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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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what a slut
what do the kikes have on her that she did a sharp 180 on the whole niggers in italy issue?
good for her make the world a better place for you and for me and the entire human race

Michael Jackson already said it

I am sure once the world is all fixed and fine and dandy, that some Chad somewhere will marry this roastie heroine and all will be well.

What more is there to say about it?
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she is jewish like all world leaders are.
> muh solve the world's problems
How is stealing their young men any better than stealing gold? I say shoot to kill and after a few boats go down those doctors and engineers will decide to stay home and improve their nations.
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>women in politics
The last one that did the right thing was Joan of Arc and she was literally schizo.
Well, to be fair, better that money goes into French coffers who will invest it in their world class industry than give it all to a warlord #305 to splooge on nigger shit. Donpeople actually beliefe africoons can handle money?

the only thing worse than the American oligarchy is the European oligarchy
>what a slut
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Love me some Meloni
Italian women got jungle fever
Mamma Mia
Making an Italian woman as your leader is very good for black men
what do you mean?
frenchies actually do print money for africa
I forgot the actual details, but it's a weird scheme that benefits mostly french. the only benefit for africans is that they have no control over it, so they can't fuck it up more than frenchies fuck it up for them. Cause you know as africans they would try to drive the value to nothing
if only she showed picture of white people killed by the browns she's letting in.
and talk about gangs of browns raping white children.
this is your savior
>French coffers who will invest it in their world class industry

What the fuck are you doing here, baltbro? You clearly haven't learned a thing if you sincerely believe that governments "invest" their money and not just give it to richfags and jews
>improve their nations
you're right with your statement but let's be real, that's not gonna happen.
Not our problem, I absolutely agree.
it's all so tiresome
now do the Euro :)
Does Indian man with good education count in this jungle fever or only black people? I'm interested.
>Italian women got jungle fever
not really
girls dating niggers are still heavily shamed and made fun of
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>"So the solution is not to take the Africans and bring them to Europe, the solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it and allow these people to live off what they have."
She's unironically right though the issue is Africans don't have the capability to live off what they have. They will be exploited by someone else or they will exploit each other for the opportunity to be paid to allow someone else to exploit them.
they freed Haiti from this system and now Haiti has cannabalism. I say free the rest and let nature take its course.
It's probably just one little mine

As if Africa would produce anything with that gold......

You know who's getting raped with taxes in their income?..... The French. And every other jewed up government for that matter.

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Imagine a white man calling you a slut while he's chocking you
she's a stupid fraud like le penn gert wilders and the others.
Yes make sure france and other euro nations can get no natural ressources from gigantic africa.
The entire fucking point of why a few euro nations went colonial was cause non europeans have all the territory and natural ressources. And this dumb bitch is just trying to say how bad this is. She's no different than amerishit progressive and they keep pretending she's a neo fascist.
>>"So the solution is not to take the Africans and bring them to Europe, the solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it and allow these people to live off what they have."
that's already case retard meloni and retard 4chan roach.
You can stripmine africa for next 500 years and not run out of anything, and they keep finding more and more deposits. It's also 3x size of all of europe. there's what 1 or 2 african countries who are smaller than france. Rest are over 2x as big or more.
Africans should not feel entitled to racially invade and take over other countries, they are biggest colonial scum themselves for ever setting foot outside africa. Cause it's already too big and greedy for themselves.
It's like listening to an american retard, she talk just like them.
This is exactly like how putin is saying french and british are 'evil colonialists' and then russia and china both ressource extracting same way from africa right now.
This is complete bollocks btw
Still would
much better with audio
Unfortunately when you take this humanitarian perspective you can only lose since the wealth of western societies was acquired through the might-makes-right philosophy.
Why did people decide to forfeit that view?
>This is complete bollocks btw
>Still would
ofcourse it is, all you need a fucking world map and territory differential sizes, racial demographic data and ressource deposit ratio. and only a fucking moronic idiot would ever suggest that france and many others should not automatically be given ore deposits in africa and other places.
The whole reason french and british went colonial is cause they don't fucking have the natural ressources, it's not cause they have them themselves.
It's cause it's everyone else who has both the territory and the natural ressources.
China is massive ore extracting in africa right now, it's cause africa has so much you can do it for 500 years without running out and on contrary they keep finding more all the time.
You could have many nations doing that AND africans having their own production at same time, and still not run out for 500+ years.
Meloni is a fucking retard african asskisser for brownie points.
>Unfortunately when you take this humanitarian perspective you can only lose since the wealth of western societies was acquired through the might-makes-right philosophy.
>Why did people decide to forfeit that view?
they had to do it, because they didn't have the natural ressources themselves, or the big territories. So it was either sit with almost no natural ressources or take a bit from those who have way too much.
Take the nation you pretend to come from. It's fucking so tiny and has almost no natural ressources. I can't even find a country that is not 10x larger than denmark.

That's why the other races did NOT go colonial,. wtf is an african or american going to do with more land and more natural ressources? or an indian, or asians?
And all you need to figure out why that makes sense is a world map.
it came to me through cryptic symbolism in a dream.
If europeans had as many natural ressources as these other territorial groups. You would have seen zero ore colonization whatsoever! They did it out of need not out of greed.

The notion that this was wrong or bad, comes from USA because you have to be so stupid you can't even look up a world map, to ever get such a stupid idea into your head. And then it goes from americans via internet into the head of this dumb italian woman. And she parrot it with the same dishonesty/stupidity.

you can't build or produce with what you don't have. If french already had all these natural ressources they wouldn't give a rats ass about going to africa to get it. The whole reason why some companies setup shop in other countries, is cause that's where the natural ressources are.
All that is also non europeans fault like the africans.
>As if Africa would produce anything with that gold
They all export the same shit: gold, crude oil, diamonds, etc. It's just a couple of of the same resources they export making them all poorer by competing over the prices.
The truth is, the niggers would race to the bottom on all of it for some luxury shit for their leaders in no time flat and that poor little niglet would still work in that "artisinal" mine if they had their own currencies.
In fact, it might be likely that what liberals call western oppression is the only thing that keeps these niggers from ruining the value of their exports in a couple of weeks by keeping the prices of gold, crude, etc. somewhat stable by withholding tech and controlling their currencies.
and they already rolled back the ore colonization done 1870-1950. And then french are still trying to hold onto a slight ressource access by giving africans money and in exchange france still extract some natural ressources there.
Like none of that was fucking wrong to begin with.
Every single euro nation should have long ago been given ore deposits of various ressources in africa and americas and other places. Saying they shouldn't is fucking ridiculous nonsense. What they get to have gigantic territories AND all the natural ressources too? atleast share the natural ressources a little bit.
They didn't want to and this is why french and british said, we going to take some of it against your will then. Cause otherwise they wouldn't give them shit.
And think about how expensive it is to produce if you have to mine them ship them then produce in own country and on top of it you have to ask these greedy fucks.
>how much for it
so it was easier to then go and setup ore colony atleast you don't have to pay for it on top of it.
THINGS THEY HAVE SO MUCH OFF THEY DON'T EVEN MISS, and they keep finding more.
Phony meloni created a law that massivley increase black african legal immigratiin. Illegal immigration is as bad as ever and meloni has not done a single good thing. she is more of a sell out than trump was by a lot.
Never understood the claim that they're poor because of resource extraction.
Australia has the exact same conditions for resource extraction and nobody sees any royalties, and the few countries who have a sovereign wealth fund of sorts, like Norway, aren't loaded or living well because of whatever they're selling.
>wealth of western societies was acquired through the might-makes-right philosophy.
It really wasnt, the west was loaded before colonization and most of the stuff extracted on-site was used to built infrastructure on-site (which is still standing to this day)

Colonization happened because all the great powers expected the future would be a handful of giant empires fighting for complete dominion and they all wanted to be the #1 power
When it turned out it was bullshit and the future was mostly balkanization, it all fizzled out
She's an elected official, which means she needs to maintain popularity to stay in power. The shitskin problem is rooted in the fact that the ponzi scheme economy that Europe runs on needs a never-endings supply of new consoomers. Europe could easily use technology to make up for the shortfall in the labor force but productivity is not what matters its CONSUMPTION. Failing to bring in need bodies means the ponzi scheme starts to fail and when it fails there goes the western middle class way of life. She won't let it fail or try to replace it with something else because she'll be the one blamed by the sheeple for their (relative) wealth and comfort disappearing overnight.

There is no peaceful political solution.
Why do the italian far right love to spread the lies leftists and niggers invent about us ?
As if France has not thrown entire treasures into the black hole of Africa in terms of foreign aid and before of that in building basic state infrastructures in literal wild deserts.
>ohhh if it wasn't for le ebil whites Burkina Faso would be a literal Wakanda
>In fact, it might be likely that what liberals call western oppression is the only thing that keeps these niggers from ruining the value of their exports in a couple of weeks by keeping the prices of gold, crude, etc. somewhat stable by withholding tech and controlling their currencies.
it's not 'oppression' to realize africa 3x size of europe and 800x more natural ressources, and then british and french the tiny countries go to africa and say
>since you refuse to share willingly we going to go take a little of it from you.
They have so much it barely even registers what the french and british extracted. And keep finding more.
That's the retarded thing about this planet, non europeans have all the territory all the natural ressources. And where are all new deposits found it's fucking always there too.
So they have almost everything, whenver there's located more it's in their soil too.
And then these greedy fucks whine that after spending millennia of refusing to share it willingly with tiny european nations, a few of them, french british and also a bit germans, went and took from themselves a bit of what they need, and which africans barely even would notice was taken. Cause they have so much of it.
It's like hobbit robbing smaug the dragon and then smaug the dragon complain of the 'principle' of you took one of his gold coins.
>i have entire lair filled to brim with it, it is principle of you stealing from me without my permission thieving hobbit
as if you would say yes to begin with.

So europeans not allowed to produce and manyfacuture anything cause of some other retards sitting on all of it refusing to share willingly and then crying about it? This fucking planet is made like a tailor in hell from an european perspective.
she's right
You can't build wealth off of resources you can't extract without western tech. It's just future hypothetical "what if" where the niggers build their Wakanda without having to give anything to get there. Wishful egalitarian bullshit.

Shut up eurosperg faggot.
Stopping post thising websites!
Stop hate hindu rape apes!
We are Aryan SAAAAAR!
Every vital natural ressource for production r&d and everything else is sitting in non european soil.
Fucking europeans didn't even have potatoe and apple from non european countries, so it's also about flora and fauna and food things.
These fuckers have everything.
That they not obligated to share it to begin with is what the real fucking travesty is.

