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There was a Russian guy who did the exact same thing like 15 years ago, but it was some oscure shit

Now there's dozens of videos doing the same shit in America out of the blue. Why is it becoming popular again out of the sudden? I 100% support it though just curious
General breakdown of law. You can't expect good people to sit by and do nothing.
I mean there has always been pedo catch videos but I had never seen so many videos of people actually beating the shit out of pedos in camera. Showing their faces and everything.

Seems risky as fuck specially in the States
Not my problem
>slapped up
open fire
These fucks need to be scared into ever touching children knowing that there is a group of men ready to fucking kill him if he attempts to endanger the life of a child
Vitaly couldn't get hard in a bangbus video so he took that anger out on innocent men whose only crime is to not believe in the feminist constructed "age of consent"
It’s not right to be the shit out of an innocent person
because its a free opportunity to beat the shit out of a pedo in public and record it and be praised for it online
>Why is it becoming popular again out of the sudden?
These people get millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes on average. After all people ENJOY watching bad people get hurt & humiliated.

Maybe that's the real response.
I wonder if pedo hunters do it for fame/money or because they legitimately find pedos disgusting.
Nah, we need to just purge them. No discussion, no warnings, no further chances. Gone.
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Why do they always catch the pedos at Walmart?
Have you been to walmart? It is a hive of disgusting and illegal activities.
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I've also seen them being extorted and/or catfished.
For research purposes, is it legal to catfish and extort these pieces of shit?
I guess 99% of the times they won't press charges because they would get cooked too
These "pedo hunters" aren't good people and they're certainly not doing this for moral reasons. They're as scummy as anyone.
Random question
Do they ever get any female pedos? Do they beat the shit out of them too?
i report these to the police
Faggotbean couldn't even link a video, what a joke
Filming themselves “slapping up” a pedo
They should be not filming themselves putting this guy in a hole somewhere to be forgotten forever
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Moralfags get out or post the video, simple as
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They love to fuck kids So ...

Fact. They ruin actual investigations into these people trying to get clicks. It’s another form of narcissism. They care more about satisfying their own shit than bringing actual justice to the victims.
"Slapped up"? Did they stick their cocks in him after?
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Id rape them
I've only seen it happen once, it was a pretty attractive woman
Notice how they always mess with the beta pedos? They would never dare to mess with someone who looks like they can defend themselves.
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Spotted the pedo.
>They would never dare to mess with someone who looks like they can defend themselves.
One pedo hunter got shot in the leg by a gangster looking black, you can find the video pretty easily in Twitter
Its going to end bad, like it did end up with tesak, once they end up catching someone powerfull
Could you please tell me more about Tesak? I think he's the Russian guy I was thinking about

What happened to him?
I mean, a middle aged man meeting a 13 year old boy in private is clearly a pedo, and pedos don't deserve to be "slapped up"- they deserve to be shot in the gut, and dumped in a shallow grave while still alive.
so the problem with these vids (although hillarious) is that a ton of them do it for clout and money they dont know the legal procedures for actually getting these guys behind bars so If they call the cops a lot of the times there isnt enough evidence to arrest them, thats what happened with that one youtuber EDP thats why he never got arrested. Also some of these guys might be packing a gun (its a fucking pedo they might be trying to kidnap the kid) Id rather the cops do this shit
though it's long and expensive, scaphism is still an option
which keywords should i use to find the video?
I would star as the "Pedophile" in one of these videos for as low as $15,000.
Need to get fucking paid.
I'm certainly an ugly enough neckbeard for it.
methinks the anons doth protest too much
It happened at a Target, and the guy got shot in the leg, try that
>"methinks the lady doth protest too much"ing anons who criticize people who obsess over pedos so much they devote their life to erping with weak losers to try to bait them out to a target to beat them up on camera
Somebody's protesting alright
These faggots are gonna get shot.
Have they busted any beaners or niggers?
I kinda wanna bait them. Tell them I'm fucking their wives while they suck each other off at the production studio.

Also, they're making ad rev by exploiting child abuse. That's why they're doing it.
Putin murdered him. He also had very radical nationalistic ties, which is very no-no thing there, or at least was at the time.
You’re a pedo arnt you?
This is an unfortunate reality, with most of the world's rich people having access to custom tailored hit squads comprised by spec ops veterans, it really is no wonder why they're never touched, it's because they're willing to wage war to the very end of all of humanity to protect their rights to rape kids, it's sickening but I'll tell you something, one well placed grenade at the right time will blow them so smithereens, security detail or not, just gotta get lucky.

Best way to do it is to wait atop a bridge on the motorway, you'll see their convoy transporting the VIP, time it right and you can drop the grenade directly below you and have it land on the roof of the limousine as it passes under you, blowing the main limousine transporting the pedophile to kingdom come.
Found the pedo
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they'd better be careful nobody shoots them the moment they get aggressive, just take precaution with that shit.

