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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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He dindu nuffin. Free my nigga
white guys defraud and steal millions of dollars and ruin the lives of families and communities. People kill themselves. But okay lets focus on a particular group and a particular race and a particular type of crime
Sounds good
Future rocket scientist
>haiti was in an all out civil war with street cannibals mere months ago
>got memoryholed so hard /pol/ doesnt even mention it
I married a girl in my 30s I knew when I was 12. She never gave me any attention in school except for making fun of me once and some part of me thought:
>fuck you bitch. I'm gonna get you pregnant one day.

Well, she moved away, met a guy nearly 30 who got her into alcohol and cocaine. Then he got her working on a stripper pole. Then he whored her out so he could take all her money and have an excuse to fuck other chicks.
Then she caught him sucking a dude's dick one day and left him. Whored until she was 24, then got with a sugar daddy for 8 years before going back to whoring another 5 or so years. Smoking crack, meth, doing Molly and letting strangers rail her out for 200, 300 bucks.

Well in my 30s, she hit me up. A mess. A broken mess. I was like "fuck it, why not?" My life was already ruined from some sad shit. I took her in, let her move in with me, married her, and we had a very black baby together.

It gets to me, what she did. What that sweet little thing I wanted so bad when I was 12 did for cash with men old enough to be our dads. 150. 250. Countless. She was a real slut on her off time as well. Drunk for 15 years.

In the end, I love her. I realize she's trashed herself and made herself beyond hope really. She's still a BPD psycho who sometimes relapses and hits the bottle.

All I can say is, I've been respectful and understanding of her struggle, I've gained a lot of self esteem for the good choices and life sacrifices I've made. I've not judged her, but made it clear I see her choices with scorn and explained myself. I've allowed myself to heal by giving myself permission to love these damaged goods like no other man really could.

Also, I'm 1/??? Men to ever make her cum on the bottom. So that gives me some sense of personal esteem and value. Her shitty choices had nothing to do with me. Her better choices? That's 90% me. Effectively, I rescued a hoe successfully and I guess I'd do it again.
>white guys
it still is
>nigger menace
>our/guy Colin Flaherty (RIP)

The clip at the following link is a now-famous letter written to author & radio host Colin Flaherty by a high power attorney describing the nigger menance after his term serving as a "public defender". It's downright chilling.

Colin Flaherty (RIP) wrote such best-sellers as "Don't Make The Black Kids Angry" and "White Girl Bleed A Lot"

The Greatest Letter Ever Written To Colin Flaherty
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Somebody tell this fool what Detroit was like a century ago.
If the poor girl was whored out at 12, it would seem to me like a clear indicator of something that is too much to handle. It took me more than 1mg acid to realize with what happened at 3 years old. A little relief at a time. And then life becomes easier and you are sweeter and life is sweeter and everything is nice.
So think of this: hate the game, not the player. You see something you deem unfair but you would totally be onboard if you were included? Go figure. It's better to not judge as much and try instead to put yourself in their position and find the right combo moves to get her out of it. Like a game.
So yes, you did succeed in hoe rescue and bravo for that.
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Wtf? Nukes leave that much behind?!
>another coalburning whore sob story
What a mothefucking cukk
The biggest ethnic cleansing of ALL TIME is that of black babies by abortion. Nearly HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black, and nearly 40% of black pregnancies end with the baby being killed in the womb. As blacks are only 13% of the population these numbers are horrific


The most evil, cowardly and selfish act anyone can commit is murder the weakest and most vulnerable human beings. This is why it is impossible to name a single thing in this world more evil and demonic than abortion. Abortion murders babies, damages mothers and creates a culture that views ALL human life as disposable

When we murder our weakest and most vulnerable, whether by abortion in the womb or euthanasia outside the womb, any and all respect for human life AS A WHOLE becomes non-existent

It's because our culture tolerates abortion that we tolerate mass murder, shootings, allowing needy people to die, abuse of the vulnerable and many other horrible things. Abortion has cemented Neo-Malthusian thinking and eugenics in our culture as every abortion is a eugenic abortion. You cannot have any respect for human life and persons at any stage of life if you support murdering the weakest and most desperate to survive

I do not believe our society and our world could fall much further once it solidifies murdering the most innocent and vulnerable of any group of people, be it the preborn or the sick and disabled, into its culture

When murdering those whom we have an obligation to protect and love becomes normalized then no amount of depravity is off limits.

Over 66 MILLION preborn babies have been aborted in America alone since 1973 which is more dead Americans than in every war America has been involved in COMBINED. No war, famine or even genocide has killed that many in such a short amount of time.

