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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Since your thread gets deleted on /x/ for posting conspiracies, let's discuss the cabal here. What religion do they follow? Freemasonry subverted by Illuminati luciferianism? A mix of different stuff? Gnosticism? Babylonian? Mystery Babylon? Egyptian? Please, reveal to me or rather let us discuss and speculate what our true rulers practice and worship.
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It's just republicans. "The cabal" is just republicans. The people you're talking to on /pol/ are "the cabal" more or less. They pretend to be christians but that's just to control people. They don't follow any religion themselves. They deal with entities though that will give them information or money for human sacrifices, particularly child sacrifices. Entities like Moloch and the owl at Bohemian Grove. Such entities are fascists. And also they're almost all gay. Even though they're republicans and they're the people pushing the anti-gay culture wars, they just use that stuff as a tool to distract people from class politics. Identity politics have been used through history to distract people from class politics.
Don't overcomplicate things needlessly. They're Jews and they worship Satan.
A libtard schizo? Holy Jesus.
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And one more thing...that's nothing against gay people. I don't have anything against anyone for their sexuality. I'm just stating the facts. Fascists are all closeted homosexuals for various reasons. Either because they're poor and working class people who are ashamed of themselves (less common) or because they're rich people who need to pretend to be straight in order to use culturewars to crush communism (much more common).
Lord have mercy.
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Sabbatean/Frankist Judaism
What does kabbalah have to do with it and tikkun olam?
That is outdated. They evolved and syncretized definitely with other groups maybe the Jesuits.
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It's all just about them staying in power over you, and the way they do that is with the private ownership of the means of production. They're presently endeavoring to rob you of your right to vote. Your right to an education so that you're eternally stupid cuz stupid people are easier to control. And they're even behind open borders. Even though they're not telling you that on TV it's the right behind open borders. Open borders is a function of capitalism. Capitalism necessarily makes our country require open borders for it's economy. And that's one of the right's dirtiest secrets they're DESPERATELY trying to hide from right-wing voters.
Some Lurianic influenced bs about bringing the world to evil to precipitate the coming of the messiah.
It's pretty simple. The eternal battle of good and evil extends beyond humanity. Both good and evil are accessible. If the world is currently verifiably evil then they worship something on the side of evil. Do you really need to split hairs?
There is another guy who said the same thing in another thread. That the elites are followers of tikkun olam and want to destroy everything to make a new creation or something like that. Interesting stuff. What about freemasonic and Egyptian/Babylonian influences, are those not also big? Maybe even bigger? Kabbalah doesn't seem that influential if you look at what the goy elites do and build..
Depends which elites you refer to. Atlantean mysticism is the oldest, where the Saturnian cults come from. There’s actually quite a lot of pre-Flood mysticism that managed to survive or revive itself.
Also they infiltrate and control the vast majority of the democrat party too. The vast majority of the democrat party is republicans who have infiltrated and subverted it. That's why there are so many billionaires funding the party, like Michael Bloomberg or George Soros. Many others as well. Rich people obviously want to crush socialism more than anything so they infiltrated and crushed the democrat party. The main tool they used was identity politics. Funding candidates that would talk more about transgender rights or LGBT issues than they do about unions and price controls. Because LGBT issues are unpopular.

They got a way to crush socialism by "calling it gay", basically.

And race tensions all come from them too.

Antisemitism comes from them. They're actively trying to foment antisemitism to keep people fighting among themselves on the basis of identity.

All of it. All identity politics. It's all just republicans. Rich republicans who control everything in society and fund everything positive or socialist to be destroyed or tarnished or twisted in some perverse way.
Yes. I want to know exactly what kind of stuff they are worshipping and how this will change the world in the future. You could have different outcomes ranging from race mixing to communism to both to neither really anything which we need to know to prepare mentally.
Fuck someone beat me. I wouldn't even make leaps and hops to specifics like this. It's just fucking obvious they're on the side of evil when you look at the state of the world. Suffering is a part of life. Massive amounts of unnecessary suffering and endless wars are a part of being a fuckwit.
Kabbalah is first seen among the indo-European clans circa 9000 years ago, and is high magic, so almost certainly Atlantean mysticism
What does this atlantean mysticism look like, like what do they practice and what are it's goals? Any info?
And antisemitism is one of their last lines of defense, too. They're engineering that shit because when socialists riot they wanna be able to say "hey, don't blame us rich people, blame JEWS for your problems!". Same thing Hitler did in 1930s Germany to stave off socialism. That's "fascism". Rich people using identity politics to stave off socialism. That is fascism. That is /pol/.
Blavatsky said kabbalah is Phoenician iirc is that true?
>what is the replication crisis

