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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

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feels good being a 6'4 aussie chad and not an ugly little muslim loser....
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thx for bread
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American engineering
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thanks for the bread!
Ukrainian political scientist Vladimir Fesenko, close to the president’s office:

“Ukraine will not lose the war, even if it loses part of its territories, because it still has the main territories, the capital has not been captured, and it also has access to the sea.”

As our channel has already written, Zelensky will prepare the “Z peace formula” #2. Preparations for this began almost immediately after the failed summit in Switzerland.

It seems that the overdue one received a command to freeze the conflict and try to drag Russia into the “peace plan” according to the West, and he began to prepare public opinion for this.

However, we must clearly understand that this is another attempt to preserve this regime in Ukraine. And this pro-government political scientist is right - if the conflict is frozen by wrapping it in a beautiful “wrapper”, without completing the work started, then in 3-5-10 years everything will repeat itself, only in an even worse scenario for us. The remnants of the population will finally be brainwashed by propaganda, inserting heroic theses about victory over the enemy, a new generation of cannon fodder will grow up, but only more Russophobic. During this time, the West will pump Ukraine up with weapons, but will do it thoroughly, adjusted for the accumulated experience.

Then again military actions with the motivation to return Crimea and Donbass and bring Russia to its knees. All this will be much more cruel and bloody.

Therefore, from our point of view, there is only unconditional surrender. In all other scenarios, we are doomed to repeat current events.

Let us not return to yet another treaty agreement, which ultimately proved its ineffectiveness.

>this is true, if cucktin signs another peace deal, it means he's a traitor
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So this thread is just going to ignore the death of this Russian woman? Like it never happened? I'm starting to understand why Russians are subhuman.
Turns out the turret is also a blast panel huh. Wasn't that "proof" of how shitty Russian tanks were? Ya know, turret tossing?
>Tomahawks. There's nothing else it could be.
We don't have enough information to say that.
>The Australian Federal Police agent commonly known as 'Bustanutguy' has been here since 2012 or so. He uses the same four or five short scripts. His only real change has been adding child porn and baby gore to his repertoire, but the texts remain the same.
Also a brown kike who wishes so badly he was white
So what are they? Ayyliums?
she dies???
God damn those old soviet cars were sexy as fuck
chug has a "ignore bad news" policy, they won't care
why are you assuming their/them gender, chud?
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People die in a war
Also why amerimutts killed 1 mln iraqi children???
dont feed the troll
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looks like the 47th mechanized is unable to stop the advance (again)
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i just wanna see the proof
Okaay we are busted. They are Kalibr missiles ewuiped with time machines. Or just a bunch of Tomahawks programmed to fly in formation to approach their targets.
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>We don't have enough information to say that.
Yes we do.
Look in the detailed breakdown for weapons used and their performance.
TLAM is Tomahawk Land Attack Missile.
Iraq didn't have anything comparable so there you go.
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2 weeks and hyhyls will surrender
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so the new shill script is that russia has women soldiers?
this is how hohols are preparing the public for footage of hohol women battalions
they will literally execute random civilian women on snuff videos just to normalize the fact that a lot of women will start dying now
its for when you point out that hohols use women as meat shields, tranny pedos will spam staged snuff videos saying russia does too
lol look how the men are displayed as interchangeable units.
what has she been doing these days
Trying to not get killed by either le monke or budanov
Where will the Ukrainian offensive happen this year? Are they crazy enough to try Zapo again?
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thanks for bread
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That they are.
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>All alone, open eyed, burn the page, my little dark age
Why ukrainians always look like this?

