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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I’m more partial to brave new world, but how does /pol feel in the direction of the world currently?
You forgot Harrison Bergeron and Atlas Shrugged.
south africa X weimar
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Only Vonnegut I've ever read was Breakfast of Champions.
I'll have to give it a try.
The first part of Atlas Shrugged was cool, but after John Galt actually shows up the book got boring. I liked The Fountainhead movie, never read the book of it.
Our elite class likes to larp at being Brave New World but has to resort to 1984 because the result of their policies is Idiocracy. Speaking of Idiocracy, I just learned about Top Dog Law and it instantly reminded me of the movie. You're living it already.

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Okay but hear me out, did we not do the same thing but with the word “Daddy”
200 years together, camp of saints, demolition man, jonestown
1984 and brave new world were descriptive not predictive, idiocracy is already setting in and the last option is womanbabble
They're definitely going for the BNW style
remember that 90% of people got the jab WILLINGLY
World war Z.
that was an israel shill movie
A gramme is always better than a damn…

But yes you’re absolutely correct
At least in Idiocracy the state being incompetent can be good for you a lot of the time, you'd be able to game the system more often
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Pic related until it all collapses then i'm going rallying in the ruins.
Mike Judge is such an underrated writer/director, everything he does is good political commentary
Weed/niggerball is Soma, all npcs are non-savages that conform to their birth designation programming. The only sane person on earth is the one that correctly assesses that society has gone mental. We’ve been in BNW for a long time
The Machine Stops. Short story that has people sit in pods and talk to each other through screens but live almost entirely isolated. All needs are met by automated processes inside of giant cities of pods. The outside is polluted and deadly to the city dwellers. Culture has completely stagnated, with people just talking about and becoming experts in arts and culture from previous generations. Eventually the machines start to break down and everything collapses, with the only survivors being people who had lived outside of the cities and evolved resistance to he pollution. Published in like, 1910 or something.
It's going to be Akira and I am going to be Tetsuo.
huh? democracy is working as intended, but the weird thing is that it relies on the propaganda there should be ''change'' to feel like when they took power during their revolutions. Of course there will never be a revolution on a society which already has suffered from a revolution.

So you guys have to accept that:
1/ all societies decay
2/ the democratic republics by the bourgeois civil servants and the bourgeois businessmen will not be exempted from decay
3/ the new society will not have the bourgeois at the top, ie it will not be a republic
4/ if the new model of society is so obvious, the bourgeois will nip it in the bud, in order to keep their republics alive
5/ the new society will NEVER EVER be created by any civil servant or businessman

=>The solution will never come from any media products like the coomer Zemmour in France, nor from a business product like the coomer Trump in the USA, nor from an academic product like Milei (in democracy, academia is part of the entertainment industry), let alone a self-made intellectual like Dugin, nor from a woman because, in democracy, women are products of bureaucracies and marketing.
The solution will come from somebody who is not part of the republic. Only an external element and/or an external event to the republic will destroy the republic and the fake dichotomy bureaucrats-businessmen for good.
The point is that it will be so strange that westerners won't see it coming.
The world much like my existence is a shit show.
You forgot The Protocols.
Never forget The Protocols.
I hate chronicle
Okay hear me out, I love idiocracy next to anyone and yes I do believe everyone is getting dumber by the day. That’s why I think idiocracy is the easy pick. Defend yourself. So for me I think:

Exhibit 1)

We have over sexualized the word Daddy and now when people hear it they can’t help but to giggle/and-or be uncomfortable about it.

2) The world pushes drugs (wether its SSRIs or recreational

3) casual hookups. Everyone belongs to everyone….

Need I say more?
What in the absolute fuck is that Jewish gatbage
Directly north.
If the situation is so obvious to everyone why are we still in the situation
No, you are Caneda.
Bludvlart checked
Off by 1 ya silly billy
Nobody wants to throw the first punch, or follow the crowd until they know they're going to win.
a world in which the tyrants have to walk on eggshells is much better than the openly anti-right authoritarianism that is currently on display.
I don't give a shit about going too far in the other direction because the alternative will be much worse for me on a personal level
Britain and America definitely to Idiocracy, mainland Europe towards 1984 but will struggle to free themselves. And after that Britain and USA will be used to "liberate" free Europe again because they are fuckin stupid hahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahah
harrison bergeron is missing
You forgot Clockwork Orange, except it's not nadsat but ebonics
I'm going for farhenheit. That one ends with planes dropping nukes on the cities.
No seriously try listening to nigfied zoomer speak
It's like trying to make sense of nadsat but in real life
To say nothing of the youths high on drugs, sex, and violence with music badly synthesizing classical music over modern slop (sampling classical over rap or pop is too popular)
Sounds like The Possibility of an Island, I lean towards We
That's because we have no unity. We don't protest racism against us. We don't fight back against the ones killing our children, and when someone does fight back they are arrested and forgotten about. That's why, not because we want to make sure it's a win before fighting. We always win wars, we're White. Well, except in Afghanistan lol. When I was arrested for a hate crime and posted on here no one donated to my legal defense fund. They just laughed at me.
The elite will transfer their minds to computer constructs. They will live in gigantic fortress cities with thick metal walls, powered by internal fission (possibly fusion), hydroelectric, and deep hot geothermal energy. The internal atmosphere will be filled with toxic gases designed to enable greater computer and mechanical efficiency. The elites will be served by countless AIs and infinite robots, a practically infinite army. Many AI will be trillions of times more intelligent than the most intelligent biological human that could ever exist.

UBI will not be granted. The bulk of humanity, being biological, will live in increasing poverty as their jobs are taken by machines. The bio-humans will work in the garbage fields, sweat shops, and hard labour facilities. Race, religious belief, political opinion, etc. will not matter, all be equal in poverty, working shoulder-to-shoulder in the grime.

The elites, no longer being biological, but still requiring resources in their endless competition with other elites, will send out massive machines to scrape up all of the Earth's biomatter and burn it for fuel. The barren Earth will be built over with infrastructure, utilities, wear houses, manufacturing plants, etc. The water and air will be made toxic, the arable land will be burned away.

The last biological humans will die either by suicide or be spending the last amount of money to their name for their last cup of gruel.

The elite, once fully consumed the Earth will expand outward, consuming the entire cosmos for all its energy and matter, and doing genocidal wars against any alien beings that stand in their way.

If you are not at least a mega millionaire in the next 20-30 years, then you and any children you have or hope to have, are already dead.
How many decades you think you have before 20th Century UK collapses?

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