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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Criticize Islam and a Euro flag seethes
Criticize mexicans and an American flag seethes
why are muslims so violent
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das rite
Small penis
Wife ugly because you can't select for beauty when all women are in garbage bags 24/7
Being raised to think a violent pedophile is the ideal role model
Angry from losing 5-0 to Israel
White and Asian women won't have sex with them
Not allowed to listen to most music, eat good food, draw pictures of people
Mandatory circumcision
Low iq

Why wouldn't you be violent at that point?
Criticize Israel and see who seethes.
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and whats your alternative? turning the other cheek
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Alternative to what?
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Life isn't a binary choice between Islam or homosexuality

Are you saying the only thing stopping you from sucking cock is being Muslim?

You can denounce woke garbage without adopting an ideology worse than communism
>Being raised to think a violent pedophile is the ideal role model

This is crazy to me. Do mudslimes actually read about the life of muhammad? If they did then nobody would worship that violent pedophile.

Criticize a Jew and an American will start sucking his dick
>do Muslims actually read
>criticize islam
fight your own wars Israel
most of them pray in arabic and read the quran in arabic, and they don't even know arabic. That should tell you everything

t. ex-muslim
they obviously neglect the hadiths as well. I think pol chuds know more about islam than most muslims
islam is based
I attended and read tons of religious discussion because of my flag. Even for muslims who reads, they always in denial when presented with historical evidences of their prophet or religion's flaws.
Religion is a real drug, it's like talking to a drunk or stoned person.

((Uber driver)) detected
The unstoppable tide of Islam was stopped by us non believers right here in india, fought for centuries, and now we pay it back to you

Islam will meet its end at our hands
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defend Islam and a migamutt flag seethes and impotently screeches at you to go back
did the muslims teach the japanese to do the nanjing massacre?
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>if you criticize Islam you're a jew
Get new material mehmet
we need a mass purge of muslims
Funny how the brownoid Christniggers leave that part out.
Shut up Paki filth, I can't believe Amerimutts tell you to fuck off and not Bongs, I guess they are all woke poofters now.
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I agree but who will you send to muttify Edom you daft cunt?
Interesting Mohamed
>Said the Muslim fighting age male who bravely ran away from every conflict back home to Europe
we will spread christianity to india, Islam and your demon worshipping pagan ways will come to an end.
Because they are brown. But mostly because salafis and wahhabis weren't exterminated yet
Imagine being so low IQ that thinking that criticizing Jews means you like Muslims all of a sudden and criticising Islam means you like Jews.

Islam copies quite a lot from Judaism and are quite similar in a lot of ways. Outside of the context of Zionism and Israel vs Palestine, Muslims actually tolerated Jews more than Christians did throughout history.

People whi say I can only hate one or the other can fuck off. I don't like either of them.
Low iq and ape like religion
based anon
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They'd still defend him, never underestimate how much a muslim can suck Muhammad's cock
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Kinda based sir
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All real Europeans will gladly take a shit on Islam and knife a brown baby. Total sandnigger death
It's not being low IQ, slithering diaspora does it on purpose to avoid criticism, you want to totally discredit an opinion on pol? Call the the person Jewish
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No it wasn't cow shit eater. Your smelly ancestors were ruled for hundreds of years by different Islamic rulers. Don't forget your history.
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Same bunch of faggot pigskin crosscucks posting the same seethe, waiting for their shit thread to 404 the fuck to hell like they will someday
Please again, did anyone save the wojak funneh.jpg of Muhammad the prophet running after a wojak stone who stole his clothes? I want to make mudslimes mad.
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>Same bunch of faggot pigskin crosscucks posting the same seethe, waiting for their shit thread to 404 the fuck to hell like they will someday
There is is. A true masterpiece.
Criticize India and a Canadian flag seethes
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Does this work?
huh, no?
Criticize jews and anti semite laws get passed that ban christianity
Don't you have some paleshits to save?
Islam is indeed shit, yet it is often used by kikes as a distraction from our real issue: the people that import hordes of foreigners (many of which are muzzniggers)

