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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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But Biden is already supporting a genocide. Fucking idiot
It's fucking hilarious to hear the insane shit these people believe.
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nah, it's not just a stutter. biden is a steve brule level retard now
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Does the stutter negatively affect his groping of children, faggot?
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>faggot flag
opinion discarded
they calling no war trump genocide and dictator lol
>reddit pedophile
It's not funny anymore they don't deserve any rights or to live of they only exist to serve jews.
2 genocides
>bloodlust for genocide
My friend has always said these people all have mental illness, and I pushed back on that. "They're normal people other than wanting to be fucked by someone in a dog costume for some reason" I said (or something like that) MAN. I can't look him in the fucking eyes.
go back you fucking faggot
He's just a good hearted older statesman who at times has difficulty remembering and speaking but always tells the truth.
They tried to make it happen with all due effort. That's just the worst part about liars, they hide themselves behind this flag of peace and love while they are all killers while the ones painted as killers as the ones trying to bring peace to the world with less bloodshed as possible.
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>bloodlust for genocide
proceeds to take the trump injections
stutter. all I can think now is biden saying “Now that’s what I call high-quality H2O.” to Ashley.
Stuttering /= confusing events, names and dates and being unable to maintain a coherent train of thought. There are times where he does stutter, but the context of his responses points to brain damage. Saying no US soldiers died under his administration is memory loss. Confusing covid with housing prices is cognitive decline. Losing his cool when Trump called Hunter a druggie loser shows loss of emotional control (uncharacteristic for a supposed seasoned career politician).
here comes retard empowerment scapegoat all over again
you wish biden was that articulated
it is funny they thought trump had dementia and biden didnt lol
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>chungus bigeldore
Not a trump lover but I really do share a country who retards think he's pol pot or mao. I wish he actually was and would just starve them to death already.
nature kills off the unworthy.
we don't!
Trump has dementia? He seemed pretty witty in the debate. Also who has Trump genocided?
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oh, i know he has a stutter. i agree.
I read that as Biden first, then Trump for the last part, based on their actual results. People still like results right? Or is the MIC going to assassinate any politician who does not bow to their will? (biden bowed so quick he likes it up his ass) while Trump still holding out on the MIC. Does the MIC actually believe THEY are America? Don't the MIC CEOs and board members have names and addresses?
I don't think you understand how grim it is. They WANT WW3 with Trump and Republicans in charge specifically so that an international coalition can invade, take over, and "denazify" the country, conquering it completely. Muh gunz were a good deterrent until drone warfare became increasingly effective and asymmetrical.
But this is the opposite of reality. Do all liberals live in a delusion bubble? How else could they believe the dementia patient who threatens to slaughter Americans with nukes and F16s is peaceful, and the guy who ended wars has bloodlust?
>to hear the insane shit these people believe
except they don't. They just telling to the others that they do.
a "genocide" the "victims" started and are paying the price for it.
>muh fascist dictator
If only Trump had actually turned out to be the thing these faggot leftists believed that he was.
Heard someone in public say Trump winning would be the end of western civilization today in a distraught tone
>A facist dictator with dementia and bloodlust for genocide
Which one?
You have to wonder why that gay redditor doesn't know there are over 1 billion people in this world who live in nations whose people are emigrating into his backyard that want him dead.

It's fucking weird how with the Internet people are STILL so willfully ignorant. It's like they force themselves to eat blue pills because it's just easier to live in ignorance. But it's starting to look like that's not going to be an option for much longer as everything is starting to unravel worldwide.
Biden and the Democrats were everything they said Trump was.
>I enjoy wasting my entire life's time watching jewish nonsense
Who would you rather have comment on your political ambiance? A diseased faggot, or an experienced politician who is the constant victim of conspiratorial news broadcasting? AIDS/HIV does cause dementia.
saul alinsky rulebook kike shit
good for you, you sound like a fucking faggot
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Reddit is just filled with comments like this. It's crazy how much fedposting is allowed to go on.
They can't possibly believe the things that they type, can they?
This guy is stupid trump doesn't have a stutter.
9 months of retaliation and 30k dead kids for 1300 dead jews. Seems fair
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>KNOWN in all caps to put extra emphasis on their confidence in this argument and the nothingbugerness of biden's "stutter"
I can just picture a know-it-all libtard saying that post to me, raising their voice and clapping their hands in my face as they say "KNOWN" with a condescending attitude
They only get information from the news. To them the news is a primary source.

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