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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Am I the only one who hates sandniggers more than Jews?
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
Am I the only one extremely attracted to her? I would lick her toes
probably, I don’t have to deal with them europoors do but I know I hate kikes more than niggers and spics
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I hate spics and kikes the most. Reminder kikes use low class creatures like niggers, spics and pajeets as bioweapons.
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If its by a lot then you're just wrong, if its just a shade stronger than your sense of TKD then I guess everyone has their own taste.
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when you're done posting the stuff you jack off to, you should probably look up the school of the americas
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Jews are sandniggers that control the media and the banks and they bring in Africans, for a thousand years.

So yes.

Arabs just arrived in the last decade
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How does it feel to know kikes are responsible for these things?
Nah, kikes are sand nigger imposter. Heavy genetic evidence pointing out right in your face that they are barely sand niggers. Even Italians and Greeks have more sand nigger blood.
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idk but seeing sandniggers get shrekt makes my dick hard
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You're probably in the minority.
It's wrong to hate anyone though.

Hate systems, not people.
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You have to be retarded to hate mudshits more than kikes considering kikes opened the floodgates to mudshits.

But more likely you're just a Mossad shill.
You should hate all of them + the white race traitors.
White princess laughing at dead Arab scum in their own country.
Very funny haha
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Where does one find girls of this kind?
jews are sandniggers. what do you mean?
Based post.
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ashkenazi jews genetic haplogroup proves they're caucasians

isreal is a colonial satellite state for english crown and rothschild bankers to maintain capitalist control of the suez canal. when egypt tried to nationalize the suez canal there was a war over it
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fuck that
>Arabs just arrived in the last decade
Levantines have always been there. Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Christian barely have “Arab” blood.
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Pretty much
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You're literally a kike faggot. Begone vile schlomo.
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Fuck off kike. Jews are sand niggers.
Anyone can become a jew, it's a religion. Hitler should have deported all brown people instead and especially fucking Turks
Only a literal kike would post photos of dead children. Go back to Pissrael.
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We know and they know it too, we will just have no choice but to play pretend with their fairy tale stories like trannies. Israel is a mini America.
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Let him go off
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cry more
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This. Israel is mutt nation, people from all over the world.
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im australian
you mean mudslimes?
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So you hate low iq jews more than high iq subverter jews? Seems retarded. Sandniggers would have no way to reach Europe without jews.
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Ashkenazi kikes are just euromutts, they’re European in every way. European leaders are traitors to their own people.
Makes sense considering brown Jews are extremely low iq
let me guess, IT's MA'AM
you wouldn't even think to care about sand niggers if not for Jews.
lol is that a real photo
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Cut the root of the problem.
so fucking based
kys kikerat
direct agression should always be seen as a lesser evil than subversion. an arab will kill you. a jew will make your grandchildren kill themselves.
Yes, Shlomo, you're the only one here who hates sandniggers more than kikes.
This one super edgy sexworker is just like you!
Yes. Kike.

jews are very bad people, but they use their brains to fuck people and actually need your consent to fuck you over, while arabs are wild animals that attack and rape children in large groups.
This shit ain't gonna work on us dumb sepps anymore. No one wants to fight your wars for you. We're on to you now. It's time Israel died and kikes get expelled from our homeland.

t. ex-zogbot
No, the world is full of useless cuckolds
Muslims unironically stand for most things right wingers stand for and are for the most part extremely against globalism and the destruction of traditions and the family unit, it's Bush's bullshit war on terror and other instances of American interventionism that plunged the Middle East into chaos and forced massive migration waves.
And we all know why this shit happened in a place that otherwise was never of interest for Americans: Israël needed all of its neighbors to go to shit so it could remain relatively safe.

Hating on Arabs is literally what Israël and its lobbies want you to do. It gives them legitimacy and they can keep on sucking up all of your tax money for their defense, education, and economy, telling you that they need it to exterminate the evil MENA.
Muslims are part of globohomo. Don't you realize all the crying towards the UN and the American and western governments to stop evil Israel is globohomo?
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You know who else rapes children?
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You're a subhuman pigskin piece of shit
jews do WAY more damage to the world than any other people
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Yes, pigskin. Muslims are globohomo, and not you and the Jewrats you worship, pigskin
Muslim immigrants are the tool kikes use to wreck western nations. If you support Israel, then you support the destruction of western nations. Simple as.
They literally reject everything globohomo stands for. I feel closer to them as a Christian than any other non-Christian group. Their migrations are forced by wars that should have never happened to begin with. It really just takes ONE look at history to see that a place which used to be relatively peaceful suddenly when to shit at one specific point in time: creation of Israël.
Everything else follows from that: dictatorships, coup d'états, massacres, endless wars. You can always go back up and find the CIA somewhere, and if you keep digging, somehow shit is realted to Israël's defense strategy.
Netanyahu plans to create millions of Arab Muslim refugees and then dump them all on Europe and North America.
suez canal is owned by the egyptian government you nigger.
Jews fund and run most of the NGOs that promote open borders and mass immigration of third-worlders to Europe and North America.
>old torture psyop of muslims
wow thats an oldie.
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Fuck you worthless existence, pigskin. You only exist to give decent people an example of what a worthless pigskin is, and to give your Jewrat masters a steady supply of pigskin and other goy kids to molest and kill

