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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Look at what the Russians just captured...
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What is it?
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It's one of our balls
whats that some kind of drone
recycled ufo tech?

Its a mechanical 3 axis INS. Mechanical is still the most accurate INS. IDK how much value they are going to get out of studying an example the eventual accuracy of the device comes down to complicated process manufacturing to extreme tolerances. Might help.
Why is it never a hot chick with big tiddies :(
Some kind of guidance gyroscope
Power armor?
It's ring laser.
no one cares that they used american weapons to attack a crimean beach
only russia cares
That's the inside of a Nintendo GameCube
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Is that an aircraft part? Did they down some of the F-16's already?
Fuckin Ball lmao.
russians caring will make americans care especially with the number of proxy conflicts you are lining up right now
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Looks like control unit or communication system.
I was wondering where that went.
Nice glownigger you got there.
The ACS module?
russians intercepted it, it was not intended for the beach but a military communication installation near it
What game were our soldiers playing before someone pulled the power plug?
>russians pick up some trash from an exploded rocket
can this gay war be over already?
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>That's the inside of a Nintendo GameCube
Unironically if you have even the smallest interest in engineering or manufacturing I highly recommend pulling a Gamecube apart.

Absolute masterclass in industrial design, beautifully layered design, its incredibly intuitive and you can tear the whole thing down and reassemble it in a few minutes, any component you need access to is easy to get at, minimal screws etc

Every other console i've ever pulled apart has just been a total clusterfuck where they just throw everything in a box, but someone went absolutely above and beyond with the Gamecube.
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Motherfuckin' mass production unit Cerebro!?
pretty based comment. I always loved that little purple box.

thanks, louis rossman.

The Shahed / Geran drone runs a CORETEX A7 chip just like the iPhone 5S.

You think these guys will get anything out of that gyroscope worth a damn? They steal fucking toilets for godsake.
I looked INS up and got Instagram
Is it 3 axis IMU, is that the same
Is it a military grade gynoscope for that titty boy
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He’s a big guy
Toilets? Who told you that bullshit? Hohols?
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russia might be able to make a crude copy but I don't know if they have the sattilite network to run their own but they could learn to jam it.
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dude came straight out of Pavlov VR

INS = Information Network System

Anons got the idea.
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Also underrated.
They are displaying it as Evidence not any kind of score for stealing intel/tech it was used in Sevastopol to murder Russians on the Beach in Crimea.. they can show it to the UN after they bomb Miami Beach
I'd believe Ukraine more if their side wasn't constantly spamming horrible torture videos of Russians they capture every day for years here. Isis tier shithole
Spelled Baal wrong. Amateurs.
isnt that thing at the beach just unlucky because a intercepted missile? I think if they actually targeted the beach there would be a lot more dead
Both sides play this game literally every time and there is never a conclusion because it's all just propaganda. Both dumbass retards will say literally the exact same shit without an ounce of self-awareness.

Russia is going to use this to allege the US as a participant and threaten escalation. Not that they really needed the physical evidence but geopolitics is all about posturing and making a scene and this will help. Frankly Russia should've been shooting down US drones since day 3 when the US made it obvious it was an active participant.
if civilians are killed when you intend to bomb somewhere else you are still guilty of a war crime.. The interception was initiated because the drone was detected in Russian airspace.. the fallout is still the responsibility of the people who put it there
>if civilians are killed when you intend to bomb somewhere else you are still guilty of a war crime
Also fuck everyone who thought it's a good idea to have vacations in a warzone.
Lol no. An IMU is essentially for Maryland trajectory of a moving object with environmental inputs. They use them in motorcycles. Not exactly some top secret tech.
>fuck everyone
What am I looking at?
A scanner array?

