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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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who would win? secret service or seal team 6?
>oy you got a loycence to commit a coup d'etat oh ya do oh well then ava nice day gov.
>seal team 6
The dudes that faked Osamas assassination and in the process accidentally revealed how stealth helicopters work? That Seal Team 6?
I feel like the right move is:
>Hello, I’m Joe Biden, here’s a list of people I want dead. If you kill these people, I will pardon you and pay you a million dollars. Together we can beat Medicare.
SS. Drumpthf has spies all over the DOD
This is not hate speech?
I love how media and the left take this to its extreme. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
He even has his own SS, just like Hitler!
Obama already killed a us citizen so why would this be any different.
>leftist cheering as their country becomes a dictatorship
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Difference is that the guy killed by Obama was some average citizen. This is a presidential candidate and a threat to the left. If Biden wasn't such a fuckup they would not be acting this irrationally. But they know Biden cannot win legitimately so they are going for the only thing they have left. Force. They are big babies that will destroy something they can't have.

Their kind of dictatorship. They think they are on "the right side of history", so they will be rewarded.
Did mitts already forget how Biden shat the bed live on thursday?
Oh yeah sure it's set a brand new precedent because no US president or politician has ever been assassinated before.
Biden would still need justification and a lot of backing, otherwise he would immediately be assassinated. And then his replacement. And then Trump's replacement. And then their replacement's replacement.
that would be that straw that breaks the camels back and it would cause a chain reaction all over that world. the veil would be fully lifted and people would see that there really is a global cabal planning on enslaving and genocide the population.
This already happened with JFK, they just still try to pass it off as a lone gunman.
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the secret service are already under biden's command
i thought that was two guys in tuxedos who tried to assassinate obama?
You won't do shit
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Seal team six kys'd and we're replaced with trannies, same as the ss, let's hope it's live streamed
>fuggen glow in the dark tranny faggot glownigger niggers
Nice golem you got there, oof
I forgot the poo vs chink haxors 1v1 providing Intel, oy vey
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>Will no one rid me of this turbulent Orange Hitler?
Secret Service, every time.
Seals are bunch of larpers
Based and Henry II pilled
The question then becomes whose side is SEAL team 6 on?
Does the Secret Service carry out proactive measures? I thought they provided defense from immediate dangers, than seeking and taking out potential threats.
> under biden command
lol, lmfao. What's he going to tell them ?
> huuuu hhhhhmmmm huuuuu we beat, huuuu sorry hmmmm medi no I am president jill my wife
Trump has a secret service detail, as do all former presidents. He’s asking who would win in a fight between seal team 6 and Trump’s secret service detail.

Seal Team Six were shot down by Obama under the 17 Callsign ….. Much like MH17 was. Are you getting it my darlings?

Your mistake is believing that the left is actually against tyranny. They're not, they only pretend to because they want to be the tyrants. As soon as they are the tyranny it's OK.
What's the actual rebuttal to this?
I know this hypothetical is ridiculous and unlikely.
I know that military personnel are not supposed to carry out illegal orders.
But if for some reason a sitting President orders a military unit to assassinate his main opposition candidate, and that military unit follows through, what would the legal recourse be? Impeachment obviously, but what happens after that? Can the President then be criminally prosecuted or not?
>What's the actual rebuttal to this?
Do it, faggot.
>Trump has a secret service detail
ah right. forgot about that.
how unfortunate.
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Biden is timid and has old fashioned ideas of propriety. It's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that SCOTUS wants Trump to win the election and wants Project 25 to be implemented.

The SCOTUS has given the POTUS the power of a King. They want power in the hands of the few.
>fake screenshot, no link
>And yet here you all are, replying
You fucking deserve to be tricked.
Not how the secret service works. They're required by an act of Congress to protect former presidents. Stripping Trump of secret service protection is in direct violation of federal law itself, and using it as a precursor to killing him with seal team 6 would certainly fall outside of the definition of an official act.
Secret service 100%. Look up operation rewings

seals lost a 1:1 engagement against the taliban and seethed so hard they made a mark Wahlberg movie where they pew pew one trillion badguys outnumbered infinity : 4.
Red wings *
>What's the actual rebuttal to this?
Libshits are being histrionic fags, as always. No, the president does not allow you to order murders. Article 2 of the Constitution lays out what a president's powers and duties are, and murdering political opponents doesn't appear on it.
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Secret Service accidently killed Kennedy during his assassination attempt so....
>Can the President then be criminally prosecuted or not?
The Supreme Court can just change the laws again and do whatever they want. Ultimately laws are made up and force is the only thing that exists
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Correction - there were more US navy seals than taliban (according to official US Intel) + night stalkers + air support and they still got BTFO. Only the navy inflated the numbers to cover the humiliation
not when the Jews and their leftists do it
>repeating media talking points
youd think after one full day, one of you stupid shills would have at least read the case and the ruling.
>>the official duties of a president include things like assassination American citizens who are political rivals
>>we have to do a tyranny otherwise you might do a tyranny
It's only illegal when the other side does it, because they don't have the epstein island tapes
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The fact that there are still people in denial about this, is frustrating.
>seal team 6
Zoomers actually believe they killed Osama. There's zero hope for this generation. You should just mass Trudeau yourselves now. Maybe just skip to gen A
Someone needs to really fuck this loser up... plaster his bruise, bleeding and broken face all over ever tabloid in the country... and around the globe. What a pedo POS pearlman is.
It's completely beyond the scope of the ruling. The actual court decision applies to the duties of the executive branch. Remember, this is regarding the DC case where he's being prosecuted for leaving classified documents in the bathroom. The court essentially said that charging him for such is bogus.

