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The oldest texts we have of the old testament are all in greek. Did the greeks invent the jewish religion? Did they invent the hebrew language?
yes we did
they were pretty gay and liked to fuck kids so it checks out
false, the oldest texts are in paleo-hebrew
OP is wrong, but so are you.
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False. They were in Greek. They were in Greek because that was the common alphabet and language used by the people at the time.
it's not really so certain. the carbon dating of qumran went badly.
weren't they in Aramaic? which is a Semitic language?
>casually steals some else's culture
>claims it as their own
Never existed
nope, hinnom scrolls
Greeks are the real jews.
You have to come up with a convincing argument for why the story behind the Septuagint is false. Not just the supernatural parts.
Youre right, stupid me. I have a meme on this.
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Fun fact: in Ancient Greece if you mis tuned your lyre and played it in public it was punishable by death because it shattered the harmony of the world.
Idk how Christians can still exist after learning about the history of their holy book. Imagine treating a translation of a translation of a translation as the undisputed word of God
they are not scrolls, and are fake
so fake!!!
It's almost like God is one singular entity that appears in different forms, to different people. Wow...
So Hebrew is a larp language, invented by modern jews to pretend they are an ancient people? Why though?
jew lies
When you look at pre christian greek religion you understand that it is the basis of greek philosophy. Greeks looked at the world around the and tried to determine how things came to be using raw reason. Thats why the gods are clustered in areas of meaning, where the archetypes they represent are logical and feed into other archetypes.

You can consider the ancient greeks to have been scientists of the metaphysical. They were using evidence and reason to determine how divinity worked. Thats why they were chosen to be the first christians.
There is a limit to how far reason can get you in your investigation of the metaphysical. You can figure out the relation of things and you can figure out basic principles. But you can't figure out that god made the world in 7 days. So it makes sense that when the ancient hebrews were cast aside that the greeks would be chosen next. The ancient hebrews had no reason, they had no logic. Because they had no need for it. They had revelation. God told them how it was, and they rejected him anyways. So the greeks, who had been struggling for centuries to understand God were gifted revelation for that reason. I don't understand why more people don't get this.
Amber Lamps looking wholesome.
>they want me to think THIS is the word of God.
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The modern "Hebrew" alphabet definitely is. Causes too much seething.
Yids rape kids and its the best in group preferential system ever invented
hebrew is a dead language frankensteined together in the last 200 years from russian and yiddish
Because they needed a language that most goyim wouldn’t understand and they needed a replacement for yiddish after all of them survived the holocaust and relocated. Poof they don’t exist but hey look they’re ancient.
they invented trannylations
doesn't exist
The jews are just an earlier version of the Black Hebrew Israelites.
They are demon worshipers that invert the meaning of everything
Heblew is a meme language.
2 years… post… you dig?

Revelation my ass. The first Christians were jews. Once Christianity is no longer elevating them, the jews will be ash.

text to use with my new shredder
Lol, yes except you got the chronology inverted.
gets me to thinking who really burned down the library of Alexandria.... hmmmmmm

No.. Before the last disaster cycle there was a single world order. The controversy of Zion is regarding a new world order or a 'new order for the age', as Virgil put it. Hercules is the figure of it's prophetic leader, an annointed leader approved by the space faring civilisations and Nimrod is the antithesis of him, a rebellious human. Any post diluvian empire is an attempt at that order knowledge of which was carried into the post diluvian world by the survivor elite.
We dont think around here. Just repeat things we heard from before
There is no definitive proof for any of this religious bullshit. No tablets with The Ten Commandments on them (supposedly written by God). No Ark of the Covenant. Nothing exists, it's all made up bullshit to justify their religion of judaism which they want to have superiority over the other religions. Christianity is controlled by kikes, that's why Christians defend kikes fervently and to the death. 99% of Christians are kikes.
Ark of the covenant seems like idolatry anyway
They say that God wrote The Ten Commandments down on blue-colored stone tablets (sapphire or lapis lazuli - they don't even know the kind of stone LOL but I digress) and then those tablets were placed in The Ark of the Covenant. But there is no proof that the chest even exists. When you boil down any of these religions, it always boils down to "you just have to believe bro". I don't even believe in one God or "Satan", I actually believe now there are many Gods and many "demons" and that the afterlife is simply incomprehensible. Neither should anyone need to comprehend it, because who gives a fuck? It's all a distraction. All the religions tells you to go to work and pay taxes. Why?
These artifacts are obviously at the Vatican.
Kek, this guy is right (the dead sea scrolls, the silver scroll) but is just ganged up in this thread that he's wrong.
bible and torah have been changed.
only the Qur'an is the Book, in which there is no syllable changed. Only it is in its entirety God's words.

"But the hearts of those ˹who disbelieve˺ are oblivious to ˹all of˺ this,1 and they have other ˹evil˺ deeds, opposite to this, in which they are engrossed.But as soon as We seize their elite with torment, they start to cry for help."
Yeah right
>Qur'an is the Book, in which there is no syllable changed. Only it is in its entirety God's words.
The desert version of Cucked Jew stories (New Testament) from the original Jew stories book
>only the Qur'an is the Book, in which there is no syllable changed. Only it is in its entirety God's words.
Islam is Ottoman state religion.
The reason all the Qurans are the same is that the Ottomans collected all the old ones, and gave out new printed ones.

the verses from the Qur'an are about you.
>believe this or else
Just like every religious book ever
Paleo-Hebrew is supposed to use the Phoenician alphabet. Literally anything involving the jews is best doubted and closely scrutinized. Especially when they tie the holocaust into it which they do with everything.
The Greeks just had a proper writing system. Most bible history was passed down orally when books cost as much as a village and everything in it.

"Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood.1 So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing."

Islam is not like every religion, for every other is false, but Islam is the truth.
Hebrew script doesn't began to appear until 200BC as a reaction to Turkic incursions in the northern borders of the arab world. It was never a common spoken language. It was for the elite; it was created to be sacerdotal, legal, and high level bureaucratic.
You’re jewish aren’t you?
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>Did they invent the hebrew language?
pic related is all about this and was heavily suppressed
>post about islam
>you are jewish

Why are poles so retarded?
Jews also pretend to be niggers all over the Internet to keep actual niggers in line and hating the correct group. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Now gas yourself.
what flavor of mudshit is behind this vpn?
for those who want to be redpilled

Yes, paleo-hebrew, ancient hebrew, proto-semitic, whatever you want to call it used the ancestor script to roman script whatever you want to call that (phoencian alphabet, ok).
The kikes changed it for the Assyrian square script that (((hebrew))) uses today.
Thanks I think I’d rather find it myself than download pdfs from you. Get used to it. jews will be hunted.
you pretend to be literate, but it does not work.

jews would never speak the truth about islam, because they know it is the universal truth and that their punishment awaits for them.
you need iq a bit higher than 82 to comprehend this, but sadly you are a polish subhuman
And you are a jew. Next

NT: Greek
OT: Septuagint used by Jesus and Apostles: Greek
it's literally all Greek.
And these:
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>Did the greeks invent the jewish religion?
No, but the Judeans spoke Greek.