What is european perspective. They didn't have apple didn't have potatoe, didn't have herbs and spices, don't have almost a single natural ressource that others don't have 800x more of, most of them what others have don't exist in european soil at all.
>oh the crime is the hobbitses went and took from smaug the dragon.
>Why do the italian far right love to spread the lies leftists and niggers invent about us ?
She's a dumb retard working for americans and influenced by american stupidity that is so stupid that her conclusions are only arrived at by ignoring world maps just as they do.
I'll sit this bitch down.
>meloni let me show you something. Here's the world, here's the 200 sovereign nation states here's all the global territories. This is where the ressources are and how much this is where they are not. This is how big the territories are compared to another.
>tell me again how its wrong that france mine ore in africa. YOU CAN'T.
that's how easy it is to destroy everything this dumb americanized bitch believes in.
>it's a weird scheme that benefits mostly french.
>that money goes into French coffers who will invest it

No, the scheme mostly benefits african upper classes who can have money that doesn't lose half its value every other day, so they can import expensive stuff.
The money doesn't go into the coffer where we put ours, but in a separate one and the interests are given back to africa.
I wanna have sex with her
how about you shut up you stupid amerishit. All your lies can be reality checked by a world map racial global data and ressource deposit data.
That's all it takes to destroy EVERYTHING AMERICAN IDIOTS BELIEVE IN. and prove it is exactly the opposite of what they believe.
It's because of never shut up american lying bastards like you that this idiot women been infected by your stupidity.
So don't tell me to fucking shut up, all americans ever do is repeat same lies over and over again!
>the scheme mostly benefits african upper classes
Right, no, no French citizen gets any benefit from any of this. Surely not the goyim. Meloni cannot accuse France since most of us donโ€™t get any benefit
They didn't even know what "resources" were before they were shown. It's total bullshit. Doesn't matter how much money they're given, they'll always be poor and ugly morons who have no idea about anything.
They think they can negotiate for a slow rate of shitskin replacement and buy a little time with their voter base by garnering good goy points. All they'll get for their efforts is Shlomo's laughter as he demands even more shitskins in Italy.
No she's completely wrong and there's nothing to discuss, and i've just in a few comments itt i have already totally refuted it. There's nothing to discuss unless you fail at math. It's all public knowledge too.
They know where all the ore deposits are how much is of each and where it's located. And ofcourse we all know how big or small the nation states are compared to another.
It's all bullshit. Anti french rethoric meant to sabotage france economically by saying it should not be allowed to extract natural ressources from france.
its because they werent the first one to introduce value of the resources. When europeans found the vast resources from africa, they immediately built infrastructures for mining and owned lands. Since the land and business is owned by foreigners, taxes are immediately given to the government which are corrupt. And the citizens or normal people couldnt already reach that level of power where they can build mines and employ people, so they are stuck forever in working class or in poverty. Its so weird you guys have a different perspective of this. I guess surrounded by wealth and privileges changes who you are in a bad way
>This fucking planet is made like a tailor in hell from an european perspective.
Yea. Best part of this African vs. Western shitshow is that their justification for overpopulating on essentially our aid money is that - as they claim - we have no right to critizise them because we use so many resources per capita. Which is like justifying one's own overconsumption by complaining that Newton wasted an apple for his theories.
Africa is the worst combination of stupdily selfish and intellectually handicapped.
If the french weren't in control therhes5no way that country would even know it has resources much less how to gather them.
>this is considered right-wing in yurop
damn and you fags have the audacity to call trump zogged
Come up with absolutley ANY reason to stop migration, EXCEPT that it's in white peoples self interest, god fucking forbid whites took their own side.
She is correct. If the niggers had better living conditions they wouldโ€™t be moving out.
Nah, they can always outsource the mining jobs to Russia and China.

They don't need French kikes anymore.
>american's "new young leader"
What did you expect exactly?
>Yea. Best part of this African vs. Western shitshow is that their justification for overpopulating on essentially our aid money is that - as they claim - we have no right to critizise them because we use so many resources per capita.
and that's also absolutely fucking retarded too. Because the moment africa goes as industrial as europe. these 1.3 billion people going to be polluting 3x or atleast double as much as europe is. Why cause they are now producing for twice the entire european population.
Europe population is 700+ million. But that makes sense cause its 1/3rd size of africa.
ร„frica has 3x of europe and is twice the population size. So africa is actually not overpopulated, so i disagree with you there.
HOWEVER you going to tell me africans dont want all the commodities that they see everywhere else. ofcourse they do. So they are also driving up that production elsewhere so they are just as responsible for muh co2 footprint as others. CAUSE THEY ARE DEMANDING ALL THESE THINGS BEING PRODUCED AND SENT TO THEM.
If they then decide to produce them themselves it's going to be even more pollution.
Again an argument that doesn't make sense.
Because this lie where they say, well africans just going to be tonnes of people and then they not going to want anything. Everybody going to know they demand higher living standard too.
They going to end up having a bigger co2 footprint than europe does.
So it's total nonsense!
It's like everything is so easily detected to be nonsense if you dare to touch the false conclusion they are presenting. Just a stream of bad excuses and lies.
>the citizens or normal people couldnt already reach that level of power
Except that, in all fairness, creates dependencies. That's natural - just like you depend on your doctor when you don't have the knowledge to cure yourself. There's nothing inherently unfair about that, it's just a situation that requires that you offer something for the access to that knowledge. i.e. you compensate your doctor for his time.
What the niggers really are complaining about is that compensation, because "look at how rich that doctor is by now".
More bullshit.

The resources were primarily used to build the countries that are in Africa. Now they're extracted like anywhere else and sold on the open market for the price everyone is prepared to pay for it like anywhere else.

All governments are corrupt. Do you think the Australian government isn't screwing over Australians and ruining what remains of this country?

>so they are stuck forever in working class or in poverty.
All non-Whites live in poverty. Has nothing to do with "stolen wealth" or any of that bullshit and everything to do your innate standards towards life. Whereas Africans are find with living in shit I'm not, nor were my ancestors, which is why Australia is what it is and Africa is not like Australian.
Even impoverished Whites in South Africa living in refugee camps have a better standard of living than blacks, which they built from nothing.

>guess surrounded by wealth and privileges
Surrounded by the creations of better people. You take all of this for granted because you're an entitled piece of shit who couldn't even dream of electricity or internal combustion.
>She is correct. If the niggers had better living conditions they wouldโ€™t be moving out.
it's irellevant, they have all the natural ressources to do anything with. They can just start fucking using them. The few others extract is so little they barely even register of what they have.
It's not everyone elses job to improve their countries.
And the excuse that
>our places are shit we will go to less shit.
It doesn't work when you realize they have not only the territory equivalent of china europe and usa combined. but also what 300x more natural ressources than all of these.
it's not like they are fucking finland or something that was playing hardmode and had very little to build or construct with even to this day.
And what you called "privilege" is nothing more than planning, White planning. Where my ancestors thought about the future yours did not. And all those nice things keeping you alive and able to complain on the internet were given to you by Whites, all of which was exported at the full expense of Western taxpayers as you fellow asians seek to flood this country with our stolen wealth.
>More bullshit.
>The resources were primarily used to build the countries that are in Africa. Now they're extracted like anywhere else and sold on the open market for the price everyone is prepared to pay for it like anywhere else.

Look the whole 'anti colonization' bit is simply a conspiracy to debase the european economies, by saying they cannot ressource extract from anywhere else. I'm thinking it's russians or chinese ultimately behind it. And also to extent USA, since it ofcourse give USA a complete competitive edge since USA doesn't need natural ressources and french and germans and others do need natural ressource access.
Cause europe doesn't have all these natural ressources.
Non europeans have the natural ressources and the big territories too.
It doesn't take a mystery to figure out what happens to french production and economy and self reliance if they can't extract ore in the territories that have them. Or what happens to the businesses that rely on it.
What happens? THEY GOING TO MOVE OUT of that place and go to where the natural ressources are.
So it's one big anti european rape job with excuse that others are oppressed.
As if it's not expensive enough to go to other territories, get it out of ground, then transport it back to say france, then produce and manufacture from there. If you on top of it have to pay insane fees on top of it. well.
That is exactly why eurozone operates with tarifs and things to avoid other territorial groups price gouging them for domestic european production.
All this fucking shit is because it's non europeans who have all the territories and all the natural ressources.
that's why ore colonization happened, cause then you don't have to pay before you extract and ship them back.
Everything is so fucking obvious.
It's non europeans greedy fucks again as they always have been through history. These fucks refuse to share anything except at gunpoint. Little do they care europeans have fuck all.
>i can haz 500x more than you and 3x size territory
says africans, and that is just africans.
>this is fair cause i wuz here first.
>ร„frica has 3x of europe and is twice the population size. So africa is actually not overpopulated
In terms of landmass, sure, but usally overpopulation is rather measured by a countries ability to support its population. Most geopolitical commentators like Zeihan, pro-US shill as he is, rather use this approach because it's just more useful - not least because it tells you when a shithole will inevitably start sending migrants.
In that sense, Africa is already way over capacity with countries like Nigeria producing way more people than they can dream of supporting in the long run.
US wars obviously make this even worse as it gives the niggers an excuse to leave, but it's a shitshow without it already. After all, no amount of aid will give the niggers a forward-looking culture of sustainable productivity. In fact, it probably does the opposite.
iirc it allows french to export their stuff to africa, but doesn't allow african stuff to be sold in France or something like that. Also, before africans can import from elswhere, they have to exchange their franc to french franc

I might be be mixing it up though

but yeah, the main benefit for africans is that their shitty rulers can't cause gigantic inflation
youre blind. Before white man came into africa, were there castles? bricked houses? metal infrastructures? no, they were mostly wood and twigs. And the way of trade were mostly farm animals or bartering. And when gold, silver, and copper were introduced to them from your ancestors, you took that advantage when africa was full of them. And stole from them when they dont know how much value these minerals have. So immediately your ancestors colonized, built and owned lands solely for these resources. And with that power, nobody can attain that level, even their own government. So the people are stuck in poverty and will never reach a full life without working.
>Even impoverished Whites in South Africa living in refugee camps have a better standard of living than blacks, which they built from nothing.
C'mon now. dont tell me these whites were exiled or refugees. All of the whites there were from families who probably owned a mining company or something. dont bullshit me with
>built from nothing.
all of the resources built there are taken and harvested by the blacks and only used by white people.
>calling me entitled
pathetic, youre the one who is not grateful. But i am despite how poor my country is. And here you are complaining about niggers who were shipped by jews and kept by white people.
Land mass doesn't matter. What matters is terrain. We can't live thoughout most land masses even if we wanted to.
Spoken like a man who hasn't seen a single nigger in his life. Once a nigger gets a whiff of gibs and thinks he can have a free ride, he'll cling to whitey for dear life even as he curses his existence. You can offer him good jobs, cushy jobs, easy jobs and he'll refuse all offers in favor of staying on welfare and continuing the free ride.
dont forget your history, white man. the only motivation of the conquest of nonwhite nations was the 3 G's. Don't tell you dont know it? And thats not limited to the spaniards who colonized my country, its your kind.
except we don't exploit them at all
we print their moneyz, at their own request
and only gibs them when they really need it, to avoid them spending it all on shit and giggles, again, at their own request
at their own request because they know they wouldn't be able of managing it by themselves
I do think it's a mistake to do them such a service, and they should be left to slosh in their own shit
but that lying wef cunt is saying the opposite of reality, quite expectedly
>In terms of landmass, sure, but usally overpopulation is rather measured by a countries ability to support its population.
ok well the fact is that africa is 3x size of europe. So them being 1.3 billion people. If you scale up europe to same size of africa, you then do 700 million people 3x and so if europe was size of africa with similar population density it would have 2.1 billion people.
So okay you can say you have areas that not so good to live in africa, but this more than accounts for the differential. Cause then if you want to say only 2/3rds of africa is geographically nice to live in, so that 1.3 billion people in africa is no big deal.
HOWEVER everybody knows africans going to want industry and everything else like others do. If they do they going to fucking pollute 3x more than europe does.

And also these whiners have 3x more territory and 500x more natural ressources, many of which don't exist at all in european soil anywhere. It's kind of why french and british went in and got a tiny bit of it. And if you don't have the natural ressources you kind of need it from the places who have them.
So you can clearly see they just trying to sabotage the french by crybullying.
They can run their own production whilst france extract any ore they need, and you can do both things without africans feel like they are lacking anything.
So the pollution argument is out window and so is the muh opression argument, and the 'i don't have enough' argument.
How long it take to figure out? 5-10 minutes? LOL
>And stole from them when they dont know how much value these minerals have.
That's not even how trading works. It's not just about knowing the value, it's about having the connections to sell the shit.
It makes no difference what the niggers knew, they had no claim on the connections anyways. Not like the traders owed the niggers access to their markets - that's a ridiculous proposition.
You're basically stuck in this "whites disadvantaged niggers"-mindset without actually thinking through how much the whites had built by then that the niggers had no rights to whatsoever. Should we've given them frigates to transport the shit too - with a white crew so they don't beach themselves immediately?
They were using metals before European contact since Semites were already there.

>And stole from them
>building entire countries from scratch is stealing
You non-whites really have no idea. In that case, all that stuff in your country is stolen wealth. I guess you need to give it back, including the computer you're using. I can send you my address since it belongs to me.

>all of the resources built there are taken and harvested by the blacks and only used by white people.
They went to blacks and built their countries, just like how your country was built. In fact, colonies were primarily funded by European taxpayers who never saw anything in return.

But what does it matter? You'll never face or accept the truth, so we might as well kill you all for being entitled, lying niggers who spread pollution and ruin the Earth.