There won't be any breakthroughts from both sides. The strategy is to make poccnr lose like germany did in ww1
she would be safe with me...
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Funny how that happens after this video popped up on twitter.
The "strategy" is always evolving.
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Elite killer zogbots are now killing themselves... because brains that made them being good at killing are malfunctioning.
Becose they are turkish rapebabies
>Your condition is not service related
She should have never betrayed her nation she swore to protect. Now that bitch is going to be killed like the other donbabwean heroes
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>Ukraine will not lose the war, even if it loses part of its territories
Isnt that the definition of loosing a war?
do you remember how shills wanted that guy to be russian so badly
i remember
especially a german faggot
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Threadly reminder

is a literal JIDF kike
how are you russian warlords and keyboard warriors gonna allow your women to die on the front line or get taken as POW while you're shitposting on 4chan?
if hohols are cowards that run from their country + recruit women because of manpower shortages, then what the fuck are you doing?
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>hohol women battalions
they already have those
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time to equalize the score
>“Ukraine will not lose the war, even if it loses part of its territories, because it still has the main territories, the capital has not been captured, and it also has access to the sea.”

so, now we know what this faggot will call a loss.
good, go get em vlado !
whats her telegram
>there are very few ukrainians
only some 40 million, though at the end of this war I expect that number to be much lower
gyatt damn!
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They want to repeat the Korean scenario. Putin would be a fool to accept. Russia needs to push and landlock Ukraine, it's the only way to guarantee pacification. Otherwise, it would be a repeat of 2014.
You don't get it tovarish, the moment the 3 days special military operation ends, poccnr goes bankrupt and is forced to hand everything back to Ukraine, like krautcucks did to the french in ww1
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We all are a bit german faggots.
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happy myiil for everyone
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You can clearly see actual aircarft in the video you moronic shill
JIDF was far better than this
its some hohol jew seething
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i am the ukrainian
They've outsourced to india, jews get suicidal from pol.
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Is this fucking AI?
She is like strelkov but with vagina, with the same schizophrenic posting
Nah. 40 mil was an estimate, they haven't had a fucking census since like 2004.
Of those 40 mil, 7 or so live in Russian territory so those don't count, another 5 or so mil are in Europe, probably like 2 or so mil in Russia.
That leaves us with 26 million Ukrainians.
Of those, more than half are women, so 13 mil 0-99 years old men. Of those, only around 60% are in the age bracket needed (24-65), so that leaves us with 7.8 million.
let's assume you can mobilize them all (you can't, but we'll act like it's possible).
Of those, around 20% would be frontline troops and 80% are support units.
That's 1.5mil at best.
Not really in this case, everything is explained in the post. It will be a repeat of what happened after Minsk 2, only even worse for Russia this time.
Holy fuck, I love how Sanchez literally claimed he was lying next to his gf shitposting at 4am. Ever tried phonephosting from next to a person? My gf kicked my ass many times because of it. Also, you don't call women 3DPD if you're in a relationship. Simple as.
Tell Sanchez to take notes, then again when your shill is this shit, you should fire him. Hasn't improved a bit in 2,5 years.
I never checked the background of that webdm, too horrifying to watch. Is the victim Russian and they wanted it to be Ukrainian to pretend they have any humanity left?
Kek those lazy low effort "SU-27" decoys you can tell even from a zoomed out low res drone cam
Draft dodger nigga.
The Ukranian decoys are actual su-27s that don't work.
Ukranian military brilliance shown again.
And he is right. It will only lose a part of the traditionally Russian territories, while also keeping some, such as Odessa, and turning them into anti-Russian.
Are you going to ignore this?
The Russians began to run out of male orcs, they began sending women into stormtroopers