God made you so you can give him a reason to dislike you, fucking pigskin trash
I would rather blame a murderer/rapist more than the one who opened the door for him. Basic logic.
Even so-called conservative jews like Ben Shapiro want to flood White nations with non-White immigrants.
>Netanyahu plans

lmfao that retard doesn’t plan shit. jews would like it if they could ethnically cleanse Gaza, but it ain’t gonna work this time.
They don't. Muslims are liberals and/or socialists plus terrorism. Research Iranian politics and you'll understand. Research Lebanese politics. Research any democratic Muslim nation's politics like Pakistan.
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Your women would rather spread their legs then let an innocent Russian become a rapist. I like your logic

Oh, but those Muslims!!!!
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Well that's a new level of PIGSKIN retardation
I understand you from the standpoint that a christian should love the sinner, and Muslims are more sinful than Jews even though Jews killed Christ.
Then be prepared for more murderers and rapists to flood into your country, since you apparently don't want to stop the tribe that's busy letting them in.
Finland gets the refugees if jews manage to ethnically cleanse Gaza. Newcomer to NATO has to suck the trash up.

Don’t think it’s gonna work though. Nobody feels sorry for the Jews anymore, holocaust propaganda doesn’t work anymore.
Who do Muslim vote for? Are not Muslim "traditional" parties socialist in economics? Totalitarian? Do you deny it?
The man who opens the door is the bigger problem in a purely physical sense, if the murderers are many and all go through the same door. You are right. But the murderer has objectively more blood on his hands. Do you deny it?
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That's a good goy! The Jews that believe "Jesus is in hell in boiling excrement and Mary was a prostitute that let a Roman called Pantera creampie her" are less sinners than the Muslims that refer to Jesus as "Word of God"
>Who do Muslim vote for?
Your mother's pink pussy. Why don't you tell us more about it? I'm sure it's no issue for you
Literally all parties are socialist. Capitalists don't have political parties. Communists don't have a democracy.
Kikes themselves admit they feel safer in "diverse" societies. Diverse societies are easier to rule over. Divide and Conquer is an old but extremely effective tactic.
Nah they just don't like being outnumbered by the host nation. Thats why jews always open up the borders. Its all a scam.
Actions speak louder than words. The tales of early Islam are now well translated into English, anyone can read how the early Muslims fought christians and forbade them from baptizing their children. That was a treaty in the early wars of Islam between the Muslims and a christian tribe in Arabia.>>472837762
False. There is always at least one capitalist party in any actually free democracy. Not so in the Muslim world. There are no far-right, or capitalist parties in the Muslim world that aren't liberal.
It doesn’t take a PhD to see that Jews are going to fail at ethnically cleansing Gaza. They are casualty-averse faggots, over-promoted in most cases, and 15% of their young male population are recalcitrant ultra orthodox spergs who will never serve in the military, but will consistently advocate for the most belligerent and antagonistic policies with regards to their Arab neighbors— who outnumber Jews 10 to 1…

It’s Jewver. Israel won’t exist in 20 years.
/nupol/'s desperate to screech until you think otherwise, but their voice has been giving out as they succeed in convincing the world of the opposite.
Ive met a lot of Jews in my life. Never have they been as rude as you. Very nice in fact. Nice people, pleasant.
>But the murderer has objectively more blood on his hands. Do you deny it?
Both have blood on their hands. If I hire a hitman to kill my neighbor, who's guilty of murder, me or the hitman? Obviously the answer is both. Which one should my neighbor's children hate more?
Capitalists don't lobby together for each other. They lobby to make themselves richer. You can call it a political party if you want but they really don't give a shit about each other.
This is not the correct comparison. Hitman would be if Jews produced propaganda outlets and magazines and channels in Muslim countries that produce terrorism. But Jews obviously don't do such stupid unimaginably idiotic things. Contrary to what you might believe, Jews have nothing to do with islamic terrorism.
Am I the only one who blames white people for EVERY WHITE COMPLAINT
Like if it bothers you so much how come you people just let it happen???
Id rather have that than any socialist fundamental Muslim party any day. Or liberal fundamental party that asks the UN for gibs and peace.
They're going to try (again) to get their big dumb golem Uncle Sam to do the fighting for them. I don't think they'll succeed this time, but they're sure as hell going to try.
Sure... Everyone is just looking to get richer nobody gives a shit about anything else. Sounds like heaven.
Sand niggers don't run every crucial institution in America you dirty kike
Never happened this way. Capitalists will maybe be really greedy but they will produce a culture where they feel welcomed and at home and capitalism is ten times better than any other economic policy. Freedom above all.
>I've met a lot of Jews in my life.
I bet you have, Menachem.
Hah. That's funny. Met two young students from Israel, they were here for studying. And one of them had a picture of the holy virgin as a necklace. But they said if they converted to Christianity their families would think they're weird and I nodded in agreement and understanding.
OEF vet here. it was normal to see 2 or 3 sand niggers taking turns fucking a donkey. kid fucking was extremely common too. it was a huge problem on the police bases. the local shitskins were given weapons, uniforms, money, a base, and would spend their days doing opium and raping 5-10 year old boys. they kept a couple of boys on hand at every base. the boys were made to serve drinks and drugs to the men and were randomly butt fucked or forced to suck cock.

they would walk around, chests puffed up and looking proud, but when a fight broke out they were absolutely useless. no matter how we trained them, how hard we drilled them, they would lay into the trigger and just dump rounds at nothing - because to them they're showing how "powerful" they are to scare off the enemy. they didn't seem to understand the concept of sights, or at least didn't care. a good chunk of them would just find cover and hide.

running drills was a nightmare too. simple things like doing an exerecise on a 1-2-3-1 count was next to impossible. they couldn't grasp the concept or stay in time with one another. unruly, in disciplined, lazy, and worst of all - kid fucking drug addicts.

then you realize that all of these young men you've been working with were raised being ass fucked by their older brothers/cousins/teachers/etc and suddenly it makes sense why it's a shitshow over there. child rape, animal rape, etc. is legit common place over there.