And you deserve to live in filth, because that's what you are, an ignoble savage who can't even keep his habitat clean.
We White people have better thing to do than live in filth like you. The entire planet can either be turned into an extension of Europe or it can become like your worthless shithole of a country. We choose the former while you choose the latter.

It's them oppressing the french by saying you can't have any. It's them oppressing europeans by them having all the territory of world and also all the natural ressources and saying. If you want them if we even going to sell them to you, we going to sell them to you from big price, then you can also welcome transport them back to france and then start production.
THATS WHY ORE COLONIZATION BYPASSED THAT, they have to transport it anyways, but then they didn't have to buy it cause they just said "this ore deposits now belong to france".
That's basically what ore colonization was as done by french, bit by germans and also by british, and little bit by supertiny netherlands with south africa.
That was out of NEED not out of greed.
If france and whoever already had natural ressources they would never set a single foot in africa, the fuck they want to deal with racist greedy niggers for if they didn't have to.
So it's just a scheme to fuck with france and other european countries by saying you can't extract natural ressources.
The deal with russians was same thing, russians also certainly demanded a price tag for it but since russians also european related they were more nice about it.
The africans are saying no you can't have shit france, cause of it's 'evil ore colonialism'.
YOU ARE THE ONES SITTING ON THE ORE, what they going to get it from if not from you?
Gave the whole game up.
>invest it in their world class industry
and then import millions of desperate, poor Africans willing to work for practically nothing to escape their resource rich yet extremely impoverished nations to work them.
>In return they demand that 50% of everything that burkina faso exports end up in the coffers of the French treasury
First of all it was 50% of their reserve change that they were legally obligated to hold on a French treasury account and every year the bank of France gave them back the interests of said 50%. Since 2021 it is not the case anymore but we still guarantee the convertibility of franc cfa (soon to be named eco) and euro
>How long it take to figure out? 5-10 minutes? LOL
Heh. The truly sad part is that the niggers bring this argument on the global stage, in front of the UN and whathaveyou, and our "best and brightest" in these institutions have let this shit argument slide for decades. In fact, the debate is pretty much over by now and the niggers won, so we're cutting carbon so they can burn coal to catch up.
It's insane.
>We White people have better thing to do than live in filth like you. The entire planet can either be turned into an extension of Europe or it can become like your worthless shithole of a country. We choose the former while you choose the latter.
there's nobody doing that you fucking charicature.
Europeans have spent all its history being shafted by these greedy non european races who have most of territory and natural ressources of the planet.
Europeans don't even want their territories they just want a part of the natural ressources they have which they have so much they barely even know what to do with it, and europeans nothing.
Africans do not do colonization, ofcourse not. Wtf they going to find of natural ressources up in sweden or germany. THERE'S NOTHING THERE TO MINE.
That's why it's rich of these fucks to say
>we never did ore colonization.
Ofcourse not, wtf is african going to do with more land and more natural ressources? LOL

And so europeans realized africa existed, and they were also greedy fucks, but when they realized americas existed too (nearly 5x as big as europe and african style filled to brim with natural ressources) that was the final drop for the british the french and the tiny spaniards.
>how they going to have everything and we have nothing. what is this joke planet we living on, and why we fight eachother for this little shit clay next to eachother when it is these others we need to go demand extra from!
So that's exactly what happened.
>Heh. The truly sad part is that the niggers bring this argument on the global stage, in front of the UN and whathaveyou, and our "best and brightest" in these institutions have let this shit argument slide for decades. In fact, the debate is pretty much over by now and the niggers won, so we're cutting carbon so they can burn coal to catch up.
>It's insane.
yeah it's like they either too scared to go into counterargument mode, and i've shown you just how easy it is. Or they are really so stupid that they just haven't thought about it. Either way it's not very fucking good situation LOL
they were not trading these minerals to your ancestors, idiots. Have you forgotten your history of colonization? There is no agreement of africa and europe of trading minerals for money. Everything was taken and stolen. There was no connection, nothing, when both are foreign people where one sees inferior and the other sees superior. Wtf are you talking about?
>You're basically stuck in this "whites disadvantaged niggers
i dont have this idea in my head. Shouldnt the niggers be enjoying something in return when all have they been doing is harvesting these minerals for your country to keep and sell them? What you are stuck with is your superior complex and that whites and niggers are enemies. Why arent whites doing something in return to the very people who are working in your mining companies? Why are the money given directly to the corrupt government. Gee, must be white people are not corrupt with working with them and exploiting niggers because they are cheap, lowlife human beings.
If you are really still complaining and these niggers are still working their life right now, then why not ship a group of white men to mine rather than them? I bet white men can work better than niggers efficiently right? Pfff, as if.
Nature took it's course, russia and china have taken over africa now.
bwahahaha, i am right. what an ungrateful cunt and keep being one
Nigger it has always been like this. Literally ALL politicians that get the spotlights are Jew pawns.
she's a woman. it was doomed to failure from the very beginning.
.... then why DID she bring in millions of africans by allowing the NGOs to smuggle people freely in the mediteranian?
>they are really so stupid that they just haven't thought about it.
They're evil.
For one, no form of government is as easy to control as a dictatorship, so these nigger shitholes are useful to all the "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation"-sort of projects.
Secondly, it accelerates the destruction of Europe, which not only the kikes love, but also removes a major competitor from emerging in a multipolar world - after all, the mutts really seem to loathe the idea of a Euro-Russian alliance.
Throw in bribes and the general corruption of these institutions (I mean, the fucking UN promotes pedo shit at this point) and I guess it's par for the course.
...but yea, they're not stupid, this is deliberate.
A shameless coal burner, bitch whore she is.
She's right wing. Their goal is corporate profits. They achieve that through importing more thirdies who'll work for sub minimum wage and happily buy goyslop while driving up rent prices. Their tough rhetoric is just bullshit that they don't believe but know works to convince the goyim. The sooner you realize that, the better.

One thing to keep in mind: no socialist country, whether it be Libya under Gaddafi, the USSR, China, Vietnam, or Cuba, ever had problems with mass waves of immigrants. They maintain strong borders. Right wing countries always ultimately try to bring everyone in for cheap labor. Even Hitler expanded his borders just to get a non-white worker underclass to manufacture shit.
how efficient are children in mines really?
are the walls just littered with gold that a child can just grab and deliver?
also: they're getting paid so how are they still poor?
and you think all of those metals found mostly in africa were discovered and used by them? Dont forget my words that your kind found so many resources that were foreign to the africans. And without this knowledge, colonization was a briliant plan to own lands and get richer.
>You non-whites really have no idea. In that case, all that stuff in your country is stolen wealth. I guess you need to give it back, including the computer you're using. I can send you my address since it belongs to me.
you are one bottom in the barrel white. Do you think the whites who gave this technology to me would be happy to see you feel entitled to own it? lol. get out of this planet, youre not the only one living in this world.
>built their countries,
they already had countries, you just made it european and modernized. Africans were fine doing african life and stuff until your kind came together with the jews hand-in-hand. You think, its not okay for us to live like savages? Then stop blaming us because your kind chose to turn away such life. You dealt with us, its your responsible of us trying to live like you. We were fine to be honest. You are just as nosey as the jews whose nose keeps poking other people's business.
>But what does it matter? You'll never face or accept the truth, so we might as well kill you all for being entitled, lying niggers who spread pollution and ruin the Earth.
>And you deserve to live in filth, because that's what you are, an ignoble savage who can't even keep his habitat clean.
blah blah blah didnt read im tired talking to you, bottom barrel white
>Nature took it's course, russia and china have taken over africa now.
yeah and they both are so gigantic they make tiny france look like joke. And they both saying about france.
>hey it's bad when france extract ore from africa
then they go in do just the same.
And the certified dumbasses who say africa is just like french took all the ore so there's nothing left in africa.
What you think chinese and russians doing.
you can stripmine it for over 500 years and in process they already finding more, so you can probably do it for 1000 years or more. Maybe indefinately.
So what are they doing, they just using african stupidity to sabotage france, and then russia and china go in do exact same thing ROFL
What does this mean, france gets crippled and russians and chinese laughing. Russians and chinese need it less than the french do. Russia is ressource rich territory, china too. France, is not.
You will not be left alone if you are so greedy as africans and have so much compared to others, there's no way that is happening. Nor should you ever expect to.
However they give tiniest fuck about having african territories, they simply want a part of the ore deposits the africans are sitting on. It was never about
>fuck africans as people, we want to turn you non african
no it's you have this ore/natural ressources you have in abundance so much you barely would register some was taken out. otherwise i don't really give a fuck about starting shit with you.
That's what it was, that's why french british and little bit the germans did it.
That's why spaniards went to americas. etc.
The entire planet is fucking non europeans having everything in territory and natural ressources. And europeans just sit and have nothing and got tired of it!
And then it's non europeans who are whining about it.
We live on planet of retards we truly do. It's all backwards. take anything this american shit ideology believe, do a 180 of it and now you got real situation.
Stay mad.
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How much you was a bet this bitch has an iPhone and wears clothes made in sweatshops? And thereโ€™s zero doubt sheโ€™s at least acutely aware that these things are made in these conditions. Youโ€™ll never - never - get away from horribly exploitative labor in todayโ€™s trade. She just wands a soapbox to virtue signal on. Donโ€™t import people in the name of charity, doomed to fail, but donโ€™t act like just cutting out these connections will magically solve everything.