>Did they invent the hebrew language?
No, Germans did.
By the time of Babylonian captivity 'Hebrew' was a dead language already. (If it even ever did exist as something separate from just generic Phoenician; there is still debate about this among the academic community.)
The Septuagint predates the Dead Sea scrolls, anon.
>The jewy looking posters very eager to share links to this for some reason.

Jews always was speaking jidish. They were always German(khazarian)
You people are all retards.
Hebrew was extinct as a colloquial language by late antiquity.
Modern Hebrew was "invented," developed or whatever you want to call it by a guy named Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Ancient Hebrew is not a very rich language. As far as I know, it only has a couple of hundred root words, you can't really use it in a modern context.
Hebrew was deader in Jesus's time than Latin is now.
But only once in the middle of the desert as a flaming bush 3000 years ago to a bunch of paedophiles
Then go to a country where you are with your religious brethren. Why are you staying in a hostile country to seethe at "wrong- and disbelievers" like a butthurt woman? A shameless beggar is what you are, you enjoy the fruits of better people while you shit on them. Go in peace, but go.
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Old hebrew is basically runes. Paganism is the Nimrod cult's stain.
The God of Christ is the pre-flood God. It is what it is.
When you tune into God through Jesus Christ, you know you've got a line to our Father. No larping demons possible, feels good man.
>The oldest texts we have of the old testament are all in greek. Did the greeks invent the jewish religion? Did they invent the hebrew language?
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Easy, I don't believe everything jews say.
The average greek is super hairy with curls, has a huge hook nose, has a victim complex and is obsessed with money. Coincidence?
Entering a bot thread
The average American is a mutt, but that wasn't the case when the USA started and it wasn't the case when the USA was at it's mightiest.
Something similar probably happened to the greeks, where poor (jewish) immigrants rushed into the rich area and changed the demographics.
These 'jewish' immigrants had no history, so they invented the 'jewish' one on greek sources available to them?
Pretty much, OP is a kike.
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>that pic
imagine the smell
prolly quite pleasant, like an old library
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Kikes are the original mutt and America is a Jewish land. You should know this shekelburg
This is known history....

The Septuagint Greek is talked about in the Bible. It was a translation from Hebrew. When Alexander the Great conquered Jerusalem (also in the Bible) everyone started speaking Greek and it was feared Hebrew texts would no longer be read, so they translated it. Septuagint means 70...the number of translators used.
That’s not true at all, Greeks have the opposite traits of kikes. Ancient Kikes were inferior semitic rats with no civilization besides claiming their chosen by delusions.
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Have a look up of the word "Septuagint" on Youtube. Well worth researching. Not that I know too much about it.
>the dead sea scrolls are in Greek
Just blatantly false.
No, Judaism is knock off copy of Zoroastrian religion. Hebrew is Semitic language that had nothing to do with the Greeks.
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I'm only 99.99% white... my 11th great grandmother is actually Pocahontas... no I'm not joking.
"Hebrew" is literally just modified Irish.
…but that’s wrong, you fucking retard. There’s a lot of proto-sand bigger religion in Sumerian. Read a fucking book nigger.
Celtic people are related to Hebrews and Canaanites. Hebrew however does not come from Irish. This is a funny but dumb way of explaining it, although, you are basically correct.
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jesus is referenced in the Quran
jesus is a lectacce
lectacce does not mean robber
julius cesar was captured by lectacce
the term was used by homer to imply a kidnapper of odysseus wife while he was away
galen used the term in his writtings as well
these are contemporary authors to the septuagint
septuagint is the oldest bible its written in greek
not hebrew
jews have literally been subverting and lying for 3,000 years
heberew means outsider
the kikes are a parasite on the earth
fuck jannies
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Ancient Israelites aren't sand niggers. They look no different than Danish people.
this is called the hellenistic hypothesis. i agree with it. there is no evidence of judaism predating ptolemy. the oldest testament is the septuagint.

example: Aesop, fable 252, ed. Chambry, 262 Perry, here are Penguin Classic's modern notes:

The Greek fable appears to have been taken into the Bible, rather than the other way round. Our reasons for believing this are that the fable only really makes sense if we realize that it is about logs rather than trees, and the misunderstanding which led to people thinking it was about trees rather than logs obviously took place prior to the interpolation of the story into the Book of Judges, where the fable is put into the mouth of Jotham as a way for him to say ‘may fire come out of Abimelech’. Apart from the mistranslation of xylon as ‘tree’, the text of the Aesop fable and the text found in the Bible are extraordinarily close, indicating a borrowing not by any historical Jotham, whose speeches were remembered, but by a very literary writer of the Book of Judges who had a Greek text before him and who, like Professor Chambry, entirely missed the joke. The wry humor of the fable, so typical of the Aesopic material, is not only unlike the earnest tone so typical of the Bible, but also the humor of the fable is actually entirely overlooked by the serious-minded author of the Book of Judges.
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You might be right
It seems to us utterly impossible that the fable could have originated in the Bible and drifted into the Aesop collections from there, since that would mean an inconceivable injection of humor and specific meaning not present in the Bible; such processes do not happen in reverse, nor does water run uphill. What has happened is that a funny fable was misinterpreted by a Hebrew author whose Greek was a bit rusty, and borrowed for a wholly non-funny purpose of a man complaining that his family have been murdered – just about the most incongruous context imaginable. Possibly the reason why the author of the Book of Judges took to the fable was that it mentioned the cedars of Lebanon, which were, of course, just as famous in Greece as they were in Israel; he must have thought that the idea of fire burning up the cedars of Lebanon was a very powerful image for fire consuming Abimelech. But, certainly, humor cannot be pumped into a humorless fable afterwards, it has got to be there to start with and become lost in transition.