During the training of the invaders sent to carry out a meat assault on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, drone pilots of the battalion of unmanned systems of the 47th brigade destroyed a female attack aircraft.
Ah. It's that one whore that makes "I'm Ukrainian videos" on tiktok (and paypiggy bait on onlyfans).
Do you think you can piss on her for 200 euros or would she charge more?
When is anybody going to tell the retarded traitor in the Kremlin that Ukraine is on the other side of the Dnipro and he's been destroying Russian land and killing Russians all along?
Ukraine and the west are fighting a risk-free war.
why do you think russia will accept anything like that?
why are you lying by saying that losing in a war meaans not losing in a war?
But Girking is not a cute femoid so he cannot get away with it.
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His gf has a penis.
I have my absolute doubts that the foid webm is anythig real.
I agree that the hohols are trying to normalize the impending doom of their foids.
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My favorite braindeads are here))))
>why are you lying by saying that losing
Because he's a Turkey, Gobble Gobble
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The victim is a hohol and an accused pedo (that's why the wagnerites do that to him). However, "accused" means without a trial so we'll never know if he even actually guilty or they just came up with justification for their audience to make them cheer.
ofc they do, shills strictly memoryhole all russian advances
Nothing they post is real because they have multiple studios with fake RuAF uniforms, manequins/dummies, fake prop weapons etc
anyone have that meme of a one armed hohol in front of a computer with the text saying "shilling down by 50%"?
>why do you think russia will accept anything like that?
A certain banana consumer has tendencies towards cucking
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Russia is doing for gender equality more than the globohomo ever will.
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Your advances are taking another road, and maybe some irrelveant backyard that is costing your shithole thousands of serfs per day
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>why do you think russia will accept anything like that?
Cause Russia already did it three times?
Don't forget no fewer than 2 million dead hohols

"They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that [Ukrainian] losses should be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands" - General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Polish Chief of the General Staff 2018-2023

"Millions have been killed" - Zelensky

Amputee data indicates up to 3M casualties for the Ukraine by summer 2023

"Only 13-15% of pre-war officers and soldiers are still in active service, rest are dead or wounded" - General Pacek, head of NATO DEEP, basically responsible for training of post-2014 Ukrainian army

Based on bread consumption statistics Ukraine's current population is 24 million. This is a 40% reduction of the pre-SMO population of 40 million.

By spring of 2023, the average Ukrainian had 3 dead and 5 wounded close relatives and friends - Kiev International Institute of Sociology
>why do you think russia will accept anything like that?
Because of cucktins peace proposals at the beginning of the SMO and the most recent one. They are more than favourable for Ukraine and at some point they will accept it.
>why are you lying by saying that losing in a war meaans not losing in a war?
Don't live in denial. Unless Russia landlocks Ukraine this cannot really be considered a victory. The minimal results will be obvious to everyone
Ukraine hasn't advanced a meter since 2022 yet lost 800 000 soldiers
hes not even in control, russia is ruled by his council which checks all his decisions to begin with
more so over he himself said that there wont be any freeze to begin with and there will be decisive resoultion to the conflict.
its just insane wishful cope on the hyhyl part to think that they can get out of this without losing whole coastline.
But it happens all over the front everyday. What are the Ukrainian advnces?
and then it went to war to not do it
seems like your pattern recognision skills have failed you
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North Korean engineering units, which are rumored to arrive in Ukraine, can help Russia "overcome the impasse of the war."
This opinion was expressed by the Ukrainian economist Alexey Kushch. According to him, the DPRK military has long been able to build underground fortifications and dig tunnels. And they will be able to dig under Ukrainian positions.
Could be.
most recent one was ultimatum, do you know difference between offer and ultimatum or should I spill it for you?
Don't be rude, this is the cream of the crop, they were smart enough to surrender
Based Norks.
Cuckmonkey until proven otherwise , I still remember him trading azog for that elite pilot Medvedchuk.
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They have destroyed half your blacksea fleet, they are shelling Belgorod, knocking your air defense, and on their way to turn an economic liability to hold
>Also, you don't call women 3DPD if you're in a relationship
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Pure aryan genetics you wouldnt understand
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I've been gone a while, what is the latest news?
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>daily grenade
xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa, not even comrade stalin went that far.
How many donbabweans had to be sacrificed to moloch in mariupol for nothing(((((
Surprised north Korea went in on the war. Was it to gain experience for his forces since they haven't fought in a long time? It would usually take a lot to get a foreign nation to go in on something completely irrelevant to them aside from paying them to do it.
maybe you should check on shift in russian rhetoric from now to then and do not apply 2year ago cuck mindset to the recent events
I guess russia authorizing to shot down any nafo recon shit flying over its coastline also doesnt count?
>She is like strelkov but with vagina, with the same schizophrenic posting
Not really, she's just girlbrained
>War bad
i've lost every friend because i don't like israel, the ukraine, or the gays
And how long do we have to wait until this ultimatum expires, because these territories have been accepted into Russia over a year ago
There was some cope that Ukraine later gave more pow's
Such joys now zelinsky has one more soldier on the front. He can throw grenades all day now until an artillery round ends him.
they never did to begin with, its all talking
>maybe you should check on shift in russian rhetoric from now to then and do not apply 2year ago cuck mindset to the recent events
We have to wait and see. When the west gives him a way to cuck out with some retarded piss treaty they'll brake 5 mins after signing. If he will take it or rejects it.
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>Surprised north Korea went in on the war
i'm not, they fucking hate zogbots
She was critizing monke like this sandnigger >>472832376 for killing russians in Ukraine like a savage, and making soldiers die in such an insane way
When is this shit going to be over, realistically?
Somehow i doubt, 1 jew that hates Russians is worth more than the whole of azog
>Because of cucktins peace proposals at the beginning of the SMO and the most recent one. They are more than favourable for Ukraine and at some point they will accept it.
Let's recall what Putin's preconditions for negotiations were
>Demilitarization and denazification (in practice having a puppet government)
>Ukranda gives up claims to Crimea and vacates Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhie oblasts
They hate sorks. I doubt he is even aware of jews.
They stopped trading pow's for some time
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Two years.
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Oooops ukrainians didn't know about any of those proposals
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thats nothing
I dont know how long it would take but hyhyls would lose even more as the time goes by
NAFO copium changed after more than 500k dead, now they want to freeze something lol