The social sciences are trash
>Sabbatean/Frankist Judaism

literally no different from regular judaism

It's all the same thing, kabbalah is just medieval judaism
Fuck bro. The thing about evil is if they win, we all lose. They are unopposed. Evil isn't some end game for complete control. That's evil as humanity defines it. Evil in this regard is destruction of the meaning of life and the complete mockery of creation. At that point, when life is pointless, we get reset. I'm sure some of these fucks know. I'll say again, it's not ever going to be complete control. It's going to be the end of the meaning of life requiring a hard reset. There's a reason they call It god's plan. He plans for our choices. If people choose the wrong things, eventually there's no rope left. Whatever failsafes exist in the human psyche that prevent us from existing perpetually as a slave planet, I don't want to know. It just won't ever be complete control as humans define it because there's no experience left of us to have.
What are the saturnian cults? Is it related to Baal and moloch worship?
Cult of Isis/Rite of Memphis-Misraim. Egyptian Freemasonry.
Yeah but if evil would ever be able to win in the end then we wouldn't have made it this far as humanity.. I think.
Here's another thing...anyone wanna know why OP pushes these conspiracy theories, but then calls me "schizo" when I answer with the obvious facts of what's happening in western society?

It's because rich right-wing people see conspiracy theory as a means to blame other people for their crimes. If they can get you blaming invisible boogeymen for your crimes, then you'll never blame the rich. And they'll always be insulated.

So that's why you see people like Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones always trying to push the wildest conspiracy stuff. But they never talk about the facts. And if you ever talk about the facts, like I did, those same conspiracy people will be the 1st ones there calling you "schizo" like OP did >>472829947, >>472829848
That's the highest level you think? I think there's more to it. Something even more sinister.

"The rich are the conspiracy theories"


That's the right-wing.
Nobody cares libtard.
What exactly they're worshipping... If I HAD to guess, I'd say what anon said here >>472829789. But I'm not willing to make jumps. While what I'm saying here >>472830526 may seem ambiguous, I know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to this. You don't really even need to get into who they're specifically following to understand. Something on another level wants to destroy creation and you have a group of humans that want power. Sadly, the goals aren't mutually exclusive. What's more important is the side of good isn't powerless. We have a creator that plans for us to triumph. In the end, this is what is needed for us to experience life because evil never rests and good people just want to live their lives. You can add whatever names you want to this scenario. It doesn't change.
And OP is worth, at minimum, a few million dollars, though I don't expect him to admit it. And he only wants you to blame other things for your problems than him. That's why they sell you conspiracy junk or scapegoat the jews.
I'm certain you don't like getting caught by someone on here who isn't fooled by your conspiracy grift. You really did out yourself pretty brutally when you made that OP then immediately called me "schizo" for noting that it's rich right-wing people who are behind all of the ills of the world.
mysteries. you can call it mystery babylon but unless you know somone teaching it and yes they are out there. you aren't going to know. I do think bill cooper dug deep enough that his info is worth soaking in. he was onto it. it's NWO shit.

i have seen the ufos and hidden tech we will call it. I had frens see a huge space ship in 2007 stephenville texas that 1000s of fuckers out here saw. i've known since then some shit was hidden and going down. my frens saw a huge ship rise up and leave in an instant. cloaked is what my fren said basically. there and gone after it rose up. huge.

i didn't see shit until 2020. i saw about 200 ufos and then bought gen 3 night vision. pvs 7. an anon on here told me I would see ufos every night with it. he was right.