Jeets really are the most delusional race
Here is your answer>>472840507
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Fucking inbred sandniggers. Enough of the relative fucking fuck off
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They are largely brown subhumans
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Islam is a real man's religion. none of those dung eating shenanigans, or gay marriages in churches, or chewing off foreskins or walking around with curved pointy dildos. Unapologetic. Unchanging, Gigabased.
>deserts=anger issues
>cold=calculating manipulation
you're still circumcised but i will admit that camel piss is better than cow shit
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>calculating manipulation
>camel piss
you're only supposed to use it in case you have literally no alternative medication and thats the only thing that can possibly help you. not as a primary source of nourishment.
Pisslam is cringe. Please see the light and accept Jesus into your life
yea you're supposed to do or not do a lot of things but the reality is quite different, isn't it?
I think Desert Folk are the most calculating, I mean look at the number of coups in the Middle East and of course the utter state of Jewry. I think Arabs tend to be on the bolder side than the treacherous side however.
Jesus is already in my life you dingus.
No he's not. If Jesus was truly in your life you would renounce the evil teachings of the pedophile warlord known as m*hammad. Until then you will be a filthy mudslime and nothing more
>The american shriek and recoil in pain as you make a comment about his jewish overlords
Every. Single. Time. Really makes you think
are you hugging a nigger at this very moment? yes or no.

>No he's not
tell me something. did anyone ask for your opinion? no? then speak when spoken to
are you raping a little girl?
do you need to ask?
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That guy you're thinking of isn't Jesus, crosscuck. It's the antichrist that you worship, but you do not know. It's because you're fueled by hate and projection, and your life has no meaning
Why Asian women cut off penises?

Come on you Maltan fool, have you forgotten to not talk all big and mighty when you're from there?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, give me 20 good men, some weapons and some rope to scale the Presidental Palace / Parliament. And I'll take the entirety of your Island.
Quranism is heretical
So yes: Hadith

Vile Muslim ape
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Muslims can't fight though
its nice too mudslimes still have illusions of grandeur. A single one of us could easily behead 20 muslim dogs such as yourself. Remember, in the past you were our slaves, and to slaves you shall return
Didn't Pissrael give Sinai back to Egypt at the end of the Yom shitter war? It doesn't say Pissraeli victory, does it?

Which wars have you faggots won since the 60s?
>Remember, in the past you were our slaves, and to slaves you shall return
When the fuck was that? Holy projection. Your language is literally mutt Arabic

Bahahaha, that's a funny timelime you live in! I live in reality, where we lead the largest slave trade in the eastern hemisphere, millions of europeans enslaved, kidnapped, raped, vast amounts of european land reaved too.

We even reached Iceland, where we scarred them for centuries.

You won't be any different, afterall. You're Christian Arabs.
Have no authority and must be disregarded.

Yes, which is why Islam is relegated to the Arabian Penninsula and why Zoroastrianism is a major world religion.
Oh yeah, it says victory.

>Victory but we gave Sinai back to Egypt. Ssshhhhhh don't ask about that tho
We both know muslim animals will face the wall very soon. I cant wait to fill mass graves with you dogs. I wonder what cope you'll reply with
Malta is an island of Sicilian Arabs.

Ohohoho! It is not us who will face the wall.

Don't worry, Maltan. I know you're afraid, but we will save you come home to the light of Islam.
you dont even know how to do namaz if you dont regard the hadiths.
with only quran, 95% of islam what it is right now is just gone.
I know you can feel it too. The West is waking up, mudslimes will be a thing of the past. And I'll be there to tear down and spit on the last mosque in Europe. Total muslim death
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Ooh this one really pisses you off doesn't it
Yes, giving a portion of land back (GIVING, not reconquered) for peace after you smoke the shit out of the Egyptians isn't an Egyptian victory
Israel didn't start the war, territory was not the goal
Sadat literally called Brezhnev on the phone begging for him to save him from the Israelis

It's funny how much better the Jews are at war and combat than you subhumans
The Quran is complete and no muslim needs a fanfic written decades later. If a hadith needs a classification about its authencity then it must be disregarded because said classification comes from a third person who is biased in a certain way.