Only Ukraine could be held liable for the war crime, if Russia wanted to. I doubt Putin will in the final peace treaty.
How does it feel having the same opinion as most of reddit, the state department and corporate media?
not if we..... jam it!
biden lifted the ban on hitting russia itself with american long range missiles and the first thing they do is use cluster warheads (illegal for use on soldiers) on a beach full of civilians in the summer
a world flooded with ak47s t72s and mig fighters doesnt give a fuck faggots. now what?
>vacations in a warzone.
literally 100s of miles from the front you disengenious nigger
Modern Warfare 2
Guess the mission.
imagine that shit on gamecube
>There's only one country who would dare give me the raspberry...
does russia understand that we sell weapons or are they just super fucking retarded?
hey wait a sec isnt over half of that made in china?
some kind of exploding Muppet
You will when 'islamic talmudics' suddenly start shooting shit up again after years of going dark
Show your flag like, because the Ukranians either killed Russian civilians or their own civilians since they swear up and down Crimea is their shit
Kill yourself you zero-information NPC
thats exactly how i feel about the u.s president
wrong, clusters fired perpendicular on to the beach, it was AIMED at that place.
I sincerely hope you Russians get some use out of my tax dollars by reverse engineering that thing and skipping all the R&D. Lord knows I don’t get anything from my government. Please send nukes our way soon!
MGM-140 guidance system, or at least a part of it.
>if civilians are killed when you intend to bomb somewhere else you are still guilty of a war crime
Great let's prosecute Biden for killing seven children in Kabul. Oh wait, "immunity" lmao
they've been saying that for over 20 years since we invaded iraq and they did nothing
>What is the ICC

see a Rectocraniotomist asap.
We have our own ballistic ground to ground missiles with cluster munition, in fact, we shit on your garbage all day in weaponry.
>What is the ICC
An ineffectual joke. Next question.
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Is this aimed and fired perpendickular?
my uncle works for Nintendo
Is Ukraine a state within the United States of America? or is it an entirely different nation with it's own government and military chain of command?

When Russia supplied intel and weapons to another nation that committed war crimes where they held liable?

If you tell another guy in a bar you give him permission to punch another guy/egg on a fight, are you held liable by police? No.
I highly doubt Russia has the assets and means to Jam it now, they did for a minute but the USA made some updates and atacms was striking accurately again.
>Is Ukraine a state within the United States of America
Yes. a CIA-state to be exact.
It's for internal propaganda, and for those already sympathetic to the anti USA/Israel sentiment.
1980's technology.
Whatever will we do?
We fired a shit ton of those in Gulf 1
That could have been laying in a cardboard box somewhere for 30 years...
see how grateful a rusnigger is when you suck his cock little faggot? suck it some more idiot...
so you invaded the us then and now must be nuked...
We all know it is a puppet regime but as far as Courts and the law are concerned Ukraine has it's own leaders/charter/military etc.
Just Like Russia does but Russia is also a puppet of the jews. Just like the USA.Which is why Putin has been so soft handed with Ukraine and let the war drag out to drain as much men as possible before the ashkenazi jews reverse migrate before Israel collapses due to demographic shift/external enemies.
these faggots are retarded.
>That could have been laying in a cardboard box somewhere for 30 years...
Considering the missile destroys itself and its components by nature of doing what it's designed to do, you might be surprised. I'd wager it's pretty rare to find something like this in relatively salvageable condition. 1980s tech or not, that's a lot of R&D money Russia won't have to spend emulating the tech.
Fake. US states do not put a period after abbreviating the state.
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they used to when they spoke real English and not niggerlish
The guy from Metal Gear Solid that shit's his pants all the time?
Why would they bother with that?
We left an assload of that crap in Afghanistan
Most of which ended up on the black market at an arms bazaar
Or just buy some from the Ukrainians - they're corrupt as fuck anyways - just use a couple cutouts
Fishing one all fucked up out of a hole in the ground seems a bit much when you can just BUY the damn thing, along with all the support shit needed to fire it from the fuckin Muj or some corrupt holol Colonel
>of war
lmao there are no rules in love and war
not a glownigger, a glowerpiller
My children’s debt
Really? So we're using willy Pete and phosgene gas now?
Yeah, but not whenever this was made.
idiot, he was making us laugh. *cry laugh emoji* *cry laugh emoji* *cry laugh emoji*
i think thats rape. oh shit, is that “the ditch” at the end? pleaseee someone have the ai verion of the ditch? my old tablet has died and i can’t retrieve my memes.
I think you and i are the only Aussies to have purchased one. Always felt like a quality little box.
yea bro, crack on.
i myself have seen the . after the two letters many times. im old see so i must be correct.
shit, meant to type “i dont think the missis will enjoy it though” after crack on. got distracted by my dog barking
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CI, NSN, rev, cage code... now where's the serial?

