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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Men are about to declare spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks
good god it really has come to this point hasn't it.
Mean cna be quite retarded, most mem will fight other men!

I certainly don't plan on fighting them, I am going to watch and laugh, what else is there to do.
You are a fucking meme flag
I hope you get raped in your hairy, shit stained asshole until you are ripped, torn, and bloodied
Amen. They have all fallen together, have become daughters of the Whore. Unconstrained feminine energy, demonic in nature. Jews tap into it as well.

I'm done. I'll kill ever last motherfucker, I will soak this fucking earth in blood. These cunts are GOING BACK TO THE WAY THEY WERE.
lol, u must be gay nigga. Ima keep fuckin dem hoes why u be mad over here. stfu pigskin cracker ass mf.
i just want to grill
Never treat women like a man. Women are not men. And should be treated as such. As if they're big children. You think I'm just talking bullshit but this is how I act in real life and women don't like it, they feel shame from being chauvinistically looked down on.
The last of them was the infamous Dr. Disrespect.

Yes, yes, I know what the story is.
But I saw it as a continuation of the metoo story, only now with a grooming context.

If you're a powerful man, stay away from women. You're not their pension fund.
I will write a letter to the Whore with you dude I will turn you into pencils. Your bones will become notary paper.

Oh my God, I have never been more angry. I'm gonna do it. This is insane, but I'm going to find you and I'm actually going to run you through a pencil factory from start to finish and put the rubber erases in myself using your tooth sockets
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I will not participate in you demoralization threads anymore. I'm dating a really cute woman and she makes me happy anon.
she will ruin your life STATISTICALLY SPEAKING. Possibly not.

We don't really care about your unicorn experience though. So. Yes, Death to Women.
>Women are not men.

Got any more insights like this to share, Einstein?

Next up you'll be telling us water isn't solid lmao
Yeah but you're a simp feminist. That means you deny the basic facts of life. Women are not men, you didn't know this apparently. Women should NOT be treated like men. But like children with tits
ITT: losers who are unlikeable
Ever wonder if maybe girls would like you if, idk, you took care of yourself and were a genuine person?
Why are incels so keen on the nice guy to edgelord pipeline? Why can't you guys be reasonable and try to, idk, be the kind of person that quality ladies like?
>but women only want my money :(
Get off the dating apps you dumb fucks and join some clubs and fucking make friends with similar interests and work out. Then just fucking talk to people. Accept the pain of rejection. Accept suffering and struggle and be a man. Not fucking rocket science.
I think that's an overstatement but it will take some serious effort on women's part to restore gender relations.
Yes Shlomo, you really convinced us to never have white children and take any risk with women to do that, yesss yesss Shlomo, taking any risks to ensure having and raising white children is too dangerous for white men. White men should play it safe all their lives and not do anything risky ever. Stay home, save lives, eh?

Fuck you.

We whites are breeding like rabbits now and you will drown in tall blue eyed blonde haired heroes. And of course that's going to involve taking risks and paying money. But having children is our biological imperative and you cannot derail us any longer. We will have dozens of them and if we DIE while raising them, it's still worth it. And you can shove it.
Hey, fruit, most here are grappling with the psychological drive behind why women act the way they do. There's something inherently flawed in the way the predominant amount of women act. Fags like you coming in with a fat "suck it up" miss the point completely. And then, fags like you, end up divorce raped and wonder where it all went wrong. We're finding the root of the problem. You're a stem of the problem.
>whites are breeding like rabbits
if you want to fight a war, deluding yourself shouldn't be the first step you take
Women are spiritually Jews and they must be stripped of their rights and beaten. Disagree and I'll flog you bro just tell me where you are I'll shove this dumb stick up your ass before finishing the circumcision the jewish doctor gave you as a baby (all the way, dickless wonder)
The more you meet one, the more disgusted you become. Its like entering a cult.
This bot/loser's been posting this like 200 times this past week.

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