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High level discussion between Adam Green, Richard Spencer and Uberboyo about what comes after Christianity.


Liberalism has reached its end stage and will collapse. An inevitable counter-reaction to the liberal, Judeo-Christian victim morality is coming. It is for European man to decide if he wants to be consumed by the Bacchanal, Abrahamic vortex, or elevate himself as Apollo.

>Uberboyo explains Rome vs Judea.

>Christianity has to fulfil itself before it destroys itself.

>Spencer talks about the intellectual limits and visionary bankruptcy of the Christian right.

>How belief in Christianity traps you and forbids you from creating your own future.
Ban foreign religion from western nations.
That's all well and good but I really don't want those retards to be the face of polytheism.
Ethnic heritage does not have to be radical, nationalist, or right wing.
This on the other hand isn't necessarily a bad idea if you're not an asshole about it.
made it to the thread before the jew worshipers start calling everyone jewish
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>High level discussion between 3 CIA niggers no one gives a shit about
what's high level about their conversation? are they smoking crack?
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For our Christian friends reading the thread, if you don't want to hear about paganism you are in luck, because Sneako did a Christian stream where a redneck and a drooling black guy argued about who the real israelites are. This might be more on your level.

Imperial Rome will return when Liber is subjugated and the light of Iupiter returns
The state of Abrahamic religions KEK
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>Richard Spencer
I like richard because he makes pseuds shit their pants, not necessarily that I even agree with him
Still funny as fuck when christ cucks and miga cucks loser their shit
Any consensus as to whether the pineapple thing is true?
If it isn't it will just become liberal and globohomo, we already see that amongst many modern pagans.
You can shed off universalism from a right winger, but never from a para-religious left winger.
The modern "atheist" is not an atheist, theyre just adherent of Liber, of which equality and "liber"ty is their essential origin
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nyoo you dont understand, yahweh hates idols
the odd thing about abrahamic anti idolotry is that all abrahamic religions are full of idols
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its fairly ironic, their cope is that they dont sacrifice or pray to them
i think the point is that yahweh is a greedy jealous kike so if you dont submit to him he seethes
>what comes after Christianity
i think its because channeling spiritual things requires physical bindings
abrahamism was made by 80 iq retards who didnt understand this and thought that people thought a carved rock was literally a god