Pic related.
Because what the fuck are they gonna do about it? And people are realizing you can get away with shit now even some vigilantism so fuck it why not.
There’s a series of videos on tor of guys robbing and beating pedos nearly to death or to death
Yeah, it's a bad time to become a pedo. Looks like that train has left the station
Pedos treat /pol/ as a pro-pedo board and constantly try to gaslight anons into thinking it is normal and accepted on /pol/
He was also a pussy and a grifter, not unlike niggers or churkas. He was teaching courses on how to steal from shops. The one time he caught a sportsman churka he did't dare to do anything to him.
You just know the pedo hunters watch cp
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I'd just pinch a hot loaf on the faggot's windshield.
Hollywood pedo Herschel Weingrod got exposed on one of these videos recently. It was a big deal

Yeah pedohunters are so noble
This. It's because its legal to abuse them and people are fucking faggots
ancient in the uk
The Russian guy was a white supremacist murdered by prison guards. They had to drug him before they killed him because the dude was tough as nails.
They are doing it for the clicks. Or else they would be working for CPS or something
>They're as scummy as anyone.
They're absolutely scummy. Not as scummy as pedos though, which is why no one cares.
USA culture is being pushed to weimar. These videos are meant to be a controlled op. Set up some anti pedos and then btfo them. Tells the normies to back down.
involves channeling unwanted or unacceptable urges into an admissible or productive outlet. For example, a woman who recently went through a breakup may channel her emotions into a home improvement project or a man with unwanted sexual desires for minors may set up a sting operation to catch internet predators.
Vigilantes thugs should get the rope. I bet the majority of victims are innocent
All this is " legal " harassment
The pedo hunters are just clout hounds like everyone else. At last everyone else is honest
I’m not comfortable with how many of you have a problem with these videos. It brings me much joy watching a pedo get slapped around honestly the videos need to be much more violent, these aren’t innocent people they have the texts
-muh is catfishing legal?
Whoever posted that is definitely worried about getting bitch slapped and exposed.
A show like to catch a predator with beat downs thrown in would be epic.
Yeah, not a big fan of skinheads myself either, their criminal element is always stronger than their ideology.
Protip, all the porn dicks are either viagra or plastic glue-ons. Porn is literally fake and gay.
Seriously considered pulling up the local registry and just hunting them with a suppressed rifle and thermal optic. Realized that one man can only do so much, that it is far more efficient to legally and systematically execute them. Especially the Epstein types that use corruption to try and evade justice. Also aligns with Christian values, Christ teaches that they deserve execution.
They wont because the hunters are all cowards
CPS are shipping kids to pedophiles, truth.
I remember seeing a clip when these pedocatchers hunted some 20-years old guy because he was interested in 17-year old girl. Haven't watched their stuff since.
I kek at this post.
Just say homosexual. Calling men who exclusively target young boys "pedos" deflects from the issue. Paedophilia is just a branch of homosexuality essentially.
Can some one make a webm or post a working link? This is low quality shit threads
What about the ones that target girls though? Both exist and both are getting caught by these types.
The follow up to this is the chief of police telling him the DA won’t touch the guy they ‘caught.’ Some people are untouchable for low level shit, this guy is one of them.
No, That’s not what’s happening. Pedos are caught more than ever before by the police, and taken a thousand times more seriously by the courts. They’ll even put you on the FBI’s most wanted list and send federal marshalls after you if you try to run.
I think this is the real answer. People have realized that when it comes to committing crimes under the pretext of moral outrages, they simply wont be punished for them. Let me tell you, it’s a GREAT way to make money. Lure a pedo and then say “I wont upload your face or beat you if you take us to the bank and withdraw all your money”. You wont be prosecuted or even arrested and you can make major cash that way. A lotnof pedo hunters are convicted felons. Im a convict, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for us to find jobs. Literally we’re mostly all struggling with life cuz of that. So other than the donations, to be able to rob people with impunity has a massive attraction to it. Hell, I’ve considered sending DAP an application myself.
>There’s a series of videos on tor of guys robbing and beating pedos nearly to death or to death
Never heard of these though. Whats the QRD? Can I see some vids?
Isn't it illegal in the US to lie about your age to bait pedos or something like that? I remember reading that years ago online
No, law enforcement agencies themselves can't entrap people, but its not illegal for some random civilian to larp as someone else although it may be against some platform's guidelines.
But do these internet predators ever actually meet up with kids it seems like 100% of the time they;re part of a sting operation.
Most of the men are going after teenage girls. That is biologically normal.
>be careful nobody shoots them
>Seems risky as fuck specially in the States
Well pedo bunters have been shot before. In fact just two days ago we had several threads up of DAP I think, a black guy jumped on one of them the moment he walked up to him, then he pulled out a micro and shot the guy in his thigh. Another more well known story is this onehttps://www.businessinsider.com/michigan-vigilante-pedophile-hunter-shot-dead-confronting-alleged-suspect-2023-10
In another pedohunter series, the one with that Rosen guy, the mark pulled out a gun out of his car. Some pedo hunters like that ex porn star liftbra guy (cant remember his name) has armed, bodyarmored security do the stings with them.