The talk about kings and assassination came from Sotomayor's dissent. True Blue retard that she is, she thinks ordering hits on political rivals is an official duty of the office.
No, that was your mom on a weekend and it wasn't an assassination
they probably do as their told. like the royal family and others with information that could cost certain groups billions of dollars if it left their brains, there's a really good chance they are subject to programs that control their behaviors. I don't remember the color coding but special forces have their own flavor of it, including a program that supposedly can trigger a heart attack if the programmed person starts talking. there are safeguard programs that step in leading up to that though, like they start talking and leaking info, there's another program running that forces them to lose their train of thought before anything can be disclosed, etc
Those guys all retired years ago. The zoomer replacements must be dreadful.
oh right, that said, it's not unlikely there's a program specifically in place to guarantee allegiances
Dodomayor has a very long history of writing unbelievably retarded opinions. She's a genuinely stupid person and it's truly baffling that she's a judge on the highest court of the land.
it's literally impossible to do something like this
Yeah no shit dumbass. That's why this decision should have never been made. You can't trust a power hungry asshole to care.

You people are fucking brain dead. Hope you get raped in the asshole by niggers.
They come at you with fidget spinners.
The screenshot is fake
There is no source
OP posted once and left
Stop bumping this shit you fucking idiots.
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>lil donnie
i was laughing and read that as "got beyonce to do a coup d'etat" which isnt that crazy these days
the president can't be prosecuted unless he wants to be prosecuted. he has unlimited prosecutorial discretion and the ability to pardon himself. he was already a king when the constitution was ratified.
The SC ruling explicitly outlined how the POTUS can be prosecuted. You can't pardon yourself when you're impeached and removed from office.
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you can pardon yourself before you're removed. besides, congress can't impeach you if you arrest them all for treason.
>It's completely beyond the scope of the ruling.
No, it's not.

The Executive Branch has the authority to act in the interest of "national security." Anything done in that interest is an "official" act.

Will Biden assassinate Trump or even SCOTUS in the interest of national security? No, because Dems are pussies. But the door is wide open for the next guy to do so, and it'll be perfectly legal.

Those raising the alarm bells have already connected those dots. Doesn't matter which party you support, if you're an American, it's a dumb, short-sited ruling made by elite fucks who don't give a shit about what this country is -- allegedly -- all about.
>run the country and stop enemies both foreign and domestic
>unstable felon trump who comitted insurection is about to be re-elected
i mean, it kinda makes sense to get rid of him from bidens view.
You were saying?
Yeah this is what I'm wondering. Ordering the assassination of your rival candidate definitely false under the scope of offical act based on this ruling, so long as it was done through offical channels. SCOTUS very much rejected the idea of using a President's motivation to distinguish an action with immunity vs one without.
But I actually agree with the decision for the most part. As broken as democracy is, it is still a far better check on the power of the elite class than the judiciary. And likewise it would be far easier for the elitists to undermine the will of the people using the judiciary then it would be by holding all influencial public offices indefinitely. Preventing the judicial branch from undermining, extorting and punishing the executive branch is a far more real and immediate issue compared to some hypothetical where the executive commits some outrageous crime and can't be held to account.
But this ruling does leave open that hypothetical, and I still don't have a satisfactory answer (although one may exist). Is there criminal recourse for a President that does something blatantly criminal in their offical capacity or not? I've heard people say that yes, there is, but he would need to have been impeached on that specific issue first. Is that true or not? Wasn't Trump impeached on something related to Jan 6? Is he still liable for criminal prosecution on that matter?
For those who don't know use of the word "donnie" is a beacon call to a group of Redditors on a Discord channel.

They do it all manually as they aren't intelligent enough to program bots. An extraordinary waste of man hours to achieve so little
Imagine being so fucking new that you don't even know about Donnie posting. Go back to your telegram group and stay there faggot.
No need for recourse as every president from now on just juices their cult of personality and before doing something illegal says "I do this in official capacity" so every 4chinner facebook meme voter just yells based based based

The Chevron overrruling is something you'd think would interest the schizos but no. This board has been astroturfed to hell. Dance to your corporate overlords you little shits
Find anyone willing to drone strike SCOTUS that works for the federal government.
really funny how the left calls trump a fascist and the moment something happens that they don't like they go full on fascist.

really funny how the left takes a ruling about official acts as a president and genuinely believe that an official act as president extends to assassination of a political rival
Proud Boys of course.
Reminder that pointing out how hypocritical they are is meaningless. Just keep in mind that defeating them is righteous.
I love how naive you are.

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