but yeah, the false god they created is bound with seething jealousy which is really just a reflection of the spirits of the people who fabricated it
>probably 80-90% of westerners are "secular" or even "pagan" in the eyes of AF
no they are not lmao. there is a reason why "antisemitism" is least prevalent in the least religious countries. Spencer being a retard again
Yes they are, what are you fucking talking about? Do you think the average person in the west is even remotely adherent to the bible? I guess youve never been to the west
>Yes they are
according to who? even a fully secular country like France is 40% catholics, you can instantly turn them into rabid antisemites if you put your mind into it. compare that to try turning a country like Netherlands to be against Jews. the exact root of your "antisemitism" is the bible and the bible's effect on Europe. you -and spencer the brainlet- are delusional. The Bible doesn't tell you to hate the jews, but it exposes their behavior to you, you dont need to be a religious person to realize that, you only need to read the bible that you -even if dont follow completely- believe in
Antisemitism is part of christianity, but so is semitism, you cannot hate the jews and worship the chosen descendant of david, you may resent his real descendants to some degree, but it criticises the jews with an argument formulated by jewish morality
I don’t think western pagans actually exist. Often just seems like atheism without the balls to not believe in an afterlife or reincarnation of some sort. That and often it’s nothing more than trying to turn a fundamental belief system upon which all perceptions derive from into a political tool where one imagines themselves steering the ship. In other words, people who lack real spirituality trying to sell people something in a market they don’t understand like a salesman making a product he’d never use. Pure delusion and hopium. Leaders are born of action, not debates.
Why would adam and boyo even interact with dicky spence? Really activates the ol almonds eh
Paganism is different to judaism (christianity and islam included), I dont think it can really be compared
European pagans were not praying to zeus every night and didnt have a personal relationship with him, but they felt his guidance and presence with them and made sacrifices to please him all the same
In the same way, I feel the guidance of the sky father, earth mother and all the complex in-betweens in my every thought
In some way they are me and also in nature too, but not real in the sense that my physical body is.
it criticizes jews by Biblical aka divine morality. no Christian says that it's a jewish morality, that's a "judeo-christian" belief that only ever exists in the west, and specifically the English-speaking countries in the west. you fail to understand how Christians/Christianity really view modern judaism and jews. Isaiah 1.
Because hes smarter than you ever will be and you hate that
Who wrote the bible?
ancient hebrews and subsequently israelites. the "jews" only ever known to have wrote the post-Maccabee books, which arent really cannon in most churches. keep moving the goalposts
Look up where the word "jew" comes from, it means judean
Aka the people who wrote the fucking bible
I know that jew come from judah and judaea, this is why i referenced the Maccabees. you not picking up on the hint is glaring proof that you don't know wtf you're talking about, you probably think Moses was a jew, like how Muslims believe Abraham was a muslim. nigger-tier arguments
The point of a religion is it is supposed to be true. Do y'all capeshit rock worshippers seriously believe that shit kek
>about what comes after Christianity
TLDR: Christ is King. It all ends with God. The end, have a good day, nigger.
To me it makes absolutely no difference, their morality is so fucking close and the only times theres difference its in the degree of how "jewish" something is
To christians, they see themselves as the real jews and the same goes for muslims
Ultimately its delusional schizophrenia
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Do any of them have jobs?
Based Sherlock poster
>European pagans were not
The fuck you know... There hasn't been pagans in Europe since 600AD. Pagans already lost at least try to invent something new. Can you just use scientology?
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>To me it makes absolutely no difference
stopped reading right there. this is why you LARPniggers will never make it, you simply dont even understand what you're trying to attack, and assume that everyone is as ignorant and retarded as you are. actual niggers with white skin. you shifted the goalposts and still lost.
I think you just gave up
We might as well be inventing something, we dont have any central text kek
It just needs to excite the mind and convince people better than the dying worship of a jew
>The point of a religion is it is supposed to be true. Do y'all capeshit rock worshippers seriously believe that shit kek
High polytheism is true, which is why many cultures throughout history practiced it independently from each other without needing centralized mind control.
Its because humans have many natures, but the schizo jews try to fit it all into one self-contradictory slop doctrine
Unironically one of the best discussions I saw in a long time. Unfortunately nationalist and america first tiems are too dumb to even understand most of this
its sad that our movements are full of anti-intellectual blabbering retards
maybe in 10 years we'll attract some more educated people
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>they see themselves as the real jews
go back please.
>It just needs to excite the mind and convince people
Do it already, humanity has been waiting for more than 2000 years... You know how many 'religions' came and went in 2000 years? Maybe in another 2k.
Only Christians conquered the world we are everywhere, our faith moves mountains.
you literally fucking do retard
"No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God."
Read your book
>Worships Odin
Good for you faggot, do it quietly.
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You realize that Odin is also the god of wisdom too?
"In Norse mythology, Odin is the god of wisdom, knowledge, poetry, runes, ecstasy, and magic. Odin is also a war god and has been since his earliest mentions. As a war god, Odin is the god of battle and death and is described as traveling through many realms or worlds, winning every battle."
I didnt say he was dumb- he's a fed and it's obvious
I think he just says stuff to piss off anti-intellectual retards
I want trump to win, but only because he destabilizes the already faulty republic, not because he is Caesar or something
>Unfortunately nationalist and america first tiems are too dumb
The fuck do you care? Aren't you Lithuanian or something? Who cares what americans think.
I think the neopaganism thing might have potential in the future but at the moment it just seems like a total LARP. There are no serious philosophers or theologians so half of their religious identity seems to just be based on being anti-Christian. Yet despite that the religion seems more influenced by Christianity than actual paganism (no rituals or sacrifices, believing their gods to be omnipresent like Americans praying to Odin when that would have been incomprehensible to an actual pagan etc.). I think the movement unironically needs to look at Hinduism and Shinto for influence since they're some of the only pagan traditions that have survived to this day.
America is the Rome of the 21st century, we all bow down to it and its culture enforces itself through its sheer relevancy and power on our own
Romans 2:17-27. and Ezekiel 36:20. i think you should read instead of knowing only specific verses.
>As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”
keep larping though
Sounds like cope, desu. Claiming to be religious without any practice: too convenient. Every religion has its rituals and sacrifices to be observed, be it personal or physical. Just doing what “feels right” with no creed or rite so one can conveniently justify whatever whenever as the will of a higher power is why I don’t think paganism will ever take any serious root. There’s no unity outside of, often times, a common hatred for abrahammic faiths, but alliances built on hatreds don’t last and tend to purity spiral, especially when that which is hated thrives strongest when persecuted, yet is weakest when safe.
It does not help when a great many rites and beliefs of many pagan faiths are completely lost to time or botched because they were only passed down orally or recorded by outsider scholars. The most well documented would probably be hellenism, yet everyone chooses vague and ill-recorded fusions of various north germanic pagan beliefs in neopaganism for some reason. It’s purely aesthetic: all form, but no structure, ergo burns itself before it can get anywhere. No organization or unity; it all ends up being an ass-pull under an arrogance to believe people will be stupid enough to believe it so it could be weaponized as a political control tool. It fails to give a legitimate reason why anyone should outside of, again, angst against something else.
>Odin is the god of battle and death and is described as traveling through many realms or worlds, winning every battle
God for him and for you. Hope you kill all your enemies in battle.
Sadly he wasn't there to face Charlemagne in battle, history would have changed.
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Again, theyre not jewish enough for him
You dont even understand your own book
Yes, fundamentally the christians imposed their will on the world, which is why they won, not because they were actually morally virtuous, as this itself is a sin in christianity
I dont claim to necessarily be some kind of committed pagan, im still learning about the belief myself, but I feel and can identify these archetypes in my own mind, its 100% real
>Pagans still seething after 2,000 years
>Yes, fundamentally the christians imposed their will on the world, which is why they won, not because they were actually morally virtuous
So the god of war and battle wouldn't face the challenge of tyrants and weaklings? Are you sure he was the god of battle?
Before you try to change christians societies you should decide how to sell the lie.
Where pagans ubermensch warriors or hippie tree lovers? Because you already lost in both aspects.
Im not seething, but its apparent to everyone that Christianity killed god itself
Yeah, the christians channelled their master morality when they killed all the pagans, but ultimately its their slave morality that their text actually preaches that has us doomed us to lose like the pagans did
>Yeah, the christians channelled their master morality when they killed all the pagans,
Killed no, baptized.

