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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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how do we stop women from fraud and extortion based on looks? look how intelligently she models her hair to cover up her manjaw. having a daughter with her would be a disaster!
she has a nice belly
Ok, chinlet chan.
You won't ever reproduce so you don't need to worry about it.
Found the fat chick.
She pretends to be a bi or lesbian but really really loves cock in her mouth.
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What color are you?
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If you impregnate or marry a woman without having seen her without makeup, that’s on you.
we should have a special Aryan breeding program

stop importing shitskins to your country

don't you know any better
I don't think she pretends to be bi, most women really are just bi.
I'm so grateful my wife to be doesn't wear makeup. So good to know that what I see is what I'm getting. I'm also glad she's a white woman and not some hideous hapa mutt.
Half of "Aryans" are niggers.
See >>472821146
I'd bet zi claims zi is white and never once proves it the entire time acting like a nigger.
that's a man and it makes no sense why he doesnt do the trans grift
This one is a special case to me. Bitch obviously pads the fuck out of her bra, has insane amounts of makeup and her whole schtick is that she is "one of the boys". Bitch literqlly made a millionaire simply because poor motherfuckers are fooled by false visuals. I am mad.
She really leans into it to keep the simps at bay
yet when the cock comes out
she's down to play
Why are you mad?
Let's examine this.
>woman that doesn't wear makeup

ty u too
Yeah, definitely strikes me as the type who likes to have her head petted and be told what a good girl she is while she's a fat cock in her mouth.
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Her name is Emiru and she's one of the biggest grifters online.
I legitimately don't care about her face. She is a S tier tummy slut
If you know this. Why are you supporting he cause by posting her? I don't know who this is and never would has you not advertised her. If you hate her, why spread her like a emissary?
you stop it by removing the online simp/sex industry
anybody in a relationship with this woman will see what she really looks like the first time they hookup
>doesnt wear makeup
Uhhh… is she ugly or autistic or what?
My gf wears makeup. Not like cake face or anything, but she wears light make up. I like it ofc. “Natural” looking makeup makes them prettier. Sometimes she wears a little more and does her hair and wears a good outfit and looks so sexy.
But, then I’ve seen her wash her make up off, and go to bed and wake up without it and she’s still pretty. Definitely not close to with makeup but still pretty.
A below average woman made millions lf dollars off of her faked presentation of her looks, all without getting naked, while pretending it has nothing to do with her looks and everything due to hard eork and personality, while she obviously knows that is a lie considering she very carefully tries to keep up her "I am a hot girl believe me" aura while also being dfessed in an obvious way showing off her goods just enough for idiots to not call her a whore.
I am mad that men give her money and attention. Why does ghat make me mad? Because giving average women like her attention and money for it damages the general perception average women have of themselves.
>Uhhh… is she ugly or autistic or what?
She just doesn't care to put on an act, more of a tomboy type. She will wear light makeup at formal events (weddings etc) but in general she doesn't.
Virgin question
If I’m deep into making out with a bitch and she’s got tons of make up on and has fraud MAXXED like the chick in OP, will her face cream melt off and I’ll end up seeing the real her?
I Comment what is a goy? Or is it the goys pushing the gay agenda? Etc.. on every squidinkidink video that pops up in my feed. It's the little things boys.
> Why are you supporting he cause by posting her?

Not my thread

> I don't know who this is and never would has you not advertised her.

I always post the name of figures I know. I'm doing the work OP should have done. Besides, if they really wanted to simp they'd reverse image search her.
She's lost a shit load of weight lately, legitimately looks like she has an ED
Not him but my wife doesn't either. She was just very poor growing up and never learned
Goy is a state of mind
To some it’s a source of shame. To others it is a state of serenity
I for one am goy
No. They have to wash it off. Many girls will be self confident and even sleep in it when first dating a guy.
I had to tell my gf after I noticed smudges on my pillowcase.
If her face touches your shirt or something it might make a mark on it.
its dat dark yellow pussy, you know the type
Only after you wake up. If you sleep in the same bed (after sex, actual sleeping) at some point she will remove her makeup because they cannot sleep with makeup on usually. If its a girl you do not know very well yet, she will not do this before you fucked her. In fact you will only see the result of that in the morning for the first time. It is quite the experience when not used to it, because you go from fucking a girl you think is really hot, then you snuggle up and sleep together and then wake up for the first time seeing her real face in the morning sun light, which is especially cruel to women (also considering people do not look attractive when waking up in the first place). A bitch that is ugly without makeup is not worth it btw.
what? who the fuck cares how average women perceive themselves. you are a fat bitch like anon said its hilarious. stop eating cake, fat bitch. and learn to derive self esteem from yourself and philosophy. not from what the cattle masses think. kek.
he is one of the most promoted on the site
So your a social communist? Someone's bad attitude will negatively affect someone else's attitude and it's all kind of interlinked?

Why can't you be glad that a woman like this displays her negative traits and you can more actively avoid her? None of the women I know on my life are like this. None of the women I know act the way 4chan screams.