>TL;DR dumb cunt is dumb
>you are one bottom in the barrel white. Do you think the whites who gave this technology to me would be happy to see you feel entitled to own it? lol. get out of this planet, youre not the only one living in this world.
exactly this is how europeans feel. Because to an european, this is non europeans world and europeans just living in it.
Non europeans got all the territories all the natural ressources. And all europeans are saying like the french is.
>i don't want your territory though you do have too much, i want you to share natural ressources, africans, or whoever else who have too much. There's other people in world who live in it than you, such as the tiny european peoples and countries.
That's exactly what it was about.
To non europeans they have managed to via global propaganda flip it upside down and say
>europeans have too much, there are other people than you you know.
But if anyone gets up a world map and goes look at the territory sizes and racial demographic data and also ressource deposit locations and amounts. ITS ALL OVER WITH THIS LIE.
This guy you talking to is a charicature shitstirre he's trying to demonize europeans as some supervillains who just want get rid of non europeans and take all your shit.
When in reality that's not what anything has ever been about. Not historically not now, but actually more the opposite. And europeans realize we going to take some without asking cause otherwise these greedy fucks going to fuck us, and then forgot along the way that you then never apologize for doing that or these greedy non european fucks going to run them over even more than they already were doing to begin with.
Kek she looks like a dollar store knock off of Jenna Fischer
Based. I like her and not just because she is short and cute.
death threats to her family, promises of wealth
>She was literally schizo
That is a weird way to say she, was chosen by God.
>Shouldnt the niggers be enjoying something in return
Rome already traded with India and Chine and these trades were perfectly mutually beneficial. In fact, it made India one of the (if not "the") richest place(s) in the world.
None of these people were white, but here you are claiming there is this sublime caucasian superiority at the root of the nigger problem. Why wasn't it there with the pajeets and chinks then?
Plus, you don't get to "enjoy something in return" twice. Unlike the Indians, who wanted to trade, the niggers just wanted to settle local scores with their rivaling tribes. Sure, the Brits abused these animosities, but they were there to be exploited in the first place, meaning you're creating a moral bar the Brits had to scale while your innocent dirt eaters get a free pass for wanting nothing more but to disembowel their neighboring tribes.
They got what they wanted, but now we're blaming wypipo for the nigger's petty desires as if the genie didn't do enough to get "informed consent" before granting a wish.
Just think of who sold the black slaves to the kikes: It was other niggers - and now you're acting like their compensating wasn't adequate when in hindsight, they deserved nothing to begin with.
Who cares? The French are human, the niggers are animals. I see nothing wrong here.
>Have you forgotten your history of colonization?
>Have you forgotten your history of colonization?
>Have you forgotten your history of colonization?
>Have you forgotten your history of colonization?
>Have you forgotten your history of colonization?
AFRICA WAS COLONIZED, GENOCIDED, and ENSLAVED. Are you even discussing with me or with somebody else? Despite from these two nations, india and china, having beneficial exchange of goods wiht your kind. You are really not seeing how much primitive these niggers? Do something in return that they can get it, idiot. Thats it. Dont tell me you dont understand what I meant. Do you throw a fish bone or a pig bone to a dog who helped you in whatever? Im going to talk this way and not going to tell you what Im trying to say it to you. Youre white, youre supposed to be smart, dumbass.
>Just think of who sold the black slaves to the kikes: It was other niggers - and now you're acting like their compensating wasn't adequate when in hindsight, they deserved nothing to begin with.
oh boy, here we go about jews shipping niggers. I know its true, but who kept them? Go on, answer me that in your first sentence. I will wait.
>youre blind. Before white man came into africa, were there castles? bricked houses? metal infrastructures? no, they were mostly wood and twigs. And the way of trade were mostly farm animals or bartering. And when gold, silver, and copper were introduced to them from your ancestors, you took that advantage when africa was full of them. And stole from them when they dont know how much value these minerals have. So immediately your ancestors colonized, built and owned lands solely for these resources. And with that power, nobody can attain that level, even their own government. So the people are stuck in poverty and will never reach a full life without working.
yeah cause you can't build with what you don't have. However the castle shit and stuff is retarded, they go way back in europe prior to any ore extraction from africa.
But speaking of all the minerals that was stolen aka without permission from people who have 3x more than europe and 500+x more natural ressources.
Are you adherent to this map i've seen on this stupid americanized internet. Of there's this picture of africa and it has dug huge holes in it and then piles of moneybags up in britain and france.
GO TO AFRICA you dumb fuck, they took so little the africans barely notice it's missing. They still have it, they keep finding more. You can stripmine africa for 500 years or 1000 years without running out, and as they try to extract they keep locating more deposits.
africans didn't even know it was there till someone went and detected, there's something there dig down lo and behold.
What the fuck was africans doing the last 10k years?
Colonized and enslavee maybe but genocided ? Come on. The colonization built all the infrastructures that permitted an exponantial grow of their population, calling that a genocide is a bit exagerated
Yes it's true europeans got very little natural ressources to build anythign with, is why they went and took from africans what they needed after realizing africans were just going to say no i will not share a thing. Because you can't build or produce with natural ressources you don't have motherfucker.
And how is that fucking fair that just africans are sitting on 3x more territory than europeans and what 500-800x more natural ressources many of which do not exist AT ALL in europe.
And that's fair to you?
You fucking monumental retard, you don't even realize how greedy africans were for not sharing any of that.
You got it all exactly fucking backwards. Exactly upside down.
This is also why africans didn't go to europe and go knock about in sweden or germany or france or poland or whatever. Cause there's nothing there for them to extract that they don't have 800x more of in africa. Africans didn't need land, didn't need natural ressources didn't need anything. If they had ever done so it would be entirely being even more greedy than they already are. FAGGOT.

And these kinds of 'arguments' you make, rely entirely on nobody going on counterargument with you. Cause they only rest on hot air and fumes. ITS SO EASY TO BTFO. it's a travesty that few have even done so. They just like whatever they going to figure out they are being idiots. NO clearly not! so we need to have this fucking discussion. Globally about how fucking retarded you all are.
If Europe is so great, why don't these whiteys just stay home? Leave the blacks to their so called 'misery' and let them be plundered by the Chinese, I don't even know whites even think about Africa.
Unironically nothing shes just a woman and theyll always bend to commin consensus
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>Do something in return that they can get it, idiot.
We did FAR more than "something" in return. Just look at pic rel and explain to me how why it's never enough with people who bought the nigger's victim narrative hook, line and sinker?
yes if someone goes and take natural ressources from gigantic africa loaded with natural ressources, and you are from small countries with nothing, and africans refuse to share as usual. And so you bring a gun and say fuck off. If africans decide they going to be assholes and fight back on top of it. yes a lot of them died.
Also don't talk to me about slavery! africans are the biggest slavers of other africans it was their primary economy before colonization retard. That's who sold the africans to the americas ROFL
Africans always been okay with slavery of other africans. Most of it was even domestic. It's why it is the only race where other races say, well that's natural for africans to be slaves. Because it's ALL THEY WERE FUCKING GOT GOING ON, was enslaving eachother and then some others come along like arabs.
>we sell them to you too, you want this african i can sell it to him, he will work for you.
over 1000 year old quotes about how africans nature is of being slave, and how africans sell eachother to merchants when they arrive, and how they also cannibals and eat eachother.
That's what the wakandans were fucking doing.
>freeing africa
this ends with somebody else running the show not with more autonomy
Fucking slut. Exploiting these nigger shitholes is one of the few based things France does
There is a non negligible chance that she consumed large amounts of magic mushrooms
>If Europe is so great, why don't these whiteys just stay home? Leave the blacks to their so called 'misery' and let them be plundered by the Chinese, I don't even know whites even think about Africa.
the only reason french want anything to do with africans is that french like other european countries are small ressource deprived countries and africa is 3x as big as all europe and sitting on 800x more natural ressources.
It's so big it has more natural ressources than china and usa and europe combined and is bigger than all of them combined in territory too.
Europeans do it out of need not out of greed.
If europeans had africa level ressources they'd not give a tiniest fuck about going anywhere else.
>i can make whatever i want i have all what i need to do it. I am fine here.
I just wanted to add that if Africa was genocided in such fashion that it's population literally exploded afterward i want the same for us
>Youโ€™ll never - never - get away from horribly exploitative labor in todayโ€™s trade
you're the dumb cunt here, we could achieve this if people knew the whole chain of production
as it stand people don't know because that knowledge is suppressed in order to rake in more profit from said ignorant people

remove jew and anything and everything becomes possible
She is so ugly, gooners are such trash humans. "mommy" this "mommy" that. You guys are all pathetic.
>I just wanted to add that if Africa was genocided in such fashion that it's population literally exploded afterward i want the same for us
yes good point LOL
the worst 'genocide' in world history, you make their population explode.
LOL cause what the french and few others did was, they go in they extract ore without permission. And then they build schools, hospitals, give them education system etc. As a small gesture of like. yes we know it's not nice to take without asking, you have however way too much and you are greedy and we need a little bit of it, so as bandage on the wound you get all this, infrastruct and things.

It's such retarded nonsense. Never has there been more africans in africa in all world history precisely cause it made their living standards go up! and they could for first time feed way more people than usual.
What happened to the white populations in africa should also happen to african populations in europe?
It's over, whitey is finished, a lot of them in the next coming decades need to come to terms with the fact the world is going to be Multipolar, look no further than Britain as an example, a poor impoverished resourceless island hopelessly dreaming about its glory days, offering a future glimpse to what's going to happen, you at least had it good for the past 400 years, so there's that.
>there goes the western middle class way of life
Deflation is le apocalypse mytth. Deflation benefits the lower and middle classes you absolute goof, and inflation is quite literally what has obliterated the middle class.

Home ownership was significantly higher at the lowest bottom of the great depression than it is now.
Worthless jew whore
>this ends with somebody else running the show not with more autonomy
and that's going to end up by the looks of it to be the chinese or the russians.
And they going to do exact same thing for the same reason, but probably with less kindness than the french.
You can't have so much that you are literally depriving half the planet of natural ressources and also more territory than china usa and europe combined. And think you just going to hold on to that exclusively for yourself. What kind of idiot are these people.
If that was not case nobody would give tiniest fuck about africa. If africa had as little natural ressources as europe. There'd not be a single one in africa that wasn't a tourist.
>It's over, whitey is finished, a lot of them in the next coming decades need to come to terms with the fact the world is going to be Multipolar, look no further than Britain as an example, a poor impoverished resourceless island hopelessly dreaming about its glory days, offering a future glimpse to what's going to happen, you at least had it good for the past 400 years, so there's that.
but they didn't, europeans never had it good idiot. Europe has almost no natural ressources, and almost no territory, it's why they went and took natural ressources from others retard.
And your 'multipolar world' simply consist of russians and chinese going to do same to africa that french and british did, with less legitimate reason to do it. Because unlike france and britain, russia and china is not like they have too little natural ressources to produce anything. Fucking half USA products made in china retard. They have tonnes of natural ressources, they are greedy unlike french they just simply want more.
French did it out of need cause they have no such natural ressources dingbat.
I know we live on planet of retards where all the wrong people the non europeans feel sorry for themselves as they have almost all the territory and natural ressources.
You don't have to inform me about it some more. I ALREADY KNOW.
her far right brand shared some common ground with old school far left
It's also why europe run with small populations so there's less to go around for each. You got to work with the natural ressources that you have. Otherwise you need to take the natural ressources from those who have everything.
All these non europeans who feel sorry for themselves have no legitimate reason to feel that way they are greedy fucks and narcisists, it's precisely why they feel so sorry for themselves. It's textbook delusional narcisism.
Such as africans.
>i have 3x territory of europeans, i have 800x more natural ressources. AND I WILL WHINE ABOUT IT and say ah those fucking french assholes how dare they take from me smaug the dragon simply cause i refuse to share with them otherwise.
And french like.
>sacre bleu these non europeans narscisism knows no bounds, how much is enough for them?
This is why it's so funny with the france and the russia chinese situation. It's the epitomy of greedy fucks trying to screw eachother over. And then they all shitting on tiny france.
It's why it's going to be something to see, someone as greedy as themselves, fighting someone as greedy as themselves. LOL

it's like 3 smaug the dragons greed on wheels going.
>ah the hobbitses are finished, take that hobbitses
*enough to go around for each.
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>Na-uh!!! Know the chain and buy differently!!! Somehow trade will continue at current levels despite all factors of production being higher!
Put your dunce hat on and go sit in the corner.
So much uranium in labrador anon

>muh tit for tat equality between peoples
cucked slave morality. the world is harsh and evil. there is no justice. you can steal all the shit in africa and just not allow any nigger in europe.
>cucked slave morality. the world is harsh and evil. there is no justice. you can steal all the shit in africa and just not allow any nigger in europe.
it's not about stealing from africans for fucks sake.
It's like a trillionaire complain that the global community are wanting a little piece from them, and they'd still be trillionaires.
That's how africans are like, that's how non europeans are like in general. That's how americas are like too.
It's fucking ridiculous. Yes we live on planet of retard apes. Because it's too fucking difficult to just share even steven the natural ressource deposits so that each have enough for their own production of whatever it is.
Which you can totally do.
You can even be more radical and end all race warfare on the planet by segmenting all global territory into even sized segments, and now each race has exact same for each. Now if you combine those two things. There's no more race warfare on the fucking planet, no more wars either. Now just stabilize each population size so it's not overpopulated. PEACE ONE EARTH.
This pathetic species just can't figure it out.
Ofcourse the french would go mine ore in africa when french don't have fuck all and africa has 800x more natural ressources and is 3x larger than entire europe.
But that they had to force the africans to share it with them is the exact problem this retarded species has to begin with.

From european perspective it was not take all africans shit out of greed. It's europeans have nothing africans have everything. And also more general, non europeans have everything, europeans have nothing. Hence. COLONIALISM. and it doesn't make sense the other direction.
The fuck you want to do with france? mine ore forever, good luck finding any you don't already have in abundance retards.
you do realize the coalburning passion is her way of coping for the fact italian chads were plowing her in her prime right?
They went there cause they had something they don't have whatsoever. And so much they would barely even register it missing. Except in minds of their own delusions and they keep finding more. China is not going into africa cause africa is empty and it's all up in france.
LOL you can stripmine it for a millennia and keep finding more.
This is also why human freedom to fuck with eachother is a crime in and of itself. You got to have better global rules for any of it. How do you get to be allowed to be such a narcisist as africans are in general and also non europeans and whine about having everything to begin with. And then others pat you on the back for it. It's retarded.
and the funniest shit about africa, and why it has what 300-500x more natural ressources than china europe and usa combined.
Do you know why that is. Well aside from a notion of all these somehow being regenerative natural ressources as if you say these ressources reestablish themselves over time if you don't just stripmine them out.
WHY does africa have so much out of it.
I have bad news for you wakandans.
It can only happen because. THERE WAS NEVER A CIVILIZATION ON THIS PLANET THAT USED THEM. it means whoever you say live in africa, if you say humans are million years old or they a few hundred thousand years old.
Whoever lived in africa, used almost NOTHING OF IT.
It also could explain why europe is almost stripmined clean so much that there's nothing there. Cause that's where the areas were that was most in use. So they stripped it fucking clean so much that what call themselves europeans today in modern human history aka like say 20k years 50k years.
>well fuck it has all been extracted and used somehow already, we settled in the fucking worst place for ressource extraction possible.