Careful now, otherwise I'll bring another one which I'll take your island with, It'll be overkill with 21 men this time.

There's no excuse for losing that war.

Which is why I've given up on the arab states and wholeheartedly believe Iran is the one with not only the willpower, but the military strength to wipe out Israel.
ayy lmao
/bol/ is an issssssleeeemic board barraddarr
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>Ooh this one really pisses you off doesn't it
>Yes, giving a portion of land back
Like the little bitches you are. With Mount Sinai and all
You'll give the rest back soon enough. Good luck with that temple or whatever that's never getting built
I know a few Maltese/Sicilian Muslims. Many will return to the fold. Even the Beys of Tunis were Genovese.
>muh irane
ayy lmao
wallahi, even
muzshit barraddarrs, memeflagged or otherwise

what the HECK did our bropbet mean by this?

is this one of the sfiencitetic mirelclese of isssleeem?
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>if you criticize Islam you're a jew
I'm sorry, but is Islam busy mass-murdering innocent people for sport?
Which one is more worthy of criticism?
kek, youre alright for a muslim. Maybe ill spare you when TMD comes

Impossible, we are all Catholic or Athiest
Criticize a kike and an American Flag will yell:
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That's not what it said, pigskin

>Criticize a Jew and an American will start sucking his dick
>Criticize a Jew and an American will start sucking his dick
Kek do you spit or swallow, golem?
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so you don't understand the difference between giving and taking?
Israel took the land by force
Egypt couldn't do the same, hence why it was given to establish relations

After beating the Egyptians there was no logistical way to run the Sinai
You think Israel could just double its size and incorporate a bunch of looney troon Muslims no problem?

In fact yes, that's what they're known for
bropbett of allah barraddars...

q'ringe only muzshit apostate
have we not been through this barraddarr?
you had to use that word...

what about the alexander the great fanfic that is literally a Bart of your q'ringe with the copper wall and gogge and magoggee, barraddarr

Hadiths are literally fanfics.
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Anyway, Pissrael gave Sinai back to Egypt on a silver platter like the little cowardly sniveling jewrats they are
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Or so you thought...
More Hearsay and Chinese Whispers.
Okay ahmed ;)
>be retarded pathetic muzshit of allah
>get BTFO
>h-haha they gave the land backee lol

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Whatever you say buckaroo
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>do you need to ask?
This faggot is a kike with vpn
You can’t even help the mudslimes getting rekt in Palestine. Get lost with your delusional fantasies you buck broken Arab nigger
you tell xim, muzshit

imagine a q'ringe only muzshit
it's what i call a double retard
Maltese or not, I will send all m*slim dogs to meet their prophet in hell. Show your flag bitch, so much for mudslime courage
Islam was created to combat the byzantine
All goat fucker middle eastern semites should go back to their shitholes.
Chiniese sees BBC:
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Cringe, no (You)

So Egypt owns Mt Sinai today. Wouldn't it have been nice for Pissrael to own it? It wouldn't have been a real victory tho, they had to give land back for them to call it a victory somehow

Definitely doesn't get them any closer to greater Pissrael. Must have been a 6m chess move
The ultimate Muslim cope in any argument is calling his opponent a Jew
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When did muslims ever murder innocent people for fun?
I am British of mostly Irish and Cornish descent.
He's not Muslim, but I'm sure it's hard enough for you to even have the attention span to stay in the same thread
Show flag mudslime dog, you wont because you're a coward. I spit on you animals HUAK TUAH
kikes, niggers, and shitskins (poos, pakis, various mudslimes etc.) are all bad
faggots are bad too
all these four groups should be removed from Europe
>a muzshit can't understand when a people just wants to exist in peace
you sound almost as retarded as this guy
but he has a different id
We have Fiqh, separates the Wheat from the Chaff metaphorically speaking, the major Fiqh Centre is now in Mauritania.
Ah yes, worshipping the whore of Babylon like a good goy