we are slaves and they lied about everything here. the tech most of all. it's way ahead. so far ahead I don't think modern slaves could understand it. i saw some shit that was matrix breaking. shapeshifting orb. this thing dematerialized for a moment.

you're a fucking idiot. grove is filled with dems and repubs. they are one in the same and of the same jew bird of prey you retarded nigger. all politics is nwo curated you fucking monkey npc nigger. those are all puppets. not a single one organic.
See here's the thing...there's a handful of people...A SMALL HANDFUL OF PEOPLE, who are legitimately taken by the "right-wing populism!" grift. And they don't know any better. Maybe they grew up poor and didn't get a proper education. Maybe they're young. Maybe they're new to politics. Whatever the reason they're one of the small handful that gets manipulated.

It's roughly 5% of the people on this board and all of the rest are just rich fucks trying to scapegoat literally any other group of people for the suffering they cause the poor and working class, so you never blame the rich.
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man is saved by the sun.
but yes most def some sort of demon and blood libel religion clan. jews learned it from someone. sure jews are fucking awful but it is above those ugly fucks. whomever runs this place and teaches the mysteries is an evil piece of shit and a deceptive one too. my wildest idea is how long have they been here and alive? the old stories of moses living for so long and others living for a long time make me wonder did one of these nigger cheat and never lost control of the realm all this time. stargate type shit ya know.

all I know is my friends saw the ship. i've seen shit too. my dad saw stuff in the 80s. its actually happening.
It's a good thought. The problem is, each time we get close to a melting point, evil has all of the cool shit. So as we progress further, it gets harder for us to bring it back. We just gave them "AI", obviously they have mass surveillance. It's a very interesting battle. We are legitimately tested to see if we can handle the progress we've made. It's fascinating. Do they have enough this time to distract the side of good to the point of not being able to stop them? It's definitely possible this time. Maybe in 10 years sheer numbers won't matter. We get bright sparks here and there and they snuff them out. But near the melting point, we get a fucken avalanche of bright sparks. It's an interesting time to be alive.
>>472829753 (You)
>you're a fucking idiot. grove is filled with dems and repubs.
Bohemian Grove is only a republican social club that does not let democrats on the premises even. That much is a public fact you don't have the right to dispute sorry. And you use jewish people as ethnic scapegoats to blame for your own crimes. Because you all control everything on the right, and if people knew that they'd hold you accountable for the suffering you cause them, so you try to scapegoat jews or some shadowly "NWO conspiracy" like OP.
solid take. it's an old story. same story for everyone
I also saw something but it was way creepier. It was this big like imagine a dalek, from doctor who. But bigger and transparent black. And made this loud engine sound but static. And it hovered over the street down from my place and it seemed like there was a human soul in there or something like that. I knew it was beyond evil, unimaginably dark and twisted. I only saw it for a short second or two and then it hovered away. As if it was patrolling something.
>>>472829753 (You) (You)
>>you're a fucking idiot. grove is filled with dems and repubs.
>Bohemian Grove is only a republican social club that does not let democrats on the premises even. That much is a public fact you don't have the right to dispute sorry. And you use jewish people as ethnic scapegoats to blame for your own crimes. Because you all control everything on the right, and if people knew that they'd hold you accountable for the suffering you cause them, so you try to scapegoat jews or some shadowly "NWO conspiracy" like OP.
PS and that's all any posts on /pol/ are...rich people and their nepotistic children, using jews or any other group they can think of as scapegoats to blame for all of their own crimes as rich fascists. So no one holds you accountable. But people will hold you accountable because people are a LOT smarter than you far right fascists think they are.