>but ultimately its their slave morality that their text actually preaches that has us doomed us to lose like the pagans did
Doomed to what? Wtf are you talking about?
>Bible teaches don't be greedy, reject satan
>Sells his country and his souls for money
>Christianity has failed us!!
It's the other way around retard
Christianity only won because they killed their enemies dude, it was a minority until they started persecuting and destroying paganism
Christianity has failed just like paganism did, we need newer ideas, I think people in this thread maybe right
Pagan Rome ultimately fell, just like the Western world is.
pagan Rome was subverted, christian Rome fell
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How's the religion shitflinging going?
Yes, but it didnt prevent its failure, same with Christianity in the modern day
You are weak when you lose to your enemies
>Killed no, baptized
lol, you have clearly never heard of the northern crusades
Or even just Roman history, it did happen in rome, it was like 16% of the population (mostly urbanite elites, like modern day """woksm""") until they started enforcing their will on the "pagans" (literally means rural).
lmao. These are all the most retarded people online.
>Christianity only won because they killed their enemies dude
Romans and pagans of every color killed christians, muslim killed christians, Jews killed christians. Did they won?
It's not about killing it's about teaching. Again maybe in the next 2000 years you came up with something.
Yeah they were winning until a powerful Roman emperor betrayed them
Again you dont know the actual history
>christian Rome fell
Never heard of Eastern Roman empire, convenient.
>Richard Spencer
Srsly goim? Lmfao whaaaaaaat?
Cute, why do you think Christian religion is a religion?
>never heard of the northern crusades
Prussians? What about them? They fought like pagans and died. Many converted, good for them.
Spencer has a new grift, and like clockwork/pol/tards fall for it again.
How can you say that spencer is grifting? Hes like the most marginalized voice now, he actively says stuff to piss most poltards off you retard
Christian religion was a mistery cult. There's traces of it in the bible. Like how Paul says he gives the new followers milk as infants, but the secret doctrine isn't given them yet (the meat). Or how mentions to making sacrifices at a personal altar are made by Jesus.
no shit
>northern crusades
it was both, the crusades were NOT only germans killing Balts, it was germans with Latgalians and Livonians (both of whom were christian and became christian before any crusades happened(christians used them as a "special military operation" casus belli to save local christians from pagans, basically how Putin is using russians in Ukraine to save them)) killing other Balts together, and the Livonians and Latgalians were more numerous than the germans, it's sort of similar to the spanish in the new world using natives to their advantage and using old feuds, read Livonian Chronicle of Henry(more brutal than game of thrones)
Pagan shit is cringe and gay.
Like you wanna play Dungeons and dragons nigga, these guys know the pagan shit isn’t real at all but they still LARP so they can imagine themselves in some fantasy Viking shit. Nobody actually believes in Muh Odin and that kind of shit, it’s all a LARP.
Your original stuff is lost, the og Christian religion was taken by roman power.
you just have a very basic and shallow understanding of philosophy, you think because its not written down by jews its not real
Nope, you don’t believe in that shit. You just want to play pretend.
Nah, im just not gonna believe in the jew fairy tale
My ancestors were right, not the jews
>why do you think Christian religion is a religion?
Because it's real. Christianity gives meaning to our lives beyond. Like trillions before I would die a Christian. Like Charlemagne and Constantine, like all the King's and Queens that ruled Europe for centuries. You have nothing to show me except mud huts, punny warlords and degenerate raiders, and for that matter why not choose Tengri like the mongolians? Fuck off
>what comes after Christianity
Islam. It is never too late to submit Allah. Now repeat shahada after me
>La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah
Nigga, will you ignore what I posted before that?
>CIA agent Richard Spencer talking about paganism
This really only confirms /pol/ suspicions that neopaganism is a CIA psyop.
You’re a tard. European paganism is already nationalist on its own worship. The very fact that we have gods who seek violence or frenzy to sate their worship should have clued you in on this. The desire of conquest for the sake of the nation is literally what guided these pagan empires to conquer.
Wouldn't surprise me lol. Wasn't Rodnovery also a USSR psyop?
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This guy you listen to literally wears a hat that has fake hair and a black and white filter to mask the fact that he's a balding boomer. Why the fuck should anybody listen to these people?
I must not miss this mighty YT personality debate about something that means nothing.
You are Spanish, I would understand this retard larp from anglos, you must have french blood in you. At least change your flag, have some shame.
>high level discussion
>bunch of eceleb retards
What larp? I posted the data, Christian religion was a mystery cult
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newfag detected
Probably. They always use niche belief sets to create opposition factions they can pilot for whatever fuckery they have in mind.
>What larp? I posted the data, Christian religion was a mystery cult
Mother fucker I would bitch slap you right before your parents. That 'mystery cult' gave your nation meaning, make your warriors invencible and conquered entire continents. Have some shame.
Still, the teaching you follow is from the roman state, the og stuff is lost
idk man, i dont think the cia mind controlled nietszche
Pagan fairytales were documented by Christians as a curiosity. There is no comprehensive "philosophy" in paganism and its all been open to interpretation since the hippies started trying to revive it in the 1970s. If the pagans didn't have the foresight or intellect to write down their own beliefs or the courage to defeat Christians and keep their oral traditions alive, those beliefs are weak and belong in the past.
Plenty of greek philosophy
Yeah, its more complex than a doctrine recorded by a select number of jews, you people are just so weak minded that you are lost without direct orders from jewish masters
>as a curiosity.
europeans attempted to preserve these things in spite of being corralled into jew worship, violating explicit commands in the bible, not because they were mere "curiosities" but they were part of their blood heritage they could not bear to see erased
Badmouthing jews? Heh, typical jewish post
>without direct orders from jewish masters
Coming from the larper that idolizes trees and cows... That's right indians are pagans too. Look how well their society runs. Why don't you go to India and worship their elephant god and their cow god and Kali it's like Odin but better because it has tits.
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Indians are like maybe 10% aryan at this point dude, the corded-ware descended andronovo people got race mixed out of existence, they believe in a bastardized shitskinified version of the indo-european religion
Adam green isn’t even pagan. Idk why people pretend he is.
Richard Spencer? Nah
>Indians are like maybe 10% aryan
Well it doesn't matter just take their religion and use it. Aren't you looking for structure and rituals? ("your's" are lost anyway) Just worship cow dung healing powers, many western hippie fags already do.
Thats shitskin stuff, is the point, they used to worship gods like ours, but not anymore
You should read a bit more if you want to understand what exactly it is
I wouldn’t. He use to be part of a cult that worshipped Space aliens.
groypher bros
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crust is kang
The CIA loves name dropping nietszche to appeal to the retarded zoomers.
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>European paganism is already nationalist on its own worship.
Nationalism itself comes from Enlightenment though, the same melting pot of ideas where Liberalism and Socialism come from which is what Spencer is complaining about.
Empires themselves weren't nationalist, they quite literally absorbed other people and cultures and forcibly made the conquered people part of the empire, same as any subject not in the inner circle.
Empire itself is a lot more close to Globalism today than Nationalism.

It's why Rome conquered for example Judea and at some point Christianity grew inside of it until it became part of Roman culture, this development is something Nationalism should be at odds with.
cope like this just shows christcucks are either dishonest or schiz
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This is particularly exciting. As western governments are open to the idea of invasion from these parasitic nations, the old Christcuck moral frame hangs by a thread. Liberalism is a derivative of Christianity, a form of ethics that is relatively new to the world and has been the main logic of Europe for 2000 years.

Never before has there been a mindset similar. With this reemergence of Europe’s true religion, European man must now reevaluate their morality. What shall Europe choose? To die through Jewish influence of mass immigration brought on and defended by Christcuck morality or to rediscover their rightful pagan morality, a morality that is violent by nature, and a nature that lusts for conquest in the service of the Gods.
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read more
>Thats shitskin stuff
Only pagan religion still standing it's not good enough... Maybe you don't want a religion to follow maybe you just want to destroy christianity. You do you faggots, hope you get to fool all the weak minded retards, we don't need them anyway.
Just not gonna worship the god of israel or a magic rabbi
>Nationalism itself comes from Enlightenment
>Empires weren't nationalist
Neerlarder here telling the simply the true. Good stuff
>2000 years
A teaspoon of water compared to the boundless ocean of eternity.