What this means for dating we cannot say, not being Biblical scholars and having no idea when the Book of Judges may have been written, or indeed whether the fable may have been a later addition to the oldest manuscript, which we believe to be the Septuagint, which, as it was in Greek, might mean the fable was added at that stage by some earnest Alexandrian. In that case there is no need for the fable to be particularly ancient; it could be Hellenistic. Let us also not lose sight of the fact that the idea of the logs seeking to elect a king, in the light of all the other fables where various animals and plants seek kings, is a joke which was probably thought to be hysterically funny at the time, especially in the context of the Aesop collections; in other words, the fable may well have been composed as a satirical addition to the collection purely in a spirit of fun.
No faggot, they weren't. Show proof of your claims if so
latin is also invented
Kikes seething.
bonus white power points, same source:

No one has ever worked out satisfactorily whether the Greeks borrowed fables from India or the Indians borrowed them from the Greeks after the time of Alexander the Great’s invasion of northwest India. The Indian versions are always immensely elaborate and longwinded, whereas the Greek versions are generally short and simple. This probably points to a transmission eastwards, such that the simple fables became elaborated, which is generally how things happen, rather than the other way around.

NOTE: The amaranth, amarantos, was a never-fading flower. Marantikos means ‘wasting away’ or ‘withered’. Maransis means ‘decay’ or ‘causing to die away’. Since in Greek the addition of the letter ‘a’ to an adjective means ‘not-’ or ‘non-’, the word was used to mean ‘unfading, undecaying’. But what actual plant was intended? In ancient Greece the amaranth was sacred to the goddess Artemis of Ephesus and, as a symbol of immortality, was used to decorate tombs. But the tradition of the amaranth goes back into remotest Indo-European tradition, long before the Greeks existed as a people.
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Jesus literally spoke Aramaic.
In Sanskrit the word amara means also ‘undying, immortal, imperishable’ and in the Indian epic, the Mahābhārata, Amara actually appears as a deity. The number 33 and the letter ‘u’ were also called amara for mystical reasons. The word was also applied to the umbilical cord, to the afterbirth, to quicksilver, to a sacred mountain and was the name of the residence of the god Indra. But the Hindus, too, had a tradition of an imperishable flower, and they called several plants by the name of amara, including even a species of pine. There were at least half a dozen different Indian amaranths, in fact, some associated with the god Amara and some merely using the word as a descriptive adjective. No modern scholar seems to have sorted it all out. But the importance of the tradition cannot be overestimated.

Amaratva (immortality) was ‘the condition of the gods’. So, in effect, the amaranths of the Hindus were actually the gods themselves. The only major Greek divinity to whom the name amaranth was applied was Artemis, whose origins were in Asia Minor. Roscher points out in his Mythological Lexicon that amaranth in Greece sometimes became Amarynthos, and that he was the father of Narcissus. And he refers to the geographer Strabo, who mentions in his Geography (X, 9, 448) an archaic Temple of Artemis Amarynthia on the island of Euboea. Strabo also mentions a site called Amarynthia at Eretria in Euboea, which was probably a very early sacred precinct. These archaic Euboean occurrences are significant in that they are evidently survivals of pre-Greek traditions.
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Kike detected opinion discarded
Burkert has pointed out the significance of Euboea as a link between Greece and the East in early times (The Orientalizing Revolution: Near-Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age by Walter Burkert, Harvard University Press, 1995, p. 10), referring to Euboea as a ‘relatively affluent community in the tenth and ninth centuries [BC] which was open to trade with the East’, where ancient traditions, both Indo-European and Semitic, took root.

S. A. Handford was wrong to imply in the earlier Penguin Aesop (note to 142) that the amaranth tradition was a late one, whereas, on the contrary, it was so ancient that we cannot trace its origins since they go back further than any texts. Nor was he correct to say that the word was late, since, in the form amaranth, it is earlier than Greek civilization itself at Euboea and, as we have seen, it goes back to proto-Indo-European since it survives in Sanskrit and must therefore originate before the Aryans migrated to India and separated from the peoples who later became the Greeks. The concept of the amaranth cannot, therefore, be more recent than 2000 BC, and is probably much earlier. In all probability the imperishable flower as symbol of the immortal gods goes back tens of thousands of years; we know that Neanderthal men threw flowers into graves, and the proximity to nature of early mankind makes such associations obvious.
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>shares indo-european/aryan religious research

As for the actual plant referred to in the fable, it may have been the weed ingloriously known in English as the pigweed. A more fashionable ‘amaranth’ cultivated by gardeners today is ‘love-lies-bleeding’. But amaranth was never a term of botanical precision and the father of botany, Theophrastus, appears not to mention it (it is not in his Historia Plantarum but, as there is no index to his De Causis Plantarum, we cannot be certain for that work), evidently not considering it a precise enough term to describe any single plant. In short, the amaranth, with its associations with immortality, was more an idea than a plant and, from early times, any plant which dried well or had imperishable aspects partook of the idea of amaranth in the sense of the Sanskrit amaratva – the condition of the gods who never die.
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Greeks invented spit roasting a lamb, that's all that matters. There's nothing better than a 12 hour slow cooked lamb leg with the fat dripping off. HAIL GREECE!

also they were not gay, that's jewish propaganda, they were quite homophobic as a matter of fact...

>inb4 muh spartans fucked boys blablaba....