I think the shootings don’t put off the gangs because they are very relatively rare and guns/gun usage are becoming less and less common, due to government crackdowns on firearms use. So it’s just like starting a fight with anybody, really. Actually, they’re even safer than they are at the average bar. And the reason is because pedophiles tend to be DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS. Think about how DUMB you have to be to try and rape a kid. They’re also always weird ass looking dudes, no female is gonna be interested in Them let alone a highschool kid. So they’re DUMB for getting phished in the first place. Then, the pedos also feel very safe because our culture promotes meeting people off the internet as sometbing super safe. No idea why people got like this, but it’s ALWAYS been extremely dangerous, even on shit like craigslist. Hell in 2022 my friend tried to buy a property off craigslist and ended up getting stabbed by methheads with the fake listing.
>law enforcement agencies themselves can't entrap people,
Thanks, maybe that's what I read then, illegal for feds and co to bait people online yeah
According to another anon here they DO do that, here >>472826208 mentioned there could potentially be snuff films of pedos.
Nah he’s probably not. He’s right, a lot of pedo hunters have felony records like me. If I went into this business you can be sure that yes I’m punishing bad guys. But I also just want to rob them.
I would too ngl, but I’d make them put one of those fancy old man hollywood masks on me lol
Especially in Russia, criminals are the only ones with guns.
are they actual pedos or are they just normal heterosexual dudes trying to get prime 16 year old pussy?
See here >>472827835 they’re definitely smarter than just doing it because it’s morally right. I hate pedophiles but I’d only do this if I got paid$$$.
They’re sick in the head, I doubt any amount of beatings or arguments or fear could ever make then change
getting slapped up and humiliated on camera is pretty tame. these guys would get shanked on sight in prison.
Vitaly is the guy I forgot the name of here >>472827689
All those CP sharing sites and such are either ran by Chink or Israeli intelligences.
Pedos aren't innocent.
Probably this
There is no "alpha" pedos, they're all cowardly freaks that target the most vulnerable of humans, they, and you, will all get the rope when the day comes, fuck you.
You’re both wrong. Let me clear up the new laws for you guys.
It’s legal for police to bait and entrap you. This has been a thing for a half century.
It’s actually become felony-illegal in several states like Texas to misrepresent your identity in any way to someone else via the internet. Or even in person now actually IIRC. There was recently a guy who had fake conversations with himself via sockpuppets on twitter and he got reported. He’s going to prison for at least half a decade. Catfishing or even just lying has become a SERIOUS crime in Texas and other states now.
The reason that pedo hunters are “allowed” (they’re not “really” allowed) to do this is simply because the courts and police support them in their endeavors, and refuse to charge or prosecute. That simple. It’s also the reason that pedo hunters are allowed to beat and even murder (as another anon said) you. If you’re a pedophile, know that our entire culture is against you, out to get you, and you defacto do not have citizenship. As it should be.
Maybe, I don’t know anything about russia, sorry bro.
What about people like P Diddy and the likes? He meant like those types of dangerous individuals.
Are you trying to be ironic
While most pedophiles are cowards (not all of them are, some are extremely dangerous like that guy at walmart the other day), some pedophiles are indeed very large and muscular people. This is how they rape and harm kids. Its the strong ones doing a lot of the more egregious and spur of the moment violence.

I’d like to see the pedophile hunters target one, but honestly I dont think they will because it’s much more likely to be highly dangerous. If I were doing the gig, I would certainly would avoid that demographic and just send evidence to the cops.
> If you’re a pedophile, know that our entire culture is against you, out to get you, and you defacto do not have citizenship. As it should be.

As long as you are not on top of the ladder kike.
Hear me out, he’s sort of correct. I explain here >>472828459
I would retaliate. The best meme that I have never seen anyone do is the one where the iPhone camera is facing you with the flash on. Some of you have never tasted combat and I can see it in the way you rage. Anyways, I was always against these types of videos, but it seems the masses wanna spam the fire emoji on them so they can have something as stupid as this to rally behind.
How am I a kike? I’m just calmly providing information about the behaviors of the people we live around. It’s like explaining wildlife behaviors, anon.
Didn't call you a kike, called the type you are pro-pedophile within your "culture." you guys love Jewdophiles.
I've said it a dozen times on this board: purity spirals & escalation theory i.e. once the "racist" term is exhausted/wears off, they have to drum up & go after the next worse thing. If you were smart, you'd be looking at what comes after pedophiles, whatever that group is.
Well anon what’s happening is that pedophilia, which most people used to not care much about decades ago (morality was very weak in the bad old days before the 21st century), has risen to become one of the popular moral outrages of the 21st century. Alongside: Black Lives Matter, LGBT rights, Womens’ rights, Donald Trump, anti-Nazism, those sorts of things. So of course you are going to see people expressing their distress and anger at something that antagonizes morality so strongly. Most normies are willing to die over these beliefs, as we saw in the Battle of Kenosha, where 3 young men gave their lives trying to liberate the town from Kyle Rittenhouse.
I'm fine with them as long as 1: They don't physically get in the way of the person as in illegally trapping them to a spot 2: They may chase them and call them out publicly and inform the jobs and whatever, cool, that's within your rights. 3: They leave the families of these fuck ups alone, they don't deserve to have them around or be reminded of those people.
How am I a pedophile? I hate pedophiles. They’re demented, and evil.
I’n curious to hear your point of view. Elaborate.
You won't call out how these establishment jews will always cover up for pedophiles as long as they are Jewish and they will never cry out against JEWISH PEDOPHILES as if a Jew couldn't be such when their TALMUD says a lot of nasty things about what they can do to underage girls and such.

That's who I have the biggest problem with, they are the ones running the political theatre, because Bidens are part of their ingroup.
Hope to see you on a future video pedo fuck
Well anon, the reason I’m not talking about them is because they aren’t the subject of the thread: catfished pedophiles
See here >>472827835 they’re felons like me. I can garuntee you that they’re not doing it out of emotion or anything. Yeah they’re catching evil people, but it’s also a great source of income where there isn’t a lot of opportunity out there left for us as convicts.
They are literally the type to have their weapons in the trunk of a car and take them out of there if you incite road rage, never stay around for a fight on the road in Russia.
You guys could earn more money if you guys were employed as plumbers and electricians.
Show me the most alpha pedophile, either assumed or proven.
That’s pedophilia, man. Leave the kids alone. You can date somebody your own age. That’s what we’re telling you is okay. If you can’t do that, well then maybe it’s best for you to leave women alone too, because you’re obviously a freak who should hide his face away from society.
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> P Diddy.

mentioned on the list.
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Good, but when will you guys take the next step and start doing this to judges, policy chiefs, politicians etc.