I think ukrainian total lose including heavy wounded will reach 1 mln before the end of the year
they hate you too brother, the dprk are nuts
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Meanwhile Orbán is about to backstab Russia and Hungarians once again. Sok szeretettel elküldöm a "Magyar" /chug/ testvéreimet a jó kurva anyjukba, akik továbbra is Orbán pártiak.
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There were no shot downs, only interceptions and that as a response to Russian civilians lives lost. When will americans pay with their lives?
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He likes American hoop niggers for some reason.
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That's Ukrainian economist. Means that he pulls this out of his ass
>change in rhetoric
Cuckmonkey until proven otherwise, shoot down the recon drones and awacs over the black sea, then you can talk about a change in cuck warfare.
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They got humza shitskin general too
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When Biden allows Ukraine to win.
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>When will americans pay with their lives?
Never, they'll just have more mass unexplained deaths at military bases and more mid-air helicopter collisions.
you mean like nba players, or black people?
i feel the same way to be honest, at least they have some sense of cohesion, and hate the gays and kykes
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I've converted like 5 people so far.
Most surprisingly I've managed to convert a girl I've been friends with for a while to utterly despise the jews.
they already did and trump also perpares another cuck treaty papers. answer was the same, istambul+, essentially our terms or no talk.
All this piss threaty is also a theatre, monke wants to impose harsh terms but he also doesnt want to look like a warmonger cos hes retard caring about outlooks so hes making up cuck efforts even now and then and people falling for it. It serves dual purposes of inserting idea of negotiations into the heads of westoids and painting monke as a reasonable person which wants piss.
Russia is literally fighting NAFO at this point with most of the best NAFO arsenal and NAFO tactics and with NAFO feeding real-time intel to hohols.
The experience here is invaluable for anyone who's going to face the US in the future.
NBA he had LeBron go there for whatever reason.
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>Lepen, wilders and orban threw monke under the bus
>BRICS also throw him under the bus
>African niggers want to help the west to kill wagnerites
>Serbia supplying Ukraine with weapons
>Chinksects say poccnr is going to lose the war and give everything back to Ukraine
Truly that was cucked to death
rookie numbers
that's great, i haven't had as much success
i'll get people to understand what i'm saying in the moment and then they cut themselves off from me and go back to sucking jew cock
>cos hes retard caring about outlooks
I feel he wants to look good to africans or someshit, or is still on his "equal partners to eurogoyim"
based, the NBA is great
the chinks love it too
That's a fair analysis, except the common misconception that the latest negotiations offer was cucked
they already did many times, who do you think operates himhers and patriots russians are taking out every other week?
Those dang Americans holding Ukrainians back from their true potential.
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> (in practice having a puppet government)
More like a semi-neutral government with Western preference. Russia is not putting a puppet in Ukraine if there's brokered peace, only in full capitulation. In a potential deal, Agent Z, Boobanov, and pals will get booted, some NATO hardliners will get purged, and they'll call it denazification.
Comfy image
Biden is not allowing Ukraine to win. Simple as.
Explain this to me.
Why do white americans get so angry if a white person is racist toward niggers?
Like why do they want to protect niggers so much?
I can't understand abandoning your friends or getting ready to actually fight someone because they said something bad about niggers?
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>"Sir please stop calling the oval office, how did you even get this number?"
>no please you need to help ukraine it's just like cute doggo, we need to protect them from the evil PUZZIANs
its better to finish war for humanitarian reason by killing one million than killing 500k each 7 years

