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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Not our fault your land collapsing
Built on flawed design and theft
It's the smell
if indians are so great then how come they can't stay in their own subcontinent
Do they have community colleges in India? Imagine what type of a person a community college student is like and then compare them to a kid who goes to a state school
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>high achievers
You need us
Don't you want doctors in your hospital?

2. Engineering: can valley survive?

3. Social cohesion: we motivate youngsters to work hard
Still not comprehending the hate !

Proof it was Indian ?
Can be white also
High achievers - scrum masters
>Don't you want doctors in your hospital?
Id rather die than be treated by jeet doctors
>Proof it was Indian ? Can be white also
No whites work at Tim Hortons
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>despite high achievers
Lol, lmao even.
>Don't you want doctors in your hospital?
Only if they are demonstrably competent.
Indian doctors, huh?
Both of my doctors have been replaced with Indians in the past year. They just tell me the same shit that I not only know about myself but have an understanding of (type 1 beetus, cause, treatments) and then try to get me on some new pill or shot they were probably bribed to push.
this thread was made by a chink or a jew. probably a jew. gotta keep the heat off
millions of you and hospitals remain understaffed. your talking points worked in the 80s when the educated were the ones immigrating. find some new ones relevant to today and the sentiment might change
because you're ugly and you smell like shit
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Biggest cope post lmao. We don't need nor want rapejeets
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Only Indians work at Tim hortons
shitjeets are the dumbest retard gorilla niggers on the planet
Even in the 80s ?
No. What a retarded question.

This is probably correct. As soon as the CCP and Isreal started taking heat, the anti pajeet distraction threads started.
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>identified as a source of hepatitis A outbreak

Look at the children of nurgle happily spreading his gifts!
kill yourself shitskin
how many times you gonna shitpost this today jeet
the anti shitjeet sentiment started when people had to interact with shitjeets on a daily basis. i don't even like calling you a subhuman because it implies resemblance to humanity. you're animals as best and shit golems at worst
They are a bioweapon, humanity’s extinction event.
as much fun as shitting on the street shitters has been recognize it is the jew and chink behind this as it usually is
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Look at everyone in this thread shitting on streetshitters. You want me to believe we're all kikes and dogeaters?
this. im starting to think the absolute end of civilization is brown, stinks like fucking shit, and has a stupid accent.
you're a streetshitter lol. classic shitjeet cope
>wah it's not possible for Whites to hate meee!!!!
>it's duh chinkzzzzzz
chinks are shit too, but they can at least behave with enough buck breaking. you shit monkeys cant even be potty trained
not at all. but there's a difference between a dung beatle and a snake. the jew has funnelled the street shitters into your country who no one would argue are absolutely disgusting. the chink is trying to corrupt your institutions.
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Literally no one that actually matters in Canada wants you there. Fucking kill yourself you worthless pajeet. Your death will be a net positive for humanity as a whole.
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Why don't you want to live on poop mountain anon? Stop being so racist!
I don’t hate anyone of any race, religion, sex, social class, or most well thought out political camps. I can get along with any one as long as they are respectful and maybe trying to be somewhat kind.

What I do hate are people who don’t assimilate or uphold my, my community’s, or my country’s values. That doesn’t mean you can’t bring your culture here, just that you have to live within the rules of your new country. This country (not just the USA, but where ever you move to) needs to be your new home. You can hold any allegiance to your old country or any other country. You can like them, want to emulate their culture or life (once again, within the rules of your new country), but you can NOT be aligned to them.

On top of that, at least in the US, we don’t have a short supply of skilled workers, we have a short supply of ethical, community-oriented businessmen. They would rather give you a job, or give it to an Indian working remote, than give it to an American who meets their qualifications. This is because they can pay you guys less and make more money for themselves, never minding that this deeply hurts the country. I don’t like skilled workers because they take high paying jobs away from skilled Americans.

Nkt enough skilled Americans? Fine, while you start to train the next group of skilled Americans, immigrate or offshore the jobs. But once skilled Americans are ready, give them the jobs. This isn’t good for executive’s profits, but it’s great for the country and the people.