PB commanders would have the rank and file guys syphon gas from the fuel reserves on their base and sell it at market. they would break down concrete barriers and take the rebar out to sell or reinforce their collapsing homes. weapons and ammunition would go missing too and they seemed to lack the mental capacity for basic vehicle maintenance.

goatfuckastan and the rest of the arab world would be fucking glassed. all of it. ALL OF IT. the world gains nothing by letting these backwards, barbaric people exist.
Nigger, they (along with the CIA) created and fund ISIS and al Qaeda. You JIDF idiots are getting desperate because almost everyone under boomer age sees through your stupid bullshit. The writing's on the wall: Israel's days are numbered. Bye bye, Mordecai.
Jesus, you kike shills are so obvious.
this ^^^
Don't forget to nuke Israel, too, while you're at it. Backstabbers need to be wiped out.
>Am I the only one who hates sandniggers more than Jews?
In US? you should hate Mexicans there, Sand-Niggers are a problem in Europe, mostly.
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Israel is a safe haven for jewish pedophiles who are wanted criminals in other countries.

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Case in point: Bryan Singer, a Hollywood pedo jew on the run from the law, hiding out in Israel, where he's protected.

Israel is crawling with these wanted criminals. Israel protects them because they are jews and therefore are immune to goyim laws.
Nice try. Nobody with brains in his head believes this conspiracy shit nonsense. And even if they created Al Qaeda, the culture was already present. You can't create such a culture and Israel didn't do that. They would have received funding from somewhere regardless.
>nobody believes this happened
>okay maybe it did happen, but it would have happened anyway, even if we hadn't instigated it
You're the gift that keeps on giving, Ari.
Jews can't physically type the words holy virgin. Fact checked truth nuke.
Who told you the Jews created Al Qaeda?
No. I am with you.
pretty much, yeah

Is that why Capitalists need non stop immigration, war and fake viruses?

yeah, you can add Israel to my list of places to make glass.

one more thing about those fucking shitskins in goatfuckastan; want to meet up with the PB commander at 1500? prepare for him to arrive up to 2 hours late, because being "on time" isn't a cultural norm for them. Trying to get info from an informant? prepare to spend 2-3 hours just bullshitting, giving him tea and cakes and treating him like royalty. it's like that with anything over there. they won't "get down to business" they expect you to host them, entertain them, bullshit them, and if you try to cut to the chase they get offended and might leave without telling you a single thing of importance. it takes hours of conversation before you learn anything, and they'll never just SAY what the fuck they're there to say. they sprinkle in little bits of it over time. it's absolutely infuriating to deal with them.