Now tell me you're someone that belongs in paradise and not in hell. Go ahead
>hurka durka
spare me, memeflagged muzshit imbecile

what do you make of this ahadeeeeeeeffee though

was he retarded?
I accept your concession. Now fuck off cockroach
>muh whoreee
stupid memeflagged muzshit
here's a classic from your q'ringe
what did allah mean by this barraddarr?
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>Allahu -ACK!
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Atashit was literally an alcoholic Servian-Macedonian Jewrat. Your "father"
where is my consneedtion exactly?
is it when you were a retard in these Bosts?

that's a concessh
just leave it anywhere it's meaningless to me
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I suppose a new-born child may or may not resemble it's mother depending on chance and parentage.

Bahaha, seems I struck a nerve eh shlomo?
so you're offended in your Berfect man
when he declared under the authority of allah who is the creator barraddarr

that the child resembles the mother because she "discharged" first?

The Jew in Türkiye is a known Yahwist.
Why wont you show your flag? Is this the courage and power of Allah's warrior? Kek what a bitch, I would slaughter you filth if you even looked at me wrong lil muzzy boi. Remember, you are our dogs and slaves. You only come to Europe to sweep the streets, nothing more
Muhammad was a Prophet but a Man too. I cannot say much as I am not a companion of Muhammad (PBUH) who lived several centuries ago.
But if it weren't for Pasha, Turkey would have turned into a shithole like Libya or Afghanistan.
because i'm primed in the tall grass
to lunge out at them and ask whem
what are these muzshits doing in those non shitslamic shitholes

i call it getting ameen'd and rasoool'd
Hauk twah, faggot scum. Enjoy what you can grab on earth before you go to hell, cuntbag
No I don't mean Kemal, I mean the creature in this thread.
that's a consessh, but i appreciate the honesty

speaking of the compagneonee barraddarr

here's one of them saying how they fornicated with starving women, in exchange for handful of flour while the Berfect man lived and knew about it

is this a based thing to do because of how betiful the isssleeem is?
>Muslims have so few martial accomplishments he has to pull from literally ancient Rome
Also a reminder of how little history you have
I just remain faithful to Allah and try to follow his commandments via the Quran. Most else is secondary.
i know you're that weirdo plants guy
and i know you know how many times i showed you so many things about your retarded demonic piece of shit ism

when are you going to come to your senses?
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Muslim man troons out and wears drag to bravely perform a sneak stabbing
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he didn't need to do all that
you need to follow the sunna barraddarr
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Islam is one of the few religions and the only main one to acknowledge and invoke the true word for God from Proto-Semitic.
Why are you into native Australian foods?
Forever based.
This man is among the 1% of Turks worth something. A shining lighthouse in a sea of dirty lying pisslamists
Islam is retarded but its still better than modern Christianity. At least they don't accept faggots.
i remember you
you do me too much honor
Jesus Christ is God
>At least they don't accept faggots.
what's the Bunishment for faggolo according to the quran which is when allah speaks?
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yes very manly
lies they still drink it just outside of mecca. Pilgrims go there to try it
Every time some existing country or territory has been split by religion between Islam and anything else it's always the Islamic part that's the worst shithole in every way imaginable.
Islam is the most subhuman of all religions.
Thank you mate. no, you fight like a lion and your words + pictures are like swords. you are a great example to many.
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>Pilgrims go there to try it
>before you go to hell
I'll see you there, along with m*hammad the pedophile prophet
Gay black muslim raising his cuckold white baby. Buck broken indeed.
allah and his pedophile is very easy to BTFO
you just need the information because of how much they lie
hey i should plug Christian Prince on youtube
streams regularly, the man knows every muzshit lie, if you're interested in learning
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Amerimutts here are often the ones that say mudslimes are "le hecking based". Europeans fucking hate muslims now. They are invaders. They are violent ape niggers, but with an agenda.
No, it's because I'm phone fagging. You want me to actually access my shit?
Besides, that's when the nation of Israel died. Take a good look, it's the future of the imposters that stole the name of a cursed, dead nation
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>i remember you
>Thank you mate. no, you fight like a lion a