Traceability is important folks, you never know when a part on your BOM might end up
>intercept a missile
>Over a tourist beach
They make good jars
Commercially available electronics with a 2000% mark up
You dont send cluster bombs against a mechanical target.
You send it after a soft squishy human target, usually in large concentrations... like a busy public beach.
This war, while being manufactured by the CIA, has also showed that Russian weaponry, is, in fact, shit. Like I said, I hope you guys can get some useful info out of some $250k ball of metal and wires, because that’s what the government decided to use my taxes on instead of helping me.
I’m not sucking Russian cock you absolute faggot. I’m wishing those apes luck in saving money at the expense of our shit government.
If it is a capital letter followed by lower case, yes, there is a period after. If it is all caps like CO there is no period.
felt the urge to deflect form your failed attempt at damage control about the beach incident
so you spray some stink like the skunk
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Russian weapon shits all over western weapons and western army because we're winning against the biggest army of Europe and you lost to towelheads AGAIN
if you are winning then perhaps ukraine needs fewer restrictions on those strikes to even the odds...gotta keep this going to meet the depop demands of the ayss you know...
then why fire it in the middle of the day during a holiday no less? that thing wasn't going anywhere, why not strike at midnight?
Except they're not restricted, they just can't hit anything, ATACMS and FAGMARS are being intercepted on daily basis.
Unironically only thing that lets them strike inside country are drones on starlink, same with sea strikes.
First of all... Retard the F-22 and M1A1 is 1980s technology, all of our best technology is 1980s technology because white engineers were replaced by shaniqua starting in the 90s.

Second of all.... missiles get updates and that is our latest technology.
Also, that little cube was the most rugged out of those consoles, virtually indestructible.
what? that contradicts muh beach attack narrative...kys.
>Its a mechanical 3 axis INS.
That's the same technology as the German V-2 from WW2. Just a more sophisticated and refined version.
It’s called a hawk tuah guidance system
Prapor? Is that you?
Just took a sledgehammer to my game cube and it doesnt start anymore. Checkmate atheists
>Why would they bother with that?
They have an idea of how a missile should work. We have an idea of how a missile should work. When you have both ideas there is a high probability you can make one or both ideas better.
>We left an assload of that crap in Afghanistan
Small arms and vehicles. As far as I'm aware we didn't leave them ballistic missiles.
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leaf anon. that meme fucking sucks.
LIGMA 69 transmitter
4 out of 5 missiles were intercepted.
Their targeting were carried out IN REAL TIME by drone outside of Crimea.
damn now that russians showed proof it's truly over

the only solution to the russian question is their total genocide, no matter how many shill posts you make on 4chan, little pidor
Sort of. An IMU is one of the components of an inertial navigations system.
Do they really make that shit in Broomfield of all fucking places?