Your religion had a beginning, so it will naturally have an end. People were worshipping the divine eons before you came and went
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Take your Godless Paganism elsewhere. You may hate Christianity, but Christianity told you the murder of 6+ million was wrong. Paganism promoted it! Go home Adolf!
>Your religion had a beginning, so it will naturally have an end.
Maybe it does maybe it doesn't neither of us will be here anyway.
He's a vaxtard who supported Biden's mandates. Fuck him.
>High level
>gay bathhouse egrifter crew
>Christianity told you the murder of 6+ million was wrong.
Wow so edgy. This pagans are serious stuff. Tell me nordic warrior have you ever taken a life in sacrifice to Odin? Would you kill a dog for Odin?
>Just not gonna worship
Who the fuck cares what you do faggot, this it's not facebook.
you seem to care a lot

I think you two need to acquaint yourselves with the cyclical nature of time. Paganism of the old variety had its time in the waking epochs before Abrahamism made its entrance.

Then a few thousand years go by during which Christianity and the obsession over moralisation being associated with an afterlife, coupled with this concept of the beating heart of humanity and all bipedal creatures being created by a being that suspiciously bears the same name as a storm god of a people who now wants universalism and togetherness so that they can rob us blind and kill us.

The point is that every period of the world has its dominant ethos, and over the last 20 centuries, it was that all men were going to be united in this loving relationship with their creator. Before that, it was a message at least more natural to our race. We are witnessing the decay that Christianity brought upon itself. Pagans needed to be killed to be defeated. You had to defeat them with martial might or convince them with sheer wealth. But with Christians, you had only to bring the entire world to them and slowly, all sense of distinction and form inherent to their racial being, any rigidity or stricture was slowly evaporated from them like water off a hot stove, and now watching it die.

The next cycle will be ruled by whites, by Aryans, as always. But they will be of a crueler, colder sort that has coated swaths of land with blood. The peaceful mantra of Christ will have been discarded for its foreignness and uselessness, and while nobody remembers the exact specifics of the old pagan religions, it was always within our blood to rediscover or create them anyway, since Christianity spread by text and was an artificial creation of a foreign people.
Christianity will survive, but it won't command a fraction of the 1.3 billion it does today, and most of those will be degenerates who have their faith as a sedative to mentally guide their very modern moral actions such as sodomy or racial universalism. We're coming to a new age that will be born of annihilation wars and will thus have certain aspects to them that beget distinction and discrimination, and racial solidarity among the in-group
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Constantine had to modify and fix Diocletian's messes and actually breathed new life into an already dying empire. By the time of the Antoinine Caesars Rome was already dying. The coinage had already been literally devalued, migrants were flooding in and being used to prop up the military. The patrician families were largely extinct.

You antichristian shills are retards.
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I know, realizing this has filled me with joy and happiness actually, seeing our people stumble and our greatest geniuses espouse idiocies merely proves the end of the kali yuga is here and the Pax Romana is just around the corner, all we need is a Caesar and an Augustus
Heil Iupiter!
>thinks pointing to the real life cyclical nature of time is shilling
>hey retard, you're gonna die someday just as you were born someday

this line up is fucking crazy

I might actually just watch it lmao
When things come apart, we will have our great men emerge. We're all being kept in a pen, so the great traits cannot manifest properly.
ive watched a bit, pretty interesting stuff, refreshing to see some people who have actually engaged in philosophy and not just politics
this is the way
>ancient goatsie
That's the whole story on right-wing neopaganism. It's a scam and a distraction.
>Adam green
>Richard Spencer

Lmao at spic Fuentes promoting Richard Spencer btw. Imagine all the 15 year olds who thought he was a serious movement and not a shameless eceleb self promoter
Yes, exactly, but our enslavers weaker than ever, their grip on the levers of power is in the hands of bumbling retards
It may seem demoralizing that our leaders are weak, but our leaders do not represent us, they are the envoys of alien powers
The perfect opportunity for the re-emergence of our will to power
They do, but not as ecelebs.
42 kike posts
Pseudo intellectual kike rambling. Probably a Bronze Age pervert acolyte
pagans are jew worshipers, odin is a gay jew demon
They don’t. And you are a kike
Again, not an argument, kike worshipper, i just like to engage in discussion with people about politics
Thats why this board was made
Literally projection
Yahweh is literally the god of the jews
Utterly hilarious
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>The peaceful mantra of Christ will have been discarded for its foreignness and uselessness,
It was already, many times. Do you know where those nations are?
Look Nostradamus you can't even star to comprehend what 2000 years entail. You somehow think Christianity had it easy? We survived mongol hordes, we survived plagues and famine, we survived the mightiest muslim caliphates, we survived atheist enlightenment, we survived and communist genocide. What's next?
I may have just had terroristic thoughts
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Christianity is a psyop.
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BTW, none these guys nor the groups they're discussing get that morals are innate.
Tell me pagan lord. Would you sacrifice a dog to Odin?
>The fuck do you care? Aren't you Lithuanian or something? Who cares what americans think.
Why are you even tallk to me, I couldnt care less for opinion of some jungle monkey christcuck
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A wolf, sure
Dogs were meant to be companions of the humans, not currency for the Gods
"Science does not remove the terror of the Gods" goes fucking hard
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spencer is a zionist "white supremacist".

controlled opposition. the Green pill has taught me more about the kid-bombers than anyone but hosting this tool makes me question his motives.


There is nothing after Christianity, as there was nothing before.
>A wolf, sure
>Dogs were meant to be companions
Many wolf's in Australia?
Have you ever kill an animal with a knife before? Would you let him bleed for Odin's pleasure?
Is spencer a zionst? Post proof
Yeah, sure, its just part of life and who we are as animals
You probably live a very domesticated life though
cuckstianity is a hogpog ripoff collection of prior cults, communism is repackaged cuckstianity.
You're seething at the truth, jew.
You cannot survive time, and time is already killing you.
Morality is innate? Yes, but it depends on who you're speaking to. The aristocracy and peasants adhere to different morals. One prides masculine and heroic virtue, bravery, courage, and ascension above all.

The other sticks his head to the ground and prizes homely aphorisms and simple earth speak. The peasant is usually peaceful, harmless, and obtusely naïve, because he has no purview in warfare or taking things from other people with violence.