only anglos & jews like to prolong wars because they feed from chaos

during ww1 central powers were defeated, their empires collapsed, but they were not destroyed (anglos and french could not do it and russian empire collapsed to communists)

they were able reassemble to into axis, which caused much more deaths

NAFO needs to be humiliated and buckbroken
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This but unironically
i think we're just uncultured retards who live in single family homes in isolated suburban nightmare worlds and we don't get out enough
incoming mutts worship niggers copypasta
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>Why ukrainians always look like this?
I know Biden probably personally calls up king kike and tells him instead of sending 100 soldiers at the Russian held towns in the north to send 90 as they get blown away each day. Truly a hindrance.
So people dont meet enough non whites and they have a skewed view?
Hmm yes i can see that, same as Macedonians and loving Shiptars (we even have our own niggers)

There's the infinite cool nigger propaganda to be sure
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cos ukranda is a pig
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>it was real in my mind
keep bumping piggy
Ukrainian economist is the same as british tank

such combination of words is the ultimate joke and does not require any explanations
> muh desert storm
Saddam was Zelensky 1.0 during the Iran-Iraq war.
That the glownigs needed a whole SMO just to get rid of their agent a couple years later doesn't speak to their competence.
Can't think of much that can be linked with British that isn't a joke nowadays.
>trillions of equipment
>cosntant training
>real-time intel to hohols about the position of every Russian infantryman at any given time on the front (probably the biggest factor)
>NAFO mission planning and fire direction
>despite all of this, Ukraine is advancing on Kyeiff every single day
I really don't understand what else these trannies think that should be given for Ukraine to just instantly win.
>So people dont meet enough non whites and they have a skewed view?
that's probably basically it, yea
shiptar here btw, you're the nigger, we will kill all of you and claim our lands back
guy with the beard looks like a regular Russian
>shiptar here btw, you're the nigger, we will kill all of you and claim our lands back
Not skufs. Solid and square.
thats a new one
are you sure they havent lost to mud and bushes and it was biden instead?
waht about kikes in the goverment? It would make good basis for the stab in the back lie.
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>a regular Russian
Yeah, Saddam actually worked for the CIA, he was on documented payroll.
desert storm in terms of ww2 was equal of germany invading belgium. it cannot be called a war because one side was outmatched in every metric possible.
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See, it's a slippery slope. First you dehumanize someone for the wrong skin color, then you don't like something about me, and you dehumanize me as well. Better to cut you off than risk it. Moreover, people more often than not have black, muslim, gay friends. When you are being a bigot you offens them and people generally stand for their friends more than they care about some random faggots approval.
that's sad
meanwhile jids on the internet are trying to convince me that murrica is literally hitler and already started pogroms
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>people more often than not have black, muslim, gay friends
They want another trillion in ammo and 300 F-16s at a minimum, as well as all usable tanks in NATO + anywhere around 20-40 patriot batteries.
I'm not kidding.
Is that the guy from the video the other day?
what if you just want races to be separated to avoid creating emnity and divides of which kikes take advantage to rob goyim?
Even if that would happen, they still wouldn't make a difference.
What then?
For the first time in several centuries, the proportion of Muslims in Albania's population fell below 50%. This happened at the expense of those Albanians who consider themselves Christians