goddamn fucking shit I'm getting worked up just thinking about those ugly shitstains. I hate everything about that place. the landscape is an eye sore, their clothing, buildings, music, food, EVERYTHING about them makes my skin crawl.
And you are getting desperate because no one buys the moderate/radical islam lie anymore. Everyone is sick of Mudslimes.
They are the same
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There's plenty of hate to go around for all sorts of people.
That's not capitalism. Pure capitalism needs a stable native population growth. What you said is the cabal tikkun olam qabbalah sabateans at work. Capitalism is older than those problems. You believe literally in the communist propaganda of the idea of late stage capitalism or something??
>psycho glowie gf never ever
Probably. /pol/ is extremely pro-Muslim because most of the posters with European flags are Muslim invaders. It’s extremely obvious with any Nordic country.
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>should I hate [group that hates white people] more than [group that also hates white people]
Is that why the governments bail out capitalists because capitalism is so effective on its own?
>yeah, you can add Israel to my list of places to make glass
Cool. Let's do it.
Capitalism would be letting those big banks crash and letting smaller banks grow bigger thanks to that process. That is true capitalism. Again, tikkun olam.
Ok so what you are saying is what we have isn't true capitalism. And true capitalism doesn't really exist in the world? Reminds me of what commies say. I have always suspected that hardcore capitalists were just commies in disguise. During Americas first civil war there were a ton of wealthy Capitalists who were admitted communists.
No, Ari, I want White nations to remain White. Simple as. Sandniggers need to stay in their shitty little countries and kikes need to hang from a gibbet for trying to turn White nations into third-world-tier shitholes via mass immigration.
>sandniggers more than Jews?
These are two separate entities now? Jews are just another brand of arab
Of course it's true capitalism. But it is true capitalism PLUS tikkun olam. Communism is pure tikkun olam. Capitalism without the tikkun olam would be 19th century free america. You hate your own country and her values?
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Ok then let the kikes bomb the shit out of Arabs and once they're done we'll deal with kikes.
probably, since you're a jew
just a guess, but a pretty safe one desu
Also you're 100% a fucking Mudslime. Mudslime wanted to invade white countries long before kikes had any muscle.
>Don't you realize all the crying towards the UN and the American and western governments to stop evil Israel is globohomo?
Incorrect, Israel is globohomo capital and you're a dirty kike
They're more devious than sandniggers. Ashkenazi jews' White admixture allows them to blend in better with Whites, which in turn allows them to do more damage to us before we finally notice.
>Muslims are more sinful than Jews even though Jews killed Christ
You're such a colossal kike and simply cant stop outing yourself
Islam has been the enemy of Europe since its creation. It’s nothing new. Anyone that’s glosses over that fact is a mudslime themselves employing taqqiya. Plenty of them on here.
>once they're done we'll deal with kikes.
It never happens that way, though. The kikes are deeply embedded in our government and society. Continuing to let them have their way only embeds them deeper. I'm not fighting any more wars for ZOG, thank you very much.
>if Jews produced propaganda outlets and magazines and channels in Muslim countries that produce terrorism. But Jews obviously don't do such stupid unimaginably idiotic things. Contrary to what you might believe, Jews have nothing to do with islamic terrorism.
Top kek Moshe, the retards educating and funding the terrorists have nothing to do with them?
>It never happens that way, though.
They fucking leveled Gaza. Are you stupid or something?
Yes. Women from the middle east are the only ones who want to be tradwives and retard pol hates them instead obsessing over Asians and Latinas.
Look at it this way, Islam is Europes enemy, great, we both agree, but jews are the parasite from within that we need to weed out from our midst. They are just as much our enemies as Muslims.
The CIA leaks like a sieve
Yes. Where did the terrorists grow up? With their terrorist fathers and mother's and older brothers and sisters. Not with Mossad. Mossad isn't baby care center where they breed terrorists wtf. This is not how this works. They don't breed terrorists. The terrorist parents breed and raise terrorists.
Lol. Türkinnen und andere Kanackenweiber sind absolute Huren. Sobald Papa die Mädels nicht mehr an der Leine haty wird nur noch rumgehurt.
Jews have their own homeland now. They should all reside in Israel.
>/pol/ is extremely pro-Muslim
I'm 100% White (English and Irish ancestry) and an agnostic. I'm a White Nationalist who wants non-Whites out of White countries. Jews are every bit our enemies as any towelheaded sandniggers. Expel them both.
It gets better. Whenever we complain about immigrants doing shit here, they say "the Jews sent them to Europe!". Let's just say that was true, is that a reason to behave like absolute subhumans in Europe, raping little girls n shit? On that basis one could argue that the Vietnamese were sent to the West by kike politics as well and yet I don't see them being subhuman criminals over here.
They should but they don't you retarded ape. Israel is just the planning headquarter for Jews that they can run to if they get badly caught meddling around the world. The powerful jews in israel are mostly the European ones. Without Europe, Israel dies and with Israel, Europe dies. The answer is to cut off the jews from influencing Europe and the US and letting them fend for themselves in israel.
>They don't breed terrorists. The terrorist parents breed and raise terrorists.
Which is it? Why say Mossad simultaneously breeds terrorrists and so doesn't in the same sentence?
And yes, radical islam is a direct answer to imperialist zionism. You attacked people in their homes, in their countries, and blamed them for existing
But who will subvert your country then goy? I say we let browns who want to be Jews toil in israel until greater Israel spawns and we have destroyed all your nations so we look better than you