They were separate at the time, it was a warrior cult - that's what cults do -weird fucking shit. If there are no women allowed you eventually have to fuck something...That's why popes and pastors who are not allowed to marry women fuck everyhting else they can find . KYS glowfeds
It's lestes, the word you're looking for. Jesus was a human trafficker caught with boy naked at night in a public park and said "I'm not a lestes" and asks why they brought so many men. Lestes would roll in with enough men to overwhelm local officials and they would kidnap people for sale into slavery. That's why the Romans show up with a swat team at Gethsemane
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Now do a holocaust research
>It was a translation from Hebrew.
That's the legend, but there is no historical evidence for it.
> no historical evidence for it.
Just like there is no evidence that Jesus was a kike
it never happened, and its unrelated to this thread
u did
The bible says he was circumcised, that means in that time he definitely was a kike.
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It’s related when kikes are mentioned
Present-day Hebrew was invented in the 1920s, not by the ancient Greeks.
True, Jesus would have been fluent in Greek and Latin as well. Greek was the common regional language and Latin of course was the Roman occupiers' language.
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muslims are circumcised too, are muslims jewish?
BGC alert!
These are German POW's in the Russian gulags
Linguistically it is Old Phoenician. Hebrews are a fictional people. It's sort of like writing a historical fiction about George Washington using period correct English and then afterwards calling English "Washingtonian" or something.
No. Greek-educated Jews did, after Alexander, under the Ptolemies who ruled Egypt. They used scraps of their religion before the Persian conquest, legal documents from the Persian period, stories from all over the region that had been collected in the Library of Alexandria, and then followed Greek Historians and Plato as models for concocting their "history". One of the funnier examples is that the name of King David's wife is Talmi (Ptolemy).
It was never spoken. Hebrews are a fiction; Hebrew is a fictional language for a fictional people, like Klingon or Elvish.
Aramaic was the language of the Assyrian Empire, the first great empire of the region. It's like French once was in Europe or like English is today. Everyone in the region spoke it. After the Greeks the higher-class Jews got education and spoke Greek, while the poors kept speaking Aramaic, hundreds and hundreds of years after the Assyrians were gone. "Hebrew" is Phoenician but written with an Aramaic alphabet.
Look at how the words are the same. Hebrew is literally just Irish.
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thank you
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Sure they are kike
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the oldest story in the bible is genesis.
genesis is a collection of the oldest stories (including the origin) known to man at that time.
2000 years ago, the content of the first book of genesis was already thousands of years old.
that content is not jewish, it was collected and used by jews before intellectual property or copyrights existed.

the content of the first book of genesis predates jews and is not a jewish creation for their religion.
it makes me wonder what else is in there they stole and attached to themselves.
how much of the ancient knowledge of mankind is shunned and ignored because of jewish behavior and their tendency to take what others made and take credit for it?
Dead Sea Scrolls are mostly Hebrew.
I always thought Prometheus was an interesting character (or Titan, or demigod) deserving of much more discussion.
He was known for giving humanity the gift of fire, as well as the arts and sciences, basically everything that allowed human civilization to advance.
The indication here is that ancient Greeks were fully aware of an earlier time, maybe even a Neolithic time, when humanity was living in the wild, in Nature, and without all of the things listed above, which I've always thought was an interesting idea for ancient people to have.
Prometheus was later crucified and tortured on a mountaintop for his actions which had saved the human race.
So basically, a crucified savior.
He was later freed by the son of the same god who had sentenced him to punishment (Heracles or Hercules, the son of Zeus)
genesis is a bunch of schizo semitic shit with no historical evidence for any events or people in it, this is what any historian will tell you when you apply actual historical methods to this 'sacred' text, which christians including many biblical scholars won't do because of their faith

ps. just because the jordan river exists and is in the bible does not mean abraham etc. existed
A story about a Garden between two rivers is clearly Mesopotamian in origin or inspiration. God with a physical body, walking around enjoying it and fucking with human beings is very Greek. The talking snake is straight Aesop's Fables. The harsh curse Adam and Eve get is some primitive Mesopotamian legal language. It's a mish-mash of stuff the Jews who wrote it put together literally by picking and choosing different stuff from the shelves of the Library of Alexandria.
Yes hebrew was a nearly dead language by the time of Christ. Mostly replaced by Aramaic which is the language spoken throughout the Bible. Modern hebrew is a reconstructed language forged by imposters.
No, the oldest copies of the gospel that were written and still known are in Greek. Aramaic was the language that replaced Hebrew and was spoken during the events of the new testament. There could have theoretically been an older Aramaic text but it's lost to history.
Would you kindly send me some link or info about the picture?
Ancient Egyptians were also circumcised.
(Judeans likely got the tradition from Egypt.)
10 million Germans were killed in holodomor and the gulags by Jewish spies
Photoshopping Hitler didn't make them Jews
These are photos of Germans suffering
Prove me wrong
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They all have the typical inbred kike faces. Prove me wrong
The Qumran wignats probably weren't aware of how new their religion actually was, but thought of themselves as fundamentalists fighting Hellenizers, unaware that they also were fundamentally a product of Hellenization. Their messianism and apocalypticism and the rest of it are clearly more in league with the Zorastrianism that gave birth to Judaism in the first place. So they were fundies, in a sense, but didn't understand themselves vis-a-vis the full historical process.
The priests were, apparently. The curious thing about Judaism is infant circumcision. I guess it could be tied into that "nation of priests" thing. Some also speculate that infant circumcision was a replacement for the infant sacrifice that all Semites practiced.
This is actually true in some ways of influence when you look at Dionysian madness on the Hebrews since their ascension.
point is that the finds contain the oldest copies of OT books, and they are written in Hebrew
This applies to every religious holy book.
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>replaced Hebrew
Jews all over Middle East were still speaking Hebrew. Greek is not a Semitic language and has no correlation between Aramaic.
>muslims are circumcised too, are muslims jewish?
Muslims didn't exist during that time.
That’s a fairly typical occult origin story… ancient texts handed down since time of old… the truth is probably that a small circle of people developed a specialized vocabulary in which to communicate and develop their ideas. YHWH (that which causes to be, which brings into existence) even says, “I am that I am,” which is a tautology marking the basis of a system which treats consciousness as the ground of existence, and the 3D world as a consequence of consciousness.

The Old Testament needs to be read as an occult text for exploring consciousness. It doesn’t pertain to any actual history or any historical group of people.
>Jews all over Middle East were still speaking Hebrew
No they weren't.
Hebrew was a long dead language by that time, only used for gatekeeping scriptures by pharisees.
>Old testament
No, aramaic replaced hebrew during the babylonian exile hundreds of years before Christ. By the time of Christ Hebrew was a dead language like latin today. Not entirely forgotten but not spoken as lingua franca
Tiberian hebrew, samaritan hebrew, paleo hebrew??
>only used for gatekeeping scriptures by pharisees.
So why wouldn't the Rabbies change the texts so to make a mental prison for jews with themselves at the top?
That is sort of what we see in Rabbinical Judaism, and how jews tries to force other to live in their mental prisons is the main reason jews become hated.
You cannot translate a simple language into a more complex language. There has NEVER been a hebrew into koine greek translation of ANYTHING. Isn't functionally possible.

You can translate koine greek into Hebrew though, but you lose details.

You literally need to learn koine greek if you want to know what was in the Bible.
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The New Testament was in Greek anon… Old Testament in modern Hebrew. Unfortunately there is no paleo Hebrew of the Bible.

