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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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is there anything a Canadian can *realistically* do to protest the invasion of shitskin pajeets from coming into the country? I can't stand them and I know so many others who think the same. I'd deport them all if I had the choice, is anyone doing anything about this and how can I support the effort?
You don't live in a real democracy.
>is there anything a Canadian can *realistically* do
nothing youd want to talk about online
Assuming OP can't do anything through his government I think maybe the best option is to move, either within the country to somewhere where there are few Indians or out of the country to a similar place.
The country is completely infested with them at this stage unfortunately. Even small Canadian towns are like 30% Indian.
>good economy
>low native fertility
>open to immigration
>english speaking
change one
Nope it’s over always remember to blame liberals (no, not Jews, average Canadian normies wanted this, no kikes needed and no it wasn’t kikes that somehow tricked them)
So much of Canada is so sparsely inhabited, though, especially the far north. If even Canadians generally don't want to go there, I can't think of a reason Indians would.
You didn't even show up to protest today with the Retardditers which apparently was a MASSIVE failure with a dozen people. If you are white you have these options:
1) leverage yourself to the max in the property bubble which is the minimum for enfranchisement in your new neo-feudal society. If your whore wife leaves you or you get disabled sick then make peace with the noose
2) do fent, live in a tent, steal/undermine a society that sold you out until entropic chaos takes you
3) be a pragmatic retard, vote thinking the other neoliberal party will save you, work 120+ hour weeks, pay your landlouse 90% of your income, jack off to your gay ass partialism, and slowly slip under the water until you sarco pod
4) lever up on a great education and fucking leave forever after skipping the bill (if you fail, noose)
5) inherit wealth, become a rent seeking little nigger parasite upon your fellow man, retire in Mexico like a little globalist kike

It's like a prisoners dilemma except you lose all of them except winning the lottery. We don't talk about the Ireland solution, it's a different world nowadays and the P-zombies would never accept it. I personally chose 2.
>relatively safe for indian immigrants
I can't think of a reason why any good and decent White Canadians fleeing the poojeet invasion shouldn't be welcomed here. Maybe we should set up some refugee camps for them. It seems like it would just be the right thing to do for our northern brothers and sisters.
It's up to us to reclaim Canada. Millions must receive cabins and land
Strategic pullback to the south by white Canadians and then join forces with us and attack the jeet by surprise with overwhelming numbers and force. I think it could work.
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Yeah. get 50 like minded individuals with large, heavy objects such as fully loaded trucks and park them on the major border crossing for trade or line them up on the choke points of the rail network if you feel spicy..
Sounds glorious.
I wouldn't mind to see that change. It's all so frustrating given how visible this problem has become in such a short period of time. TPD
realistically? we're fucked. Canada is over. get out or get comfortable with the decline. it's going to get a lot worse.
that said. the best thing you can do at the moment, is to just keep talking and building awareness. there is no use being a lone wolf and making a martyr of yourself. you won't change anything on your own, just plan to leave quietly, but keep talking about it. because people ARE waking up, the public opinion on immigration has changed very quickly. and if the time ever comes when there really is a mass public movement, as unlikely as that is, be ready to capitalize on it. because frankly, if there was willpower and organization, we could turn things around remarkably quickly. remember that the majority of these indians are very new arrivals. they still have family back home, they have no loyalty to this country and very little holding them here. meaning, they still have somewhere to run when things start to get uncomfortable. white people have nowhere to run, and so if it turns to violence, we will fight until our last breath. but I guarantee you that the moment it starts to be unsafe to be an indian in Canada, 90% of them will hop on a plane and run back to mommy's house in india. they are not going to stay here in this there just has to be a few solid incidents of racial pogroms, and they will gtfo.
the government is a non issue, Canadian gun owners vastly outnumber the armed forces and police put together.
on top of that, all of the pajeets are crammed into the cities and rely on very fragile infrastructure to survive white people still live rurally and know the land. all it would take is one bad winter and a few trucks to cripple the country and kill millions in the cities. just look at how poorly Calgary is handling their water crisis, and imagine that on a large scale in the winter.
running out of space but the point is its possible. the question is if there is a will to do it. I think probably not. I'm not really hopeful.
Simply stop issuing permanent residency to students "attending" private colleges (as opposed to legit public universities). Problem pretty much solved.
>we could turn things around remarkably quickly
Agreed. If there is really no hope for Canada, it is over for us all, because it doesn't get much easier to fix elsewhere.
I think the same thing is going to happen to you that happened to us with the illegal Mexicans. I like Mexico and the Mexican people in Mexico. The problem was that too many came here at once and didn't assimilate. I wish I had better news for you. At least we had something good for a little while.
And survive on what? Eating berries on the side of the highway?
there is literally one (1) highway that connects our entire country. a few dedicated people with trucks could cripple our supply lines overnight. watch how the cities deal with that in the winter.
either way we go, Canada is the canary in the coal mine for the west. what happens here will be critical. if we actually grow some balls and do something about the jeets, I think the rest of Anglo countries will follow us like domios. everybody's just waiting for someone to start it off. but if we capitulate, which frankly I think is more likely...well, you guys should all panic because you're next.
yeah I think so too. you will be north Brazil, and us north Argentina.
I talk big, but really I'm consigned to our fate at this point.
There must be some towns that few people have ever heard of that people survive in. We've got tons of those all across the United States.

