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Why do Republicans always lose the popular vote? Zoomers have grown up in a country where the majority of Americans hate conservatives.
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>shill thread
Democrats cheat ballots in most major metros.

Nobody cares about you ahistorical talking points
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Define "american" muttoid lol.
Republicans refuse to appeal to their actual voter base (White people), because the party only exists to occupy political space, suck up energy that would otherwise be used to oppose the left, and make money. So they can never be really popular and they don't want to be.
Someone with United States citizenship.
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california skews popular vote too much
take a look at 2016
hillary won it by almost 4.5 million
total popular vote by less than 3 mill
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oh boy do i have a redpill for you
>tldr jews manipulated ww2 draft (which was a lottery-like draft) to send more republicans to die in europe while they blent into the Dem party which slowly win more elections over time due to the aforementioned edge
>they then gradually centralized their power over the years and reach the prominence we see they have nowadays
Land doesn't vote. This image is meaningless. Where you live in the country shouldn't determine how much worth your vote is for a national election.
yet they are counted the same, you shill.
That's the dumbest conspiracy theory I have heard in a while.
We are not a unitary country, so you are stupid/ignorant or shilling/sliding
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nose pic right now
See you in November
>We are not a unitary country
And that's fucking stupid.
At least 50% of white people are anti-racist
You can't win an election by pandering to "white interests". You're a retard. Enjoy getting 20% of the vote
>popular vote
Why are niggers this dumb?
Imagine if it WERE, the rigging would be far far worse.
Because states like California cheat like crazy, the people that originally setup the electoral college knew this exact scenario could happen so they created it as a guard against it
ACLU's (((Mark Rosenbaum))) brought a lawsuit against Proposition 187 and Judge (((Mariana Pfaelzer))) overturned it. That allowed illegals to take over California.
Actually it should. America is so large and diverse, each state has its own issues to deal with. Each state is like a different country almost and deserves weighted representation
50% of that map is NO MAN land without people legally living in it.
>Why do Republicans always lose the popular vote?
Because it's irrelevant so they don't try to win the popular vote. They don't campaign in big population centers that they won't win.
Someone eant to show me where "the popular vote" is in the constitution... oh that's right, nowhere. Cope seethe stay mald L cry about it.
59% of all eligible voters support the republican party.

The democratic party 'wins' the popular vote because they have spent 100 billion dollars on registering every last stoner, nigger and jew they can find.
Then leave. This country is not for you. This is the United STATES of America, not "America".
Not really, the founders understood that different states people living different lives from each other should each have a say, city people shouldn't be able to inflate their population numbers and be able to tell people in another state how to live. It's quite genius in the fact no matter how many people the dems try to cram into california and new york you can't really tell people in indiana and texas and ohio what to do. And as a very last option the states that get sick of your shit can survive without you.
It is stupid that california is in the union, yes.
>You can't win an election by pandering to the majority of the population
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>land doesn't vote
>land doesn't matter
>CA land should determine the elections.
What are they conserving?
In 2016 Trump was leading the popular vote for two days after the election. California kept finding ballots for several days. Millions of them appear to have been printed in China. You never heard about it because there was no official audit.
Being a parent means being a parent first. I'll be their friend after I raise them right. You are the kids.
Cities are tumors and their denizens shouldn't be able to vote
there is a reason America is a republic not a democracy
EC was not stablished to prevent Popular Vote, it was cause it was easier to hold local election and then send official people to represent that vote instead of having to wait weeks for Pony express to deliver the votes from people living in butt fuck off county.

The ONLY Reason EC is kept in place right now is cause since John Quincy Adams it proved to be a tool to potential clutch a win even if you were the non popular option.
Zoomers? Isn't that also true for Millennials? Only the older millennials who are in their 40s now, have ever lived in a time when Conservatives were actually popular & the norm. Even then most of those millennials were only 5 years old at best.
You understand what FEDERAL LAND is??
Universal suffrage was a mistake.
you didn't dispute anything I said
There is no "popular vote", the US is a republic of states. Each state agreed to join the Republic on the promise that they would have representation. There are no nationwide elections, only state elections of senators, representatives and presidential electors.
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Its not the United States of Los Angeles you stupid beaner. I see that LAUSD still isn't teaching you basic civics.
Are people allowed to vote in federal land?
There is no "popular vote." It is a childish fantasy that you made up.
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>the areas that voted for Hillary
>five cities
get fucked.
no cause the State determines who can enter or live in federal land. the people that vote is those that live in the gaps in between
every time a leftoid references the popular vote, I slide further right. I am a libertarian, but at this point I am ready to vote for a fascist to rid this nation of its retards.

and neither have trannies. What's your point?
And even if they were, like I said, 50% of whites are cucked and will immediately vote against any "pro white" candidate for being a nazi
And presidential candidates aren't trying to win the "popular vote"; their money and strategies are directed at winning a majority of state electors. They would be retarded to pursue the "popular vote" at the expense of capturing 270 state electoral votes.
>muh popular vote
the real redpill is realizing that the US entered the vietnam war in order to ratify the 26th amendment
Brainless shitskin citydweller NPCs breed like cockroaches and they all vote dem. Quality is more important than quantity.
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wrong. everyone living on a military base does not run off to find a gap to vote in.
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No electoral college means candidates would only campaign in and pander to 5 nigger and spic infested cities. The orange fool is right.
The liberals always cheat in the general.
Military Men have absenthy ballots from their residential State you Muppet.

If someone from California is stationed in Nevada, his vote will count in California, not in Nevada.
other wise, during election cycle, Gov could just pack bases with certain political affiliated voters and win that state by default
you would think that a party that is constantly bitching about "equity" would be able to grasp the necessity for the electoral college
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>import millions of illegals
>let them register to vote
>teehee now we're the majority :^)
I said the American people.
yeah, but chud, you need to prove that... and if you try to investigate it, you will be arrested for election denial.
apparently there just aren't enough dead voters to secure the them the win anymore
Overturning of Prop 187
You mean like they do with taxes to stack votes and representation?
If you remove california vote republicans have won the popular vote every single time in the last 24 years.
Texas barely have Federal Land, nigger
Its funny how this been claimed for decades and we never seen anything more than maybe 5 people per election cycle.
Can't believe no one mentioned that California and New York openly has millions of fraudulent votes
its the MAGA party now. GOP R.I.P.
>Land doesn't vote
Correct. But raw number of votes isn't the criteria by which the election winner is determined either.
The majority of america votes no to end segregation and gay marriage.

Do you think there are more idiots or geniuses in the world? Muh majority! Lmao
The popular vote means nothing in the republic
Because the popular vote doesn't mean shit, we're not a Direct Democracy so it has no weight and should not be afforded any.
You do actually see the public right? Who in their right mind would want to be popular amongst these fucking idiots. What a low bar.
>Proves democracy doesn't work.
Just think how the hordes would destroy your country if it did.
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

9:45 PM ยท Nov 6, 2012

He forgot to add "And that's a good thing."

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