If you're saying that all men know deep down that it is wrong to steal or kill, then you're mistaken. The Spartans would send their children initiates to hastle and kill the Helots, their slave class. They tossed defective infants not an hour from the mother's womb off of cliffsides. They charged into battle and invaded the weak just because they could. Our greatest heroes embody our Morality, that of the Aryan man in a cruel world. They'll never yell you this, that there is such thing as a higher law and a lower law. The lower law is what gets passed off as universal morality precisely because the first Christians were either oversocialized urban dwellers or simple country pumpkins.

The morality I cleave to is the morality that built Rome.
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>show animals, not humans, exhibiting what are deemed moral acts
>depends on who you're speaking to
>Yeah, sure, its just part of life and who we are as animals
You probably eat your own shit too.
So kill the wolf and then what? You pray to Odin for his blessings in the coming battle? And after that you come here to talk about religion?
Christianity can go on another thousand years easy, but not as a white religion. Maybe another 200 years max. If whitey survives it will be through another new religion.
You've just lost it because you know im right
Christians, pagans, what's the difference?
Both are larpers.
>You cannot survive time
But It will survive you and all the people you know. It's all that matters
>federal agents discuss how to attack white Christians
Many such cases.
what did odin do with the hanged? adam, say it
We do a little larping, its called we a little larping
I just prefer not to larp as fucking jew
By all means, I never cared for myths of any kind.
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this has been deboonked
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I was making a point. Still made.
No really help me understand. You sacrifice the wolf, then you thank Odin for the rain or whatever... And then come here to talk about we all should start killing wolf and shit to praise Odin.
Seems to me you just wasted the life of a poor wolf. Let's say you pancreatic cancer how many wolfs you have to sacrifice for that? There is no more wolf's here, may I sacrifice my pet instead? It has to have meaning for it to be a valid sacrifice. Killing some random wolf I don't think it's enough.
Nice goalpost shift. No one on this site post 2020 knows rhetoric.

Thank you for agreeing with me, time defeats all, including your silly larp religion.
david and adam greenberg
Adam Green is a broken record. He can't effectively criticize jews anymore because he's so hyper focused on their Christian golem.
adam greenberg streamed with adam king, the two bonded over their shared hatred for christians and their jewish identity
Green is anglo-saxon last name thoughver
Comprehending anything beyond jewish marching orders must be difficult for you I guess
laci green, if its in the US good chances it got shortened from greenberg
The worst part about LARPagans is that they never know what they’re talking about. None of them even read pagan literature, of which there is almost none anyway.
I mean just look at adam, he is 6'5, blonde hair and blue eyed
Dude is fucking anglo-saxon
He also posted his genetic mapping, all North Western Europe
Dude is basically a viking
>Glownigger e-celeb dickriding cancer
The science is settled samaritans are the real Isrealites and they need waifus to survive as a tribe
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Yeah, they are
Modern Jews are mutts
>I mean just look at adam, he is 6'5, blonde hair and blue eyed
owen benjamin is 6'7 blue eyes and blonde hair
>owen benjamin
Hes a mutt of a mutt thoughver
Maybe like actually 15% semitic
Your ancestors are christians
Imagine needing a book to understand spiritual matters.

Do you need other people to do your thinking for you?
Only some of them were, and unfortunately its this deception which might mean people like me in the future no longer exist if we dont do something about it
>Comprehending anything beyond jewish marching orders must be difficult for you I guess
But jews sacrifice animals too, don't they? I think you pagans and jews have somethings in common. Explain to me how you killed the wolf? You catch him alive and them beat him to dead? Jews tie their sacrifice, cut their throat and let them bleed to dead. Do you do the same?
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Heres Mr Green's DNA
Looks pretty fuckin white to me
This Paganism bullshit is either a LARP or worse actual Luciferians Satanic Child murderers trying to poison the well of the conservative movement.
Samaritans are getting Ukrainian wives to survive
you got no cathedrals
you got no scripture
you got no heterosexuality
you will never be a world religion
No, look up wild hunt
Oh shit, theyre becoming jews now
Shamefur dispray
Again there's a reason Christianity defeated Paganism. The people trying to revive something that's dead and buried are demons, probably of reptilian origin.
This is a kike
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>Europe bad
>White people bad
Kill yourself, kike
This is a very obvious kike
This is a very obvious kike
Not an argument, kike worshipper
All pagans are kikes on the internet. There are zero people who are real life pagans and believe in Odin or Zeus
>Christianity defeated Paganism.
cuckstianity absorbed paganism rituals and tenants in huge quantity and threatened, tortured and killed all who opposed, so you can stop pretending it rose to its position on righteous merit.
which pagan god does adam green think are real and operate in the world?
and what will you say when christianity dies out? it will happen in your lifetime
>wild hunt
Oh you are hunter-gatherer now... You just start killing random shit in the woods. Goodbye wild life I guess two "wild hunts" in 2024 and there is no more fauna. I guess your grandchildren will "wild hunt" rats.
where did he say that faggot. kill yourself.
I love how much this makes you seethe
He literally said our gods were reptillian demons
You fucking retard
lol reminder that promoting new age religion is one of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion...New versions of old religions.

>But, in the meantime, while we are reeducating youth in NEW TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS and then afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them using criticism calculated to produce internal disunity...
Yeah I think the elders lifted the ban on breeding outside the tribe since their population is so low and they won’t survive if they don’t. So yeah doing the jew thing except I guess semaritanism is passed by the father where Judaism is passed by the mother…I think learning Semitic customs can be confusing.
We Nazi pagans and atheists don't believe in their cunt g-d for the same fucking reasons as they don't believe in the tooth fairy. People are tired of you uneducated and ingorant christcuck's intolerance and bigotry against ethnic minorities (Jews, etc), religious minorities (Muslims, etc), sexual minorities etc. Soon we will have a coalition of atheist and pagan zoomers to match and maybe even be larger than the spic FBI agent and christuck movement Fuentes groypers. Get out of the fucking dark ages groypers! You fucking destroyed Europe for 2000 years. And regarding trannies...I'm pretty sure conservatard christcuck larpers have also fucked hard a girl hard when drunk and then later found out she was a tranny. Christcucks destroy everything. During the Roman Empire and the time when we worshiped our forebears and the gods of our forebears, we had sexual freedom and we didn't even need the term for sexual minority, cuz everyone did whatever he wanted sexually and could do as much as drugs as he wanted, cuz nobody cared! It was fucking PARADISE ON EARTH but then the fucking christcucks came and ruined it all!!! If you want to get informed how it all happened, then watch Adam Green and LEARN something!

