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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Vixen Media Company that owns Blacked.com announced a gender transition project with nightmedia on their coomer porn account a few days ago. I wanted to post this earlier but was banned.
I don't know what they are planning but they were basically looking for a young white male who had a rough past and were going to turn him into a tranny.
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Notice how jews always make everything about everyone but whites, but for faggot shit they choose whites
Blacked hires gay pedophiles rapists with hiv and gay bottoms with hiv
If they did this a few years sooner I would have signed up....
Nobody that smokes cigarettes or chews tobacco watches this faggot trash.
That's all I have to say.
Everyone on blacked and vixen is hiv positive
Lol zoomie finally old enough to buy cigs and now evangelizing them on 4chan. you love to see it
Vixen media making trans porn would be so hot. White sissys and trans getting blacked
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. The rapture can't come soon enough
fake and gay
what's so hard about loppin a dick off? thought you can do that in the kitchen with a butcher's knife in 2 mins?
What the fuck is wrong with this place? I've been visiting these threads for a week now and so far I have:

1. Had my life threatened by someone claiming to be an ex-Navy Seal

2. Been told in multiple paragraphs that I will never have ovaries or be a woman

3. Been called Rabbi more times than I can count

Every time I try to get a genuine response from any of you people when I address what I have been told, I'm either called an n-word or k*ke, and am then told to "dilate", "glow" or "kill myself".

Can we please have just a normal thread where we can talk about memes without racist slurs and the weird terminology?! What the hell is a sneed anyway?
why do people watch porn with [opposite gender] in it?
how the fuck is man and woman sex most popular, and lesbian or solo cam is niche?
it has to be jews - i cant even filter tags on pornhub anymore
Someone has to bring back PornWikileaks. Remember when they dumped the scandal about San Bernardino doctors getting payoffs from the porn industry rabbis to give clear STD tests to people who weren’t…
The funniest part is Ramon thinks he’s white
you know most transes don't actually cut their dicks off, right?
>What the hell is a sneed anyway?
there was a shop called "sneed's feed and seed", but it used to be owned by "chuck"
"sneed", "feed", and "seed" all end in "eed"
substitute the last 3 letters of "chuck" instead, and you get "chuck's fuck and suck"
Has anyone told you to kill your self yet?
Greg Lansky, the jewest jew to have ever jewed
Lets just force the Samson option.
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this is the future of all white boys
>and a traumatic past
What an odd thing to say
Blacked hires gay bottom faggots with hiv
Eww. Why are you saving these on your PC
This is the most Jewish thing I’ve ever read
God I wish, but I'm so ugly that even she mogs me.
Copy pasta?
>you will not be made to participate in adult content
that's it, im out
the jews must be dealt with sooner or later
Weimar returns
can't find that post and your Australian and it is prime bants hour so I think you are full of shit.
Wonder how many porn whores get aids from fucking those niggers.
One of the biggest BBC pornstars on blacked has a big biohazard tattoo. He is poz but white girls risk it all for it.
>One of the biggest BBC pornstars on blacked has a big biohazard tattoo. He is poz but white girls risk it all for it.
Us twinks on 4chud always refer to BBCs as biological weapons for a reason XD
I'm gonna email them and steal their money
>you will not be made to do adult content
>but we will beg and plead and possibly bribe you into it to show the haters...
It's a bit too obvious that it's a copypasta, but I'm going to save it anyway because it might still get a few bites.
>post this earlier but was banned
nigger just clear your browser cache, reset the router, and keep on shitposting.

blessings on humor threads still get bites somehow
why white specifically?
Asmongold new Troon confirmed
I was just about to say, this is like the only fucking time I ever witnessed Jews asking for a white male.
As a serious coomer I can tell you that those sites haven’t produced anything worth watching for 3 or 4 years.
2014 - 2019 was peaked blacked
Told you it’s trannies into that shit
If Blacked started making sissy BNWO shit then there should be violence
White whore rimming black niggers isnt worth watching, rabbi.
Its like watching those webms of street shitters eating shit
Wait, Night Media? That's Asmongold and Mr. Beast's talent agency lmao
> those sites haven’t produced anything worth watching for 3 or 4 years
Thank god
It's finally over
Based jews making the BNWO a reality.
may I politely point you all to this thread
Now they are into medicla malpractice porn. Jews are sick. I think it obvious why they have been kicked out of nation after nation and no its not jealousy.
That's just not true I know lots of people that do and used to myself. In fact I quit when I stopped using tobacco products.
Honestly baka fucking kids, man
The most disturbing part to me is they want to "manage" your transition and also use incorrect never designations
>I wanted to post this earlier but was banned.
Lmao he actually waited the allotted time
humiliation ritual
I DM'ed them and filled out the registration. I'll volunteer to do it and save any and all interactions with them, and record any conversations with them, and then dump everything to /pol/