When have you seen ANYONE posit that interesting little notion.
That's the only way there can be so much in africa cause the niggers never used it AT ANY POINT, that's why it was all there.
When they went to africa the other races, they said, the african walk around butt naked they cannibals they retards, and every place we visit they almost walking on gold and rare earth minerals and they don't even know wtf it can be used for.
Take gold, africans use it as bling. It can also be used for absolutely sophisticated high tech things. Involved in high tech production of certain highly complicated technologies.
>oogabooga look muh big gold necklace
humans are retarded.
Now you can ofcourse say why should natural ressources be even distributed in global soil or deep down.
That wherever you find all these natural ressources in such an abundance that it's almost astronomical, whoever lived there of humans or whatever didn't use those natural ressources for shit or even knew it was there.
And that's what makes me laugh so hard about the wakandan thing.
>we had hypersophisticated civilization in africa in past.
It's impossible you can't have so much industrial ore and things if that was the case, or they would have been substantially reduced. Not so much you can stripmine africa for a millennia and keep finding more.
Removing the jews would resolve these issues......
Economic deals with african countries have strings attached. You have to repeat their crappy propaganda if you want their resources.
>Economic deals with african countries have strings attached. You have to repeat their crappy propaganda if you want their resources.
as austria anon who i had conversation with earlier itt said, like, how are they so fucking retarded, that they don't know this is bullshit.
Well clearly meloni telling africans what they want to hear. So then she's trying to put italy or whoever else she work for in position of where they can extract instead. As long as it's not the bloody french
And french is like
>sacre bleu this is not nice
Meanwhile russia and china especially is hyperactive in africa right now extracting ore. It's also funny like they found the two biggest lithium deposits in earth, afghanistan and argentina they found 3 that is even bigger than that in afghanistan. Guess why USA REALLY went into afghanistan. What is lithium used for? ev's and many other sophisticated usages.
Then meanwhile usa fucking about, china stripmining in background. Who control the lithium deposits in afghanistan right now? CHINA.
Who nearly took the ones in argentina? CHINA. now they got milei he made deal so now USA gets them.
Nobody who has abundance of natural ressources are not fucked with. It's why they don't want to fuck with europeans, europeans don't have any
they are like
>haha we don't have any, that's why we would like it from others. To produce a little bit in our lilliput countries.
WHEREVER THERE IS ASTRONOMICAL DEPOSITS is where retards lived in the past.
if you posit super advanced civilization. Wherever it's almost depleted is where the advanced ones lived. If you hypothetisize a past super advanced civilization.
Wakanda is a no go even from that point. There was never a hypercivilization in africa, it's why there's so much ore and rare earth minerals and all rest of it.
And so they keep up this fucking illusion to africans and let them pretend they oppressed for having all that. Cause they want to make deal themselves.
they push the french aside to make a deal themselves, that's what it is. Chinese and russians
>ah french are evil bastards they wuz colonial ressource taking and shit. OH MUH COLONIALISM YOU MUST BE ANTI COLONIAL french bastards don't we hate french now?
right now doing same thing, cause they play the stupid africans.
>we make deal with you instead
>and i do same thing
You not going to be left alone with so much natural ressources and so much territory aswell, but territory don't care about. It's not about making africa non african, not fuck given about that. And immigration is just race warfare to neutralize and debase competitors or something like this. Absolutely disgusting using people as biowarfare to destroy another.
Something that NEVER happened to africa for example. They didn't go to africa cause
>i fucking hate africans
no in essence couldn't give fuck all about them.
it's what you are walking all over, retards, always what it was about.
Nothing, they just obey and follow the scripts
the lie consists of that tiny france and italy isn't bigger than france so, was going to gigantic africa to extract ore cause france like italy has fuck all nothing in comparison.
The lie consists of that doing so was bad and mean.
That's what's so bullshit. Ofcourse if you have so much natural ressources and also territory on top of it that it's more than europe china and usa has combined. WAY MORE in natural ressources, even more in just territory.
That anyone of those go and take shit from you if you refuse to share.
that this is somehow le evil.
it's playing into african narcisism and it's clearly working. They are the biggest narcisists on planet, many non europeans are.
>yes i was victim here, i have 3x size territory of europe i have 500x more natural ressources than all of them or 5-800x
>how dare they abuse me like this, just cause i told them to fuck off when they ask me nicely to share?
das rite african das rite now let me literally make a deal and we going to do same, just remember it's only bad when french do it, not bad when italy or when russia or chinese do exact same shit for exact same fucking reason
if africa was ressource depleted like europe, they would give not tiniest of fuck. Cause they then need nothing from them at all, africans can just derp around doing africans thing then, see if i care.
It's also why trump was ginning up the shit about greenland, guess what is there too. Every single massive ressource deposit on earth that's what it is about.
Otherwise you can't produce anything retards. You can't do manufacturing with ressources you do not have.
USA is more local doing same shit with the tipi wakandans.
>yes oh my goodness, how evil that the british settlers said to you, you must share a little of this cause of what you were sitting on with buffalo was territory size of europe with this time 200x more natural ressources than europe.
>yes you was wronged, yes wtf was john smith thinking what a fucking EVIL ASSHOLE
what lies! WHAT NONSENSE! they were the ones who was greedy for saying
>yes i think i should have that all for myself whilst also doing nothing with it at same time, forever, just cause i was there first, what do i care others have far less than me. Sharing? LOL get scalped we will share nothing.
It's american myth part of the collective american dream these sharters have, cause you have to be asleep to believe ANY OF IT.
Or you can always say, i want no commodities or created things made with all these natural ressources. You can always say
>yeah let's not have that.
You gigantic fucking hypocrites, and africans too, they want all those things as much as anyone. But are too stupid to realize, if you want to do that, you have to share the natural ressources USED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THEM. they want their cake and to eat it too at same time.
ofcourse you can expect africans to do just that, walking on all this for millennia doing fuck all with it. But it is amusing when the other greedy non europeans do same thing too.
And the funny thing is if they share it and also sell some of it, instead of put up this idiot fight. They could simultaneously also have their own domestic production and not even miss any of what was extracted so others can produce cause that's LITERALLY HOW MUCH THEY HAVE OF IT.
Instead they like the epitomy of greed.
>I want all of it and i don't even want to share it willingly.
Other who had similar situation didn't press the issue upon them in past. Cause they also had way too much. Euroepans did, cause they fucking have nothing. Now the others are finding out also, well production being what it is, now these others have to share with them too. Especially africans cause they have so much it's ridiculous. Cause of they never used any of it.
And it's remarkable to me that these idiots don't realize. I will posit the notion that if the internet that facilitiates global communication was not run by americans. You'd not have this situation be even half as retarded it is, cause i've not said anything they don't already fucking know. And they wouldn't have to jump through hoops to cater to american mindset about it to do such things.
And what is even FUNNIER is non europeans absolutely SUCK ASS at balancing their populations, because what drives the aggressivity of it, it's the non european buyers market. Who want all those commodities. THE MORE THEY BECOME, the more aggressive production has to become to meet demands, to the point where.
Africans we don't have time for your stupidity, everyone around world including africans, want what can be produced by what is in your soil. So you not handing them over to chinese, or whoever is no longer a fucking option you have.
If they had chosen to not scale up their population in non european countries, it would be less aggressive, they booming in population and they each want nice car a little smartphone a little this and that all the high tech commodities all the pleasantries and luxuries and want to buy them.
Guess what that means. AFRICA GOING TO GET MINED! whether africans want it or not, it only is a question of, who will force africans to let them have it, and who will not. Those who manage to do so will ofcourse make a fuckton of money, those who don't are going to suck it.

WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD of hypermaterialism.
And in reality france are simply in africa for catering to domestic production not some lunatic dream of excessive import. They'd have to literally have mineral deposits and such in africa that is designated "OWNED BY FRENCH" to have such. Like how germany was able to build uboats and gigantic ships and all of this. till those ore deposits (cause that's what ore colonization was about) was taken away in ww1 treaty.

The others like chinese and russians who represents brics. Are in there for greed cause if they corner those ressources they going to make a fuckton of money. Because it's NON EUROPEAN (billions of people) driving the consumer market and demand. And they keep increasing in population.
So they going to go and knock africans in the fucking head if they don't want to relinquish a part of the natural ressources used to produce it.
That's what all this is.
It's driven by DEMAND, the greed of non europeans for being so many and they all want nice things. Has to be produced to sell it to them. Europe has always been reasonably popped and their venture in africa has always been to meet domestic needs.
These others are just I WANT BE EVEN GREEDIER.
>did the right thing
>Joan of Arc
might want to have a closer look at that. especially the people around her.
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so cook up a story and throw the french in the middle of the ocean.
>it's only bad cause of french did it to you, now make a deal with us instead for same reasons.
french like
>sacre bleu i just want for internal french production natual ressources cause of french have very little natural ressources.
These others are competing with eachother for global demand, only out to make fucking money, it's not domestic production it's for EXPORT. to sell to the africans.
It's makes it doubly funny. If the africans going to release these ressources to the chinese and so on. They going to get it back in form of the products they are used to make.
They too fucking stupid to realize it. ROFL. and they also take for domestic production cause of african have so much.
Africans are like.
>no we want to hold on to it, deprive you of it, so you can't meet domestic production and then africa going to build it make it and export it to you all at huge price. And live like kangz.
Africans have no friends left, you not going to fuck over half the planet like this without them fucking you instead. You got too greedy that's it. You must share a bit with others, there's others on this planet than you.