*Rubs hands*
You used a translator or else you wouldn't have capitalized "White". Russian bot? Kek
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Begone shitskin, I cant wait law of the jungle period
From middle eastern point of view at least, the westerners raped and pillaged their countries so why would they suddenly feel empathy towards raping western girls and destroying their families like theirs were destroyed? Had Europe and specifically the UK not wrecked the region for their own interests, Muslims would be an easily identifiable competitor like Russians are.. But we needed their oil for our industries and we're paying the price. The inability to digest this natural reaction suggests you're a low IQ retard that should further work on who his enemies are
Probably Andrew Tate KEK
>Are you stupid or something?
No, but apparently you are. Either that or you're a kike shill. Israel's campaign in Gaza is just creating lots more Arab Muslim refugees that their jewish cousins will let into our nations. It's an old stratagem but a very effective one, as you well know, Moishe.
Ape? You’re a brown little manlet. Shut the fuck up you mudslime sympathiser. Israel is killing mudslimes as we speak. I hope they wipe them all out
>Muslims would be an easily identifiable competitor
Yeah people with an IQ that hovers around the mid 70s would definitely be a competitor. They’re inbred goat fuckers that haven’t done shit. Delusional shitskin
Nice how you deflect any mention of jews as a threat. You're definitely not a schizophrenic kike.
I capitalize White but leave jew and black in lower case. You must be new to this board.
>From middle eastern point of view at least, the westerners raped and pillaged their countries so why would they suddenly feel empathy towards raping western girls and destroying their families like theirs were destroyed?
FUCK OFF mudslime. I knew you were gonna say this which is why I brought up vietnam. Vietnam has suffered FAR worse atrocities than any Arab country and yet they don't behave like subhumans. On the other hand, Mudslimes have destroyed Europe far before we did any shit on a global level. Look at what they did to the Balkans. They islamized Albanians and Bosnians and turnt it into a shit hole. Tell me, how the fuck are kikes or us at fault for this?
No, you’re a smelly little Muslim rat.
Absolutely truth nuked dude. I agree 100%.
Jews can only survived by parasiting goys.
They well never stop doing their tricks
It's just incorrect English you larping faggot and you know it. Don't even act as if capitalizing white would be some kind of slang on this Kyrgyzstani cooking board because it isn't.
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But you are a jew
"hurr durr my enemies that held states for centuries and had sewage system when we were throwing our shit from the window are retarded"
That argument would work on no contact civilisations like the abbos or Africans. It doesn't work on a people that are at the heart of the world trade and for a long period were as big and bad if not more dominant than the Romans you'll cry about in a minute.
Muslims dindu nuffin. They was good boys, never rapin and pillagin. Wypipo and they Jewish massas to blame for all dat. They brainwashed the Muslims and forced they hand. It all Jews and wypipo fault
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>muh colonialism
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Jews want White people to die for Israel much like the global war on terror after 9/11.
> yet they don't behave like
They managed to kick the invaders out. Arabs are still to this day getting drone striked in their homes to defend Israel and the oil theft.
Are you really comparing those retards to the Roman Empire? Fucking delusional mudslime lmao
Yeh probably. Jews are the reason Arabs are here in the first place so you're a bit of a retard.
Oh sweet jesus, a copium mine
Dont side whites with jews, kike
Why are there no vietnamese terrorists? Why are there no north Korean terrorists? America warred with both those nations and never have I heard of a vietnamese terror organization. Think. Why do only goatfuckers plan terrorist attacks on the west? Why don't the sub-saharan Africans, whose nations they themselves think got "looted" by the west? Hm? You see that this is not a reason to justify bad behaviour?
Colonialism was a disaster for 99% of Whites
yes. Im afraid i do.
You know you've lost when you're reduced to kvetching about the fine points of orthography on a Merovingian cribbage-enthusiasts' forum, Ari.
The only person coping is yourself. Imagine comparing inbred goat fuckers to the Romans lol. Inbred arabs haven’t invented anything. Nothing but their faggot cult
Then get the fuck out. Lol.
Funnily enough it’s Muslims who do that. Referring to Israelis as European colonisers.
America still got their boot on Arab countries for the benefit of Israel and oil. North Koreans can't travel anywhere and again, they are at least independent. Meanwhile the US and Israel test their weapons on the middle east while funding terrorist groups that end up jumping in Europe to keep gullible retards like you drooling at the thought of dying for Israel. Kys kike

You definetly were dishonourably discharged after doing your basic training. And if you didn't, how does it feel having 20+ years go to waste in Afghanistan, eh Moshe?
Muslims belong in their own countries. Jews are responsible for them coming here. Jews control our politicians, corporations, MSM, hollywood, academia and financial institutions. The Great Replacement is our governments policy. If you dont want racial foreigners in your country, jews must be removed from power. What jews would rather you do instead is ally with them against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Whites are supposed to fight for their ethnostate while they prevent us from having one. Pic related here is an Israeli politician demanded the West accept Muslims from the land jews want for themselves.
At the end of the day all I know is western support for Israel won’t stop and the rest of the mudslimes in the Middle East won’t do shit but cry about it on the internet because their countries are under the western boot. Israelis will continue to eradicate Islam from their lands and nobody will do shit about it. You know it’s true, I know it’s true, everyone knows it’s true. And it’s a good thing
Tell me, do not evade the question. Does Israel have the ability to make people into terrorists? Like, they just go to these camps as normal friendly totally not radical Muslims and come out as Osama? Hahahaha.

Ohohoho, unusually confident are we now, moshe?

Of course Israel created them, ISIS apologized to Israel after misfiring a rocket in their land. Keep in mind they didn't apologize after any of their other attacks.
I don't hate Jewish people and I don't use that word to refer to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Neither would I call that woman a hero for torturing random civilians.
No one here says that or believes that. We say that these savages wouldn't be a problem for us if they stayed in their own shitty countries. But Shlomo and his minions keep pushing for open borders in our nations and flooding us with these violent monkeys. Yes, the monkeys are a problem. But so are the kikes who keep opening the floodgates. Kill the kikes, deport the monkeys, problem solved.
If you have a disease should you hate the symptoms or the cause of the symptoms
Simply enough we wouldnt have muslims if we didnt have jews.