You are beating the symptoms not the disease. If above were put in place people wouldn't had to chase pedos in the streets.
What's the dating age spectrum for own age? 3? 5? 7?
I’m pretty afraid of things going wrong and being attacked or killed by the pedo. Having given it some thought, that’s really why I don’t do it.
They won't because pic related: >>472826198
Stfu kid. Go cry to momma if you dont like me fucking your girl
all they ever do is half-ass entrap people with fake text messages like that old tv show or what stupid police do with other petty things when they won't go after real criminals

this trend is stupid, and the last one i saw blowing it up was that russian jew who used to do prank videos

are you seriously telling me you believe the guy who did stupid middle school prank videos for the youtube grift is serious about catching pedos by luring in random weirdos with honeypots he creates himself?

bunch of fucking retards who follow this shit
They won't go after real criminals because they know the dangers they pose and the fact that they could get cancelled or targeted with a shooting spree involving their families real quick.
More like letting people vent their anger on some randoms instead of the jews raping them in the ass.
Literally two minutes of hate.
>There was recently a guy who had fake conversations with himself via sockpuppets on twitter and he got reported. He’s going to prison for at least half a decade.
You sound young, so I’ll answer you.

Your own age. Your exact age. You are allowed to date women YOUR AGE. You have no business dating kids younger than you. Maybe you can date a year or two older than yourself when you hit about 30. And don’t date until you’re 25, because preying on college kids still is NOT okay just because you’re in college too.
Sickness and depravity. Pedophile hunters are out there looking for you.
They're basically losers that didn't protect themselves or their family from the vaxx.
white people should only start dating at 40
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This. Death to all pedos.
Huh, dating 3-5 years younger or older (legal age) was fine with people like 2016 and earlier, is this the feminist brainrot that Jews have given you lot? And I'm talking legal age being like 21+ (this is the time when you can drink almost any type of alcohol watch porn whatever the whole deal yeah?) anyone below should obviously even if legal age only date within their own group.
Here ya go, you couldve just searched the keywords but that was too difficult.You’re just as weak and effeminate as OP.

Slaps well deserved. To be honest they should give them a chance to fight back and then just beat the shit out of them, would be funnier. (One man jobs though.)
> White people should only start aging when they can't have kids anymore.

lmao found the kike.
> start dating*
Wheez what a typo lol.
STFU tranny
Its probably caused by toxoplasma just like any other sexual thing. So its easy to cure, just transport Ivermectin over blood brain barrier and you cure

Bipolarinos and depressed ones
etc. etc. etc.

Quickest peace on earth hack ever

Google "Tesak", that's the guy you are talking about (he is dead now)
You're next jew
you won't do shit
How do you get it through the blood brain barrier?
>sit by and do nothing.
But they literally are doing nothing, it's literally a half assed attempt at vigilante justice
Everyone thinks they can be the Punisher but they're all bitch made LARPers
I didn't think this level of antisemitism was allowed in USA
I have seen that police in Norway are very upset about this. They would rather let pedos run wild on street because that just part of LGBTQ fetishism.
You dont yet

They are working on it tho, according to Pubmed
Based as fuck
More pedo hunters should be killed on sight. If you actually believe they care about kids and aren't pedos themselves you are fucking stupid.
>pedo hunters
>Never ever even once is the bait 12 or younger, it's ALWAYS 13+

It's all so tiresome.

They're not hunting pedophiles, they're just acting as enforcers for the "18 years exactly" feminist age of consent laws. Literally just bootlickers of the highest order. You couldn't prop up the Jews and feminists any harder without physically going to Schlomo Sheckelbergenstein's house and giving him a blowjob.

I know not a single one of you will bother arguing otherwise too, because people who support these hunters don't think, they just operate on punishment boners and moral self-righteousness, all while ignoring that doing so is condemning 99.999% of their own male ancestors. Probably just gonna give a "found the pedo lel" response or ignore my post and continue living in your mental bubble.

You people make me almost as sick as the REAL pedophiles do.
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I got u bro
That isn't just sockpuppets though, it said he was impersonating a real person saying racist vulgar things using their images without their consent.
Could it be all the alcohol, drugs, chemicals in the water, food and porn turning them into that shit with chemical reactions and hormonal changes???

they would catch more Jews with 9 year old puppet account.
No anon they arrest pedophiles in Norway. It’s a myth that in most countries pedophiles are set free- tbis is only true in continental europe and in britain due to thr government tring to encourage migrations (most migrants are sex predators and come specifically for that reason). In norway, It’s the exiting of law and order aspect that they don’t like. Law is a big deal in norway; there was a huge debate there before they executed Nazi traitor PM Quisling. Then they promised themselves never to extrajudicially execute anyone ever again. Or execute anyone at all actually.
You're a pathetic money worshipping jew
>There was a Russian guy
He was Jewish. And now he's dead lmao.
I know there were experiments using ultrasonics to temporarily weaken the blood brain barrier, but I'm dumb AF and don't know if that would work with an antiviral
Read more articles on it, he used sockpuppets and in Texas sockpuppets are explicitly illegal. It’s a Felony bro.
>temporarily weaken the blood brain barrier
what could possibly go wrong?
It really wasn’t. Maybe in Europe it was. I don’t know anything about over there. But here, we have always said you MUST date your age. And that’s the right thing to do. Europe sound like a pretty evil place from all that I’ve heard and read.
All these things priliferate latent toxoplasma which is already in your body from cats, your parents or swine meat

You can actually prevent a hodgkin lymphoma if you take black walnut or ivermectin and destroy toxoplasma on your lymphs and organs. Its still in your brain tho, making you into a pervert or a communist or creating a tumor or epilepsy
His nickname was Tesak, great guy, love their own people, hated pedophiles and muslims pigs.
He was put in prison and got killed in there
Here he’s extensively interviewed about his stomping of faggots, jews, niggers, and… Caucasians?
Then why does the article you posted as your proof says you were wrong and that he was using someone else's pictures without their permission and making it seem like they were posting racist vitriol.
This shit is a bridge culminating in the kendrick and drake beef is just a continuation of metoo after it lost public appeal and millennial feminists realised they were losing control over it.
To re-consolidate they have now repackaged metoo into grooming using the already existing leftist toolbox of power dynamics to criticise and shame adult men for having relationships with younger adult women.
You'll notice most of the time its specifically millennial men (30s-40s) and always questionably aged 16-18yo women.
Its never the case of a 10 year old girl and some old creeper, but some clout chasing sexually mature young whore, sometimes as young as 14, using their pussy to open up the world to them.