Are there jobs that, consistently, no American wants to work? Sure, so give those jobs to the immigrants. They are probably low skilled, low paying, disrespected jobs, but if you want to move to another country, you should take what you can get.
I judge immigrants based on what ever shit hole they crawled out of. There is no argument that can be made to tell me my logic is flawed.
If indians were great, it would be reflected by their nation. instead, india is a literal toilet and its people have the most disgusting skin color, I say that while also knowing niggers exist.
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>Why are indians hated
How long do you have?
A good immigrant should assimilate to their new home, respectfully share their culture (mainly food), and either take unwanted jobs or create new jobs. Want to move here but don’t want to be a sewer cleaner or garbage man for a mall? Great, start a business. It’ll be more stressful, but you’ll make more money and be a good citizen, creating more jobs and boosting the economy. Immigrants who take skilled jobs don’t help the economy any more than a skilled American could, but an immigrant who starts a business does do more than just a skilled American. Stop taking IT jobs and start a third-party help desk company that hires Americans instead.
All day actually
Total pajeet deportation. No mercy. No exceptions.
fuck u pajeet ill rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole then put it back on ur dumb ass head
We have a family
>high achievers
Then why are 80% of you driving Uber eats and other low skill jobs?
NHS you conveniently forget
Why does your ID keep changing with every post? Also, respond to my other posts please.
I shit on ur family u fucking pajeet scumbag
fuck u indians ive had a shitty indian doctor who is there just for the pay
No mercy after your shit-loving faggots did, claiming to be a reincarnation of kid buu, how dare you?
Damn King Yama, should've reincarnate the evil original buu as a true aryan, not a fake one made out of shit.
It will eventually kill the whole story.
>a shitty indian doctor who is there just for the pay
You'll find those especially at the walk-in clinics.
Their skin color is truly revolting, it’s not black, tan, or brown, it’s like a nauseating purple/brown. Absolutely revolting.
Aren't whites doing same ?
You're not an ethical people
Sure sir 2 mins sir
Oh yeah all the retarded receptionist that can barely speak English and the idling “nurses”. The NHS is one of the reasons why I hate you retards. Indians have genuinely caused a competency crisis by being such prolific mouth breathers. Every time I need something from the doctor I have to go through 2 or 3 different Indian phone jockeys who can barely follow a basic conversation
We setup motels / Companies and hire you guys
Hospital run by Indian management also do same bro
IT jobs doesn't define everything we do

Skilled Americans would exist but your greed has made college expensive and your food made you lazy that's where we come in
Whites didn’t
Imitation is highest form of flattery

But Indians did develop Mauritius Seychelles and Trinidad .
>Every time I need something from the doctor I have to go through 2 or 3 different Indian phone jockeys who can barely follow a basic conversation
Your accent can be difficult to understand
i've seen more than a few who were literally the color of shit. no exaggeration. i wouldn't be at all surprised if they were that color because they wiped their own shit on their faces. they are filthy dirty creatures.
Just take your meds idiot
indians r racist to anyone who isn't indian they give shit treatment to white ppl specifically
Sikhs are bro tier, though. You can't deny that.
you can't even pronounce simple words in english and your "accent" makes you sound even stupider than you are. throw in a head bobble or two and you're just laughable. do you really believe anyone takes you seriously?
look around the next time you're out. everyone you see is disgusted by you and your kind even if they're not saying anything.
go back to india
Old English teacher mentioned this.
When he was young it was about British English . Later American forms of grammar slang and spelling became official as America is the superpower and English is the business Language.

Due to China and India’s influence their grammar for English will be official .