Islam is a symptom of Judaism
They don’t stay in their countries. They never have. If they weren’t trying to conquer Europe they were enslaving people. Stop trying to excuse their behaviour. This is basic fucking history. With or without Jews muslims have always been a problem. And they always will be
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ISIS-K, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are a CIA/Mossad operation. Can you see how Israel would benefit from terrorist attacks on their supposed allies? Americans are tired of forever wars in the Middle East. How do you get the public to support a war on behalf of Israel?
Weak theory with no grounds dude. Wow. They apologized to Israel. So? Did they sign an agreement pact? They simply said, sorry guys, but we want to kill you later. Mossad is definitely playing six thousand D chess. Fund the terrorist group so they can invade your own country in ten years. Lol dude what?
>sandniggers more than sandniggers
anon what?
Nope man no stop this nonsense. Nobody profits from terrorism except terrorists. Israel literally gets bombed by Hezbollah. So they funded Hezbollah too? Every Islamic terrorist group in the world is funded by Mossad? Come on now.
Hezbollah isn't an islamist terrorist group. In fact neither is taliban.
It's well known israel supported islamist terrorists, it's even written on jewkipidia.
Shut up Austrian nigger. Home of the original leader.
>Israelis will continue to eradicate Islam from their lands by getting Americans to fight their wars for them via false-flag operations, bribery, and blackmail.
Fix that for you, "Nigel".
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Isn't it our governments responsibility to stop them from coming in? Why are you excusing the governments behavior? If they cant maintain an ethnically homogenous, healthy nation then our government is illegitimate. What political solution are we supposed to infer from your advice? Tell us the best way to stop Muslims and other immigrants from coming in to our countries.
Fine. They funded terrorists. But that doesn't mean they can create an entire paradigm, a world ideology, in a bunch of foreign nations. How is that even possible? It would have to span every single Muslim country in the world. Remember even Muslims from Europe and america joined Isis. So Israel is this magical force that can change the entire Muslim world from peaceful prayerful hajjis to suicide bombers? Really?
Sink their boats and shoot them when they try to cross the murder. Simple as. Only good mudslime is a dead one
If after 22 years you still see Muslims as anything other than a symptom of the disease you are a low IQ retard. Like if there were bears everywhere attacking people daily and killing children on the way to school we would come together as a society and say welp time to hunt them to extinction. Anyone opposing TBD would be viewed with extreme skepticism and their motivation questioned.
I never implied that tho. Funding people that hate you for valid reasons to give them the means to attack you slightly so you keep gullible retards in line with the horrible things you do to those people isn't the same as brainwashing people into hating their enemies.
Conveniently they leave out how much funding Saudi Arabia gives to certain causes in the west, the building of mosques is one, NGOs another. But it’s all the Jews lol.
>They don’t stay in their countries. They never have
Thanks largely to jewish organizations lobbying for open borders and to ZOG wars creating millions of refugees for these jewish organizations to let in to our nations. See >>472837246 and >>472837279
When you hate both so much there is no way that you could ever hate anything more than that, then come back to us.
Netanyahu admitted 9/11 was good for Israel. Terrorist attacks on America and Europe is good for Israel because it creates support for them. Hezbollah is a nationalist military fighting for their homeland against the worst neighbors you could possibly imagine. Also you can look up leaked emails to Hilary Clinton where a state agent admits "Al-Qaeda is our side in Syria."
You start, kike
Before Jewish lobbying they were trying to conquer Europe. History doesn’t start last week
Okay. So we agree that Israel did fund terrorists, then what is the disagreement? >>472842159
Sure Jews are filthy vile creatures but the Muslims are somehow even worse. The killer and the man who simply opened the door. We had this before already.

Kill all jews first, then we can talk later.
Let me know when Saudi Arabia acts against a US/Israel ally
They tried long ago and failed. For the last three centuries they've been a stagnant backwater that wasn't a problem for us until kikes got their hooks in us, created Israel and started using us to fight their wars for them and use us as a dumping ground for their displaced enemies.


You both definetly know eachother, same opinions, same writing style.

What they say about those Hasbara operations may not be a bunch of hot air afterall.
Yeah Saudi Arabia is overall pretty based.
It’s all Hebraic prostitution to me. Fuck them all and fuck you.

You're a fool. Who can't even be consistent in his beliefs.
Maybe you should argue with reason and logic instead of mirroring the hive mind /pol/ shill that shill this manner of speaking.
Shifty kikes can't keep 2 thoughts consistent with each other without revealing their filthy nature
Again, who's worse, the hitman or the person who hires him? Both need to be hanged.
They do the same shit as with WN. Find some mentally ill loners and give them weapons and amp them up and gaslight them. It's not complicated.
We created Israel actually, and it was some of the best foreign policy we’ve ever pulled off.
Tell me why a christian should side with Muslims over Jews when Muslims in the early stages literally forbade Christians from baptizing their babies.
And I repeat myself again. It's not a hitman. It's a gun salesman. And another Jew opened the door. But the act of murder is on the murderers hands.
You can't pull that off with an entire generation of regular dudes.

Unlike you I do speak with reason and logic, perhaps I shall remind you about the time you denied the fact that Israel funded ISIS and then did a 180, proceeding to say the opposite.
That's their entire reason for existing. They do everything they can for israel that they can get away with without getting killed by their own people.
Okay. They didn't. That's why things like ISIS are a tiny hated minority in the ME
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only the dumbest of good goys hate arabs more than the kid-bombers.

the oldest churches in the middle east are in muslim countries. let that sink in to your brainwashed good goy head
Look above, on one instance he says Saudi Arabia funds mosques and terrorism, and then says Saudi Arabia is based. The kike just says whatever he sees can help him make his filthy jewrat point. But his own kikery exposes him.
There’s no smoke without fire. Muslims joined ISIS willingly as they truly do believe in a jihad against Europe. Plenty of mudslimes from the UK joined ISIS, they weren’t coerced into doing so, they simply truly believed in the establishment of a caliphate and the destruction of the kuffar.
Their desperation is comical. I can't see anyone but senile boomers buying their shtick.