So it is actually ironically the NON EUROPEAN consumer market that is pushing chinese who ally with russia to do this. It's not the europeans who only take they took from africa is for domestic.
The french and europeans are the least maliscious of all of them.
>i just need little bit cause you have everything we have nothing, for meeting domestic neeeds.
the others
I WANT MORE, i want to be exporting this shit to rest of world, not just for domestic use.
>and i know you have it africa, you have so much we can stripmine for 1000 years and not run out and keep finding more.
>so you going to pick one or the other, but you going to not have a choice to not pick.'
and they trying to push the french out with this nonsense! ROFL
maybe you should read it and stop being a retard monkey like most of planet is. You'd understand something real quick for once in your idiot life.
It's precisely cause you are so dumb that you haven't figured this out yet.
>reading, that's for faggots.
>reading is for faggots
>thinking more than a few seconds, that's for faggots
>can run my mouth though
americans, don't think you fool me with your pixel flag.
it was all a lie
your bullshit detector is weak
I never trusted this bitch or the argebtine libertarian guy
and guess what
they both turn out to be backstabbing zog puppets
Cool do the one about kids mining cobalt for car batteries
>Free Africaโ€ฆfor Chinese exploitation
Vacuum filled.
also, now you can see the controlled opposition in europe to mass immigration. And you can see who the stooges are. Those who are simply against racial invasion and takeover. Those are real patriots. Those who are pretending to be against racial takeover and invasion, and also simultaneously are anti EU, such as AFD, meloni and in france now le penn and national rally.
Those are the stooges for russia/china and brics. Because they hijack the sentiment they know is anti immigration and then say we will be anti eurozone stability too and european solidarity with eachother. this helps them corner AFRICA, by weakening european international cooperation. They got british out of EU, now they want french out of EU, simultaneously these same forces are pushing france out of africa. LOL
You mental midgets haven't even figured it out.
They trying to sabotage the euro nations in production capabilities. It's same reason why putin knew if he try to annex ukraine, eurozone would respond with sanctions, he know along with xi that this is then excuse to deny eurozone primarily germany natural ressources via the pipelines. Then they BLEW UP the pipelines. LOL
And what were they doing in ukraine, it's not about ukranian people now you will realize why he was in alliance with xi, it took americans a hot minute, it's why they moved semiconductors partially to USA with samsung and others.
see, ukraine has not only wheat production for eastern europe, but also has xeon gas, used in production of semi conductors. What has taiwan, till usa figured out which they figured out like at snails pace. 90% of semiconductor industry of world is in taiwan and south korea. TSCM etc. mostly in taiwan.
So had ukranians surrendered, and then xi take taiwan instantly after in a shock and awe invasion. They would have corned GLOBAL SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTION, nobody else to buy it from. That's everything both industrial and things like graphic cards etc.
ITS ALL RESSOURCE WARS YOU DUMB FUCKS, of truly greedy big nations trying to screw over tiny european ones.
it's ressource wars it always was, same as it is through human history.
Is why world peace is only achieved through making all global ressource deposits even shared so all have what they need for production, racially segmenting each territory into even slizes. And then making populations of those even over time.
it's peace of the earth.
Humans behave dumber than cows, it was all obvious how to do it. You don't do this they will fight eachother all the time.
>>Free Africaโ€ฆfor Chinese exploitation
>Vacuum filled.
exactly. that's exactly what is going on. China makes what 50% of products in just USA. So the demand for production is then met globally if they manage to do it. however you got to demonize someone like france who do it for domestic to do it, so you don't look like you doing it for even worse reason. And so that's what they do. demonize french and pushing them out whilst china is going in.
>You know who could help those little niggers?
Filthy jew lover.
Doesnโ€™t take much intelligence to see it.
Those big, greedy powers and all the death and misery they bring are still preferable to a world system because they must retain enough cunning and innovation to steal. A gerontocratic central authority is unnatural and its corruption will be far more difficult to put down than that of a greedy empire.
>>You know who could help those little niggers?
>Filthy jew lover.
the jews are just rich fucks who are playing all sides, they side with americans when it benefit them, they side with chinese when it benefits them. They only care to sit on top and make money. People of countries and what happen to them mean nothing to them retard.
But what is driving up the demand is the non european demand for products. CAUSE THOSE ARE THE MOST PEOPLE IN WORLD, they got the biggest countries, they got the most people, they also got the most natural ressources too. The more they become the more aggressive they going to mine africa.
If you want to find out why globalism even happened, it's the non europeans driving up the demand cause they keep adding people.
Coupled with 'globalism' from european perspective of european companies go setup shop where the ressources are and fire all the domestic european people, so they have to move to a service based economy instead. That's the non europeans too idiot.
If you want to cater to 8 billion people, you got to streamline the supply chains. WHich means, you can't afford to setup shop where the ressources aren't. Which means those without natural ressources are going to get hosed! is why eu was made with tarifs and protection mechanisms against price gouging cause europeans have to buy the ressources from others, then transport them back then start production. This means if you don't have protective eurozone tarifs they can price gouge them by making same thing cheaper and destroy european domestic serving companies. RETARD.
>Doesnโ€™t take much intelligence to see it.
Yes if you think about it, if you don't, it can be hard. Ofcourse it's simple once it is explained to you, everything is lol.
Youโ€™re a retard if you donโ€™t realize that this is the literal reason for mass migration from Africa. The French colonial system drives SSAs to Europe with heavy use of propaganda. Donโ€™t you find it weird that all the nig nogs washing up in Lampedusa speak French? Meloni is right. Iโ€™ve been saying the exact same thing to my bros for 8 years but the average normie canโ€™t figure out cause and effect
>t. Taรปr Furlan in Canada for some stupid fucking shit. At least itโ€™s nice and cold here
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>Donpeople actually beliefe africoons can handle money?
They actually could if certain institutions quite literally stopped sending aid and other bux and just traded instead of controlling them politically for maxxximum profits.
Imagine some asshole country flooding your cunt with cheap or "free" products, killing your entire economy and making stuff like farming or other industries worthless because NEET-tier dictator is promised neetbux in protection and luxury goods in exchange for a monopoly on resources.

Now objectively, you can say whatever, strong rule the weak and all that but you don't get to then complain that these niggers who barely get scraps try to escape towards your cunt for better living standards.
>why don't they try to overthrow their dictator?
Why don't you try to get your leaders to remove them?
We're as powerless as these niggers, our leaders see easy profits and just like the african dictator live far away from these nogs so they don't care. Even your based "far right" will campaign for removal until they're forced to submit.
I'm not talking about helping africans, they greedy as fuck for thinking they can have all that for themselves. And due to non europeans become so many people, they are no longer able to claim that. It was one thing where they say to europeans who are always nice as possible.
>hey we have this for ourselves
>i want little bit cause you have so much, but whatever i don't want to annoy you too much
Non european demand for products. AFRICANS GOING TO GET SHAT ON if they want to not hand the ressources over to chinese and whatever else. french just want a tiny bit for domestic production and such things. Chinese this is globalism. They cater to rest of world dipshit. How many products of yours are made in china? go look at back of it, retard! it's cause of you this is happening lol.
>jews are only interested in money
>You did this
>Itโ€™s your fault
I didnโ€™t put lifeโ€™s basic necessities into the isles of the company store. Furthermore, I couldnโ€™t be any less interested in how this happened because it is old news.

My problem is with your solution. You want equality of outcome for the weak.
>>jews are only interested in money
that's really what their cult is about retard. It's about control all the companies and sit on top of you. That's what their cult is about. It's a cult of elitism and being as fucking rich as possible.
Now you can do other things with that kind of influence such as using other races as biological weapons to throw them into nations of people which race you don't like. You can do anything if you have money, money is power. Owning the companies and assets is power.
You all want the assets you all want the natural ressources, i have them. What is more powerful than that retard.
That's why the corner the banking system too, they even admitted it. Because you all want money. So if i control the money supply i don't care who write your laws, cause you all going to be working for me! If i can then finance whatever i want and definance what i don't. It's absolute control, the whole idea of capitalism aka plutocracy aka if you have the money you have the power. THIS IS JUDAISM.
Remember that next time when you are angry with rich people, rich people is judaism writ large. Billionaires, is judaism. multimillionaires is judaism. There's no difference the other rich people of other races are just playing on jews plantation. And the jews make sure that they all work for them. It's why they call you goyim retard.
Should it be like that, no. But if you want to cater to 8 billion people, and you don't put in strict regulations for all kinds of things, you're going to get jews cause that's exactly what the fuck judaism is.
And the irony is, it's the demand of all these overpopulated countries who are driving it. Cause they all want the nice products they nice things the luxuries. Well guess what, if you are small population like sweden is you can have luxuries without relentless poaching of ressources cause there ain't that many swedes so they can have the nice things cause the demand is small.
What. Why this right wing woman against France, i though she ourguy.

if you want to be 8 billion people and you say i want all this. HOW ARE THINGS PRODUCED? to cater to the demand? if you then are african and you have 5-800x more natural ressources than europe. WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENS TO THEM? either they fork it over so it can be produced, or they not going to have a nice time. And the africans want themselves but are too stupid to figure out how it works, so they install dictators who sell the natural ressources anyways.
How ironic it is all this non europeans driving up the demand that is responsible for it. Including the africans themselves.
You don't think 1.3 billion people in africa want nice things, no they demand them. GIVE ME NICE THINGS. Guess how those nice things are produced. you going to fork over those natural ressources then africans. Cause that's what is used to produce it! IDIOTS.
>trusting a hole
>on anything
Lmao what a mangina
why does this dumb bitch give 2 shits about some fucking monkey child mining for gold

she craving BBC or something?
>My problem is with your solution. You want equality of outcome for the weak.
I totally want this oligarchy to fuck off. But if you want each to have about the same. You got to stop this nonsense. Of overpopulating and then demanding more, they will streamline supply chains, and whoever sits on the mineral and ore deposits and natural ressources made to produce them are going to get fucked if they refuse them being used to produce.
No i'm totally against this hypermaterialistic nonsense. Go tell the 8 billion people on the planet they can't have nice things, they don't deserve nice things. And get it on video.
Guess how it's made. They are driving up the demand themselves.
When you don't live within your means, aka you decide to be too many people too fast. Now it becomes hyperaggressive such as africa going to get f in the a if they think they not going to share. The globalists are in now not just little france who wanted little bit for domestic cause of they have fuck all, no china is in the mix now. IT'S BIG BUSINESS, china is mass exporters. they don't want this simply for domestic, it means it's not just china russia etc. It's the billionaire jews and the trillionaire jews who call you goyim and who aren't supposed to exist. China == you about to get fucked in ass if you don't share the ressources china needs to mass produce, what you fucking asking for to begin with. China is the primary global production hub dimwits, china is globalism writ large. Africans don't even realize it.
>IDF poster
>But letโ€™s get back to my resource wars hypothesis
>Money is power
No, money is leverage and violence is power. Your nation imagines it can rule the world with mercs and carpet baggers, but the scuffle in Ukraine consistently demonstrates otherwise.
>Wealth is judaism because jews dominate the technologies of currency and finance
No. Usury is judaism, not wealth accumulation. Money as telesis is judaism, not money as leverage.
>Sweden as an example of resource warfare not applying as it does for โ€œoverpopulated countriesโ€ (unnamed)
Convoluted reasoning. Sweden doesnโ€™t practice any relevant form of self-reliance or Isolationism. You trailed off.
I am not talking about all this inhuman weak strong garbage you morons toady about with. And it just tells me you're a jew with less money. Everyone ought to treat eachother nicely, and if you want that, you should realize the reason these things are happening.
if there is no way too high demand, there is no need for aggressive supply! As soon as you say there should be anyways by idk being way too many people. You have handed it over to these fucking jews, cause that's what they are fucking good at. They're a ruthless mafia, they're really good at fucking others over for a fucking %, they get rich off of serving the global clientel of the stupid goyim who keep asking for more more more whilst adding too many people on top of it.
jew is like.
>i'll indulge you in your obsession about being so many people. I'll give you those products, just don't complain how the fuck i go about it!

YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ENABLE THEM as are all this gigantic 8 billion of you, who say.
>i want the nice life too. I want the x i want the y and z too, like the tiny swedes or something they have it so nice why can't i.
It's cause they so fucking few people that catering to them even luxury conditions takes almost nothing cause they are almost no people.
Now, catering to 8 billion people. That's going to take something very radically different.
>each to have the same
I donโ€™t want this, you do.
no i'm not a jew, you retard fake nazi. I'm just explaining to you exactly what enables them, and it's morons like you!
>No. Usury is judaism, not wealth accumulation. Money as telesis is judaism, not money as leverage.
Wealth accumulation and asset and corporate accumulation is judaism. The desire to have way too much than you could ever fucking need, is judaism. So you can leverage it to fuck with others.
It's same thing niggers are saying. I can have all this you can have nothing. I can have size of china europe and usa, i can have 500x more natural ressources. And i won't have to share it.
Oh but you do have to.
>>each to have the same
>I donโ€™t want this, you do.
so you want you to have more and others to have less so you can do whatever you want. Yes you are a jew without money, an aspiring jew. case and point.
Youโ€™re essentially telling me that it is better to annex territories that you colonize. To that I would agree.
Millei is zog but he's doing exactly what he promised he would. Some you niggers need to realize that compromise is required if violence isn't an immediate option. He capitulates to zog and in turn Argentina is brought into the western fold and leaves BRICS behind. Seems like a fair exchange, his dignity for his nation's salvation.
I think it would be more cost efficient and beneficial for european society if they let these african and arab nations be, just trade with them at their current valued currency and stop trying to sneak them into the first world by the backdoor.
You are a leftist, which makes you a jew to me.
she thinks if you "fix" africa and stop abusing it then it will magically turn in to a world of abundance and industry.