Revolution is coming. Tick tock.
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very wrong. You can off yourself glow nigger NWO defender.
Its literally The Theosophical Society. Aleister Crowley tried to warn us all. He accused Madam Blavatsky if being Jake the Ripper. All the current elites, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Obama talk about being "Gods" in leaked emails. This is what the Theosophical cult of I Am believe. This is the group causing all of our problems. And I believe they are responsible for the Notre Dame cathedral fire
i thought cabal were jews
im confused
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look at this jew brain try to play pretend like jews are not a problem. i mean this nigger. you should kill yourself.
Well ok but theosophy has public stuff that you can read about online.. revealed by them.
My guess is the cabal is something higher than even Jews. Maybe superhuman but not alien. Definitely from earth.
its also an official group like the OTO and the Freemasons
It's only republicans that go there or have ever gone there, with extremely few exceptions. You don't want to accept that fact because fascist's lives revolve around blaming other people for their crimes. But they don't let democrats on the presmises.
You want Conspiracy?? Hows this:
Its World UFO Day
This is the Way!!!
Imagine a world where clean energy is wirelessly transmitted from space, powering our planet without borders or limitations. The Wireless Orbital Power System (WOPS) makes this vision a reality, harnessing energy from the ionosphere and transmitting it globally via a satellite constellation. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform our energy landscape, providing reliable, constant, and efficient power to remote areas, disaster zones, and entire cities. By combining advanced technologies like air-breathing ion engines, laser filament technology, and microwave wireless power transfer, WOPS creates a self-sustaining system that can support our growing energy demands while reducing our carbon footprint. As we celebrate World UFO Day, we're reminded that the technology to power UFO-styled craft may not be as far-fetched as we think. In fact, the development of WOPS and similar technologies could be the key to unlocking a new era of sustainable energy and space exploration. Or is everything just mentioned, already a reality? And as always suspected, technology that was already being used by Governments and Shadow Agencies, perhaps 30 years ago? Whatever is going on, the fact is, the following technology is already here, or in development. (Either this has been done, or is about to be done..... the Disclosure has begun!) Join us in shaping the future of energy and space travel. Let's make WOPS a reality and create a world where clean energy is no longer a dream, but a fundamental right for all.

All we know is in this World UFO day especially, Fact IS indeed stranger, than Fiction.
Exactly. That's why I think neither of those are truly in control way up.
That's you who controls both sides of politics and controls every powerful institution in the west. Rich fascists. Jews are your scapegoat you try to blame so that people won't prosecute you. But people are way smarter than you hope they are.
Dude stop.. we are talking about a secretive clique or cabal that is beyond borders and ethnicities, some here are saying they are Jewish but that doesn't mean all Jews have part in this organization or group.
I'm releasing this Open Source to the world.

I do have a little experience in the Electrical industry but not enough knowledge to figure out if any of this could be done. But from what I do see on the internet, and this NZ company there seems to be interesting developments in this field.

The satellite constellation sharing energy in one global grid seems to be getting done. (Above company)

The Air breathing ion engine for orbit maintenance seems to be a thing.


Ionosphere or Magnetosphere harvesting seems to be a viable thing that's being looked at with Space Tethers.


And Atmospheric lasers that ionize the air in its path seems to already be a thing:

US Patent:US20080099624A1

I'm thinking, why not combine them all together into one satellite constellation?

Or as I previously mentioned in my diagram and WOPS harvesting the Ionosphere directly.

Potentially on the next Starlink versions of satellite for example?

Or perhaps, it's being worked on by Governments already, who knows.

Anyway its giving me many sleepless nights atm.
Sorry to bother you at all.
Dude space is fake. There is no sattelite up in 'spayce' or earth's orbit or whatever.
>That's you who controls both sides of politics and controls every powerful institution in the west. Rich fascists. Jews are your scapegoat you try to blame so that people won't prosecute you. But people are way smarter than you hope they are.
PS the conspiracy is just the right-wing. That's it. That's all it is now. That's all it's ever been. Right-wing people AKA the rich who use identity politics, conspiracy misinformation, and a host of other tricks to manipulate people into blaming anyone for their problems other than the rich. In most places in the world you didn't fool the masses, but you did in America, and Americans will either wake up super fast or the entire society will fall. Either way fascism and all of you rich fascists will lose your position of power in due time. And now it won't be too much longer.
no they are more human than worms but less so a dog and absolutely spiritually fucked because they got caught burning down a Catholic cathedral and what is cannologicly Mictlan in Canada. There are no volcanoes in Quebec. Its the marshiest place in North America
Yes the "secret elite that are beyond borders and ethnicities" are you on the right. Rich fascists. That's you. You're the ones who own and control everything in the entire western society. And because your lives revolve around dodging accountability for the suffering you cause people, jews or other groups are your ethnic scapegoats to blame for your own crimes. And you fool very few people. People will hold you accountable very very soon.
>Yes the "secret elite that are beyond borders and ethnicities" are you on the right. Rich fascists. That's you. You're the ones who own and control everything in the entire western society. And because your lives revolve around dodging accountability for the suffering you cause people, jews or other groups are your ethnic scapegoats to blame for your own crimes. And you fool very few people. People will hold you accountable very very soon.
PS dude, just so you know, everytime you psychopaths double down and gaslight, and "blame the jews for all of society's problems" and all of this other stuff, it only makes more socialists. Because people HATE being gaslit. People HATE being manipulated. People see through your bullshit because they're MUCH smarter than you believe they are. And like I said above revolution is coming for you and your rich family so tick tock.
What if they transcend humanity and like became something else or they are something non-human, superhuman?