You don't have any evidence for that, because I know for a fact that Egypt, Syria and Palestine remained majority Christian until respectively 900-1200AD~

Iran itself was 40~% Zoroastrian even during the 1000's-1100's~
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So where do you differ in your solution to this problem? What political change would you have me make in light of this information? I can see that US troops will soon be sent to war with Hezbollah and Iran on behalf of Israel. I contend that fighting wars for Israel is antithetical to White Nationalism and more likely to bring Muslims to the West.
Yeah but that doesn't devalue my points and arguments. The killer is worse than the gun salesman and the door opener.
Let me remind you, there were thousands of fighters in those ranks. Like, a lot of people. Vastly different from lone wolf white nationalists.
Why do jews always tell you to attack the collaborator but never the jews they collaborate with?

You kikes murdered Soliemani, the guy with more ISIS kills than anybody. I don't believe you when you say you think ISIS is a problem. Their your proxy group.
Selling a gun and opening a door to someone you know hates the person behind the door is Jewish kikery at its best.

My only regret is these are probably bots we're spending time showing how retarded they are.
Oh hi there Moishe, I see you are working an extra shift in the shilling factory.
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I like when you admit this here because you lose all credibility. Supporting an ethnostate for Israel while jews destroy White ethnic homogeneity is stupid, unless you're jewish.
I'm sorry to tell you but I read it myself, in English. You can Google it. I don't want to waste my time because it is just fact. Then you will just say oh that's unreliable. C'mon man it's in the hadiths or Sirah or whatever.
Okay but it's the same dynamic and without kikes it's literally not my problem. It's a jewish proxy group and I'm not fighting the people who hate them, like Iran and Palestine, instead of the kikes who heal them in hospitals and use them to attack Whites and also destabilize the ME so they can send more refugees here.
The root of the problem is jewish power. It needs to end. Simple as.
I’m Catholic actually. And no, I didn’t kill soleimeni or whatever his name is. I’m just giving you basic facts. Muslims believe in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate and the destruction of the kuffar. And it’s quite evident due to the fact they all joined up to ISIS willingly. No form of taqqiya can convince anyone otherwise.
If they're so incompetent, why did they beat you?
buttfucking your kike overlords since the dawn of time - picrel
A jew will import sand niggers to your country, town and neighborhood. You lack the ability to abstract cause and effect if you hate the latter more than the former. Ben Shapiro is counting on your inadequacy.
Probably, the reason there's sandniggers in my country is because of Jews controlling the world, otherwise they'd be fucking goats and raping each other without bothering us and we'd live in peace
The guilt for the act of murder is shared by the killer and the one who put him up to it. This is both law and common sense. Everyone except 80-year-old FOX News addicts knows that jews push for open borders in White nations. Everyone except these same senile boomers knows that 9/11 was a false-flag operation to benefit Israel and the MIC. The jig is up.
You were terrorized into it. Jews killed your soldiers and their families during WW2 and your zionist government cucked.
did AIPAC send you, OP?
They're both equally shit. Muslims are shitty by volume, jews(lowercase because race isn't a proper noun) are shitty by quality of action. The US should just let them nuke each other of the face of the planet and then claim their natural resources in the aftermath.
The Taliban were fighting the gay drugged up Northern Alliance homos the West put in charge and was recruiting from.
You need to think like a plumber. When you have a big leak in your pipe, do you not throw out the pipe? Instead of just removing the water that keeps flowing through the weak spot? There must come change from within. To change mass immigration laws. I don't say don't focus on the Jews. Focus on the Jews. Don't let them rule over your country. And yes, fighting for Israel isn't really a cool thing but the regime change that will inevitably happen if Iran and Hezbollah get defeated will bring more prosperity to these countries for sure and then they will become westernized, and liberalized to a healthy extent, and then no more terrorism. It's that simple. And in the meantime you will have dealt with the Jews at home by curbing their power and letting no immigrants into your nation anymore.
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Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet. Jews believe Jesus is burning in excrement and that he's the son of a Roman soldier. I'm not even making a religious argument though. Jews control America through racial collectivism and the Great Replacement is about getting rid of White people. My argument is that jews do not deserve to rule White countries and should be removed from power. Jews are bad for Whites of every religious persuasion.
>The US should just let them nuke each other
Which US? It's owned by kikes
Of course it is and I know. But I keep repeating myself. The killer. Is. Worse.
Self-pwnage is a beautiful and hilarious thing to behold, especially when it's low-iq kike shills self-pwning.
>I hate the symptoms more than the cause
No I don't actually believe you are that retarded.
No. The guy deliberately providing the means of killing to the killer is worse
Okay that is correct. I agree. But the guilt for the whole terrorism is on the Muslims and not on the Jews, that is the point I'm trying to make. Because the killer is worse than the guy who sold him a gun.
This is what Muslims believe. Their “”god”” allah also know as the great deceiver, despises Christ. They deny that he was the Son of God. They deny quite a lot about Christ actually, all the important parts.
Nope that is what literally every white person thinks. Arabs are like a nigger jew and Mexican all rolled into one
But that's the problem. The Jews didn't as I repeatedly said itt, put the terrorists up to it. The other anons agreed now, that you can't gaslight an entire battalion of terrorists. They can't go into a camp normal and get out Osama. That has never happened. They are set up by their own culture and society.
You literally cannot do a fucking thing about immigration without replacing jewish power. That's the issue.
All forms of jewish political power has to go. Especially israel.
Jews got a bunch of Whites to fight each other in WW2. You're such a bad jew apologist.
>1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration
that's the jewish communist labor party that lost power to likud retard, likud is from lithuanian/poland and they allied with polish nationalist against russain horde in ww2 with the help of italy/germans, where the stern gang got training and inspiration to create a facist state of Israel