Very mistaken.
nobody here can comprehend this people on pol are simply retarded
I donโ€™t โ€œwantโ€ to have more than others, I โ€œdoโ€ have more than others. I could be sleeping in a ditch here in the US too.
Lol if you trusted those 14 nigger states with managing their own currency you'd end up with Zimbabwe all over again.
Maybe this kike bitch is onto something. Drop the franc and let them play white man
burkina faso? you mean the country with 73 avg IQ?
keep exploiting them honestly
The eco-jew trying to peacock his University Press AI chops ITT argues for a sneakier, more feminine version of this, I believe.
They all had to build walls to keep their populations from leaving.
You commies need to be exterminated. Even Hitler had that right.
taking on the inflation that normaly would hit muttland yes he did just in the nick of time when the dollarino is losing its reserve status
>They all had to build walls to keep their populations from leaving
the USSR built a wall around all 37,000 miles? may i see it?
If she got her emotional argument fulfilled she would only have succeeded in replacing the franc with Chinese currency. As usual the emotionally incontinent psyche remains incapable of reason and despite good intentions only makes things worse and never solves the problem. Who owns the mine and who forces the child to go into it?
>Youโ€™re essentially telling me that it is better to annex territories that you colonize. To that I would agree.
No that's not what i'm saying at all, can you stop being disingenous for 2 seconds or is that american for you.

It's simply this. the world is uneven distributed in territory and in natural ressources.
The sacrifice to have high living standards europeans made, is one of being very few people, cause that's how you have high living standards with minimal natural ressources.
Because otherwise high living standard corellates with having an abundance of them and not being a total retard, and the more you scale up population the more ressource demand factors in in making products and other conveniences for you in form of infrastructure and other things.

If you do it the opposite way. You are 8 billion people on this planet, let's choose a different one than africa let's say india, they chosen stupidly to be 1.4 billion people on a territory 1/10th of africa.
And they say
>i want higher living standard too, i can't believe how i can't have it.
why do you think.

Higher population drive up demand, cause it produces, voila, higher demand.
The only reason for example gulf states can live in wildest luxury is what, natural ressources, they are wasteful idiots of highest caliber. If you do that without that you going to go plummet living standard into the ground.

If you going to say too many people also want way too high living standard without regulation of anything, you are going to be paving the way for judaism. They'll get you these products, they just not going to do it nicely. They going to be rich for doing so, and if there's someone witholding natural ressources they going to get them.
It's why for example ricky gervais joke about in his roast at golden globes about how the apple streaming service.
>oh tim cooke he made this about this and that environment balbla
>meanwhile his apple devices are made in sweatshops in china.
Because what is other than too many people 8 billion. What do you ALSO want, you want to pay very little for it too. You have to realize someone is going to get hosed for this! FAGGOT. and they're good at getting you to play along but you were ASKING FOR THIS.
the africans also asking for it, i also want these things. You don't know what you are asking for do you!

The real issue of colonization was that europeans have almost nothing and non europeans have everything, they wanted to meet DOMESTIC QUOTA for production.
The others its pure greed.
you want greed and you want too much and you want it also too cheap! SOMEONE GETTING HOSED; and you look the other way faggot.
This is cause of you enabling this that it happens..
what is the difference between the right and left wing because all the multicultural countries bring in immigrants regardless of the political party.
The assumption is that if you were to apply the same dignities to the global south they would never manage to grow up and become global military powers. Because theyโ€™re brown, no? That ethnonations are the solution to resource exploitation because it means the darkies canโ€™t fall back on muh rayciss rhetoric.

But the problem is that presumably the accessible resources are being squandered by people of no vision and no plan. And in that case it matters what nations are consuming most of them, not whether some sovereign is not being compensated fairly. Mixing all the peoples of the world in such a fashion does have bearing.
kek, is that why you're seething you're getting kicked out of sahel??
bullshit if there ever was bullshit
but hey, you have africans in france now, do that there, it'll be fine, heheheh
who won the best baguette this year? another fucking paki or something?
All these yuppies on their fucking smartphones. Oh i care about everybody. Except who make the products cause you want it CHEAP too, so you can get your iphone whatever, FAGGOT. Every 6 months. Guess what that takes. Whoever has lithium deposits if they don't hand that over to the companies making them, some jew going to fuck them in the ass in some way! SO YOU CAN HAVE SMARTPHONE and so he can profit off of your insane demand.

And so you continue with this continue with this keep adding more people 8 billion now when is it going to be 9 billion only ones staying somewhat level or reducing is europeans who take very little out in comparison in demand.
What is going to happen now.
AFRICA is going to get mined, cause its got enough to be mined for a millennia without running out and keep finding more.
And it has to be mined, and you don't give tiniest fuck about it except now, but when you go buy your fancy little gadget or whatever at way too low price than it ought to be, for concern of those who make it. YOU A HAPPY LITTLE FAGGOT THEN AREN'T YOU, no bigger jew enabler than you. lol
And then africans themselves, they just too stupid to figure out how it works, they want same thing!
Youโ€™re coming at me with grievance-based politicking after I already finished saying it would be more human to kill you and your entire family if I want your precious metals mine. Everybody dies.
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whitey pretends to be innocent when they still pull this bullshit all over the world
"coffers" - American hegemony has done away with such ideas. Coffers are always empty and money is infinite. She is a stupid bitch no doubt, however I would very much like to lay with her.
>Youโ€™re coming at me with grievance-based politicking after I already finished saying it would be more human to kill you and your entire family if I want your precious metals mine. Everybody dies.
And you coming at me with the global south and the bullshit. Who is driving up the demand in first place. NON EUROPEANS, don't give me that white brown bullshit. You living in fantasy world and i'm trying to pull you out of it.
As for 'ethnostates' this is simply some people saying
>it's bad idea to have race warfare and try to racially invade eachother and take it over.
Did france do that in africa, no they went for the ore they didn't go in and say i want africa to be full of non africans dimwit. So that's totally unrelated actually.
And nobody is killing them for it idiot, but they forcing their governments to relinquish the ore deposits its what china is doing right now. Cause they don't give a fuck about killing africans idiot, never been more africans in world history than now. They want the ore for production retard. Ironically to cater to some dumb american faggot who is wanting a new device or new thing every 6 months. New car new this or that, new whatever.
And you sitting in USA feeling sorry for the africans, lol you couldn't give tiniest of fuck you must moral virtuing. You like your lifestyle you already also said, i don't want most people to have more or less the same, aka as much as they need anyways to have a nice thing. NO YOU WANT MORE than them, you don't even want to stop the mass accumulation of wealth, you want more than others, you just a fucking jew without money. An aspiring jew.
Don't cry about africa to me.
They not going to be killed cause of they have to relinquish natural ressources to other racial groups when africans have so much it takes a millennia to even stripmine it. and keep finding more.
The global south is still driving demand because of mass immigration and usury. You can take the groid out of the Bantuland but you canโ€™t make him care about technological transcendence of biological life.
Import the third world, become the third world. Your hypothesis has to explain the niggerization of popular culture.
You just some sad faggot of you think you know what anything is about and you don't know shit. You won't even critique this system of doing that or how it is driven by demand by non europeans being that many people! There's more fucking chinese in china than people of all of europe of any race. Don't even start with your bullshit that it's pierres fault.
They're some of the only ones who only take what they themselves need, not to sell to everyone else. There's only 68 million people in france and a lot of them aren't french at all either.

I'm the one who is against all this you are just a fucking poser pretending. But i understand if all these 8 billion all these non europeans which is what over 90% of it is, is going to get these products. Africa has to be mined the fuck out of. And then you say, i also want it cheap so now they don't in some cases even bring it back to the nation they come from to produce it. No they manufacture it there, and then africans themselves are cutting costs even more by having low labour standards. Because what, you also want CHEAP AS POSSIBLE, and so when these jew companies also take their cut, what is going to be salary? IDIOT, it's you enabling all of it.
I say, stop this nonsense and you say
>no you are jew, also i'm going to prove i'm totally an aspiring jew by saying all should accumulate money way more than they need.
Americans.. This is why others have so little to begin with. If you want to have more than you need, it automatically means others have less. All production is based on natural ressources. And who can get them is relative to the people on earth. So if you have a fuckton of people and you do it like that and also want all super cheap it means a lot of them going to get fucked SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE YOUR LITTLE SMARTY PHONE.
>The global south is still driving demand because of mass immigration and usury.
they driving the demand cause they too many people, most people on the planet is this 'brown' or 'global south' you are talking about retard. And they want nice things just as much as you do. And they don't fucking understand what it takes to do that.
>i just keep add more people also we want all to have nice things.
>donโ€™t fucking understand
Then theyโ€™re going to lose. Does that bother you?
Everything she says is actually right. And what's funny is that the kikes are doing the same thing to us thanks to the Euro and the Dollar. The first source of power is money.
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You don't need permission or courts. Ask your uncle Leo
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This one's nice
In reality france is super tiny and africa is 3x larger than europe, and france has almost no natural ressurces and africa has more natural ressources than usa china and europe combined retard, and also more territory
Fuck i give a tiniest shit about some bald faggot in that pic who want to give some moronic delusional africans some kind of virtue signalling for. This is why they living in a fantasy world of what they believe in.
What is driving up the demand is also non europeans so it's doubly funny is why the great dragon china, the globalist paragon is going into africa right now, it caters to the global market primarily to non europeans rofl. Which are 90% of the fucking planets consumers rofl

Just the same stupid shit over and over again. Same lies over and over again. Same ramping up race hating rethoric. If you want to help africans unfuck their minds about this, you're certainly doing a poor job at it.
>>donโ€™t fucking understand
>Then theyโ€™re going to lose. Does that bother you?
ofcourse it does, i want everyone of every race to be having a nice time, not trying to fight eachother but to share everything more evenly so that everyone has what they need not too much than others so that all have a nice time. Ofcourse it bothers me.
I'm not a fucking retard jackass like you who think races should play last man on hill and fuck eachother over all the time. But in this way it's not even races fucking eachother over. It's humans have decided out of stupidity to be 8 billion people and increasing. And 90% of them are non europeans. If you want to supply all of them with an exhuberant lifestyle. You can't sit and whine about how africans get to hold on to so many natural ressources and they not being used. and then they say also "i want it as cheap as possible too".
And then jews say
>i can get you that, just don't complain how i fucking do it. China you're up!
OH LOOK A SMARTIE PHONE. ooh look a brand new car oh look this and that.
1. She turns me on so much.

2. She is absolutely correct. The solution for Apefricans to stop coming to Europe begins by letting go of the collonial ties. You guys still haven't realised that this is the main connection...
You seem so whiny. No, youโ€™re not a saint. No, Iโ€™m not a devil. I just donโ€™t care about strangers on an abstract level. If you cared to be persuasive you might have pocked up on my disposition and oriented your replies toward what a terrible thing it is to waste non-renewables on TikToks and BBC smut. You might have mentioned the tragedy of allowing the mob to determine the progression of civilization, or how morally wrong it is to grant political influence to people who โ€œdonโ€™t fucking understandโ€.

But you just harp on smartphones, not how theyโ€™re used, only that so many people have them, and insist that being a halfwit brown turd from an undeveloped nation entitles you to deference, as if your incapacity is a virtue to be cherished. Absurd leftism. A great portion of โ€œthe systemโ€ works perfectly well.
I think that if youโ€™re going to conquer someone they should cease to exist. I donโ€™t believe in a permanent state of revolutionary activity or in forever wars.

But the game of empires has always been with us and always will be. Itโ€™s not a question of โ€œshouldโ€ until youโ€™re thinking like a cowardly r-selected jew who does everything through subversion and secrecy. Thatโ€™s why you deserve the resistance youโ€™re getting, because you canโ€™t appreciate the ethics of direct confrontation and think that, for example, if NATO (Switzerland) owns all planetary resources and dolls them out according to some calculus, why that means justice prevailed. Utter nonsense.
>gd smartphone

2 (for this site) big brain takes. an entire thread discussing the ideas you both brought up would be noice. I used to like to attach images and encourage conversations here but the site went kill with the new captcha timer and not allowing to poast in privacy mode. sure there is a work around but the goal is clearly to discourage public participation here so not much to be done.
>she is trying to end injustice. what a slut
fug ya
The only injustice here is that Euros keep sending aid to fucking niggers instead of letting nature take it's course and half the nigger population drops.