Its pretty much a symbiotic relationship if we're being honest, but you will notice who is missing from this transaction: millennial women.
The question that remains is if they're doing it to cut men off from the prime market in order to force them back into the dating pool of millennial women (ew), or if they are attempting to weaponise hot zoomer pussy with proxy control to keep their tenuous power over the lives and careers of men.
Communism makes sense for a lot of people whose cultures were very tribalistic, tribe is basically a unit of communists surviving together based on sharing responsibilities and resources with each other, the big guys obviously having more than the less significant people, so sort of meritocratic communism?

Modern capitalism only became a thing after bartering was done not by value of a job or goods being exchanged but by being exchanged by this thing called minted gold, silver and copper, which was backed by a governing body, so it is very "unnatural" to the human body to get if you think it that way.

And the current capitalism with fraudulent loan/debt based currency is the ultimate cuckoldry of business and trade. Not that I'm supporting communism by stating this either.
Why don't you look it up and tell me, dumbfag
Caucasus/Caucasian refers to Arabs/Turks in modern pro nigger language, not White people white people are called Europeans.
that’s what a sockpuppet account is. And that specific sockpuppet account wasnt the only one. Read. The. Full. Article.
Never was, he was a Slavic and actually hated joos and muslim pigs. Yes, he was killed in prison by Russian government.
Also he went to Kiev in 2014 for maidan to support Ukrainian people, shame on you
> Jew supporting Ukrainians.

color me unshocked.
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>lets disable the thing that protects our brain from disease!!!!! I heckn love science!!!
I did and it said that he was arrested for impersonating real people using real photos, not for having a fake account based on pictures of nonexistent people.
They don’t need to be scared. They need to be dead. Same with every alphabet freak.
Got any proof?
It doesn’t matter they are still slavs and a brother nation. You gotta killed joos not Ukrainians
How would you possibly have pictures of nonexistent people?
qrd? i know he got murdered in prison
was it because he harassed some rich pedo?
have you seen chris hansen how to catch a predator?
it's a tv show from 2004. Now you can just do it yourself and stream it cause of social media.
It's first time the average person has had the possibility to do it so easy. And thanks to muslims it has never been so easy. They do it all the time in britain too.
>homos attack pedo
>pedo shoots homos
>goes to prison forever
best case scenario
If IMAGINARY 13 yo gay zoomer deliberately goes to grindr, lies about his age and asks grown men to fuck him, I don't see a problem with it. Let him do what he likes.

Also, normies, when woman ACTIVELY and on purpose seduces young boys: "NICE".
>How would you possibly have pictures of nonexistent people?
same way as always
USA intel agencies has had this technology for as long as internet has existed.
You can go make a fake persona using AI right now, the public AI gen is just has a filter so it is warped so you can tell it's AI, there doesn't have to be such filter on it.
there are no nazi incel fascists and other shit on 4chan either. They are not from the locations of their pixel flag, that's all spoofed too and spoofable too as long as the internet has existed.
Welcome to the internet where everything can be fake and gay and always could have been. little zoomie boy.
You belong on lgbt or whatever fag tranny board it is
Its low hanging fruit. People worship power and violence but will immediately bend to those more powerful. Even with public support they wont do anything to truly powerful individuals. Normies are fucking cattle and im a lolikon out of spite towards them.
Your location is being pinpointed. Don't move from the place you're in and await the arrival of Police. Everything you say can be used against you in court of law.

they will just get a gun pulled on them
>You belong on lgbt or whatever fag tranny board it is
yes and if you didn't have anonymity, and had proper content rules and rigid identification he would be, cause then he couldn't pretend to be anything he wasn't. Anyone complaining about global id are just pedos, evil liars and so on.
ID is important cause you got to be who you say you are, so you can be tracked down if you trying to start shit. And so you are afraid to do so.
The only thing internet anonymity has produced is pedo/sicko havens, blatant trolling and provocations and the dark net.
I wouldn't mind 3-4 biometrics like they do in hardcore military bases, if it meant i never had to listen to a single fucking lying shittalker ever again online.
The people who do this shit are pussy fucking faggots though, they will NEVER go after the Jeffrey Epstein types because that would take effort.
Yes. But, thanks to that, they're much easier to find out and be brought to justice.
>they will just get a gun pulled on them
most of them don't have a guns excpet in amerilard, they truly are expecting to meet some 13 year old girl. Check out when they do it in britain they keep catching machmoud and ali non stop. Truly is a public service there. They started doing it in lieu of the rotherham scandal with the paki grooming gangs.
>people ENJOY watching bad people get hurt & humiliated.
it gives people a sense of justice and that there is actual law and order and justice in the country when if they go outside they experience something different. it is a form of coping because the society is collapsing, so this vigilantism gives them a sense that they will be alright and there are people out there doing good.
I enjoy your bait, but it's women themselves who marry guys older than them the most.
I guess you should prosecute them for sexually abusing the poor, older dudes.
I don't care about whatever you're babbling about
>it gives people a sense of justice and that there is actual law and order and justice in the country when if they go outside they experience something different. it is a form of coping because the society is collapsing, so this vigilantism gives them a sense that they will be alright and there are people out there doing good.
yes especially when they do it in britain where both the intel agencies and the police have been incompetent or complicit in covering up the rotherham scandal for example.
British having turned to doing it is the most natural thing in world. And it's working, they fucking catching them non stop.
One of the funniest once i seen was a paki straight from pakistan not been in britain more than 3 months. And he thought he was meeting a 13 year old british girl he chatted with online. They show up 5 guys, they show him the chatlogs. And then the retard paki try to FAKE A HEART ATTACK and then he try to run away when they are like backing off slightly and about to call ambulance
Then they run him down and catch him again
>i didn't do anything i didn't do
>look at this chatlogs
>I don't care about whatever you're babbling about
I know because if that was ever done fbi/cia and anti european scum was done here pretending to be from every country in world and also with making up fake nazis, incels, 'supremacists' and saying kill jews and kill immigrants. And then it's some stupid rabbi from new york doing it or some nigger from atlanta.
You'd all be done! Ofcourse americans are completely against it.
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>the diddler
>ruining your life image permanently for 15k
Lmao you’re a retard. This shit is so damaging you’ll never be able to recover from it and people will actively call for your head. No work, no friends, people looking to beat your ass senselessly, literal nightmare you can’t wait up from.
yeah amerishits are fucking disgusting pedo trash, that's why they want anonymity, vpn usage and muh free speech and all rest of it, they even trying to legalize pedophelia and other shit.