The secrets wouldn’t be as well hidden if we all understood garden language now would they?
I hate the demiurge
They appear to be the same phenotype and (((Koine))) greek is pronounced Cohen.
>Isn't functionally possible.
this sounds like complete and utter bunkem. Maybe even jenkem
Can you elaborate on this a bit, please?

from the bizarre question alone i can tell this has nothing to do with the point here. Can you perhaps explain it in your own words or provide something reasonable to read?
Jesus and Moses reference the Asclepius
Jesus mentions Hades
They make several references to Greek myth features. Jehovah is also pronounced the same as Jove, as in Jupiter.
on bible assemblage in the library of Alexandria

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>anti western culture psyop narrative
>copy pasted in every historic text book except the actual historical accounts of ancient greece
>normies only exposed to psyop version of history
Its so tiresome
Nigger, the oldest texts in the world are Akkadian and Sumerian tablets, it's just that 99.9% of them are bean counter spreadsheets, and the 0.1% remaining are "TOP 10 Kings" style lists
He just does a better job. I have deferred the work. Learn koine greek or you don't know your own religion. Simple as that.
Christianity is Greek in origin. the Canaanites stole it, rewrote the original txts in their native language and started larping as the chosen, even the modern "hebrew" language is Canaanite/Phoenician renamed.
>Christianity is controlled by kikes
that is the only true point you made, the rest is kike bullshit.
im at maybe 1st year level koine, but i still dont agree with your initial claim.
What is my initial claim? I am on a morning stroll paying little attention
Christianity took Judaism and sprinkled Platonism into it.
The Holy Trinity is based in Plato's Tripartite Theory of the Soul.
>s Canaanite/Phoenician renamed.
is german made
it shows. I meant your claim here >>472840952
> There has NEVER been a hebrew into koine greek translation of ANYTHING. Isn't functionally possible.
Ah yes. You're totally retarded if you think otherwise. No concept of history or linguistics.
still no support for this. since ive never heard such an outlandish claim from anyone apart from you i will opt to disbelieve you this time.
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The Persian conquest created Judaism, or a sort of proto-Judaism. Persians lied about “The Returners” and imposed a kind of soft or colonial Zoroastrianism on the Semite polytheists of the Levant. They built a Temple for them and imposed most of the stuff we think of as Jewish, from focus on one primarily Good god, aniconism, to purity laws to angelology to Apocalypticism, eschatology and Messianism, etc etc. After they fell to the Greeks, these newly made Jews got Greek education and used it to cook up their own “history” and holy books to present themselves as an ancient and important people to the Greeks.

I’ve been on this for quite some time and am very glad to see it growing. It’s the key to dismantling the Abrahamisms. It explains so much about Jews and why they do what they do, why they think the way they do, why the religions they spawn are the way they are, why our world is how it is. Deconstructing their totally fraudulent origins will puts the last 2000 years of Western if not world history in a new light.
You could watch that video but you got butthurt about it before watching it(low IQ move).

Dr.Ammon Hillman IS the leading expert of this field and has been public for years and has gone fully unrefuted by the butthurt masses.

He has hours and hours of material, he has done the work for me. I will not recite these hours and hours of material just to impress you. Click the link, bitch boy.
No they documented real events. The Bible is a historical document. The history of the one TRUE God's people and of him sending his only begotten son to die for our sins.
Judaism already had it. The Jews who wrote the Hebrew Bible had read Plato. A couple hundred years later the exact same motherfuckers were doing the same things when writing the first Christian texts.
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A gayreek is just a Jew who followed a rolling coin into a church.

>Trust a snake before a jew and a jew before a greek but don't trust an armenian
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True bro, true
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He saying you have to bang him before you can cum on his father, you closeted homo
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FYI David’s mother wasn’t a Jewish, which is why he was hated by the rest of his family and why the lineage of messiah switching to him is a big deal to the prophets
Longest game of telephone in human history. Like all things jewish, they are massive fabrications and exaggerations. It was only when they finally put pen to paper in GREEK did the fabrication become "real"
i'll take a look at some of his work at some point, but it strikes me as just more of the same kind of fringe stuff that comes around from time to time. He's clearly no friend of Christ and with a name like that i really wouldn't be surprised to find a seething jew behind it all.
>TOP 10 Kings
The authors of the Hebrew Bible made good use of that kind of stuff. Really pads shit out and makes your bullshit look historical.
>Old Testament
>"you just have to believe bro"
It's called faith.
That's why you have to learn koine greek, to find out that he isn't lying. Because it's obviously very offensive stuff. Also, after listening to him you will find that he is truly seeking the truth. I genuinely thought he was a demon for a long time. It took me a while to properly wrap my head around him and his intentions.
>I’ve been on this for quite some time and am very glad to see it growing. It’s the key to dismantling the Abrahamisms. It explains so much about Jews and why they do what they do, why they think the way they do, why the religions they spawn are the way they are, why our world is how it is. Deconstructing their totally fraudulent origins will puts the last 2000 years of Western if not world history in a new light.
this endeavor doesn't seem very popular. Who is the most famous guy talking about this?
>Garden between two rivers
Theres a few place that could be in Greece, between two rivers
The hebrew dialect was turned into a language in the 50s.
"Biblical Minimalism" It used to be called the Copenhagen School because that's where it started. It's not really called that anymore as far as I can tell.

Philip R. Davies
Thomas L. Thompson

Are older guys

Russell Gmirkin

is a new one. There are lots
I should mention that the explicitly anti-Semitic slant is all mine. But, of course, Jews claim it about these scholars anyway.
>>It was a translation from Hebrew.
>That's the legend, but there is no historical evidence for it.
The Bible itself is evidence for this.
you know koine greek? how many years of accredited study have you been through? where did you study and how taught you?

You initial claim that you cant translate hebrew to koine is retarded though, unless all you mean to say is that a direct literal word for word translation cant been done because of the differences, which would be the only true claim and hardly an kind of original or insightful claim at all since that goes for man languages.

The fact that we have ancient copies of most OT books in hebrew in the deadsea scroll finds, and that we also have the septuagint in greek, and that nobody else but this kind of fringe (drug and sex ritual obsessed) kind of guy claims you can get from one to the other all tells me theres likely very little to his claims.
The Dead Sea Scrolls prove the Septuagint was a translation from Hebrew to Greek. They all match.

And Hebrew is more complex then greek.
Your questions are for gay niggers

You absolutely must learn koine greek to confirm claims about koine greek for yourself. There is NO consensus amongst experts they are all self-interested or institutionally intimidated.