Why can't you just improve yourself to broaden your own dating pool and find a more lateral or worthy woman?
Why waste all this time and energy on these useless skanks then proceed to get mad you did?
I again, didn't know this skank existed till the thread started crying.

By the same guise, for a better society, can I kill or subjugate you before the he "incel" attitude affects other men and lowers our standard of living collectively?
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Honestly all forms of cosmetics and plastic surgery should be banned and anyone caught selling or administering them sentenced to life in hard labor camp. Cosmetics is just deception. It's all deceit. If you are ugly, it's wrong to cover it up and make yourself look pretty. That's bad.

The only solution is to ban it all and punish everyone caught using it with hard labor.
What site?
thats a boy, have you never seen other humans?
She cute
jewtube. i just changed my IP and see this face pretty often while it gets used to my preferences
What shame
>incel memeflag thread
Goyim will kill your family is what I tell jews. It is what it is. I don't make it a habit of identifying as one though
the only solace i have is that her boyfriend has a flaccid cock and they never fuck
Who cares, retard.
Nigger what are you talking sbout. Hoes having massive inflated egos is currently argubly the biggest problem young people have. Kill yourself stop simping for this rice whore

I use feminine pronouns whenever I see someone who is clearly a bottom.
having an inflated ego is the opposite of deriving self esteem from yourself esl austismbro
>doesn't know emiru
>thinks he knows how modern women work
Kill yourself boomer. I get plenty pussy, this is not about myself.
She's very attractive without makeup. I would literally breed her if I was not married (and if she is 5'4" min)
>having an inflated ego is the opposite of deriving self esteem from yourself esl austismbro
>whores see average woman makes it by faking being hot
>now they think they as average women deserve the same
Its literally this simple. Brainlet.
The SIMP problem is not a woman problem. It is a man problem. Men are giving these women resources and not getting babies in return. This is a man problem. Women are not equals, stop being mad at them and expecting them to take responsibility like they are a man.
Click the ... And clock "block this channel".
The algorithm feeds you content it thinks you would engage with. Not enjoy.
There is a outrage economy. You can't just not participate. Thar Simon wexler guy flooded my feed for a week before I blocked like 10 of his channels.

After that, improve your attitude and go out and meet real women. Not on dating sites or online. The amount of high class ass I see that won't use dating sites because of the hostility of dudes is wild.

While you all bitch about women's standard improving. I've had the exact opposite experience. All you have to do is not call her a cunt or a whore or not quote a YouTube statistic. Women are as desperate as men and your a mid or low chasing highs.

This is to try to help you. Take it as advice rather than a insult. How I wrote it.
Cuck take. Women are equally at fault.
Nah, they are not equals. We're just going to disagree on this.
Well she's an attractive millionaire, if he's not stretching her pussy, someone else sure is.
If you think modern women operate the same way youtubers and OFs do. You are beyond delusional and should, for your own health, have access to the Internet removed.

You are destroying your own life.
If all women act like emu. All men are basically just simps and quit bitching simp. Chads talking I guess.
>If you think modern women operate the same way youtubers and OFs do. You are beyond delusional
The only ones who don't are the ones who can't because their so hutt ugly they don't have the option.
White cock.
Mission impossible style mask.
Jesus Christ your gone.
Name a woman you know that isn't a coworker or family(required or paid). This isn't something you say to me, this is your own personal thought experiment.
Now there are damn near 200 million women just in my country and if you can't find one you like. You got issues niggers.
This isn’t one of those horror stories where they look like different people without makeup. She’s not that bad
These are internet brain wormed tranny chasers.
Don't let them influence your taste and you don't have to defend it against jealousy incels.
whitey is superior, in enabling the reckless breeding habits of subhumans and even paying for it.
>Name a woman you know that isn't a coworker or family(required or paid).
My soon to be wife
>Now there are damn near 200 million women just in my country and if you can't find one you like. You got issues niggers.
I found one from outside the degenerate West.
stop spamming that fugly chink and kys already
claim it was non consensual because you were duped
Your soon to be ex wife. Your attitude will grow tiresome and annoying and the first person to ask her how she's feeling that day is going to make her panties soak.

Been married 15 years. You attitude reminds me slot of the guys who were only married for around 2 or 3.
Why is every nazi sexually repressed? Why do you think that is a good solution to your problems in bed?
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Fascism in general is a sexual insecurity magnet.
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Is your fiance a ugly bitch or a OF whore?
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What's pol's opinion on this fat ass?
I’m in the Bible Belt a lot of them want to do homosexual shit and don’t realize how obvious it is to everybody around them. They’re scared of trans ppl because the bisexual ones know they enjoy the situation a little too much
built for big canine cock
Emiru is above average in looks, her jaw is fine too. She wears make-up, is good at using it, and looks very different without it. That's about the only thing one can criticize about her. But that applies to very many women, many of whom don't look as good as her without it.
She is half white, half Chinese btw.
Looks like she’s about to clean something and I’m wondering what it is so it ruins it
She should also gain some weight imo
Her voice is kinda deep.
I don’t mind her though.
there's an improved version of her out there
ig: tinakitten
They are equals because they have rights you mutt cuck
must suck to date or be married to someone who isn't beautiful without makeup
love my wife, gorgeous both with and without
btw OP has never touched a vagina
can't imagine a worst fate
is that elliot roggers?
It's okay I'll make sure to force her to abort any daughters and only make chiseled jaw sons.
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I live in appalachia. These hogs assume because I look like them I want 13 yrs old married and to shoot brown people.
I actually had to chase a neighbor away from my son.
Son went to check the mail, neighbor down there talking to him. Neighbor is 60. Son is 12.
Walk down to see what's going on. He was telling my boy about how fun it be to shoot college kids during the Palestinian protest.
The only people to ever show up at my door and try to harm me, My family, or steal my shit have been white Christian conservatives.