If the Lord will not build a house, its builders have toiled at it in vain; if the Lord will not guard a city, [its] watcher keeps his vigil in vain.

Builders. Goats and sheep.

12. Woe to him who builds a city with blood and establishes a city with injustice. יב. 13. Behold, is it not from the Lord of Hosts? And peoples shall toil until they are sated with fire, and nations shall weary themselves only for vanity. יג. 14. For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord-as the water covers the seabed.
OP understand you're NOT gonna convince people to blame other groups than the rich for their problems. The rich are the ones with all of the power, and everyone knows it. And everyone knows they're right-wing people who want capitalism and fascism to continue on unabated. And when you people are like "don't blame rich people blame the jews!" or any other similar shadowy conspiracy, you're just enraging people. You're pushing people further and further to the left anytime you do it. Frankly I should be thanking you because that kind of gaslighting is SO transparent and just makes the masses hate rich right-wingers even more.
It's also Earth based too https://emrod.energy
>OP understand you're NOT gonna convince people to blame other groups than the rich for their problems. The rich are the ones with all of the power, and everyone knows it. And everyone knows they're right-wing people who want capitalism and fascism to continue on unabated. And when you people are like "don't blame rich people blame the jews!" or any other similar shadowy conspiracy, you're just enraging people. You're pushing people further and further to the left anytime you do it. Frankly I should be thanking you because that kind of gaslighting is SO transparent and just makes the masses hate rich right-wingers even more.
And PS it's like I said above and there's not much more of relevance to say other than "revolution is coming tick tock"
>>472831934 (You)
>>OP understand you're NOT gonna convince people to blame other groups than the rich for their problems. The rich are the ones with all of the power, and everyone knows it. And everyone knows they're right-wing people who want capitalism and fascism to continue on unabated. And when you people are like "don't blame rich people blame the jews!" or any other similar shadowy conspiracy, you're just enraging people. You're pushing people further and further to the left anytime you do it. Frankly I should be thanking you because that kind of gaslighting is SO transparent and just makes the masses hate rich right-wingers even more.
>And PS it's like I said above and there's not much more of relevance to say other than "revolution is coming tick tock"
PPS and when the revolution comes the rich get hanged. By the govt. By the neostalinist govt. And crying "don't hang me! Hang the JEWS!" doesn't save your neck. Or the neck of your rich family.
Imagine that, modern frankist-sabatean qabbalah tikkun olam comes from this book you're quoting in large parts. Still feel good about it?
If there was a (You) after the 472831934 then that means you are infact the OP and were using a Polish VPN. KeK Shame.
Well fuck my sheep and amend the laws so I can over and claim the dole, you might be right small tv bro
Demonic Polytheism. Depending on their faction/cult they worship and favor different gods and demons over others. They don't believe in any singular higher power. Satanism is an umbrella term and false lead(they aren't monotheistic).
What are the main gods in your view? This sounds too simple.
Look just hang the rich, guys. OK? If there's any of you out there who are unironically whipped up in this "right-wing populism" scheme, you need to open your eyes up to the fact that it's only all rich people trying to manipulate you into blaming other people for your suffering other than them.