I hate christucks so much its unreal. Slava Ukraini, Slava Perun, Heill Óðinn, Sire!
>Adam Green
Also a reminder that anyone with a color for a last name is a kike.
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>We Nazi pagans and atheists don't believe in their cunt g-d for the same fucking reasons as they don't believe in the tooth fairy. People are tired of you uneducated and ingorant christcuck's intolerance and bigotry against ethnic minorities (Jews, etc), religious minorities (Muslims, etc), sexual minorities etc. Soon we will have a coalition of atheist and pagan zoomers to match and maybe even be larger than the spic FBI agent and christuck movement Fuentes groypers. Get out of the fucking dark ages groypers! You fucking destroyed Europe for 2000 years. And regarding trannies...I'm pretty sure conservatard christcuck larpers have also fucked hard a girl hard when drunk and then later found out she was a tranny. Christcucks destroy everything. During the Roman Empire and the time when we worshiped our forebears and the gods of our forebears, we had sexual freedom and we didn't even need the term for sexual minority, cuz everyone did whatever he wanted sexually and could do as much as drugs as he wanted, cuz nobody cared! It was fucking PARADISE ON EARTH but then the fucking christcucks came and ruined it all!!! If you want to get informed how it all happened, then watch Adam Green and LEARN something!
>I hate christucks so much its unreal. Slava Ukraini, Slava Perun, Heill Óðinn, Sire!
Its you who is the kike you demonic piece of shit. Christianity is an European religion. It grew from Rome and spread all over the Roman Empire and beyond. You fucking Demons are so fucking ignorant on history that it's fucking sad. You hate Christianity so much that you are LARPing some new age bullshit just to find a way to kill Christianity. It won't work, your lord Satan has no power here. I'm one with Christ, Christ is with me and my arm is an instrument of God and if you continue to persist in your demonic ways I will vanquish you.
No its not you illiterate spic, worshipping a kike doesnt make you white
>I love how much this makes you seethe
Makes me sick. Disgusting homosexuals trying to steal and mock ancient people's traditions. You disgust me, you are just like weebs cost playing samurais.
eceleb bullshit.
If blows my mind that people are STILL listening to Richard Spencer after all the is time.
its funny because you believe that you are jewish, stealing the identity of the jews, im revitalizing my OWN, the one my ancestors made, not the jews
>christcuck well poisoner attempts his jewish tactic again
let's see..
hail biden
jan 6 are terrorists, jail and execute them all
jail and destroy all who reject the jew lethal injections

whatever do you mean?:)
the problem is that Christians truly believe in their religion while pagans are just larping which is 1000x gayer than being a christcuck, nobody is willing to die for a larp
This is a schizo but pretty interesting take on Jews religion. Shame Adam burned his bridges with this guy he seems pretty salty about it. Maybe he goes to deep
Not really, these beliefs are ultimately mine at the end of the day
I wouldnt die for the fucking jews, but I would for the Gods of my people
>Richard Spencer
Do I really need to read more of your bullshit. This guy was a pseudo eCeleb well poisoner from 2015? Even on /pol/ you can shart out such a low iq pilpol that need to get a life. Be better JIDF.
>these beliefs are mine
bro you dont believe in pagan gods and you know it...you're larping, grow up
You demonic prison colony bitch. You already a prisoner of a demonic realm and you are tying to export your demonic ways to the good people of the world. I warn you that if you get to escape the confines of your prison I will find you and vanquish you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to the Son of God! Praise our Lord Jesus Christ! Praise the Holy Spirit. Praise our Heavenly Father in the Heaven!
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>Do I really need to read more of your bullshit. This guy was a pseudo eCeleb well poisoner from 2015? Even on /pol/ you can shart out such a low iq pilpol that need to get a life. Be better JIDF.
You are either really dumb or disingenuous. He's not a jew and you just make yourself look ridiculous.
>the one my ancestors made, not the jews
Who's ancestors? You don't even know who you are. You great grandpa was probably some rapist the english force into a boat. Now he's pretending to be... Exactly what? Anglo-Saxon, just Saxon?, Danish? Norwegian? Roman? (that would be ironic) Wtf are you?
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lol i love how mad the truth makes liars
No, not at all, fundamentally theyre the expression of my people, dying for them is the same as dying for the uniqueness of my race
The jews be damned
bro your "paganism" only exists on the internet and you know it, you arent dying for shit you fuckin gay little faggot larper
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>what comes after Christianity
This is levels of presumption I only thought Jews was capable of.
its ironic you say that, mutt
Im fundamentally part of the Germano-Celtic stock of Central and Western Northern Europe
These guys aren't even "pagan" though, they're just anti-Abrahamism.
>be a world religion

It was never our intent. Why should you wish to reach the world?
kek, i just fucking love how mad jew worshippers get when the truth about their beliefs is put so plainly
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I'm a freethinker and pagan, so not a Jew

I'm not a christcuck, but what the fuck are you?
>Germano-Celtic stock of Central and Western Northern
What tribe exactly?
I'm not a Jew worshipper, I think Jesus was a faggot kike sent to enslave the goyim with his pacifist bullshit. But Paganism is even gayer and it is jews pushing that retarded shit, go read the protocols in their entirety
Fascinating discussion. Thanks for posting.
Tribes were assimilated very early on dude, but I do bear the name of one of my ancient ancestors through my surname, Wulfric, aka Powerful Wolf
this is just atheist cope, our ethnic religions were not made up by jews dude what the fuck
it's not 2000 years though, Julianus died in 363
Helios is real and we see it every day
You're using made-up kike words when you say "pagan."
>new age religion

christianity is younger than all major religions aside from Islam
Adam Green is a Jew. Youd think he'd least straighten his hair like the Jewish bitch from Red Ice Radio.