The fact is, humans are NOT inherently good, very few people are inherently good i'd put them lower than 5% the rest must be brutalized and shown no mercy if they want to start shit or try shit, and they lie and manipulate and so on all the time.
Humans are disgusting. If you not a misanthrope who are pleasantly dissapointed at humans who are actually nice. You are just living in fantasy land.
Look at amerishits, what happens when you give humans too much freedom. I mean can you find people more obnoxious shittalking lying assholes than americans? no you can't. but why? it's cause they making it a human right to get away with it, freedom of speech freedom of the press. And that was all that bulshit was all about to begin with. Nothing good ever came out of that. You must extensively regulate all areas of human life. Failure to do so is helping criminals and evil bad people to get away with things.
pleasantly surprised at some humans who choose to be nice is what i meant to say.
Be a hater of man and be a lover of the few humans who aren't a total piece of shit. This is the correct approach not the other way around.
There is nothing wrong with men having relations with girls.
You think it is wrong because you are a dumb NPC who has been brainwashed.
And on top of the brainwashing you turn into a prissy schoolmarm as a coping mechanism because you'll never get any.

Most of the time we're talking about teenage girls. You people buy into ridiculous gaslighting over infant and toddler abuse, when in reality that kind of thing is the fringe of the fringe.

Pic related is what you look like.
You're right, but as an incel, I kind of like the idea of banning dating outside your race and generation, some Chads try poaching women from a younger generation and it just makes more incels, so fuck these Chads, like Dr. Disrespect, those faggots should just be happy with one woman.
Take your meds, I said nothing about whatever schizo shit you're on about.
You are a Leftist who wants what he doesn't deserve. It is filthy and dysgenic.
you don't have to say it you lying little americunt, you just have to keep defending it which then tells me everything.
there are no fucking incels retards. It's usa pathological lying where they try to blame a made up group of single people who if in any ways they are real in real life and not entirely made up online are less than 0.02% of single people men and women. Who they try to blame for everything from donald trump getting elected in USA to why anyone is against race warfare and invasion of entire countries. They are even faker than the neo nazis which are fake too and not who they pretend to be, is why you can only find them online.
>registered sex offenders are a protected class
so we stopped registering them lmfao
LMAO, some fat kike hiring brown cameraman, can't make that shit up, wish they got ventilated.
Didn't defend anything, faggot
so you are against free speech, vpns, internet anonymity and free press then? Good to hear ameriturd.
You Christnigger are truly retarded, you're the faggots throwing your whore daughters to the nigger Chad that you think "Deserves them more", fucking retarded faggot.
Just kill yourself.
You're too mentally ill, almost too many normal decent men are incel, because, you schizos don't pay attention to culture, but they have been taught by jews to hate normal white men. FACT!
impressive very nice
now catch the famous pedophile joe biden
>Or else they would be working for CPS or something
Because CPS does fuckall. I work in a pediatric mental hospital and those guys are beyond useless in my state. Beating the shit out of a pedo seems far more effective.
We need more of this. The beatings must be more severe
I bet you Chritsnigger racemixing filth LOVE this, disgusting cuck faggot
They never go after actual elite pedos, just the fake one, or the low IQ autistic men, that's why I hate these fake and gay pedohunters, they're nothing but bullying faggots, and probably Christnigger scum as well, since you can see from this thread, that Christnigger animals hate incels and autistic men for no reason.
start with your politicians
>the neo nazis which are fake too and not who they pretend to be
Elaborate on this. Who are they and why are they pretending to be neo nazis? And why can younonly find them online? I’m genuinely curious.
Agreed. They only bash pedos because it's (((righteous))) and you can't really be morally abated by the left for it. Lefties call righties racists and Righties call Lefties pedos
This "rising paganaism" is just a gender queer pro race mixing, same shit as christcucks
Typical koolaid drinkers in this thread. He should be beat for being a fag though.
Why are you calling me a Christnigger? Nothing in my post implies Christian belief. If anything it's a Darwinian point of view.
You probably need to get off the Internet, it has poisoned and gaslit you with BBC propaganda.
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>pot calling kettle black
Oh sure hey Anon, let's do something about it, but it can't be done alone so we'll have to use the internet/phones to meetup and since those are monitored the (((feds))) will black bag the ringleaders before the first planning meeting even happens so I guess it's a no-go, huh
you just watched the top 2 alpha chomos have a verbal slapfight on CNN last week bro
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to me its just the same shit as just stop oil, antifa or the BLM riots