>USS liberty
LBJ with his naval lefty generals send a intelligence gathering operation to capture mean likud treating leftist egyptians under nassar a fucking beatdown to give to jewyorktimes to run hit pieces in the media, so likud loses favor and labor party can gain power in israel once again

it's all so tiresome
Nah sand niggers are genuinely despicable people
What you "believe" is irrelevant since Muslims in the earliest days of the entire expansion forbade a tribe of christians from baptizing their children and Jews talk big shit, but no action follows except the occasional abduction and blood libel which is one fraction of what today Muslims are doing in Europe.
There it is
>they dindu nuffin. Muslims wuz good boys. It was le ebil Jew that brainwashed them into hating Europe
So tiresome
my hatred for jews and sandniggers is like a jacob's ladder. You can twist it and either one can be at the top.
That is not how any laws see it anywhere in the world though.
Israel has actually the opposite effect. But Israel will definitely be destroyed since that was mentioned in the protocols of Zion.
We have half as many muslims than jews here so yes. You are quite literally retarded and somehow still running on 9/11 brainwashing in 2024.
How did they get in Europe, Rajesh?
>sustained relentless propaganda, massive funding of subversive movements & controlled opposition groups, false-flag attacks, and bribing, blackmailing, and assassinating leaders can't possibly make people do things we want them to do
Simply this.
Um so you deny free will? You believe humans have no personal accountability??
How are you planning on doing it though?
You are 110% a mudslime. And that’s my hand you inbred sandnigger. With the help of God Israel destroys as much of you vermin as they can
You don’t grab a snake and expect not to get bitten and humans are not removed from natural laws. It’s just simple cause and effect.
Dude Israel will be annihilated. It has been planned in the protocols 150 years ago.
>LBJ with his naval lefty generals
LOL. LBJ was either the biggest shabbos goy that ever lived or he was a crypto jew himself.

>Research into Johnson's personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America. According to Gomolak, Aunt Jessie had nurtured LBJ's commitment to befriending Jews for 50 years. As a young boy, Lyndon watched his politically active grandfather "Big Sam" and father "Little Sam" seek clemency for Leo Frank, the Jewish victim of a blood libel in Atlanta.

>The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnson’s great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. These were the grandparents of Lyndon’s mother, Rebecca Baines. Their names were John S. Huffman and Mary Elizabeth Perrin. John Huffman’s mother was Suzanne Ament, a common Jewish name. Perrin is also a common Jewish name. Huffman and Perrin had a daughter, Ruth Ament Huffman, who married Joseph Baines and together they had a daughter, Rebekah Baines, Lyndon Johnson’s mother. The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.’

>Congressman Johnson used legal and sometimes illegal methods to smuggle “hundreds of Jews into Texas, using Galveston as the entry port.

>Johnson raised a very “substantial sum for arms for Jewish underground fighters in Palestine.

By the way, LBJ's mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a former Irgun terrorist and almost certainly his Mossad handler:


Motherfucker was controlled by kikes.

The attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation.
Lol, you’re such a butthurt sperg
As long as they go down taking out as many mudslimes as possible that’s a win in my book
Man is not comparable to animals in this way. Man has the power of logic and morals.
Have to agree.
jewish claws typed this post
>What you "believe" is irrelevant
If you genuinely thought that you wouldn't be talking to him
Well, when you believe something that doesn't hold activity in reality.. is it worth anything? Muh Jesus is the messiah BUT HES NOT THE SON OF GOD. Awesome. So he's not the messiah.

If I can google it easily, then you can too. And you haven't, because you don't have any evidence for it.
Don't worry about it, Moshe.
But it hardly involves going easy on kikes as they're completely alienating everyone. Every iota of bad PR for jews is a win. Every problem they have takes up resources they'd otherwise use against us. Every single wasted second of jewish time is time they no longer have.
I dont care about religious nonsense. I'm pointing out that you care what he thinks.
“Logic and morals” don’t erase natural laws. I don’t believe we can think our way out of fate.
>The Jews didn't as I repeatedly said itt, put the terrorists up to it.
Israel aids and heals ISIS. Nobody is falling for this.
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<laughs in Black Hawk Down>
Die in your penis cage
Natural laws don't force people into choosing evil over good.>>472844921
You are denying the existence of free will. Glad we could go down to the bottom of it. Muslims are to you animals with no agency. They act like monkeys who rape and kill other monkeys. What an unspiritual worldview.
I swear on my mom's grave, I read it myself from a researcher pdf with real sources going back to Islam.
Your mother is pretty fucked then, considering you're blatantly lying over her bones :-D
I’m not spiritual and I don’t think people are above animals. I don’t understand how you can look at the constant depravity of people and think we are some higher beings.
Okay whatever you want to say about some philosophy shit. Not interesting or relevant. No part of that solves any practical real world stuff. I care about the real world, and in reality groups like ISIS are just proxies for jewish interests.
The real world is transient and lasts only for a moment. The spiritual is eternal and lasts forever. No civilization that made a lasting impact cared a lot about the real world as much as people today. Not nearly as much.
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lmao muslims are fucking pathetic
>Sock puppets talking to each other
>Am I the only one who hates sandniggers more than Jews?

No, you're not.

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