British i am going to the store at night
American im going to the store at nite
Asian I go to store at night/nite
I can barely understand ur gay pajeet accent
>high achievers
You mean your faggot elite who is too pussied out and self-hating to built your country? The same people who will give away your daughters to White Canadians for free, as long as she produces White-Indian mischlings? Of the same ancestry that let you lower caste plebians slave away for over 300 years to the British?
>Not our fault your land collapsing
On your benefit, this is the Turd's fault as the first thing he did is to sell out his country to literally the rest of the world.
Then take meds then
Reminds me of something Emptyhero once said while a pajeet was listening. "most people don't know this. But indians are actually White. they're just covered in so much liquid shit"
Indians have a unique ability where even if they don't actually stink, people just get revolted by the smell of a pajeet anyway.
I do deny that. I don't care where from india is. indians all suck. they aren't Aryan, they aren't Asian and they aren't White. They're jews+niggers.
I dont have any meds to take
>Skilled Americans would exist but your greed has made college expensive and your food made you lazy that's where we come in

u stinking pajeets jacked up the college tuition and blaming it on us ?
I fucking hate you walking diarrhea, shitbag poos so fucking much. I have pleasant dreams at night where I'm smashing your disgusting heads in and splattering what little grey matter you have all over the fucking walls.

When shit collapses, you are first.
Abominations are destined for destruction/ hell only like you American
Still sandnigger.
fuck u pajeet ill rip the towel off ur head take a shit in it then put it back on ur dumb ass head
>high achievers
is that why every fast food, taxi, and convenience store worker is a jeet?
fucking retarded subhuman kill yourself
Because they have over run everything, everywhere.

Even the Canada Housing protest thing is clearly run by people who are not Canadian and do not speak fluent English.
You post same threat twice you a bot ?
Indians will always be a hard take in the west. I know it sounds silly and superficial but they really do smell weird to a lot of people here. Coriander, marsala, fenugreek, even cumin and turmeric are super strong spices and for some reason they seem to come out of people's pores. I love all those flavors but I understand the problem with the smell. I ate a yellow curry Friday night and I can still fucking smell it on me.
u curry niggers made my pizza with the thinnest crust I paid 15 bucks for that shit and u nickel and dime me here and there with the toppings I will forever hate u fucking cheapskates never buy from indian
i imagine you typing this with your shit colored/covered hands with a stupid self-satisfied grin on your face while your head bobbles thinking you accomplished something and not realizing that actual civilized people are laughing at you. tell me i'm wrong.
shut up u curry nigger go deliver my DoorDash before it gets cold I dont want cold food ! dont get ur curry farts in my order
Please. No animal lives like these creatures.
Different from currynigger
>going to the doctor
Kill yourself, you fat pile of shit.
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These trips don't lie
I already touched on that. I don’t hold you guys entirely at fault, but you are still part of the problem in my eyes, because you are still taking away the jobs.
>your food made you lazy
I can’t argue with that, but we are still some of the most productive workers in the world (pic rel). For reference, India is 126 and the average Indian produces $7-8/hour while Americans produce $70/hour.
>IT doesn’t define everything we do
I know, I wasn’t trying to say that you only do IT, it’s just the example I went with, for obvious reasons. You say you setup motels and other companies and hire Americans, and that’s exactly what I’m talking about. That what you should do. Create more jobs for American while earning a good living for yourself. Sadly, that’s not the majority of immigrants at all. Only half of one percent (0.5%) of immigrants start their own business (only 0.3% of Americans do, but that’s not the point).
>hospitals run by Indians do the same
I know I’m not who you were responding to, but I want to touch on that anyway. Immigrate being hired as doctors or management is still taking skilled work away from Americans and it doesn’t create more jobs. I have no doubt that immigrants can be just as good of doctors or managers as Americans.
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Poo healthcare
There’s actually a language in India called “Kannada”
Those are quacks
Not all indian
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Go on, please more...
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why do you call indian traditional medicine quacks?
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>VPN calls someone else a bot
>shove the finger up his ass
nooo saar they arent indian saar they r quacks
why shouldn't india be british ruled they are more educated and more skilled?
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Your entire country and every single one of you bipedal, walking, talking, head bobbling piles of feces needs to be flushed.
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>someone actually spray painted a wojak meme on a wall and thought it was good and funny
Well, I'll be off now
I'm convinced these threads are from tel aviv
Do whatever you want with your soulless globohomo country, just don't send them to Québec please.
I don't know who is behind the anti indians campaign but it is an OP that is sure not that it doesn't have organic support.
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it's actually because of this exact attitude that you and all the other sub 80 iq jeets display when trying to lecture canadians on how amazing you are.
r u kidding me ? those indians r flooding my country and taking over. they r stinking up the place of course we hate their guts
The "high achievers" was determined to be false advertising. What we got was a bunch of dravidian sub90IQ rapemonkeys running shady businesses that promote criminal activity and damage infrastructure.
>Don't you want doctors in your hospital?
We have chronic unemployment and underemployment. Run the numbers through the same formula they used in the 1980s. In the U.S. we've had double digit unemployment since the housing crash. And that number doesn't tell you how many people can't buy homes and can't form families because their jobs are shit.
>2. Engineering: can valley survive?
Your avg IQ is fucking 76. Lower than African Americans who struggle every day to integrate into an advanced civilization and accomplish something. What fucking talent do you have? Your best and brightest are stolen from their homeland to enrich God damn billionaire elites, writing stupid phone apps when India needs infrastructure, medicine, politicians who will lead your people away from stupid Hindu beliefs about cow piss. Any Indian who actually does have talent is desperately needed in India. This is worse than ANYTHING the British did while India was a colony. "muh brits stole our resources!" IQ is the most important and scarce resource, and India is being raped of the few capable people it actually has.
go back to india Rajesh singh
its still and OP, good OPs are like cloud seeding you only start it the an organic groundswell amplifies it and pour down the rain

