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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So why would the government and the rich elites want lots of racemixing? I don't understand how that would benefit them?
Divide and conquer it's that simple. Browns will always be happy house niggers as long as they have a slightly bigger slice of the bugmeat pie than whites.
mass of people with no unique identity that are dumb and weak and easy to control
If you mix all races there won't be any more racism.
Mix people have no culture. Usually rejected by both sides 95% are easily controllable because of this while the other 5% are Zealots full of unwavering hatred towards the powers that be and they will gouge out their eye balls and torture them for promoting that curse upon them. Those are the most dangerous people on the planet if they self realize
Ideal slave race which has no pride in their heritage
jews were forcibly race mixed during pograms and they want revenge
literally no point for a mutt to have pride in a race they arent part of
Weakens ethnocentric nations specifically European countries. The elites want to turn the world into Brazil.

I think the slave tech for the future only works on niggers.
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I think.. it's to make us relatively the same. Less variation, less beauty to creation. Sometimes there's not some genius outcome, sometimes it's just plain evil.
No sovereignty, no sovereign peoples or places. Which means might is right, and to do what thou wilt will become the entirety of the law. Sage
maybe there should be an iq minimum for this websight, on top of the sge mininum
tl;dr you're fucking retarded, or a kike, nigger
We breedin nigger cattle out here son
It’s because the browns are all easy to control golems. White people are their only true threat. And even now, whites are so fucking cucked they’re basically the same as a nigger or spic when it comes to defeating the Jews or Illuminati.
Maybe they're trying to create an inferior species that will never be able to beat the elites?
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Germany used to be made up of a shitload of independent duchies, each with their own culture, their own language characteristics, their own definable ethnicity.
Napolean smashed through it like a knife through butter.

So after Napolean's downfall, the Germans decided to build an integrated national government instead. They smashed up the internal divisions and united the entire society as one giant nation. That is the concept of "nationalism", you smash up the internal tribal divisions between people, mix them together, and by solving internal conflicts you now have the ability to project power outwards. This created a roaring industrial machine for Germany and a monstrously powerful state, which scared the shit out of Britain and resulted in 2 world wars.

Mixing races is seen by liberals as just a way to solve conflict. Eventually to solve global conflict, by homogenizing everyone.
Wars between China and Japan? Just mix them up a little, that'll solve that problem.

However, that's simply the basics of "ethnic destruction" within a nation itself.
The concept of reaching overseas, bringing in an entirely different race or culture, then mixing with them....for no apparent reason, that is a jewish concept. It was created by jewish intellectuals who were terrified that racial ideas would single out the jews. They want to eliminate any stock majority population in the countries they reside. This is unambiguous, it's in all their writings, the jewish stamp is directly on this movement.

As for why the government goes along with that? They want the most power possible, that means the biggest coalition possible. They always talk about "global goals", because their aim is...you guessed it, a global hegemony. For your own protection...of course.
This idea appeals to them, because they're uniting the entire globe as one unit. In reality of course, they're just eliminating white people, while all other races remain intact. But they aren't smart enough to see that
to unfuck a lot of their past incest

discord and shame those who want to keep homogenous races where they were for 200,000 years by calling them racist

Jews love this shit
Identity is quite the buzzword. In reality, it’s family, extended family and community of a tribe sharing blood. Jews are the best example since they build ethnical communities that supports their own anywhere they go while dismantling society at large by destroying the nuclear family and cohesion to a point everyone distrusts their own neighbors
ultimate consumer, genderless, raceless, rootless...there was that one anon who claimed to work for think tanks and was somehow part of the cosmetics industry, was saying the end goal is that you "purchase your culture". multiple reasons for pushing lots of racemixing though, no one right answer.
Sorry I'm playing a Thief 2 FM right now
Lower IQ
Weakens the national identity of the men, making them less vested in defending their culture and homelands. It's one prong on the process of demoralization, making it easier to enslave or take over a country/region... It's a war to be sure, and they're using dumbshit women on many fronts.
When you convince a people to hate their own tradition, their own culture, their own history, their family, their language, even their very skin, you no longer have to defeat them. Because they have nothing left to fight for.
To remove national identity and culture so you have a bunch of retards with no connection to each other, no bonds with which to rise up as a people and overthrow them.
And throw-in that the only available women are tatted-up warpigs with bitter personalities. The 7/10s and above are all camwhoring from their studio apartments.
you dont understand how destroying the only nation in the world that guarantees complete autonomy and rights including armament to the citizen would be a top priority for kikes?
>. It was created by jewish intellectuals who were terrified that racial ideas would single out the jews. They want to eliminate any stock majority population in the countries they reside. This is unambiguous, it's in all their writings, the jewish stamp is directly on this movement.
thats a great point. the best analogy is circumcision. they want everyone to look the same as them so they can hide easier
Chaos lets the smart take advantage of the stupid, take a good look at stocks during the covid epidemic for instance
Low iq animals Nepo babies
Dumber than niggers
They don't want to run a true civilisation, a great empire to stand the test of time and drive humanity forward. They just want to rule. They just want power and control.
When everything has collapsed into total shit, they just want to be sitting on the biggest shit hill.
because certain races are either to intelligent to control properly while others are to idiotic do do complex work , some are to violent and some are not violet enough . Either way eradicating the ability for a people to rally behind their race is a massive win for the NWO
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Because 70-90IQ brown, rootless, ethnically ambiguous retards are easy to manipulate. Bread and circuses to control the masses. The only thing those groups are designed to do is keep those with power in power.

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