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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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why has nobody come up with an open source naming database? maybe something on the blockchain so its decentralized? everyone always says "its the jews" but nobody says WHO specifically. i feel like the bad guys love anonymity and thats their greatest shield so if you ever want democracy you need to unmask them and take away that cloak they hide behind while conducting all their faggotry. if you took away the anonymity, it would be a lot harder for them to behave badly in a way that the masses of people hate. i think they kind of see the writing on the wall as technology advances and this is one of the reasons why the push so hard for population control and destruction. they want to bring us back down to manageable numbers for the state apparatus. we are like niggers on a plantation where the slaves outnumber the plantation owner 3,000 to 1. their only way to keep controlling us is to hide in the shadows so the slaves dont know who or where the plantation owner is or how many there are.
why does nobody ever reply to the most important thread on /pol/? im starting to wonder if goookmoot had the CIA kikes pay him a visit and implement a bump algo into the site to only push BBC and modern women threads
page 9 here we come! 0 replies still
Good idea desu
It will bring a lot of heat though so you have to already know what to do.
page 9 again almost to archive with 1 real reply thanks for the support goys
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im done trying to spread good ideas to you useless niggers. goodbye faggots. dont expect anything more from me other than shitposts about seinfeld
Shut the fuck up Puddy
I bet they have already built their own online system, didnt the 23andme data get leaked to dnms ? Whip up a little family tree with 8 billion current nodes and tease out whatver branches you want to prune.
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This is a great idea. I've been saying we need to keep track of them awhile now. They lie about how many of them they are so they can pretend to be a minority
chinese jews
someone did this for coalburners and it got shut down immediately.
"doxing" is a felony, and given the sensitive "antisemitic" nature of such a list as you propose there's a very high chance of glowboy involvement and federal hate crime charges as well. anyone who hosts it, no matter the platform and no matter the location, will likely end up with a knock at their door. how long did "coalfax" stay up, for example? feel free to give it the old college try, though.
>"doxing" is a felony,
its literally not and i didnt say doxing anyway i said naming
Ever wonder where the echo marks came from?

Google bans plug-in that picks out Jews
What's coalfax?
Good project but also good luck having it not be fucked by glowniggers.
This kind of shit is smack dab in their "laws and human rights only exist when we allow it" motivation area.
And blockchain isn't magic. The server still need to be somewhere and operated by someone, with less than half of those being compromised other the ledger's corruption will rapidly snowball.
bump. strange how no one is in this thread
Bump. Been a while since ive done research on blockchain stuff but maybe ICP is what youre looking for?
Great way to get the internet shut down dumbo. You should be publically executed. Plus you’re probably a kike yourself and you’d “name” non jews while forgetting to name jews.
OP if you want to stop sucking dicks for a moment and present some ideas for your database then let me know.
i know right. seems like the most consequential tactic to defeating globohomo and nobody can be assed to bump or brainstorm
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>It's closed captioning for the Jew-blind
Jews are so proud of themselves until you start to name them.
well i had an idea that you could power it via blockchain on a decentralized chain or net. this would avoid all the gay internet ICANN shutdowns when kikes get mad and try to force a shutdown. the dataset could be categorized or organized by country first, then state, then province/county whatever down to the local level allowing a complete accounting internationally of all globohomo minions down to the local level. maybe it could have a quick "early life" section like a mini dossier with legal and non-sensitive information to avoid any legal issues. it could host or link to video clips and news articles of things proving allegiance to globohomo. maybe have a rating system for how notorious they are or something for comedy effect to get it memeworthy and help people want to participate and spread it
@ 472828836
putting your sincere conviction and intent behind your alleged "good idea" on display
if you would have been honest you wouldn't need (You)s on /pol/
you wouldn't do anything either
Good idea.
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Not all Jews are Bolsheviks
Not all Freemasons are pedophiles
The Bolsheviks purchased the Freemasons
Now those adults all have child brides, they know each other, won't arrest each other but will arrest you, and they are your slavers
You can't name better than that
Baphomet and Moloch teamed up to kidnap, sheer, murder, rape, and eat (you) and your children
People who help got to profit
It's not globochomo
It is globochomo
>It's the jews but nobody says who
Most jews are complicit.
wow you give up REALLY easy
globohomo wins this one guys!
Pack it up!
Another thousand years of jewish rule
because kikes run the servers retard
hey buddy stop doing that its just fucking annoying for anyone other than you
its a super newfag thing to do as well
anyone who does that @ shit is for sure a redditfugee, some kind of mental defect that comes from thinking like a plebbitor for too long
you need to work on yourself son
thats pathetic
I start:
-Ben Shapiro

>Blockchain ...
Do you even know, what a Blockchain is ?
Tip, If you want free speech, it is the opposite you want.

Oh, and SSL- Encryption (the little httpS in the URL) ?
It also makes you less free, since it alows centralized revokal that wasn't possible before encryption became a thing.
this thread is so weird. the language typically used in threads isn't here at all. it's all so weird
>Restore democracy
Are you retarded? Democracy is what got us into the mess. Jews have no power under monarchy.
Jesus Christ I now understand why OP is always a fucking faggot just watching you whine in this thread. Here’s your bump you fucking redditor
European GDPR is specifically designed to prevent this action by populace. You do not have the right to record history.
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