I still recognize that its not organic but not sure who does it. If its chinese or muslims.
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>We have a family
That makes it even worse. WTF makes you think we want more of you???
While that's true, the bad acting format of OP, which is a script at this point, seems to be the jews trying to strategically maximize racial unrest. They're the ones pumping them into the country and this campaign is a big poking stick
> IQ is the most important and scarce resource, and India is being raped of the few capable people it actually has.

Because, they're not high achievers.
Brother no need to arguing with these white peoples. They are so much proudy but when I’m see them they always working poor jobs.

I’m making healthy sum of $60,000 as a salesforce developer. What is you doing timmy? Stocking to shelves?
thats cause the jeet cant spell and his English is bad
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If poos are so great then why is their whole country shitty?
if it is heebs then it would be to deflect hatred maybe the US dislikes that modi is too close to BRICs
but most likely is that its chinese or muslims who started the OP
>I’m making healthy sum of $60,000 as a salesforce developer

ur making peanuts as a fucking code monkey do urself a favour and go back to india we dont like indians here shove the curry and all ur belongings up ur ass and get out
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>Stocking to shelves?
heebs are behind all racial discord. they promote shitskins to be extra shitty and the tell you how shitty the shitskins are making the world.

muzzies are too stupid for subtle psyops and chinks are busy making gore on surveillance cameras.
>it's always the jews
No, I don't want indian doctors, they're worthless.
No, I don't want indian engineers either.
You motivate people to wash their hands more and take a shower, nothing else.
indians are nominally one of the only heeb allies
Out of the trillions of jeets in india, they can't even engineer clean running water or basic waste management. What the fuck are they coming here to 'engineer', phone scams?
I made 60k as a dishwasher one year, lmfao, you're retarded. 60k is poverty level. I can start making 180k a year at any time and so can anybody else who doesn't have a bad driving record. Pajeets are retards lol
>make shitty ESL post from compromised anglo country
>saars is the jews and the chinks behind this!
yea they sure are fucking stupid!
>bragging about it
lmao even
Wherever an Indian goes, he will pretend to be white. But he is not white. And he isn't much of an actor either. And they are insufferable consumerists as well. I wouldn't nuke India, and am happy for Indians to be happy - in India. I wouldn't visit the place, and think dumb white girls who get beheaded kind of deserve it, but no pajeet ever called me no nigger. However, they shouldn't be in my country, or yours. Perhaps a small amount, like < 1%, just to amuse us with their clowning and fetch us lemonade and whotnot. Even then we should be able to deport them any time they commit even a small crime, including not knowing where they are going when they Uber us.
Based trips. All indians btfo until the end of time. They will poo in loo and they will like it too
Brothers. We must get Poilievre elected or else we will be overrun by poos. Do what you can to get him in office in 2025.
hes already ganna get elected there is no contest
You don’t even wipe after defecation. How can you even speak to Indian peoples? We are ancient civilization that created the most profound art and literature in the world. Where you from? Where you ancestors coming from? Fucking cave yea? Fucking bitch.
its amazing how israels allies are the most hated by them evangelical christians, european racists and hindu nationalist xD