But the rich are the ones who hold ALL of the power. And the rich are all right-wing fascists. They don't want socialism because socialists want to execute the rich.

So you gotta take control of your govt by voting for and supporting far left people. People so far to the left that they want to criminalize wealth. And the penalty for that crime is hanging. That's what communists believe. If you wanna "fight back against the illuminati" or whatever then become a communist. Otherwise you're just another mindcontrolled automaton.

You gotta get that communist revolution going in America and the rivers will run red with the blood of the wealthy as they are executed on television in the public square.
No worries Big TV bro
Just watch literally everything by right-wing people, 100% of it is just convincing people to blame ANYONE other than the wealthy for their problems, lol. That's the right-wing's obsession with conspiracies. It gives them a means by which to manipulate people into blaming invisible and imaginary things for their suffering instead of the rich.

Every right-winger is a rich fuck and the only thing they're terrified of is that you'll wake up to how they're manipulating you and blame the rich, instead of all of the scapegoats they're selling you.

And on that day you'll institute a communist govt which will criminalize wealth and execute the rich. Plain and simple. And then you'll be free. And I'm discussing doing it legally and neatly for any fascist feds perusing this thread.
That is currently the most powerful cult atm it is not however the only one.

The mark of the Saturnian cults is the Black Cube. It infests Christain Churches, Islam, and Judaism as well as proper demonic cults as well.

They worship different things. However what they are after is very much the same. They all carry the same objectives and desires. That is why they work so great together and why it is so difficult to discern them from one another. A great lie about evil is the fact that evil sucks at teamwork. Quite the opposite.
People like OP, who I can guarantee you is worth at least 8 figures, will be like "HURRRRRRRRRR BUT THIS IS LA TYRANNY! BLAME LE JEWS! BLAME LE NIGGERS! BLAME LE TRANNIES! BLAME LE ILLUMINATIS! BLAME LE POLITICIANS!" as he's being led up to the gallows. He'll never repent. He'll never confess. He's strictly a predator who has mastered the art of manipulation, like all wealthy far right fascists. But your power over them is to be smarter than them and not be fooled into blaming scapegoats for their crimes. You blame the rich and support Stalinism where the govt hangs the rich.
Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich. Blame the rich.

That's it. That's all you need to do. You just need to remember that mantra and DON'T be fooled by all of the scapegoats the rich are gonna sell you. "The jews" or "the trannies" or "the niggers" or "the communists". Anything. Just keep in mind "Blame the rich" and hold them accountable. The rich are your only enemy and only when their blood runs across guillotines will you be free
Jewish Space Lasers too dude:
I re iterate
Imagine a world where clean energy is wirelessly transmitted from space, powering our planet without borders or limitations. The Wireless Orbital Power System (WOPS) makes this vision a reality, harnessing energy from the ionosphere and transmitting it globally via a satellite constellation. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform our energy landscape, providing reliable, constant, and efficient power to remote areas, disaster zones, and entire cities. By combining advanced technologies like air-breathing ion engines, laser filament technology, and microwave wireless power transfer, WOPS creates a self-sustaining system that can support our growing energy demands while reducing our carbon footprint. As we celebrate World UFO Day, we're reminded that the technology to power UFO-styled craft may not be as far-fetched as we think. In fact, the development of WOPS and similar technologies could be the key to unlocking a new era of sustainable energy and space exploration. Or is everything just mentioned, already a reality? And as always suspected, technology that was already being used by Governments and Shadow Agencies, perhaps 30 years ago? Whatever is going on, the fact is, the following technology is already here, or in development. (Either this has been done, or is about to be done..... the Disclosure has begun!) Join us in shaping the future of energy and space travel. Let's make WOPS a reality and create a world where clean energy is no longer a dream, but a fundamental right for all.