Once you become fluent enough to know what words mean solely based on their structure you can begin to do this.
the problem is that you dont have answers for those simple questions.
No, you're using multiple different fallacies and I have zero respect for them whatsoever. I will just say bad words to you when you do this. Learn koine greek.
so you dont know koine greek and by your own standard cannot properly confirm what Hillman is saying. glad we got that sorted out.
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>here goy look at the even older hebrew scrolls i found
Its like a bunch of dumbasses all basing their work on the people who did the translations poorly and with bias. The scribes of the day could write anything down and get away with it.

Its like todays lazy coders who build on top of all the functions and libraries of other people whether they are optimal or not. We build on a shaky foundation.

Ammon Hillman is one of the few who can put 2 and 2 together because he didn't specialize not only in greek, but greek medicine and the terms in the bible have heavy medicinal overtones. AKA Drugs. He's completely right.
You see anon, this is why nobody respects you. My dick is of adequate size that these types of posts will not result in you getting what you want.
Good post, modern scholars are far and wide superior to medieval scholars.
That’s not even remotely true the Old Testament is literally supposed to be a historical account and reads as one. Stop being a pseud, maybe actually read the Bible.
>tattoos on head and chest
>stopped watching
lmao even
Remain ignorant
Not inclined to listen to ANYTHING this shabbos has to say as he had a rabbi on to tell us about Jesus
Not even a Christian, but come on, you know what is going on there
Remain tattooed
>The scribes of the day could write anything down and get away with it.
but the dead sea scroll hebrew texts are right there for anyone to compared to the later greek versions.

you're not a serious individual.
I have none
Yep Ptolemy II. Before that they were all disparate texts and oral traditions. It's the creation of Plato's ideal state religion
You were given the answer, but you want your hand held too. You genuinely suck.

So whom do you trust?
Don't forget 1400 years ago he showed up again to recite his autobiography to another pedophile in a cave. Well one of his employees did.
ad hominem

If you watch him long enough he gets serious and he SERIOUSLY knows his shit, especially greek. I mean more geniuses are partially nuts to get into something that deep for so long. He is a character but once you understand his language the guy is NOT WRONG. He's actually brilliant if you throw away the whole satanic angle.
the only answer you've given is to a question nobody asked. >>472847686
>muh dick
this is how i know you're not serious in any way at all.
>Hebrew is more complex then greek
>So whom do you trust?
Not the jews or their willing slaves, that is for certain. Only need to look at a little history to know that.
>I gave him the answer and he can't even find it

You really deserve nothing. Truly.

Yeah and it backs up the Septuagint 9 times out of 10. The Masoretic text is intentionally deceitful.
>ad hominem
Goodbye to this reddit thread
this is based because jews messed with music by subtally changing music tuning.
Do you have within you the capacity to discern truth from a lie? Or are you unconfident in this and so you protect yourself by filtering the information you receive?
you gave nothing, just a link to a youtube video and then information about your peepee. you can't explain an of this in your own words, have no clue about greek or hebrew, and listen to an satanist jew trying to make Christ out to be a kiddy fiddler. what a joke
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jews aren't Hebrews genetically, spiritually, or historicaly
At this point you're just refusing to learn new things, little brain.

>can't explain in my own words
Actually I'm just enough of an asshole to not give you this because I decided you were a fag a long time ago.
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Bible is fiction
oh no no no how will kikes ever recover
>Yeah and it backs up the Septuagint 9 times out of 10
which goes against what the other guy in the thread shilling Hillman has been saying. The later text comes from a time when they wanted to distance themselves from anything Christian, and we know this because its possible to check it against earlier hebrew and greek, again something which has been denied here.
how convenient for you that you dont have to bother supporting your claims with people you disagree with. i can see how that is useful to someone in your position.
Bury your head in the sand bro.

Eventually the truth will catch up with you and we'll be here. Your journey has just begun.
It is indeed convenient. You shouldn't have been so gay. Your fault.
>has to start talking about his peener
>calls others gay
you're absolutely transparent here you know that?
jesus himself was very likely ethnically at least half-greek because the majority of people in the world at that time were greek and also were the majority in the region jesus grew up.
Septuagint is the real first pen to paper of the old testament. It is the only real origin text. The dead hebrew language didnt have the complexity to tell the details in the Septuigint. It was an oral tradition embellished and hellenized. It became "legend"

What about the writings of the same time period before then in Elephantine Island? None of the jews once mention in thousands of papyri anything about Moses or Noah or Abraham.

Its because its almost all fabrication or exaggeration.
My dick is enormous, it aids in me not giving you your answer. This is a fact, backed up by science. Testosterone results in both behavioral and physical traits.

You're quite reddit, and therefore gay for thinking you could write that off.

The dichotomy of leafs. Sometimes I forget there are good ones.
but the dead sea scrolls, which have been completely ignored in this thread, militate against this whole idea. and if was all just an oral tradition, at some point it was converted into spoken greek from what came before it, proving that it was possible to pass on the detail.
Oldest are Ethiopian. There's a reason the Mediterranean looked up to Greece, but Greece looked up to Ethiopia.

It's too bad Alexandria was burned. There still might be some great scrolls or tablets buried in caves which survived the destructions ordered by zealot branches of the blood of that poojeet Abram.
why would greeks look up to niggers
God isn't hebrew exclusive, the Greeks were believed in God by reason, the Hebrews believed in God by revelation.

The Septuigint is 100-200 years EARLIER than the Dead Sea Scrolls!!
>ews aren't Hebrews genetically, spiritually, or historicaly
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Jews were Canaanites. They didn’t come from anywhere or go anywhere and return as conquerors. They were polytheist Semite nobodies at the crossroads of Empires who got their asses kicked by every swinging dick that marched through. The influence of Persia and Greece made “Jews” and their self-reported history is lies.
He's a dumb one. First year greek student apparently.
>That’s not even remotely true the Old Testament is literally supposed to be a historical account and reads as one. Stop being a pseud, maybe actually read the Bible.
It reads like propaganda which swtched up allegiances multiple times, sometimes in the same chapter.
I really really hope the Herculaneum scrolls they can maybe read now have lost texts in them. By lost I mean destroyed by Christians. The timeframe is perfect.
if anything the LXX was produced at around the same time as the dead sea scrolls are dated to, although the earliest manuscripts of the LXX are from a little later.
>“I am that I am,”
that was Popeye
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Greek speaking Alexandrian kikes invented it circa 300BC
The entire OT is a fiction - a jewish power/revenge fantasy
Greek was the international language of ancient times just like English is the international language of today.
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Sure anon. Before there was modern Hebrew, there was ancient paleo Hebrew. The language that Adam and Eve spoke in the garden and most of their ancestors used for 1000s of years.