Those of us who can must stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

God will judge us for allowing this barbarism to happen.
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Have a picture.
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Here is an estimate of the damage of that same bomb dropped on Bangcock.
The red circle is total destruction and the dark grey circle is widespread collapse of residential houses and similar structures.
The first nukes were quite small.
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What I meant to include also: if you feel the weed is too strong, it means you don't need it anymore. I noticed this with me. My tolerance goes way down after I solve a problem. And I just can't get myself to smoke. The downsides are too much. Coughing. Tar.
The fact you understand her struggle means you should take it upon you as a mission to find more of these women and put them onto the right path. I say this seriously: your skill for empathy (emotional intelligence, maturity) grants you this.
This is essentially what a pimp is. But you could just turn them away from it. You could take yourself a few others and make kids that are upright and positive. I think if you took it upon yourself to lead a militia to give up Baja to California, you would immediately succeed. The militia is to tell the citizens: do not worry about cartel. Because if cartel does anything to somebody under MY protection, everybody learns how to turn milk into tropinone.

And you have to do this with a smile on your face. Cartel understand what it means if tropinone becomes widely available. They understand how thin the ice they are walking on is. Yet, they thought it was a good idea to produce Fent in TJ. WTAF.
he raped someone with benjamin button disorder?
It's not too bad. I thought it would at least hit Asok or Khlong Toei. Maybe soon you can make regular explosives with high N content as leverage against cartels without any heavy metals but 100km green radius to let Baja have a legitimate referendum to join California :)
Blacks are not "niggers" but full and equal PEOPLE made in the Imago Dei.
People bitch about the Mexican border when we let these island niggers into the US when ever someone spills a cup of water.
We send millions to Haiti as well.
They have been leeching off tax payer money via gibs for way longer than the spics.
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Yet one of the greatest musical geniuses of the past 30 years was a nignog from Detroit.

the problem isn't "this group of people is doing bad things", faggot
it's "this group of people is doing bad things, but we must protect them from the heckin racisms"
Agreed. Eminem is the best rapper. Jay-Z actually sucks. He only raps about money and material things.

Do you think we could block out the sun and illuminate black people with a different light and they'd appear white? Kinda like Albinos. They're like "fuck you, sun. I ain't reacting to your rays"
No they're not, wop.
>jewish community council of detroit
the perfect punchline to this joke
What's preventing you from seeing their humanity?

Jews are NOT the problem. Lack of Christ is. Jews can see the light of Christ and repent like St. Paul did.
>jewish community council of detroit
I hate them so fucking much
That particular group are placed in our midst like an executioners sword, directly over our heads to antagonise and threaten us constantly.
>What's preventing you from seeing their humanity?
Their stupidity and evil.
Where ever they go, they must rape.
How are blacks evil?
>He dindu nuffin
she wanted it...
They do evil things without consideration of the consequences. They do evil things and don't feel bad. They do evil things and hate you if you try to stop them or bring justice upon them. They do evil things even to total strangers and frequently for no reason at all. They have no instinct for fairness or honor or shame or honesty. They never do the right thing unless compelled to. The righteousness and morality of any population containing them goes down proportionally to their density.
Repent what my friend? Do you understand what repenting means? Hint: "repenser" in French means "rethink".

"Monsieur" in French is pronounced Messiø. Monsieur is short for "mon seigneur". "Seigner" means "to bleed". "Enseigner" means to teach. The literal is "to bleed into someone". So messiah is just somebody to teach you.
In my experience, there is no better teacher than introspection. LSD is good for this. The Jewish people of Detroit discouraging people from leaving did so for a good reason: they were right.
The Jews currently just need somebody to tell them: it's OK. We can see the desperation in Netanyahu's eyes. This means you regret. Accept responsibility and it's over.

It's literally "I hereby end this war now and I am deploying IDF to assist California to secure a referendum" and leave this mess for another day.
Americans are good at governing. I myself am Egyptian/Luxembourgish. If Egypt was renamed California overnight with Wholefoods and Traitor Joe's and 7-11 Big Gulp (it was so awesome anytime my homie took me on long drive to go buy things from farrrr away, in the evening on the way back we'd get some good weed and 7-11 and Chipotle) and good santiation, I'd move there in a heartbeat. Imagine all the current immigrants being relocated to Baja and then learning how to fix people and then they go back to where they came from and make it as beautiful as California and then the whole world becomes California with really good climate. Kala in Greek means Good. Forn in Egyptian means oven. So California is oven of good things :)
>dishonest memeflag jew attempting to derail thread by making anons bash christianity
What evil things? Is this behavior inherent to being black? Why?

Christ came for ALL the nations.
Luckily he was too obvious by trying to directly defend jews
>HALF of all babies killed by abortion are black
Her body her choice, retard.
>What evil things?
Anything you can think of. Murder, torture, kidnapping, burglary, battery, theft. Drug making, selling, buying and using. Prostitution, child abuse, driving drunk, vandalism.
>Is this behavior inherent to being black?
Based. Dilla and MF DOOM are two of the only Blacks I strongly respect and admire.

The preborn baby isn't the 'mother's body' but its own separate unique PERSON.

So you support eugenics against blacks? Why? Are blacks not able to be redeemed through Christ?
>So you support eugenics against blacks? Why?
Eugenics? No. I support their deportation or extermination. They are incompatible with honest society. They will bring about our ruination.
>Are blacks not able to be redeemed through Christ?
The fate of their souls is not mine to judge. But their effects in the world of the living, is.
what was she wearing tho
>No. I support their deportation or extermination. They are incompatible with honest society. They will bring about our ruination.