Albania is Serbia?
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Good Morning Chug frens how is everyone?

look what i came across, dont know if it was posted yet but pretty funny, does somebody know if its legit?
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What is wrong with Russia? What happened to the Russian soul?
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threadly reminder
this is what azog and the ukraine is fighting for
NATO boots on the ground, tactical nukes and aircraft carriers, most likely.
I'm a racist, the Afghan next to me is a racist. We are both racist towards niggers and jews. Friendship blooms
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>First you dehumanize someone for the wrong skin color
>He thinks their color is the problem and not the content of their characters
Pretty racist. How do I report you to the German police?
yes lol

i would laught if this was not so sad

they slowly become brown, full of piss and shit
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The only kind of friends I don't have is right wing friends. Rightoids are the enemy of humanity and freedom, they have no empathy so they don't deserve mine.
I posted it yesterday, and couldnt find it on that website. Not legit
gm guys. can you tell crimea-chan that i got feelings for her, pls? tnx, bye
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>that's sad
yea, and i would chalk it up to my own autism but we're literally staring down the barrel of our own self-destruction if we don't isolate and drop our little projects
i can't not talk about it
>meanwhile jids on the internet are trying to convince me that murrica is literally hitler and already started pogroms
hopefully soon
They've always been jew puppets since duetronomy literally said only Jews can handle money.
Please define right wing, since you retards have been including literally everything in that category lately
glory to god emperor pavel btw
You are also outmatched now
Who knew that commieblocks were literal fortresses.
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There is also a religious census? I only knew there was an ethnic one.
But makes sense, most Albanians are not really muslim but just culturaly so. Similar to Khazahs. Im assuming muslims decreased in favor of atheists?
This is close air support. Now the are even using the TOS in support of troops, really close. Russians mastering combined arms warfare kek
Not really the same, although questionable but military personnel is not the same as terrorising civilians.
For attacks on Russian territories and civilians, which are coordinated by the west, the same response on western countries must follow. Everything else is cucking.
> Who knew that commieblocks were literal fortresses.
It was the plan
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Why are muslims enforcing sharia in moscow kek?
I said in that message that more Christians
if a donmak nearby there, perfect location for chug party. no gfs allowed
also havent you thought about the fact that if you dont dehumanize bad things such as gay ass nigger trannies grooming chidlren it dehumanizes you as a human, as in you become subhumane, absent of moral, evil degenerate and depraved?
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>Lukashenko airing his nukes
Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if Poland fucked around and found out?
You are not entitled to "separate" anyone or anthing. People are free to choose for themselves where to live, where to go, and who are going to be their friends and family. By trying to restrict that you are attacking my freedom and you become my enemy.
If that was the case you would use terms that describe the content of the character, like "thug", not the terms that describe specifically the race.
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Headline of one of the articles on our main newsite:
>"You should go back to defend the homeland, an Ukrainian in Stříbro (village name) told his younger countrymen. In the ensuing fight, he stabbed them."
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The fake dick is back in town
why are commieblocks so op
You can always bring your daki, I guess.
the ukraine is such a shit hole KEK
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> Who knew that commieblocks were literal fortresses.
Gas explosion in Sterlitamak.
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>If that was the case you would use terms that describe the content of the character
I am. Thats why I call niggers niggers.
total motivating post of the day
Unironically? Modular construction.
Commie blocks are made out of reinforced concrete panels that are joined together.
Blowing up a panel, and not the support pillars does fuckall.
Their arrangement is also done in such a way that they're usable as forts in a pinch.
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Nice pig
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New done.
And later you will cry about "civilians" getting covered by debris in crimea, like niggers bragging about doing crime until they get caught and cry they are victims of systemic racism
I support Russia because of people like you
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Oh nonononono nonono xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa
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You forgot to mention that hohol (43) is also a dodger and is subject to draft. Why are hohols like this?
Not friends with logic, I see. As all the rightoids otherwise they wouldn't be like that.
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@ un flag
what's your endgame dude? wanna make us leave 4chan and join reddit, or what? mercy pls
Why do I keep getting such post?
It's over.
Nobody gave (You)'s to the stinky jeet? Proud of you all
>You are not entitled to "separate" anyone or anthing
I am by the sacrafices of my ancestors to preserve and improve my country, its my duty
>People are free to choose for themselves where to live, where to go, and who are going to be their friends and family
People yes, cultrues no. If they dont assimilate and act like niggers they can fuck off.
>By trying to restrict that you are attacking my freedom
you already gave up your freedom it seems
>and you become my enemy
you are your worst enemy judging by your replies