samefagging faggot
Damn, bro. You know what all these guys' cum tastes like

You just switch from Maltese dick to roach dick, and so on
>Posts astronauts
Kek nice one, bro. In another 10 years that meme will be unusable, because it'll be impossible to pretend you've got any technological edge anymore
retarded memeflagged muzshit
is there not enough Bosts itt that BTFO your retarded pedophile?
you want i could fetch them for you
what the hell i'll just do it for allah
so now you have Bosts to address instead of being a fag, right?
jews are your semitic brothers why you hate them so much
well doesn't your retarded allah say the sun literally submerges in a boiling river on earth which is on the back of a whale?

what are you flapping your gums talking about space murtadee?
Many applications, did you know you can grind Red Finger Lime rind down into a powdered spice?
Dead nation. Do you know what dead nation means? Khazars are not semites, and most Jews are khazars partly or fully
>why you hate them so much
because the jew
when prompted
was not able to find
a marauding pedophile sex cult leader antichrist
"all over the old testament"

before this memehammed loved the jew, he kept saying for a decade how the jew would affirm his Brobhetthoode

and then,
ameen'd and rasool'd
The word Allah means "The Deity" in Arabic down to it's Proto-Semitic form.
anybody who would up and try to eke out a living despite being dead center to inbred savages who won't stop seething until they murder them all are the truest whatever there is

so that there is quite a bit of muzshit cope
no they look just like you, both ugly goblins. you should get along even your religion is basically the same but in different flavour
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retarded lying pedophile
every time it's another retarded pedophile lie
>he did not redeem the islam

You look the same as the Russians
In which european country you're leeching off welfare?
I prefer Allah/Tuhan, not my fault Indo-Europeans didn't have a root word for Allah/Tuhan.
is it your fault you're a pedophile?
Jewish Defamation.
but retarded pedophile
you just headcanon lore'd me when i confronted your lie

so now you explain to me why you remain a muzshit, if it isn't because you're a pedophile
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>islam is based
Yes i dod. I grow and experiment a lot with native foods. Youlk is project of mine. Im trying to figure out a good dish for it.
You haven't confronted anything, just defamed me and blasphemed against Allah.
retarded pedophile
show me where allah means the deity
down to its proto-semitic form

Braise it in Yongka.
So why aren't you friends with the Russians? You're the same thing, ugly goblins
Gas yourself, jew
They’re all jews
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lel a bunch of jeets going nuclear in an islam thread AS ALWAYS
Wait your from the South West? Also what dish do you use your finger lime for? I use the flesh on king george whiting, its beautiful.
You’re talking to a jew you parszywy polaczek. 2 years lurking before first post!!! Scum
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Oh look the christian prince fanboys have gathered together again, many such cases.
>literal variations for El, Eli, Eloh
say these things then

but do you say any of those, pedophile?
or do you say there's no god but allah, the counterfeit shit demon with the 3 daughters because of the marauding pedophile sex cult leader antichrist

>muh closesseeeee
>but no i won't say those
>but the closesseeee though barraddarr

retarded pedophile
did you just call yourself a retarded pedophile?
fareede pedophile
how do?
I hate sands
friendly reminder that christianity is a middle eastern religion
no, the pic rel is for when that retarded pedophile tried to taqiyya
try to keep up, retarded pedophile
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I'm endlessly entertained by mudslimes. Keep posting, pig jihadis.
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No no, I am Irish/Cornish mostly with perhaps some Polynesian but presumed you were Nyungar from your palate for Youlk. They say Finger Lime go best with Oysters.
Did you have pig for breakfast this morning, PIGSKIN?
how come the retarded muzshits run to the jew they hate whenever their lies are dragged out into the light?
>Pooki 2nd law
what law?
What is the status of pigs in Hinduism?
I say El, Eloah... Elohim however is plural so shouldn't be used.
Bedophile from Bakistan
are you ready to answer what the Bunishment for faggolo is, according to the word of allah?
you were in such a rush earlier so you weren't able to, remember?
probably a pig tranny is their god LMFAO
no, you say there's no god but allah
and the pedophile his messenger

taqiyya pedophile
what word do you think jesus used when talking about god?
Yeah i know the local abbo words, im also a Irish/Cornish euro mutt as well. Finger lime on Oysters i still have Yet to try but everyone who has eaten it loves them.
you mean when He was quoting psalm 22 for the guy who was forsaken,
for the only time He didn't say Father?


now, forsaken guy, do you say there's no god but Eloi, or do you have to say allah

Bakistani Bedophile?
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Prakesh is upset he was bullied so he had to try and create something for Pakistanis to feel better about himself.