Modern Hebrew is mixed with kazarian influence and lost a lot of the apocryphal knowledge.

For example.
Yahweh (YHWH, YHVH) proved himself before he ever came.

Y = Yod
H = He
V = Vav
H = He

Yod He Vav He
Now look at the meanings for those letters on the chart I included. What do they mean?

“Behold the hand, behold the nail”

Christ cryptographically proved himself before he ever came.

> My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
If you go far back enough you will find that Judaism is polytheistic and therefore Christianity and Islam is as well
Source please? or elaborate?
This is the first time hearing this.
>Thats why they were chosen to be the first christians.
Jews were the 1st christfags
And christfaggotry is semitic nonsense for slaves and hysterical women
>They are demon worshipers
They worship yahweh so yes
Go look it up. DSC written minimum 200BC to 100AD
Stop revealing our secrets, varangyan
no. there is a gap between paleo-hebrew and modern hebrew, whereby modern hebrew appears in the record during babylonian captivity, but does it? consider the battle of Charchemish.
I am talking about the script, the alphabet.
I agree with you but why a lot of hype of it when we already had a perfect well written manuscript before that?
A lot of evangelicals are using the DSC a lot to justify modern Israel's existence.
It is clear that philosophically and spiritually, Christianity is far more similar to Neoplatonism and Greco-Roman religion than it is to Judaism.
If you’re a pagan, you can take this as proof that we should return to the original non-judaised Hellenic faith. If you’re an esoteric Christian, you can take this as proof that Christianity was the development or fulfillment of the ancient mystery cults.
I think we’re heading toward a new religious synthesis anyway, and it’s incredibly retarded to ignore either of these currents. One should instead look for what is good and spiritually effective in each, and work with them pragmatically without any attachment to “correct opinion” or “faith”. Who knows, maybe we’re like 10 years away from some sort of Aryan Hermetic Christo-Nietzchean Perennialism, perhaps the next prophets and apostles are already shitposting here today.
For some time I’ve been posting a short booklist of practical contemporary occultism, centering around the time period of the Hermetic and PGM material. This was an era in which Greek, Egyptian, Gnostic Christian, and Eastern magi all interacted and shared ideas creating a system that is highly syncretic in appearance, but purely straightforward and functional when you get down to it. You have rituals that call on Osiris and Michael, Jesus and Set, Hekate and Hermes, with an overall very Heliocentric astrotheological approach. The books I recommend for a modern practitioner trying to reconstruct this approach to spiritual practice (should read these in order)
>Hermetic Magic, Stephen Flowers
>Real Sorcery, Jason Miller
>Divine Magic, Patrick Dunn
>Book of Abrasax, Michael Cecchetelli
Anyone even know what Hebrew meant?

It was a derogatory term used by other races like we use for Pajeet. It meant a non specific tribe jew. It meant foreigner. Especially meant people from Canaan. We all know where cannibals originate from...
naturally you have to ignore the standard date range of 300BC-100AD for the DSS because otherwise that would support what i said up here >>472849749
A lot of Christian sects also deny the dead sea scrolls because of book of Enoch and whatnot
Marcionism will return
Based Thracian bro
DSS is awesome because it confirms or backups stories.

Even though there is no written texts older than the Septuigint, it makes reference to fragments and pieces of information from before. It also proves the masoretic text false in many regards.

But it still doesn't back up any stories of Moses etc. Just like we look for historical or archeological evidence to prove Jesus rose from the dead or even existed and cannot find any. The DSS had an opportunity to do that and it didnt. But it did help verify SOME things.
Marcion .. if we only had the real texts. Even still Paul was a pedo homo so a lot of his original texts can be questionable. Most of his "Jesus rose" shit was added after by a different author.
It's funny when historians feels the need to lie and pretend the DSS are the oldest documents, solely out of their own biased and the feel good story that it would be given how they were found

Btw the guy that found the DSS found a shit load of other documents but those were all destroyed
>Even though there is no written texts older than the Septuigint,
Let me rephrase that. There are claims there were attempts to create the hebrew language as spoken before the Septuagint but nothing of any significance that backs anything up.
>Paul was a pedo homo
according to who? this one Hillman character who's really really into drugs and satan?
Nice refutation I'm sure your first year Greek helped you debunk his claims
ad hominem

I was there too I wrote him off but actually listened and looked up and researched all his claims and they are verified.. every single one

He's eccentric for sure but he is right.
the guy has been studying ANCIENT greek for 30+ years and studied medicine as well.
This, we are at the point that if you are not a scholar yourself just fuck off because you have no capacity tell determine which scholars are lying and which ones aren't

Ammon Hillman is not lying, and a demon also wouldn't be named "Amen"
SO edgy
Exactly which is why he SHOWS us everything he's translating in every VIDEO straight from the lexicon! He backs every claim up.

It is why hundred of people are now learning greek for themselves. Why the tools to look up words and meanings for ourselves were provided. I don't take his word for it. I look it up myself. I look at the context.

Every time he's right.

You've been lied to. You've been deceived.

There is nothing that is going to stop the truth from being revealed. The apocalypse is upon us.
ive mentioned the extent of my education while you have only mentioned the extent of your peepee.

>ad hominem
i think in this context its relevant to mention stuff like this, anyway, as to how right he might be about an of this its something ive not had time to look into and nor has anything been supported in this thread. man assertions have been made about him being right about things but nothing more.
No. The jews of that time used the septuagint. Which is why the Catholic and Orthodox churches use it. You could always use the supercomputer in your hands to do research, rather than being lazy or a troll.
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Jews themselves say in order to properly understand the bible you got to read it in the original language which is either in hebrew or in greek. Latin, english and many other languages derive from greek. I suspect the jews took an aspect of ancient greek to keep that 'divine' aspect of the language so they can say they are Gods chosen people
AH has done sound work but his fixation on that one passage and his interpretation thereof is sensationalist to say the least
Furthermore the greek term means "youth" ie not little boy
The Septuagint predates the Dead Sea scrolls by many centuries.
And every "Greek scholar" that tries to refute him just prove themselves to be embarrassing frauds when they try

The entire field is full of people who are not truly disciplined and as well just following the herd