Neo-Christian Evolutionary Futurism will win against all these faggotoids.
Not an atheist. I believe in God but my beliefs do not come from fairy tales written by men. They come from within.
bullshit, this is his dna:>>472850260
>people who lack real spirituality

there is next to no spirituality in christianity, it's basically just "obey or burn" over and over, even the muslims have the sufis and the jews have the kabbala mysticism, christianity has none of that
yeah and it was a new age religion 2000 years ago, not anymore. Notice these fags keep talking about Apollo.
>Wulfric, aka Powerful Wolf
Hahahaha your name it's Robert faggot. You probably use glasses too. Anyway good luck killing all those wolf next wild hunt faggot
>Julianus died in 363
Ahh yes the guy who loved Kikes so much he tried to rebuild their temple?
It was Christian monks who recorded most, if not all of that
lol cope
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That's real neato but Paganism is a novelty at best though, the only thing that kept Christianity hanging on was its churches not being taxed and that won't last forever in this era. Both are memes anymore.
Slave morality, that is the dionysian aspect of Christ in the cross, is katechonic. A counter-christian morality will arise but this will activate the apollonian aspect of the Christ in revelations.
Christianity is neither apollonian nor dionysian, rather a synthesis of both.
apollo is 800 years older than jesus, jesus is basically a ripoff of apollo
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Fighting the good fight against the hordes of darkness, Australian anon. They are coping and seething, likely because Jews have no way of controlling Aryans who have native religions. None of this will be solved by words alone, only through the sword and through time itself. Christianity is a dying religion and it is dominant, which is why they keep waxing poetic about the glories of a thousand years ago, which is the last time Christianity was truly dominant as a force and not simply limping along as a matter of private faith.

I began to notice something as I spoke to them more and more. They would always mention great Christian warriors or authors of a thousand years ago, but when I asked them what great act of recent years that Christianity has wrought , they never could answer that. Saving the Jews from the supposed Holocaust, I daresay, has been their greatest recent act. Other than that, the Herculean effort of upholding racial purity and cleaving to a faith that advocates against that very thing. Such few Christians that do that, yet they believe against all odds that they're the few true. Most Christians are at least honest and consistent, admitting their Jew-created faith has niggers in heaven. That's at least consistent.

As far as it goes, though, I think the reason they hate a resurgence of native European (the name is itself pagan in origin, named after the goddess Europa) religion is that they have consigned this world to fire and thus any life-affirming spiritual system that holds a future for this world is anathema to them, being so shocking. They have surrendered to a suicidal ideation of Christ returning and yahweh (storm god of judea) burning everything to create a new world. End of history type millennarian shit.
uh christ cuck sisters?
but the jews invented everything!
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you are a christcuck well poisoner who thinks he can false flag in favor of jew worship
ive seen you around jew worshiper
your bullshit will not work
It's a serious question, kike. Or did you think you were more permanent than the religions you replaced?
What does that have to do with anything I am saying retard?
he didn't love jews, he viewed jews and christians as a nuisance, oftentimes it's hard to tell the difference between a jew and christian, even today when you have barn-church christians who say things like:

That's where it begins

>something about this religion isn't right
>Hmm, maybe we should look elsewhere
richard spencer promoting anything antichristian means i'm on the right track. thanks OP.
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Indeed so, they always harken back to a period where men were closer to their ancestral Gods than the modern deracinated deeply Christian "Liberal" era of slave morality ethics.
They always boast of their slaughter of the ethnic europeans, using the same morality as those of Europe anyway, to somehow own us, but eventually it proves that we were right because it was only through the application of our own morality that the alien morality superseded it.
Proving our ancestors right, once again.
and? they were europeans who directly defied the bible to preserve these things of their own blood heritage in spite of being corralled into jew worship

do i need to repeat myself again?
They do, they so do. Your apt words have proviked mountains of seething. And they are so astounded that they think it's a trick, a ploy by Jews, because in their mind, no true blooded Aryan would ever dream of criticizing the Christ, even though we know that's not true because pagans existed.

For them, it's about control.
I fucking hate the jewish liars
They ruined us
>he didn't love jews, he viewed jews and christians as a nuisance
So he decided to rebuild their Temple instead of exterminating them?
Bruh the west isn’t “pagan”, that’s totally retarded, did an upper middle class 14 year old write spencer’s script??
I think you are getting confused, Titus and Hadrian put the sword to the Jews, Julianus was presiding over a decaying empire (cuz of christianity) and was doing the best he could with what he had to go off of at the time without the benefit of hindsight and the internet.
Are you totally unaware of what we as a civilization have inherited from Rome?
Spencer obviously knows way more than you do, you're just making retarded assumptions
Adamn Green was confirmed a fed, so was Spencer, I’m not sure why they are still being shilled especially here because just about everybody knows that. Cops need to hire new actors, these ones suck. Spencer is especially bad, guy cant even keep a straight face.
>Adamn Green was confirmed a fed
how so
dude what alphabet are you using right now? do you even know?
>Because it's real.

Who cares? That faggot failed at literally everything in his miserable life.
Guess we'll never know. Everyone in this thread will most likely be dead in 50 years.
Faggot ass inbred sisterfucking piglet nosed bitch.
Your Oinker ass family is miserable and it’s no wonder some left it to work with the feds you cocksucking degenerate.
Kill yourself.
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a book written by jews said so, it must be true!
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>Faggot ass inbred sisterfucking piglet nosed bitch.
>Your Oinker ass family is miserable and it’s no wonder some left it to work with the feds you cocksucking degenerate.
>Kill yourself.
>I don’t think western pagans actually exist.
Many Germans are pagan. Paganism doesn't mean some Zeus worship. Jung, Nietzsche, Rosenberg, etc, were all pagans. Hitler was but clearly struggled with his rejection of Christianity (he was brought up Christian).
I would like to see Adam lean into paganism more maybe have Thomas Roswell from survive the jive as guest. Or cover the AFA which is growing as an organization of pro European pagans. https://youtu.be/f56TdeU6t2o
Kek both you and him sound like the loberal but edgy goth kid sitting at the back of the classroom. Do you listen to slayer little buddy?
>mentions Apollo
>gets mad when someone replies also mentioning Apollo

wew lad
No, I just read stuff that wasnt written by jews
christians often speak like this, incredibly aggressive and vulgar, buddhists are often more christlike than many followers of jesus
When kanye started coming out calling out the jews, adam green rushed out and tried to tell everybody that jews were our friends and that we shouldnt openly direct any hatred towards them because we have “principles” or something, guy was desperate to wrangle in his crowd, spamming tweets and putting out videos every day.