Filthy hindu infidels.
>Pooki's second law
>Blaming randos as hindus
really? and where is that from? first time im hearing about this so called "law".
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this isn't fareed pbuh like
chasten yourself heathen

your standing in the body of fareed pbuh is on thin ice
Heh what are the chances... We certainly did get around!
hey man, good to see you again lol
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Hello sarr, have you heard of vince mcmahon ji? Vince mcmahon is being one greatest avatar, you are seeing we are having the story telling about vince mcmahon ji making the fighting in great battling calling elimination chamber. Vince mcmahon jee made fighting for intercowshitental titleing belt. He is making fighting against demon hornswoggle (bloody basterd bitch) great vince mcmahon jee is fighting handicap match horsnwoggle be making the team with stone coldy shitstain. This is being great battle sarr please sar believing me. Vince mcmahon jee is great avatar he fight alone other avatar like shiva too busy making the raping in the forrest and sun god busy raping rikishi.
from rasool alla muhammed
We love you and admire you, brave and healthy fren!
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yep, bacon tastes pretty good you should try it.

Oh wait, you already have kek
So why are you not calling yourself a proud pigskin if you live pigs so much, pigskin?
oh so basically you just made up something right now on the spot. lame. thought you'd at least have a nice zinger for once. disappointed in you as always mukesh
Don't choke on his dick. Save some for the next retarded cuck
Also, you're praising a "rapefugee"
why do you have a muh the great satan flag under there?

what's a muzshit doing in muh the great satan barraddar?
good to see your ol' buddy again? kek you jeets stick together like shit on... shit
>made up something right now
So you are saying rasool alla is wrong? What a mushriq go say astagfirullah 10 times.
i don't care what anybody is
the only enemy to humanity is shitslam
where would globohomo be today if it weren't for shitslam?
Based Turk singlehandedly ended muslims. I have saved plenty of your content.
you are retarded
you are getting deported
kek why don't you call yourself a 60 IQ pedophile if you love 60 IQ pedophiles so much?
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it's really not fair to say it's my content
if you wanna learn watch Christian Prince on youtube
streams regularly
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Oink oink, pigskin
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yesss sarrr the christian prince warrior making the great conquest sarrrr i will be making worshipping of him too new avatar has come sarrrrsss rejoice!
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>hey man, good to see you again lol
47 posts
>good to see your ol' buddy again?
15 posts

samefagging faggot..kek
the turkjeet is on YOUR side retard.............................. fucking moron
you know he offered five thousand dollars
if you could Brove to him the muh miracle of 19 in the q'ringe barraddarr

why not go get it, it's easy money is it not?
I will check it out, there is another channel which animates muhammed's adventures which is pretty good.
oh yeah, entirely based, good on you friend
Me being the Turk is just as real as Allah.
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yess ssarrr making the believing hinduism is the way sarrr we are making the allowing of child sacrifice sarrr
Islam always spread illiteracy. Thr most iliterate populations in balkans wete always Muslim. Islam is about obeying authority and not questioning anything.
To literate poeple islam seems like a joke.