It's a "must learn this for yourself" thing for sure
— Today at 10:17
Ah, excellent question, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint are both significant ancient texts, and their chronology is fascinating. The Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, is believed to have been written between the 3rd century BCE and the 1st century CE. The Dead Sea Scrolls, on the other hand, date back to the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE, with some scrolls possibly being even older. While there's some overlap in their timelines, it's generally accepted that the Septuagint predates the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, it's essential to note that the Dead Sea Scrolls provide valuable insights into the textual history of the Hebrew Bible, which in turn influenced the development of the Septuagint.
could you provide an example of what you're talking about, not in a video, please.

its one thing to translate a things from a lexicon and quite another to do it honestly with regards to the context.
It's fuckin huge it is

It's kind of an issue
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Duck Tales Dan tried and failed miserably.
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hold my lyre
the greeks invented sex, the italians introduced it to women
and where would you find support for that claim? numerous DSS manuscripts themselves are dated to the same time as the LXX was being made...while the earliest fragments of papyrus containing LXX material are dated later than that.
Nobody knows for sure but historically interpreting as a derivative of “Eber Nari” is common. It means “across the river”, the river being the Euphrates. So the name is from the perspective of conquering Mesopotamians.

He's right on lots of things but you must admit his mental health is shaky at best. He needs to lay off the drugs
Furthermore his interpretation of "youth" as "little boy" is fucking retarded as is his assertion that lestres MUST = slaver/trafficker when it means a generic brigand in most cases
>It's kind of an issue
Sure it is. An issue that won't be solved by sensationalist assertions
You do not address the how and why of his definition you simply assert an alternative usage, of which the alternative usage would possess it's own how and why
What translators never studied pharmacology? How would they know the terms were widely used as drug terms as cures for ailments?

What if the translators didnt have knowledge in other areas of science? Then we'd have a 100% religious slant on the text.

He's studied Galen one of the most renown doctors of ancient greek and all his medical documents. He keeps finding a LOT of correlation and use in the bible that makes religious contexts sound more scientific and medical. I agree.

There were no such thing as recreational drugs in ancient times. It was all considered medicine.

So I'm not doing your homework for you. Learn greek, learn word roots, and its hundreds of variations and where they are applied in other texts. You'll start to see the pattern. This isn't some cognitive issue. This is "we haven't had all the fact" issue and now we are getting them.
You are far more charitable than I
Is this the Jesus gay thing? So an early fanfictioner got a little too Greek zesty with his story about the messiah. What’s the big deal? The rest of the shit is made up too.
>You do not address the how and why of his definition
Neither does he. He just asserts it.

Others in the same time period and location use the same word in the same context of child trafficker. That argument is invalid. The situation at the time since there was many children involved .. the word applies. It makes sense why people came in crowds wanting to cruicify him.

I'm still not convinced he was one. He could have done it on purpose to whip up a storm so they WOULD crucify him. He could have been helping them. But in all reality his apostles were children. There were a lot of sexual things going on and drug related things in the NT that you just can't explain away once you really see the context now.

It all makes sense.

He does, quite a lot. He's been talking about this for years. You, at best, saw half of one video.
>how would they know the terms were widely used as drug terms as cures for ailments?
because theres such think as the TLG which allows anyone to search the entire catalogue of ancient greek usages across everything we have from Homer to the fall of Byzantium.
hush now. maybe go play with your peepee or something.
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No, I've seen a years worth of his videos. Went back further. I never took him seriously until the Danny Jones interview.
I don't even think Jesus existed so I don't care either way. That stated asserting sensationalist interpretations based on asserted narrow translations of 2 words is fucking asinine.
But it does get you attention.
That's what you think it is because you didn't go beyond being angry about it
I don't need your permission for that
>in the same context of child trafficker.
Utter crap and a blatant sensationalist modern interpolation on his part
The term meant a brigand which undoubtedly included pirates and slavers etc eg the thracian pirates who kidnapped Julius Caesar for ransom or the numerous other brigands who would snatch young men,women and children to sell as slaves
>It makes sense why people came in crowds wanting to cruicify him.
This is simply sensationalist reinterpretation on AH's part and he knows it
>But in all reality his apostles were children.
Rubbish. Nothing in the text supports that
In any case none of these characters existed imho
I agree with his medical/drug research
My points stand
>and where would you find support for that claim?
Everywhere on the internet, you dumb fuck.
Furthermore, the Dead Sea scrolls weren't written in Hebrew.
>being angry about it
Why would I be angry? I'm not a retarded christjew.
Explain Jesus being covered in a purple substance and speaking nonsense

You're biased
>Explain Jesus being covered in a purple substance
Where is this depicted? Provide your sauce.
For me, I think the medicated cock bandage was related to a circumcision. That would make sense to me. Doing a circumcisions for people when you know you're going to get arrested. I can see that.

The question here is, did he suck that dick like a rabbit would?
>Everywhere on the internet, you dumb fuck.
everything i see mentions 300bc-100ad for the physical manuscript dates.
>not in hebrew
He mentions this within 5 minutes of him speaking about the naked child, you haven't paid Ammon any real attention at all

Shithead liar

> 300bc-100ad
Yes, that is after the Septuagint.
> really?
"Dead Sea scrolls" is a collection of scraps (less than a page), written in many various languages. Not "Hebrew", whatever that means.
>You're biased
How so? If anything I'm biased AGAINST abrahamic creeds including christfaggotry. I'm neoplatonist and curbstomp christfags heredaily. That said I'm not going to just accept sensationalist drivel because it triggers christfags
FTR I do think christfaggotry was a jewish mystery school cult including drug use but imho Jesus never existed outside the minds of deluded cultists
He's a midrashic construct
When something makes you angry, you turn away. You will never get truth with this personality.
>that is after the Septuagint.
and you have good support for that?
>no hebrew
you just wrong. you can see them for yourself if you want.
Naked "YOUTH" - not child
>He mentions this within 5 minutes of him speaking
He mentions a substance on his face
There is no mention of the "purple"
Bro it's in 6 different languages
>no you angry tho because I say so repeatedly
You sound just as retarded as the christfags honestly
Oh yes he does, he says this maybe 20 times. Shows you reviewed a 2 minute section. Lol.
Why would he claim he was not a pirate with naked kids running around? at 4am in the morning? So much so that they needed to bring armed guards?

Because he was a pirate?
You think a man's honest work is sensationalist because of your own feelings

Get help
Well some parts were.. most in greek though.
how does that mean large portions of it were not written in hebrew?
A large number of Talmudic words were borrowed from Greek, and many of them have kept their original form and exotic flavour, rendering obvious the existence of a mixture or amalgam.

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