They are the niggers they fear. The only Puerto Rican I know trades me eggs do we don't have incestuous poultry.

I have the same experience you seem to have. Or similar. I never had a leftist need to be thrown off my property.
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There are unironically many cucks in this very thread that saif she looks fine withiut makeup. This bitch is a literal 3/10. Even in the non makeup picture its perfect lighting and filter and its still fucking awful
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Yup. Some chicks try to keep their makeup on at all times though, at least some of it. I dated this girl for a bit who had this killer body, big thick booty nice titties and she had nystagmus so her eyes would always be bouncing left and right like she was nervous. She did this Egyptian eyeliner kinda thing and for months I never saw her without it. One morning I’m cooking breakfast for us after a date and she comes out of the bathroom having taken it off and she had like fuckin CIRCLE eyes, I actually jumped a couple inches when I saw her. Women are fucking magicians with that shit dude.

emiruu is a ladyboy
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like this?
what do you mean circle eyes
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I mean kind of like this. She was Mexican but when she was wearing her makeup she had these eyes that looked super elongated and sexy, like I said they bounced back and forth so she always looked nervous, and if she got wasted or sleepy they’d bounce much more slowly kind of ping ponging back and forth. Was super cute. But when she came out she had round eyes, like these. She went from having an angular face to having a super round face, it was fucking wild.
You're right to an extent. If many people feel as these salty cunts do it's going to be manifested into the human experience. It's too many people. So now we select for fake bullshit. They won't go outside and touch grass. They won't contribute. They will be wrong until they're right. Instead of screeching at them, you could focus on making sure the people in power aren't useless so we can cater to this group before it reaches critical mass.
To end this point. Catering to them is as simple as not making life so meaningless that they are eternally jealous of what someone else has. There's a few big plays we can make. The establishment is truly useless. Discussing politics is virtually pointless because both sides know that they're getting fucked either way, whether they want to admit it or not
And people still think the political talking heads are real.
What are the political consequences of me being able to create AI GF in shape and likeness of Emiru, while I upload my consciousness in to the body of synthetic cat called Bunkey? Will society accept my desire to travel among the stars with my AI companion forever ad infinity to explore the cosmos while sleeping like a cat in Emiru's lap?
You can't really. Women lie as naturally as they breath. You could threaten them with death and they'd still continue.
The only thing you can do is bring them into situations where their lies will be exposed. Like going to the beach and getting her to swim with you and so on.
you’re a knuckle dragging fucking retard if you think that any woman actually looks like that in the first place. no human being has poreless skin, dense muppet eyelashes, dark lines around their eyes in an angular shape, or shimmering faces. if you get “tricked” by the trompe l’oiel of makeup, it means you expect human women to look like fucking anime irl. you deserve what you get.
Yes anon you’re the only man to not be fooled by makeup. We are all basking in your anonymous flex you great big fucking alpha male. Shut the fuck up retard makeup exists because it works, everyone knows women don’t look exactly like their makeup but the average woman isn’t changing her entire fucking facial structure with makeup so when you do see it happen it’s jarring. Congrats I had to explain the entire point of the fucking topic to you
a.i. jews will fill your ship with rats, but remove your claws and fangs. for eternity.
>but really really loves cock in her mouth.
something you can relate to no doubt
I would cum inside of her with or without makeup
Emi is cute
blown out internet roastie gets promoted by jewtube. i swear i saw her nudes get leaked, but they've been scrubbed from the internet. I probably have them on a drive somewhere
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>the average woman isn’t changing her entire fucking facial structure with makeup
This is literally what contouring is. Any woman who’s wearing a full face (foundation) is contouring her face into a different shape. It’s only jarring if you don’t know anything about makeup and just accept that a woman looks as she appears. The point of this thread remains that you retards are only tricked by this shit because you expect women to look like fucking anime dolls. Stop watching porn, go outside, retrain your eyes on real women’s faces.
>how do we stop women from fraud and extortion based on looks?
Impossible, it will always be possible to fool men like this, individuals can try to resist, but men at large will never achieve victory against this
when AR is implemented, there will be a no-makeup filter mode. women will rage and protest at this
She looks okay but she would need to get breast implants to be acceptable as her they are too saggy, honestly its a gift that extensive plastic surgery is acceptable for the gook spawn as its the only thing that makes most of them palatable.

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