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>be 15-year-old incel gamer
>perform two miracles
>become 1st Saint of The Millennials

I don't know of any other modern saints, I'm very naive, I assumed Saint Carlo was still alive when he was born in 1991.
esl post
Catholics are a fucking joke but you can't blame them for trying to attract the attention span generation
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other churches have plenty of teenage Saints

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>bought a PlayStation when he was eight, but limited himself to one hour a week of gaming as he was wary that it could become addictive and knew the “dangers of the internet.”
>Salzano added that from the age of nine, the youngster spent time helping the homeless in Milan and giving his pocket money to those sleeping on the streets. She explained that he insisted on only having one pair of shoes, so he could save money to help the poor.
single mother raises a cuck, imagine my shock

need more retards for the tithing
It's a shame our white brothers turned to the darkest side. The side of "free" vacation's, media and concierge firms, dating sites, life coaches, telemarketers and whatever else employs cult tactics that have a metric ton of white people. Cults are never the answer, brother. It truly is a shame those guys will have to face their end time they always project.
>canonization is just a marketing tool for catholicism, the mcdonalds of religion
Thanks for clearing that up once and for all you goofy pedos
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I'm not catholic, but this latest pope seems batshit insane and hellbent on turning the catholic church into some jewish satanist cult.
>Jew worshipers being retarded
Imagine my shock.
Time travel Bros, can you hook up Luther with Nukes?
How is the catholic church not just the pharisee story all over again?
Other churches have teenage millennial saints
You ever heard a catholic ever say sorry about anything? I haven't. I've never even seen a catholic apologize for the rapists priests. They just pretend it never happened or point at other groups. They hate protestants but never apologize for acting like criminal mob bosses the reason people thought reformation was a good idea. Catholics are npcs
>but muh simon was the rock therefor everything they do is justified
My fucking eyes, i thought that said 'pepe and the cardinals, aprove'..
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Cyberpunk 2020 couldn't predict a future this horrible
I remember reading about that boy a few months ago and thinking
>huh, would be cool if he gets canonized
Good for him. He seemed like a very kind and selfless human being.
>single mother raises a cuck, imagine my shock
How's your heart so darkened
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I just found the game he was playing
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Looks like a spic.
He respawned from the dead
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>Carlo "single-mother-raised-incel-gamer" Cutis

No Canddian Orange Man fren, Carlo is known as "Defender of the Lutherans" and his father was interviewed on JRE I uploaded a .webm segment of Carlos father's interview

See the resemblance
In the Bible, a saint is just a christian. Every christian is a saint. The catholic church just makes shit up.
Catholicniggers are the most gross and woke of all the Christnigger variations, don't know why these retards come to /pol/ to shill their garbage religion, they just make us hate them more.
DESU, it was pretty much that from the beginning, they were just better at hiding it.
>he has never heard of Joan of Arc
FACT! I have Catholic parents and they defending supported a local priest who was convicted of pedophilia and said the kids were lying, Catholicniiggers are so fucked in the head, ofc, they are woke too, my mother lost her mind over Drumpf winning the debate, even though she lives in Australia and has no reason to hate Trump, she just got brainwashed because she watches jew media all day and has never had a job.
Catholic Church robbed Italians blind for thousands of years, imagine defending those boy raping, jew worshipping fucks.
>Defender of the Lutherans
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Satanic faggot religion.
Look, I'm sure he was a good kid and did some good things. But this casual handing out of saint titles seems weird to me.
Her boyfriend barely looks better than the simp, LMAO.
Patron Saint of Gaming?
Catholic priests worshiping teenage bussy

Why am I not surprised?
Kids Dad is an investment banker who owns an insurance company. That should tell you everything.
So it's like a modern day indulgence. Thanks.
What are the two miracles he performed?
Bussin and dabbin
>it's a tuesday
>an evangelical protestant has taken time out of tonguing israeli anus to seethe at real churches
healing a pancreatic defect & a head trauma apparently
what did he do?
beat the nightmare level in Tetris?
Wololo fren, What were St. Carlo's two miracles?
>go to Saint Carlo Acutis' wikipedia
>in his beatification section find the Heart Relic pictured
>save the picture and re-upload for us here
+50 Gold like the Age Of Empires 2 Priest
no u. you think a kid should go without shoes so a middle aged bum can get drunk again? one so obnoxious that everyone he knows kicked him out
>all they did was hug
whores are whores anon. why would an incel copypasta give her honor the benefit of the doubt?
did you mean to link wartstein?
What if he boned her and she just told her bf nothing happened
>without shoes
He had a pair though. He just didn't want new ones. I appreciate this is really tough to understand for an American
Kek was this you Australian anon?
>anon tells him to read scientology
>anon replies no thanks, I'm clear
the incident of that thread the "Bristol, CT butcher" happened on 10-12 I think that was also St Carlo's birthday

"during the 18th National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action that the canonization of Frassati had been >cleared"

there's a dozen or so saints getting uh made into official saints this year, and Carlo is one of two saints with uncertain dates. So I'm looking for other modern ones and looks like it goes straight away from greatest generation right to millennials-- skipping everyone else kek
So what's his miracle? Having self-control? Proving an Italian can be generous?
Americans are the sons of Satan
what did he do?
The current pope is a heretic, Ratzinger should never have stepped down.
the simp looks better than the boyfriend desu
why are you posting this stupid shit all over the place? autistic retard doesn't recognize the implied temporal component?
he wants to insist "impossible now" when most who bother to engage with his hypothetical assume "before I die".
it's not impossible to learn German.

is it impossible for you to contribute meaningfully?
Single mothers raises chuds. This boy wasn't afraid to go against the World.
please sir... I want some more
Japan is homogenous. surely one of your anime describe parasites. shengru or Titans or something.

gahdam gozirra blocking traffic again! one group does the fent shuffle while another loot the gas station.
>I'm going to hand one of them my first ever $5
>awwwww how wholesome
+50 Gold
>2 "miracles"
>Dab twice in quick succession

Really setting the bar high these days
Gen-X can't cope having zero saints
Good read

This anon a few days ago in this thread linked pointed out how this resembles the Canadian Flag and Templar Cross, seems relevant

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Gay fat kid who ate nutella out of the jar and died of cancer attributed to the self-resolving illnesses of a brazillian and a carribean
anglos canonized saint nigger floyd instead
I thought in order for a saint to be canonized they needed at least 3 verifiable miracles to their name. At least that's how i thought it worked when they did it for Joan D'Arc
Gen-X can't cope
I can't even.
>A relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis’ heart is coming to New York
>The bishop of Assisi will also lead a holy hour for young people and adults at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Diocese of Brooklyn.

>“It is a joy for me to bring this relic from Assisi,” Sorrentino said in a March 18 press release from the Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino.

>“My prayer is that the presence of the relic of Blessed Carlo will arouse a desire in our American brothers and sisters, especially young people, not to waste their lives, but to make them a masterpiece, like Carlo chose in our time and St. Francis before him,” he said.
>a Saint is a Christian in The Bible

Very informative, the word Saint is mentioned 33 times in the Old Testament and 89 times in the New Testament for a total of 111 times! See the whole searchable Bible on a single webpage
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That feel when you find out they made a Millennial Saint. Then find out he died almost 20 years ago.
>pic rel

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