Its just people who wanna act like asshole so they pretend to believe in some righteous cause so they can attack some other group of people they designated as evil and have a mantle of moral protection for acting like a violent jackass

I hope the pedos start carrying guns around, ideally concealed, and shoot the self righteous vigilante assholes.
>Baiting and Beating the shit out of Pedos is a new trend
Like the oligarchs and deep state actors, Epstein, Biden. and friends? Is that the pedos they are going after?
That guy is 100% a jew
>For example, a woman who recently went through a breakup may channel her emotions into a home improvement project
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jews want you to like ugly hags not sexy lolitas
lol no shit. the guys doing these projects are just looking for acceptable targets to bully for fun, and to feed off of for social media clout & cash. there is nothing noble here.
>Do they ever get any female pedos? Do they beat the shit out of them too?
Pedo-chasers vs Simps: simps will win. Men will protect any random woman to the death. They'd never pick female pedos to harass. They're in it for the social media clout, that would net them negative clout socially and legally. They're a cowardly lot.
>These faggots are gonna get shot.
Doesn't that happen every so often? There was one professional pedo baiter that was killed just a few months back, some dopey black guy.
Convicted felon, huh?
>leaders: fucks entire nation, kids and all. but sportsball!
>random hobo touches kid: i am become rambo, righter of wrongs
Not recommending violence or anything, not at all - do not do ever, you always lose everything that way - but the contrast is a bit hilarious.
Cos the russians didn't do it for clout
>entrapment and assault
The guy holding the camera should go to jail.
Low IQ people overcompensating for their criminal past and present.
Cops are now cowardly spics who hire their even less qualified cousins. They're like prison guards who wait until the fight is long over before doing anything.
this 100%
they are doing it purely for the drama aspect and views, monetization.
They genuinely do not give a shit about children
There should be pedo hunter hunters. You go on a chat room pretending to be a pedo and try to get kids to meet you. If it turns out to be a real kid you have to apologize and take them home. But if it's a pedo hunter you rape them
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Yeah. We had one too. The ethnic jew and fan of Hitler Maxim ((Martsinkevich)) also known as Tesak. He was later butched in prison like a pig though.
Sam Walton's Walmart is a decades-old human trafficking organization that masquerades as a legit corporation.
why are they too afraid to try this against feds
Gordon Flowers was making a lot of money doing it and getting media attention and commended by the populace, press and police.
What? From what I've seen this is an atheist phenomenon that only began once atheism took root and poisoned the well.

Christianity fought these people off for 2000 years now or so. Atheists? You pussies let it go in less than 20 lmao. Stfu and read a book dipshit
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>Why is it becoming popular again out of the sudden?
Judaic enabled faggotry and its subsequent nonceism provides a target rich environment.
Kill yourself you disgusting kike.
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>This shit is so damaging you’ll never be able to recover from it
So when you molest kids do you prefer little boys or little girls?
I actually cat fish 13 year old boys to beat the shit out of them for being gay
>I actually cat fish 13 year old boys to beat the shit out of them for being gay
Now this is fucking based.
Yeah I got a bad feeling about them too. They are doing humiliation rituals for cash, not trying to save kids.
As teens they were too weak to tell a pedo to fuck off and they did what the pedo asked of them.
Now they take it out on other pedos cuz they can’t accept they’re faggots
They're right though. Pedo hunters are clout-chasing retards. Without internet points and cash rewards they would not be doing this. Anyone serious would not film themselves.
I just want to see decadent people getting humiliated and slapped around in public
Have two pedo hunters ever ran a sting on each other?
>spends all day pretending to be 13
>collect pics of men's dongs

All these guys collect pizza stamps
Such a strong and brave feminist. Ay man sister
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All jokes and memes aside, couldn't you easily just "confront" random people and rob them knowing that any bystanders would instantly be on your side if you claim the guy is a pedophile? Obviously he'll say he isn't.
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Because of attention economy, since there is no actual economy people have to do stuff like this for money or just pure attention to feed their narcissism.
what app do i go on in order to take the pedo bait? I feeling like a hero
> Wants to hero.
> Won't hero politicians instead known for pedophilia.

What kind of a pussy ass nigger are you?
> Get caught?
> Life in priosn.
> Don't have to worry about food, shelter, bills for the rest of your life.
Beating everyone having sex before marriage will fix everything.
Pro tip for some of you /pol/ posters
Don't bring a camera

Lots more options without one
Almost all pedos are intensely beta freakazoids
The OP image shows a case of a predatory homo going after a 13 year old boy, is that good enough for you?
Yeah Im sure it basically never happens in Switzerland, but this place is significantly more depraved and more populated. The abuse of very small children happens all over this country, regularly. Crimes that would be an absolute shock in whatever town you're from are regular news here.

You seriously live in one of the safest most high-trust places on planet Earth.
bring a stealth camera like a pin or fake sunglasses.
I don't think the world needs to protect retards in their 30s who are mentally like 12 and can only find pleasure manipulating children into becoming their captive audience.
I know a guy who robbed people on grindr this way kek
>any female pedos
No such thing exist.
>a hot women wating to fuck a teenager boy when is hormones are exploding that he would fuck a brick if he could
Are you gay?
Different rules apply to them.
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>There’s a series of videos on tor of guys robbing and beating pedos nearly to death or to death
Tor link?
There was a guy in my part of FL a while back that was looking up sex offenders from the database and killing them. Most people at my local bar thought the guy should be allowed to continue lol

This. I think that pedos need to be thrown in gas chambers but this is vigilantism. You see a similar effect with people complaining about the use of the word "alleged" for acts that are caught on video but not ruled on in a court of law.