Plenty of valuable stuff in Africa, but niggers aren't among those things.
>you're seething you're getting kicked out of sahel
I'm not: good riddance
now, to be fair, of the four sahel countries, ie burkina, mali, tchad, nigger, all of them have had a military coup in the last few years
obviously, they're gonna end up starving even more now than ever
obviously, they'll come back crawling for help
sadly, we'll prbly give them

funnily enough, I know leftists who went there to help those extremely retarded and lazy animals
might as well piss at the wind while it's blowing at you, lol
>bullshit if there ever was bullshit
we're forcing them so much that even having stopped helping those shitholes militarily (and thus not having military presence over there anymore), they still eagerly use the currency we print and manage for them, and pathetically ask us to keep helping them with that
also, you're not even able of greentexting, lol
fucking pathetic, but expected from a niggering monkey like you
>another fucking paki
the only pakis I ever saw were in britbongia
and not being a urban sodomite, I've only seen 21 shitskins yet in 2024
meanwhile, you'll always be a completely retarded, clueless, turdworlding burritonegro
so there's that
more like >90%
helping niggers (and turd worlders in general) really is animal cruelty
we'd get find, if we did that in any other natural reserve
Maybe, but I know for a fact that when covid hit and the gibs to Africa slowed down 50% of the niggers ended up in extreme poverty. But 90% would be even better.
satanic digits dont lie
>gibs to Africa slowed down
if only
I do know for a fact they didn't
the leftists I know actually gibsed them moar tractors and farm equipment after covid, because, same as always, they didn't maintain the previous ones and waited for them to break down, then sat on their asses waiting for the Humans to come back and give them new ones (which they indeed did)
> niggers ended up in extreme poverty
they always are in extreme poverty
what little comfort they have, they owe it 100% to us Humans
if it stops, 90% of them die
it should really stop, once and for all
Shut up Arab
I really really like this image. May I save it?
I agree France should leave its colonial interests in Africa. China will replace them, and if not, I'm very curious about what will hapen with all those places that have foreign financial influence. Based on other bantu countries recent history, some 20 odd years of very bloody civil war and famine until the equipment they use to wage authority falls into disrepair and their enforcers get old or killed. Or they become Wakanda with all this gold they have buried. One or the other.
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again, not being a urban sodomite, I can't even remember the last time I even saw an arab
but it was a few months ago, for sure (mostly see carribean dindus, for the few shitskins that I see)
but seeing as you kvetch, you're probably a kike yourself, eh?
>As ambassador of Kenya in Italy I would grant visas to all Kenyans applying for visas to Italy
>Unfortunately when you take this humanitarian perspective you can only lose since the wealth of western societies was acquired through the might-makes-right philosophy.
No. For instance the industrial revolution allowed for great creation of wealth, and it was due to technological and academic progress, not invasions or wars.
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today i'm gonna change the oil in my suburban, do some sheetrocking and wire some ceiling lights, definitely gonna drink some beer, then maybe take my kids to the fireworks stand they've been bugging me about it. you on the other hand wake up every day and you only purpose is to spam the internet with your nigger dick fantasies. hahaha it truly must suck to be you...
Imagine electing a literal BBC slut as your leader
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CFA franc is a long deboonked meme.
The fact she indulges in these nigger-tier Left-wing conspiracy theories trying to blame Africa's civilizational failure on France or white people in general shows she was a joke from the very start.

Africa has always been a poor backward shithole and was in an even worse state before France and other European powers colonized it in the 1880s (when Europe already had trains, photography, telephones, electricity...etc, while negroes were still living naked in neolithic huts).
I hate women more and more everyday.
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>Youโ€™re a retard if you donโ€™t realize that this is the literal reason for mass migration from Africa.

It's not and you're either a nigger or a moron.
The reason behind mass immigration from Africa to Europe is very simple:
Europe has a much higher quality of life than Africa, and this due to being a vastly superior civilization in every respect.

It has literally always been the case for the last thousands of years, and the only thing that has changed now is that:
1. European technology (ships, airplanes, cars...) had reached Africa and makes it possible for them to come
2. European governments allow them to come.

The only way to stop mass immigration from Africa to Europe is through the use of force.
Bringing Africa up to Europe's level just isn't possible as it would require colonizing the place again.
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>If the niggers had better living conditions they wouldโ€™t be moving out.

Yeah that part is right.
But the part about blaming the shitty state Africa is in on France or Europeans isn't.
Africa has always been an awful shithole and was even more backward and poor before colonialism.
The issue is Africans themselves, not some white boogeyman.

You country is half nigger anyways
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Nigeria doesn't use CFA franc, why is it such a shithole?
Congo doesn't use CFA franc, why is it such a shithole?
Somalia doesn't use CFA franc, why is it such a shithole?
Sierra Leone doesn't use CFA franc, why is it such a shithole?
Gabon use CFA franc, why is it less a shithole than those above?

Why can't she adress the real issue of Africa (civilizational inferiority) instead of spreading wakanda bullshit theories?
what's wrong Hamid? I can't see anything wrong with what she's saying
Seeing south africa now reduced to nigger tier levels of poverty and suffering is pretty shit to see.

I hate that white people have to tolerate these sub humans.
Then just read the six posts above yours, left-wing retard
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She makes a good point.

We replaced our farm equipment over a century ago. Why are we still using old and outdated mining equipment? The cost to maintain the old tech and the headaches it creates simply aren't worth it.
>civil war and dictators
>civil wars, foreign intervention, western-backed dictator
>retarded dictator, constant civil war, foreign interventions
Sierra Leone
>useless governments, civil war
You're contradicting yourself. the nazis were socialists. National socialism.
Yes we do
Yeah so CFA franc isn't the reason for Africa's poverty.
Negro behavior (which is the common factor found in both CFA and non-CFA African shitholes) is the real reason.
Sort of agree we should leave third world countries alone. Like the prime directive. But it's too late for that. We already gave savages guns. And they already genocided entire tribes with them.
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Get some.
She is just jelly that the turks and associates that orchestrated the second world war can exploit niggers while italians can't do the same...

in reality, with a few exceptions of people that isn't from italy and don't give a fuck, being italian is worst than being a nigger itself...

the president of the italian country go on tv to cry about niggers, the state of it...

I'm ashamed to be italian, fuck that shit... specially because they tried to cut my dick off and love spics, niggers and hate europeans...

italy is an arab colony that has 20 people more white than spain and portugal.

what a sad state of italian affairs...
Needs a stormtrooper helmet
I like her big pretty eyes
>>"So the solution

...is not my problem.
Did you actually believe a woman could be a far-right leader?
Deflation kills their growth ponzi and the whole banking system, that's why they fear it like the devil fears holy water.
Deflation incentivizes people to save their money anticipating it will gain value rather than to spend it like we have now in an inflational setting.
Benefitting from this would simply be those people who are hoarding cash, doesn't matter if rich or poor or middle class.
But today's concept of cash, which is no longer tied to anything and can and will be printed into oblivion is obviously inherently inflational and that's fully intentional.
Summa summarum, with deflation the western consoomerist way of life would cease to exist and that would be a good thing, but they will try everything to avoid that scenario.
Even by starting a world war.
based, exposing the EU for what it is.
>stealing the money and skilled workers of the third world at gunpoint
>durr why are there refugees??
But definitly not a woman that tries to blame Africa's civilizational failure on Europeans.
She was left-wing the entire time.
>durr why are there refugees??
Rapefugees come because their countries are shit compated to Europe

>it's white people's fault if they are shit!!!
Then how comes they were even more backward and poor before meeting whitey?
She always was a nato asset.
It was inevitable that a right wing party would win the italian election, so they decided to at least put a transatlantic right winger in charge instead of pro russian salvini.
And well, it worked.
Turns out she also even wasn't that right wing all along, but when italians see a blonde woman, their critical thinking ability shuts down in favour of something else....
It's what Whites deserve for continuing to trust politicians. Anyone with any affiliation with the jews establishment is an enemy without exceptions. They are not incidentally or in any other way beneficial(like Trump, Carlson, Meloni, Cuckservatives, Rogan, Musk, etc.). The jews themselves allow these figures then shill the piss oit of them on WN sites to sell their thought leaders to us. Msny buy them because if specious reasoning that they are moving the overtom window in oir direction and we do the rest, when the reality is their rhetoric is structured to address the symptoms of jewish problem without naming it and actually move away from us and White Nationalism.
3/10 in italy goes in niggerland to fuck niggers, who would have thought

also sage
so the solution is to stop using white people taxes to pay niggers gibs
and start using white people taxes to build niggers countries
if africa prospers somehow, there won't be any reason for niggers to infest europe... we just need to somehow push for just decent living standards in african countries, just so there won't be any kind of "moral obligation" for european countries with collonial past to give gibs to lumbenised africans.
There will be a CFA ruble and frog-eating surrender monkeys can't do anything to stop it, also it'll be under the guise of decolonization and we'll give niggers slightly better contracts so they don't feel like they're being exploited
And then you'll find out that being the niggers overlord actually means giving them money to no gain and becoming their boogeyman for everything wrong with their shithole...
She is literally saying that Africans coming to EU is not the solution.
Joan of Arc was a literal eunuch castrata, what would be the equivalent to a modern day Dylan Mulvaney. Joan of Arc was a boy who was castrated at a very young age and initiated into the cybelene cult, who with Gilles De Reis committed hundreds of child sacrifices to the devil. Both were burned at the stake for this, and hundreds of years later the same sodomite eunuchs praise Joan of Arc as a "strong, brave, empowered womyn"
Why are all europeans retarded faggots who always elect woman leaders. Fucking imbeciles deserve everything that happens to you. Reject feminism. It's jewish. Women shouldn't even vote, let alone hold office.
She looks like a downie orangutan
At some point, France the freedom fighters became the tyrant they overthrew.
She also indulges in shitty left-wing conspiracy theories to blame Africa's failure on white people instead of adressing the real issue (Africans)
>Africa's failure
40% due to Euro colonisers. 60% due to their own
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Before European colonization they were literally dwelling naked in prehistoric huts
I'd say Europeans did a good enough job at developing it during the 80 years they ruled over that shithole continent.
Obviously tho, that isn't enough to make them on par with Europe given from where they started...
Western Europe doesn't "exploit" Africa, moron.
On the contrary, it pours billions into that shithole in foreign aid every year.

France (and Britain, Germany, Sweden...etc) will indeed be shitholes within a few decades, and for the exact same reason that makes Africa is a shithole right now => being filled with Africans.
lol, lmao even
based BBC ally exposing the white devils.
this is a preview of the far right "swing" in europe, shills that just establish a stronger frelationship with israel. all the new mudslimes will not be deported, but they will make sure jews and israel is proctected. GAAAAYYYYYY
felationship, even

Joan wasn't even real.
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She's not wrong you sniveling kike shit. Gold should be what backs any currency, and not useless paper that has less value than the paper it's printed on. kys
She's not denouncing fiat money.
She's just pinning the blame for Africa's failure on white people.
we will never vote our way out of this. get that through your head.
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She is right.
France belongs to Africans.
This frames it as if only France is benefitting. When France adopted the Euro the CFA Franc's fixed ratio to the old Franc propped up the Euro as well and the EU benefitted from the cheap resources too.
yea so where is my cut of the gold? my bank account is very empty. what is going on here.
the tribe is slacking.
Sheโ€™s right.
Make Africa great again.
Make India Great again.
Stop bringing them here.
Down with the Jews flooding our countries with these labor-tax cattle
She is right, we should stop all relationships with africa and let them be what they are : dumb niggers
>that money
what money ? Do you really think it's real ? Africa is a bottomless pit, we don't get anything from there, France emits CFA, so it backs that money, that's all, France says "if they don't pay their debts, we will" AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENS
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CFA franc being the cause for Africa's poverty is a "We Wuz Kangz" tier meme.
The fact she indulges in these nigger-tier Left-wing conspiracy theories trying to blame Africa's civilizational failure on France or white people in general shows she was a joke from the very start.

Africa has always been a poor backward shithole and was in an even worse state before France and other European powers colonized it in the 1880s, when Europe already had trains, photography, telephones, electricity...etc, while negroes were still living naked in neolithic huts.

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