All we know is in this World UFO day especially, Fact IS indeed stranger, than Fiction.
I doubt what you say. It would be much more probable that there is only one group at the top in total control with an absolute oligarchic rulership passed onto their children. I'm thinking the elders of Zion, you are saying the frankists are the most powerful, but how do you explain the thing I explained here, that seemed wat worse than frankists: >>472831145
It seemed like something that is so wicked that what we know about it historically is extremely tiny.
And we're all united by the fact that we are the 99%. We are united by our common class interests against their wealthy interests. That's the beauty of it because a lot of the desire to fight and bicker with people mildly different than you on sexuality or skin color or similar things, disappears once you understand you are united by your commonality in class.
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>only when their blood runs across guillotines will you be free
how did that work out for the french?
All the shit you write to try to blame other people for your crimes as a rich fascists is not going to sell to even one singular soul. And it's not gonna save you from accountability for all of your crimes, and all of the crimes of your right-wing fascist 'frens'.
You and a local company here in New Zealand (https://emrod.energy/) are the only people I've spoken to since it came to me in a dream about a week ago to be honest. And you're the first person to reply. (Apart from family members).

I'm releasing this Open Source to the world.

I do have a little experience in the Electrical industry but not enough knowledge to figure out if any of this could be done. But from what I do see on the internet, and this NZ company there seems to be interesting developments in this field.

The satellite constellation sharing energy in one global grid seems to be getting done. (Above company)

The Air breathing ion engine for orbit maintenance seems to be a thing.


Ionosphere or Magnetosphere harvesting seems to be a viable thing that's being looked at with Space Tethers.


And Atmospheric lasers that ionize the air in its path seems to already be a thing:

US Patent:US20080099624A1

I'm thinking, why not combine them all together into one satellite constellation?

Or as I previously mentioned in my diagram and WOPS harvesting the Ionosphere directly.

Potentially on the next Starlink versions of satellite for example?

Or perhaps, it's being worked on by Governments already, who knows.
lol, the left have their own fair share of invisible boogeyman you dolt. Many that specifically revolve around identity politics. Don’t be a fool.
Worked out fine for them and it will be even better when communism eventually takes hold in the west.
>Worked out fine for them and it will be even better when communism eventually takes hold in the west.
PS like what were you even talking about...the French Revolution literally worked out great for the french people lol
Just politically support the hanging of the rich, guys. I'm telling you. Don't be fooled by ANY of their bullshit or manipulation. Just the pointless retarded shit they write like >>472833293 just don't even be taken by it. Just remember "blame the rich, blame the rich, blame the rich, blame the rich, blame the rich". That's all you need to remember. It's always the rich, it's always the rich.
Some particular group really doesn't want people to discuss this topic considering the 25 posts by a poster here I obviously won't tag because its entertaining that they are being completely ignored.

The level of bait they are using to distract constructive conversation is too obvious and thus no one is falling for it. Clearly they are trying to make people respond in anger by being ridiculous.

As far the occult and their religions. Its probably Luciferianism/Theosophy/forms of Gnosticism although there appears to be many different groups and organizations that are at odds with each other vying for power but have similar beliefs.
I have no Political affiliation, I'm here to warn the world. If you guys are too caught up fighting among yourselves with the eternal Us vs Them induced hate, then so be it. Don't say I didn't show you how Jewish Space Lasers are built (or could be built). Period.
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This is what they're gonna try to tell you, people. "A communist posted 25 times in this thread so that means rich people don't run the world and you shouldn't be a socialist!"

This is unironically the tier of batshit insane and pointless of their rhetoric.

Politically speaking, you need to just blame the rich and hang the rich. You need to get another Joseph Stalin into office who criminalizes wealth then tries and executes all of them.
It's impossible for you to shapeshift out of your fascism, I assure you, so don't even try.
It actually is that simple in terms of what they actually worship their polytheists. An easy example that /pol/ knows about is Moloch and Baal but they aren't the only well known examples. The truth is there are multiple cults and factions. As for who is top dog as far as I know its currently the Sabbatean Frankists. Keep in mind they especially have a fetish for ancient deities who are 'adapted' according to the age and culture but the themes give them away.

I don't know much about the toys the MIC has hidden away. I know about certain AI experiments and mainly their logistics as well as how their immunity deal actually works. Ayylmaos I know even less.
>It's impossible for you to shapeshift out of your fascism, I assure you, so don't even try.