they literally spit on the only suckers defending them
I'm not Chinese or Muslim and I only come to 4chan to spread as much hate about the poos as I can. They're a fucking plague, if you don't feel the same way you're either a poo or you're naive and have little experience around them.
When you go to check up for doctor remember to show respects.
it was an OP initially but its now organic
I made this thread here for example
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My doctor is white you fucking retard. I wouldn't let anyone of you disgusting pieces of shit near me. Drink your cow piss, roll around in cow shit and pray to your lobster arm, dick nose, tranny god.
>rise to high positions through DEI and nepotism
>"but saar why are we hated?"
Indians are what jews would look like if they were stupid.
fuck u pajeet shove the curry up ur ass and go back to india fuck my indian doctor hes a fucking lazy coolie fucl all indians
We can google our own symptoms. We don't need to pay you to do the same thing, Rajesh.
Anon.. I-
They're fucking losers with identity crisis so they adopted black culture and call everyone bro. It's fucking pathetic.
How many respects, specifically?
Poojeet doctors lol
Poojeet software engineers lol
You guys are scamming idiots and your degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on
I have yet to meet a poojeet that didn’t buy or cheat for his degree
You know the answer, but it involves accountability, so youll never accept it as reality.
Because indians are vile, repulsive people. Even white liberal SJWs are openly racist about Indians. This is how fuckinf repulsive you subhumans are. Indians are cockroaches.
>You need us
No they don't. Fuck off.
kill yourself, you stinky street shitting monkey. we all hate you and cannot wait for when you've all been forcefully removed. you are a parasite of the worst order
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Cockroaches aren't people anon.
You most likely landed a job through nepotism because you can't even string a proper sentence together.
This is the truth. Africans, Muslims, Chinese have some good qualities. Indians have none. They are vile subhuman filth that need to be removed from this planet
What's wrong with community colleges? The end goal is to transfer. You know people from CC transfer to the state universities you mention?
We develop
You steal
Common theme in history
Im not a maple nigger and to me they are BARELY better than you, but you are a disease and should be eradicated, or at the very least contained to your subcontinent. Your street shitting ways are vile and you do not deserve the gift of life.
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I think Indians deserve all the free gibs they could get because you whyte peepo couldn't be bothered to overthrow your government for enacting shit foreign policy.
>We have a family
and they all need to be exterminated
shut the fuck up curry nigger ill rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole with it then put it back on ur dumb head
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
foreign policy ? thats Kissinger shit u mean immigration policy ?
Indians are so disgusting
… zero self awareness
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Thank You for Providing The Kali of This Yuga ...
>We develop
shit in shit out
HOW? As a truck driver? Can you elaborate?
oh shut the fuck up you illiterate street shitter
all three are correct and are not bound by any region or whatever you've deluded to yourself into believing
"I'm going to the store at night" - wrong, not conversational, it would be "I'm going to the store tonight"
"I go to the store at night" - correct, but would be during a conversation about what times the people talking like to go to the store. nothing fucking asian about it
you don't understand jack shit about the english language, hundreds of years of literature prove you wrong and no matter how much you bobble headed fucks butcher it, everyone who can speak the language despises your accent and your retarded way of speaking
i can only imagine how much you shit golems butcher spanish
Any webms of indians harassing white girls?
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You may be indian jeff bezos, but you poojeets absolutely smell like shit regardless.
LMFAO where is this
did the jew and chink tricked pajeets not to poo in loo?
This is peasant tier peaceful protesting. IndianGODS, you won.
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>prostate milking
>doesn't even pull down his shorts
Been saying it for years. We need another based Teddy

"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all ... The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality, than with the other citizens of the American Republic ... There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else."
Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
no way this isn't some form of fetish
the only good thing about Indian doctors is how fucking easy it is to get any prescription you want from them

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