all in all you are like east germans during ussr times, completely brainwashed and retarded by shameless and most depraved propoganda and lies. I trully pity you and hope that the day you see the light wont be too late. White culture and nations worth preserving, and other cultures and nations too. Thats what makes people who they are.
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to collect sheckels by shilling
Did thry cought the pigger in moscow???
pig stabs pig world
Wish i was the guardsman
why does one need a 200kmh drone
youre not fillming a formula 1 car
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>Kursk. Strong fire continues. Local residents say that military unit is on fire. Before that, sounds similar to the flight of a UAV were heard.
What the fuck is this one dimensionality bullshit? Leftists are the ones that argue you're destined from birth based on skin color. The Right if anything is what you associate with "Progressive Left" in the modern day by your definitions.
Both sides believe in choosing your own path through life and being left the fuck alone. The divergence is that Right tends to think "As long as it doesn't impede me" whereas Left says "Oh if it impeded you but benefitted someone else we now have to associate scores based on presumed privilege to find fault." They basically force you to play their game by their rules.
In an easier explanation, the Right believes everyone has the autonomy to try and live somewhere, but no guarantee because other people should have a say as the residents. The Left agrees on the autonomy, but ignores that second half and treats it as "because someone wants to, you HAVE to allow them to." Completely taking autonomy from whatever half of the equation disagrees with them. Explain to us all now how you view communities kicking out illegals like Texas.
if you still havent mimflags filtered its on you
please mr vladimir vladimirovich sir just get your hands on another 500 thousand cheap soldiers and boost your forces
i eat hohol and nigger children
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>I am by the sacrafices of my ancestors to preserve and improve my country, its my duty
You love to run to your mama ancestors for justification of your present day actions when they can no longer call you out. I would suggest to try to ask your soviet ancestors that fought the nazis what they think about their offspring embracing the nazi worldview.
I believe they would be so glad to find out.
Fucking clown, do the thing.
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Why are you here posting about blacks, you do know it's all satire for the rest of us no?
>Leftists are the ones that argue you're destined from birth based on skin color.
seriously nigger? civnat bullshit at 6 in the morning? why do you hate me so much?
Sources nigger???
Or its made up as always???
I can also do this type of repoeting
>Your mother fucked in queef tonight
>Her anus fell off local residents report
>Jewlynsky spotted sucking of biden
>Local news says
shut your fucking mouth, cuck
true, ngl
The UNkike is clearly doing shifts at JIDF, he leaves by 3-4PM pissraeli time.
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well said. leftists are socialists, they want nanny police state, opression and even control of very thoughts becuse when people say that genociding people in palestine is back its anti semitism or whatever criteria leftists want to have absolute power to do most depraved shit.
define national socialism. you are german afterall. it should be extremely easy for you.
pretty hole is pretty hole
my racism is lookism
(fuck no nosebridge races tho)
Leftist logic: "You are born black, therefore at all avenues will be oppressed. In any cases where you are more successful than a white person, you are still more historically aggrieved and therefore right morally."
Also which one of us silently says "If we don't rig it for niggers they don't have a fair chance if left up to merit!" but calls it "Affirmative Action" and says it's somehow the opposite of prejudiced?
>well said. leftists are socialists, they want nanny police state, opression and even control of very thoughts
Reminds me of your shithole very much