"The fascist is always shapeshifting. When you pin him down, he'll shapeshift into an entirely different form. And if shapeshifting himself isn't enough, he'll shapeshift the meaning of an entire language. He'll tell you, suddenly, words like "right" or "left" don't mean anything. He'll tell you "communism" is "fascism" and "fascism" is "communism". He'll mix you up, muddy your waters, spin you around until you're dizzy and can't see straight anymore. And most importantly of all, when the fascist controls everything, he'll accuse jews of being in control because jews are his most convenient scapegoat."
"The Fascist is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Fascist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I’ve been found out'."
Just blame the rich. Just remember that. Just always blame the rich and don't ever be led astray by any of the fascist's bullshit. Now I'm hitting the hay. Peace out.
Im trying to warn the world!!!!!
>Im from New Zealand (https://emrod.energy/) you are the only people I've spoken to since it came to me in a dream about a week ago to be honest. And you're the first person to reply. (Apart from family members).
>I'm releasing this Open Source to the world.
>I do have a little experience in the Electrical industry but not enough knowledge to figure out if any of this could be done. But from what I do see on the internet, and this NZ company there seems to be interesting developments in this field.
>The satellite constellation sharing energy in one global grid seems to be getting done. (Above company)
>The Air breathing ion engine for orbit maintenance seems to be a thing.
>Ionosphere or Magnetosphere harvesting seems to be a viable thing that's being looked at with Space Tethers.
>And Atmospheric lasers that ionize the air in its path seems to already be a thing:
>US Patent:US20080099624A1
>I'm thinking, why not combine them all together into one satellite constellation?
>Or as I previously mentioned in my diagram and WOPS harvesting the Ionosphere directly.
>Potentially on the next Starlink versions of satellite for example?
>Or perhaps, it's being worked on by Governments already, who knows.
Imagine a world where clean energy is wirelessly transmitted from space, powering our planet without borders or limitations. The Wireless Orbital Power System (WOPS) makes this vision a reality, harnessing energy from the ionosphere and transmitting it globally via a satellite constellation. This revolutionary technology has the potential to transform our energy landscape, providing reliable, constant, and efficient power to remote areas, disaster zones, and entire cities. By combining advanced technologies like air-breathing ion engines, laser filament technology, and microwave wireless power transfer, WOPS creates a self-sustaining system that can support our growing energy demands while reducing our carbon footprint. As we celebrate World UFO Day, we're reminded that the technology to power UFO-styled craft may not be as far-fetched as we think. In fact, the development of WOPS and similar technologies could be the key to unlocking a new era of sustainable energy and space exploration. Or is everything just mentioned, already a reality? And as always suspected, technology that was already being used by Governments and Shadow Agencies, perhaps 30 years ago? Whatever is going on, the fact is, the following technology is already here, or in development. (Either this has been done, or is about to be done..... the Disclosure has begun!) Join us in shaping the future of energy and space travel. Let's make WOPS a reality and create a world where clean energy is no longer a dream, but a fundamental right for all.

All we know is in this World UFO day especially, Fact IS indeed stranger, than Fiction.
In Short: Perhaps, this is how Jewish Space Lasers work, or could work? They could power UAP/UFO's already, or in the future.
If faggots who worship animals hate chinese people, you know there must be something up.
Oops wrong thread haha.
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The cabal puts them there precariously so if something goes wrong they fire up their semetic bots and antisemetic bots at the same time, and get them to kill each other as they steal both groups wealth
Are the republicans in the room with you, right now, anon?

You can call me a fascist, and I will say 'I am indeed fond of Mussolini's Three Pillars,' but to call you a delusional mutant is as though I have stricken you, you delusional mutant.
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Cool stuff anon
Anyway to jam the these laser filaments?
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Also looking for a fren to do experiments with?

Can do tesla patents, plauson stuff,
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And monstein wesley
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This one and 462418 as well
What a mentally retarded post
yes, the cabal like the rockefellers and rothschilds are republicans HAHAHA Dude how dumb do you think we are? And yes, lots of democrats are pedos. We know dude!
This just simply isn't true. Yes, like 50% of em are jews but they don't worship satan

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