Really? I know it's a little bigger than it was 20 years ago now, but really?
It was literally a mile or two away from an air force base.
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Finally the truth is out.
They have the PROOFS.
The USA made the ATACMS that was provided to Ukraine.
This is a clear war crime under the ICC criminal code.
Surely now Biden will be arrested immediately by the world police and taken before Putin to answer for his crimes.
I cannot believe the ATACMS provided to Ukraine came from the JewNATO'd States of Amalekkk.
It's a 35 year old guidance system for a missile that delivers cluster munitions. The CEP is going to be in the scores of meters. There's nothing of value for the Russians to reverse engineer here.
dang, and you threw away your life savings just like that
oh shit not fake time? wow nigger that is fucking amazing!

but seriously if i translate from russian you mean to say that nothing was intercepted as only one was actually fired....right?
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Vehicles and equipment aren't fans of high-velocity tungsten fragments either.
Male breast augmentation device apparently, the man in the photo was demonstrating its effectiveness.
That’s clearly a gamesphere
>but they could learn to jam it.
Why can't they do that now?
OK so you have evidence the US attacked Russia? THEN FUCKING DO SOMETHING YOU FAGGOT PUSSY NIGGERS
Man boobs?
Yeah mawn we jammin
US healthcare component.
That’s peak Slavic performance. All Slavs are natural bloatmaxxers
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Based tittymaxxing slav men, that will surely stick it to the Americans.
>They are displaying it as Evidence not any kind of score for stealing intel/tech it was used in Sevastopol
That's what I thought as well.
yeah, its kindof small for a redstone device
>saying this as an American
zero self awareness of the mentally impaired
>someone went absolutely above and beyond with the Gamecube.
That would be my uncle, I've mentioned him before here
Razboli se od raka majmune.,
>As far as I'm aware we didn't leave them ballistic missiles.
but that would have been amazing
nextgen fleshlight
Looks like a guidance system. Maybe for a drink or cruise missile?
My dad is an enginner at nintendo and he crode when i read him your post, he says arigato order enjoyer
lol, vodkaniggers deserved it for being stupid enough to "holiday" in a warzone directly next to both a naval port and an airfield
and that after express warnings crimea will be hit
Ukrainian army has this happen as a matter of accident while Russian army regularly targets civiliam centers with fullintention, even double-tapping to kill first responders
total zigger death
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with a bit of squinting ...
How much money does he really make outside of the Zone I wonder. Always undercutting STALKERS.
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I was beaten by my dad with one, and it still worked afterwards. Incredible design, but I really didn't like that it had a handle for that reason.
It can be turned into a very presice 3D printer.
So if all of those groups said tomorrow that "Europe belongs to Europeans", you would shame anons because they believe the same thing?

Although the fck eu's failed to land their craft, the chinese just retrieved a sample from the dark side of the moon, if that helps.
it was not presented as a trophy but as a proof
It used to be that way, and the US army is nothing if not old-fashioned.
Much like people used to put the dollar sign in from of the number, back when Americans were white.
Small price to pay in order to prove a stranger wrong on the internet
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It's not Broomfield Colorado you idiot. That's saying it's Broomfield Company or corporation.
Arsenal, Alabama is where it's made.
It's actually made in the city of Cage Code OESR2 Alabama, the kerning is just atrocious.
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>Small price
truest thing you've said yet
>it was not presented as a trophy but as a proof
we are so full of ourselves that we think you need to copy our shit designs
i want to send all of our idiots to finland so you can blow them all up there
It's American, so likely something to do with gay sex
Insulin pump.
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no.. it's a place called broomfield colorado
oooh they're going to claim this is part of le missile systems. except it looks like 1990s junk. and why blur out the fake label ? oh because it's fake.
his Ukrainian cousin, Sidorovich
gas mask. this proves they're using nerve gas
How many copies of The Sims did they find this time, signed by "Signature Illegible"?
that's my fleshlight, i came so hard i blew it and the load across the world
i'd like it back
>indo-american negro sandwhich
That is not a taco, paco
A space crab, who gives a fuck.
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Diver mask for mixed gas diving as would be needed to plant explosives on a deep undersea pipeline.

