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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I'd rather get killed by a blue jew bullet than red jew bullet if you ask me
>1 in 6 chance or 6 in 6 chance.
A gambling man would take the better odds.
>jews have been expelled from every country they've ever settle in
Why do you keep letting them back in?
White boys can't resist Kazar milkers.
just the desperate betas
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checked and I have to say that is the most poignant image I've ever seen regarding america
jews are truly poisonous
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Even the leaders of white boys can't resist those milkers.
I want to take this time to mention a movie Called "the shadow hours" you won't regret it it's about a gas station clerk who gets a visit from..the devil?...
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What they fucking deserve Anon

There hasn't been anything American about America since I was young
This is soo accurate, and the idiots are still fighting which of the two senile is better in the debate about some golf shit
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It should have four bullets of each color to represent the 4 year rotating schedule of elections.
if i w as a gas station clerk i would rather a visit from the devil occur than a visit from random niggers at night
this goes much deeper than just zionists. Take Abraham Lincoln for example he is always shown as a great figure while in truth he wasn't much better than the rest of them and yet people like to pretend he was some savior figure nigh jesus like. This myth was crafted deliberately before the zionists got into power back when the people knew not to trust the tribe. Its a shame americans have forgotten their history and what cancer Freemasons are. Zionists are just the modern version of that although I do have to wonder exactly how they took over its seems so fucking weird how they can crawl into everyone's empire.
sheeeit mane.
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can we at least root out to the depth of zionism and then we can take a breather and see what other structures of evil might remain?
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das crazy frfr on yahweh. wut now top g?
It's pretty much over. Muttmerica was finished and they won't even let you rebel.
I'm really good at Russian Roulette.
I won.
doubt it zionists shape shift way too fast to be rooted out. Also American exceptionalism is some kind of proto zinosim so it would be very had to get rid of it.
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Our police has fascist symbols on its seal. That didn't save us
Not gonna lie, i love seeing the jews kill all those fucking mudslimes.
>shitskins killing shitskins
its perfect, also all those big titty idf girls on instagram.
islam can suck a dick
do not worry my frens. it will get much, much worse.
are you sure that’s the title, it sounds interesting but all I’m getting is one movie about nazi germany and one is about a pair of brothers
What a joke OP's meme is. The WHOLE Russia/Ukraine region is literally ZOG East, just a rival cartel to ZOG West. BOTH sides are heavily jewed and the rest greedy jew golems
And mutts think voting is the pinnacle of human freedom & civil orders
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it's funny how normies are only catching on now that the shitskins are raping their white daughters
Banking. It all began with the greatest shabbos goyim of all time. Charlemagne. He enabled the jews granting them a monopoly on all money lending and usury services in Europe. This tradition never halted.

The Jews didn't takeover America until 1913 when they assassinated most of the opponents to the Federal Reserve Act via sinking the Titanic and then made a movie about it to piss on their watery graves. Before that there was a reason why Americans were so hellbent on Silverbacks and hated fiat induced kikery.
>Lusitania - JP Morgan & Rothschild
How (((They))) Stole Your Future 100 Years Ago
I knew about that it is how they false flagged the USA into ww1 and thanks to their media monopoly. However, the coup wasn't completed until 1913. They didn't perfect the enslavement system until they had their social security #s and birth certificates to incorporate people at birth to gain full leverage/ownership and thus remove their citizenry rights.
Russian roulette looks the same
The same reason why we're tearing down the cultural boundaries at the foundations.
We don't remember why our ancestors did things and we have to relearn the hard way.
aka "The (((creatures))) from Jekyll Island"
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There is no evidence that god(s) exist. There is only evidence that liars exist. Yahweh is a false god, the evidence for liars is profound.

During the Iron Age I period (12th to 11th centuries BCE), the religion of the Israelites branched out of the Canaanite religion and took the form of Yahwism. Yahwism was the national religion of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Yahwism was monolatristic and focused on the exclusive worship of Yahweh, whom his worshippers conflated with most high Canaanite god, El. Yahwists started to deny the existence of other gods, whether Canaanite or foreign, as Yahwism became more monotheistic over time.

Other neighbouring Canaanite kingdoms also each had their own national god originating from the Canaanite pantheon of gods: Chemosh was the god of Moab, Milcom the god of the Ammonites, Qaus the god of the Edomites, and so on. In each kingdom, the king was his national god's viceroy on Earth.

The various national gods were more or less equal, reflecting the fact that the kingdoms in Canaan themselves were more or less equal, and within each kingdom a divine couple, made up of the national god and his consort – in the case of Israel and Judah: Yahweh and the goddess Asherah – headed a pantheon of lesser gods.

During Josiah's reign, Assyrian power suddenly collapsed (after 631 BC), and a pro-independence movement took power in Jerusalem, promoting both the independence of Judah from foreign overlords and loyalty to Yahweh as the sole god of Israel. With Josiah's support, the "Yahweh-alone" movement launched a full-scale reform of worship, including a covenant (i.e., treaty) between Judah and Yahweh, replacing that between Judah and Assyria.

By this time, Yahweh had already been absorbing or superseding the positive characteristics of the other gods and goddesses of the pantheon, a process of appropriation essential for monotheism.

That was what MRRNA was for(besides killing people). Now you literally ain't 'human' and they own your genes and future progeny. Globohomo has a HUGE obsession with lawyering bullshit and incorporating. Once you understand that tracking them and following their future plans becomes insanely easy and disturbingly straightforward. That isn't even getting into the incorporation of governments, territories, and cities.
>maritime or admiralty law
I've got to get some sleep but your post there is what Jordan Maxwell was trying to warn everyone about
Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300
Both of those titles could justifiably been Envious Jewish Lives matter.

They were clearly motivated by spite in defacing the beautiful symmetric aryan noses of their forebears just as they were in removing the statues of courageous generals fighting for a free state against Jewish slave owners and their ilk.
They're just banal reincarnations of the assholes that shaped the past.
Absolutely true & based anon
>Jordan Maxwell
I thought the whole 'sovereign citizen conspiracy theory' was bullshit until I finally got off my lazy ass and read the laws involved starting with social security and birth certificates. Turned out to be 100% legit and honestly it wasn't difficult at all. Painfully easy in fact. Free trade economic zones...are incorporated. People are now aware of this on some level but don't yet understand the legalese involved. Germany was the first one in the EU. In North America it was Canada. In the USA it took longer because they also had to incorporate the states at the same time. This is why Washington DC was so important...the American version of the City of London. A City State. Don't even get me started on the Vatican and the City of Rome.
are you jewish?

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