Also I find it amazing how most of the pedo hunters in these videos are just as obnoxious as the pedos.
Its 100% hags posting this shit. The men that simp for age of concent are lower than only fans regulars. Women dont will do an say anything to keep their rusty 30 year old cunt at the front of the market

>new trend
some brits have been doing it for over 10 years. there was even a documentary ages ago
Many years ago when I was a kid of about 12 there was this guy in his late 40s, maybe early 50s working for my dad. Never married, not the smartest kid on the block, a lonely kind soul. He was always nice to me, I liked him. One day he invited me to a local bar for cola, cake and playing the pinball machine. This was a small village, everyone there knew him and most of them knew who my dad was, everyone was staring lol. Only much later I realized he most probably was a gay pedo. He never touched me and I have no reason to hate him. Some time later he vanished, never heard of him again. Poor guy.

Why I'm telling this? I hate pedo rapists as much as anyone, but not every one is a rapist.
this is true in Canadian prisons. sex offenses get you beaten (except if you're tough). The tough gangsters even on the street date rape women left and right and do multi-day rape and drugging sessions and if they're feared nobody does anything about it. Only weakling rapists get beaten. actually tough ones are ignored and people dont even look in their eyes.
Brown hands made that post
if god wanted us to be attracted to adult women we'd be attracted to adult women.
The USA has long enjoyed the use of criminals as enforcers of their chosen social institutions.

Maybe not on purpose.

Andrew Jackson, a president moonlighted as an under accredited lawyer and assassin.

Early mormons are actually insane aztec tier criminals. Yet they have their own state.

Bloody kansas? The KKK? Carpet baggers? Escaped slaves and slave hunters? That shit is all bad blood that feds did not want to officially get involved in but clearly had interests in.

Fraternal order of police was founded in WWI and continues to this day as a police union/political lobby.

Abolition? Presidents bootlegging their own booze? The ATF? Don't tell me that wasn't an incestuous circle jerk.

I'm not even going to get into more modern stuff. It should be pretty clear how the USA uses criminal means to shape it's legal structure.
"Pedohunters" are a net positive, they are putting fear into these freaks, and sending the right message that despite how flaggrantly gay sōyciety is, their behavior is disgusting and isn't tolerated by most normies.
>compromise investigations
they're not even happening, and with, or without these channels pedophiles are ridiculously under charged, if they are, and that usually is AFTER they rape a kid, and get caught.
>they're scum
They're mostly working class, probably many have a criminal record (like moi), which gives you firsthand exposure to them, watching how unrepentant they are, and when they're not fearful, or in like company they'll boast, and share notes.

The only issues I see is niggers getting involved in it to be antiwhite, niggers and spics are waaay worse than Whites, and niggers love to rape/groom teen girls.

>TL;DR Discord or JIDF, doesn't matter, spices
Legal structure,
And public opinion

Idk who needs to read this, but it is entirely possible you are on fed payroll and do not even know it.
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its interesting that your examples are all from a hundred years ago and not proven. most recently are foreign criminals allowed to loot stores (alongside local blacks) and groups like BLM and Antifa
No jury is going to convict someone beating up pedophiles. At worst they'll get an extremely generous plea deal
Once the human species reaches a critical mass of pedos, once it is 'baked in' to our genome, the species will no longer be viable. Extinction will be viewed as merciful. We are already past this point, actually. The Goebbels family knew.
Shalom rabbi
Well documented =/= provable. Though the frat order of police keeps modern records.

I would certainly like to think that our modern institutions are less corrupt than the (impossible to verify) ones of old l. But i get the impression that all things become more corrupt with time. Though if you are questioning the Warren Harding corruption issues you must be quite the radical.

I recognize what appears to be a clear line of quasi legal activity by those figureheads at the top of our society. So much of one it could be called a tradition,
Fucking visajeets
this is true. pedos get beated in prison because they usually look like Jared Fogel and are easy target. if you are in for something like theft you'll get beated too if you look wimpy enough. it's about strength not the actual offense you did.
Sounds like the same bullshit 'follow the leader' morality of antiracists. This is just the new thing the masses with no innate sense of morality are allowed to virtue signal and takeup vigilantism for like 'punching nazis/racists'.

Most of these faggots are Christians who lowered the age of consent to 10 before feminism, now the same crowd is hunting 'pedos' because they het their morality either from a book or the social consensus which now disprove of age gap and has set the age of consent at 16, as they have no moral character themselves. All the while they let jews and niggers essentially rape fatherless 18 year olds for money in the pron industry because muh consent and freedum and choices makes it acceptable.
That's a weird kink to pretend to be a sexy child and then beat some guy up. Really weird shit when you break it all down.
>Pedohunters" are a net positive, they are putting fear into these freaks, and sending the right message that despite how flaggrantly gay sōyciety is, their behavior is disgusting and isn't tolerated by most normies

This is eventually going to result in destigmatizing pedophilia as innocent people will get accused by a glory hunting pedo hunters and virtue signalers on the right. In fact that is already happening and is obviously a planned design of the judao left/right paradigm.
Man the walls are really closing in on you people if you are simping for the subway guy.
Yeah, I see your point, and I see bad actors already. Pedophilia being seen as a political left/right issue already means it's already fucked. Harm towards children is already being touted by the federal government as compassionate, and people have been inadequately outraged by this.

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