Filthy Kikes. Literally asking for traumatized kids to groom.
Be the rapture you want to see in the world.
Isn't that the group the popular streamers belong to?
>I DM'ed them and filled out the registration. I'll volunteer to do it and save any and all interactions with them, and record any conversations with them, and then dump everything to /pol/
Look at this goonslut twink trying to larp as based XD

>yaaassssssss I'll take one for the time dont worry guuuuuuuuuuuuyssssssss ;)
They already unironically do it’s just subtle some cunt on here broke down some subliminal message shit that was in some scene once it was some baphomet shit.
No, I didn't notice because I don't watch any of that shit and you shouldn't either, my friend.
Mainstream porn industry is done for good, they can only get ugly whores now. The hot ones are getting simp money from onlyfans doing lazy tit pics and shitty cell phone fucking clips. At least the kikes actually produced good porn and made them do degenerate shit.
Mr. Beast i think is managed by them.

Almost NOTHING on youtube that's popular now is organic. Almost every major creator is "managed" by a corporate entity.

To his credit, as cringe as he might be, Tarl Warick is one of the few youtubers that's really only in it for shits and giggles at this point.
Nigger this is literally how you destroy these kikes.

You have to infiltrate these shitty organizations.
Jokes on him, my right wing extremism is of the Greco-Roman variety. I want to make eunuchs out of the second class males who shall have no rights nor balls.
Blacked with white/Asian shemales please
You get the world you allow.
True. The jews control Pornhub.
And the laptops. He loves his gaming laptops. :-p
Every single time.
I rarely see ads, but when I log into my bank account? Every single time.
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I dont even care. People that want to transition deserve whats coming to them. I hope they enjoy their shit filled wounds
You are supposed to lurk for two years before you ever post nigger faggot, of course you glow like a kike. You will never be a woman. Sneed.
>I got to see pasta born live
Cool :)
>look up vixen blacked transexual project expecting news story or tweet
>just porn
Op, are you yanking our chain and pulling our leg?
Yep, for villain, being gay and pathetic ALWAYS a white man lmao
I still remember for vaxxing propaganda and queues i only saw whites
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>White male specifically
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Man-made horrors beyond your comprehension
>we are looking for a white male
>white male only
>you will totally not be made to participate in adult content :^)
nigga wtf how is this legal
Lol been a hwhile
It's not new, newfag.
That's vicky pollard
Right wingers literally obsessed with Jews and Porn Websites. The only time I hear about porn websites is when some right winger spergs out about them all over social media for NO REASON.
qa already predicted and proved this
All the "women" in Blackded are Trannys
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>Sissify and castrate white men
>Blacken white women
>bye bye white race

the Jew is waging a subtle war of extermination with a millionth of the effort it took the Third Reich to wage war on IntJ and they're winning

say what you will about kikes, but they plan ahead and act stealthy

if only whites weren't such colossal retards unable to see thorugh it
sometimes white people's obvlious behavior makes me wanna root for the jews

actuallty scrap that, fuck it
after the jab scandal, white people can and should go extinct
>you will not be made to participate in adult content, i promise
im surprised Greg Lansky is still alive, desu
bro made his entire career off of degrading White men. 100 years ago, his kike bullshit would not slide
/qa/ lost
qa acktually won doe
Shit copy pasta
>night media
Weird how the company that manages all the biggest youtube channels is also partnering with mindgeek which monopolises porn. I mean what are the fucking odds huh?
I laughed
timmybros... its over

the forced feminization camps are here
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By killing faggots, niggers and jews you can solve many problems of your society.
why do you faggots even bother making these? stupid as fuck gay fetish shit
Hear me out - what if we actually signed up to get /ourguy/ on the inside and expose these guys?
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>We are looking for a white male aged 18-25 with gender dysphoria and traumatic past
Normalfaggots are no.1 on the list of enemies of the white race. Nothing can change that.
True. He’d either be dead, or left permanently paralyzed like Larry Flynt.
The fact he managed to get away with it is the real scandal
You are (the jew) the first problem.
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>gradually, I started to hate them
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Bad goy, very bad goy, you're not allowed to notice patterns. No, white genocide isn't a thing, now hop on the table and let me cut off your dick, so Tyrone can fuck your mangled ass.

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