Great. When is Putin handing himself over to the Hague? Or are you trying to tell me Russia hasn't killed one single civilian this entire war?
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Russia deploys very expensive high precision guided weapons at military and strategic targets. OTOH Ukraine targets cities, beaches, and churches with artillery and cluster munitions kys

A day before this beach incident Russia dropped a FAB on a school killing several kids. Strange how you never hear pol talk about this incident.
a robotic crab
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But sadly Russia wont retaliate on satanic USA. Because UE its done, and soon trump will leave the asses of globohomo worldwide pedos without cover... then the hunt will begin.
It will be glorious.
See here... you can even taste their animalistic souless fear in their posts.
top kek. captured in crimea. yapari, ziggers have the best jokes desu.
>If one bad
>other must be good
can you make one?

I have seen hundreds of threads about this beach incident on pol. I have not seen one thread about Russia dropping a fucking FAB on a school and killing a bunch of kids.

Kind of funny how that is. Maybe both bad, and since pol admits bombing civilians is a war crime, it's time for Putin to hand himself in? Zelensky should obviously do the same, but if Putin is the bigger man he should take the lead on this.
Both of them are genociding whites for the sake of jewish banks and jew control.

There is not winner in this conflict, it's competition for who's gonna fuck is the ass at the end. It's sad but it's true.
>Russia deploys very expensive high precision guided weapons at military and strategic targets
I don't know man, how many times have they dropped FABs on Bilgorod (a russian city, mind you)? 5? Wasn't there an incident just yesterday?
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I will capture a BWC with my throat
Gyro for INS.
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What generation BOLO is that?
Get out of here, Stalker.
Shills avoiding this.
They got one of the dragon balls....!?
It stands for Inertial Navigation System, the less-used alternative to Inertial Navigation Unit.
Anyway, the current best INU is probably the Safran one. There isn't really a huge advantage to gyro-based ones.
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>dropping a fucking FAB on a school and killing a bunch of kids.
Yes this is what I was looking for, I knew someone would do it, good job Štef.

Cyberpig is the strongest type of NAFO weapon
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why has none of you niggers posted the video yet?
So Russia has captured 1960s missile tech?
Least desperate NAFO tranny
They got the Alabama Ball

It's over...
If you're going to use pigspeak at least do it properly.
1 see the text in that pastafag video 'via satellite'
2 find three hour footage of pewtin and directors of international press agencies conversation.
3 fast forward to section when director of italian press agency asks few questions and carefully listen to what pewtin says 'all long range missiles are operated and fired by the anf from muttlands and pedo islands, we know that'
5 watch this webm again
>can't into Grammar.
>I want my mommy
link that video please
They should bomb Coney Island
you search for it
international press agency heads interview with pewtin.
it is around three hours long.
from almost a month ago, last one - these do not happen often i guess.
in a conference room, all of them are sitting at a long ass table.
your press director is a gray haired man with glasses if memory serves me well.

he also asked 'how will relations with italy go if this situation ever finishes-answer, paraphrasing:italians are not retards,it will be easy and fast transition to previous relations' and then your director smiles.
>AAAA please NUKE ME DADDY RUSSIA because my life is so shitty and worthless and i have smol pp
LMAO Just kill yourself and get it over with before I come over there and help you, homo.
>t. glownigger actually at risk of being nuked
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Someone should call them and tell them they lost it.
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Russians can jam attaCUMs for a pretty long time.
But why do they humiliate the Americans so often
Weren´t the Bradley tanks and fighting vehicles on the Red Square not enough in May?
I think its not worth to go into a propaganda war - nobody does it better than the US anyway
>yay we did it we bombed our own territory and people
>this will surely get our territory back
Lmao i knew ukrainians were retarded but fucking hell
you mean the supposed bombing where nobody died? get a grip you big fat kike.
Some darpa designed weird thing
>>Look at what the Russians just captured...
It totally looks like a McGuffin...
Russian Scientists are going to have a field day with it, all (((they))) had to do with it was not shoot it at the Russians, but like with the drones and Iran in the 2000's (((they can't help themselves)))
It is widely known that Americans have no balls but a pussy (scar that tries to heal)instead. Trans right are american rights!
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The gyroscope has fallen, billions must reverse engineer
oh no....
not the american enigma...
First post with some actual info. Thank you anon.
always wondered how glowniggers breed
thank my father, he works there
so what they are studying it when they cant afford it in the first place?
>peak poleposting
they're studying how to counter them, not how to buy them
if they figure out how to jam the guidance system the latest wonder weapon will be useless
They already jam gps, you can't jam ins and those ate all the guidance systems they have
That's gps jamming
Russians have their own systems.
You do realize they're regularly flying to space and have their own cruise and ballistic missiles, right?
a sybian?
so what? we already knew ukranians were fags
it's what's in the center of a tootsie pop
They also make the actuators for the smaller mirrors which make up the array of mirrors for the James Webb space telescope. The mirrors have mm precision and must function in cryogenic conditions.
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pro-tip: they wont
You can't even read the posts you're replying you dumb fucking snownigger.
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based gamecube appreciator
That's a pretty big if