You are a sick and demonic individual. Blacks are PEOPLE made in the Imago Dei who deserve full human dignity. Eugenics is satanic. Wanting the extermination of entire races is satanic.

>But their effects in the world of the living, is.

And you don't believe they're able to be redeemed? They can't find Christ and repent and do good?
>Eugenics is satanic. Wanting the extermination of entire races is satanic.
You clearly have not read the bible.
>And you don't believe they're able to be redeemed?
On a population level? No.
Christ came to remove the old law. I follow Christ and Christ's Church (Rome).

>On a population level? No.

What about Aesop Rock and Q Tip and so on?

You know: you don't have to have a particular skin colour to lack guidance. It's pretty clear that Franks/Schwabs/etc spread the guidance throughout pretty much the entire world.
Swiss, Belgian, French, Luxembourgish Franks - those used to be currencies. Think Benjamin Franklin. Maybe you yourself are a Franklin. Many Xinese are called Ng/Huang/Chuang/etc. Guinea. Good news. Gospel. Good spell. Nigger. News good. Jews. Juden. Goods. They just have to show that they actually reciprocate with their alleged ally.

If they do not, Israel may be invaded to ensure the safety of the Haredim. Freedom fighting, you know.
>lets focus on a particular group and a particular race and a particular type of crime
Yeah I'm not sure why mainstream media focus on White-on-black crime either when it's so rare. Hmmm....
Christ never said all peoples were capable of salvation. Indeed, he even warned the jews themselves they would bring about their ruination. And so they did, a century after they murdered Jesus.
Because they are simply not cognitively capable of it. How can you teach morality to a man who cannot even conceive of guilt or righteousness?
Aesop Rock is white dummy.
>How can you teach morality to a man who cannot even conceive of guilt or righteousness?

And you believe this is an issue of genetics?
It is.
Prove it.
Niggers are consistently evil in every nation and throughout all of history, everywhere on earth. There is not one example of them not being the worst element of their society for the whole duration of man's existence. If this were not intrinsic to their nature, such a trend would not be do consistent.
All conjecture. The only thing you're saying is blacks need a strong moral system AKA Christ and Christ's Church. No one deserves to be killed or deported or aborted for being the "wrong" race.
This is America, do whatever the fuck you want! Obviously if there is room for two contrasting criminals then there is room for two prosecutions. Is 4chan the only website? You can even open a new tab… it’s a big country.
>Christ came for ALL the nations.
Right. Nations.





Ashke Nazion
All they want is to have their own nation. They do not have a nation, my friend. They understand this quite well. Neither does Russia nor Ukraine. Why? Diaspora. When one door closes, another one opens. Selfish behaviour towards your own countrymen over stupid shit. So because they can't have a nation, y'all can't have one either. So they leave and you experience brain drain.
Make me a home, then you will have a home kind of thing. The Jews need to lose the identity. So do homosexuals and troons etc. Focus on fixing things instead. I have a really unusual name and people made fun of me and excluded me my whole life. I focus instead on fixing things.

Have a headache? I will learn the biology of headaches and find you the best studies.

Car broken down and your closest garage is a crook? Here are some books by some English authors to help you understand your car so you can fix it yourself.

Give up Israel. Let's go for California instead. Israel is too ego driven. It means "b'yisrat El" which means "with the help of El".

But California is way better. Oven of good things. Imagine like an artificial womb that makes things from the air using compression. For example it fuses diatomic nitrogen together to create metals. So you can make any chip of any size, even below atom sizes because you are only limiting your sensory perception of magnetic fields if you limit yourself to believing molecules are made of atoms. In reality, atom means indivisible. A professor in Germany proved that Nitrogenase contains Carbide transition state. Clearly, this means that N became C. So how, if not by neutron capture? Surely by magnetic re-arrangement.

If you want peace with the Jews, that's all it takes. Get them to ensure the safety of Baja in a referendum to join California. Ask Gavin Nuisance if he can find a job in private sector instead of mooching.
What's wrong with Ashkenazi Jews? Are they not made in the Imago Dei?
They are. They are our brothers and sisters. I just think Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. need to move on. Fix things yourselves instead of waiting for a saviour. I fixed PS2s in my youth. You should be OK if you get a nice hair cut and get rid of head covering.

It's getting hot and head coverings are a dumb idea in the sun.
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe.
I'm a whitey from Detroit and this is fucking hilarious. "I'M SO STARTLED"
(((white))) guys
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i hate commie jews so much it's unreal.
Perhaps it would serve you to know that Jews just want to know what it means to be completely without identity, that means also neither male nor female. The next best thing is both sexes. Kabbalah, my friend. We are asleep.
The fuck? There are also white child rapists. One's on the dutch olympic squad right now
>lets focus on a particular group and a particular race and a particular type of crime
Seems good to me, particularly on the ones occupying all the prisons.

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