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>do the thing.
fb image haha
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fucker simply cant leave
Didn't read. Fuck niggers.
shut the fuck up fucking antifa clown lmao
slavs, slavs always knew.
You watch too much porn with niggers so targeted ads though you're black instead of mongolian
Looks like Venti
He's a fucking jew
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>the Right believes everyone has the autonomy to try and live somewhere, but no guarantee because other people should have a say as the residents
Load of sugar coating crap. The residents already spoke: they give immigrants jobs, they rent immigrants the houses to live, they marry and have kids with them and they voted for the progressive politicians that pass lenient immigration laws. What right wing respond with? Seething and trying to override the decision of majority with "race separation" crap coming from minority (how much do "identity enthusiasts" get on average election? Like 5% at most?). You want a dictatorship and you want to be the one minority who is setting the rules. You don't care about the opinion of the residents, that's why the residents rightfully kick YOU out of their circles, and not their immigrant friends.
might be really brain washed kraut
calling me nazi out of nowhere while not even knowing what natsoc are fits
That's Palestine.
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>muh definitions
Nah we both know who of us is right wing and who is left wing by exchanging few words. No need to dance around.
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why is the comfy general much faster
I thought is amerisharts after hurricane but than i saw bricks.... Not a single americuck is rich enought to be able to build put of bricks
Cuckchinsky is wrong. The product of modern society is an individualistic man detached from community.
People had tribes and built societies to make lives easier.
Becose we have shitposters that are more relaiable than garbage r/uhg bots written in java script
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I started this trend myself more than half a year ago you fucking baboon ;)
Remember, I am always under your bed.
Unintentionally highlighting the problem with democracy in its current form, being that 51% of sheep can decide to feed the other 49% to wolves
He's a very well known kike here. Used to post with Czech flag and a lot of homosexual fantasies about their faggot president.
Have some respect to unibomber....
He made pigs cope and ssethe + he made every local politican scared to shit when they were picking up mail...
Making gov niggers scared is super baZed
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you are calling me a nazi out of nowhere while you dont even know definition of the natsoc or do not realize that one can be nationalist without being a socialist and that nationalism predates mustache man which does not encompass it outside of your infantile views. You are a clown with childish world views, the sort of which starts wars and damages humanity. You should stop talking and try listening first, readin marx manifesto and mein kampf back to back could be a good start to open your eyes on similiarities between the twio presumably diametricaly opposed foundational political works. Ill even be so generous to give you a hint: they both blames all the problems on certain type of people, and both proclaimed that all problems will dissapear as soon as those people will be dealt with.
Did you pass your test?


Because we just can't stop winning.
Also chug is genuinely funnier and... comfy-ier.
its both. its ideological crusading in which one satisfies his insatiable ego. humanity thirst for conflict eating those cucks inside out.
It's a shame noone followed his footsteps
Also - betrayed by own family, clearly an individualistic type of family, in strong collectivist family blood comes above all else
It's not about being "outmatched".
It's the fucking fact that Saddam was LITERALLY on the CIA payroll. As were all of the Iraqi government.
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He is a literal hohol. His endgame is being sent to the front lines to die.

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