Yes god wants me tu fuck your women but only if I find them attractive.
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keep posting the same fake article prakeshrapesindhu
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dont worry about the little jeety. hes triggered because him mummy got love jihaded and now his step brother is a muslim chad that slays. such is the story of the jeet
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its mostly anglo flags that get upset when you dont support hamas though
See how our enemies fight each other...
>keep posting the same fake article

keep coping, paki dolphin rapist.
By the way, is anti muslim sentiment common in Turkey?
Look how muhammed got cucked. (All authentic sources btw)
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its just entertainment for me handsome. the fact is that we are here sitting and laughing while they desperately try to (and fail) disprove islam. they are so emotionally invested that day in and day out they will spend hours of their lives shouting on a forum no one will read anyways
lmfao you really are delusional retards. I'm glad pagans like you will burn in hell.
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>By the way, is anti muslim sentiment common in Turkey?
That is a kike with a vpn.... same as this one>>>>472852007
theyre 99% muslim there, I doubt it, but I won't speak for him
you bet, everyone's on the internet all day man, information seeps everywhere,
the pedophilia is REALLY not taken kindly with these people, the moment they find out it's not muh 18 years back then like they've been lying about it, it's ogre
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>its just entertainment for me handsome. the fact is that we are here sitting and laughing while

Last day, this kike with paki flag baked a thread mocking Pakistan
uhh guys i think the count jeet has malfunctioned. its cannibalizing its own turds now
why did he changed the 3 witnesses rule to 4 barraddarr?
why do you hang a bdsm version of jesus in the church?
19 posts now

get a life, jobless faggot
Rasool alla Muhammed was a cuck at heart. He started his married life by being a gigolo for Khadija.
i actually do have a life and in a few moments im leaving anyways
Kek how is he "raping" the dolphin with his pants on? Why do I think the original was about fishing? I haven't even looked
You have completely buckbroken the pakistani. He can never imagine his Turkish masters going against Islam lol.
>you’re praising a “rapefugee”.

12 years old and already a pathological liar - do as Musse and Aisha, get rid of the embarrassing taqiyya ‘religion’ and become an honourable and respected human.
You're an iraqi or a Persian
theyre trying to save the dolphins because we have polluted rivers and the indus river dolphins are near extinction anyways.

funny thing is they have a similar variant called the su su dolphin which i think they might actually rape given the fact he speaks about dolphin rape. and hindus fucking love splashing in the ganga all day anways
are you joking? turks are dweebs only the mujahirs think they are something lmao
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They'd rape dolphins if they could. There's a pigskin that talked about how he literally had sex with a she dolphin, there's a webm with sound on it
But it'd be hard to rape a dolphin, because the pigskin said the dolphin had to cooperate in getting penetrated
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>honourable and respectable human
Come on pooki, you will see hordes of pakistani on every historical ottoman documentary/edits fellating the Turks to oblivion.
>theyre trying to save the dolphins because we have polluted rivers and the indus river dolphins are near extinction anyways.

are you really a Pakistani? You seem to mock Pakistanis!
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Poland has fallen.
yes its the mujahirs as i have stated
Oh, thanks for the Middle Eastern citizenships - I’ll then migrate to the country that gibs the most and best gibs, so shall I choose Iraq or Persia?
every paki mocks other pakis dumbass. racism is our thing. seems like youve never met one
>itz da muhajirs
Punjabi and Sindhis are literally synonymous to muhajirs in habits and behaviour.
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>why are muslims so violent

Their prophet was a violent middle-aged bandit who raped underage girls
>punjabis and sindhis
yes they are our native dalits. and the muhajirs (impressed by turks (cringe)) are our imported dalits.
>yes they are our native dalits
So you be saying that more than 75% of your population are dalits?
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>i actually do have a life and in a few moments im leaving anyways

You faggot is here 24/7
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Jews rape kids
i'd say much higher

fine fuck you too later niggers
You I have been arguing with a dalit all this time?
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>So you be saying that more than 75% of your population are dalits?

That's not a paki. Tht's a well known jobless faggot kike with a vpn
Right, a liar can NEVER be an honourable and respectable human.

And by posting a fake falsity you’re a liar too, young lady.
I really just use 4chan to learn and to share what I have learned, the back and forth insults from certain anons is beneath me.
>A fake falsity.
A redundant lie about a truth. People do rape Animals even though they really shouldn't.
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why does it make my dickhead tingle seeing dead muslim children
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fuck that

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