Trump is saying when he's president you'll get a green card if you get even just a 2 year community college degree. I've got a 4 year university degree already. Just do some more university in the US and go live in Palm Springs or New Mexico or someplace like that...warm and sunny...
I grew up in very rural Canada, and have friends from all over the country, this issue truly is infected every square inch of the country. Even if you want to live in the forest, you still need to get groceries, supplies, etc and maybe even a simple job. All of which are full of shitskins.
While there is an overarching anti-white agenda, in the short term our government is influenced by who cries and screams the loudest.
Landlords and mortgage holders have the biggest bullhorn to scream and cry into whenever interest rates go up and they are threatened with foreclosure, therefore mass immigration of pajeets is required to ensure rental prices stay artificially inflated and therefore housing remains inflated
/pol won't like this, but you're correct.
How old are you? If you claim you're over 18 then this sounds pretty fishy to me.
They're flying in on student visas
White Canadians are the biggest cucks on the planet. It’s whites who hold institutional power and who are allowing the pajeets in.
kind of. you guys have way more developed land than us honestly, you guys are really unique in having so much livable space. we definitely have rural communities that will hang on but they're not as numerous and they're mostly pretty reliant on the state unfortunately. also we don't have the ability to produce food on the scale you do. the vast majority of our arable farmland is in southern Ontario and is being rapidly paved over to make room for urban sprawl.

but I mean yeah pockets will exist, and I think a lot of fringe societies will start popping up more as the country starts to break down and likely balkanize in the future. I know that for instance, one side of my family is building a commune on quite a large plot of land. they have animals and are basically trying to make themselves independent of the government for exactly this case. but again, everybody is just so dependant on the state here that it will be rough. it's a big country with not much infrastructure so it's hard to organize as well.
I live in Southern California and I'm seriously considering moving to Mexico. There's no real difference at this point except the cost of living. I can get a nice place with an ocean view and work remote for a lot less than what I'm paying here. I've spent enough time there to know how not to get robbed, kidnapped or murdered. It's not that much different from LA.
Sometimes you just have to accept that things are the way they are and go from there.
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>is there anything a Canadian can *realistically* do to protest the invasion of shitskin pajeets from coming into the country?
No, your time is up whitoid chud
I'm in my late 20s.
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Designated shitting country
We start by preferring non-Indians to counter the Indian's in-group preference, and we make ourselves as /fit/ as possible physically, mentally, financially, and socially.

Step 1 is NOT buying Tim Hortons, or their fast food franchises. Plan better so you don't have to buy from 7/11.

Step 2 is limit money towards grocery stores that have been taken over by Indians -- it's impossible to avoid the Indian-free ones at this point for most of us, so buy only what fresh food you need, cut out junk. For shelf stable staples you can travel further and buy in bulk from stores without or with less Indians, every little bit helps.
We shouldn't accept any flights from India to begin with.
It happened back in April too, in London, Ontario. They just have a different hygenie standard.

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