Hence federal agent
he is very based
im not mad i just think you're retarded. i don't change my language based on my emotions because im not an emotional faggot
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ultimately they know we are right
they wouldnt be so mad if our ideas were obviously wrong
>Many Germans are pagan
Who, The 3 other goth LGBT kids you sit at the lunch table with? Have you told the girl in that trio that you like her yet, little bro?
>im not mad

why umad tho?
>he even replies like a 14 year old
You have to be 18 to post here kiddo.
More gay non-arguments thought up by a desperate weak mind with nothing to say
Paganism has had its time, just like Christianity, and you can't go back and revive a dead corpse. The next thing will be something different to both. In my opinion, it will integrate both ancient values like faith and ethnocentrism, with modern ones like individualism and reason. I think the nation that personifies this integration are the Germans.
The funny part is that those ideas did exist before christianity too, albeit in a minority of people, but the christians slaughtered them and tried to repress their memory
Wotan/Woden/Odin was the god of wisdom too
Bump based Adam Green thread.

This "we wuz"shit has to be a fed psyop.
pagan is a general term defined as everything not one of the three desert cults, everything before and currently not jew, mud, or cuck was and is pagan.
"paganism" is a very broad term
anything not abrahamic monotheism is "pagan"
only literal retards with no education on the classical period believe that israelites were indo-europeans
I’m not arguing with you little buddy. I’m teaching you.
Teaching me nothing but that christians are anti-intellectual morons
don't care, kill yourself. also, daily reminder that all abrahamists belong in a mass grave.
>Bruh the west isn’t “pagan
Its literally structured around paganism. Christmas is Saturnalia, even the days of the week are named after Pagan gods. Christianity is a ripoff amd rebranding of pagan rituals. The Church itself even admita this.
these people are completely illiterate, its hilarious
they must be spics
And yet its being shilled by the British government here on this board.
Im not sure its feds, probably retard brown people or just trailer trash people who can barely speak english
Some are illiterate, and some simply have evil intentions. If they found their way here to shill Christian Identity/ British Israelism, then they are not dumb and have evil intentions. Its sinister.
>There hasn't been pagans in Europe since 600AD.
Almost correct. Just off by mere 700 years or so.
That would be great if individuals weren't a mass of blatant retards, almost incapable of self-discipline. The modern era is a perfect allegory for why personal discipline is a necessity but the more technology we create, the less personal discipline we have to instill in the next generation. Paganism seeing a slight resurgence is case of idle hands finding something to waste time with and nothing more.
a lot of the aggressive, simple-vocabulary types with amerishart flags are either underage whites or brown invaders, america is in sad sad state, it's difficult to put into words how bad things are here compared to say...1997
I think they just feel like cucks on some deep spiritual level and just want it not to be true, despite the obvious evidence
Anglosphere is so pathetic lol
The Brit/pol/ general is full of it. Bitchute ia full of it. Its too organized and theres wayyyyyy too much effort being put into it for it to not be a fed psyop. Remember the Crown still uses The Church to this day to control the plebs.
>nooooo it cant be feds
Interesting response.
Its a sign of the death of the liberal god, ultimately
Its a good thing, but painful to see within your own life time
Yeah, if theres a fed psyop it will be pushed from a british flag, i remember that happening a lot during the pandemic years
so many aggressive brit flags seething about me talking about vaccine side effects
completely disappeared now
I think fundamentally not everything I dont like is feds, we need more evidence, they post like emotional children so im more inclined to believe they are just that
the way to win is to change Christianity like the Mormons did but even better. Make Jesus a white European. Describe all the real Jews as European. Explicitly describe the Synagogue of Satan as semitic impostors. Get rid of all the pacifist whiny shit. Don't let kike influencers hand-craft a new age religion for you.
>Describe all the real Jews as European.

>t. moved to the anglosphere because home nation is a shithole
fucking kek
Imagine caring this much about fucking e celebs lmfao
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feds promoting christianity? doubt it. mostly just a handful of us retards, because it's the truth. the israelites are white. the descriptions of nazarites is that of a white person. adam means to show blood in the face.
i dont know man
im pretty glad i have these people and not drooling retards on your side
>we need to maintain the binding to the jewish torah
>to do so we must make up a bunch of bullshit and larp as our enemy and keep their writings as our own
no thanks
Learn how to read retard.
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yeah there were white people in the levant, sure, but they werent jews, sorry
they were scythians and the phillistines, both indo-europeans
sorry to burst your bubble dude
the israelites were brown shitskins
>How can you say that spencer is grifting? Hes like the most marginalized voice now,

Hi spencer; your voice is not marginalised.

You faggot betrayed the white race at Charlotteville.
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Nah, im not spencer, I just recognize his influence in our movement
People who were influenced by his ideas red pilled me, so I pay homage to my intellectual ancestors kek
Nice memeflag, avi
I understand your skepticism but Christian Identity shilling comes directly from the British Crown.
yes, you want christian identity larp bullshit
you want to we wuz as the penis mutilating schizophrenics found in the jewish torah
you want to be "real jews"
not buying it
You are describing the synagogue of satan. Learn how to read.
I think its true origins come from these british zionists yeah, but that doesnt mean all the scared and confused christ cucks of the 21st century are directly being ordered by the british crown
Theyre just looking for meaning a deeply semitic world
>feds promoting christianity? doubt it
The Church of England is directly tied to the Crown. Christianity is one of the best mass mind control toola ever created, and its a controllable resistance to Marxism. They control both sides of the left/right debate so we dont create a 3rd option which will inevitably be based on racial solidarity instead of worshipping a magical jew on a stick . Holy fuck stop posting.
your larp is bullshit and i will not buy it no matter how many times you imbeciles post it here
i will not pretend to be jews or pretend a jew nailed to a plank was god or a european
our spirituality must be bound to truth, not a bullshit larp invented to cope with being duped by jews
Ive been studying the shilling here for years. Most of the Christian shills on this board are bots and its a glownigger operation. If you dont want to listen thats your choice.
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adam green (OP) is a jew and a faggot
but you will pretend to be pagan? like i said the difference is people actually believe in christianity. nobody actually believes in pagan gods. nobody. so if you really dont want to larp then just abandon religion altogether or come up with something original, don't fall for new age bullshit pieced together form dead religions
>Adam Green, Richard Spencer and Uberboyo about what comes after Christianity

>new age bullshit

remind me what year british israelism started

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