over the public places.
It's not worth living there for pussy, socializing, work, or much of anything anymore.
Honolulu is filled with dumb tourists. I once heard on the radio when I lived there that if you’re ever walking down Waikiki and see a bunch of asians yell “Godzirra” so they scatter for you.
Around here we call them influencers with PhDs
> Chicago

They are "Experts" in loving niggers, thats for sure. Guess they haven't discovered crime rates.
Aren't half those cities also in the top ten for murder rates, lol.
It really falls apart after 2.
Top 10 best cities?
Did they mean top 10 worst?
Full of chinks
Full of niggers
Full of niggers
Full of chinks
Full of niggers
Full of niggers and beaners
Full of beaners
>San Francisco
Full of faggots
Not as many niggers but still too many
Oh and DC is full of niggers and chinks
>best cities to live in
>all listed cities are filled with muderous niggers and AIDS infected faggots
We see you synogogue of satan
My friends of many years all turned on me in some way, some harshly and some passive-aggressively.
There were, and continue to be, a rash of nigger crime and shootings in the degenerate party South Side and every fag liberal made excuses and like npcs repeated, "it's just kids" and you are a racist for noticing/pointing it out kind of stuff.
What do you even say to such idiots....
They went nuts with the masks and the vax. They seethed about trump, never any real criticism, just hysterical/literally shaking on the most basic level of "orange man bad".
Crime, junkies, niggers fucking up the place and the mayor decides to cut back on the police because George Floyd.
Miami has a lot of niggers lol
Those are literally the worst cities in the country. Kys satan.
Based on what metric Satan?
What are the criteria needing to be met to achieve that?
You do know how they make these rankings, right? They’ve got to have “diversity” and “progressive government” with lots of gibs for lazy pieces of shit who won’t work, and gay flags painted on the crosswalks, or they get a low score.
Niggas saying Miami, ain’t never been to Miami

>Atlanta, Georgia

Kek, ya if want to be killed within minutes aftsr moving there.
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Literally top fucking Keke all around, nice try satan
Minneapolis has its fair share of niggers my dude
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>according to experts
This is a joke list, right?
according to who? a fucking retard?
Much of the city's original population is rapidly hitting retirement age too. Meaning it will probably get much worse rapidly.
The age of cities seems to be coming to an end all over the US. It's probably not much different elsewhere.
I count at least six of the most expensive cities to live in North America. Most of these either mean six figure incomes or sixteen roommates. What is "best" about them?
>Retardedly expensive island shithole, land of retards (I'm from there!)
>Nigger-infested shithole
>Don't know much about it, heard it's a shithole though
>Formerly nice city with lots of high-paying jobs and fantastic outdoors
>Most important city on the planet with lots of museums and rich history, that is also somehow a retardedly expensive nigger-infested shithole
>Nigger-infested shithole
>Actually pretty sweet, how did it make this list?
>North Cuba
>Retardedly expensive fascist shithole with lots of high-paying jobs and (subjectively) good weather
>Don't know much about it desu

Wow. That is an impressively bad list.

Pittsburgh is pretty good. Seattle can be pretty good. Washington is pretty good. Chicago can be pretty good. Boston is pretty good. Miami can be pretty good. The rest are bad.
A lot of hate on Pittsburgh ITT. Pittsburgh is pretty great actually. I lived there for two non-consecutive years in 2018 and 2022. It was worse in 2022 I think because of the COVID lockdowns but it was still pretty good. It was actually the best city I’ve lived in.
So my experience is:
Very expensive, everyone living there has to work multiple jobs
Niggers doing crime, open air drug deals
See number 2
Homeless, drug addicts everywhere
See number 2 but with talks of reparations
See number 2 but everyone pretends it isnt happening
Havent been to Boston
Mexcrement and friends doing crime
Asians doing crime, the only tolerable one
See number 5 but every democrat running the shithole is on super mega hyper copium about who is doing crime
Replace Honolulu with St Louis and I think you have the top 10 highest murder rate cities in the country
I live in St. Louis County and the police in my town (the largest town in the county) stopped doing calls for anything non-violent a few months ago because of all the crime.
The cops are already working 10 hour shifts while understaffed so they cant keep up and the city has an 80% unsolved homicide rate for the past decade (its officially announced every year demoniggers, whoops)
I hear sirens pretty much every hour of every day except sundays because the blacks go to church before they do crime.
I’ve been to every city on the list, and I have the money to live where I choose. I didn’t choose any on the list. Honolulu #1 is nuts. They treat white people like they’re lower than dog shit in that city. Rudest motherfuckers I’ve ever encountered outside of Indian Reservations.
Honolulu seemed grubby af when i saw it & that was back in 91 ffs
DESU no one really has metrics on what a "good" city is, other than the recycled crap like the OP list. There are tons of smaller cities that are probably really nice, the smaller the better. I live across the bay in Oakland, the real secret is that it is family oriented here. I couldn't imagine raising a family in Frisco (fuck your feelings for that hurty word) but Oakland has superior weather, and I have a house with a front and back yard, a driveway almost 60 feet long, detached garage, yeah, I'm gen X but if you want a house, look for lower density areas. Heck, get a bunch of friends together and rent a mansion.
>Havent been to Boston
Boston is nice, except:
>no parking
>roads/traffic are fucking retarded
>expensive, but not as bad as seattle
>niggers are usually contained to a few parts, but slowly expanding out

It's probably one of the better "big cities", but still has its faults. Way better to live in than DC.

Seattle in the 90s must've been paradise.
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san fran genuinely seems like a fantasy dystopia. You have never seen wealth disparity this drastic and crime this visceral. I grew up there and I went back to work on a project for a few months, i couldnt believe how terrible everything became in just 10 years. You see rainbow flags flying in front of boarded up store fronts and homeless people creating entire enclaves and no go zones next to skyscrappers. I went to visit the salesforce tower because its one of the tallest buildings in the country and its like staring at c'thulu. your mind cannot process the simultaneous reality of bums asleep on the street, maybe dead, tweekers throwing a public fit and screaming into a trashcan, then techie starbucks sipping millionaires taking an electric scooter to their office completely unaware of the abject suffering around them. Every aspect of life there is in disorder, there are buildings with signs that warn you not to drink the water that comes out of the tap. there are stores still listed on google maps that have no employees or products in them but the door is unlocked and there are a few feral looking people inside. You will witness people being carjacked in broad daylight or see a few teenagers just break every window of every car in a parking lot and no police show up. Despite the soul crushing horror of existing in san fransisco it still presents itself as this progressive post-humanism city on the hill.
I only wish i was working there when XI visited
The speed of the decline astounded me.
Most of this happened from 2020-present
If you live near the universities, it might still be nice.
Satan loves the hustle and bustle of the city.
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>Satan when reverse Satan shows up
*for homosexuals
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Seattle is totally run by jews and jesuits who sold the state to Chyna.
Pugetopolis is utterly anti-white and anti-founding and -pioneer stock white. It is run by a tiny cabal in a bell jar.

Jesus no. I'm from there. Absolute dumpster fire.

>10.3% sales tax
>ridiculous house prices
>rampant homeless and crime problem
>200$ for 3 days of groceries
>trannies and faggots everywhere
>Mexicans everywhere
>niggers everywhere
>everyone is a piece of shit
>hordes of retarded drone retards
>hours in traffic just to go to work

I could go on
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No. Atlanta sucks. I hate living here and I want out.
Atlanta, lol. Stay the fuck out of the rest of Georgia if you agree with this list.
Why so many Atlanta burgers show up at once.
Pure fucking comedy.

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