fkn kek
eat shit zog fags
No anon, Europe belongs to America. Thanks for voting to let us build military bases in Finland btw
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>INS = Information Network System

Not in this case: INS = "Inertial Navagation System."
Is that a gud boi?
oink hohol keep oinking total khokol surrender soon
The ziggers already use this in their propaganda.
It’s a bayblade
Only 3rd world shithole countries show off military equipment
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>In b4 Inertial guiding system
obviously a triple stump dilator.
I always liked mine but its a shame it had relatively few games. Some good exclusives
Oh god I hope they don't figure out they can scan that bar code and get our 16 sekrit numbers...
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>The Shahed / Geran drone runs a CORETEX A7 chip just like the iPhone 5S.
>cheap deadly drone BAD
>only 50 million+ drone that does the same but also buys the stockholders of Boeing a new yacht GOOD
This makes me laugh and cry at the same time, anon. Fuck these kikes that conscript young men to kill each other.
Killing Russians is based because Russians are evil and need to be exterminated. I literally dont care if it's a war crime or not, they should be killed anyway.
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> In 2021, there were an estimated 1,258,635 persons of full or partial Ukrainian origin residing in Canada (the majority being Canadian-born citizens), making them Canada's eleventh largest ethnic group[1] and giving Canada the world's third-largest Ukrainian population behind Ukraine itself and Russia. Self-identified Ukrainians are the plurality in several rural areas of Western Canada.[3] According to the 2011 census, of the 1,251,170 who identified as Ukrainian, only 144,260 (or 11.5%) could speak the Ukrainian language (including the Canadian Ukrainian dialect).[4]
Redstone Arsenal is mentioned in this 1980s comedy sketch, 310 Redstone Rd. was the site of the "Bristol Butcher" incident on 10-12-22


It's the same gyro used in airliners aircrafts. lol It's in every 777.
3x AIDS-infected hoverboard motors in a stabilized gyro inertial nav unit
Another stupid shit that you barbaric retards think is the big deal
Anon posts the full .webm of the OP
>There's a barely visible twitch in the presenter's upper-body at 1:04-1:05 when he says "stages of the flight trajectory", where the captions of "flight trajectory" are in the webm
>The ATACMS uses multiple inertial navigation units knitted together with software, so it is able to maintain accuracy when GPS is lost from Russian electronic warfare better than other GPS-guided weapons.
mongol mongol
You're retarded, it's used in the m142 HIMARS.
Looks like sensor
complete and utter russhit murder
a covid biolab reactor
Do the Russians know wtf that is? I've never seen it in my life.
The thing is broken. No capture, just debris.
>we're winning against the biggest army of Europe
lol, nigger admits it, after hundreds of years of pretend.
Fuck Redstone. They fucked the city of Huntsville by bringing in so many faggots from the Northeast & California.
Part of the guidance system of an ATACMS perhaps.
cope vassal bitch. cry harder.
DA DA DA pravi sex Milos!

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